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tv   Eleven Days in May  Al Jazeera  May 10, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm AST

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sent in was in as well as attending labours, livelihoods, popular new weight loss trucks reshape the industry, counting the cost on out as era, the hello i'm, i am the wising and doha, just a quick look at the main stories. now, is there any forces are expanding attacks on causes region of rough uh, a huge plumes of smoke that was seen over the biggest city in the south. more than a 100000 palestinians have fled the area in just 5 days. the united nations is saying these righty all me take over the roof of border crossing, is crippling humanitarian operations. unit, such as food supplies of foss, running out, and the child, dest must be prevented, have sent us no, no, no, no, no one of the has,
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we don't know where to go. tell us where to go. is out of my why seeing con eunice, a safe place? are there tense? is there water? is there electricity? is there food and drink? is it a safe place? cause a now has no safe placing it in medical facilities in gaza, south coming under increasing pressure with many patients forced to travel to hong eunice adero above the treatment. but even that of the hospitals of badly damaged and facing must have shortages. aid has not entered the strip since sunday. the one is saying hospitals will be forced to stop functioning if no fuel enters the strip in the next 24 hours. is not meant isn't that we hope god willing that by sunday morning we will be operating in full capacity with 25 devices. is this number enough? absolutely not for 600 patients, we would need at least 45 dialysis machines. but the conditions don't allow us to have more and all the developments view an agency for palestinian refugees as it's
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temporarily shocking, is headquarters and occupied east jerusalem. a building surroundings with twice that's on fire. well and what is cooling is really extreme. this, the head of the agencies as you and stuff are on the compound when the fires besotted because extensive damaged out to areas. the u. s. has the it stuff put out the 5 themselves because in his right the 5 brigade took too long to turn up. is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who has been interviewed by us chat, show host dr. phil? let me explain this sometimes complex relationship presented with president joe biden interview comes as is where i was under pressure from the white house. president biden is threatened to withhold my weapons. if any timeframe is ready to ground a salt into rasa goes it has i've known joe biden, for many years, or 40 years and more. you know, we often had agreements, but we've had our disagreements, we've been able to overcome them. i hope we can overcome them. now, but we will do what we have to do to protect our country. as well as ministries
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folks passing sides, they all me as well prepared for its ground invasion of rafa. an adult debate. so you have the planet, the united states has provided sofa unprecedented security assistance to the state of israel during the war must. what's equally important is the military assistance on cooperation between the american central command and the army. this was manifested on the night of the talk from the run, but also during the course of the war. the chief of staff of the tenant general who is the high levy, is speaking to his us counterparts of general michael carrillo every day on the war efforts on the challenges in the region. even when we have differences between us, we resolve them in closed rooms. israel has its security interest, and we also attentive to the interest of the us, and this is how we will continue to probably become and all the top stories. this how 2 people have been injured off the residential buildings in ukraine's car. he region hits in a russian attack region. the governor is saying 3 houses,
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cool on fire, and dozens more would damage most close as it's not targeting civilians on the what it calls interest. and that strikes on military energy and transport infrastructure a plane carrying 85 people, his vehicle for a long way, burst into flames. incentive go. the incident took place off to the boeing 737 came to a stop at the cause international apples. 10 people were injured including the pilot . the cause of the fi is being investigated. india is top court has gone to failed to deli chief minutes to our vendor casual move in a month after he was arrested in a corruption case. but the quote says it's only until june, the 1st off to which he needs to surrender to the authorities. again, elections in delhi, all schedules and may 25th of the headlines and he's continues a bit later on. we'll see you in 25 minutes for another quick update. 11 days in may. is a program next. the
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earlier on fridays, thousands of listening worshipers, it answered the call from the islamic. what the trusted o for a to compound on video, for tooth to, to sustain ramadan. tensions needs to be seen has been unusually tight. this has become a nightly scene in east through some neighborhood of 6 terra pigeons and protest aggressively broken up by his very security posters. at stake the homes, it's hundreds of palestinians being subject to an eviction chaos and confrontation inside the acts and compound as is rated by strong who needs to disperse. remedy done with wine and some of the streets of okey pod easters. and protest has
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3 easy buildings is really security purposes 5 for testing the concerns of the deterioration on monday, thousands of jewish is raised a set to march through the old cities was included democracies really seizures in 1967 at 6 o'clock range when it gets dark jerusalem's outskirts, the israel loaded up in spite digits, and then boom box to begin. the 11 days later, the ceasefire was the queen the
