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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 10, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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weight loss funds, we say the industry counting the cost on alex's era. what we do and all just sarah is try to follow this story and he's the people who allow us into their lives, dignity and democracy. the is writing on the a tax on rough lot intensify more than a $100000.00 people have slept the area since monday. the hello, i'm sorry, i'm to margie. this is al jazeera life from doha. also coming up on the program. the 5 days. no few. i'm virtually ngugi minutes here and i just sent it to the guy at the street. and we have scraping the modem about you as an emergency aid agency, one's of catastrophic consequences of supplies don't during the weeks,
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and those who need it inside concepts. the united nations general assembly is set to load on a resolution that withdrawn palestine new rights and revive it's un membership. it also coming up as how russian shutting killed several people. it's part of a push in to your clients are key region, the hello and welcome to the program. we've been following developments in gaza and already desperate humanitarian situation is guessing even was, is writing forces or expanding attacks on the southern region of rough or moving a 100000 palestinians have fled the south since monday. the united nations is saying these really on the type of, of the rough border crossing has sealed the crucial entry point for humanitarian aid. a new one, the fact and is spreading axles and yvette begins. our coverage is
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really forces having testified their attacks and rough or pushing deeper into the cities, eastern areas, buildings around a q, a hospital or under fire or civilians have been sheltering for months. well, let us show you in the flood. i see that rafa cannot bear to be invaded by israel. we are many casualties. most of the injured and martyrs that are arriving at this hospital are women and children, so that when most of the displacement personal mazda is armed with the cosigned brigade say, to have hit 2 tanks in a vehicle of caring israeli troops. this fee or is a full scale ground invasion grows and the city comes under intensified attacks from dear to you and estimates more than $100000.00 people are fleeing to try and find any form of safety. for many
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there's no escape the this motor pizza through welters. soon as he dies in her arms, despite global calls for restraint, these really army has launched a multiple strikes on the roof of this week. on monday. these really are me drop leaf flats, or drink palestinians to evacuate. families who once called her off the home, are now heading to almo bossy and darrow bella. but they are struggling to find food, water and other supplies, and to no, no part of gaza is safe access. i'm gonna reach out to 0. o tag i will assume is in darrow bala for us. and so we've been speaking about the more than 100000 people who fled rough. uh, and just the past couple of days. what are you seeing there in daryl by
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well, things are incredibly moving fast. t endeavor to about a 100, even in rough i district as we have been moving from the safe show to a rock left to right now to jerry about his might to the expansion of the fighting to reach the last remaining area and show top for the vast majority of donors want to let you know the situation is, seems to be critically di, david by law, whether it's new or miss humanitarian pressure on the medical sector along side. also with the civil services, as people have been splitting up, they made shift tends on the coast a line of a dairy to buy in the mt farm lands in this area, which is a read, it was shown which was the read that shows up to people who wesley previously from the north or inbox of because this trip you're talking about what we've done. some of 100000 out of sentience, have been sling from rough within the past 4 days to derek. by the same time the situations it sounds critically. deleon,
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10 in terms of the middle school level where only unlocks the hospital is the main central hospital that now is responsible for providing medical treatment for hundreds of thousands of palestinians. as we can clearly see how drastic is now the situation in the streets of that rid about where people are sleeping on the floor, on the ground as they did not to now find shelters. as we can clearly see, that's also according to my witnesses. there's ongoing cornerstone moving and it's legal operations from roughly also to the left to and once again con units where these areas, by the way witness want to scare you. bombardment and the close of the past couple of months and we continue to hear the buzzing of the it's very many to draven's in that area which gives me a lot sign of fixtures. and also. 2 a deterioration and secure to conditions for those people, even if leading to darren and the owner has, has been saying that the closure of buddha also has contrib. it took to excessive
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facing the humanitarian conditions, endeavoured by the husband only in rough as acute and fluid running out from the markets of the gaza strip and its blues and the horizon. complete mid to collect the humanitarian catastrophe. it is and tight just to be absolutely just to be fair about this at the beginning of the what we saw that hospitals in the south where it many people who were being attacked and displaced in northern gaza. we're heading south and to rough on now rough uh is the target of intensified military operations . so that now we see the reverse. we're seeing many patients, many palestinians moving from rafa into darrow. by the way you are, did they have, i mean hospitals that are badly damaged because that area has been attacked. also, as you say, they are facing serious shortages because the board is a close. how that, how is the area coping? how the whole of the hospitals able to do anything to meet the needs of the people . the crucially we
