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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 10, 2024 3:00am-3:30am AST

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the the on the 5 tens of thousands of palestinians escape rafa is israel continues, it's from bob minutes of the southern sits in the, at, on the clock. this is out 0 in line from doha. also coming up cracks and then on flight and lines us ones is rarely against invading rapid. israel's 5 minutes to insist that the ground itself will go the
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hundreds of people valley in suite and the games. israel's participation in the your vision song come to the news. general interest is declared. the winner of chance presidential election just on the south. main opposition counts the claims for the silly beginning dogs, the southern most city of rock for where it's united on substance in fair for more than one and a half 1000000, palestinian sheltering the is there any tags and treatments have completely costs off the density populated city and the pounding parts of the area with the strikes and not to the rate of tax. nearly 80000 palestinians escaped ref. are many of them have headed up towards darrow butler in central garza across rather than headquarters reports from the in this place for a 3rd time. so as to find a farm and the are fleeing beautiful as best they can. and with what little they
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have left, and the little they moved us from gaza and told us to go to the south after the south. they told us to go to hun unit. after that, we came here to say rod and from c right to derek by left and then they brought us to rough off. they said it's a safe place, it was insane. we keep moving from one place to another. this child was born during the war. what is his fault? the family members say they've been told to go to newness, but they have no food or water and our boyd. well, the how does this situation is it is we just want to solution? what do we want? we want to solution and we want to go back to the cities to gaza. the roads leading out of the fluff now look like this. thousands of harmonies are being forced to sleep once again. but as the is really bombardments continues across the cause of sleep. safety is hard to find anywhere and not a 5th, not them, but in summer, we're tired. our mental well being is tired. it's been destroyed,
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that there is no wellbeing offense. even the young ones had been destroyed. my children were not like this before the war. a no education, no food, no drink, nothing. no one sends us any money. we have no age. and just where are we to go? beautiful. once again, those in the north face farm and many have fled to central garza but only one watcher station is working there. the reality is there is no safe place for them to go in the comedy central, gaza palestine. just eat a when it's ready so it does remain on the edge of rafa. the bump bomb went to the density populated part of gauze was taking the lives of civilians and his by the to the growing test till now nearly 35000 killed with almost 80000 injured to children . and dennis, striking rafa spoke about their experience. and then this is how i wanted to perform evolution to pray evening prayers. then i saw the rock and hitting our
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neighborhood is gone, the rock and hit and i just saw dust around me. debris fell on my leg, shed, cardboard some falafel was about to sit to eat. then i felt a rocket coming. i fell back. my head was a problem. they took me to the american hospital as well as rails capture of the raf. a border crossing means that no international aid has been able to get through for 3 days. and with that cuts off of supplies, people are running out of medicine and basic necessities. and this also explains let's look at how the situation and drop a has changed, covering around 65 square kilometers. rough off was inhabited by about 275000 people before israel launched it's, we're ongoing. so with repeated force displacements. 8 go back to one and a half 1000000. that's the same population as munich in germany. that's nearly 5 times as large as 300 square kilometers. these images show tense and displacement
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caps now filling, previously empty areas, as well as gardens and other spaces between homes. these really army ordered palestinians to leave the eastern part of it off and head to the l y. c area. an estimated $100000.00 people are now sheltering there, but it's only 6 and a half square kilometers and has little infrastructure. these really military sealed off the only exit from gaza when it took over that off of border crossing traffic. palestinians inside this is really sad, lives, it made it even harder for goods to enter through brother crossings. build a reference, the main crossing rates went to the strip sacrilege demonstrations of added to the strangle hold on live saving supplies by blocking a road near the count them ever so i'm crossing israel has shut down houses here is operations in, in israel, and we're reporting from outside the country,
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stephanie director reports then from amman, jordan, the rocks scattered across the road, an effort by his really protectors to block a trucks from reaching garza from the sky, the backlog becomes clear. many of these talks are meant to enter goza through the cat, them who signed them crossing in the south of the strip police use, walter tended to disperse the demonstrators, get him up beside them. reopened on wednesday officer how master walker to talk with the current operation by israel's military. the one says no palace,
