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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 10, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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on this business uptake this voltage by the 6 bank gross dot net of on the dash before he is investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sorry, i'm the why the, this is the news. our life from doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel run some attacks in the sounds of gauze move in a 100000 people have fled rough us since monday. the side of the us labor, the sean has had done with them
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a little bit. but it israel continues to blockade into this trip. the united nations, the same hospitals will stopped functioning. a few isn't lights in during the next 24 hours. if israel has to stand alone, will stand on these writing 5 minutes to says he hopes to overcome disagreements with the american president. but instead of major operation, we'll go ahead and was that coming up? we're going to be hearing from a young protest to ensure your about the hard choices, facing the countries and next generation and in sport, the cleveland cavaliers. the thrash, the top seat of boston celtics, and the i'm the playoffs. because winning by $24.00 point to level for best of 7 series
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a once again the comes up program we've again and goes a desperate humanitarian situation. there is guessing even was, is there any forces or expanding a tax on the southern region of rough uh, moving a $100000.00 palestinians have fled the south since monday. the united nations is saying these riley army takeover of the roof of border crossing is crippling humanitarian operations. assignments spreads eunice. this is saying food supplies, a foss running out, and the child death must be prevented. axle is aim of which begins down coverage. now he's really drones bus continue. slower, rough on is ground forces push deeper into the cities. eastern areas is really forces attacked buildings around the q way, the hospital and type in control of the rock, the border crossing into gaza. for a few minutes here being 8 into the strip has been blocked, disappears
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a full scale ground invasion grows and the city comes under intensified attacks from the air. do you and estimates more than 100000 people are flying to try and find any form of safety? for many, there's no risk the this motor bits of very well her son is he dies in her arms. just by global clothes, for restraint is really army, has launched the military operation and rough at this week. on monday this rarely army truck lead flats or drink palestinians to evacuate families who once called her, brought the home, are now heading to almo basi and darrow by law. but they are struggling to find food, water, and other supplies. and the know, know part of gaza is safe access,
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i mean which, which is 0. well the, this is the current status of the health system. the beginning of the war, hospitals in the south of gauze, is served as lifelines as israel attacks northern causa. now they are facing more pressure. the 3 main medical facilities in rough uh, on the jar, the emerald team. baton, is he in quite a hospital on a jar? is the largest in the region, but it's now out of the softer it's stuff for forced to evacuate. am or oxy maternity hospital is delivering thousands of babies every day and it can't take any more patients. the quite the hospital is still running, but it's struggling to cope. it's only a single facility and it mostly deals with emergency patients. and so many patients have been forced to travel up to hong eunice or dial by last uh treatment. but even that the hospitals are badly damaged and they are facing acute shortages. aid has no end to the strip since sunday. i mean,
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always in nations is saying hospitals will stopped functioning if no fuel enters the strip in the next 24 hours. so i'm now joined by doctor i'm i to alizae on. he's an orthopedic specialist and surgeon at. i likes the hospital and i know you're very busy, very difficult time. we appreciate you speaking to us and you stopped by telling me the situation and your hospitals regarding the patients and the supplies of medicines and anesthetics and the, the tools that you need to, to treat your patients the, the, the own fee and you know, methane oh actually, and today is the 2020 day of the war in does. that's true. but as you know,
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in the past, we now did the can equipment and the nature of injuries are very hot, very difficult to deal with unprotected lens and value with injuries in different parts of the body total. so on belong. and today, with the closing of the crossings, we have very difficult on the kind of situation with the displacement of people to roughly the situation is excess. autopay think there is a lack in the supply is in mistakes and even to submit to come, staff will be, is good, can speak to you. but then on the health sector in the guys which might lead to its collapse, which is already in the state of collab since the beginning of the war. so it's a very difficult situation and unbelievable challenges and difficulties facing surgeons and medical work. cuz like yourselves of remained in place to treat
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patients at the great risk to your own personal safety. now i want to ask you about what you've seen in the past few days and your hospitals or the alex hospital in data bala because we are seeing thousands of palestinians sling the southern area of rough. uh, they are pouring into the central parts of gauze as well as you say, food water medical supplies already sketched or using a massive influx of people to your facility. the next. how is that zip code to that is a large influx. all of the displacements in difference in a few of outlook. so host with a large number of displaced people within the hospital in the vicinity of the hospital. and all this constitutes a pressure on the health get a sick daughter. in addition to the lack of food supplies,
