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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 10, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm AST

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growing together with this documentary on the jersey to the draft resolution a stroke e s 10 stroke eligibility stroke, red one is adopted, palestine is right. so the united nations are expanded off to a resolution is paused in the general assembly with overwhelming support the hello installs here today, this is the 0 line from the also coming the you are reading the your and charter with your own hands alignments before that 1st at the un israel condemned to the resolution which was backed by
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a 143 states involving dogs ideas. randy on the intensifies that the tax on rasa hold on a $100000.00. people have slept that area since monday and russian shot and killed several people positive pushed into ukraine's concave regions the always don't at un headquarters in new york for the general assembly has the person to approve a resolution granting additional rights to palestine. the resolutions house with overwhelming support 153 countries version in favor. 9 voted against a 25 others understand. the resolution also calls on the security council to reconsider and support palestine full membership into the united nations. we did not in
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that international law. we just demanded to see them apply to us and have been until now denied their protection as the campaign to displace and destroy the palestinian people. it reaches its ultimate 11. you can decide to stand by the open nation to live in freedom and dignity on its um, system land just on to a base. what should it go out? is that a good condition of our rights? not dead, continued denied. when that spring in our correspondent game, but that is under, he's been keeping an eye on things for us at the you and gave a $143.00 votes in favor. that's well above the truth that's required. yeah, this is it overwhelming victory for this resolution?
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and for the state of palestine to get more rights here at the united nations, they've been disenfranchised for more than 50 years now is just holding observer status. and it's important to point out that this resolution was watered down a little bit because they are still only have observers status. it's important point that out. they still will not be able to vote in the general assembly. however, they do get a lot of other benefits now with this resolution passing, so overwhelmingly just a couple they're able to join a meetings that involve other parts of the world or other countries. right now they could only take part or participate in meetings that were involving palestine or the middle east. now they can participate in pretty much all meetings that are held at the way. and they also have, they changed their seating arrangements and the general assembly floor. they can also, uh, you know, speak on behalf of other sub groups with in the united nation. so they have a lot of enhanced benefits. so there is some real,
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real teeth to you to this if you will, but certainly they're still going to be fighting for that full membership that full membership that they've been wanting for a long time. and it has to go through the security council. and last month, the security council overwhelmingly voted for college trying to pull un membership . but of course, that was be towed by the united states and united states saying again uh in the last 24 hours. if it goes back to the security council again, they would most likely veto it again. bear with us under that, covering all the context for us at the united nations in new york. thank you very much. kay? well, speaking ahead events or as wells and boss of the condemned, what he said was opening the doors, the you and the stores to the terrace supporting palestinian state. you can see exactly what you are inflicting upon that you are in charge or with this destructive vote of the this is
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the you are reading the your in charge here with your own hands. yes. yes. that's what you're doing. writing the you on charter shame on you. well, that's bringing out the various senior political alice law on the shar, he joins me again here, and i do ha studio, my one earlier we were talking a little bit about the, the tricks that we saw and, and the general assembly to them we, we literally just watch these really and best friend the when shot to with the puckett. sure to. well, that's exactly the, the objective right is to make us talk about it. write down about the vote and he succeeded. we are talking about him, not the vote. i don't know why, and that's why i'm going to actually talk about him. so let's talk about these ready position of the united nations. this was a speech that is 0 on logic and full blown lies on
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every single thing he said. and this continuous hyper bowl continuous repetition of the horrible by this a method that over the years has apparently failed to convince anyone all dress position, if anything, this very particular on bus that has hurt. this is red and is the standing at the united nation. they also have more than any other invest his attempt at, uh, pulling uh, julio chavez. i'm gonna cut duffy, how many of those jobs done at the united nations as failed? i totally because he is doping insignificant. i totally, i'm kind of symmetric and it's not making any sense except trying to, you know, show and good, but human, the a thing. so many other members of the over the united nations cannot be good for is right or for it's all i the united states and certainly sounded like a very direct rep for land full members of the general assembly. but now that the
