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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 10, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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is the power of the stories that we cover a highly complex so it's very important that we make them as understandable as we can to as many people as possible no matter how much they know about a given chrisy. so issue as always is there a correspondence? that's what we strive to do the the you in general assembly bucks, the resolution calling the pilot started to become a full you and then the phillip zillow. rahman you want to you of several headquarters here in the hall. also coming up in a cl trickled mood phase rolls on bass of the shreds, a copy of the un charter in protests over the vice. meanwhile and gone. so these
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way the army intensifies the tanks on runtime, all that a 100000 people have fled the area since monday. and the top colds and india release as an outspoken critic of government, allowing him to campaign in the ongoing general election. the welcome to the packet. we still have the united nations headquarters in new york, where the general assembly has banked a palestinian bed to become a full you. and now the resolution passed through the overwhelming support. $143.00 countries voted in favor 9 back to the gains and $25.00 upstate and including the united states. the resolution calls on the security council to reconsider and support policy funds full membership to the u. n. a move that would effectively recognize a palestinian state. coventry, palestine. any holes not meant to observe a status. we did not enact international law. we
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just demanded to see them apply to us and have been until now denied their protection as the campaign to displace and destroy the palestinian people. it reaches its ultimate 11. you can decide to stand by the open nation to live in freedom and dignity on its um, system land just on to a base. what should it go out? is that a good condition of our rights? not dead continued denied, as well as on about to go to the and last i was how the voted. he said it was, i think the international bodies tools to the terrorist supporting palestinian state. you can see exactly what you are inflicting upon that you are in charter with this destructive vote. this is
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the you are reading the your in charge here with your own hands. yes, yes. that's what you're doing. writing that you on charter shame on you. of those gabriel is on the joins us now live from the un and gabriel despite what we saw from these right, the and best of the actrix is always an overwhelming votes like well sort of 10 to the most of the it was, i mean it was overwhelming, as you say, a 143 countries, basically saying that palestine meets the requirements to be a full un member. that's what most experts believe as well. so it was very overwhelming, but out a doubt, you know, only 9 countries voting against $25.00 abstaining and it does give the palestine
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some new rates, if you will, within the un, such as a change, the seating arrangements, they can sit with it in the other full members of the us and they can attend the meetings that they couldn't before. however, it is tempered a little bit and that's because in the resolution, it still states that palestine maintains its observer status and it does not become a full member. that it's, that it also cannot critically vote in the general assembly. so the language was watered down a little bit. and that was it. the request of countries such as the united states that to be towed a month ago and the security council of palestine is bid for full membership. so while it's a day for celebration for palestine without a doubt in their diplomats here at the u. n. and they certainly will have more benefits and rates if you will, and his body. it certainly is not everything that they want it. now you mentioned the fact that the us to veto the bids to be recognized and the security council. it
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does open the question that doesn't fit really about the pressure that is on those countries. either way to the gains which miss re, ben, are going to change their minds, but the $25.00 that abstained, whether the minds can be changed. unlike the u. s. they sit on the security council or yeah, that's right. i mean, no, it's unclear is the security council is going to take up this issue again. wish we should know in the next few days or so. but this resolution calls on the security council to reconsider palace times bid. and certainly there is a lot of pressure in that direction because of more than a 140 countries that are basically telling the united states the veto, the last bit saying, you're wrong, the palestine should be a full member. the question becomes, is there is still the veto power, and that is what the united states has. and they have set again on friday that if this goes back to the security council and it goes to another vote, which is on certain if it even well the us could potentially and said they will be
