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tv   The Stream Students Take a Stand Take II - Global Movement  Al Jazeera  May 10, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm AST

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upon the security council to respond to the general assembly john this global body . after the overwhelming majority of the international community by issuing a positive recommendation on the membership of the state of thought, his time. this will enable the general assembly to decide on thought his time's admission to the united nation. the draft resolution also affirms the inalienable right of the thought of sending people to staff of termination, including the right to establish with god and independent sovereign states. the draft resolution also cost for renewing international efforts to end without delay, as well as occupation that began in 1967 when what would be the and to reach a just with me last day of the and peaceful supplement to the past and in question anyhow, that i definitely resolution. we represent the historic step towards rectifying the historic injustice insisted upon the cost and interest for for decades. it will
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bolster palace times taxes and participation and international for this week. voting against this resolution would be the 100 and abandonment of moral and legal responsibilities towards the patterson and cause it's may also be interpreted as a green light for israel to continuous violations which undermine the 2 state solution. and therefore, the air group calls on, oh, peace loving nations, and who that defend the determined rights of states to vote in favor of this resolution. well, hit on what they in the middle as finally bought on the wireless and the republic of egypt. and just a difficult task continued a tremendous efforts to reach an immediate and permanent use fire and was as though the am group emphasizes the importance of the international community. the judge creating a serious political horizon to relaunch the negotiated process that would contribute
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to achieving adjusting comprehensive piece for the past year. and people are in accordance with the uh, piece initiative and other international references mr. president, before i conclude, i kindly request that you suspend the debate at 11 am this morning to proceed to take action on draft resolution, a slash b s 10 slash l 30 slash red one. given the importance of the matter with the understanding that the debates would resume immediately after the vote on the draft resolution, and that the 10 emergency session would be temporarily adjourned after the conclusion of the debate. i thank you mister president. a very strong comments to their about the prospect, the palestinian membership, the united nations. and here we see assets of the united nations to ground palestine from full membership. this is a renewed push full full policy,
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the membership of the u. n. and it does go really beyond the war and gauze are and what has been a terrific 78 months palestinians, the inside gaza. why we have seen many thousands, some 40000 palestinians have been killed. many more have been injured. and now we see some 600000 children trapped inside the southernmost city in gaza, which is rasa. this really goes beyond all of that. this is about recognizing the rights and the dignity of the palestinian people to grant them that own solver in an independent state off to some 75 years of persecution. those are some of the remarks that we've been hearing at the un general assembly. and of course watching one of this is gabrielle, is on the following
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the conclusion of the beats on item fine. is there any objection to the motion? i have no objection. it is so decided i know give the flow to the observer state of palestine. mister president, the colleagues as i stand before you
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as lives continue falling apart and the gaza strip torn apart in the most brutal and devastating ways. i stand before you as more than 55000 palestinians have been killed. 80000 have been maimed to 1000000. have been displaced and everything has been destroyed. no war can capture what such laws and drama signifies for palestinians. their families, communities, and for our nation as a whole. as palestinians and gods have been pushed to the very edge of this trip. to the very brink of life and in about are not owing space. they are besieged in bombs and bullets. continue
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hunting them down. i stand before you, as by mine is settling in by design and by that decision over the is the, the government killing the most vulnerable among our people. children then only is it a close the crossings instead of bolting them, including that off, crossing, seizing by force, the palestine young crossings point to buff, humanitarian convoys when attacked with its blessing. and the honorable headquarters was assaulted with its complicity at the time where the ward was calling to flood gods. with a humanitarian
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a i'm calling for a ceasefire. impose that out. it's plan has not changed, destroy and displace i started before you as every inch of guys has what this mass occurs as mass graves continue to be uncovered warehouse, but those use to stand as the war is barely starting to grass. the crew or an extensive nature of the actions committed against the palestinian people . i stand before you as is the prime minister, is ready to kill thousands more to insure his political instead of live. and as he openly declares, the palestinian state is an existence jump thread and together when his
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co conspirators continues 76 years of the knock, but to try and finish the job. so rarely as war is against the palestinian people as a whole. its occupation forces unset that is getting daily in the westbank including east jerusalem. it's one of those that display spell us theme in communities and demolish us, being and homes everywhere. i have had money praise the resilience of the palestinian people and we are resilient. but no nation, no family, no patterson should have to endure such somebody for so long. such injustice from bad to pretty much your to death. one,
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you're not ation of the other. no balance should no such fee of such part as less than this. no children should have to suffer in the flesh what palestinian children are experiencing as we speak 1400000 busting as in rough. wonder if they will settle by today and wonder where to go next. that is no added left to go. mister mister president. i have stood hundreds of times before at this podium often and tragic circumstances. but none compared i've been to the one's my people indoors today. i have still
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hundreds of times before at this podium, but not bought a ford motor significant boat. then the one about to take place has started one we faced and continue to face attempts to push us out of deal. could i be an out of history bought by for some, for some better displacement subjugation or the death? or to say it in even clear other terms by ethnic cleansing, up on the side or genocide. against all odds. we set up by our flag flies high and proud in palestine and across the globe. and on the campus of columbia university,
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it has become assimilated, raised by all those who believe in freedom and is just thrilled by all those who can no longer stand idly by in the face of such an injustice. it is true that we will not disappear. but the live is lost, cannot be restored. the marks visit been an invisible left by this sort of assault that has yet to end on bodies and souls on families and communities on each single athenian. and the gaza strip can never be totally conveyed. we did not provide you on charter
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we did not in that international law. we just demanded to see them applied to us and have been until now denied their protection as the campaign to display and destroy the palestinian people. each is its ultimate eleven's. you can decide to stand by that i open nation to live in freedom and dignity on it's on system land. this done to a base. what should it go out? is that a good condition of all our rights? not data continued denied. audio can stand on the sidelines of a history or the wars obstruct. it's not shut out fast forward.
