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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 10, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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so i'll just areas move i last available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at you think is it the is really a tax on eastern of off i intensify. more than a 100000 people or 5, the we're so far the know about this in a, this is on the 0 life from doha. also coming up, israel continues to block humanitarian aid from entering the strip, leaving the medical system just days away from running out of fuel and supplies. if there is room has to stand alone, will stand or is there any problem at all?
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so says he hopes to overcome disagreements with the us president, buddy in system major operation in rafa. we'll go ahead plus the with the the . is there any forces escalating the tax on jobs of southern region of rafa over a 100000 people are not flat draft since monday, moving north to escape the worst of the fighting at least 2 medical facilities and the size of no shot dining. and they're sending people north for health, more than $1700000.00 palestinians of salt, shelter and safety and gaza, southern most city for months. on monday, these are the military drop leaf sites in the eastern parts of it, off or ordering. people to evacuate is really mandatory, is now taking control of both the alpha and cut them
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a booster land border crossings. preventing humanitarian aid entering the gaza strip. the area is marked in blue. here is where it is. very forces a company station. they force nearly a 100000 palestinians to flee the southern part of the strip on and off most in there on by the outside of the hospital. what's the situation there? as thousands of people? slaves offer the yes very well as the day progresses. these randy military is fully intensifying the tax across the eastern part of brooklyn city, particularly in areas of us to allow neighborhood of janina neighborhood that being repeatedly targeted within the past 7 months. we're just traction quite visible for people who evacuated these areas in the past. 7 months and since the beginning of, of this genocide and where they're more areas that are coming under intense bombardment right now. but what seems to be is getting more in
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a sense right now is the expansion of the bombing campaign by the artillery selling and air strikes that the central part from city at all the way to where people have been evacuated for the past months. just, you know, we do it in, in force people into the evacuation. it says not only about the text messages right now or the phone calls of the police for right now, the use of extreme force by it is really another theory. and the intimidating the presence of the quad copper, these are small a. it, it drones the heart with guns attached to them. and they're causing quite a deal of tonic for people because deacons shoot a moving object and they can fly at a very lower that we got reported from the eye witness who could clearly hear it. these are drones, are broadcasting sounds of tanks, moving it, screaming women and children just the cause to further cause the state of panic and
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fear. so people are eventually evacuating or leaving the areas there seems to be from the pattern of attack. that is really military is intending to expand its military operations even though not officially stating that in media, but it's happening gradually. as we hear from people. meanwhile, is really military. it's also continues to strike at the eastern part of the ton unit city. we got a confirmed report of 8 people of from one families, all, all 8 people's brothers and as well as cousins were killed in a single type on. 6 residential home, these people are from ibis, found the place a part of the city, and that was a relentless, the attack when the entire through to find even this was under the military and the military control, as well as the invasion of the ground forces for the past months, these google were at their residential home that was destroyed and they were
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filtering it another one next to it, they were inspecting on the trails of destruction and devastation caused by this really military. not. i understand that, but there are agencies who are wanting that the supplies of food for you and food and water beginning to run. are they to be running out by friday? what else do we know about that? a o is even getting worse, not only just these 2 basic elements that represent the lifeline for the hundreds of 1000 of displays. families moving it from rock by do defense from the area. but we're seeing the limited resources are everywhere in use because of the ongoing exposure of the roof i have crossing and carmel, who has been in front of it for the the 4th day in a row with no, not a single. the truck has been allowed to move into the gaza strip. not none of them . no fuel is allowed. just put the uh,
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the remaining health facilities in clinical. we didn't hospital and fuel the hospital in robust city address. go shutting down their power generators and a, causing a damage to the ongoing operations inside the hospital, putting patients and injuries at risk. because again, we're looking at oxygen pipelines as well as emergency. i see you units inside these hospitals are going to shut down without, without a fuel. also, water is a problem right now. here in over a crowd. it is spaces in there is, but i city with more people moving into a small area already over crowded with this ways. families are from the northern part and garza city. just making it more uh, more difficult for people to survive at all. signs indicate right now, soon enough with ongoing closure. signs of famine is going to have fear similar to what we witness is still going on in the northern part and gauze. i've heard it outside outlets, the hospital and dental bala, honey,
