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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 10, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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our conference and our focus is not just on their suffering, but also on the more top listing and inspiring story. people trust to tell them what's happening in their communities and at p a and on bias. and as an applicant, i couldn't be more proud to be part of the is where the attacks and eastern roughly intensify. more than a 105000 people have fund the area so far. the math isn't it. this is on to 0. live from del, have also coming up. israel continues to block humanitarian aid from entering the strip, leaving the medical system just days away from running out of fuel and supplies. if israel has to stand alone,
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will stand on. these rarely prime minister says he hopes to overcome disagreements with the us presidents, but insist on major operation and rough off. we'll go ahead plus the with the the is there any forces are escalating attacks and gaza southern region of rough um, over a $100000.00 people have no flat drive since monday, moving north to escape the worst of the fighting. at least 2 medical facilities in the south have no shut down and they're sending people north for health. more than $1700000.00 palestinians, so basalt, shelter, and safety and got those southern most city for months. now on monday, there's really another job leaflets into eastern parts of the flux,
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ordering people to evacuate. is there any military has now taken control of both the offer and kind of mobile cell and border crossings, preventing humanitarian aid entering the gaza strip. now the area of mountain blue is where it is. very forces are coming to the station. they force nearly a 100000 palestinians to free the southern part of the strip on emma quotes in general by the outside. all ok, so hospital, honey. well, what's the situation? there was thousands of people flee, you'd offer of the yes. so there are more people are actually leaving real fast city right now, particularly from the central part of the city as well as toward the west for a day back. the questions on that's part of the last works 1000 of displace families have been filtering inside the 10th of this set up and inside residential home put out the situations are getting much worse right now. when evolving into much more challenging and complex situation,
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people are forced to leave it. that's dimension right now for people wherever. really lift the city, close to a 100000 people. but there are more people are still moving. but right now they're moving under the use of extreme, forced by these really military. it is really missouri within the past. uh, 2 days send a text message. i made phone calls and drop leave the warning people of state and rough city, despite the fact that it did that, it stated it operate if its operations are only limited to based in part of robot city. but on the ground, what we're seeing is an expansion of the military operations works. more residential homes are being targeted residential towers, approximate cities directly targeted by f. 16 and via taca drones, as well as public facility. the fact that we have a health facility right now that is completely non operation, completely shut down because it is in the area where presidents luke are with us, were ordered to be evacuated, there more reports. so the civilian casualties arriving to the hospital or the
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field hospital towards a full neighborhood as well, saw the neighborhood in the wisdom parts of the city and, and more destruction is being cause according i witnessed the eastern part of the city and very close to europe at crossing pretty much included from any remaining residential building, a public facility. just make it easy for days, really monetary to maneuver and to push deeper inside the city. meanwhile, there are more attacks across the guster morris rides. more until a shilling since the early hours of this morning, kind of un agencies and the sound of a warning that the supplies are running out. the crew to end up with very little fuels, varying this for food and water by friday. talk to us about the situation there. well, judging it from what we saw yesterday when we did a report about people around at the destination of plants here. and there is
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ballasa city is the largest one and insurance, but it's not sufficient. it does not enough for the thousands of displays, families already and the and the 1000 more who are moving and evacuated into their ballasa city. i think we are days away from catastrophic situation. similar to what happens in the northern part of gauze and city and not only water is becoming limited right now here, but also another lifeline for health facilities across the strip and for the remaining population is just the fuel that is much needed right now for to get the hospital in the, in the, in the southern part and drop off city for the field hospital for the community hosp for them to sustain their operations. without it, there will be force completed to shut down there. i see you there oxygen station. but also here as well without the fuel duels will see a complete shut down of old means of live here. and the water and fuel represent to a major lifelines for fuel, but they are becoming much more diminished right now. i'm you. thank you very much
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indeed. tiny, mach moved in dental or correspondent hendo countries, also in den obama in central garza. she's got stories of some palestinians who fly besides displaced for a 3rd time. so as to find a farm in the are fleeing beautiful as best they can. and with what little they have left, and the little they moved us from gaza and told us to go to the south after the south, they told us to go to hun unit. after that we came here to say rod and from se right to derek, bella and then they brought us to rough off. they said it's a safe place, it wasn't sick. we keep moving from one place to another. this child was born during the war. what is his fault? the family members say they've been told to go to, can eunice, but they have no food or water and are worried. well, the, the had this situation is it has, we just wants a solution. what do we want?
