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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 10, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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died live monkeys from across europe. this female racism of gas gold can survive 19 years of experimentation in french labs. she was the 1st lab funky to be given a new form at lot then yet, the 10s of thousands of palestinians escaped russell. the as well has those intense attacks on the eastern part of pacific cracks and an iron clad lines. the us warns as well against inviting rafa, but as well as prime minister and fish the ground the sold will go ahead. the other them or i carl, this is out. is there a lie from doe ha, also coming up general interest debbie is declared window of time presidential
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election just hours of the main office district candidate claims victory plus the we begin in dollars a southern bay city of rafa is really forces a pound to the eastern areas with intense strikes and alternative tax reports the residential areas were targeted. any 80000 palestinians have escaped from rough us since monday. many of them are headed towards darrow bala and central garza and del cordarious spoke to families who it displays multiple times. and then now facing an even more assessing future to this place for a 3rd time. so as to find to find many are fleeing beautiful as best they can. and
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with what little they have left. and the little they moved us from gaza and told us to go to the south after the south. they told us to go to han unit. after that we came here to say rod and from c ride to derek. but then they brought us to rough off. they said it's a safe place, it wasn't safe. we keep moving from one place to another. this child was born during the war. what is his fault? the family members say they've been told to go to con eunice, but they have no food or water and are worried. well, the situation is it has, we just wants a solution. what do we want? we want to solution and we want to go back to about city to gaza. c leading out to reflect now look like this. thousands of harmonies are being forced to sleep once again. but as is really bombardments continues across the cause of sleep. safety is hard to find anywhere. nothing's, nothing's in dumb. we're tired,
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our mental wellbeing is tired. it's been destroyed that there is no wellbeing offense. even the young ones have been destroyed. my children were not like this before the worst. no education, no food, no drink, nothing. no one sends us any money. we have no aid and just where are we to go? beautiful. once again, those in the north face farm and many have left the central garza but only one water station is working there. the reality is there is no safe place for them to go. in the comedy central, gaza palestine. i just need a to the white house is wanting israel against an assault on rough off the present turbine and threatened to cut off weapons. a state department spokesman says israel has all the options for fighting him off. besides attacking rafa, but as well as prime minister remains to find benjamin netanyahu said, isabel will stand alone if it has to wait
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a few months moved. we are determined and we are united in order to defeat our enemies and those who want to destroy us. and if we need to stand alone, we will stand alone. if i have said that, if necessary, we will fight with our fingernails, but we have much more than finger nails. and with that same strength of spirit, with god's helps you together, we will win. it allows you to buy those threats as well as sponsor political fuss told me in the nation's capital and in congress. i think he'll have the license from washington. when we're get out that you as president joe biden had made his ultimatum to israel, the house speaker mike johnson told the press he hoped it was a senior moment. the administration quickly came out to make it clear. it wasn't a misstep. it is no us policy, you have made those concerns quite clear to the government of israel. and as the president noted, there are certain types of military systems. so we will not make available to israel for use in a campaign. and roughly, at the pentagon, admitting they've put
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a hold on shipping the $3500.00 bonds to israel. the final determined determination has not been made on how to proceed with that shipment. but specifically, we're focused on the end use, especially rather focused on the end use of the 2000 pound bombs and the impact that they could have in a dense urban setting. as we've seen. and other parts of guys in congress calls to impeach the president for as threats and actions in israel. now some people say joe biden is doing this for his re election, which would be bad enough. it would also, i have to add, be grounds for impeachment under the democrats, trump ukraine, standard withholding for an aide to help one to re election. the bottom, the white house has been the most anti is real administration. this nation has ever seen literally from day one. the bottom, the white house has been undermining israel at every step of the way. impeachment is really unlikely, but it does show the level of frustration in congress. they go to,