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on may the 10th. the 1st day of the bombing campaign, 8 children were killed in gaza. the children were from 5 different families. they were killed in 3 separate attacks on a lot. so slaymen now shade. so i meant to lay my head around a quarter to 6 mohammed salvo sue name, and it was the 1st child to be killed when a plain boom to put his lands near his home and job to the north of gauze and city . the monday looks and how much of us can come on soft is plushie. see
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on the key. no, you said emotionally, equally. i don't know who, but i am putting in is a land lab, pulled out that the lab is caught on record. that is kind of sort of sort of in the lab and the push for salsa law. the connection was mcphee and and no countryman, i now put in exactly about the
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asian, me or service the the just up to 6 o'clock there was an attack in bates, honey, a hate code was posting the house of the almost 3 family or for us the children were killed the
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to like to hop on, but plan on really define i level on a lot of my southern, i know that i'm a little, i'm a was actually again, wow. and i my dish among mazda 2. that's all the press almost where he was 8 years old. she was playing outside her house with abraham and milan and how young nephew, yes, and 2 boys working with the haycock rosa account with abraham has the
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name on tessa. and i'm trying to see if i come up, abraham was 16 years old and was helping on the coach to make some money for his family. she loved to see him dream, designing a small thing so he can take photographs and videos. come on a 3 the her funny by we can really as our heavy i know of the what have been have been my niece the last. who is you? when you go this hawk,
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how can i forgot to clear out in the field of boy on the card? the same was 11 years old. his name's father was also killed in utah. is not the the the
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most. yeah. no, i have or has some way and i send him an hour shade when i send him the lab mile. bugging again i'm oh my you did then was yeah, yeah. okay. now i'm,
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i'm as well and is that when i haven't had the my, why many little on it i've been in santa ana next level where we actually nana getting a we have to my mother in law. surely. logan and all of my own the photo alice, who did you my are now we yeah. well, we'll right. i don't know a lot of do i leisure lee and i made of last week or i it wasn't on the on the same day. may the 2 things, boom, just street and job leah web of we so no go property was with his dad who was watching the family come they were both killed. bato is 4 years old. no, no. i know we're here. listen from 1st clinic from that up. i don't know. let me know which is settled. there's been the move in,
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but then the will settle is the tools for cell phones is see measures and mostly will so far as good. only the good ha, who are happening in the are with the move to see how the of the on maybe 11 lean media chair were killed along with them. and then pains on the house and goes to say to nina was 16 years old, and
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a very hardworking student who was hoping to study pharmacy marino was 2 years old and loved cats the on may, the 12th 9 children were killed in 6 different families. our same rockies dreamed of becoming a gymnast. she loved her cat cold nose, and she was 13 years old. she was at home in bed, when trump know from the miss all killed the
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very phenomena and lives the whole class. can tell you to kind of mazda a whole album with us, the ton of too much somebody success and had been the learning how to apply us. i have a lot on a minute. this is 0 and then with them sort of the bottom. what's the policy? the sort of soft letting us the
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need to this thing. that's why did you have the house is a to maria montalvan and said was 5, marry him to into house. they were both asleep, they were both killed along with them. say to just go to, they can to go kind of a up and we'll have to all and we see a lot of law. hello. i'm with the to and one of the back a, a i'm, i'm going to move and i know that the, i'm a and if it's your own, the mostly they could, they say,
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and then they get it all it has been a baby alarm from the lab the the outpost 9 in the morning in calling eunice south of goza city. the show to move
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showed in the chest when he was going to his phone to turn off the water. the show was 17 years old. the one has the title of the unit 5. so for now we understand the
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boston avenue in the morning films landed on the summit tree in charge of the east of garza city, comes and moved. ali was on the way to the shops to buy some vine needs to cook with. when he didn't come home, his father went looking for him. he was told that was not identified child's body at all. she saw hospital. it was home to a piece of shrapnel from a mr. oil. it hit him in the head, killing him. any better homes? they on a whole a. yeah. and the deductible i was going on and uh, me come in, but my thing is that are you coming out of hopefully i now by get one of the on