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we want to solution and we want to go back to our cities, gaza, the road leading out to reflect now look like this. thousands of harmonies are being forced to sleep once again. but as the is really bombardments continues across the cause of sleep. safety is hard to find anywhere and not a fit and that, that visit's dumb we're tired. our mental wellbeing is tired. it's been destroyed. that there is no wellbeing offense. even the young ones have been destroyed. my children were not like this before the war. a no education, no food, no drink, nothing. no one sends us any money. we have no age. and just where are we to go? beautiful. once again, those in the north face farm and many have let the central gaza, but the only one water station is working there. the reality is there is no safe place for them to go in the comedy central, gaza palestine. just need a. is there any problem is have benjamin this in yahoo has been interviewed by us
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chat, show host dr. phil unexplained. the sometimes complex relationship he's had with president joe by being interviewed comes as israel is under pressure from the white house to ensure that the civilian casualties are minimized and operations and goes to solve the safety of rafa. president bivens threatened to withhold a more weapons if any plan, pardon, is really trying to solve into the off a goes ahead. i've known joe biden, for many years, or 40 years and more. you know, we often had agreements, but we've had our disagreements. we've been able to overcome them. i hope we can overcome them now. but we will do what we have to do to protect our country. and benjamin as an yahoo, who's cabinets bind all just data from israel. so mohammed drum, jim is joining us not a live from a month. are we getting more indications about what benjamin netanyahu has been saying in that interview?
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yeah, we've heard a bit more of what he told dr. phil in that interview, nothing. yeah. who set, among other things that he expect. but after the war and gaza is over, that there will be some type of civilian government or administration set up that he expects that perhaps saudi arabia and the united arab emirates might be involved as international actors from the region who would be helping to rebuild serving perhaps in that civilian administration, he says, other actors might be involved as well. he also went on to say that by his estimation, that how much had around 24 battalions that had been operational in gaza. that 20 of those battalions have been destroyed during the course of the war that for remain in cut off. and that, that is one of the reasons why they are continuing to push into it up so that they can go ahead and destroy the rest of the how much battalions and therefore achieve their war aims. now beyond that, and that's and yeah,
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who also address the fact that he believes that there will be tough questions that need to be answered with regard to the intelligence failures on the part of israeli intelligence that led to how much is attack on october 7th. but he essentially said the time is not now the time for that will come later. first, the most important thing is achieving victory and defeating how much in that war on god, rob. so mohammed, let's talk about the show itself, dr. phil, it's a shot show. it's a tv syndicated talk show the host is a tv doctor. is there any speculation to buy in israel or in the media there about why benjamin netanyahu, whose p r team by default vice was a good idea. a look rob. we're not seeing any reactions thus far, instead of coming from across the is really media landscape to this interview. but what's interesting about office is that 4 months. prime minister netanyahu has
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faced a lot of criticism from inside israel because he has not been submitting himself to questions from is really journalist and is really news networks. many of his critics say that the prime minister prefers to go on foreign media networks, particularly throughout the american media eco system. and talk to those journalists and the critics say that the prime minister does that because he wants to avoid tough questions. so now you see something altogether different. you saying that's an yahoo! on a program hosted by dr. phil mcgraw, clinical psychologist, somebody who hosts the show that many people say is for self help purposes. this is not somebody who is known as an interlocutor with leaders in the middle east, not somebody who is renowned for conducting interviews, which address the nuances of the conflict between the israelis and the palestinians . so we expect that he will be facing criticism for this is
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a strange discussion. i have not seen the whole thing yet, but there are portions in which you have nothing yahoo talking about those pro palestinian protests on american college campuses. and that's and yeah, who says things like the battle that we are engaged in america is engaged in as well. and dr. phil agrees with him. so this could certainly not be labeled by any measure. a hard hitting interview at this seems like a softball interview. and we believe, and that's in the i was critics will be slamming him for having done this because this is not a journalist. this is not a news program. and it really is a shift from even the types of programs. and that's and you know, who was doing before and media before. now, rob, so how much? i'm jim and i'm on mohammed. thank you very much indeed. and what are you? an agency for palestinian refugees? it says is temporarily shutting its headquarters in occupied east jerusalem. the building surroundings were twice set on fire by one was calling is really extreme.