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to give billions of dollars to israel in military aid, but only do you as president, has the power to deliver it or not. technical in elgin 0 washington, well, in gaza. israel's cap to of the roof of border crossing means that no a truck so being able to get through for days with that people running out of met some basic necessities to sell. who it explains. let's look at how the situation in drop a has changed covering around 65 square kilometers. rough off was inhabited by about 275000 people before israel launched as were ongoing. so with repeated force displacements. 8 back to one and a half 1000000. that's the same population as munich in germany. that's nearly 5 times as large as 300 square kilometers. these images show tense and displacement caps now filling, previously empty areas,
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as well as gardens and other spaces between homes. these rarely army ordered palestinians to leave the eastern part of it off and head to the l y. c area. an estimated $100000.00 people are now sheltering there, but it's only 6 and a half square kilometers. and has little infrastructure of these really military sealed off the only exit from gaza when it took over that off of border crossing traffic palestinians inside. well, rafa was a key, lifeline for garza and as people and now there was serious concerns about the humanitarian catastrophe. that of the world health organization says hospitals and southern guns that will run out of fuel to run generates as on friday, the deputy director of unrest as fuel and food rations will be completed by friday as well. that will have devastating consequences for people across the strip, especially in the north where people are stopping when to any is now from rafa and
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southern gauze, there is some res, director of planning for under a good to have you with us here on alex's era, these really have full control of the rough up crossing. when was the last a delivery into garza and how much a do you have left that thanks for having me on and no aid has come in as a gauze and now since sunday. no, i know that you know, supplies nothing we rarely on now down to the last is a we have a few more days of the flower that we can we can provide. but everything else will start. so shut down very, very soon without fuel, without more. and so there's nothing that we can do any of the suppliers, the situation is really, really desperate. if we want to transitional and do you have any plans to cope with that? that mean the situation on, on this scale it was difficult as
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a plan for any way. it becomes of absolutely impossible if we're not able to get a fuel. and if we're not able to get things open and those are, those are the lifeline. so without that, there's very visual that we can do, we can read it slightly to move some results as to where people are moving to him. but we have to do that further, tacitly to change something showing the way racing and kind of amongst and already exhausted each for many size population. various sizes of hospitals will run out of fuel this weekend. however, they've take a trying to conserve what they have left. i mean you, you have to understand that it is, but it is very, very difficult. many of these pixels in around are, are inside the effectuated versions of people have been. one is typically the minutes, somebody has some news, some of the, you know, some specialized you have a flat, but it's very 1st difficulties that absolutely impossible circumstances. unless all, again, collections that are already based on ripple on the edge of the bombing would do
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for a good one and down in systems high levels of communicable diseases and monitor attrition really, really difficult submission set rate difficult conditions impossible conditions. um and yet you are still the what is it like being and rafa right now, but the east of the city being bombarded by strikes and the ground defensive ever looming. a good people. i'm a 100 by people, a pretty fair and this was a long, long time and it's now upon this there, there is some, some on the bottom, there's nothing on the horizon. there are people on the moon. we estimated it as of last night and about a 110000 people from rough. i had been displaced and it moved on to some of those to other costs. a graph i but many of them elsewhere. i'm here in the room headquarters, which is the house to the i. i don't ration and you guys, i believe was around maybe by and id be counted,
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but i looked out of my window this morning and i haven't seen, i've seen yours on was disney higher since that i've not been able to see something on the people that do what they have to flee say yeah, yeah. where are they going to? they're on the safe places as we know that be pushed into some jews. pushed back to con eunice, which has been absolutely devastation of the past the past several weeks. and there's a cities that lives in ruins and data wants to ask you about the evacuation and whether there's any attempt at a coordinated evacuation of areas where it's, well, it's telling people to leave. i mean, absolutely not. they will receive the messages of flyers from me and having them bordering them to, to move and us to move. the military communities cannot talk to them because i'm wasted. so that's, i think, the slightest one which is a legal on the international law. so we do what we can support people when they