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this some of them have owned and when i left the just before 6 pm that evening there was an attack on con eunice. how much alamo was walking home from a spot this grocery store with his cousin. i'm a, when a missile from a plane hit them loving them up, his father. so it happened the how much was a cheerful boy who looked joking with everyone? his dream was to become a doctor. he was 13 years on the current house on who was the county. i don't know who left the house and i
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did learn a little nicer one time fee of some of the other bought the capital have shown that if we don't have offices on, i guess it was nice at the con, there was dentist zip code, wasn't sure it was a lot of i have to come to the north. come to the thank you so much jennifer. i got to put in the discount at another the
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because this is how much cousin a month was 11. his dream was to become a policeman. he loved to sing, and every morning he was at the plans in his gone and the 9 o'clock in the evening. there was a raid on sun outings trees and goes to say to the 2 boys, look at the yeah, he and mazda and calissa had gone onto the schultz and his home when the attack
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happened trap. no miss went into his bag. his uncle found you here just before he died. yeah, here was 13 years old. the has to be a la jolla. i'm a lucky gun and that means and have gun a person who. yeah, in the middle of the most of the woman. no. my, i'm the, the most mood her son told her was seen me as old. you loved football,
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knew the names of all the top players. his hero was sergio ramos, and he loved to as well. madrid shot the bad about it. and about those 3, they sent a lot yeah. names that i'm missing on the hand. about these 3 to for the is 3. the 5 case 3. the is as i'm i said i'm yeah. and you're still in know? yeah, the fish, the, i knew it was like the animal show big being yes we and i do is through what do you see? i mean that i mean what the bottom in the bottom up. i see that really bad news was a whole now that had the that and i'm at a, in what had decided and executive could be a well son,
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advanced mode and advanced or so on, invest, etc. got in. and it started now was the, that's my a oh heck, the noise of that and who walks out of what had better for his vis. there was that and had the industry and then the point added physically think of an makayla, the
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gun. that was the most, i had the 2, what are the little bits of the then all of what i asked the cities the pick up and i get the next theater them of, of the solution. i'm as of lot of them. uh, another thing. awesome. and a said that and then it will, it is that if i had the can to proceed that they administer that and i missed the head of the board for that that. and i'm in order to have it put it over the course i've had flooded in heads up for them. and on here to the i love your 14 years of enforced and separation,
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they missed their children growing up in this all of the things that i'm doing my teeth. some fault for his parents freed them from incarceration for their role in a rather cool black revolutionary group of anything that's worth fighting for you, fight for the thing you attempt is worth it. growing together, a witness documentary on the jersey, the 2 era writers from different countries which with much in common, plaintiff says so a palestinian resistance poets jailed for his left wing views. his poetry was the weapon to use to fight the whole world and cause something to do. a syrian professor, lots of behind the scenes. there wasn't a secret movement 11 and syria had us going to the rock. that konstantin was not behind rebel writers, palestine and syria, on that, which is 0. examining being proactive. today's headlines. setting the agenda
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for tomorrow's discussions, international filmmakers and will cross journalist bring programs to inform and inspire barnowski, sierra, the or hello i'm. i am the mazda in doha, just a quick look through the main stories of following the salad is ready. forces have been expanding. attacks on guards as region of rasa. huge plumes of smoke was seen over the biggest se in the south. more than a 100000 palestinians have fled the area in 5 days. the united nations are saying these riley army take over the roof of border crossing is crippling humanitarian operations. unicef says the food supplies of foss running out, and the child estimates be prevented. have sent us no, no, no, no, no one will have. we don't know where to go. tell us where to go. it's all my
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washing canyon is a safe place. are there tense? is there water? is there electricity? is there food and drink? is it a safe place because it now has no safe placing it? in the meanwhile, these writing prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been interviewed by us chat, chose dr. phil and explain the sometimes complex relationship he's had with president joe biden. he was president, has frightened to withhold my weapons if any pon furnace writing ground assault into rafa goes ahead. i've known joe biden, for many years, or 40 years and more. you know, we often had agreements, but we've had our disagreements. we've been able to overcome them. i hope we can overcome them now. but we will do what we have to do to protect our country. and our other top stories to people who've been injured off to residential buildings in ukraine's harkey region where hits in a rush in attack regions. governance has 3 houses,