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vote has been passed 143 bites in favor, how much of a difference would actually make it? we were saying earlier that the us position doesn't actually seem to have shifted despite what we've been hearing from, from bite and on, on what's happening rasa, quicker. just because you said the, for, by that like, that is just right. we, i mean i, what if you're around the world need to think about this country that's been indicted when close about genocide, is there preventing the world the country of us been occupying force illegally for over 5 decades is trying to print from around the world. so the doctor has just breast 2nd. anyway, i think strategically speaking, this is not significant, certainly not on the short term or even intermediates run stuff. i'm not going to make a difference. the guys are just not going to make any difference to. and then the occupation and thought of science and so on, so forth. this is far more symbolic, diplomatically than it is strategic diplomatically. it's important milestone instead of pinions attempts at achieving status in the world every now. for
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example, when it started was able to join the i, c, j or the i c c. as a state, it was able then to demand that israel does one to 3 or that it's all for shows are, has the responsible and so on, so forth. so it does eventually bear some fruit, but the people and guards are suffering today. the people in the westbank who are suffering to they and so on, so forth. they are not going to see and the results of the votes that happened to the let's talk about what's happening in college and because it, it feels like part of the devices also to put more pressure on the united states. the united states has now paused to this, this shipment of a particular lounge buttons and to israel, how much of a difference will that actually make in rough, especially given the fact that the us is continuing to send all the weapons. and i understand israel has a, has a pretty substantial stockpile book since congress approved the additional
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$19000000000.00 of a in military the shipments i've already left, the ports are already in, you know, under which is right already in his right. so i think this is more symbolic than it is in any way. and she wants think decision making to think that the now is attempt at playing, you know, we're already defined with our fingernails. that's such that's just, you know, i mean, as far as the, both of the defendants on the united states, it has been getting all the arms and ammunition and the protection and the shield, and the financial aid from the united states. so for nothing else to pull, some sort of up cut us might expect that we ought to do on our own best just humbug . and the end of the day without the support of the united states. this is, this is i would not be able to survive. i don't think it was that why this is that without the support of the united states,
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it's only because of the support of the united states on, on the front. that this is right is able to survive in and out of most in region for so long and continue to kind of genocide industries. and that's why the united states beginning to feel slowly but surely complicit. and that's why it's trying to think a bit of a distance within that they knew how government, that's why they're talking about shipments of arms and so on, so forth. but by then, despite the domestic, the people revolt and, and if you will, and i'm an american campuses, despite america stands and being compromised on the world. he's still supports his role, but he has problems with sleep. there's nothing you know how senior push for alice bell and the shar thank you said joining me again. well, let's focus on what's happening on the ground right now in gaza and already desperate to humanitarian situation. that is getting even was. is there any forces expanding that tax on that southern region of rafa?
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more than a $100000.00 palestinians have fled the south since monday. the you and says he's really on these take are that of the rough and border crossings also sealed that critical and few points for humanitarian aid tunes that found then is spreading axles on which has been that is really forces having testified their attacks and rough uh, wishing deeper into the cities, eastern areas, buildings around a q a hospital are under fire or civilians have been sheltering for months. well, let us show you in the flood. i see that rafa cannot bear to be invaded by israel. we are many casualties. most of the injured and martyrs that are arriving at this hospital are women and children, so that when most of the displacement personal mazda is armed with the cosigned brigade say, they have hate 2 tanks in a vehicle of carrying israeli troops disappears a full scale ground invasion grows at the city, comes under, intensified attacks from deer to you and estimates more than $100000.00 people are
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flying to try and find any form of safety. for many, there's no escape the this motor pizza through welters. soon as he dies in her arms, despite global calls for restraint, these really army has launched a multiple strikes on a rough for this week. on monday, this rarely are me drop leaf flats or drink palestinians to evacuate. families who once called her, brought the home, are now heading to almo bossy and darrow by law, but they are struggling to find food, water, and other supplies, and to no, no part of gaza is safe access. i'm gonna reach out to 0. honda. so hood is