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arrive, but as your correspondence said, there is no space there on those supplies. and this isn't any kind of a dangerous environment at the moment, given just restricted the limits. it is that eastern raw, this heavy bombing beyond those areas as well as of right now in a sense, all right, for this quite heavy bombardment, i just want to bring us back to the situation with the food and the fuel because it really is an extraordinary situation that had a few days time, that will be no food or feel for the people of gaza. what happens then? that's why the immune system is starting to break down children getting the high drapes and it shows and will die. other people will die. populations that are already on the brink of famine when now being subjects and so many able see, i got, you know, coupled with, with the source of heavy on bonds. so uh alrighty. yes,
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for the conditions will, will get worse. and we will see the multitude of casualties, you know, just from the bombing from the hung up from the disease and from the salvation. and just before, as well, to charge of the rasa crossing some people who'd been injured in guns and allowed out into egypt for treatment and beyond. they are now not being allowed to leave the gaza strip. so what is happening to them? a language in a languishing here and in the most also of conditions there was a long list of say when the all the way to you next are and community my trying to get out every day. only small numbers of those people managed to access for every 40 or 50. that really there were several 1000 wasting now. now they. 1 they are still carry lisa peoples been injured in the world, but there will be more with other diseases which i conditioned switched treatment
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isn't available, so people will sign on. people won't die unless the passenger side of the low as well summarize. it sounds like a unimaginative difficult situation. we really appreciate you taking the time to talk to us here on the alex's era from rafa sunrise from unless you view an agency for palestinian refugees is temporarily sha saying it's headquarters in occupied east jerusalem. the building surroundings with twice that's on 5, by what on what fold is really extremist. the head of the agency for the best really says you and stuff are on the compounds and the fun has caused extensive damage to the outdoor areas. you and says it still says have to push out for 5 themselves. this is really 5, a guy took so long to turn up. it is rarely such as have made it difficult for goods to enter through all the crossings into garza. although rough was the main crossing for 8 to enter the strip, such as demonstrations, have added to the strangle hold on life saving supplies by blocking
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a road near the come boost the alarm crossing is what it has shut down, and also out 0 is operations in israel and we're reporting from outside the country, stephanie deca as this from a mind in jordan rocks scattered across the road. an effort to buy is really for testers to block a trucks from reaching garza. how about the from this guy, the backlog becomes clear. many of these talks are meant to enter goza to the get them who signed them crossing in the south of the strip police use,
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walter tended to disperse the demonstrators, get them up asylum reopened on wednesday, after how master walker to talk with the current operation by israel's military, the one says no policy and workers can safely reach the other side to process the goods. domain aid archery into the south. the crossing with egypt also blocked since israel moved in with tanks a few days ago. the by did administration has put a lot of pressure on israel to allow more aid into garza. the northern arrows crossing opened on the day us secretary of state anthony blinking was here early may the 1st time since it was damaged in the october 7th attack. and the 1st shipment has left the cypress on its way to the american built floating dog. the controversial move that would bring aid into garza from the sea. but aid agencies say if the land borders were open with new constrictions, that would be the easiest fastest. and most efficient way to get a to the by listing and people a jordan is also send
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a trucks to gaza and some of those have come under attack from right. we is ready, protest or is jordan, spar ministry has condemned the attack saying that hold is ro, fully accountable. and the israel should do more to ensure the swift and safe entry of aid into gauze. and that's a legal obligation as the occupying power. stephanie decker o g 0 a month. and reminder again, the benjamin that's neil. his cabinet has signed out of sarah and we're reporting from outside as well. a well coming up, we'll have more from dall. so when, when dealing was the supplies ton, each passing day into a struggle for survival, we'll have that report from the strip and live 5 drills between the us um, philippine single place of ties. filipino leaders in the area with the exercises on taking place. not happy, the
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class normal service has been resumed across the middle east is looking fine. and dr. looking for easy around the golf. we have got quite a brisk when a brisk smile. it'll blow his way through as we go through friday, easing off. so go on into the weekend, wanted to show us around the southern end of the red sea. well, the way of shout was able to was i've kind of done more than possible focused on the west to leave, establish, will continue to drift this way. i 5 east with my temper just behind the fact that it 40 celsius not to fall off that thank you white and not too far off that to think gaza something of a solid wheel south, basically wind here. so if you 7 celsius on friday, but you see the west of weather that's going to make his way and what a live is system. this asked that we apply. pressure comes around the window switch route because of 26 celsius. so less hauled less in times that went to weather will make its way across the key. as we go on through the next couple of days,