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taught again. nevertheless, this is really a really of both, if you will, of the world's opinion on where palestine it should be when it comes to you and membership. and that vote was over. well, mainly in favor i should say that, you know, in 1945 on the u. n was found, it only have 51 members, it has a 193 members now. so this is a body that brings in new countries to this body for full membership, all the time, south sudan being the last one in 2011. it's usually a pretty easy process, but not for palestine who continues to remain disenfranchised. okay, but it was under that for us not the united nations. thank you. well, is that a full say is also expanding a tax on the southern region of rafa. more than a $100000.00 palestinians have fled the south since monday. the wind says these by the armies takeover of the rock, the boat of crossing a seal. the crucial entry points for humanitarian aid and mold that simon is
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spreading ourselves out of it. just more. this is really forces having testified their attacks and rough uh, pushing deeper into the cities, eastern areas, buildings around a q a hospital are under fire or civilians have been sheltering for months. well, let us show you in the flood. i see that rafa cannot bear to be invaded by israel. we are many casualties. most of the injured and martyrs that are arriving at this hospital are women and children, so that when most of the displacement personal mazda is armed with the cosigned brigade say, they have hate 2 tanks in a vehicle of carrying israeli troops. this fee or is a full scale ground invasion grows and the city comes under intensified attacks from dear to you and estimates more than $100000.00 people are fleeing to try and find any form of safety. for many,
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there's no escape the this motor pizza threw welters soon as he dies in her arms. despite global calls for restraint, these really army has launched a multiple strikes on the roof of this week. on monday this rarely army dropped leaflets or drink palestinians to evacuate. families who once called her off the home are now heading to alamo, bossy and darrow by law. but they are struggling to find food, water, and other supplies, and to no, no part of gaza is safe access. i'm gonna reach out to 0. that a couple of his name is in the by the palestinians were told to evacuate from rough as we have been touring between at the streets of dairy thought. today, as this trees are completely crowned with people in factories who are living and
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made shift tens, living on the streets and the open areas. and we also come across different numbers of families who are still looking for house at this point, being placed displays from a rough off. there is a growing pressure on the medical secretary in a deputy by law which blocks the hospital right now is the main only operating hospital in derek by that, which is responsible of providing medical treatment for hundreds of thousands of palestinians being right now result leading of this very densely populated area, but the question among palestinians is what next to go in light of this ongoing nightmare going on the ground they have been following is very military otis full days for months right now. and they have been again, attacks on areas that are supposed to be safe for them. and within the past couple of hours and talking we've been hearing loud explosions. and then the se rocked refuge account close to a different by the where a number of palestinians being killed and wounded. and those will have been wounds that you have been transported to ox, the hospice of here to get medical treatment. so on
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a aspects including the security and the humanitarian level, the situation is the key rating without to know any kind of international support or even intervention to rescue what has left from the territories as palestinians believe that the entire international community has let them down. now with the cloud of buddhism, the reason for suspension of a to float into the gaza strip, which gives more signs of a lot regarding the humanitarian situation inside the church. a full palestinians, including 3 children, have been killed and is very strongly on jabante. a refugee can now be a type talk to a residential building and they can, which is located in golden garza. many people have been in just medical teams nowadays to recover the policies of the victims. from under the rubble, it's like solves but then central garza is wanting that it will run out of fuel within 48 hours and that would force it to suspend all operations. it's one of the few hospitals still functioning in the strip. mood managed to get insight and we do
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well and you that some of the images in his report on distressing square inside deluxe is a hospice. all one of the only few remaining health facilities to my operation all across the garza for this particular hospitalization, defense front area. and as you can see over a crowded wood patients, an injury isn't family members who evacuated to this particular facility seeking shelters. the past 7 months have been quite difficult for the health sector across the gauze, as for the, from major hospitals being deliberately targeted and destroyed and pushed out of service into the acute shortage and medical supplies in the shorter supply with fuel push, the remaining to my operation of hospitality to complete a closure right now and with more recently a hospital in dropbox, of the city that has been pushed out of service because of the military operations in this hospital. not only suffering from the lack of a space and,