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this had of agency says you and stuff were on the compound when defies was started and caused expensive damage to outdoor areas. it was one to find place in the final of the univision song context, despite calls for the country to be banned because of the war in gaza. police have been have a deployed is the competitions got underway in the swedish city of mambo. is there any engines has been booed to during semi final rehearsals on wednesday. paul reese reports from mama thousands of demonstrators gathered in the center of mama on thursday. the goal not certainly to protest against israel's offensive in gaza, but that's an is riley entry, had been permitted to compete in the eurovision song contest being held in sweden's, that city. oh yeah. uh some good many who live in mama from palestine. so it feels very bad for though it's a completely idiotic because then if you can, the russia, then of course you have to bundle this on the, on some of the stuff that we want to show, the new ones that being to,
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which does not mean you're against palestine. beautiful palestinians, and they're right to live and have their life valued. the revision week has turned into one of the biggest police operations ever seen in sweden. the authorities have been preparing for more than 100000 arrivals in mile by a mix up the festival crowd at an unpredictable number of demonstrates as with getting reinforcements from all over sweden, but also from our northern police colleagues in denmark and no way that we're on the for, on the 5 scale, the 5th level. and of course we've been been have that with us in our planning work for this, for this event also. but there's no direct threat to that. you will be some, some who do say they fill in the threat of from well most jewish minority. you help the own riley in the city on thursday. she a template for no, but some log on. we are being held accountable for what another state has done if
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we support the state. that's one thing. but for people to express, anti semitism or racism is something different. my father used to say on anti semitism is everywhere. as long as it's not obligatory, you can live. once it becomes obligatory, it's time to move anger on the streets, didn't affect your vision contest. israel's aden go on, was voted through this out. today's funnel with his song, the hurricane. the tide live, which organizes the monday be changed from october rain, a direct reference to how much is attack on israel. demonstrations have been going on old i in my, on my, i'm with a spontaneous protest light and so the noise as well. these people and perhaps many thousands more. we'd like to get on subsidized to protest against israel's pulses prices, the revision by the whole race, all these era mom. i went ahead and i'll just see it on live fire drills between the us and the philippines and signal closer ties. but some filipino leaders are not coffee. plus yet another incident on board a boeing passenger plane,
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bye 7317 center golf viewed off the runway and caught fire the color. the heat is starting to ease a little full pallets of indo china, a little more cloud hair, plenty of showers cropping up. so that's just knocking the head on those temperatures, stone pots of vietnam, $85.00 millimeters of right in 24 hours, putting a shower set just around the gulf toilet the shelves becoming more widespread across the cambodia allows. and of course, a good part of vietnam is ready thing though, around pop a little as we go on 3 sunday, west of weather coming into north vietnam, slipping for the south was as we go through the 2nd half of the we can to rush the showers that close malaysia and indonesia,
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a little drive every 2 southern parts of indonesia, with more in the way of sunshine finding us on the side across. so straight a little bit of a wet weather just slipping. the fall south of wy is this weather system. this area of light pressure just slips through the by but high pressure, very much in evidence for most this the other trough here, this weather feature, this introducing yet more heavy right into a central areas of new south. well, so we'll see more heavy rain coming into safety of a wet start to the months here. and that wet weather will continue as we go on for the next few days of flood risk of possibility shower, stretching up all the way into the southeast of queensland, the
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. the rewards you know, just need a reminder of i told stories this are, is there any force is happening intensifying attacks on the rock in southern johnson more than 100 fires in palestinian? it's a restriction besides since monday. we've many heading to the center said it was prime minister insisted. we'll go ahead with an assault on or off of this fight for