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with me now i'm to focus through what's going on right now. that's right. in the south here. well is really forces are escalating, and there are tax on garza southern most city of alpha. more than one and a half 1000000 people are sheltering there and have been seeking you see there for months. that's after they flooded northern areas at the beginning of the war. on monday, these really military dropped more leaflets into eastern parts of it, off off ordering. more people to evacuate. palestinians have since started moving north to escape the worst of the fighting, but many say there was still no safe place in dall. so have sent us no, no, no, no, no, no, go ahead. we don't know where to go. tell us where to go. it's all my washing canyon is a safe place. are there tense? is there water? is there electricity? is there food and drink? is it a safe place, cause a now has no safe placing it in as well. these really, military has now taken control of both the father and kind of mobile cell and
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border crossings, preventing vital humanitarian aid from entering the goals a strip. no, a trucks have been able to get through since sunday is really forces are stationed here and engaged in intense fighting pictures released by these rarely army like the ones you see here, show their forces operating in eastern drop off and overnight israel intensified it's airstrikes, but it's still unclear when the full scale round the salt on drop off might be getting the stuff you. thanks for that, honda. well, the very latest that speak now. talk correspondent tara couple is there and he's on the ground for us. and darrell bottle, which is in the central part of the gaza strip. talk we were saying earlier, people were told to evacuate ra hyundai was told to some of them were told to head to darrow. by the way you are right now. i understand much of that area has also been leveled by is really phones focus through what you were saying that what people are now having to lift or
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well, the deadly consequences of the expansion of the to reach to roof, which is the most densely populated area in the entire territory now quite useful. every one of the new waves of evacuation among civilians is talented to a p. a right now and to happen within the past couple of hours with us troops are leading to germany onto a mossy area and said, you just completely crowded, reduce evacuees. why? extremely desperate as they have been multiple, you just released from the the house is best for most of them in an area to the south and returned back now to the middle area again. and this is absolutely the situation, not only for the people in rough for the vast majority of the causes population, but what we have seen on the ground is completely on indescribable. they've been talking about a big blue, full humanitarian assets being made in the course of the past for 7 months as people again have been moving to a new realities, which is sounds good,
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which sounds completely the only on unprecedented for decades as they are right now, living and made shift 10 cindy open. some families did not really manage to find shelter. now, living in the public areas close to the peach and others sleeping in the hospitals, we can see t n o x. the hospital many palestinians are sleeping on the floor and even in making chest the tents, which cannot be really suitable for living. and this is one of the negative repercussions solve the expansion of the fighting. and despite this, palestinians are to even hoping that the ongoing negotiations can help, at least within the coming days, to narrow the gaps of disagreement. but at the same times, at the same time, they are completely focused on of food and their families. now show tut protection and food which is extreme and roughly starting to run out from the guns. this trip due to the cloud of food is that that has, has that have been completely no controlled operationally by the use of any
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military. tar gardner palestinians that have been following the talks very closely . we've had a boat at the united nations general assembly facing to give palestine more rights and privileges in not for and just in the last hour. you hearing any reaction from people that with a following as well as you've been talking to some palestinians in the hospital if you had been expressing the complete happened was regarding that resolution being caused by the united nation, a general assembly in order to expand palestine rights in the united nations and the say that it's a very significant and crucial step to amplify the palestinian role in the international arena. as they have been seeing that this step taken today as of 2100 and the statement that the sites have voted inside the ball forward, the resolution will help to gain more ground. so thomas sentience internationally
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and that seem to be contradictory to is very efforts to correct donald diplomatic f as being quite kind of city and to get their rights as the right now saying, despite this, we concentrate on getting shelters or i'm to focus on affording protection to our family in law, each of these on president the soonest solely to military offensive on the chat, treat tarka boys in day with a very nice hist for us from the central pos as it goes to a strip where people have been forced to evacuate. thank you, terry. i'll still head for you here on al jazeera. how not to protest, sorry about george's so called foreign influence, phil is impacting the countries next generation, the the hello. we will say yes, another round of writing pushing into something positive chinaberry with the next
