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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 10, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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the list again a can you show me the the hello, i'm about this and this is the news on life from dell coming up in the next 60 minutes guys is overcrowded city of rafa is fits with the most intense bombardment by is ready for us is yes, 100000 palestinians are flat and the southern city as israel's attacks. intensify your eyes, warnings against a major assault on profit, fall on deaf ears as it was prime minister in search of the operation. we'll go ahead of the positives valley
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in sweden, against israel's participation in the univision song context, the semen gmc, we're going to begin in gaza this hour where heavy sound bites underway in the off is ready, troops and times a pushing deeper into the over crowded southern city where it was some 1700000 palestinians, a fight to seek shelter, smokes being seen rising and the other coworkers, the hospital more than a 100000 palestinians. i've escaped from the offer since monday. not many of them have been hanging up towards their obama in central garza, for without corresponded to handle country reports in this place for a 3rd time. so as to find a farm and the are fleeing beautiful as best they can. and with what little they have left,
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and the little they moved us from gaza and told us to go to the south after the south. they told us to go to hun unit. after that, we came here to say rod and from se right to derek by left and then they brought us to rough off. they said it's a safe place, it was insane. we keep moving from one place to another. this child was born during the war. what is his fault? the family members say they've been told to go to an eunice, but they have no food or water and our boyd. well, the how does this situation is it is we just wants to solution. what do we want? we want to solution and we want to go back to our cities to gaza, the road bleeding out of the fluff. now look like this. thousands of harmonies are being forced to sleep once again. but as is ready, bombardments continues across the cause of sleep. safety is hard to find anywhere and not a 5th. not them isn't dumb. we're tired, our mental well being is tired. it's been destroyed. that there is no wellbeing
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offense. even the young ones had been destroyed. my children were not like this before the worst. no education, no food, no drink, nothing. no one sends us any money. we have no aid and just where are we to go? beautiful. once again, those in the north faced farm and many have fled to central garza but only one watcher station is working there. the reality is there is no safe place for them to go into the city central, gaza palestine. just need a, a tiny lock was in down about like he's in the courtyard of the aisle. ok. so hospital, i'm 100, you and all over the last several weeks have been talking about the number of attacks and air strikes that are being counted out against the hospital. but it's also suffering from a lack of electricity as well. not just for about like the hospital, but for all the hospitals tell us about what kind of impact that's happening. of the more it challenges on conflict. cities
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could continue to evolve across not only rough i city, but across the go. that's true about large, but right now what we're seeing because of the ongoing deliberate, a closure of land across things, particularly rough across thing that has been already supplicating in terms of humanitarian aid. we've seen a couple of getting the flow of humanitarian aid of trucks into the gods for within the past 7 months or so. but right now, with the full closure of the, of the crossing itself, both the carmel with solomon and run that across in deland depressing for humanitarian aid have been completely closed for the 4th day in a row right now, not only, we're not seeing it getting it but also there is another major problem which is the fuel, which is the lifeline right now for remaining health facilities across throughout the city and in fine units of remaining parts of the trips. but mainly right now with the carnegie is expanding and into the bombing campaign, hospitals are warning of blacklist. you'll the only have what is sufficient only
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for the coming 2 days or 3 days. and then as soon as they run over, it is going to be a real, a problem in sites where the, the remaining health facility, particularly the, to a hospital as well as the field hospitals at the western parts of, of the city. there is also a warning issued by honor why that it's facilities not only it rely on the, the, the fuel coming in from karma to send them across things and the roof and across it . but also the operations that the run in terms of delivery of humanitarian aid, managing evacuation centers in the city of right now with massive by enforcing backers of people the lack of fuel is going to cause further problems to i know really a traumatizing situation for everyone across the roof, i cities and the remaining parts of this trip. yeah. honey, we can see i know the top right hand corner of our screen here, some smoke of a rising above a rough eyes. you're talking to us. it's not just an issue about electricity supplies, is it the water is another key issue as well as met the the
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absolutely, it will look at a situation. there are no urgency above the price is going on right now. not only if you will and electricity, but also water right now in which fuel is older, directly linked to the issue of water. no fuel means. no, that's the only nation. it's fine. are going to operate efficiently again, they're all leaks. we are a few days away from these the planets, the plants to shut down completely from operation from operation water issue is a problem here. people are gathering and larger groups that want the largest uh water, thats the nation implant here and there is but actually it is thursday entire central area as part of the southern part of hon unit city as well. but it's not a not, there are smaller ones here, but not sufficient for the large number here, but it has running out of space running out of facilities and infrastructure and in each passing date. the difficulty keeps is bolding into much more complex situation
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. we did see people around one of these destination of plants who would documented a difficult situation. this is what we so at the sites these exhausted palestinians have waited for hours to get clean water at this station. and their children are also in the queue clutching containers too large for their hands. this is the daily reality for palestinians were diminishing water supplies during every day into a struggle for survival. time i've had and i have to wait 3 hours just to fill one container, lots of people. we have to queue under water pressure the week. and sometimes the voters completely shut off and the world is just watching. since as well as bombardment of eastern drop, a has escalated, many have afflict the central garza increasing of pressure and supplies. their garza has been suffering from water shortages for years. the means stores the close,
