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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 10, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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storm water was so high above by hey, this is an important part of the world. people pay attention to this very good that bringing the news to the world from here the . ready ready ready a draft resolution a stroke e s 10 stroke eligibility stroke. red one is adopted as times, right? so the united nations are expanded off, the resolution is passed in the general assembly with overwhelming samples. the color that honest, honestly obtain that says algebra ally from the also coming the
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you are ready the your and charter with your own hands. before the israel is representative lashes out after voted and destroying a copy of the you and shot he was in gauze, and he is really on the intensifies attacks on russell. more than a 100000 people have fled theories since monday. russian selling kills several people who were pushed into cranes khaki regions. the holy begin at un headquarters in new york, where the general assembly hesitated to improve a resolution, granting additional rights to palestine. the resolution paused with overwhelming support. a 143 countries voted in favor 9 verse that against 25. i've
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stained the resolution also calls on the security council to reconsider and support palestine full membership in the united nations. we did not enact international law. we just demanded to see them apply to us and have been until now denied their protection as the campaign to displace and destroy the palestinian people. each is its ultimate 11. you can decide to stand by the open nation to live in freedom and dignity on it's on system land just on to a base. what should it go out? is that a good condition of our rights? not the continued deny it. will spacing ahead of the vert,
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israel's and last that are criticized when he said was opening the you and stores to the terrace supporting palestinian state. you can see exactly what you are inflicting upon that you are in charter with this destructive vote. this is the you are reading the you are in charge here with your own hands. yes. yes. that's what you're doing. reading the you on charter shame on you. well, it speak to our correspondent gabrielle as under his, the following proceedings for us at the you and today gave despite what we saw that from the israeli ambassador and overwhelming. but from what i understand was that a was and down resolution as yeah, that's right. and i will just say we have just heard in the last few minutes from a un spokesperson here at the headquarters. and he was asked about that if he is
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really ambassador using those, the actrix to shred a copy of the un charter. the spokes person flatly rejected that. he held up his own copy of the un charter and said, we still have the charter and particularly the ideals behind the charter remain very much intact. so clearly those the attributes by these really invest, we did not go over well here by the secretary general's office. getting to your question. of course yes, this was an overwhelming victory if you will call it that for the palestinians of the palestinian mission. here at the u. n. a 143 countries voting in favor and they have new rights and privileges. i won't list them all, but just as a couple of them uh, the posting will be able to be full participants in any un meetings or conferences . now they will also be able to attend. busy meetings here at the un right now they were only able to attend meetings that don't specifically with the middle east or
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palestine is real issues. now they're open to attend all meetings, conferences as well. even a seating chart within the general assembly will be change. so palestine will be able to sit with regular full members. that is the good news for the palestinians here. the bad news for them is that they are still not full members, and they will not be able to have the all important the rate to vote in the general assembly. they're still considered under observer status, but which is enhanced, right? so clearly this was a little bit watered down and it did not go as far as that they would have wanted. of course, the security council is the 1st body that has to approve a new country becoming a full member. and the united states veto that for palestine who last month was use a visa or the last month i understand the us has said that they will veto again. if
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this goes back to the security council. so is that a shot for palestine on the back of this resolution and actually getting full membership to the united nations? so that's a question for the united states because united states has veto power on the security council. and they've used it once last month. they painted that they are planning to use it again. so you say if the us as b to a power, why did this go to the general assembly? it's because so many countries more than a 100, a 143 were upset, and they wanted to send a message particularly to the united states that the united states is an outlier here. and even though they have veto power, of the general assembly and the overwhelming members of the un wanted to show that they support un, uh, enhanced membership if you will. so it's ultimately gonna come down to the united states until the united states agrees to it. they will show that they will use their veto power and they've hinted that they are planning to or will again,
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should the security council or revisit this issue. okay. but as on the, across all that unfolded today at the u. n. for us in new york. thank you game. well, that's bringing honestly, you're a senior political analyst smelling the shower. he joins us again here and other hoss junior moment, just picking up on what gabe was saying. that how much of a difference will this actually make us as is going to use it's feature we, we've seen what appears to be this, this deepening risk between 5 in the nation younger but isn't likely to shift anything when it comes to international diplomacy from washington. no, not for the time big i think, but by then continues to stick behind is right. even though he has differences with that, then you know about the conduct of the war. but because he continues to step down and that is right. it's the united states has become more isolated than the world not just is right. and we see that if you look carefully at the vote and the nature of the vote today,
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i really couldn't still get my brain around the entirety of the vote. what. what exactly, but my sense is, is that a good number of countries that don't recognize by this time, how avoided in favor of this? hence, you can say that moving forward, far more than 3 quarters of the united nation general assembly members understand that palestine is a state and that it should get the privileges on the rights for the state. this is important because the united states is the only country that continues to block that, as gabe said, already at the un security council, 12 out of 15 voted in favor now to watch standing not only the united states for the guest, that's quite important. so this was really in a statement of international solidarity with palestine message no need to as well, but also the us accidently i would have expected to be honest that this would be
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even more of a transformation. because after all we are dealing or we have been dealing with 7 months of genocide in plain sight to 9 i think is that should have been slapped on the wrist far more than it was right. although as gabe and as you and as we've been talking to the feet had sex of a. is there any and back to the, the pathetic little comical though, you know, quite quite offensive to the rest of the international community. but i think they also show on the line a sense of desperation on the part of his right. because the idea that there's really and best that what types of these, i think the entire international committees and said shit when you this is not a good thing for a country that's already isolated and that's already uh, almost a stance on his own. if it wasn't for the united states, if it weren't for the united states, so i think is that explained it wrong?