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and being jammed with many people, but also the services. here are a dire situation right now, we're looking at an extreme charge of medical supplies. there are no space for, for patients, for injuries. some of them are on the literally, on the floor of the hospital, all very, very devastating situation for, for the hospital to continue on working and to sustain itself. what we're seeing right now literally is, is sufficient medical to stop here that's been working for the past 7 months, already exhausted, and, and a traumatized. giving the, the ongoing intense bombing campaign across the district here to, to medical staff are trying to help one of the injures who, somebody could not find a bid for him. he's literally on the floor of the hospital getting whatever, not the service treatment. they're doing their best to save lives here. but for the most part, injuries and patients are either on the floor of the hospital or the end of waiting
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go side. a lack of his business, not the only problem in this hospital, but also the extreme charge or medical supplies as well. the shortage of a seal that is threatening the hospital to shut down major parts of its department, including the i see you on operations room. we spoke with, with a doctor briefly and he just answer with one words, describing the difficulties of the situation. the past 7 months have evolved into major problem across this trip. more people are pouring into the hospital right now and within the past 2 days, 1000 of more people are seeking shelter inside the hospital. more evacuation orders, they sit in the southern part of the trip. first. this hospital to go beyond its capacity as more people either setting up the terms outside the vicinity of the
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hospital or inside a sport or literally inside the facility itself. just increasing the pressure on medical to stop volunteers, as well as in the patients and injuries inside the facility. use present. dr. barton the 2nd 2 steps of buying some weapons to his right. and if it goes ahead with a ground assault and rasa, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu has insisted that the troops will go ahead with the attack. israel's military spokespersons, as the army as well prepared for its ground, the sold in the rougher also the blades. so you have the planet, the united states has provided sofa unprecedented security assistance to the state of israel during the war must. what's equally important is the military assistance on cooperation between the american central command and the army. this was manifested on the night of the talk from the run, but also during the course of the war. the chief of staff of the tenant general who is the high levy, is speaking to his us counterparts of general michael carrillo every day on the ethics on the challenges in the region. even when we have differences between us,
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we resolve them in closed rooms. israel has its security interest and we are also attentive to the interest of the us. and this is how we'll continue to public and us and it brings up sites with what's going on is really forces are escalating their attacks on gone. so southern most city of alpha where than one and a half 1000000 palestinians have sought shelter and safety there for months. that's after they fled northern areas at the beginning of the war. on monday, these really military and dropped more leaflets into eastern parts of ordering. more people to evacuate, palestinians have since started moving north to escape some of the worst of the fighting. but many still say that there is no safe place in gauze them to have sent us no, no. we don't know one of the has we don't know where to go. tell us where to go.
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it's all my washing canyon is a safe place. are there tense? is there water? is there electricity? is there food and drink? is it a safe place? cause a now has no safe placing it in to me is really military has now taken control of both that's law and get them. i will send them border crossings, preventing vital humanitarian aid from entering the gaza strip. no, a trucks have been able to get through since sunday is really forces are stationed here at the crossing and engaged in intense fighting pictures released by these rarely army like bees show their forces operating in eastern drop off and overnight is real intensified it's airstrikes in the area, but it's still unclear when the full scale round the salt onto alpha might begin still head, hey, all the help of the russian shouting, kill several people. punch of a push into ukraine's cookie for each. then process almost piece of mix categories,
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plans through drums to be reduce, the number of people who being declared disappeared, the hello it is shaping into a lovely weekend across the good parts of europe. plenty of sunshine now on the concept area of high pressure keeping things settled fine and sunny with light. when's it really will feel pleasantly warm for the most popular, more crowd up towards the northwest and still some showers down towards the southeast. a shout was will drift away across the g and took the icing some one away with the weather psychiatry side. they so not so brain again. here, if you're shy, was there and to that west to side, all the russia wanted to shout to into something positive. potent but elsewhere, spine drive. it is warm and sunny. yeah. got a few showers just coming in across the by a big guy, northern parts of spider. he's become a little more widespread,