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style. so and then it shoots a little try. i'm pleased to say the moment high pressure of japan to fine and dry here for the time big this weather system into northern china. lots of developing feature that will sink his wife or the south was joining up with another barrier cloud across central. the southern part of china making his way further south switch and a switch as we go through saturday. so big a live, the shower is coming through him all the same on sunday, slipping across southern part. so china, causing the flooding issues here with the weather there in to taiwan. and you can see it tons increasingly went across a good pond to japan by sunday, making his way right across the country by the end of the week can be while some increase in the weather coming into indo china. so also some showers into the philippines that should not the head on those very high temperatures that we have seen recently. so the lobby shows too, right across the light peninsula, some out just seeing some pretty wet weather as well as also some weather to wind to west for lanka, found professionals, east of india,
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some big and live. the showers coming through here shows a little more widespread across the end. there was a go through the next couple of days, and that will make it a little less hot. the calling attention to any quality pollution meant extra dismissal. claims in kenya is low income communities site. one brother was killed by police. they don't fit the voices, but the one past one day. an organizer on the rep or tell all these people from the begun supplementing buffer, then it has someone not to be put on the bus that able gorbinko who brought in generation change. can you change? he's coming is no doubt about it on a busy you are welcome
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back and watching l 0. let's remind you about top stories that fell through united nations general assembly has overwhelmingly versa to approve a resolution con st. additional rights to palestine. a 143 countries voted in favor 9 against 25 in states. it also calls on the security council to reconsider and support how signs phone membership into the united nations involved is, randy forces are expanding their attacks on gaza southern region. a roof on more than a 100000 palestinians have slept that area in the last 5 days. the 2 people have been killed during rush and shelling in ukraine's northeastern khaki region. the local governess as the town of chanc,
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that's less than 5 kilometers from the russian border was targeted. new kinds armed forces of rushed reinforcements, took all cases of fights to hold off a russian attempt to break through the front lines that at least 3000 people had been about 2 races. ukrainian president brought me the landscape says they will face the russian challenge. the russian federation has launched a new way this counter offensive se in the khaki, the area ukraine met them there with that troops for guides and all tailoring. it's important that they pull forces in this direction. military commanders knew about it and calculated their forces in order to meet the enemy with retaliatory fire. now there's a brutal battle there. i believe we stopped them without hillary science for the moment. john hold on has worn out from case and this is coming not was a complete surprise because for some time that been a gathering of russian forces in not no faith regional the russian side of the buddha and tulips about
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a possible offense. if the flood of president vladimir putin of russia, it was so he said early in the morning swiping up a buffet so so that you crank, couldn't show or get into the russian territory from the body. the, it's really important, especially the city of hall cape. it's ukraine. second, sits a rush, it came close to taking it in 2022 and then was seats and back. so they don't loosely. well, the whole service is important as perhaps the 2nd from we don't know if it's going to develop as not as yet, or if this is just a probing attack. so which ever way at the moment, can you cranes non power? and ukraine, west from rate is vastly over stretch that come on. those are assessing that it's at least 7 russians. so just one ukranian. so the parts of the front line and about the same ratio for went from rates at the us. i don't. so europe and i like to promise them in place to get to move weapons. the us has approved a 61000000000 dollar minutes. right bill. but it hasn't. most of that hasn't
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arrived yet. so it's given this window for rush. it's a really press 5 minutes advantage. it's been expected to do that and loads and offensive. and that is what we could be seeing at the moment. to georgia. now we have purchased against what's called a foreign influence bell has been going on for nearly a month. demonstrates has been gathering in front of parliament, demanding that bill be withdrawn. on 0, i spoke with one protest uh about the choice. the country is you. if somebody can for their own creature, a, my name is george uh to buy the um from, but to me i to georgia and i was interested in putting into politics from early a ace. right now. i saw the low in georgia and international, easy to public affairs. of course, i love my country if you are going to fight for freedom or you are going to become like colonial of the country. of to me ladies. george, you always had 2 choices. either european countries or in the north, russia,
