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tv   Dying Earth The Final Breath  Al Jazeera  May 10, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm AST

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to spain, it triggered off one of the most serious constitutional crises in spain. since the return to democracy, with the full or against independence feelings ran high. there's pushing the succession, engaged in a power struggle against spanish. he knew this. well, leaders of the independence movement were arrested, tried and imprisoned for that pos in the referendum. the regional president academy squeeze the once went into self imposed exile, where he remains risking arrest. if he was who were to the regional president carlos, which the one went into self imposed exile where he remains risking arrest. if you were to return to spain, majestic, la springs, prime minister pedro sanchez issued a pardon and released the other convict to separate his quotations. in 2021. he held a bond on the holding public office. a controversial. i'm the c d o he struck with a separatist has gone some way to call me the tension between madrid and boss slow to get throughout the time while the desire for independence has diminished and
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other issues all taking precedence. yoshi, instead of industry to me, i want to see a change. the issue of independence has been i've done some of the issues have been neglected to say no, there are more important things to focus on, like employment and social welfare. they could have done that. but they haven't because of these elections. so those who say that the dream of an independent catalonia is a false long prospect. there are those who believe it is the only credible future for the region. usually because people does, he does, it was the money because he was done, but with regard to put to them on and everything he did, it is important, especially since some time has passed. so we can achieve independence in a calmer fashion, regardless of where they sit on the debate. most people his say that should be a legitimate referendum on the matter to resolve this question once and for all. but with a pro spanish unity socialist aussie leading in the poles,
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the appetite for an independent catalonia may not be enough for those wary of further instability. sonya yeah, go out to 0 also right now. book awaits to be a shake. we shall alignment the sub has dissolved is parliament, and suspended some of the constitutions, articles for a period, not exceeding, move him for years. he's made the announcement in a tele, vice speech ad on state television. the pounds of the national assembly will be assumed by the media and the countries cabinet. some of these stories on our website to thousands of adult comes of data to so that we bought good morning using just under half an hour time here on out to 0. but next it's dining instrument. the news team here is on you sent a end. it's a good time on company. the why have american evangelicals become? is real strong. as backer is us president,
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you'll find the right to stand with israel with no red line. as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real? solve on concept from going on in. definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line the, [000:00:00;00]
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the funding us off the some the, the lemme from the is costa mesa from when the scene dtn us, the indian is to going to see me. and so they, by law that they the spit that on the, on the sand, but is school need beautiful kids and i've been on my that the,
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the, the single most only to few natal 9 know me put punch here. but it wonderful. but it to post with, nor mid to mind you, you that find the best he does get out of my why there are moments when you can change from one state very rapidly, you to another state, and then that's called a tipping point. probably the, the one that i'm most concerned about is the amazon reinforced the, well, the carbon in those trees, if the trees are cut and burned for land clearing,
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winds up in the atmosphere at the edge to the climate pro there is some of the climate models that show the climate getting not just warmer but dryer. if it gets dryer in the tropical far as will not be able to survive there, we have to try to focus on keeping the warming a low whatever that tipping point is with the eco system changes perils. we just make the climate change problem partners the is the color of the city, the cuteness over to you. if you put them into width, you will see it as a model for my product. it is a norm. if it gets
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a diversity that they told us they feed us anything that you see in the community at the new body, the link or the muscle in the is so. so we grabbing and improving so that bus desa bid of but a southern good 30 any bit later. the same look of indeed us, let's say, let's say they did a bunch of victoria the. busy busy busy yep, the, any time they're looking for the point in yesterday and the internet at the back for the city, the audio, the sped was mission. busy busy busy
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the authority report again to prove unity. lemme sonya come the studio, look whether there's the line you'll meet with the samples at the name of the channels. i can see the javi. did it up password you made about me. don't know where to send the combined yet. big thing, maybe kind of move it on the in when thing it to the order on the left, on the equivalent, almost guessing you each will feel no decent in petroleum, maybe before the on the test booklet. see much impact. can you give us the metaphor for you that the told you you will not come in day? you will see until level cdw capable. the animals for visit is level quite the most on
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the do people say to me, i see that i see to quicktime use important couple of gentle things, but i think people do that. so if the 20 look up, you don't by use move forward it on by ease being graceful, made the or the
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last city made of escape be in victoria, and that i miss get out of the way and never i do not fit. and i'm assuming you a little bit low, i just and it, you know, some mucho's and the, what is on the do i have a, how do i need to have them to say to know a welcoming me city 30 of get the name on that the receipt out of it on the a couple of ways said that you got a physical made and you gotta come build the fence. i mean name, but still must say it or case. i mean 58 on the system. what is to scan those is will not be the case. i'm not sure whether it be that
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the most of the via most are a lot what equal to any of the sequences i use. this is put you on muscle need. ok, so in other light, the total on the so style chuck data to most of the stuff must come. you said what the single say single systems this from the end, the se, then throw that i filled up. okay. most of them, as i said, remove in the, the light the by the, i'll get the name of the key to be the same,
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i guess when i said read on the, it must be a mock, you know, so non noise, stomach sound. okay. i'll see if am i cannot get on the know the name was mike in a bill is that it is best one on go see the outcome of almost a said god about of going back subcommittees. most of them was not a spine your use, the we most of the, in the service the most has bound to meet on the cover all of the use the key and these are the guys that are letting me fall a must be so that if it goes by the end of the semester.