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thank you very much. all correspondent who know color is also in general about a in central guy. so she's got the stories of some palestinians who fled this off is displaced for a 3rd time. so as to find to find many are fleeing beautiful as best they can with what little they have left. and the little they moved us from gaza and told us to go to the south after the south. they told us to go to han unit after that we came here to say rod and from c ride to derek, but then they brought us to rough off. they said it's a safe place, it wasn't safe. we keep moving from one place to another. this child was born during the war. what is his fault? the family members say they've been told to go to newness, but they have no food or water and are worried. well, the situation is it has, we just wants a solution. what do we want? we want to solution and we want to go back to about city to gaza. the road leading
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out to reflect now look like this. thousands of harmonies are being forced to sleep once again. but as is really bombardments continues across the cause of sleep. safety is hard to find anywhere, said non assistant, them as in some were tired or mental wellbeing is tired, it's been destroyed that there is no wellbeing offense. even the young ones have been destroyed. my children were not like this before the worst. no education, no food, no drink, nothing. no one sends us any money. we have no aid and just where are we to go? beautiful. once again, those in the north face farm and many have left the central garza but only one water station is working there. the reality is there's no safe place for them to go in the comedy central, gaza palestine. just ita is it was captured, is it off a border crossing means no. a trucks have been able to get through since sunday and
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with supplies cut off. people are running out of medicine on basic necessities under the hood explains. so let's look at how the situation in drop off has changed . covering around 65 square kilometers, drop off was inhabited by about $275000.00 people before israel launched it's we're ongoing. so with repeated force displacements. 8 go back to one and a half 1000000. that's the same population as munich in germany. that's nearly 5 times as large as 300 square kilometers. these images show tense and displacement caps now filling, previously empty areas, as well as gardens and other spaces between homes. these rarely army ordered palestinians to leave the eastern part of it off and head to the l y. c area. an estimated $100000.00 people are now sheltering there, but it's only 6 and
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a half square kilometers and has little infrastructure. these really military sealed off the only exit from gaza when it took over that off of border crossing traffic. palestinians inside is there. any problem is that benjamin netanyahu has been interviewed by us child show host dr. phillips, and he's explained the sometimes complex relationship. he's hot with president joe biden. the engineer becomes israel is under pressure from the white house to ensure that it's a visual and civilian casualties are minimalized in operations in guys, a southern city of rafa. president biden has started to withhold more weapons if any plan for them is really designed to solve into it off and goes ahead. and i've known joe biden for many years or 40 years and more. you know, we often had agreements, but we've had our disagreements. we've been able to overcome them. i hope we can overcome them now. but we will do what we have to do to protect our country. well,
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benjamin netanyahu has cabinets bind, i'll just data from israel. so mama junction is joining us now live from and i, we're learning any more about what benjamin netanyahu has been saying in that interview to rob. we have heard a few more portions of that interview that benjamin that's now okay. with dr. phil mcgraw, he mentioned nothing. yeah. who mentioned that there are 24 battalions in all associated with him. us in gaza that the israeli army has thus far been able to destroy 20 of those battalions, and that the 4 remaining battalions are in the off hand that that is why they are continuing to advance into the past so that they can destroy those battalions, destroy how much and achieve their war aims? nothing. yeah. who also mentioned that at some point there are going to be questions asked about the intelligence failures that lead to october 7th. and that
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that time will come. but that right now the focus needs to be on achieving the names of the war beyond that and nothing. yeah. who also mentioned that he believes that once the war is over, there will most likely be some type of civilian government or administration setup and gaza. that he believes that we'll need the assistance of international actors that potentially the united arab emirates and saudi arabia could participate, potentially, maybe other international actors as well. but he said essentially that those decisions would be coming later. all of this a very much in line with what we've heard from that's in the a who in the past. and certainly in the last few days, we've heard netanyahu's say again and again that if there are allies aren't willing to help them, that israel is willing to go alone in this fight. in fact, just yesterday, we heard a quote from that to me a who in which he said that if they don't have more weapons from the us, that they would fight if they needed to, with their mails from your mom. and i'll have