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an increase and inflated prices. border crossings are closed right now or they are effectively blocked. you in agencies, humanitarian agencies, are saying operations are going to be crippled assets. we're going to go from very to till coming into absolutely nothing except maybe the supplies that are already that. and how many more days would you give it before you go into what is already already in a critical difficult situation before. busy if you are unable to treat anyone before you have to ton patients away, how many days would you give it? so you see the don't believe we can latch for a long i've done a day or 2 due to this uh, the cpr and. and that came with it, especially due to the lacking office subject of tools and many other tools without
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which would come to even begin with the large number of injuries that without receiving any due to the pressure due to the displacement of large number of people to was i lots of hospital and this just send it to and i ask you, doctor about how you are coping. you have seen a great deal in recent months and we are seeing scenes on the children who have been wounded. children has been killed, as you say. they are on vacations taking place without any anesthetic. how. how are you coping not just with the physical exhaustion but also mentally and emotionally, [000:00:00;00]
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the offer to be a wandering into this one. we are experiencing the traffic situation, a large number of injuries and even the health sick sort of prior to the war was a last thing almost in terms of supplies and tools with the war. the conditions on the situation became even aware of us on the way out into the 8th model. uh now with the medical style of heart. oh, but exhausted. some of them have been killed or interested or injured. um this and this can see cute, lacking in the health care system, the system leads to its collapse of day by day. the longer the water allows things with good, even worse and worse. so as you know, hospitals with operational in the past. no, i'll be used to find the job hospital is out of service. this would excess out of
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bates and what's in the situation? i put us on hospital such as i like the hospital. i don't care. i want to thank you for speaking to us and we do appreciate it. and then, you know, maybe maybe we can speak again about your situation virus. you can spares the time, also predict surgeon on the down. joining us from the alex, the hospital endowed butler, this is in central gaza. meanwhile, is there any protest as has been blocking rose, leading to the current was southern border crossing the station into gauze. there is used by trucks, caring humanitarian aid, a farmers a bedroom, and as a large cabinet has shut down elders, there is operations in israel. so they are pushing on this from outside the country . stephanie decker reports from alon and jordan rocks scattered
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across the road. an effort by his really protectors to block 8 trucks from reaching garza from the sky, the backlog becomes clear. many of these talks are meant to enter goza to the get them who signed them crossing in the south of the strip police use, walter tended to disperse the demonstrators, get him up asylum reopened on wednesday, after how master walker to talk with the current operation by israel's military, the one says no palace, dean workers can safely reach the other side to process the goods. the main aid archery into the south. the crossing with egypt also blocked since israel moved in
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with tanks a few days ago. the by did administration has put a lot of pressure on israel to allow more aid into garza. the northern arrows crossing opened on the day us secretary of state anthony blinking was here early may the 1st time since it was damaged in the october 7th attack. and the 1st shipment has left the cypress on its way to the american built floating dog. the controversial move that would bring aid into garza from the sea. but aid agencies say if the land borders were open with new constrictions, that would be the easiest fastest. and most efficient way to get a to the by listing and people. a jordan is also send a trucks to garza and some of those have come under attack from right. we is ready, protest or is jordan spar ministry has condemn the attack, saying it holds israel fully accountable, and the israel should do more to ensure the swift and safe entry of aid into gaza. that's a legal obligation as the occupying power. stephanie decker,
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i'll just sarah, i met some roses, the director of planning for unreal out. he described the humanitarian situation inside the strip for us. the l. a doesn't come in as a garza now since sunday. no. a no, you know supplies nothing. them we rarely on now down to uh, last res, uh, we have a few more days of flower that we can, we can provide, but everything else will start to shut down very, very soon without fuel without will. and so there's nothing that we can do. any of the supplies for the situation is really, really desperate. we went out this morning, the situation on this scale and it was difficult to plan for any way. it becomes absolutely impossible if we're not able to get a fuel. and if we're not able to get things out and those are, those are the lifeline. so without that, there's very little that we can do. we can read it by slightly to move some results
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as to where people are moving soon, but we have to do that part of the castle 8 to 10. so to avoid raising time amongst, and already exhausted traumatized population people, i'd treated by people. i've been fair in this for a long, long time, and it's now upon us there. there is some, some on the bottom there smoke on the horizon. there are people on the moon we estimated as of last night, about a 110000 people from rock. i had had been displaced and it moved on some of those to other costs. a graph i but many of them elsewhere i'm here in the on right headquarters, which is the house to the entire 8 on ration in garza. we were surrounded by an id account, but i looked out of my window this morning and i haven't see, i've seen your rules on was disney hired since that i've not been able to see something on this paper. do what ever they have to flee, say yeah, yeah. where are they going to?