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these from us residential by the start to stop, to find some types of weapons to the country. but benjamin netanyahu says israel mood standalone, if it has to be an agency for palestinian refugees, and says $810.00 probably closer to the headquarters in occupied east jerusalem building surroundings were twice set on fire by what it called is really extremist . it said the famous cause to extensive damage. now the roof of border crossing has been the main lifeline for age to gaza. and it's people that are serious concerns about our worsening humanitarian catastrophe. the head of the world health organization says hospitals and southern gaza will run out of fuel to run generations. by friday, i'm the deputy director of the you. an agency for palestinian refugees says the fuel and food rations will be depleted within a week. some rose as director of funding for online he describes the humanitarian situation inside the strip a l. a. this comment is a gauze and now since sunday,
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no a no you know supplies nothing them we rarely on now down to less results . we have a few more days of the flower that we can we can provide, but everything else will start to shut down very, very soon without fuel, without water, nothing that we can do with any of the supply for the situation is really, really desperate. we went out this morning, the situation on this scale and it was difficult to apply for any way it becomes absolutely impossible if we're not able to get fuel. and if we're not able to get things open and those are, those are the lifeline. so without that, there's very little that we can do. we can read it by slightly to move some results as to where people are moving to him. but we have to do that part of the castle $8.00 to $10.00. so to avoid racing and kind of amongst and already exhausted traumatized population people, i'd treat by people a big fare and this for a long,
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long time. and it's now upon us there. there is constant bombardment, there smoke on the horizon. there are people on the moon we estimated as of last night, about a 110000 people from rough ahead had been displaced and it moved on some of those to other parts of rafa. but many of them elsewhere i'm here in the on right. headquarters, which is the hub for the entire 8 on ration in gauze over. we were surrounded by an id p count, but i looked out of my window this morning and i haven't see, i've seen your roles on was disney car since that i've not been able to see from it on this paper. do what ever they have to flee a site. yeah. yeah. where are they going to? they're on those safe places for dialysis patients have been forced to move from raw for to nearby con eunice. they're not receiving treatment. i know sort of hospital is really troops withdrew from there a month ago, but the facilities being badly damaged and doctors are struggling to keep up with
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demand. that meant isn't that we hope god willing that by sunday morning we will be operating in full capacity with 25 devices? is this number enough? absolutely not for 600 patients. we would need at least 45 dialysis machines, but the conditions don't allow us to have more. but i can the, i think accounting 85 people's viewed off the wrong way and burst into flames and sent a golf. the incident to a place after the boeing $7.00 to $7.00 came to a stop at the cause international airport. 10 people, including the pilot, have been injured. nicholas hawk reports from the car. we are at bless john international airport. one of the busiest airport in west africa that was shut down for a number of hours after an incident took place on this very runaway. early on thursday
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morning, at 1 o'clock in the morning, the air sent a gold flight operated by tramps there took off h. c 301, and boeing 737 bound to buy my co, but moments later the pilot, since they were troubles with the airplane. so it came back to this airport to try to get it fixed. but as it took off again, it's did it off the runway with one of its engine catching fire now over 10 people or injured 7 of them critically among them. the pilot. this latest incident on a boeing 737 comes at a time where there is an increase scrutiny over the manufacturer. in fact, a former quality control manager of one of the main suppliers to boeing says that some of the plane parts leave the factory floor with serious defects. and so
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there is now an investigation under way to try to find out how this lead to incident on a boeing 737 took place. nicholas hawk allen's is 0. the car putnam, i was president the legs. jose are our money now. it says migrants who enter the country through the dobby and gap are going to face deportation. the dining and gap is a dangerous 165 kilometers stretch of jungle, which connects south and central america. it's a key route for migrants heading from south america towards the united states. my, you know, types of shooting his election campaign to close the data in gap, in an effort to curb migration. they gave me a shout am or with international aid, we will begin the process of repair creation in full compliance with the human rights of all the people that search with down there in south america. and those who would like to come need to know that whoever arrives it is going to be sent back to the country of origin. charge electoral commission has declared the