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the name of the kid is sick. what on go ahead. i was here. see somebody eat the lowest of the most of the most is going to mean not the, the a step at the latest. uh for a thunder. se my, the out, the easiest way to steal mine. yeah, well most likely he get almost my chatted a bit the way to put that on the safe side or not i who our my general temper so nice the
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the and 0 say this, the on my son the model going to as a bit dirty the indigenous people would have normally using the streams for getting water for washing, for whatever, for all the normal lives activities, if they were down stream, if you would of these operations now they wouldn't be contaminated. right? and depending on where they lived, they might see it in this, okay, i'm not going to drink from the stream. but if the for the, for the down, it might not be evident that the stream was no compare and containing either heavy metals or petroleum itself. world production typically generates a lot of natural gas at the time there was no means to handle the natural gas. if your down wind of that flame, you know, getting carbon monoxide,
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you're going to be inhaling as result of this operation. the is that very much? i'm getting the petroleum met. you don't not say that a mean nice. i think the nuance based on that instead of me that getting a spin incident and nice to per lawn is a nice just a new point. that means that i'm in that and also i'm in dallas, so my not c, not the me and looked at the model is looking say goes to the living. so the direct contact with petroleum through here, border x,
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while the he's supposed to go in. but aside, let's see somebody at a me into my la la e this boy's the lawyer that messes loose and leave it on the door a know the federal. yeah. what needs to be done. the municipal name is the guy. give it a minute, then the i n e e. familiar with me, but immediately elizabeth demo, sunday. the need is boys bustle, 3, as long as must be 3 months or 3. yeah. and that was a wonderful applies to my. wow. why that doesn't mean that doesn't mean to quite throeder for you see or get into the science
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the concept get in the village to think that you look for sampling. people must not, will not force you on this. this was probably just before data is to see that bit of an estimate to see a printer loss base of their stuff, the, the stuff the form of unit units. yes. over the last company that is built into somebody. let them create this deal is you have somebody whose name is valencia soto or somebody
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a little different sort of the different audio. if you didn't see the new putting those on you so might be on your list and put them on concerts because some way, i don't know why you would look at some digital must be starting from a little bit as are locked into the consul just almost in fables, i'm not clinic, i guess it, but you have meant it, but i can't because a good thing, a feeling was committed for confirming that you know such them as well. so that meant the nothing 1st to the middle. guess the i don't have to leave on that on the was on the last one he got the last provincial spittle. interesting. i'm assuming it was the young sand laughed pro. each has must board as that goes with level. there's one that that's what he that so this will use for the low light, those boscus to somebody. so you don't both were most of it was the
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domain name and i bought my new one a day. even, you know, the amount of medical money on me ball you didn't mind. don't mind talking about how many we put in the why don't want to put in the on out on the beginning what the, my maybe like $20.00 a month or not. i'll give you mind the sample they avalon fail. right. the mothers, as you know that me so close to me of a is the noise coming to me so noise. that means the noise. that means the noise means the noise ex, you know, c to another phone noise i'm kid is what we're running. you will be do you see movie soon? but these 30 phenomenon infant that on the left. but the latest you got out from somewhere in the middle canyon, those load, i mean they move headed your medic,
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by eating who the car to the you said that my let me see and ok. and they said that he thought he had a nice event that living the spit that now my, your medical here and the money, maybe one name or nothing that you just gave me that is to submit the doses case thing i've sent to sent the getting mendera nice was sitting 30 of the elite tackled me for the man i live in nice gone. yeah. you so fine. you bought the most of the people who least have a 430 in the north lead of the look in the video complete list of things here. he
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is, this is something that is spent on see and board and ask them restore that a to be there for me. it will probably have the meeting. hadn't even been a big deal. so, but that might be good. could i ok, but the level, the stuff in the wind turbine cool on my 14 fuel know confirming the last one you have to do i get the black products on of the the think he must be the one to bring to the police. you can use a condition impulse is not your links, you have to sit normally. so whenever you lose your case, your safety c become one,