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they're on the safe places or will you an agency's, a pilot sending refugees is saying that it's temporarily shutting down its headquarters in occupied east jerusalem. the building surroundings with twice set on fire by one. 0 no, a cold is riley extremis. how does the agency is saying un stopped for on the compound when the fires with stones had enclosed, extensive damaged outdoor areas. the one says that it stop puts out the fires themselves as it is raised, find brigade took too long to turn up. meanwhile is writing permanent to benjamin netanyahu has been interviewed by us chat, show host, talk to phil, and explain those sometimes complex relationships. he's had with president joe biden, the mtv comes is as well as under pressure from the white house to ensure civilian casualties and minimized in operations in gaza. southern city of rough time president biden is threatened to withhold more weapons if any plan for an is riley
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ground assault into rafa does go ahead. i've known joe biden, for many years, or 40 years and more. you know, we often had our roommates, but we've had our disagreements, we've been able to overcome them. i hope we can overcome them now, but we will do what we have to do to protect our country. deserves. and how much am jan joins us live now from the jo, dining capital online? and we heard anymore about the prime minister's interview with dr. phil of the scenario. and we have seen more lines dropped throughout the course of the last few hours. prime minister netanyahu spoke to dr. phil about the fact that he says that there were about 24, how mass battalions operational in gaza before the war began. that the israeli army
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has been able to destroy 20 of those battalions. he says that 4 battalions remain that those battalions are located in the 500. that's why israel needs to continue to go into the 100 cheap its admissions, destroy how much and wipe out those battalions. the prime minister also went on to talk about the fact that he believes that even if they were not to get more support from allies, that they will continue to fight, that they will use their nails if they have to. even if more weapon shipments are. busy to the end, the prime minister talked about the importance of how there are going to be questions when it comes to the intelligence failures that lead to how mazda is attack on october 7th. but that the time isn't now that that will happen once the war is concluded. that 1st and foremost, what's most important is to go ahead and achieve the is really war goals marion. and how much is it perhaps was reflecting on why,
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of or people and benjamin that certainly not as in the ceiling light to choose to speak to at this time that to talk to phil was his that was his choice. yeah. ma'am, it's definitely worth talking about and it's an interesting strategy shift on the part of the nets in yahoo people because prime minister netanyahu has been under a lot of criticism from his critics in israel, over the course of the past several months, saying that he does not allow the opportunities for is really journalists and is really news networks to question him, to really put him under the microscope and ask him the hard questions. that is really, is one answers to uh, for example, how those intelligence failures happened that led to the attack on october 7th. what we seen over the course of the past several months is nothing. yeah. who subject himself to questions from for, and networks for a news anchors,
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particularly throughout the american media landscape. we seen him appear time and again on american news shows. and his critics and israel have said that there was american journalist perhaps don't have a knowledge of all the nuances of what's going on. and israel to be able to ask though, as hard questions. now, this is something entirely different. dr. phil has a degree of a clinical psychologist, he's known as a self help group. he has a show in which often he helps couples through their problems. he gives advice. this is not a news program. dr. phil is not somebody who is either renowned or known for talking to world leaders or discussing especially the nuances of the is really palestinian conflict. this is something very new and you could really say from what we've seen, that's part of the portions of the interview. this was very much a softball interview at one point. nothing yahoo tells dr. phil the dr. phil is
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a student of the human soul. you have dr. phil telling nothing yahoo going over his military record seeming to praise netanyahu for it. and this is not a difficult interview, a challenging interview, a hard ball interview. so it's going to be interesting to see how those critics and that's in the who they were already really slamming. that's and yeah, who these past several months for not allowing is really journalist the question to him and for only appearing on for in news networks and, and, and being it and especially american ones to now shifting gears and speaking to an american tv personality who is known for dispensing self health advice, marion. all right, think good. thank you very much. i appreciate that. i'm gonna jump june and just remind of it to him home. it isn't reporting from the jordanian capital online for us because benjamin netanyahu, his cabinet, has bind, i'll just there is oppressions inside israel. now israel's,
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and that it trees folks passed and says that the army is well for pad full. it's ground invasion of rough and also the blades. so you have the planet the united states has provided sofa unprecedented security assistance to the state of israel during the war must. what's equally important is the military assistance on cooperation between the american central command and the army. this was manifested on the night of the talk from the run, but also during the course of the war. the chief of staff, the tenant general, who is the high levy, is speaking to his us, come to punch general michael corolla every day on the ethics, on the challenges in the region. even when we have differences between us, we resolve them in closed rooms. israel has its security interest and we also attentive to the interest of the us, and this is how we will continue to probably become a joining me in the study now is this santa zacotta professor of golf politics at counts hall university. so, you know,