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course on fire. doesn't smallwood damaged ukraine's armed forces of rushed reinforcements into this, says he has it fights to hold off a russian attempt to break through the front lines. at least 3000 people has been evacuated from the area to rescue operations. a continuing flooded pots of southern brazil, as the death toll rises to at least a 115 people, the dozens are still missing and rio grande, a soul which was hit by storms last week, 215000 people have been displaced. officials say more rain is in the full cost. now . the plane carrying 85 people has viewed off a wrong way and bust into flames. incentive go. the incident took place off to the boeing 737 came to a stop at the cause international airport. 10 people were injured including the pilot. what was the headlines morning is coming up in 25 minutes. i'll see you then the
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the 12 children killed may, the 34 of them were from the same family. when the bombing begun in the neighborhood as they live here, and what have cause a city yelton on the family, decided to try and run to safety or for children. and the moment, look here, the
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colored mohammed oak knew i lived in bates who just left his home to say hello to neighbors. when will play inspired to me, silence. the explosions killed colored. he was 17 years old. of the, to the level of as douglas as muscle on the back of the muscles or the system will have to tell them what was it be? i'm in a, it was the of who, who walk on the can only handle look into i for the last level there might have has
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yes, it could be a mess. it could be on my list, the categories of categories that i'm sending. i'm good. yeah. the way that you will hear my name is you're getting the 20 posts free meals to me off my drum, you know how watching was walking to his grandfather's house when it landed nearby . he died on the way to hospital. he was 15 years
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old. he loved swimming in the sea and riding horses and kept pigeons in memories of the house. the fence i'm explaining was, she said, i don't have to answer so the end of the book to have the memo. so try to go through how to control the metal. i started the whole at the same time in the middle of the fisherman's. it says that when we get a size, the
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nina mohammed isa was 13 years old. she was shy, she was very bright and did very well at school. she loved reciting, the garage was involved with the school radio station. on the 13th of may, she visited her grandmother. she them went home to eat money and have money books. a darcy arrive to house was bummed. she was buried in the rumble. so it was her mom, taper stein, the susie anessa cyrus was 17 years young. family struggling some money. so she had to work hard and she was like a 2nd mother to have brothers and sisters at 6 45 in the
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evening. she was killed by me. so the policy i was gonna live in, i mean literally it on the own i city. and when i got in for so solving the bottle, i will issue sorting them for another photo. and the mobile is the same and safe and have to i'm gonna have to my yeah. and sit telling how to get in. well, we're not the way a compiler is just not in the system as soon as you can. there's a the with some of the,
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in the early evening rafa was, boom. the moment i was, i mean was 2 years old. she was killed along with 7 months pregnant mom when her house was hit by miss house. oh, the me if it is about to apply spencer a when
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a human need. especially those who the subject get a lot more connects but allowed my who are. and i know yes, disease and mentions that island the change atlanta to terminal or that that was a heck prevented that. has a, has it in the heat. and so i told them that i like betty, i'm not going to have the
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it for him. how many adult on tc was playing when a plastic bike learning how to work when a slight digit from his house in russia he was buried by the rubble. he was 7 months old. the one on that upset on a mobile. so should i use the
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4 children were killed on may. the 14th 3 of the children were from the tal. somebody said to me off of that and it was funny and that's a new listen. them kind of look them in, in the assessment or what i mean. and it kind of comes up in, on one of the, sits in a while, a lot of the incumbents in kind of the, almost as i should,
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especially with jimmy at home. if he and i, you know, i have done that to just have the industry this and lavetia and how much the development. and then monday the i'm doing the i do to know to fixing things in his family house and wants to be an engineer when he grow up. he loved visiting his grandparents where he could go to the sea. he was 12 years old. he was in his home in an apartment broken, goes to say to you when he was killed, the
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columbia launch bus on the whole. oh, well come in. we'll send a do walk the other day on the
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9 children killed made a 15 h as in, in the same, into the visiting the home and best friends. hookups. the cool is the only the children were killed to hawaii. the guy here who was 11 rockman who was 8 and 60 this on the the funding for the children uses who was 11. and he was 9. marianne who was 8
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is a 6. the children loved the saying a bead was 7 years old. she had problems working and talking due to a brain condition, but she was a happy child. she loved to play on swings. the she was standing in front of the house and jump leah, when shopping off when they saw hit the right side of
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the panel. then we're staying at the moment then next to the doctor, not that much bad. and the guy that took some of the trinity charter schools on the mac roy's were taking kind of the day. yeah. i'm and that given my age and i had to a lemon. how i can look at an additional amount of time. now let me do what we'll have to fill out a form. glad to hear the look natural, but now that i'm only the guide to 100 and how about the honey, the show of to connect in the