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and posts of it a countries. we don't only want us, but you were up and you were can union, we consider ourselves, you ropes and i was actually at the 1st lights, i was one if they were going to is a thursday of for these for this i was giving you to the to you and at least after a 50 seconds i hear my name is sunday and often one second, i am interested. i lost my glasses and they were beating me. they were shouting at me and that continued like for one or 2 minutes when the moment is calling you and keeping you 2 choices every time georgia has not accepted only into one correct choice, and that is for fighting for freedom. that's what is great in georgia and people
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all the families of missing people protesting right now in mexico and follows accounts by the mexican government to the numbers of people who have been to cat has disappeared. the total has gone from over 813002 less than $13000.00. but finally say it's a political move ahead of elections and they've many missing people on accounted for. will that speak to judy ayano? she's line for us in the capital of mexico city junior, with some of those families whose face not insignificant risk and trying to find their loved ones to consider what they're asking for today. well, today they're essentially asking for disability. d and they're asking for answers, they want to know where their sons, where their daughter is, where their parents are. for most of the families, their relative simply disappeared one day and they've just never heard from them again. and they've had no support from the government. they have no support from
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low pull authorities, no resources, and have often been forced to for them themselves. so many of the mothers that we've spoken to here today and in general in our coverage of the story, say that basically they feel forgotten. they feel like this is not an, an issue that the go. i mean, it's really taken seriously because it's, it's not good for them. it doesn't make them look good to say that there's over a 100000 people missing and it forces them to do something about it, which a basically haven't done. so yes, i would say for everyone here today they, they want to be heard. they want their relative face to be seen a lot of them. you'll see mothers here, relatives wearing the teachers with their sons, photos or daughters photos. and they just want their family to not be forgotten. they want the government to know that they exist, is that, that's, that they lived in that they're no longer here and that they need to know where they are. g as, as they've been saying, it is an election year in mexico. is there any hope that the new government might change anything? well, that's really the worry also for
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a lot of the families here. the election here is in less than a month now, and the party that's expected to win is a party of the current president more than enough. and the families here say that this current administration has done nothing to really improve their situation, even though when they were 1st selected, dealing with the issue of the disappeared was one of their big campaign promises. so they fear that as things stand with their candidate, the current candidates set to when they don't feel anything is gonna change. and they don't feel any of a candidate really at time. but it's a really for post. anything that's going to change their situation allow more of a budget, or essentially just give them more resources that these mothers and fathers have to don't have to look for their relatives themselves, which is what's happening right now. all across this country. relatives are basically looking themselves doing believe for themselves because nobody else is doing it. sure they got the honor, the line for us and the mexican capital. thank you jenny, of all to another election and trans electoral commission, declared military. well,
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a lot of interest to be the win of its presidential election on monday. his main rival success master is contesting the provisional results. so when he's courting for peaceful protests on friday, the long delayed vote was end of ending 3 years of minute travel. i'm going to just report from child's capital engineering the seeds of give relation on the streets of japan as a result of the election warehouse. no matter how much that is the 3784360 or 6 to 1.03 percent of the vote had the president responded in a nationwide address in view of this sweeping victory. i am now the elected president of bull, chatty, and not only the president of those who voted for me, but also the president of those who made other choices. his biggest challenge,
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a prime minister success master i claimed he had won a few hours before the official announcement. i believe i did deal with all charges you quoted for change world. for me, i say, mobilized peacefully to calmly with the same spirit of peace that you have shown and thinking about the future that we're going to build together. security is tight on the streets of the capital. must rise quote, for protestant friday, but easily supporters. i know too too hard. this election is meant to bring the country back to civilian rule. after debbie sees power in trade to trade to one cool. it says he's promised to try this on the field. although he's probably minister would disagree. the person victory was widely expected, but it's not only your support as well happy. some members will be on tools as joining.


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