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a chance to look at briefly at the transcripts of the interview that dr. phil did. i think it is fair to say that none of the questions really seem particularly challenging for benjamin netanyahu. it's an interesting choice by nothing you know, whose team isn't it that instead of being interviewed by one of the major networks they've chosen to go with a syndicated talk show and somebody who's a tv doctor, is there any speculation about why they might have chosen that as well, it certainly isn't extreme choice, rob, especially when you consider the fact that nothing yahoo has been under fire by his critics and israel for months now for not submitting to questions for to tough questions from is really media from is really journalist for not sitting down with these really news programs who want to have the chance to ask him about those intelligence failures that lead to how much is attack on october 7th. what we've seen the past several months repeatedly is nothing yahoo sitting down for
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interviews with for, and media specifically on numerous occasions. he has sought out the american mainstream media landscape. he has given interviews to american journalists in his critics and israel. i have repeatedly said that these interviews have not been tough enough and that the reason that netanyahu wants to give those interviews to those 4 in outlets is because he doesn't want to face tough question. and now certainly, dr. phil, this is a, this is a program that is not known or renowned for interviews with world leaders, let alone leaders in the middle east. so this is a very interesting choice. we have not seen reaction yet, and these really media to this particular interview, but i do expect that there will be criticism of nothing. yahoo for having done this, dr. phil is somebody who was known as a self helped dora. he is a television doctor. he has a degree in clinical psychology, not the type of setting you would expect for benjamin netanyahu. certainly a shift in the strategy. it seems like they wanted a softball interview and it seems like that's what they got. and i do believe that he will be facing criticism throughout israel for getting this interview,
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but we'll have to wait in the hours. they have to see what people are saying. they're on the how much i'm jim and i'm on for us. thank you very much indeed. with joining us as the piano is duncan, i, he's a professor of golf politics across our university. so mohammed was just explaining to us about what the fee is with speculation is, and israel's about hearts might have motivated benjamin nation. yahoo! his team to choose dr. phil, to do this, this interview at the suggestion being that it, he is trying to appeal direct, say to the american public. but it's a financing, certainly the discussions you and i have filed over the last dollars of the divisions within the us with regard to israel. but also with regard within israel itself are getting stronger. exciting, and we keep seeing that the, the, the most recent that gave us and finding out when they against the way he's dealing with the work have been increasing the way that he's not giving priority to the release of the horses if it. but we see also that the surveys are they have been contacted lately. i shouldn't say some in the probably could be a note that nathaniel last or this report,
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but that there was you have the much more for i some of that before it with and much more people within the less than the center is saying that the main priority story, this house is that they already sent in and verify that shouldn't take place. but in the ride we support this steel 55 percent of them because here that nobody showed off, i should take place. and the difference of they want to do is a 2nd priority. so we see that's within the started. so site the they are not consensus about what is it probably wouldn't be the big over. i should follow the same have been with the electronic parts. we have some parts of the over this, it may, but the show that liquid, some of the lowest in relate to a couple of us. but however, they have been reading all the lectures before. so it doesn't mean that even though the presidents now they have a majority or liquids, how the majority of the seats. this means that the day of the election or the day off to be like some, the could be arrangement between different parties that liquids and other tribes we
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can part piece of the of support them. know that is from the government to renew the equation that they have. now, how many under present in the way the work? we make some of the members of the, of the, of the current equation to leave or north, depending on how he's dealing with the war. we know that some of the members of the company that are even asking more buffer procedures in by far from the, the actually the me because we have designed the benjamin as much as the finance minister. and it's not been clear. the national security administer have both essentially said that if it has any sort of ceasefire agreement at all, they are going to leave the call relation. the collection collapses, elections happen, and then nothing you house future is up for grabs. that's our ducks in the future. there is that we're getting reports that we understand that says that us equity of state and to me, blanking is going to be issuing his own report into the situation. and with that, israel has found itself with, with regards to gaza. we understand it's going to criticize guys a, but it isn't going to also say that israel is not breaking the terms or weapons use
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when it comes to how it is using back and read within jobs. and now we have, we know that on to the blank can excuse me, joe biden. the president of the united states. i said that he was going to withhold weapons if his real goes on big scale into gaza. where is this report likely to leave that determination? by joe biden, not to allow those weapons to go through it when leap will be in i'm in the sitting on the was supposed to be on the test me before saying or increase in the home. it goes uh they follow police on the drop off, but we doubted risk in the alliance and with the risk and the security of your state. i see she made but the key and the lane some and a release of a weight. most of the not specifically use know in the war is a message is not an action that'd be affected. always rarely speaking with the work . so what is we end assembly there something before, even though as you see that they did the score. so by that has to be an increase in because it's showing the 1st increasing frustration that they have been facing