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need to bring in that that you said to 3 hospitals, certain to it hospitals, of course the entire trip have to come out of service due to the expansion of the fighting to reach these areas. and now roughly only now has one hospital that is responsible for providing medical treatment for the injuries that arriving to the hospital every now and then. now clearly for your hospital with it's very limited medical, a services on the ground that can barely provide use medical treatment as the sometimes are helpless in terms of providing advanced surgeries and even advanced medical costs will do is wounded people as the right now when you sit in the central area only unlocks on the hospital, you know, say, rocks refuge account are responsible right now to deal with the injuries on the different magistrate cases in the middle area. like of the most populations that have been moving from the roof off to that route. but i,
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so the situation is politically dalia as they are quoting for an international, immediate medical intervention and protection who is hospitalized in order to keep up the rates and on the ground in light of the expansion of the military operation and rough on thank you. so much from durable and central gaza type i was in were forcing to us. well the, i like solves between central browsers and warnings that it will run out of fuel within 48 hours. this would force the facility to suspend operations. this type was expanding is one of the few hospitals that is still functioning there and the strip officer is honey. my, who's managed to get inside or likes hospital, and just the warning that some of these images in his report. a distressing we're inside deluxe is a hospice, all one of the only few remaining health facilities to my operation all across the garza for this particular hospital as in defense from area. and as you can see over a crowded wood patients,
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an injury isn't family members who are evacuated to this particular facility seeking shelters. the past 7 months have been quite difficult for the health sector across the gauze, as for the, from major hospitals being deliberately targeted and destroyed and pushed out of service into the acute shorter medical supplies in the shorter supply with fuels was the remaining to my operation. of hospitality to complete a closure right now. and with more recently a hospital in rough office of the city that has been pushed out of service because of the military operations in this hospital. not only suffering from the lack of a space and, and being jammed with many people, but also the services. here are a dire situation right now we're looking at a extreme shortage of medical supplies. there are no space for, for patients, for injuries. some of them are on the literally, on the floor of the hospital are very, very devastating situation for,
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for the hospital to continue on working and to sustain itself. what we're seeing right now literally is, is sufficient medical to stop here that's been working for the past 7 months, already exhausted, and, and a traumatized. giving the, the ongoing intense bombing campaign across the strip here to, to medical a stop or trying to help one of the injures who from the could not find a bid for him. he's literally on the floor of the hospital getting whatever, not the service treatment. they're doing their best to save lives here. but for the most part, injuries and patients are either on the floor of the hospital or the end of waiting go side. a lack of his business, not the only problem in this hospital, but also the extreme charge or medical supplies as well. the shortage of a seal that is threatening the hospital to shut down major parts of its department, including the i see you on operations room. we spoke with, with
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a doctor briefly and he just answer with one words, describing the difficulties of the situation. the past 7 months have evolved into major problem across this trip. more people are pouring into the hospital right now and within the past 2 days, 1000 of more people are seeking shelter inside the hospital. more evacuation orders we should in the southern part of the trip. first, this hospital to go beyond its capacity as more people either setting up the terms outside the vicinity of the hospital or inside a sport or literally inside the facility itself, just increasing the pressure on medical to stop volunteers, as well as in the patients and injuries inside the facility will talk to i'm going to alizae on is an orthopedic specialist inside. you know, the, i likes the hospital i, i spoke to him earlier about the situation there at the facility where he is
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working with out of the him the, the on today is the 2020th day of the war in gaza strip as you know are in the past we lag the medical equipment and the nature of injuries are very hard, very difficult to deal with unprotected limbs and value was in duties in different parts of the body total. so on below and today we'd be closing off the crossings. we have very difficult done the kind of situation with the displacement of people to rough up. the situation is not a bad thing. there is that back in the supply is in mistakes and even to submit the come stuff to be is posted to you. but then on the health sector in the guise which might lead to its collapse, which is already in the set of collab since the beginning of the war. border crossings are closed right now or they are effectively blocked. un
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agencies, humanitarian. we're taking him out to the united nations general assembly where presidents done as francis is speaking as a vote is about to get underway on resolution that with grant new rights and privileges to palestine. a stroke e s 10 stroke, 991, which contains a letter dated 24th april 2024. from the permanent representatives of mauritania. saudi arabia, new bound to the united nations, and the respective capacities as chairs of the arab group. the organization of islamic corporation group and the coordinating bureau of the northern line movement of the united nations in new york. requesting the resumption of the tense
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emergency special session. i intend to conduct the proceedings of this meeting in accordance with the rules of procedure of the general assembly and the false practices of its emergency special sessions. in keeping with established practice, i should know like to invite the attention of the general assembly to document a stroke, e s. 10. stroke, 992. the consuming member states that in areas in the payment of the financial contributions to the united nations within the toombs of optical $19.00 of the chapter. may i take it that the assembly julie takes note of the information contained in this documents?