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but it's heavy or is it live use? it may look on the chart here. there will be some showers on and off as it goes through sunday, lot of fine and dry weather in between the 25 celsius, the full parish. plenty of wilts across southern parts of europe. as we go on through the, we can do the fab, but it won't cause northern areas of africa as well. around this holiday, we're going to the full season. notice the show is becoming a little more widespread across the west africa pushing up into central positive nigeria. we could even say some lobby down polls coming at the beginning of faucet with the possibility of some flooding. right? looking pretty, what for southern past, the governor now let me tell you about the coal result, the 1st of its kind in west africa. we were surrounded by a wild life from the moments we and so that you click on outside right now able to practice what the now be used. only look, just very close here like common here, sits on to play with
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a large tires basically. but look in my private for me now. thanks. royal. i can also somebody probably equal, resorted in gonna the the book about you, what field is there for my headquarters here, even though these are all the top stories, the united nations general assembly has overwhelmed movie vitamin c back to palace to me, and that to become a full you and then the 443 countries budget and save us 90 gates in 25 states. that calls on the security council to reconsider the minutes i make that effective . we recognize a ton of states is very full. so expending a tax on cause
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a southern region, nebraska most of the $100000.00 palestinians except the area in 5 days. the agency for palestinian refugees has decided to temporarily place itself is, is it occupied east jerusalem after an austin attacked by his lady sapaulas. it's the latest in a series of increasingly violent attacks, talking underwater, in recent months, hundreds of his body satellites have protested calling for its closure. israel has shut down now because there was an operations that were reporting from outside of israel. stephanie deca has moved from about. one of the nice things about this voice is saying and hebrew, unreal is compound to view one's agency for palestinian refugees. the role in occupied east jerusalem is set on fire. about $630.00. the fire was started yesterday afternoon. started right here by some of the
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people watching videos up here before you fire. i'm the director of the office. right. i'm not a fireman. the head of under his affairs in the occupied westbank says more help should have come. he says only one farm and stood on top of the truck to put out the fire and no one came inside the compound to help test the the 7th of october. there's been definitely an escalation of tension against on attacks on, on not only the physical attacks that we saw last night, the fire, but also a few days ago, there was a demonstration that became very violent with the destruction of our property outside of this compound. israel has accused some under employees in garza of been complicit in the october 7th. the tax has a long and difficult relationship with the agency, often calling for it to be shut down under a works to provide palestinian refugees with age and education. not just in the palestinian territories, but in syria, lebanon, and jordan, to the under
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a compound it occupied is jerusalem has now been closed, and he was actually general and done with dex has condemned the attack. and these really police say after their initial investigation that those who started the fire on miners under the legal age of prosecution, stephanie decker, audra 0. and that's the, that's bring you the days of the news though, and 2 people are being killed during rush and shouting, ukraine's ne and of key of agents, the local governors as the town of, of which ones cost less than the 5 kilometers. so it's 5 kilometers from the russian border. was targeted, ukraine's on forces of rushed reinforcements to kind of keep was it fight itself to hold the russian attempt to break through those front lines. at least 3000 people have been evacuated from home and has moved from keith. it was in the early hours of friday morning. the russian forces
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a box to cross the border. i mean to north east and ukraine in the heart of keith region. now this region is especially important because it has ukraine, 2nd largest city, how to keep the city, and this a box and offensive wasn't just on the ground. so we have an aerial from above, and it was at villages and towns being evacuated as well on that front line on the hockey region. what president below them is a, let's give you crane said was for now you craning defenses, a holdings, but the a fee is $5.00 to was being full, obviously, of which along the way to contacting us to bodily g. russia launched a new way to the counter offensives in this direction. ukraine met them the with our troops brigades and not hillary. it's important to understand that they can build up and consolidate forces in this area. it is a fact if it's, but i'm gonna treat them on this, you about it and calculate the courses in order to meet the enemy with retaliatory file. is that a see there?