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dean workers can safely reach the other side to process the goods domain aid archery into the south that offer crossing with egypt, also blocked since israel moved in with tanks a few days ago. the by did administration has put a lot of pressure on israel to allow more aid into garza. the northern arrows crossing opened on the day us extra of state anthony blinking was here early may the 1st time since it was damaged and the october 7th attack. and the 1st shipment has left the cypress on its way to the american built floating dock. the controversial move that would bring aid into garza from the sea. but aid agencies say if the land borders were open with new constrictions, that would be the easiest fastest. and most efficient way to get a to the ballasting and people, the georgia. there's also send a trucks to garza and some of those have come under attack from right. we is ready, protest or is jordan spar ministry has condemn the attack,
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saying it holds israel fully accountable and that israel should do more to ensure the swift and safe entry of aid into gaza. that's a legal obligation as the occupying power. stephanie decker, which is 0, a met with a you an agency if a palestinian refugees is temporarily shocking, is headquarters and occupied east jerusalem of to israel. extreme is set fire to it . surroundings. twice dinner ahead of felipe luxury. and he says, you install foot on the compound, the fall, his goals, expensive damage to the outdoor areas. you and says it's stuff, it's hard to put out the fire themselves. as he is ready, propagate took a long time to turn up what is ready? probably minutes have benjamin netanyahu says israel will stand alone if it has to . his comments come a day off to you as president joe bite and threatened to withhold alms deliveries to as well. if a full scale assault in rafa is loan, i don't really, i don't feel much moved. we are determined and we are united in order to defeat our
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enemies and those who want to destroy us. if we need to stand alone, we will stand alone. if i have said that, if necessary, we will fight with our fingernails, but we have much more than finger nails. and with that same strength of spirit, with god's helps you together and we will win. the lovely, beloved as her as petty calhane has the light is from washington dc. we do know that the vitamins tracy has tried to pressure israel reducing casualties and try to reduce a try to get more aiden. but they never admitted it publicly. they never talked about what the consequences were going to be. will that changed recently, and you saw president joe biden come out and say, look, if they do this large scale invasion, no bombs, no artillery shells, perhaps no, none of the technologies needed the turns done bombs and the smart bombs. and these not just saying that that's going to happen, he showing that it's already sort of happening. we do know that from the pentagon briefing today that there was a shipment of bombs,
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1802000 pound bombs. those are the ones that cause a lot of destruction and 170500 pound bombs. those are supposed to be shipped to israel and that's been delayed. so sending the message of what's going to happen. tell him that this is already not happening. and at the same time, one of the more significant things is we have for the very 1st time heard us president joe biden say specifically, american bombs have killed innocent civilians in gaza. and they are again, sending the message with a briefing throughout the capital today that there is simply another way of purchase of insurance you would pay listing in some jobs were continuing in us college campuses, students and johns hopkins university in baltimore, have to fight orders to end the demonstration under the protest, as i said, i can't by pitching 10 songs encompass, it'd be nice since last week. college authority to adult students to leave by the end of wednesday. we'll students have set up being comments in front of the johns hopkins library. a park called the beach island fisher was the to the 1st i started
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here last monday, inspired by other protests that they've seen around the united states. johns hopkins university is one of the most famous in america. it is a very prestigious medical school. and many of the people here have been seeing how do they feel really sorry for the doctors and guys after the fighting a games, almost impossible, always to try and treat their patients. now this is one of the most famous views of the university. looking back towards the library and you can see the yacht here is covered with tents and in fact, over the last few days, the number of times is increase. the number of people protesting here is increased and it's not just students, it's people from the local community as well that they've made demands to begin investing, including this investment from any connections they have with as well. and also making sure that the university cuts as military ties, as well as the sees that that is helping to fuel the is really war machine and gaza
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. that the university has passed people to leave the yacht and said that if they don't, then there could be consequences. it could impact their permanent record. it could impact the possibility of graduation. and many people will be graduating from this university in the next few weeks or so. but as you can see, even though a deadline to move has come and gone, people are still here. that is unlikely that the police will move in because the mia has said as long as this protest remains peaceful, there is nothing for them to do because the people here are simply exercising the 1st amendment, the right of freedom of speech. i know breaking the law, so for the time being this and compliment stays out for sure. i'll just see it in baltimore. meanwhile, in new york, the 1st faculty lead protest against israel's war and draws a has that outcome stuff from the new school or the monday, the institution divest from companies, they claim a aging. israel barrels, according for all charges, again,