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me, the 1618 during the time some goes as for to the when booms destroyed the deluxe on the, you know, the st. 8 children were killed cuz i didn't zayed roll yara paula from an off night. then mom and dad will also killed 4 children at the other funds. you found many with code and the same attack? mia? mirror e as in dean. this is the other, this building the home of the ish, kent and assembly, and the upper miss owens destroyed the building at 1 am toddler. no swimming and wants to be a photographer. when she grew up,
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she was 12 years old when she and her brother, tennessee quick killed that i yeah. kind of diamond and dish and not with them tend to have a tad bit. so what would ship it to and at the side of the house, a hell of a heavy duty lab is kind of the did is good. how about this? can you do? but some showed up at the demo on that is sad fix would. so would he not get a she a to seek was 16 years old. he was very good at science at school and wants to become adopt the
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he is counting, the family were in bed within the file head. donna donna. yeah. here zane locals, along with that mom, dad and one sister, susan. suffice the dana love singing. she had a beautiful voice. she was very good at school. she was a happy place to go, you know, type brothers and sisters. and then uh, i'll see you. i'll see you on the the show evening. get it done the night in or yeah, because we have them and kind of put on our yeah, we're on the show. we got you on the show. we had it looked on,
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i know know was 6 years old. she loved finding out what was happening in the neighborhood and going home and telling her mom and dad. yeah, he loved riding his bike and taking celsius. jane had just started talking. he was 2 and a half on may, the 17th 2 children were killed and attack. so i'm going to say to use, especially as was 13 years old. he used to help his family by working on the land ref, he's come on, i'd be dia was painting a picture in the garden. it's a house. it was 5 o'clock a missile. he's a nearby building. trump no, from the explosion hit 12 feet killing the
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on may the 19th 2 children were killed and i got them. and so i lived in the balance sheet items, the house was hit and miss, i'll at 8 o'clock in the evening and job aliya, the messiah soleah was killed. and she was 11 years old to ma'am the
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at the percentage amount of time. and you can notice that we yeah, actually on tennis tonda allowed us to know where you could give them the idea of how it got to like them off at the washington area. how many of the shepherds alive and both of 60 and made us not in get us liam of mistreating alonzo plus with all a hectic day and the can not for know some additional days how you started and i looked at the lot the the my left him home, the cost of that home before i bought some credit for how to fix it to the
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they give me a lot of oh yeah is yeah, yeah, this is also says your homework by like at 7 the, the, [000:00:00;00] the
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on may the 21st a ceasefire came into effect in the 11 days of forming. more than 60 children had been killed in gaza. 100 small had been injured the the families then mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles, will never forget
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the, the hello, i'm afraid we do have more writing the full cost of southern parts of facility and see this every red cloud here that is a warm front and it will slip its way further south, which as we go through the next couple of days running back in across those floods . it pops up as sales as the problems to come here. you can see signs of fat as we go through friday. you go into assessed and it continues to just slip a little further south with some of the problems coming in here. and also that it
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is very warm re i 31 celsius south of that good deal. cool. 16. 17 degrees, a full rest. santiago. i'd also for one to ceteris. caustic, our family go to a rash or shower, still in place just around his spine. you know that you make a stay and a few south of i'm positive cuba as well. let me show, i was just extending the way into the leave with all of this little winwood system to be fine and dry for the time being. having said that, we'll see some showers having to southern parts of central america. so the crockett costa rica, seeing some lobbies as of right down into panama, shots of one or 2 showers, to just slipping into what know them areas of mexico, so potty to cool off a little here. cool enough across at least disabled of the us. whether in place here, take showers down towards the se, grassley slipping by the east. the unique perspective. why should the doctors don't get to have a say in any of the medical workforce has been so under valued by the british
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government for such a long time. on hub voices, tick tock had been a place for organizing politically for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream on out to the era or the, the hello i'm, i am the why is the welcome to the news our live from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes is really on the attacks on rough intensify more than a 100000 people, a flight the areas since monday. the 5 days no fuel, unfortunately 90 minutes here, united states that the the got the street and we have scraping the bottom of the


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