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obviously we're seeing now preparations for an of speaking about preparations for a ground operation. israel intensifying its attacks on rasa. but perhaps what the comment commentary fails to acknowledge is the fact that roof has long been under attack. and whether or not washington chooses to acknowledge that an offensive has been gone will precisely what that would mean or involve. the reality is that you have over a 100000 people that are flat, this tiny bit as territory. and now heading back many of them in the direction from which they came. exactly. i mean, i mean, anybody who has been informed me, nor has it been advising that there's going to have warning that is going to have this impressions here's 2 months ago. and he's taught that little by little despite the fact that by then has been said that he doesn't want this to happen. he doesn't want 350000 more. the policy on that doesn't have on many things that they have been happening. they were they over the past, so nothing that's
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a by them did. i'm can now was able to prevent anybody who to do what he was saying . he would do it only that last week when the web host issue started to, to show up is when we started to see that some, something in the us discourses chasing a little bit from discourse to auctions about so far. we don't see any change. so this is not going to this for us, and if i need to continue with the operation, but the, so he's going to continue on things here. the minutes of this for but tell you for a few minutes. what do you make of that receipt of the death of 35000 people reading cause or the the real number, the real finger is going to be much higher. probably. well as a 40000 people, so many dropped onto the russell. many thousands of children have been killed already, allegations of genet, plausible allegations of genocide, war crimes, 80000 people wounded civilian infrastructure in collapse for all of this. the bite administration is saying that it's paused one shipment of high payload,
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munitions, because washington is concerned about israel's plans to attack rough. uh, how do you, how do you make sense of us? well, it doesn't make any sense. uh, the end of the day. i mean, this is, i knew it did, that has been kind of pricing that by the, since the beginning of the conflicts and i don't want this to happen. but on the other hand, he doesn't take any action. i don't the other hand constituted in what would happen after the war if, if any, how would we prosecute it or not by there to see it, they would not, this is the government. we will do anything to support about it that i'm the contrary. the republic i'm sort of the made a strong born into the i c c, claiming that they wouldn't take actions on the song. so it's a good day to see if they prosecute that and by the apple. we have been saying that even though by then kind of big and miss sarah in the coming weeks when they come a month, it would be temporary because in november or december we would have maybe another
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person from that that has been criticized. and by therefore, i'm going to use, well, we know that the, the policy, the words that you say would be, it was before. but this idea of washington and telling me of her at odds when really washington has given israel a blank check policy and has provided all the weapons, it needs to prosecute this for in the way that it has known as washington. i think as a said that they have a problem with israel going to roof i. they just wanted the government to come up with a plan for civilians which they didn't do. yeah. well with the file but it's and it was a little bit different. they, they keep saying that the, the one to the base them to happen. but this to that alone, only 7 months. what the by them was asking is to get less people to make sure that they just had planned to work with people that the discipline to pre benmark to see we didn't go so this on the society, we think that's what we see. the numbers are assuming that we, i went to reach for this, i was in very,
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very soon if we haven't reached them yet. so again, words are not as consistent with the actions of the government. hopefully you're not the says come, come make in order to prevent this to happen. as we'll find the 7 month old or we realized that they weren't the ones that can do something to stop this. even at this stage, not they would even have a national security guard sitting on the assembly. and on the basis, you know, the, i see safety. so if by then it's not making a strong decision on safety and really it's for them quality to watch it. so nothing would change and then where were you going to you? i'm feeling tanya, who besides the professor, china, is that good? i thank you. there is much more. so to bring you on this news hour. it's been another incident on board, a boeing passenger plane, a 737 incentive goal me is also wrong way captures via uninstalled. many of the walls leading track and field scholars right catch off is that for pass and of
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power, some impacts the hello. we have plenty of warm spring sunshine across much of europe. you can see lost the clear sky. see a high pressure is in charge. and that highest the lid on the atmosphere suppressing and the cloud, keeping it clear and sunny and with winds coming in from a southerly direction. because west impulse, that's where we will see the a waste of the weather. i have a tool to southeast. you can see this little area of live pressure that sliding away must bring you some other live you sure i was in across greece, the runaway. i be toward stuckey. i some weather coming through here. possibly the old rumble to of, from the really love settle to enter that western side of a rush hour. but most you can see long as the clear sky specified why the cloud into central year warm sunshine, over towards the west, $29.00 celsius. the imagery i run into the twenty's to full paris at all side for
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london, splattering the showers to develop across northern parts of spain. as we go on in success day notice temperature and madrid. that's 30 degrees celsius. quanch's watch across the inside of the meg, but we will see some wet to whether slipping across the bus was i'm pushing over toward stuckey a then cause northern parts of africa did we try and sunny as per usual, plenty of shambles around the gulf of guinea. now, and then making good advice north and try to increase the way here. as the unique perspective, why is it the doctors don't get to have a saying any of the medical workforce has been so and divided by the british government for such a long time on hub voices? tick tock has been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere.