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the quick fires is contaminated by sewage and pollution making nearly all of its water and fit for human consumption. before the war, people have access to 80 leaders of water per day, and that was already far below what the you are recommended. but now everybody here gets between $2.00 and $3.00 leaders per day. the situation is worsening each day due to water infrastructure being damaged by is really air strikes. we came here today looking for a safe place. i will for 10 or 15 minutes looking forward to and i heard of the descending nation station here. and i hope the water is drinkable and food for human consumption. and this is what we are hoping. and as palestinians into a long ways for dwindling supplies of water diseases caused by the shortages and war are spreading rapidly and even more. oh, just the palestine. israel is captured as off of border crossing means no age likes
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have been able to get through since sunday, and with that cutoff of supplies, people are running out of medicine and basic necessities. how does a hood explains? let's look at how the situation and drop a has changed covering around 65 square kilometers drop off was inhabited by about $275000.00 people before israel launched it's we're ongoing. so with repeated force displacements. 8 go back to one and a half 1000000. that's the same population as munich in germany. that's nearly 5 times as large as 300 square kilometers. as these images show tense and displacement caps now filling, previously empty areas, as well as gardens and other spaces between homes. these rarely army ordered palestinians to leave the eastern part of it off and head to the l y. c area. an
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estimated $100000.00 people are now sheltering there, but it's only 6 and a half square kilometers and has little infrastructure. these really military sealed off the only exit from gaza when it took over that off of border crossing traffic. palestinians inside. imagine like a, as in military and political analyst, he's joining us from powers. thank you very much indeed for being with us. so joe biden has said that he is going to restrict access by israel to certain weapons, or at least pause it, given what you are seeing about the way that these really ministry is moving into the off at the moment. does that make much of a difference? to what israel was hoped to achieve, it doesn't make any difference from a bigger 1st of all, because these realities have never been concerned about the civilian casualties. and what the joe biden is holding now,
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the only intelligence bones not the dog bones that is right, has plenty and has been using the for the last 7 months. therefore, this is not going to change any alternate then. yeah, i was planned to multiply rough off. on the contrary, it would give him enough time to spend more time in rough law. and the vase, doty to make sure that this war is going to last as long as possible. the biggest is speculation, of course as being the nature of the kind of i saw that these really military would make on or off up by your a kind of 5. what you're saying. if they're moving slowly, it's going to take some time. it sounds like a that is a different type of a sold to the they all out assault that the americans have been concerned about. yes. so what these really is to have done is dividing the rough law and different sectors of the apartment if you like. and then these relays on moving
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a 100000 inhabitants all the already more than one and a half 1000000 refugees. and also the 300000 origin, the inhabitant off off. so what he's doing aged by create the 100000 and the 1st place and then move to the 2nd step because he has many challenges. first, the number of troops that he needs to offer to egypt and informed egypt. sions, so they don't react. and because he's not allowed to have as many troops as he wants in the navy, otherwise we'd be violating the peace agreement. and at the time, david zip code, 1978. secondly, because he has not provided enough 10 for the for the senior, is to be relocated to a there, but also on eunice. but i don't think this is one of his concerns. good,
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because the is really troops need to adapt to a new and we are that is jo, graphically different from the know and the south full of pain needs to look for times because if there are more than $1000.00 less than those in the area, then he needs to locate the spelling of this, and there would be many of these will be traps that the, for the seeing, the resistance will be waiting for him to come forward to being gauge with him. and also his objective is not going to be chief because how much is already present in the know in the salt and they already engaging against these released reading, the set those and supplements around god and even easily a gathering in uh, uh, a boost and then processing and kind of a certain processing and in the military barracks uh around it then for as he's
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taking his time and he will need enough time to stay in rough up and move slowly. i want to ask about this changing nature of the conflict, because if i understand correctly and please forgive me for over simplifying. it sounds as though it is moving away from the level of bombardment and the, and outside of the attacks that we have seen in the past, and is moving back towards that of almost a form of guerilla warfare which we know how much has a great deal of experience of not least, of course, of, from the conflict in northern jobs or what are the risks to this really forces when they move into that different dynamic and is not likely to change the way that it approaches this conflict and rougher. this is an excellent question because normally the operation of the is really occupational forces is to destroy everything before moving the troops to reduce the casualties. and also because they
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not familiar with a terran know been anything that danielle has changed a little bit piece policy in the south. and because. busy all the eyes of the was all fixed on what he's going to do in rough, far and because of the veins on the number of indemnity display strategies that he cannot stop the carpet bomb being rough. why therefore, he needs to move. very cool, cause a, this is not something that these really occupational forces has because they don't have this period of fighting like the but it's the annual resistance. this is why because he knows. and he's aware that he's going to faces the resistance. then he's moving slow need for the gervase the vision to get the custom to the area to understand where the danger can come to a really good small piece of supply. because he really wants this will to last as long as possible. therefore,