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because of finding out who lack of response for what everything that by then keeps asking things that they to of the patient which is not going to we appreciate it as always. thank you very much indeed. do an agency of a palestinian refugees such as temporarily shutting its headquarters and occupied east jerusalem. the building surroundings were twice set on fire by what on what called is really extreme. us had a v agency. so as you and stuff were on the account and when the fires were started and cause extensive damage to outdoor areas, the one the size of style put the fires out themselves as one is really 5 because it took too long to turn up. this is still a head and i'll just say it up. another incident on board a boeing passenger plane. at least 10 people are injured as a 7 to 7 and set a golf for yourself on one way and catches fire the
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the hello. we have plenty of warm spring sunshine across much of europe. you can see last the clear sky. see a high pressure is in charge and that highest the lid on the atmosphere, suppressing any cloud, keeping it clear and sunny and with winds coming in from a southerly direction because west impulse, that's where we will see the a waste of the weather. i have a tool to southeast you can see this little area of live pressure that sliding away must bring you some other live you sure i was in across greece, the runaway i be toward stuckey. i some weather coming through here. possibly the old rumble to of, from the really love settle to enter that western side of a rush hour. but for most, as you can see, long as the clear sky specified why the cloud into central europe warm sunshine over towards the west 29 celsius. the imagery i run into the twenty's to full paris at old side for london splattering a shower has to develop across northern parts of spain. as we go on in society,
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notice temperature and madrid up to 30 degrees celsius book watches. watch across the east side of the med, but we will see some wet to whether slipping across the bus was i'm pushing over toward stuckey a then cause northern parts of africa did we try and sunny as per usual, plenty of shambles around the gulf of guinea. now, and then making good advice north and try to increase the way here. the george and i'll just need a reminder of a job. so is this are, is there any forces have an intensifying attack? so rough uh, in southern gaza,
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more than 100000 palestinians. i've escaped and the sides since monday was many heading to the central district. as well as prime minister in systems troops. we'll go ahead with an assault on the rafa, despite warnings from the us presidential by the starting to stop supplying some types of weapons. but benjamin netanyahu says, israel will stand alone if it has to you an agency for palestinian refugee says it's tempered ali, closing his headquarters and occupied east jerusalem. the building surroundings were twice set on fire by what it called is really extremists. it set the flames caused expensive damage. is there any protest as a block the rows leading to the kind of mobile cell and border crossing station in the gaza is used by trucks carrying humanitarian aid. benjamin netanyahu, whose cabinet has shut down, and obviously it is all probations in israel. so we're reporting from outside the country. stephanie back of reports from amman and jordan rocks scattered across the
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road. an effort to buy is really protested as to block a trucks from reaching garza from the sky, the backlog becomes clear. many of these trucks are meant to enter goza to the get them who signed them crossing in the south of the strip police use, walter tended to disperse the demonstrators getting mobile style and reopened on wednesday officer how master walker to talk with the current operation by israel's military, the one says no policy and workers can safely reach the other side to process the goods. domain aid archery into the south that offer crossing with egypt
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also blocked since israel moved in with tanks a few days ago. the by did administration has put a lot of pressure on israel to allow more aid into garza. the northern arrows crossing opened on the day us secretary of state anthony blinking was here early may the 1st time since it was damaged and the october 7th, the top. and the 1st shipment has left the cypress on its way to the american built floating dock. the controversial move that would bring aid into garza from the sea . but aid agencies say if the land borders were open with new constrictions, that would be the easiest fastest, and most efficient way to get a to the ballasting and people. a jordan is also send a trucks to garza and some of those have come under attack from right when is ready, protest or is jordan. spar ministry has condemned the attack saying that hold israel fully accountable. and that israel should do more to ensure the swift and
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safe entry of age into gaza. that's a legal obligation as the occupying power. stephanie decker, which is 0. i'm at sun rose is director of planning for online and he describes the humanitarian situation inside the stripe. a l. a doesn't come in as a garza now since sunday. no. a no, you know supplies nothing. them we rarely all. now down to less res, uh, we have a few more days of the flower that we can, we can provide, but everything else will start to shut down very, very soon without fuel. ready without water, nothing that we can do any of the supplies, the situation is really, really desperate. we went out this morning, the situation on this scale and it was difficult to plan for any way. it becomes absolutely impossible if we're not able to get a fuel. and if we're not able to get things out and those those are the lifeline.