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students arrested last week to be dropped. how does yours, kristen? so maybe is that those prices, faculty here at the new school are picking up right where students was off last week. when about 40 of them were arrested by new york police in the early morning hours as they were leaving and their 1010, the and cabinet that was set up in the body of the building behind me. now the teachers are there about $710.00, some signs a free power, assign all eyes on rob of jews for palestine. outside you can see as well supporters have gathered to share them on the faculty are demanding the same thing that the students were demanding that the university di best weapons manufacturers in israel, that the faculty reversed suspensions for students, demonstrators, and that police are taken off the campus with a police presence right now. very high around the campus. professors however,
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are vowing to stay until the demands are mad. we heard their cold and that this is also a call, not just for us here on this campus, but to all faculty around the country and around the world to continue to elevate the risk that we are willing to go through the fights to keep fighting for this struggle now the faculty has reached out to the administration in an email asking to begin negotiations. they say they have yet to receive a response. and while they tell me only a handful of them are actually sleeping in the building and cabin. they say they have the overwhelming support of the faculty here at the news of the faculty has in fact voted in favor of divestment. and in a separate vote, they have taken a vote of no confidence against the president and administration for calling in police to arrest students out sierra new york
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to the head. here now, is there a dwindling water supplies in garza ton, each passing day into a struggle suffice. we'll have a report from the start and more questions over the safety record of boeing planes, of genetic cross skids of the runway set of goals. the in depth analysis of the days headlines, if that was a rougher offensive. where would the people go? people have no place to go. each one of 1000 people has to be displaced. these 2 times frank assessments. this is a mass and blow to free speech. and freedom of the press informed opinions you can be somebody that's on one of the hostages, october 7th, and return. and i want to start inside story on out to 0
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injustice for me is the driving force of why i do this to show people what it's like to live in places where injustice isn't something you read in. the news is something that happens to every single day, whether it's a war or natural disaster, whether it's political corruption, making sure that they understand. and this simple language is absolutely crucial. the cities already 50 percent evacuated, most of those people actually left in the early days of the world. i couldn't do this job without the best time remained best produces the best fixes. and those of the people that i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the world a news
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the other day, you're watching out 0 reminder about top stories as well. and is ready time simple things continue to attract jobs of southern city of rock for this fight international condemnation you and says around the 80000 people had taken shelter on the south of left since monday. it's really probably minutes. have benjamin that the only who says israel will stand alone if it has to. is comments commentary off to you as president joe biden threatened to withhold um, deliveries to me as well. if a full scale assaulting reference is ready, such lives as days is sitting on the road in southern israel, protesting against the delivery of aid and to the goal is to strip extracted robust across the road. to prevent a trots from entering costs, putting into facing a critical shortage of clean water as israel continues as strikes on eastern rafa. and darrow butler and central grounds,
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which is one both the station is still operating. a correspondent, honey. my mood proposed though from the are these exhausted palestinians have waited for hours to get clean water at this station and their children are also in the queue clutching containers too large for their hands. this is the daily reality for palestinians where diminishing water supplies turn everything into a struggle for survival. the have to wait 3 hours just to fill one container. lots of people have to queue under water pressure the week. and sometimes the rotors completely shut off and the world is just watching. since as rose bombardment of eastern europe has escalated, many habits linked to central garza increasing of pressure and supplies. their garza has been suffering from water shortages for years. the means stores, the coastal act with fires is contaminated by sewage and pollution making nearly
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all of its water and fit for human consumption. before the war, people have access to 80 leaders of water per day, and that was already far below what the you are recommended. but now everybody here gets between $2.00 and $3.00 leaders per day. the situation is worsening each day due to water infrastructure being damaged by is really air strikes. we came here today looking for a safe place. i will for 10 or 15 minutes looking forward to and i heard of the descending nation station here. and i hope the water is drinkable in food for human consumption. and this is what we are hoping. and as palestinians into a long waits for dwindling supplies of water, diseases caused by the shore to use and war are spreading rapidly. and even more. oh, just the palestine and that had been protests against these rails participation in the revision song contest taking place in the sweetest city of melner.