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why is our government taking us toward, on the basis of live we the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era after a controversial presidential campaign and the contested victory proposed to be unto is said to lead indonesia, southeast asia is the largest economy that drive us nation with more than $1300.00 ethnic groups. political power comes through the people. we're not going to be determined by for in none of this. the presidents alexis, indonesia, provo, sabean, so talks to l, just 0 of the the,
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i'll come back here with the news, our life from dell. reminder of the main stories with the following. is there any forces are attacking the southern region all the rough up in gauze, i'm more than a 100000 palestinians. are flat the area in the space of just 5 days. you and it's saying that he's right on the takeover of the roof of border crossing is crippling humanitarian operations unit, such as food supplies of foss, running out, and the child that's must be prevented. and then as well as the prime minister is insisting its troops. and we'll go ahead with an assault on or off. despite warnings from the us. president joe minus threatened to stop supplying some weapons to the country. but benjamin netanyahu says israel will stand alone if it has to will shortly into israel's war on gaza policies were ordered to move south of this trip for safety. more than 1700000 palestinians have been assault shelter in gauze
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of southern most city. on monday, these riley army dropped leaflets into eastern parts of rasa. ordering people to evacuate is writing. minute treat has taken control of both a rough and carmen both solemn border crossings, preventing humanitarian aid from entering the strip. the area marked in blue is what is right for us is a current is stationed. joining us from on the phone now from la fine southern calls are, is talk to solid hands his the nice thing director of the european garza hospital. and course this is a very important facility in gauze. a not only does it treat many patients, but it also supplies some of the smaller hospitals. can you tell me what you have been witnessing in this hospital in recent days to the man how to see the end gets the old one the past 2 days,
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particularly in the rough. uh, how do you mean it is that is that there are uh, numerous of families and many areas that have been evacuated from, via real fast safety and say that and abuse of on the job halls. but that was also evacuated, which was the only hospital adult operated in dropped off. and this a has increased at the but then the on the made the color, the 6th, which is already older, but it didn't do too many hospitals. the vin, during, during the, in operational in the guys and on the guns, the european hospital and a half of a number of small number hosts. because that's the case sort of said, this is the and they don't, they are very own literacy of patients. and the case is only this or the situation has become more complex. and of course,
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if the situation has been extensive debated with the closing of the alpha crossing, as many patients are awaiting transferred into egypt to in addition to that, the closing the crossings has led to a problem in fuel that will get to where day by day which threatens the entire mythical system as all the general rate to us in all hospitals in guns that depend on the fuel as there is no power to supply in the guns that since october 7th to yes, exactly. and what you say, oh, you know, this is what you say, cuz what we've already heard from the united nations, unicef, which is the agency task of protecting children. they say the lack of you could make the humanitarian office a on a fresh and complete e grind to a halt within days. most of the united nations office, the coordination of humanitarian affairs of saying that hospitals will start functioning if there is no fuel coming within the next day. so you right
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now, i understand you are still able to treat patients inside the european hospital, but are you preparing to turn people away if you do not have the fuel to be able to, to run this hospital and to keep it going? of the national us to all the time to now we receive cases from from or off on from eastern thoughts of con eunice. however, the fuel matter is a matter of days just a few days, it may not be on in mid mid next week on this hospital unless supplied with fuel. and we are afraid of the pulse because we come to a halt. we have intensive care units around the patients when we need the display ration. the system is um, this might lead to losing
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a dozens of hospitals in intensive k at, in addition to hundreds of patients who are treated in the hospital, the capacity of the hospital due to a lot of the hospitals in operation on the has compounded the problem in the hospital, this system is with a, with a huge catastrophe. if we do open the crossings to tons for the patients. and obviously we've been, is we know that as well, site ground troops and tags into rafa to seize control of the crossing into egypt. so that they have taken control of but the rough on the car and i was on a southern crossings. this is preventing aid from entering the strip. right. and then also we were just looking at a map where we see, is there any forces currently stationed in the area? can you tell me what you have been seeing and hearing there and rough?