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to reduce the guy who did that is he's primed the primary objectives. otherwise you will have the domestic is really the society turning against him and then a complaining about the prompt. you mentioned the fine old fight doesn't have that behind the support of the opposition. you have the support of the war cabinet and the majority of the society and the amount of cuz the difference is not to eliminate from us, but the how to do it. as a margaret, we appreciate you being with us on how does it are giving us the benefit of your novices? thank you very much. indeed sir. thank you for having me. as your starting partners have benjamin netanyahu, who has been interviewed by us shop show a host of dr. phil is explained the at times a complex relationship he's had with president joe biden. we interviewed comes as israel is coming under pressure from the white house to ensure a civilian casualties are minimized and operations in the southern city of ruffled
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us. president joe biden as threatening to withhold weapons if any fun of moving on is really grand assault, entered off, or goes ahead. i've known joe biden, for many years, or 40 years and more. you know, we often had agreements, but we've had our disagreements. we've been able to overcome them. i hope we can overcome them now, but we will do what we have to do to protect our country. and benjamin netanyahu as common as bind. i'll just say it. i said, well, how much i'm jim's joining us, not a life from a mind. what more did benjamin netanyahu have to say in that interview? so we're still seeing bits of the interview. come out, rob, we have not seen the entirety of the interview, but we have seen some portions in which prime minister netanyahu has said that. he envisions that there would be some type of bus civilian administration in gaza to look over things once the war is over. but he envisions that perhaps the united
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arab emirates and the saudi arabia would be participating and over ministration of as it did mention those 2 countries. and also indicated that the other actors, other civilian actors should be involved as well. beyond that, um, the prime minister said that um there were $24.00. how much battalions that had been operational in gaza and throughout the course of the war that the is really army, had essentially destroyed 20 of those battalions. he said that there were 4 battalions left in the rough hand, that it was their duty to go into it off and go ahead and destroy those battalions as well so that they could achieve their work. missions were expecting that more lines from this interview will be dropping in the coming hours. and so we'll be reporting those to you and our viewers. but certainly what we heard from that and yeah, who is in line with other comments, especially over the course of the last 24 hours. you know, nothing. yahoo had said that. um, even if the us stops, uh,
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it's the shipments of weapons, more shipments of weapons going forward, that israel would go it alone, that they would fight with their nails if they had to, the rhetoric that we're hearing from that's in yahoo, increasingly bellicose and increasingly trying to tell his base that they are committed to continuing fighting and to continue going into it off until they achieve the aims of what they consider to be a successful war effort. mm hm. mohammad i was reading through some of the transcript of the interview and i think it's fair to say that benjamin destined yahoo wasn't exactly how to attend on throughout the interview. it is an interesting choice for his team to make, isn't it? to get him on dr. phil, a syndicated talk show was somebody who is a tv doctor. why is there a speculation about why they would choose that as well? this is interesting too, because you know, rob over the course of the war we've seen benjamin netanyahu criticized,
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especially in israel for a failing to be held to account by is really journalist for avoiding tough questions from is really journalists often times over the course of the past 7 months we've seen that's and yeah, who appear in for and media specifically doing interview is with american journalists on american news programs. and that's, and yahoo has been taken to task for that in israel, by his critics saying that he's not getting tough questions in the interviews that he's doing, that it serves its purpose. and in that sense, he's able to speak to supporters of his in the us as well, and to try to put pressure on us lawmakers in that way. this is something completely different. he is speaking to a tv personality, a clinical psychologist who has a talk show, who is known as a self help guru, dr. phil is not somebody who is known or renowned for interviews with world leaders,
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especially in the middle east up. so right now we're not seeing a lot of criticism in israel about this interview. we're not seeing a lot of reaction as of yet. i imagine that throughout the course of the day, you are going to have critics and that's in the yahoo. essentially suggesting that this is just another way for nothing yahoo to be asked very soft ball questions by somebody who is in their opinion. not very well versed or studied in the complexities of the middle east, especially not these really palestinian conflict. and i think he will be very much criticized for that in israel. and again, there is this drumbeat, there is this continuous call in israel, that nets and yahoo needs to be held to account by the is really pressed. and that he should be talking to is really journalist and facing tough questions. rob, how much i'm dreaming? i'm on mohammed. thank you very much. i a joe biden start to israel to cut off some weapons from israel. has sparked a political firestone in the nation's capital and in congress,
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bicycle harrington has the latest from washington dc. when board get out to you as president joe biden had made his ultimatum to israel, the how speaker mike johnson told the press he hoped it was a senior moment. the administration quickly came out to make it clear. it wasn't a misstep. it is no us policy, it made those concerns quite clear to the government of israel. and as the president noted, there are certain types of military systems. so we will not make available to israel for use in a campaign. and roughly at the pentagon, admitting they've put a hold on shipping, the $3500.00 bonds to israel. final determine termination has not been made on how to proceed with that shipment. but specifically, we're focused on the end use, especially rather focused on the end use of the 2000 pound bombs and the impact that they could have in a dense urban setting is we've seen and other parts of guys in congress cost in pete's the president. for his threats and actions in israel. now some people say