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i think it's invested that is clownish. diplomatic. see at the top, not helped at all. and i think it was a good day for palestine update occupations. well, if israel is increasingly isolated, especially with, with what we've seen today, do you see the risk between 5 and the nation? yahoo, especially that's what's happening right now on the ground and rough or do you see that deepening? what would that look like if it gives you see, i mean, that's what's both disturbing and remarkable. it's not what's going on and off. that's changing the dynamics between nothing yeah, whole. and by that it's what's going on in american campuses. so that is changing that they not mix between nothing you know, and bytes. and because by then though, he claims to have a be card, but he thought you'd be, it hasn't really cared very much for the fact that more than 20000 children, women with kim, over the past 7 months, that there is a general side in things side but what he did start getting about the past 2 or 3 weeks is the fact that hundreds of universities have dropped it in basic remote,
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including ivy league schools. these are the, the future generation of leaders in america, business leaders and political leaders in america are winning, the intellectual and moral argument against the establishment in the united states by them has come to understand that. and that's why he's taking a bit of a distance and that for the time being with nothing, you know, cause that domestic pressure in an election year. is it becoming too significant to ignore my want to thank you for sharing with us again here as well. let's take a look at what's happening right now on the ground in gaza, full palestinians, including 3 children have been killed. and then is there any strength on the devali refuge account of this attack? targeted a residential building in the camp, which is located in northern cause. many people have also been injured. medical teams managed to recover the bodies of the victims from under the rubble. well
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meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of palestinians have been fleeing is rarely shelling and on desperately searching for a safe area. many of them have found refuge and a make shift displaced constant there on the bottom. and central garza, these tents on now the own, the shelter for people with no. what else to go? i mean, long as rarely forces have been expanding the attacks on the southern region of rough uh more than a 100000 palestinians have flooded the south since monday. the you and says he's ready on his take over the roof of border crossing is also field critical entry point for sure. amount of terran aid and has worn famine is spreading out souls on which has moon is really forces having testified their attacks and rough uh wishing deeper into the cities, eastern areas, buildings around a q, a hospital or under fire, where civilians have been sheltering for months well, let us show you, if in the legend i see that rafa cannot bear to be invaded by israel,
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we are many casualties. most of the injured and martyrs that are arriving at this hospital are women and children, and most of the displays the personal mazda is armed wing, the cosign brigade say they have hate 2 tanks, and a vehicle of caring is rarely troops. this fears a full scale ground invasion grows and the city comes onto intensified attacks from the year. do you and estimates more than 100000 people are flying to try and find any form of safety? for many there's no escape the this motor bits of through welters soon as he dies in her arms despite global calls for restraint, these really army has launched a multiple strikes on the roof of this week on monday this way of the army truck
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leaflets or drink palestinians to evacuate families who wants to hold her off the home are now heading to alamo bossy and darrow bella. but they are struggling to find food, water and other supplies. no, no part of gaza is safe. access i much out does 0. lots of the laces from the ground now and speak to our correspondents. our couple is there and he's on the ground in darrell bought out. some central garza tarry because we was saying people were told to evacuate from rossa to where you are and they're all bala, most of which we've seen has been level of bias, really bones. i know the sun has set in stock then now to go through what people are doing to prepare for the, the night to have the willingness to as it basically people completely went into rough off early and have been leading to the small spice of lands in order to seek refuge and they expected that it would be
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the last place for them to evacuate, and then the will, will come to an end, bought quite the opposite. what was, what has happened completely is that there was more expansion to the fighting. more waves of displacements, again took place with more than $100000.00 palestinians of flats, from rough off to milwaukee onto jared by the which are both already over crowded with civilian. so we're looking for shelter in order to protect their family members. and this is absolutely terrifying. as within the past couple of hours, we're witnessing more intensification of that tax and the central areas of reflect not only the eastern part of the city as the entire city looks to be like a ghost town where it's treats are completely empty from its low toes. as they have been looking for shields, i pulled them alongside with the front of them. but as long as we get to that route, but we, so literally what is meant by humanitarian catastrophe. in newer, newer mas, humanitarian prussia. when every single aspect,