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have you seen evidence of is ray forces in the nearby area because of course that the attacks have continued and not has been relentless. but have you seen the an intensification of these attacks all using troops in the area as comfortable how you involve? how hard is i reside in the soft gum? and now i, you live in my, your house. uh there is a displacement of approximately one tab of the what is it done? so overall 5 to the width and part of from 5 to con units, which is only the vast stated or 2 there above. can see it might have been high um many life signs have uh disappeared in, in no rougher now with the, the, the, uh, connecting uh road between uh rough and european hospital no vehicles can pass because it's declared as
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a military operation area. today in the morning the sounds of miss silas or drones and i didn't need the palms the but the explosion sounds we have been using them through our the night as witnesses have reported that our engagements in the eastern part of all this actually just attends. i'm the area that is already over funding with the problems and issues before the 7 months. even the people who have moved to my wants to area on my wants to area doesn't have any life sustaining a supporter and meet the needs of water, not food supplies, nor electricity. so the situation is get the stuff, it's during summer time living in tents with the too many issues and problems too. it's residence. um so i'm think about those are patients who have like diseases
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such as cancer or diabetes. so these people wouldn't be m o by the situation would be very hard for the people of, from a how do we pay to a less support in this, of course. and so just to be absolutely clear and to clarify, i know that you say you spend time at the hospital and then your home and you know what you are in most and you'll work right now. but in the areas that where you are working and living, have you seen any signs of is righty troops on the ground in those areas? a friendly i love decided that you know, really i would have been seeing, i need someone to is it. but we have seen the traces um, the impacts of the data presented this in terms of the movements and displacement of people in rough uh and the spirits of evacuation has led to many,
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mid to come staff in the hospital have moved out of the area and this has disrupted the operation in the hospital as me that kind of stuff before the very hard to commute to. busy ambulances find it very difficult to read to the hospital, an ambulance the do what dick in the past, 5 to 7 minutes now it's good. take them more than half a know what as they would go through the tours and other roles. this would lead to health care issues and my threats in the lives of the injured people was transported to the hospitals. right. well, thank you very much for speaking to us and we do appreciate it to, to you at this time adult, to sola of hums, nothing director of the european garza hospital and with all the developments israel has run a price. and the final view of asians on comcast is by calls for the country to be fund because of what's happening in gaza. police who have really deployed is the
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competition go on. the way in the sweeter city of mama is riley and trent was moved to during semi final rehearsals on wednesday police reports now for mama. a thousands of demonstrators gathered in the centre of mile by on thursday. the goal, not totally to protest against israel's offensive, and garza but that's an is riley entry, had been permitted to compete in the year a vision song contest being held in sweden's, that's, it's a, a uh some good many who live in mama from palestine. so it feels very bad for though it's a completely idiotic because then if you combine the russia, then of course you have to bundle this on the, on some of the stuff that we want to show, the new ones that being to which does not mean you against palestine, we are for palestinians and their right to live and have a life valued. the revision week has turned into one of the biggest police operations ever seen in sweden. the authorities have been preparing for more than 100000 arrivals in mile by
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a mix up the festival crowd. an unpredictable number of demonstrates has with getting reinforcements from all over sweden, but also promoted in order to get police colleagues seen that done walk in no way that we're on the for, on the 5 scale, the 5th level. and of course we've been been have that we've seen our planning work for this for this event also, but there's no direct threat to the usually some, some who do say they fill in the threat of from well most jewish minority. you help the own riley in the city on thursday. see, for example, i for know, but from logan we are being held accountable for what another state has done. if we support the state, that's one thing. but for people to express anti semitism or racism is something different. my father used to say on anti semitism is everywhere. as long as it's not obligatory you can live. once it becomes obligatory, it's time to move and grow on the streets,
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didn't affect your vision contest. israel's eden go on was voted through to sought today's final with his song. hurricane. the tide live, which organizes the monday be changed from october rain, a direct reference to how much is attack on israel. demonstrations have been going on old i in my, on my, i'm with this spontaneous protest light into the noise as well. these people and perhaps many thousands more, we'd like to get on subsidized to protest against israel's pulses prices, the revision by the whole race of these era. while my paying caring 85 people is v adult for runway and bust into flames. incentive go. the incident took place on to the buying 737 came to a stop at the cause international airport 10 people were injured including pilot, the cause of the fire is being investigated. nicholas ok, reports from the app. what's in the senate gauge?