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joe biden is doing this for his re election, which would be bad enough. it would also, i have to add, be grounds for impeachment under the democrats, trump ukraine standard as withholding for an aide to help one to re election. the bottom white house has been the most anti is real administration. this nation has ever seen literally from day one. the bottom, the white house has been undermining, is rule at every step of the way. impeachment is really unlikely, but it does show the level of frustration in congress. they go to, to give billions of dollars to israel in military aid, but only do as president has the power to deliver it, or not. patty complain, elda 0 washington, or joining us is this yano is docket i. he's professional golf politics at costco university. thank you very much indeed for being with us once again. and there are reports that there is going to be a report issued by a secretary. so us secretary state on to me blinking later on today,
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which is going to be talking about the middle of the meetings generally. but we'll also talk about the situation and gas are. the implication we understand is that it is going to criticize israel, but it is going to say that israel is not breaking the terms of weapons use. where do you think that's? is that going to leave joe biden on this threat to the matching yahoo correlation that he's going to withhold weapons if it moves in on a broad scale in rough or what we live a by the, in the same place has been, or the 6 months in a meet with the criticizing button, not taking an actual actions to stop what is going on and go so we can we, we get seen how the phone by there has been changed in our growing increasing since the 6 months ago saying to the funny who many things, so thing, it's a stop, but nothing happened. i'm doing anything that proved to be efficient is to say, well, guns with us will not go to your place. this week we had the lot of reactions from the start. but also from inside the united states, we see how the,
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the republicans have criticizing heavy it by them for shifting their policy. the policy, even though so far, nothing happened or so. what's the criticism they've made in the needs of me about the actions were not that good. we were waiting for these reports 2 days ago. it was not released. now we see that maybe they have been negotiating with the funding . we know that the stop that's in or before submitting this or releasing this report by the end of the day and the report, we'd say nothing. so i didn't know the date. but what is the difference between what happened 3 or 4 months ago when? by the said or this thing to have done. yeah. hold on to now nothing. i mean that they actually changing the by them policy is not to be civil because i've been kind of changed the policies and we were talking to military analyst a about to israel's military action. in his off i, he was saying that they went to me. that's fine and starting to withhold wouldn't actually make any difference anyway, because the nature of the conflict and rough as changing. how significant does it
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do you think one would imagine that the divide administration knows that, but they chose to make this withholding of weaponry public. this was a very, this appears to be a very public review. do you think that there is having the residents that both within israel but also i it within the us that dividing ministration by hope. huh, exactly. and this needs to be done in a way that is not harm in the relations between united states on yesterday. and it still time and the security officer i left the or may make clear. but given and based on the message political message to, to, to please try to say you have to stop. but that's important. if the messer is not even having every other impact on the war by then can do it. i mean, it's able to do it because i think it would, they would not harm the safety of these threats and he can give a very strong message if he doesn't do it, it is only fucking without making any measure it. but the problem is that the, within the democratic party, even one of the parts of,
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of the vice presidential candidates of, of, of it by then it makes electricity, has been goods that they can publicly can see. and i'm the love of the change in by the inside policy. so she kind of make a decision on who's in the me though. he wants to show some stronger position for food and that the criticism inside the united states is growing heel and europe of course. and how many goes the site is being paula rice with people that they are totally against. by the i choose a human being pro home us we, we had a need them from the that it from east presence. and that's how i'm us know by then, but also a much more radical criticism with him. then when he goes to the site, the, to stop the relation, that's all i need to stop there waiting with united states. you said dealing with is that, and of course, by the, we loose boats on the one side or the other. if he's only been thinking about this conflict in terms of electronic gain, some of the largest with your, with me though you would not take one specific religion. and the last thing that we
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have to bear in mind here is that everything is same party until the elections. yeah, you guys have a long time. no. what expect is this to fix 7 model. we have about 5 from the elections on anything that this any major body sticking by by then we'd be left if by time not just very briefly, i just would imagine also exhausted bit to kind of try and divisions that they're all live in congress as well. because congress and speaker johnson had fought hard to get a deal through on a variety of different subjects, but part of it, a cold part of it was applying billions of dollars to israel. i'm. what's your assessment of the fact that congress has a struggle to get those deals with and then all of a sudden it's just chopped off a central or at least paused by the president. how do you think the ramifications of that are going to play up the phone grows? what i have seen that this is showing that the within department, that it's no agreement about what to do and that the owner wants to show stronger
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position, trying to preserve the american foreign policy most abroad, mainly eliminates has to be home a lot. but we thought they'd get a risk in the main ally of, of the, of the united states in the region. a, i, one of the main support this of the most of the campaign at one of the, the biggest supporting from criticizing a strategy. and i maybe kind of do it because i strongly buy it so they need to play in that way. that's, that's showing that they've been kind of, i mean, uh, democrats, i leave it on the kind of support this policy and they have to push for more democracy or you mind right well, reentered for the policy. but on the other hand, we doubt and eliminated already keeping the release of the have with the, with the spelling, the reason pushing those are kind of we appreciate it. thank you very much. i a human agency for palestinian refugees as 10 put oddly shot tickets. headquarters and occupied east jerusalem. the building surroundings were twice set on fire by