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including the search for foods, the search for shelter and even the struggle to get medical treatment as we have been talking to you taking to talking to talk to you know, ok, so hospital and also in the way to hospitality have been confirming that the expansion of the fighting to reach roof has approach a awful impact on women. specifically those who have been given past and were forced to flee from rough i just, early after hours of from their upper ations. and this is absolutely terrifying as the is very military officials have been bullying with the threats of expanding the fighting in roughly which will bring more deadly consequences on the humanitarian level. and talk about them now with a very nice hist for us from the ground from daryl bella and gaza. thank you, derek. i the call's still a head to hell and i was just there the
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in depth analysis of the days headlines, if that was a rough or offensive, where would the people go? people have no place to go. each one of 1000 people has paid this place at least 2 times frank assessments. this is a max and blown to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions you can be somebody. this is on one of the hostages, october 7th, and return. and i want to stop inside story on al jazeera. ok foundation is deliberate, over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of sec, thoughts and emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis, haven't had gone through the bumps the crossing in recent months. our most of these
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bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the colleges when the a parking lot to watching out a 0. let's remind you of on top stories for sal united nations general assembly has overwhelmingly versa to approve a resolution grunting additional rights to palestine. a 143 countries. where is it
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in favor? 9 against $25.00 on the stand and also calls on the security council to reconsider on support kind of signs for membership into the rest. and not as rating forces expanding their attacks on causes in the southern region of rock pulled at a 100000 palestinians, have slept that area and life day all these ready prime minister benjamin us and younger has been interviewed by us talk show host dr. phil unexplained, but sometimes complex relationship he's had with us. president joe biden interview comes as, as well as under pressure from the white house to install a civilian casualties and minimized. and it's operation in rafa 5 and has threatened to withhold more weapons if any plan for a launch at scale is ready to ground assault into ross that goes ahead. i've known joe biden, for many years or 40 years and more. you know, we often had agreements,
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but we've had our disagreements, we've been able to overcome them. i hope we can overcome them now. but we will do what we have to do to protect our country as far as when that transports pass. and it says the army as well prepared for its ground assault in toronto. that's what the brit see. i'll be pulling it. the united states has provided sofa unprecedented security assistance to the state of israel during the war. most reports equally important as the military assistance on cooperation between the american central command and the army. this was manifested on the night of the top from the run, but also during the course of the war, the chief of staff, the tenant general, who is the high levy, is speaking to his us come to punch general michael carrillo every day on the war efforts on the challenges in the region, even when we have differences between us, we resolve them in closed rooms. israel has its security interest, and we are also attentive to the interest of the us. and this is how we'll continue to publish eliza like that is a minute train of classical analyst explains why
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u. s. pressure won't have an effect on israel's plans for the rough or offensive these relays have never been concerned about the civilian casualties. and what the joe biden is holding now, the only intelligence bones not the dump bones that is right, has plenty and have been using for the last 7 months. therefore, this is not going to change any alternate. danielle has planned to occupy rough off . on the contrary, it would give him enough time to spend more time in rough law and go based notary to make sure that this war is going to as a, as long as possible. the 2 people have been killed during rush and selling and ukraine's northeastern khaki
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region for local governance as the town of of chance that's less than 5 kilometers from the russian border. it was targeted, ukraine's on forces of rush to reinforcements to call cave is it fights to hold off a russian attempt to break through the front lines that i'd faced. 3000 people has been evacuated. are you creating president in front of me? is landscape says they will face the russian challenge. the russian federation has launched a new ways as counter offensive and the khaki, the area ukraine, met them there with that troops for guides and all tailoring. it's important that they pull forces in this direction. military commanders knew about it and calculated their forces in order to meet the enemy with retaliatory fire. now there's a brutal battle there. i believe we stopped them without hillary science for the moment. a 113 people now dead nearly a 150 on this thing. and the floods that have hit brazil's rio grande data sol, best to operations, are still under way in the countries southern were state following storms last week
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. within 300000 people has enforced from their homes. and officials say even more rain is on its way. the alarm mental activists in germany have tried to storm a tesla's factory in the capital bell in hundreds of people, broke through police lines van and attempted to occupy the factory. the act west wanted to stop the call and make his plans to expand its manufacturing capabilities . several demonstrators were arrested and at least 3 police officers were injured. tribes electoral commission has the cad minute tribute on the how much is this debbie for when a if it's a presidential election on monday, his main rival success lost right is contesting the provisional results. so in courting for peaceful protests on friday, i'm going to just reports from child's capital end, you mean the seeds of jubilation on the streets of jemina as a result of the election warehouse?