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is society. you can squeeze the paternity super. i'm just looking it up to beautiful places, but does it petroleum drop those? it can p one young. lucky you can use that for to increase the to be sealed. deluxe customs extremists, the data loss. se not the bank, the safety of your hired a chance that is the gang. i'm a nice balcony on the nice balcony. how you get to the santa from the the the who am i can see this is wanda. so i get, this is losing, i've got in the belfry i be still like to go home. but the december 5th of july to
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be by the some of the south p buying out cooper for it's a good thing function. but for now, you will, can you put in whenever you get near have, and that's on the board to update the tip of who should be moved to got the taking it off ahead by you see how far it's on the need. some piece of the boat brand expecting how many have the guns that pants on the phone by to and not be the the fine print, the 1599 the expense of fling, that's a counselor. if i can have dry, i'm typing on the high defects, frankly, san mateo, i in the could frankly am, but the signed them up to you join the could that's the catch up on this. i can't remember. so i'm a fan to cut the nap time to my feet to finding on the show and the chicken for she's off. right? yeah, yeah,
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the mentoring the is one of them into a we we did the for now you logan assessing when deacon almost belittle. so if we see now the positive and this will definitely be the, the end of this test, we'd like to move giving some of our key small, the masonic, i'm putting in the 5th. if i don't hear something, find this in mind that in the 1st day the mentor care case is the name of the head is
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a senior trend. and the thing for me to me as soon the width is you know me? well, i said yes, a ms . bus the yeah. john peter, john wayne massey at in get concert books. joe ramos. yeah. the, it's in the hands of some of the men we last see to see and then they'll come here for the month to come for get, for me live channels unless the thing and most i'm offering it is that the
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e s. i spent a more convenient ne it by the next month, the audio, but on this. but those are the scenarios i see. permit to fact of the show is lobby . that means the the c said grace and pictorial. is this everyone? you are the said federal fund are means noise this set on you assembling it on monday. so that a choice time of the 11? no problem. okay. then let me know. so my best to send,
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send this design. yeah. a good disconnect. nice because what i use it, the table with us to give it to the one with the visa, most of oakland circle back from us. no book up i see in photos, possibly. that is, but i live on the musket. the theater is saying that i know you know that out of the in thought that is a moment. so is,
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can see that i'm not going to get this to be the last bit or the our oceans are under switch by a for rushes, fishing industry, government people are thinking of bring deep sea trolling, brack global war, easy off the choices, sees that go systems are going to suffer more and more with climate change and we need to adapt. now marine conservationists are in
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a desperate race against time. the ocean provides services for us that we require as humanity. i'll just see you as lucy is dying of the last shock. foster a 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from . i'm into the outer a big language world wide shaped. come out a word for translation. and international understanding. announce is the opening of the nomination period for the year. 2024 starting march. first to may. sadie. fast nominations are made on the award official website w w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. now is the time to be directed to the creation of a humanitarian crisis. is a tactic we do look, it was a policy that we have. it was from us, particularly from the city upfront on out 0. 1 of the biggest elections of 2020
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pools in the general election will administer now render movies be taking increase its rule across the country. how will economic uncertainty and you've sent employment, swing voters in key states and will the media be able to cover the vote sweetie and fairly ongoing coverage in the as an actions on out tuesday around the, the, the general assembly overwhelming me bucks a resolution coating full tele started to become a full member of the us and i took a move as well as the best of the shreds, a copy of the un, charles, and protests of those. the deluxe a hold on me, you want to, i'll just say we're like my headquarters here in the old, so it coming up as,


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