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military ruler mohammed. these is debbie, the winner of his presidential election on monday. as main rival success box on is contesting the provisional results and it's called for peaceful protests on friday . already just reports from the capital engineering seeds of give relation on the streets of japan. as a result of the election warehouse, my mother has been how much that is the 3784360 or 6 to 1.03 percent of the vote. and the president responded in a nationwide address. in view of this sweeping victory, i am now the elected president of full chatty, and not only the president of those who voted for me, but also the president of those who made other choices. his biggest challenge, a prime minister success master i claimed he had won a few hours before the official announcement. i believe i did deal with all charges
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you quoted for change world. for me, i say, mobilized peacefully to calmly with the same spirit of peace that you have shown and thinking about the future that we're going to build together. security is tied to the streets of the capital. must rise corps for protestant friday by the address of orders. i know due to this election is meant to bring the country back to civilian rule. after debbie sees power in trade to trade to one cool, he says he's promised to try to assist or failed. although he's probably minister or disagree, the person victory was widely expected, but it's not only support as well happy. some members will be on tools as going into celebrate 3 guns flashed into the night. you barely chose the license. the prime minister has what the many supporters of the moving parts from the hottest jump against frost. he has to deal with
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a typically divided nation. how many degrees? obviously the china is condemned to joint military exercises by the philippines and the united states in waters near ty. one live drills have been conducted in the northern region of the philippines, but the local government there is not too keen on the increasingly warm relations as bottom, the low reports from the province, kyle fish facility and cause they on valley in the northern philippines, irritates nearly 9000 hectares of farm land. it's one of a few infrastructure projects in the country funded by china and built during the term a former president. would we good authority? what the grands governor says there could have been more if president ferdinand, because junior, had to does out american forces to use philippine military facilities because of the uncertainty of the future. and of course, if they can show individuals, i think this that's a benefit as far as invest or stocks in both of those of chinese used to frequent
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casino resorts incent on the town in the north eastern edge of cuz they had now such a stablish minutes the catered for chinese are mostly empty. this town in the northern tip of the philippines was port to become a hub for chinese investments, but plans for a $500000000.00 textile factory. any 36 hold full force, for example, have been show. meanwhile, the town now host one of 2 military bases in the province of the van that the united states has been given access to sent on uh, is less than a 500 kilometers from the southern tip of tie one. china considers the self ruled island, its own and vows, reunification by force if necessary. and david, a full blown war they took states in china. what would want to make use of strategic locations in areas for the project short of their be the dotted power?
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the us already meeting the show of its military power over the past few days by conducting life fire exercises with filipino troops in areas of the philippines facing taiwan. but beyond combat drills, american soldiers also helped build classrooms and cause they on all parts of public, at that the largest annual joint exercises between us and philippine forces. back in time he showed of the shoulder. so shoulders surely with our um, filipino kind of parts in the united states and it's good for us because we come here to learn from them how to construction part of instruction and concrete, cmu block. and together we can bring what we both know. it's a bonus, go for the community. as the chinese coast guard repeatedly deployed water cannons against the living bustles in the south china sea pulse show. most filipinos favor close ties with the us, but where chinese investments have provided jobs and services. us fire power alone may not be enough to wind over hearts and minds. barnaby low al jazeera sent on
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a cookie on the philippines, a north korean lead. our kids on has attended a funeral service function key. the country's former public gotten the chief can keep them as role made him notorious in south korea, the media there make time nickname, time the north korean goebbels. after joseph goebbels, propaganda minister of nazi germany, company and south korea has set a new world record for the biggest number of drones in a single light show. more than 5000 johns have taken part in the display. its been a headline attraction as an international exhibition showcasing the latest and unmanned aerial vehicles of brides reports from israel in south korea. in the night sky over the port city of inch on a synchronize show comprising $5290.00 sweet points of light each
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a single drove just a few.


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