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what own was calling is really extreme is had to the agency freely blocks. i mean it and it says you install for it on the come find on the fires cost extensive damage to the outdoor areas. you and it says that stuff is had to put out the fire themselves as an is really 5. a gauge took a long time to turn up is really exactly so it made it difficult for goods to enter through any border crossing to gaza. although the alpha is the main crossing for age to enter this step demonstrations by satler's of added to the stranglehold and life saving supplies. by blocking a road near the caught him, i was feeling crossing israel, shut down, i'll just say it is all probations in israel. reporting from outside the country, stephanie decker reports from amman and jordan, the rocks scattered across the road. an effort to buy is really for testers to block a trucks from reaching garza from
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the sky, the backlog becomes clear. many of these talks are meant to enter goza through the get them signed them crossing in the south of the strip. please use water, tended to disperse, the demonstrators, get them up asylum reopened on wednesday after how master walker to talk with the current operation by israel's military. the one says no policy and workers can safely reach the other side to process the goods. the main aid archery into the south. the crossing with egypt also blocked since israel moved in with tanks. a few days ago. the by did administration has put a lot of pressure on israel to allow more aid into garza. the northern arrows
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crossing opened on the day us secretary of state anthony blinking was here early may the 1st time since it was damaged and the october 7th attack. and the 1st shipment has left the cypress on its way to the american built floating dock. the controversial move that would bring aid into garza from the sea. but aid agencies say if the land borders were open with new constructions, that would be the easiest fost and most efficient way to get a to the by listing and people. a jordan is also send a trucks to garza and some of those have come under attack from right. we is ready, protest or is jordan. spar ministry has condemn the attack, saying it holds israel fully accountable, and that israel should do more to ensure the swift and safe entry of age into gaza . that's a legal obligation as the occupying power, stephanie decker, which is 0. and that the still ahead on all does it up to? yes, another incident on board, a bullying bosses are playing. at least 10 people are injured as
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a 77 incentive gulf views of the runway and captions fire the hell i will say lots of warm spring sunshine. of course, a good positive year probably with the next couple of days. love the bigger area of high pressure keeping things step more every way i've got a bit more cloud coming in across the northwest. them is still saying some movie shows for a central part. so somebody tried it, a couple of areas of low pressure here which will bring back to windy or weather away from the balkans. what was about to some shout was just pushing across greece, easing over toward c, g, and pushing across towards the talk to you guys. but going through the next
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conversation, the sun shining to central to west about 23 celsius in london and domestic woman's in athens. as you can see, we did it around 291 or 2 showers, just cropping up across northern parts of spain as we go on through the weekend. what's the weather coming into orland by that stage as well? and what's the weather, moving across a good positive, touchy, i will. sunshine in between. focus on the so i may want across the good part of north africa per square is lifted center across the so as per usual to per screen that you can see cause northern areas of algae area pushing across to was egypt shall, is gathering quite nice the now the seasonal range doing quite nicely across a good part of west africa, pushing that way. but the north of the, the amazon home to indigenous people and diverse ecosystems is being destroyed
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by relentless drilling for oil. they're living in direct contact with petroleum through peer border. and so in ecuador, communities of fighting the corporate joins in a battle for survival and to save the lives of the world. how does he was you see doing the fine glass. ok. foundation is deliberate, over $300000000.00 will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set talks an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis, haven't had going through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the
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you want to know just need a reminder about top stories is, is there any forces have been intensifying attacks on the rough button, southern gas, and more than $100.00 sizes, palestinians of escapes and the size since monday. many of them heading to the central part of district. there's really prime minister of insistence troops will move ahead with an assault on does offer, despite warnings by the us presidential by just starting to cut off the supply of some types of weapons. but benjamin netanyahu says israel will stand alone if it has to a b one agency for palestinian refugees. those 10 foot ali, closing his headquarters and occupied east jerusalem for building surroundings were twice set on fire by what it called is really extremely agency who says the famous
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cause expensive damage. now the border crossing was the main lifeline for aids to gaza. and it's people know that are serious concerns about our washing humanitarian catastrophe. but how does the world health organization says hospitals and southern gaza will run out of fuel for the generators on friday? and the deputy director for the un agency for palestinian refugees is wanting the fuel and food will to be depleted by the same time. some rose as the director of planning for on walk. and he described the humanitarian situation inside the strength. no aid has come in as a gauze and now says sunday, no, a nose, you know, supplies, nothing. them we rarely on now down to last. it is a we have a few more days of flower that we can, we can provide but everything else will start. so shut down very, very soon without fuel. ready without water, there's nothing that we can do with any of the supply for the situation is really,
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really desperate. we went out this morning, the situation on this scale. it was difficult to apply for any way. it becomes absolutely impossible if we're not able to get a fuel and if we're not able to get things out and those are, those are the lifeline. so without that is very visual that we can do. we can read that voice slightly to move some results as to where people are moving soon, but we have to do that part of the castle 8 to 10. so to avoid racing kind of amongst and already exhausted traumatized population people, i'd treat by people. i've been fair in this for a long, long time. and it's now upon us. there. there is some, some bombardment, there's smoke on the horizon. there are people on the new we estimation as of last night about a 110000 people from roof. i had been displaced that have moved on to some of those to other parts of rafa,