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capital dot com. as we are at bless john international airport, one of the busiest airport in west africa that was shut down for a number of hours after an incident took place on this very runaway early on thursday morning at 1 o'clock in the morning, the air sent a goal flight operated by trans, there took off h c 301, and boeing 737, bound to by macro, but moments later the pilots since they were troubles with the airplane. so it came back to this airport to try to get it fixed. but as it took off again, it's did it off the runway with one of its engine catching fire. now over 10 people are injured, 7 of them critically, among them. the pilots. this latest incident on a boeing 737 comes at
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a time where there is an increase scrutiny over the manufacture. in fact, a former quality control manager of one of the main suppliers to boeing says that some of the of the plane parts leaves a factory floor with serious defects. and so there is now an investigation under way to try to find out how this lead to incident on a boeing 737 took place. nicholas hawk allen's is 0. the car. i want to take you to georgia now because there are protests there against what's called a foreign influence bill. it's been going on for nearly a month, demonstrates as a gathering in the evenings in front of parliament, demanding that this bill be withdrawn out. is there a spoke with one protest or about the choice, the country to you? he's the making for the future. i. my name is george. uh to buy the i'm from but to me a job. i'm george and i was interesting into politics from early age. right now,
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i study low in georgia and international institute of public affairs. of course, i love my country if you are going to fight for freedom or you are going to become like colonial of the country. after middle age. george, you always had 2 choices. either european countries or in the north, russia and post some of it a countries. we don't only want us, but you were up and you were communion. we consider ourselves, you were. i was actually at the 1st lights, i was one of the organization. there's be a for these per this i was getting into the to and at least 50 seconds. i hear my name is sunday and often one second, i am interested. i lost my glasses and they were beating me. they were shouting at
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me and that continued like for one or 2 minutes when the moment is calling you and giving you 2 choices. every time georgia has accepted only into one correct choice, and that is for fighting for freedom. that's what is great in georgia and people. so i have for you on the news out as little as full county up the southern big champion, light sauce catalyst capital intel on that coming up shortly. the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global,
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your real estate destination in due by the business lasers to sponsored by team to like global your real estate destination and due by the the
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point now they're, i'm thank you so much start with the i'm the playoffs. mccleveland cavaliers rash the top seat of boston celtics to level there a 2nd round series. after losing game $12.00 days ago, the cast took the lead in the 3rd quarter. donovan mitchell top scored with $29.00 points, and evan mobley had $21.00 and i had to re balance is cleveland, went on to a blow at boston, a $118.00 to $90.00 for the series is now level at one game. a piece series moves to cleveland for game 3 on saturday. i mean, it's always good to get it within the road. you know, by the end of the day it's one game. so it's good to get to when we do a lot of really positive things. but at the end of the day, you know, doesn't matter. we're going to take care of home court. so this nice get this when by the end of the day we gotta go one day to prepare and get ready for it to protect them. good. over in the western conference of dallas mavericks talk to oklahoma city of founders to try their best of 7 series at 11. look at dante chad.
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29 points temporary bounce, and 7 assessed to lead the maps 21192110. when this was the founders, 1st law says how season is dallas? hosting 3 on saturday. it's now $49.00 games and counting for buyer lever to send their along a beaten runs around the big test against roma. and the 2nd, like a very robot league, a semi final as anti richardson reports, defends, nip it down to them. and once again, the spine live accusing, seen, produced a late come by the state and beats, and for the season with the gym and the tons were wrapped up in a spots in a domestic cup final already booked. let the keys in stealing with a show of winning a treble of trophies now is going to do research lubbock using to get to new advantage into the 2nd like this. you wrote the leak semi final against wrong. the
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1st health penalty from the andro pereta is haul that advantage gold permit is repeated the treatment to the break and the unthinkable network paid likely. having avoided to seek the full ca, games, live the keys and loops set to lose a gain row. then 100 level accusing a lifeline, an own go put the gym and see instantly to the 1st european final and move into decades and then late late equally to preserve their own beats and record it finished to to on the 9th level. accusing winning full 2 on aggregates. the substitute they'll take on insulin sit in the final single victory over most se, so the times progressing 31 on aggregates. aside from the solely to we played in dublin on may the 22nd and the richardson l g 0. olympia, coastal face fair and tina and you open conference league of final degree teen beat
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english, fide aston villa and they're semi final. this is the 3rd tier of european competition, labianca security, now victory and the 2nd leg to wrap up as 6 to advocate when they now have a chance of winning their 1st continentals. for now, many of the world's leading athletes are in katara for the latest round of the diamond league. doha is the 3rd stop on the global series of elite track and field events with the action taking place on friday. all of the competitors are building up to this year's paras olympics, which will start in the last week of july the world championships a huge time and they use vis feeling big for me. grew up watching them and it so and only because, you know, it's kind of what i'm, what i like to do at least you know what really big games have like a different support. you know?