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my mother has been how much that is the $3784360.00 or 6 to 1.03 percent of the vote. and the president responded in a nationwide address in view of this sweeping victory. i am now the elected president of all chatty and most certainly the president of those who voted for me, but also the president of those who made other choices. his biggest challenge, a prime minister success master i claimed he had won a few hours before the official announcement. i believe i did deal with all charges you quoted for change world. for me, i say, mobilized peacefully through calmly with the same spirit of peace that you have shown and thinking about the future that we're going to book together. security is tied to the streets of the capital. must rise corps for protestant friday, but easily supporters on onto toward this election is meant to bring the country
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back to civilian rule. after debbie sees power in the trade to trade to one cool, he says he's promised to try this or failed. although he's probably minister or disagree, the person victory was widely expected, but it's not only support as well happy. so members will be on terms is going to celebrate redone, flashed into the night. you fairly close relations. they show up by the prime minister as what the many supporters of the moving parts of the hottest jump regions crossed the house to deal with a typically divided nation. how many degrees as you see the domain. i know a company in south korea has set a new wild record for flying. the biggest number of drawings in a single light show more than 5000 drones have made up the display. and it's been a headline attraction as an international expedition showcasing the latest and unmanned aerial vehicles of correspondent route,
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the fried reports. now from in june in south korea. in the night sky over the port city of inch on a synchronize show comprising 5293 points of light. each a single drove just a few years ago, thrown shows like these were measured in the hundreds increasing in scale and sophistication. they represent the cumulative efforts of a small army of technicians all working to port an optimistic vision into the sky. a mission that this team says it never ties of just the level of creativity that goes in in the level of passion. it's always, it's like art, there's always a sense of passion, excitement, when you see something, when you see that what people to do with technology. that technology now allows for drones being moved in swoons with an accuracy of less than one centimeter. it's a stunning demonstration. the drone power that's on show,
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with the nearby exhibition center, showing off the rapid integration of drones into virtually every aspect of our lives. the business of commercial drones is full cost to see the double digit growth in the coming years. enabled by rapidly developing technologies from the occupational intelligence that controls them to the factories, the power of the whole industry. that until relatively recently didn't even exist and like other technologically driven industries, promising boundless possibilities, we don't even know about yet. so even with us, 5 years ago we saw, you know, we were doing shapes in the sky as we pushed the limits of the technology as we pushed other technology that there's going to be more and more new industries evolving. we kind of, you're just barely looking over the horizon, getting a sense of but horizons, it seems that will increasingly be filled with drugs. rub mcbride, douches, era in john, south korea. well,
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that's it for me and associates. i remember you can always find a much more on a website that's out of there. i don't come next inside story. we'll look at the takeaways for china off to present children things 1st visit to your. i'll have a news out for you all for them to stay with the the color, the weather, squatting down now across the middle east allows the try but losing the brisk with them. but we have had just around the golf shamal. we'll just pick back over the next style, say here with the temperatures of around 3536 degrees over the next couple of days . you'll feel a lot of 36 as we go through sunday because the wins will ease down at that stage. possibility of one us out, one of the 2 showers around the southern end of the red sea, but the west of weather will be further north took a particular thing,
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some to live. the showers as we go through sat today is the side of the med logic, dry on sas type of fish. i was just creeping in across the vines as we go on into the 2nd half of the week and wanted to show us just creeping into the north west of africa. was he going into the 2nd half of the weekend ahead of that? but some live, it shows that across west africa, but more of the way i went to whether into what parts of central and northern nigeria but kind of also as well, whether rule way across, into seattle. yeah. and there is that, what's the weather there for the north west of africa, somewhat to whether to just coming in across the east, the side of africa. but noticed white as it has been recently, there will still be a few showers coming into. and yet as we go through the next couple of days, but increasingly dry, having said that, the width of weather is for the gulf of gimme the what we do, it all just sarah is tried to follow this story and he's the people who allow us
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into their lives, dignity and democracy john offensive, and you're a bike, china as president. the so it's a win support for his vision of a multi polar wells countering american dominance. and the evening trade and investments with countries to start getting close to beijing. so they sheets even painting succeed. this has insight story, the hello and welcome to the program. i'm the fucker. china is present, aging thing is wrapped up his 1st visit to europe. in 5 years. he visited from serbia and hungry during his trip with a different tone and the gender at each stop. but she's over arching goes with constant count to us, simplest way can, and further trade and investments to sure up a slowing economy. so one of the take home.


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