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but many of them elsewhere i'm here in the on right headquarters, which is the house to the entire 8 operation in gaza. we were surrounded by an id p count, but i looked out of my window this morning and it's all 70. i've seen yours on was a disney chart since that i've not been able to see some of the people that do whatever they have to sleep say. yeah. yeah. where are they going to? there are no safe places, as we know that'd be pushed into san jews or pushed back to con eunice, which has been absolutely devastated over the past the past several weeks and is essentially life ruins. they will receive the message as the flyers from the ad's having them bordering events to move and they just have to move the minutes. our communities cannot be policy to that. and then because then ways to select sites, eng, force displacement, which is a legal on the international law. so we do what we can to simple people when they arrive. but as your correspondence set, there is no space,
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there are no suppliers. and this is an incredibly dangerous environment. the bombing isn't just restricted to limited to eastern rafa, this heavy bombing beyond those areas as well. so right now is the status of a rock for this quite a heavy bombardment device that is in the us are calling in police to arrest students who remain defiant and their protests against the war on garza and the colleges. ties with israel, a major civil rights organization. the national association for the advancement of colored people is condemning what it calls, excessive police force. john 100 reports from chicago. the, the, the academic year is ending across the u. s. with universities are sending in police to break up protests one campus after another. at the massachusetts institute of technology on thursday, police arrested several students in graduate workers at the university of
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massachusetts and hers police arrested more than a 100 at johns hopkins university in baltimore, a deadline to break up camper. phase legal and academic sanctions has passed, leaving students disguising their identities and defining authorities. we're still here and i don't think we're going anywhere until our demands are met. after reaching police raids at the university of chicago and the school of the art institute of chicago students in america's 3rd largest city, no man alone protest can. his counter protesters look on. this is the last encampment in the city of chicago in here at depaul university as it universities across the nation. there is the constant threat that police will come in here, tear down the tents and started arresting people at case western university in ohio. when students refused to move away from a so called spirit wall, where they've been allowed to write their views, contractors spray painted over them. we are here because we understand that asking
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our university to not be invested in a genocide is something very reasonable. a week after students were arrested at the new school in new york, the demonstrations continue. well, over 40000 people are dead and because they're arresting students for sleeping in the building, they're allowed to be and that if anything has just made the new school loves so much for us outside the university of southern california 1000 shut down a major street for a pro israel rally as more university presidents consider calling in more police under pressure from donors. students stand their ground in wait, john henry and l g 0. chicago is what was want to place in the final of the eurovision song contest despite the calls for the country to be banned because of the war and gaza. there's been a heavy police presence since the competition is been getting underway in this way . the city of mama is ready entrance has been moved during the semi final
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rehearsals on wednesday. police reports from mama, a thousands of demonstrators gathered in the centre of mile by on thursday. the goal, not totally to protest against israel's offensive, and garza but that's an is riley entry, had been permitted to compete in the euro vision song contest being held in sweden's, that city. oh yeah. uh some good many who live in mama from palestine. so it feels very bad for them. it's a completely idiotic because then if you combine the russia, then of course you have to bunch as well this on the, on some of the stuff that we want to show the new ones that being to, which does not mean you against palestine real for palestinians and their right to live and have been life valued. the revision week has turned into one of the biggest police operations ever seen in sweden. the authorities have been preparing for more than 100000 arrivals in mile by a mix up the festival crowd. an unpredictable number of demonstrates has with
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getting reinforcements from all over sweden, but also promoted nordic police colleagues seeing that unlock and the way that we're on the, for, on the 5 scale, the 5th level. and of course we've been been have that we've seen our planning work for this for this event also, but there's no direct threat to the you'll be some, some who do say they feel in the threat of from well most jewish minority. you help the own raleigh in the city on thursday. the 4th template for no, but from logan. we are being held accountable for what another state has done. if we support the state, that's one thing. but for people to express anti semitism or racism is something different. my father used to say on anti semitism is everywhere. as long as it's not obligatory you can live. once it becomes obligatory, it's time to move anger on the streets, didn't affect the revision come test. israel's aden golan was voted through to. so today's final with his song hurricane. the tide live,
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which organizes the monday be changed from october, rain at the wrecked reference to how much is attacked on these rail demonstrations have been going on old i in my, i'm, i'm with a spontaneous protest light. and so the noise as well. these people and perhaps many thousands more, we'd like to get on subsidized to protest against, as well as pulses, pricing, video, vision, whole race all these era, while my child's electro commissions declared military ruler, mama is debbie. the winner of monday's presidential election is main. rival of success must follow is contesting the provisional results and is calling for peaceful protests on friday. mondays, long delayed vote has been aimed at ending 3 years of military rule address reports from childs capital and german scenes of give relation on