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little bit of weather, just clipping the fall, and most of the libya then sand stones across us, a higher good scattering a shout was there across west africa, making good progress. now the seasonal rise. nothing further. north woodson joining up across central positive africa, right through the tropics. so in a sense of a few showers coming into kenya into your kind of, from south africa, estate drawing and taught the unique, i suspect is why is it the doctors don't get to have a site and then uses the medical workforce has been so and devalued by the british government for such a long time on hub voices, tick tock had been a place for organizing politically for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live we the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream on al jazeera,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the american you are watching out is there a has remind you about top stories. this hour is where the tank some more plays continue to attract, office 7, my city of rafa. despite international condemnation, you and says around 80000 people who've taken shelter in the south of left since monday. is there any appointments that benjamin s. neil who says as well, we'll stand alone if it has to. his comments come a day off to us present, jeff, find in preston to withhold on deliveries, to as well as
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a full scale assault on rafa. as launched well on the ground and going as a protestant ends are facing a critical shortage of clean voice and endeavor. albano and central garza just one was the station as to offer icing. a correspondence honey mackwood reports from the of these exhausted palestinians have waited for hours to get clean water at this station and their children are also in the queue clutching containers too large for their hands. this is the daily reality for palestinians were diminishing water supplies during every day into a struggle for survival. the have to wait 3 hours just to fill one container, lots of people. we have to queue the work to pressure the week, and sometimes the water is completely shut off and the world is just watching since, as well as bombardment of eastern drop, a has escalated. many habits lit the centro garza increasing and pressure and supplies their
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a dog that has been suffering from water shortages for years. the means stores the coastal act with fires is contaminated by sewage and pollution making nearly all of its water and fit for human consumption. before the war, people have access to 80 leaders of water per day, and that was already far below what the you are recommended. but now everybody here gets between $2.00 and $3.00 leaders per day. the situation is worsening each day due to water infrastructure being damaged by is really air strikes. we came here today looking for a safe place. i will for 10 or 15 minutes looking forward to and i heard of the descending nations station here. and i hope the water is drinkable and fit for human consumption. and this is what we are hoping. and as palestinians into a long waits for dwindling supplies of water, diseases caused by the shore to use and war are spreading rapidly. and even more.
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oh, just the palestine does this patients i've been forced to move from rafa to a neighboring con, eunice and now getting treatment in the hospital is where the troops withdrew from the a month ago. but the facility is being 5, these damaged adult as a struggling to keep up with the workload that members and we hope god willing that by sunday morning we will be operating in full capacity with 25 devices. is this number enough? absolutely not for 600 patients, we would need at least 45 dialysis machines, but the conditions don't allow us to have more for the trans electoral commission has declared military the flat interest debbie, the widow of monday's presidential election, his main rival success mastura is contesting the provisional results of a school for protests on friday,
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monday as long delay vote was aimed at ending 3 years of military will address reports from childs capital and jemina. the seeds of give relation on the streets of government as a result of the election warehouse. my mother has been how much that is the 3784360 or 6 to 1.03 percent of the vote. had the president responded in a nationwide address in view of this sweeping victory? i am now the elected president of all, chatty, and it's not showing me the president of those who voted for me, but also the president of those who made other choices. his biggest challenge, a prime minister success must rec claim to it was a few hours before the official announcement. i believe i did deal with all charges you quoted for change world. for me, i say,