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it says so decided in this connection, i should like to record that at the 39th february, meeting of the 10th emergency special session on 26th, october 2023. the general assembly decided to follow the provisions of resolution $78.00. scroll to a fift october 2023, by which the color rose. so to me and principally, and to submit. so malia permitted to vote in the general assembly until the end of its 78th session. and to also allow these member states to vote at the 10th emergency spectrum spectrum the general assembly will not resume its consideration of agenda item 5,
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entitled illegal is rarely actions in occupied east jerusalem. and the rest of the occupied palestinian territory as in this connection. so right now we're just listening to the presence of united nations general assembly done as fonts as he's running us through the proceedings of what we're about to see which has this but on resolution that with grant new rights and privileges to palestine. so this is, it's like going to be why the backs and very significant. so let's get some context on this without as it was gaped, but there's also joins us live from the united nations. what could this resolution mean for palestine and palestinians? well this would give the palestine more rights and privileges at the united nations . they are currently now a non member observer state, but they've been fighting for full membership in this body for many years. now.
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that was a v towed by the united states last month. never the less the general assembly now in this emergency session is going to be looking at this draft resolution that would not give palestine full membership, but allow them a lot more rights and privileges such as joining various un organizations and bodies that they are not able to join now, among other things, but it would not give them full membership. nevertheless, it's pretty significant and we expect to vote in the next hour or so. and we're now going to go back, i think, to the general assembly where the president is speaking about this right now. bringing countless innocent victims into its deadly forward. on the pushing the rejoinder further to the brink of full scale catastrophe. quite a numerous diplomatic efforts. and the united nations resolutions have been deployed,
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regrettably, none of yet qual, or the current cycle of death and destruction. yeah, this is not a moment for the international community to, for, to or to look away. if anything, the horrendous events of the last 7 months have only hastened to the urgency of achieving a just comprehensive and lasting peaceful solution to the situation in the middle east. excellent seas today lets us remember the legacy from which we we stand proudly upon the shoulders of those who many decades ago recognize the ultimate responsibility to forge
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a piece that would banish the scourge under tara of rule. for many generations. those who knew full well the undesirable rule that the wall and violence please in their own lives on home, made no apologies for imagining and indeed building a more peaceful world. beyond it, they understood the value of international cooperation and saw the active participation of all nations, large and small, giving voice to common principles on which is a debt to income mankind school. for a better future. as to this united nations, we cannot and must not lose sight of the history. we inherits
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all of the board and proposition that brought our organization intervene piece for oh, i repeat piece for oh, excellent. and sees this general assembly is, can vote today to pronounce itself within his powers and mandates and to uphold the functions and responsibilities bestowed upon it by the united nations charter. including under article full idea of 4, call up on the membership to purposely assess the situation before us with nothing else in mind. what's our commitment to piece as our most i'm bishop most immediately i urge the parties to this
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conflict with the support of those with leverage to do the most to secure an agreement of ceasefire. that would end the suffering. and the blood shed free all hostages. protect in the sun civilians and, and show immediate on in the access of humanitarian aid. without conditions i repeat, without conditions for all who are in dire need. in closing, it is true that the last time is never found. it is also true, but we have lost much time. we are here once again called upon
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to work for humanity. and we the peoples without exception to believe in the central goodness of others as roused bunch with it decades ago. in the understanding that no problem of human relations is insoluble. i appeal to all member states to sol comport themselves during this debate as a student in the dignity of this chamber and of the organization. ultimately, to help bring lasting peace to save lives and to end violence to which we have oh,
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dedicated ourselves in the service of the people. i thank you. so think about it. mister united nations general assembly where a boat is taking place. this is on a resolution that we were expecting could be potentially a vote of historical importance granting rights and privileges to palestine. and so this is also a very important because the, it would essentially mean that the veto, which has commonly used only united nations security council, which is the most important 40 within the united nations that cannot be, that cannot be used. and so it could potentially pay the way for the full united nations membership, the palestine. this is something that policy change of long sort. and something