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yes, he's really injured was booed during the 70 final rehearsals on wednesday, and thousands of protests is tooled for israel to be disqualified due to the war and gaza. plates around have been detained, some protest, this roster was disqualified from your vision following its invasion of ukraine. back in 2022 full rates reports. now from now on the a hey ramon, my, the prices have been going on since the early afternoon and this sweetens the biggest city. it started with a very large price, has thousands of people going through the city center for a testing against the 5 is royal, had been allowed to compete in the revision some concepts in comparison with, with russia who were, who upon, for the product test, the site of a similar reasons to why do a zeros action and gaza out the movements. uh, this price that we saved behind us was it $1.00 of the pre range price is $1.00.
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this started a spontaneous way through the evening and it's been going from a, it's been going from a focus far as a people's fault where they've had big screens showing the semi finals and going down through some of the other sort of, uh your van. uh your vision, spectacles in town. moving up and down by piece really by showing the great amount of iron gay. yeah. uh that that is uh is around taking brought, sorry, semi finals have been going on over the last couple of hours on caesar. els i'd treat a 8 and go on. how's going through to the final? so these protests will be returning here on subsidized. as soon as he takes the site here in mama, again the to chide into the electron commission that has declared the interim president, my mouth is it has to be the when that of mondays. but it says debbie receive 61
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percent of the votes shortly for the full that announcement, supposition, confidence, success method, or claim victory as real estate account of balance by his team establish the one in the 1st round, the schools the protest. later on friday, i would address is more from child's capital, k ethics phase as supporters of the governing party. i'm president, how much interest gabby celebrates the. it's been like years says we announcements by the electronics commission that for us and how much interest debbie one be much and by merging of 6 to 1.3 percent timeframe use prime minister on a former prime minister. we actual contested, i guess, to supply that with this victory now for us there and how much interest gabby consolidates as power and extends the day nursery of a derby family which has been in by, in this country for decades now was odd. celebrated 3 guns. why i was denied,
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and it's been going on for hours now, and it's expected to continue as well as the night as supporters of the president and the governing project mark, who's celebration. however, the victory made the change a little bit as the one of the main or was it because in the countries the prime minister such says must right, has called on your supporters to go out onto the streets on friday morning in a peaceful manner to protest what he calls the ceiling of the election. now it's not clear i will just go to the forces will respond to that. but it was in so towards the forces joseph, shortly after the announcement by the girl coming, marching or joining cecilia as a supporters of the president, celebrating the race of present mom much into a shabby homage. bruce, as you see the drum in on the plane carrying 85 people have skidded off a runway in senegal, the building 737, cold, far off to come into a stuff with cause international airport and just arrived from neighboring money
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authorities. at least 10 people were injured because the site report stuff from dr . as we are at bless john international airport, one of the busiest airport in west africa that was shut down for a number of hours after an incident took place on this very runaway early on thursday morning at 1 o'clock in the morning, the air sent a go flight operated by trans, there took off h. c 301, a boeing 737 bound to buy my co, but moments later the pilot since they were troubles with the airplane. so it came back to this airport to try to get it fixed. but as it took off again, it's did it off the runway with one of its engine catching fire. now over 10 people are injured, 7 of them critically, among them. the pilots. this latest incident on a boeing 737 comes at