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so without that, there's very little that we can do. we can read it by slightly to move some results as to where people are moving to him, but we have to do that part of the castle 8 to 10. so to avoid raising time amongst, and already exhausted traumatized population people, i'll treat by people. i've been fair in this for a long, long time, and it's now upon us there. there is constant bombardment, there smoke on the horizon. there are people on the moon. we estimated as of last night about a 110000 people from rough ahead had been displaced and it moved on some of those to other pos rafa, but many of them elsewhere i'm here in the and right headquarters, which is the house to the entire 8 on ration in garza, we were surrounded by an id p count. but i look out of my window this morning and i haven't seen, i've seen your urls on, was disney hired since that i've not been able to see some of the people that do
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what ever they have to flee. say yeah, yeah. where are they going to? they're on know safe places, stylus as patients have been forced to move from a rough. i to nearby con eunice, but not receiving treatment at enough hospital. is there any troops withdrew from several months ago, but the facilities being badly damaged and doctors are struggling to keep up with the need. not meant isn't that we hope god willing that by sunday morning we will be operating in full capacity with 25 devices. is this number enough? absolutely not. for 600 patients, we would need at least 45 dialysis machines. but the conditions don't allow us to have more. whether the talks between is hosted on this government to the coordination of rebel groups are being held in kenya with the name to ending the conflict. despite the cease fire being read in 2020 violence has continued, especially in the side of the country set to hold general elections in december.
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but security remains a major concern for voters training academy, 85 people has viewed off a runaway and burst into flames. in senegal, the incident took place after the boeing 737, came to a stop at the cause international airport. 10 people were injured including the pilot, the cause of the fires being investigated across hoc reports from the airport in the senegalese capital, the costs as we are at bless john international airport. one of the busiest airport in west africa that was shut down for a number of hours after an incident took place on this very runaway. early on thursday morning, at 1 o'clock in the morning, the air sent a goal flight operated by trans. there took off h c 301 and boeing 737, bound to by macro, but moments later the pilot, since they were troubles with the airplane. so it came back to this airport to try
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to get it fixed. but as it took off again, it's did it off the runway with one of its engine catching fire. now over 10 people are injured, 7 of them critically, among them. the pilots. this latest incident on a boeing 737 comes at a time where there is an increase scrutiny over the manufacturer. in fact, a former quality control manager of one of the main suppliers to boeing says that some of the of the plane parts leave the factory floor with serious defects. and so there is now an investigation under way to try to find out how this lead to incident on a boeing 737 took place. nicholas hawk allen's is 0 the car north korean leader kim jong and has attended a funeral service from kim k non the countries farmer propaganda chief contain them
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as role. nathan, notorious in south korea, media there nick times and the north korean goebbels off to joseph goebbels, propaganda minister of nazi germany and 94 year old. it helped build personality called several other countries at 3 domestic leaders, smell a company and says create a set, a new world record for the biggest number of drones. in a single light show, $1.50 drawers took part in the display screen, a headline attraction and an international exhibition. showcasing the latest and unmanned aerial vehicles brought the bride reports from israel in south korea. in the night sky over the port city of inch on a synchronize show comprising 5293 points of light. each a single drove just a few years ago thrown shows like these when measured in the hundreds increase.


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