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the streets of japan. as a result of the election warehouse, my mother has been how much that is the 3784360 or 6 to 1.03 percent of the vote. had the president responded in a nationwide address in view of this sweeping victory, i am now the elected president of all champions. not only the president of those who voted for me, but also the president of those who made other choices. his biggest challenge, a prime minister success must rec claim to it was a few hours before the official announcement. i believe i did deal with all charges you quoted for change world. for me, i say, mobilized peacefully to calmly with the same spirit of peace that you have shown in thinking about the future that we're going to book together. security is tied to the streets of the capital,
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must rise corps for protest on friday. by the address of orders, i know to to this election is meant to bring the country back to civilian rule. after debbie sees power in the trade to trade to one cool. it says he's promised to try to have this on the field. although he's probably minister would disagree the person victory was widely expected, but it's not only your support as well. happy. some members will be on tools as going into cell number 3. guns flashed into the nice, you barely consolation. very short, prime minister has what the many supporters have been holding party from the high just jump regions across the house to deal with a typically divided nation. how many degrees? obviously, the domain of these talks between the sides to the ends, government and the coordination of rebel groups are being held in kenya with the name to end the conflicts. despite the 2026 far the violence has continued, especially in the side of the country, set to hold genuinely elections in december. but security remains
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a top concern for voltage to play and counting 85 people's viewed off the wrong way and burst into flames. incentives, all incident took place. after the bonus, 737 came to a stop cause international, airport time people, including the pilots, were injured authorities say the cause of the fire is being investigated. nicholas hawk reports from dot com. we are at bless john international airport. one of the busiest airport in west africa that was shut down for a number of hours after an incident took place on this very runaway. early on thursday morning, at 1 o'clock in the morning, the air sent a goal flight operated by trans. there took off h c 301, a boeing 737 bound to bama, but moments later the pilot, since they were troubles with the airplane. so it came back to this airport to try
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to get it fixed. but as it took off again, it's get it off the runway with one of its engine catching fire. now over 10 people are injured, 7 of them critically, among them. the pilots. this latest incident on a boeing 737 comes at a time where there is an increase scorching over the manufacturer. in fact, a former quality control manager of one of the main suppliers to boeing says that some of the of the plane parts leaves a factory floor with serious defects. and so there is now an investigation underway to try to find out how this latest incident on a boeing 737 took place. nicholas hawk allen's is 0, the car part of his presidency legs. jose arrival, marino says, my goal is to enter the country through the dowdy gap. i got to face deportation.
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that i didn't got is a dangerous 165 kilometers a stretch of jungle which connects south and central america. it's a key route for migrants heading from south america towards the united states. well, you know, places during his election campaign to close the dining and gap in an effort to cub migration they give me a shout, a more with international aid, we will begin the process of patry ation in full compliance with the human rights of all the people that search with down the in south america and those who would like to come need to know that whoever arrives here is going to be sent back to the country of origin. a major trade unions in argentina. however long since nationwide, a general strike for the 2nd time in less than 5 months. for 24 hours trains buses on flight services are being shot done. it was launched, but the general labor confederation to protest against president harvey malays austerity measures his taking office in december malay has an as
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a raft of public spending cuts muscular operations that are underway in funded areas of southern brazil as the desktop rises to at least a 107 people, dozens of people are still missing in the video granted to so which was hit by storms last week. more than 230000 people have been displaced and forced out of their homes. officials say more rain is in the full cost. meanwhile, the neighboring owed why heavy rains have caused flooding in an area close to southern brazil. more than 1000 people have been forced to move and thunder storms and turn natives have read through parts of central and southern united states. at least 2 people have been killed in tennessee, official se tornadoes have damaged more than a 100 homes in the city of columbia. the china is condemned,
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joined military exercises by the philippines and the united states and waters near taiwan. the live drills are being conducted in the northern region of the philippines, but the local government there isn't too keen on the increasingly warm relations between washington. i'm manila, as donovan though reports from katya province. this facility in cause and valley in the northern philippines, irritates nearly 9000 hector as a farm land. it's one of a few infrastructure projects in the country funded by china and built during the term a former president. would we good authority? what the grands governor says there could have been more if president ferdinand barclays junior, had a devout american forces to use philippine and military facilities of course of the uncertainty of the future. and of course, if they can show individual, at least that's a benefit as far as invest or stuff. plus lots of chinese used to frequent
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casino resorts in some done a town in the north eastern edge of cuz they had now such a stablish means that catered for chinese are mostly empty. this town in the northern tip of the philippines was points to become a hub for chinese investments, but plans for a $500000000.00 tech sell factory at $836.00 whole golf course, for example, have been shelved. meanwhile, the town now host one of 2 military bases in the province of command, that the united states has been given access to sent on uh is less than a 500 kilometers from the southern tip of tie one. china considers the self ruled island, its own and vows, reunification by force if necessary. and david, a full blown war they took states in china. what would want to make use of strategic locations in areas for the project short of their be the battery powered?