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that to israel has is very much opposed to, but of course this all comes about often what we have seen is this devastating war in gaza that set last if for some 7 or 8 months. and so we have seen and this will, a staggering number of civilians lose losing their lives. probably 40000 or more has been killed. many more last last under the rubble of thousands more have been injured. and actually just listening now to united arab emirates, speaking of use and also as you saw it by the united states, against the draft as it is and back out. serious submitted to the security council on behalf of the air print on this matter. last month of having value was to add to your accidents using with your own. um, um, how about today? teddy marks
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a defining moment in our history with mama from the draft resolution before you left minnesota, but have a profound impact on the future of the product for an antique china minute. the hot people on cooling for more than 75 years haven't do it persecution, and a denial of their most basic right. and some of the, some of the people who have patiently waited with a waiver and determination for the international community to champion the right to self determination and enabled their country to again for membership and the united nations and the 7 to the and the policy that people are replaced living nation and they just have the opportunity to effectively serve humanity. so the united nations explicit for the united by acceding to international treaties and conventions. and by adhering to the united nations charter, i by me to have the car criteria for membership. and with obtaining the recognition of $144.00 states, the state of thought his time has demonstrated that it deserves it's based,
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and the international community does a titled to full membership. the vast majority of countries of this hall are fully aware of a digital must see of the protestant in bed and the justice of their cause, which faces fierce attempts to suppress it and render it meaningless today how that, how would this is evident in the attempts to forcibly displace the protestant people and confiscate their line to yes as in send the ongoing expansion of settlements, the loss of which fragments to fall the city and state law and the the added to this part of the continuous and condemned is really a tax on the guys to which have resulted in this and destruction of the recent escalation and rough highlights, the risk of exacerbating and already unprecedented him monetary and disaster. israel has disregarded all the traditional resolutions and overseas,
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rejected the 2 state solution. israel has denied the protestant in people's rights to the, to declare their independent sovereign states and how much so much as an international community. we have responsibility to uphold the internationally agreed upon terms of reference for and in wisconsin. was crucially the 2 state solution based on the borders of the 4th of june. 1967 and member granting palestine for membership and the united nations will send a powerful message as support of the 2 state solution, not by voting in favor of today's draft resolution. you will demonstrate that the international community refuses to suffer for anything less than upholding that is too much rates of peoples and rejecting double standards. this is the protective shield for our countries in the face of current conflicts and crises in our world today. part of the study fulfilling video as historic
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obligation towards the cost of entry for as long overdue. but it is never too late . i feel like today, more than ever the thought of student people need the support of the united nations in the food from the day today. hopefully you can, the country has a freedom to choose this position, faces and how it will be remembered in history. how does this as the headsets, and not only would you take the sides of truth justice and the principles of equality, and that the apartment upon which the united nations was founded as this document room. and would you defend an international order routed, and the rule of law would and the digital rights of states to full membership? but what do you support a people who have enjoyed occupation and aggression for more than 7 decades hudson? what are we going to send a clear message, the security council today that we will not relent and demanding palletized right
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to full membership. and the council that the council must respond to the will of the 2 decimal community is what's your presence have in mind with your accidents. he's mature as that out of your draft resolution presented today is on and take us . as we have mentioned, it's recommends that the security council reconsider support fathers times request and light of the people in general assemblies and m e and the recognition of protest size. what i did it to batoo eligibility and the advisory opinion of the i c. j. dated may 28. 1948. i'm going to court this month fully with article 4 of the united nations charter one that does not. because despite this, this resolution alone does not do justice to the state of palestine as it only grant additional rights. meaning that by this time will remain an observer state
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without the right to vote in the general assembly or put forward it's kind of deter for united nations organs. and therefore, we called upon the security council to respond to the general assembly john this global body to the overwhelming majority of the international community by issuing a positive recommendation on the membership of the state of protest time. this will enable the general assembly to decide on thought his time's admission to the united nation. the draft resolution also affirms the inalienable right of the thought of sending people to staff determination, including the right to establish with god and independent sovereign states. the draft resolution also cost for renewing international efforts to end without delay. israel's occupation that began in 1967. what would you like to reach a just was the last thing that we and peaceful.


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