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a time where there is increase scrutiny over the manufacturer. in fact, a former quality control manager of one of the main suppliers to boeing says that some of the of the plain parts leave the factory floor with serious defects. and so there is now an investigation under way to try to find out how this lead to incident on a boeing 737 took place. nicholas hawk allen's is 0. the car chinese president, she's been paying and hungry is pregnant, individual buying a saw and what they call and whether agreement she isn't hungry for the final stop of his to europe. china has invested place a $10000000000.00 in manufacturing in the infrastructure in hungry. she says the 2 countries looking to deepen economic co operation. jenna, how has more from budapest are the results of what chinese, the decision thing described this fruitful and positive talks. what
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a ross does new agreements between china and hungry, including brand new cooperation in nuclear energy. the lead to statements were full of tools of a multi polar world with china, a key player and hungary working to make sure that china as voice is heard inside the european union. it will serves to strengthen the relationship that victor o'beirne, if hungry, has been nurturing for some time once he hopes we to this country into a global hub for electric vehicle and electric vehicles. factory production infrastructure is being upgraded at chinese expense to transport chinese goods into hungry and central europe. and all of that, as the european union sits on the verge of a potentials trade war with china, looking to the risk its economy away from the cheap chinese goods procedures and things try to therefore hungry is a useful buffer against those who wins from brussels. a back door into the lucrative b u markets to victor. real bad, but he's happy to oblige. he's been
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a sold in brussels side for a long time. he's happy to take the chinese investments and he's not particularly worried about the political consequences during the whole l. g 0, be depressed risk or if it's continuing flooded areas of southern present as the death told arises to at least a $107.00, dozens are still missing and re a good on data soul which was hit by storms last week. more than $230000.00 to be displaced and much of the reasons be nice lifted by foot for the neighbor, uruguay. heavy rains have caused flooding in an area close to southern regional. more than 1000 people have been displaced on sunday. storms and tornadoes have ripped through pots of central in the southern united states. at least 2 people killed in tennessee. officials say tonight, isn't that much more than $100.00 homes in the city of columbia? that's right to that. that's it for me and the clock i play,
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the more calls on the websites out 0 don't come on use recovery, right? the ability to comments and analysis and insight story with last give jo biden's warning to is relegated, seen facing the roof. it will stop this season for the hello. it is nice to set fire for japan at the moment. i can't say the same for the korean peninsula and for northern parts of china at present, we do have they say i re apply pressure. can you bring things saffel a good deal of sunshine as well and sunshine, but you see so, but a cloud into southern most positive china, wherever your cloud into northern pos and that will sink is way for the south with denise with try to get increasingly shabby down towards badging, where to weather coming in across southern areas of china and gathering as we go
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through fast a pushing over towards the east trying to see the yellow sea that'll bring some right into the korean peninsula. like the mice of that dry. i'm fine. weather then for japan, because the 2nd half of the weekend, you know, it was coming your way. here. we have got a lot of showers into in that china now that been breaking the heat cost with that kind of temperature that we have been saying recently. they showers all looking, puts a live be some will big down pulls the and to thailand's good scattering. this as again, helping to break the heat in the philippines. so that was that from malaysia and indonesia and some really wet weather that to northern past of some monstrous and pretty wet weather to when to up i'm going to test the final phase of in the again, heat breaking stuff. this is scattering the showers southern parts of india and what the weather focused on the history is for gum, that's all peril. spain states imposed on these young was enshrined in law.
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diminishing the plight of countless victims of frank codes. 36, you have to take the shape with a group of survivor, it says launched an international law suit hoping to bring those accountable to justice and force the country to acknowledge its fascist bost. the silence of others. witness on now to sierra around wanting to israel from the us presidents a bite and says he will hold some supplies of israel invades roughly. so this is intended to deflect, rising domestic pressure against his strategy on the war in gaza. and will it be more to stop as well as the salts on rafa? this is inside story, the .


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