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tv   Fault Lines Children of The Darien Gap  Al Jazeera  May 10, 2024 6:30am-7:01am AST

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spite calls the country to be bombs due to the war, and garza was a heavy police presence in the city of mamma is. randy entrance was food joined, the semi final rehearsals on wednesday. all race reports for moment. thousands of demonstrators gathered in the centre of mile by on thursday, the goal, not totally to protest against israel, defensive and garza, but that's an is riley entry, had been permitted to compete in the euro vision song contest being held in sweden's, that city. oh yeah, uh some good many who live in mama from palestine. so it feels very bad for though it's a completely idiotic because then if you can, but russia and then of course you have to bunch as well this on the, on semester the we want to show the new ones that being jewish does not mean you against palestine beautiful palestinians and their right to live and have been life valued. the revision week has turned into one of the biggest police operations ever seen in sweden. the authorities have been preparing for more than 100000 arrivals
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in mile by a mix up the festival crowd. an unpredictable number of demonstrates, as we've uh, getting reinforcements from all over sweden, but also promoted nordic police colleagues seen that done walk in no way that we're on the for, on the 5 scale, the 5th level. and of course we've been been have that we've seen our planning work for this for this event also. but there's no direct threat to the usually some. some who do say they feel in the threat of from well most jewish minority. you help their own raleigh in the city on thursday. she a template for no, but some no guns. we are being held accountable for what another state has done if we support the state. that's one thing. but for people to express anti semitism or racism is something different. my father used to say on anti semitism is everywhere . as long as it's not obligatory you can live. once it becomes obligatory, it's time to move anger on the streets,
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didn't affect the revision come test israel's aden. golan was voted through this out today's final with his song hurricane. the tide live, which organizes demanded be changed from october rain, a direct reference to how much is attack on israel? demonstrations have been going on old i in while my, i'm with a spontaneous protest light and so the noise as well. these people and perhaps many thousands more. we've actually got on stuff that i to protest against israel's pulses prices, the revision by the whole race, all these era while mike and that's it from me. nora can i can find much more on all websites out there. a dot com and then i'll be back with more news for you off the phone lines. so i do stay with this. if you can, the despite his exile form or cut them on, lead their carlos,
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whose demo is set to run for president when the spanish regent pulls early elections. could his political return reignite the separatists bid for independence? and how would it impact spain's political landscape? the catalonia elections on a jersey to the when the sunrise is this molly couldn't come from columbia. hundreds of people who became one of the most dangerous journeys of deadlines. they've tried to post through the diary and got it's a remote jungle and the only land route to the united states from south america. there are no road school towns for the 50 kilometers on groups of long smuggling drugs, weapons through this jungle. but in the last few years, it's become a major migration for families are escaping crises, lives at the close. the front of the new 20 florida is 19. she flitted
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with a 2 daughters and 12 year old brother pick to of to her boyfriend, the time of my time in my mind. me one more time. me m e, and how many i'm on the same. are frank. all right. one, let me see a lot of the look at in 31 and a set of a particular young did. okay. sorry to fail. so, mean you, hamilton, lawyers are the monthly and i was the focus on the record hall. so 1000000 people took this route in 2023 a quarter of them. what you bring the, we're just seeing so many families. so many people traveling with children that go along and see if it goes in the head of the, the migrants will have to proceed with moving rivers. inclined steep mountain
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faced exhaust or hunger injury disease and rubbery sexual assaults, a spike to more than $200.00 cases. were reported in december 2023 in good weather. it can take full days to cross once inside know, help them come. and the only way out is through. so not everyone survives the this is the story. families during the during got so i will fail. can you know the on the is that one in that i s on the whole not to me, but i'm not one of the,
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some of the people that don't want the degree that i so i do think categories number one moment on this day one of the diary and got it begins with i was of climbing up the steep and slippery mountain slope. it's so humid that close of wet and heavy the moment we're located, braving, same show, difficult. it is not yet. newman swan is already exhausted. now continuing to push me to play with a busy, busy with i talked to uh,
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but in the, in the gym the guy was done by elizabeth the noon. okay. let me please you have the model number. yeah. the plan in one of the so your last one is the serial number for me for joy ally of the month of the service. and you look on the phone for the, for the clinic with doors when he'd gotten involved with an older man who was a local gang the to need help with food money for a 2 daughters. when she decided to end things with him, he wouldn't let go. the shots when his mother in the head with the 2 little girls in a lap in victor in the next room i minus the
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literally of the, for the check was as we mentioned. so what does it does says 20, because mother was mad to just before christmas. 2 weeks later, they left ecuador salad for a set of law. the editors say go me selling and stuff and it only goes on plan with them. but i set it up for you. uh, i found you see the on the thing and the
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the 20 and if i'm the into the jungle is about 700 people. it was a quite a on average. it's doubled up the number of crossing through here. each year is jump from around 830000 people in 2021 to as a half a 1000000. in 2023. they used to be safe. the route to get to the united states, migrants complying to central american countries to mexico. the us pressured these countries to impose these restrictions on people from south america and the caribbean, leaving them with few choices. but the cross ms chung, the
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the family sites in some wise and it's now close to sunset. phil spend that 1st night in the jungle. the scrolling migrant come, it's controlled by colombia is most powerful call to the left hand. welcome, the song guess offering. the guy didn't get ones are pretty around, but a said moment into the said what a read the go with a almost how do i keep going?
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is this going to keep the, the know, the, the, that the, those on the, for us to you know, for the at the bottom of the book. i mean, oh, let me see. i'm not done. no swear sir. it's the 2nd day of the trip and the group will climb a mountain into panama, the lip and the women and the children in the center with the men around them to keep stay. no, no, they going into the most dangerous journey.