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so you might, you might via or something already. you know, you might be the best bucks about the game so it doesn't bother. it's like something i can really explain that. exactly. but you know, i'd like to be the best one. it was we bought the very one. let us motivate the well, one man, not competing on fridays. diamond leave me to is katara is which has a bar she the raining olympic high jump champion, however, has been in action here and don't have barshan beat some of his biggest rivals in the what gravity challenge he recorded as best jump of the season so far 2.31 meter was a robin adel was made to work hard for his 1st round victory up the italian open. the turn time champion had to hit back from the set down against belgians as easy books after suffering, a series of injuries 37 year old adel has said he'll be retiring at the end of the
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season. 22 time grand slam winter has been, has seen his world rankings slipped to 305. it took the spaniard almost 3 hours to beat, has 24 year old opponents and set up a 2nd round tie. with world number 9, herbert was practicing better than that's how i planned today without a doubt. but i find a way to a 9 that's so important the beginning of the, of the tournament for me. it's not on the, as i said, the, my, my game of this morning predictable then before. no, i didn't play much pennies for, for the last 2 years. so. yeah, so i'm up and downs on and off. but i think i can do it much better than what they did today. and i hope today in the next round for women's world. and one espn tack is looking to win the italian open for a 3rd time. she's safely into the round of 32 with a crushing straight sets went over. bernard, a pair of the boys started faces. juliet sits in favor and manage all the new york
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rangers meet the carolina hurricanes to win games free of their stanley cub at playoff series. that rangers over came in early deficit suite house. the hurricane is free to an overtime. the rangers now have a huge re nothing lead invest. the 2nd series they can complete a suite for on saturday wasn't able to control it. okay, that is all used for for now. back to you, marianne lovely, thank you so much. i just want to bring you a little look ahead to this promo. so be on toes points to assume the presidency of indonesia in october. once a special forces come on, disappear unto is attempted to reform his public image. he served as administrative defense in 2019, the president elect spoke to alger there as jessica washington and exclusive interview to discuss the space of his country. and his hopes for the future a landslide victory for you, almost 60 percent of the votes victory in 30 out of $32.00 provinces,
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certainly result that any candidate would have been happy with. what made the difference this time because you phone for president before twice. why do you think your message appeal to vote is this you? i think the combination of factors may be uh, precisely because i ran twice before. i think of my message, my another this my, my principals to reach the people. i think it's more than 52 percent of our voters are young you some more than 63000000 between 17 and 30. right. i think i had the advantage because you know, to young they are more concerned about jobs because this, their future, their concern indication. they're concerned about the jobs that concerned about
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people opportunities and the young in this age of social media. the information revolution, you know, do they get on very fast? do you think that thoughts interpretations when they're all these reports that say there's a democratic back sliding ended denisia? is that a misinterpretation from your perspective? of course. what vehicle a to. hm. what does ally do? we have how many, how many years of peaceful transfer of of government we have a living and vibrant democracy. are we satisfied? no me. is that correction? yes. this all problem and we have to deal with them. okay. is i'm actually democracy is firing. what is the only is the best system? what is the alternative or you can watch the full interview with the indonesian president. a lie to provo,
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so banter that's on saturday at 25. he gmc on tow charges 0. that's it for myself. and now i'll see you in about 16 minutes time, is that to my calling from my office, and it's going to be with you in just a couple of minutes. have more of the days in the calling attention to any quality. pollution meant extra judicial feelings. and county has low income communities. my one brother was killed by please the dentist that we say is but the one past one day and organize that are on the record. how old are these people off with the gun supplementing buffer? then it has been put on the bus that april gorbinko who brought in generation change. can you change is coming is no doubt about it on a dizzy to the next generation in the united states. they're not happy
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with what is happening in gaza. they're not happy with the u. s. foreign policy, and that's why they're trying to make their voices heard. the administrators of each university really have a choice to either escalate and calling police be confrontational, or to actually listen to what their concerns are. city stream of people being arrested, placed in the zip tie and cops and taken away. many of the purchases we've talked to have said they will continue protesting until their demands are met. now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but this was not a jew, israel's a state, and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough questions are, as can you see negotiations being even half. this is not important which of these are going to and bushy hold unapologetic,
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i'm just asking awesome upfront on out during the fact the more fossil fuels we burn the hot or the planet reporting from the action age workers right direction target to i'll just say it was teens across the world, bring you closer to the heart of the story. the the is there any attacks on eastern not fight intensify more than a 100000 people of slaves so far? the time about this and this is obviously life and don't have also coming up. israel continues to block humanitarian aid from entering gaza. and medical system is set


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