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mister president, i have sat in these halls next to live, but action movements cool. one by one. i finally took their rightful place in this august chamber. again, without a doubt, the day will come when palestine will take its rightful place, among the community of free nations, occupation and colonialism and death and destruction. autumn, not our fate. they are imposed on us. but freedom is out of solemn this duty we shared with many nations presented in this hold. the suffering they endured, thus brought good news. they lead that dreams they had you'll have
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been witnesses to the story of palestine. and you can only look at it from the prism of your own people as jo, news, thoughts, anybody issue liberation, so live gun pretty bad live at ation. so peace gone, pretty bad. we want peace. we want freedom. that is no or the heart of the to pronounce when tens of thousands of your people have been can't we do not use it slightly. we want peace. a lot of freedom is not on up 2nd to piece. it is the only path leading to it. if you do not support a lot of freedom, you do not support
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a piece out of the set of determination to independence state owed to membership of the these. united nations cannot be subject to one is that i usually be told they are locked up for the negotiations. they are out in had and had on provides as palestinians. it is a, it is clear that it wants to destroy palestinian statehood. what does it mean to be for the 2 states in the ocean if you allow for the destruction of the palestinian state? mister president, the colleagues, they are brothers and sisters, dear friends. palestine has been for the generations of your compatriots, the ultimate test for humanities, ability to live up to its premise, to promise promises. and it is once again for this
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generation, the ultimate measure of the quest for justice. its name was embraced by your founding fathers and your greatest leaders and but a lot of people it is an integral part of the legacy of your and sisters and of the engagement of your younger generations. people from all grades and phase and race and age. in the biggest cities and the most remote villages, auto mobilizing for palestine, mobilizing for a ceasefire for and then the occupation for freedom and justice and for peace. mr. president that you on charter was often in vote
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doing a lot of negotiations and we will always abide by the job at the including when the process is it forces and limitations. it imposes out to a lot of that, that, that 3 months and including of thought, having been confined in unobserved about stuff that's for 50 years now as we wished from all those who involved but job done to abide by that of the palestine young people to self determination guaranteed by the charter to confront the acquisition of us doing unto activity by force denounced by the truck that took place at a future to pasadena. and you're not agents from the score to give up your patient and war. as for seen by the charter yes,
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vote is about for the palestinian existence. it is not against any state, but it is against the attempt to deprive us of a lot of states. that is why the is the government is so opposed to it because they oppose our independence and the 2 state solution altogether. it is an investment in peace and boss empowers the forces of peace. how can anyone explain that is the n was admitted to the united nations 75 years ago on the portal, but as illusion that for so to states and without a wait where thing and then all of the conflicts and why is continuing to deny
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our rights and a lot of existence and that the state of palestine 75 years later, is finished require to wait and remains met by a closed door that advantage it preventing it from being admitted to this organization. your vote today of god says a lot about your sorted out it to you with palestine, but also about who you are and what you stand for it. my thought is, i, you know, i know all the majority of you, what is done again with the palestine young people in their auto need and do what is done for just and lasting fees for the benefit of old
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and simple awards. voting yes is that i think to do and i can assure to you and your country for years to come. would it be proud to have stood for the freedom, justice and peace in this dark just out of it. but one is saying free palestine. free ballast starting and peace photo owed, and i repeat free palestine and vote yes for that is illusion. and i thank you so much. we've just been listening to the palestinian representative there to the united nations. we have non so who has a deliberate and a number of emotional remarks and speech is over the last 7 or 8 months. but really we have here and impassioned plea for the palestinians to move around to the right
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to freedom because of the stiffness seeds into self determination. and essentially calling for an end to the is raining occupation of persecution and the suffering of the palestinian people. judging that united nations general assembly members to vote in favor of this rather resolution, which with crohn's palestine full rights and privileges, mister president's over 85 years ago as world war 2 began, a force of sheer evil rose up with the goal of dominating the planet through genocide and destruction after hitler's rise to power, the nazis sought to subjugate humanity. under there, i run feast wide and not relating the jewish people, but not only us all those who they deemed sub human. but in the face of
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this genocide, they'll plot the for, it says of good came to gathering or their to and this har to return freedom and peace to the world. and following the allies victory, this institution here, the united nations was founded with the mission of ensuring such tiring the never raise as its ugly head again, never to day. you're about to do the exact opposite and advance the establishment of a palestinian terrorist state which will be led by the hitler of our time. they employ of our times. in the 19 forty's the world united to destroy a murderous regime yet to day with sick and twisted irony very by the established
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to prevent eva is now well. tell me a terrible state into its ranks. what would churchill say if he were alive to day? what to do, roosevelt think they are turning in their graves turning their graves. this week. only this week is rand commemorate that you will not show all accost remembrance day any day during our sacred week. this shameless body has chosen to reward modern day not sees with the rights and privileges if these rarely is more in the jewish babies branding the crematorium, you'll hear the un usher in the collaborators of the is riley babies burned on october 7th. how can you be so blind? evict your political interests. are these, your distorted values?