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now there was a brief hold back all the ways just a little and then i believe that we stopped them with artillery fire. for the moment, we don't know yet if this is just a probing, a type by russian forces, or if this is a whole new front that's about to open up in this will, but either way, so you cry. it's a big problem. it's suffering from a severe lack of manpower and it's all me and also a real lot of west from rake with the lots of it's been promised lessons from the united states and from it to europe in life. but most of those are still yet to arrive in the windows before they arrive. russian forces are expected to try and press home their advantage. they're already push pushing and slowly above the sink, all the areas of the front line. and now this looks like a new hole that ukrainian force is going to have to try and plug john home, and i would just say to keep but since when do you know of the top cold? this grunted battle to the jail. the opposition lead an ottoman country of all who
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was arrested in monks and the corruption k seen by many as a political move find probably minute sentiment committees. governments of the supreme court ruled on friday that the delay chief minister, be temporarily released unable to come pain in the ongoing general elections. countries all will be required to surrender, to will forward these again. after the election finishes in june. java than saudi is a political. i've listed in new delhi. he says, i've been considered all the rest, has generated sympathy for his political ambitions as to gauge your bonds. instead of being really cognizant shot and they all sold all this to catch a rob, spotty, and also the headlines in the actual fridge is faulty. he is a member of the did they viewed intergenerational momentum, and mr. mr. change about his are very lucky. they determined to jump it up and it is expensive, that watches really did you get the gap insurance, and as
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a much needed go back up to the, to the campaign. us. as i say, there's a lot of people are being killed during class starting and they've got us on most of the victims, all women and children are the number that is expected to rise federal to swamped parts of the box in providence and the countries normal friday before the say that the flooding was caused by heavy seasonal rains and residence well. and now the families of visiting people protesting in the mexico that follows a cut by the mexican government to the numbers of people declared as disappeared. the total is going through the 813002 less than $13000.00. the time of the site is a political move ahead of elections and leads many missing mexicans and accounted for generically on their reports, the from mexico, se, se, several 1000 people are marching right now in the mexican capital towards the presidential palace where they're demanding answers,
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answers from the governments about the whereabouts of their loved ones for talking about their son or daughter. in some cases, their parents, people who simply spanish one day were never heard from again, and assemblies just by their efforts that have just not been able to know what happened to their relatives. so basically, a lot of them, others have spoken to today, say they need to carry the names and the images of their children because they say otherwise, it's as if they never existed the government, it's just not have knowledge that these people lived and that they're no longer here, they say that is simply unacceptable. some of those slogans that we're hearing the mother's here chancing is basically if i don't look for them, i will never be able to find them. and that just speaks to the lack of support. they feel from a government that has basically given no resources to the search for missing people, we're talking about over a $100000.00 people that are supposed to be missing and believes to be missing in mexico, even though the government disputes that figure. but you know, dozens and dozens of tens of thousands of people are missing and these families say there's just no interest from the government in finding them. now. the other thing
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is that mexico is currently in an election year and nothing less than a month. mexico will have a new president and it's expected to be the can to from the ruling party. so for these families, it's really important to make their presence known so that this new incoming government changed something in the approach that the government has taken to dealing with the crisis of the disappeared. and they're concerned that because of the candidates a suspect and expect it to win comes from the ruling party that may not have it not may not happen. so they feel very strongly about the need for them to have their voices really heard very loudly today. i'll just be your specs for the city involved with lots of us in germany. have tried to storm tests, but it's not draining the capital in the hundreds of people and break through the police lines and, and attempt to occupy the factory. yeah, cuz this one to stop the call and make his plans to expand its manufacturing capabilities and to send something back smart so, and couldn't hide it somewhere. q and we're here today to draw attention to the, to the factory for the environmental destruction him. but also for the
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environmental destruction in countries like argentine, olivia with less in his mind that is needed. so these pantries and that causes terrible environmental destruction for the people via but also the environment. that is why we're here today to draw attention to the spectrum. so it doesn't, lonia region is holding on the elections on sunday they came to bounce off to the regional apartment rejected the minority government's budget. but she has happened since the last election 3 years ago. and we had to succeed from spain. sonya guy a go takes a look at what voters will be focusing on ahead of polling day. a car salons prepared to vote on sunday. they will be facing a choice. continuing with a pro separate as government or opt for change under pro spanish unity leadership. city, 70 years ago, this region was plunged into chaos as a referendum that was declared illegal, was held in a bit to separate spain. it triggered off one of the most serious constitutional
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crises in spain. since there were tons of democracy with a full or against independence, feelings ran high. there's pushing for succession, engaged in a power struggle against spanish. he knew this well, leaders of the independence movement were arrested, tried and imprisoned for that pos in the referendum. the regional president kind of list please. the one went into self imposed exile where he remains risking the rest . if he was who were to the regional president cobbler squeeze the want, went into self imposed exile where he remains risking arrest. if you were to return to spain majestic, las veins prime minister pedro sanchez issued a pardon and released the other convict to separate his quotations in 2021. he held a bond on the holding public office. a controversial on this deal. he struck with a separatist has gone some way to call me the tension between madrid and buffalo to .


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