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the trails on. clearly mote and gangs, and knowing to sexually so rolled and killing. so it was the migrants coming down the mountain across the border. the booster. these case on the see the in the for file, it's in the way up. i set eyes on the slide. the name, the said, i don't need the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the since this isn't a legal crossing, we have to tell kind of most poor the police that we were coming. the family is just that. a panamanian food. they say say it's better for you to come here. we can give you more security, but if you carry on that way, to me controlling the noise, me company show that no one's going to attack to then i will go inside. and as i am one of your guys,
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the general the want to look at the feel and are you sure the off the crossing the buddha? it was 20, realize the 2 of the children and they say as well, those 13 year old son's i was carrying 23 year old daughter at the laser when they were not saying that on the same ones you come. this is in my neighborhood with this is a real cross points here because there's 3 different ways to go by the water, but it gets the neck high and places up the where it's going to take 2 hours since he belongs and arrive in the next place. the kinds of food dogs, and that's a really think role the what are the zip codes
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the in, in everyone's decided to go to the real site. is really pretty dangerous researching with one. so that might be okay . he knew mine was from the williams instead of one of the groups across the dangers for they made it into come for the missing children out there and the sun,
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the setting your no, no, no, no, no, no, no. the low say see i was real being well me how say like i you said you're going to fine. yeah. and that will be the a single me a little bit. i'm a familiar with
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the is the 3rd day is wondering what those set up is to summarize to find side and delay says the where's the market? well, see is where the bubbles in the move on. so but then i'm not going to try to try that. that losing window of mind. one's about. yeah, it's again at the end of the month, but yeah, the, the, the, the
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the, the, yeah. your now for me that i come in the order for the so is so we had a model of the young the after another full day when the families made it to the final come before the end of the room. but it's even delay. so i know it's be found the sun setting and they come put you on any of it today? yeah, mostly been, was one your little up with numerous things. i'm assuming,
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so most of the most is the full some fine. but this time, many microns, a little food, and the energies, keep going. to be another food, a boom, came to get out the jungle, the smoke dest, already a couple of times on the journey to this is the 1st body we've come across, and it's right in the middle of the pole, at least 140 people trying to cross the diary gap in 2020 to sweep through, the currents can drive people away or broken phone might be never leaving the jungle. the
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intent of i'm not gonna keep the them the the way the biggest thing here. let's just complete them for you and see if we have a michael dollars a. yeah,
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probably not . one of the reasons that we've made out of the diary and got a now folks going to take people to migrant come up the river. they still haven't found their missing relatives, and they're going to have to look to the that the obvious winowski mean more moments you have signed the tickets for funding. i think for them the a point at the airport at the center and so say delinquencies, this one, you allow me to email or via send email. yeah. keep the one who was talking to yes is
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the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the the, the, the, the, the,
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the the, the, the, the the theater. i live in the roughly the yeah, yeah. wonder what it's on the heart of mind moving you done. and it was ahead of your day and that's always you set up on a deal and then from say, don't get the money. the money said,
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allow me even though i don't mean to gain the thought of things, i've got the end of a meal plan that needs animal meant them one of the facing for one the yeah, we on the card that allow me to you know, but of the family to collaborate. so you have a launch in about a need for a day. it's an amazon plan. you use that to keep those. i'm glad you miss you up a bicycle may have to the left. but the of the you, you know, we get, we don't you let me and you get don't, are you really? so because of the game because the bill and i said low on the okay,
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i'm go ahead and get a little person. can we see you coming for me with that that why uh some of the bottom missing the sort of the sort of the look at a sort of lesson. we're going to site later on on the hit, the 100 and the, the family still has thousands of miles to go to the us food every night buses of migrants, depaula, panama, heading to get you those set up. mm. so you, you gotta me, to put the room into the unit
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for you on the general place you lie or your general pool because you'll see a is a and evaluations. you're comfortable with the things that the item where the the noise in your godaddy song on the stomach bug by forever. hank on friday. yeah. so then we will view the 2nd wide flight of same up by the side of the 11th and most of the tonight the least bit tomorrow. hundreds of
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others will take that place as long as safer boots remain closed, the ways the parents leading that you of going through the diary and got the as universities across the u. s. mobilize for palestine, an unprecedented track down intensifies. they're putting a target on my back there say, here's your person, go get her fault lines investigates the mechanisms of suppression and the implications for academic freedom. universities who embrace diversity when it's for palestinian right? you're suspended, you're investigated, you're shut down the palestine exception and it does either one of the biggest
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selections of 2020 pools. india is general elections. will administer now render moody's be taking increased extruded across the country. how will economic uncertainty and you've some employment swing voters in key states and will the media be able to cover the vote, sweetie and fairly ongoing coverage, but in the, as an actions on out, is there a unique perspective? why is it the doctors don't get to have a saying, any of the medical workforce has been so under valued by the british government for such a long time on hud voices? tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we? the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream on al jazeera, what's out of their existence, it's load ship as a principal present. and as a correspondence with any breaking the story,
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we want to hear from those people who with normally not get that voices heard on the international news channels. one david top. if i proud all was when we covered the fullness quake of 2015 at the terrible met shoulders, that's the story that we needed to be told from the hall of the affected area to be then to tell the people story. it was very important at the time the on the far tens of thousands of palestinians escape rough uh as well continues as bombardments of the strips something most se, the head of them are a kyle, this is algebra live from doha,


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