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mobilized peacefully to calmly with the same spirit of peace that you have shown in thinking about the future that we're going to build together. security is tight on the streets of the capital. must rise quote, for protestant friday, but easily supporters. i know deterred this election is meant to bring the country back to civilian rule after debbie sees power in the trade to trade to one cool. it says he's promised to try this or failed. although he's probably minister or disagree. the person victory was widely expected, but it's not only your support as well. happy. some members will be on tools as going into this on the bread redone, flashed into the nice, you barely consolation. the prime minister has what the many supporters have been holding party from the hardest jump regions across the house to deal with a typically divided nation. how many degrees i was just the, the domain of these talks between cell saddam's government and the coalition of
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revel groups being held in kenya by the name to end the conflict spice of 2020 seats. 5 deal bought as has continued, especially in the south country is set to hold general elections in december. but security remains at the top concern. since i says a 100 miles, president elects has a route. while leno says mike, going to enter the country through the diary and gap will face deportation. darren gap is a dangerous $165.00 columbus, a stretch of jungle which connects south and central america. it's a key route for my goods heading from south america towards the us. melina place joined his election campaign to close the diary and got an effort to cut migration . they gave me a shout, a more with international aid. we will begin the process of repair creation in full compliance with the human rights of all the people that search with down the in south america. and those who would like to come need to know that whoever arrives here is going to be sent back to the country of origin. rescue efforts are
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continuing and flooded areas of southern brazil as the depth told rise to at least a $107.00 people. dozens are still missing and we're going to just sole which was hit by storms last week. well, in 230 thousands have been displaced to much of the region has been ice flights, has by the flood waters. and they bring over glad heavy rains of cause flooding in an area place to southern brazil. more than a 1000 people that have been displaced of china has condemned joint military exercises by the philippines and the united states. invoices near taiwan alive drills were conducted in the northern region of the fed opinions. the local government that is not too keen on the increasing able relations between washington and manila. as part of the low report, some kind of an province based facility in cars and valley in the northern philippines era. gates nearly 9000 hector's of farm land. it's one of a few infrastructure projects in the country funded by china and built during the term
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a former president would be good authority. but the grands governor says there could have been more if president ferdinand burgers junior, had a devout american forces to use philippine and military facilities because of the uncertainty of the future. and of course, with that and showing in the range of these types of benefits as far as invest or stuff must close of chinese used to frequent casino resorts in some done town in the north eastern edge of cuz they had now such a stablish means the catered for chinese are mostly empty. this town in the northern tip of the philippines was points to become a hub for chinese investments. but plans for a $500000000.00 tech sell factory at $836.00 whole golf course, for example, have been shelved. meanwhile, the town now host one of 2 military bases in the province of command, that the united states has been given access to sent on is less than
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a 500 kilometers from the southern tip of taiwan. china considers the self ruled island, its own and vows, reunification by force if necessary. and david were blown, weren't they? that big states in china would want to make use of strategic locations in areas for the project short of the republic. the us already meeting the show of its military power over the past few days by conducting live fire exercises with filipino troops in areas of the philippines facing taiwan. but beyond combat drills, american soldiers also helped build classrooms and cause they on all parts of public at that the largest annual joint exercises between us and philippine forces . back in time he showed her the shoulder so shoulders fairly with our um, filipino counterparts in the united states and its good for us cuz we come here to learn from them how to construction brother construction and concrete cmu block. and together we can bring when we both know its
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a bonus go for the community as the chinese coast guard repeatedly deployed quarter canons against philippine bustles in the south china sea pulse show. most filipinos favor close ties with the us, but where chinese investments have provided jobs and services us fire power alone may not be enough to wind over hearts and minds. barnaby low al jazeera, sent on a cookie on the philippines. a company in south korea has a new will record for the most number of trainings in a single light show. the display my by more than 5000 drains has been a headline attraction as an international exhibition showcasing the latest unmanned aerial vehicles on the bride reports from entry on and south korea in the night sky over the port city of in june. i think when i show comprising 5293 points of light each a single drove just


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