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are you being threatened by diplomatic terror of the palestinians in dare collaborators? there are many here. colleagues to days destructive vote is not only opening the ones doors to the parents supporting palistine. yeah, and they'll start to see if it was then it would be bad enough. but as you will know, the palestinian authority does not even have control over its own territory. do you know what controls garza? you probably have forgotten because in all of your resolutions here since october 7th, you had failed to even cold them out by name. so, i'll remind you, each, the terrorist of how must become us doesn't only control guys. a mazda is also thinking over, but a senior neighborhoods, palestinian villages, and you,
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dan scenario, what you called the west bank in every portal. how much to day is predict that when ballasting young elections, if they ever happen. so today, the general assembly is not only about to grant the rights of a state to the palestinian terror. oh sorry to day you are also about to grant privileges and rights to the future. terror state of come us. you will have opened up the united nations to modern day nazis, to general cybill jihad is committed to establishing any stomach space across is red in the region, murdering every jewish man and woman and child. it makes me sick, sick. in the years to come, you will have to explain how in opposition to all morality and they un charter
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you need every thing to give a state to a group of mass mass murderers to the employers of our times. so here it is. i present to you the future outcome of 2 days votes. this is the outcome of your vote soon to be president. you have seen while president tyrant, of the state of come us sponsored by the you and by the way. and he owes his deepest gratitude to you, the general assembly when come must rise to power. the police senior on the representative who just spoke here. you know what will happen to him, he will be re cold. and if he returns, they would likely be thrown off a roof. they'll buy from us just as the senior. i know it's dorothy representative where when comcast took over guys a back in 2006,
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7. i mean, he's place this by the with welcome to come us representative to its ranks as a terrorist diplomats will state the goal is jewish genocide just that gives the run you and come to part here with this new president. we may see here, representatives of isis or bulk of around, that's what st among us. you know what this will be fitting for the new moral standard being set to year to date, giving the rights of a state to an entity that is already partially controlled by terrorist and will be replaced by a force of child murdering come us rapists. unbelievable. truly unbelievable. what you are carrying out today is remaining sense of how the powers of europe capitulated to hit the learning. the munich agreement. the u. n.
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is targeting the lower binding democracy of is ran was a p z, then nazi jihad. these forces them come us and you run in churches remarks, then on the choice of co coward. these an appeasement in the face of murder and dictators are relevant to your vote today. because today you have a choice between weakness, shame, and conciliation in fighting a war against terror. and sadly, you will choose weakness, but you will receiving return and not the only shame, but the war in the future as well. but i have colleagues to day and other travis, these being committed here by the general assembly, an unforgivable act, the destruction of the united nations charter, or the un charter. the said krebs documents which serves as the foundation
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of every thing we are supposed to do here. is being trampled upon. it is being thrown out the window you, you are spitting on the very values that were formulated to buying this organization. we today is destruction. destructive resolution. you are circumventing the security council, ignoring its decision and violating the norm. this organization has abided by the charter with drafted for a reason. but most of you care nothing for the qualifications, it outlines. so let me remind you what the charter says about a meeting, new new un membership. membership in the united nations is open to all other peace loving states which accept the
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obligations contained in the present charge for a peace loving number to the admission of any such state to membership in the united nations will be affected by a decision of the general assembly up on the recommendation of the security. well, if you are just joining us here on out as era, it is now 1500 g n t, and you're listening to get loud or down he's, he's really ambassadors here nice of nations and he's addressing the un general assembly as that chamber has devised us on a resolution cooling on the security council to reconsider its position on giving palestine full membership on the line to mentions that is, continue to say you are the exact opposite of peace loving. you know this, since they rejected the un partition plan in 1947, they rejected the, they have only tried to destroy is read time and again they are terror loving, not peace of being.


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