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the us already making a show of its military power over the past few days by conducting life buyer exercises with filipino troops in areas of the philippines facing taiwan. but beyond combat drills, american soldiers also helped build classrooms and cause they on all parts of public at that the largest annual joint exercises between us and philippine forces back in time he showed of the shoulder so shoulders fairly with our um, filipino counterparts in the united states and its good for us cuz we come here to learn from them how to construction for the construction concrete cmu block. and together we can bring what we both know its a bonus go for the community. as the chinese coast guard repeatedly deployed water cannons against the living bustles in the south china sea pulse show, most filipinos favor close ties with the us, but where chinese investments have provided jobs and services us fire. power alone may not be enough to wind over hearts and minds. barnaby low al jazeera, cynthia,
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on a cookie on the philippines companies. i've coby is that a new world record for flying. the biggest number of drones in a single light show more than 5 files and drones are made up to display its been a headline to attraction at an international exhibition showcasing the latest and unmanned aerial vehicle of override reports. so in shop, in south korea, us in the night sky over the port city of inch on a synchronize show comprising 5290 sweet points of light. each a single drove just a few years ago drug shows like these when measured in the hundreds increasing in scale and sophistication. they represent the cumulative efforts of a small army of technicians all working to put an autistic vision into the sky. a mission that this team says it never ties of just the level of creativity that goes
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in and the level of passion. it's always, it's like art. there's always a sense of passion, excitement, when you see something. when you see that what people to do with technology, that technology now allows for drones being moved in swoons with an accuracy of less than one centimeter. it's a stunning demonstration of grown power that's on show with the nearby exhibition center, showing off the rapid integration of drones into virtually every aspect of our lives. the business of commercial drones is full cost to see double digit growth in the coming. he is enabled by rapidly developing technologies from the occupational intelligence that controls them to the factories, the power of the whole industry. that until relatively recently didn't even exist and like other, technologically driven industries, promising boundless possibilities, we don't even know about yet. so even with us,
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5 years ago we saw, you know, we were doing shapes in the sky as we pushed the limits of the technology. as we push other technology that there's going to be more and more new industries evolving. we kind of, you're just barely looking over the horizon, getting a sense of the to rise. and it seems that will increasingly be filled with drones. what mcbride douches era in john, south korea. i saw the born deaf and the u. k. can know here after she's been given, provide breaking gene therapy scan. i have a case of good money here. me opal sandy, herself a condition called audio you'd office a disrupt never signal is from the year to the brain. trial therapy use a modified virus to effectively replace the fault of dna, which has been causing or deafness. parents say they're amazed by the results. i'm
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gonna be back in a couple of minutes more all the stuff is i'm about to stay with us and i'll just 11 days that ended more than 60 young live in may 2021. the powerful testimony of palestinian families in gaza. as they remember, the children killed during the is really bumming 3 years ago. 11 days in may. all i'll just say are of the
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. ringback the calling attention, quality pollution and extra additional cleanings in kenny is low income communities . silent brother was killed by police. they don't fit the voices, but the one past one day, an organizer on the wrapper. how old are these people from the begun supplementing buffer, then they have someone not to be put on the bus that it will go for. but in generation change, can you change is coming, is no doubt about it on a just the here's from, i'll just on the go in the tonight out is there is only move i laugh is that the, this is where we, the effect allies from out is there is move i last available in your
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favorite types to just set for it and tapped on a new app from out to 0 new at using is it the is really a tax on eastern of off i intensify. more than a 100000 people outside the area so far the i'm about to center. this is out to 0 life and go home. also coming up, israel continues to block humanitarian aid from entering the strip, leaving the medical system just days away from running out of fuel and supplies. if there is room has to stand alone, will stand him. there's only 5 minutes.


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