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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 10, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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to increase its food across the country. how will economic uncertainty and you've sent employment, swing voters in key states and will the media be able to cover the vote sweetie and fairly ongoing coverage in the as an actions on out his era. the the general assembly overwhelming me bucks a resolution coating full tele, started to become a full member of the us. and if you have to go move as well as i've invested a shreds, a copy of the un, charles, and protests of those, the deluxe over on you want to, i'll just say we're like my headquarters here in the also coming up as, as right? so i'm into rafa, south africa,
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so international court of justice to all the israel to cease it's military offensive that a top colton. india release is an outspoken critic of the government, allowing him to come pains and the ongoing elections and the russian shutting killed several people positive portions and ukraine's car key. the welcome to the problem we saw is that the united nations headquarters in new york, where the general assembly has backed a palestinian but to become a full you and the resolution passed with a welding support. with $143.00 countries voted in favor $930.00 to the gains and $25.00 up stains, including the united states. the resolution calls on the security council to reconsider and support palestine full membership to the you. when i move that would effectively recognize a palestinian state company,
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palestine only holds no men upside the status. we did not enact international law. we just demanded to see them apply to us and have been until now denied their protection as the campaign to displace and destroy the palestinian people. it reaches its ultimate 11. you can decide to stand by that i of a nation to live in freedom and dignity on it's on system land just on to a piece. what's required is that a good condition of our rights? not the continued denied, well, as well as on by so the to the un. last down to the vote. he said it was opening the international buddies tools to the and we quote tara supporting palestinian
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states. you can see exactly what you are inflicting upon that you are in charge or with this destructive vote. this is the you are reading the you are in charge here with your own hands. yes, yes. that's what you're doing. reading that you are in charge or shame on you. gabriel. that's on the joins us now live from the un. keeps out tricks that from the ambassador to israel, but an overwhelming yeah. maybe slightly bolted down vote. yeah, that's right. and i should say that the one of the spokes people for the un secretary general and tony gutierrez, responded to those the adverts and said, the principles of the un charter will never be shredded as there was the actrix by
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the is rarely ambassador suggested. this was overwhelming, a 143 votes in favor of basically saying that the palestine it does qualify and meets all the qualifications to become a full un member. and asking that the security council, which ultimately has the for the main se, over this reconsider sat. and that was really the key of this. it costs a lot of pressure now on the security council to reconsider this. but beyond that, it also there was some real tangible things in this resolution as well, that sort of still maintain palestine as a non member observer, but they have an elevated, right? so if you will, they can now take part in all un meetings. the seating arrangement is change where they can sit in the general assembly with all of the permanent members of the u. n . a. and so listen, that's a little some bullet. but there are some things in here that will sort of elevate
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palestine status a little bit. but what they really wanted a full un membership like a 193 other countries that is still not happening. nevertheless, i presume of what we can any presume yet the us position will always stay the same for the movements. and if it did had back to the security council, they would veto it. but i think the larger picture is the fact that these a small steps, but significant steps in the right direction, which support palestine and slowly alienate the united states for its support of israel. it is very much alienate, said the united states, no doubt about it. and united states has alienated to begin with. but a 143 countries now, o towing essentially telling the united states, you know what you're wrong palestine does meet the requirements and should be a full member. really says a lot and it was you points the fact that it was just last month. the security
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council, the 15 members security council voted on palestine full membership. uh, 13 countries, uh, i should have pushed, i'm sorry. 12 countries voted in favor to countries abstain and only one country voted no, and that was united states that used its veto power. so the united states was already isolated on this issue. and now more so than ever, despite the fact that they're still saying, if this goes back to the security council for review again, they plan to veto it again. so they can continue to veto. but certainly, the momentum has completely shifted in the favor of palestine in terms of they should be a full un member. gabrielle is on that for us at the united nations. thanks very much. cable south africans has filed urgent request to the international court of justice over the war and calls i know is asking to you is top call to order the israeli military to withdrawal from raw fund allow the unimpeded access of
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humanitarian aid into the strip. south africa's case as that israel is a solid, solid rock that gives rise to new facts that are causing irreparable harm to the rights of the palestinian people in guns. and it goes on to state that is rough. i similarly destroyed toby little left of gauze or if the prospect of of survival of palestinian life in the time of the tree. the finally also stresses that as the primary hub for humanitarian assistance in garza, if we're off of holes. so it is gone. so a little more than a $100000.00 palestinians of slight southern gauze as since monday. the wind says these rarely armies take over all the wrath of border crossing has sealed the crucial entry point. for humanitarian aid and world famine is spreading axles the i'm of which principle is really forces having testified their attacks and rough uh, wishing deeper into the cities, eastern areas, buildings around a q a hospital are under fire or civilians have been sheltering for months. well,
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let us show you in the little flats. i see that rafa cannot bear to be invaded by israel. we are many casualties. most of the injured and martyrs that are arriving at this hospital are women and children, so that when most of the displacement personal mazda is armed with the cosigned brigade say, they have hate 2 tanks in a vehicle of carrying israeli troops disappears a full scale ground invasion grows at the city, comes under, intensified attacks from deer to you and estimates more than $100000.00 people are fleeing to try and find any form of safety. for many, there's no escape the this motor pizza through welters. soon as he dies in her arms,
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despite global calls for restraint, these really army has launched a multiple strikes on rough at this week. on monday, this way, the army dropped lea flats or drink palestinians to evacuate. families who once called or brought the home are now heading to almo bossy and darrow by law, but they are struggling to find food, water, and other supplies, and to no, no part of gaza is safe access. i'm gonna reach out to 0, like the hospital in central goals was wanting that it'll run out of fuel within 48 hours and that would full such as a spend all operations. it's one of a few hospitals, still functioning in the strip. i mean, my move managed to get insight and we do only that some of the images in his report on distressing or we're inside deluxe is a hospice, all one of the only few remaining health facilities to my operation all across the garza for this particular hospitalization. defense front area and as you can see over a crowded wood patients,
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an injury isn't family members who evacuated to this particular facility seeking shelter in the past 7 months, have been quite difficult for the health sector across the gauze. as for the, from major hospitals being deliberately targeted and destroyed and pushed out of service into the acute shortage of medical supplies in the shorter supply with fuel push the remaining to my operation of hospitality to complete a closure right now. and with more recently, a hospital in dropbox, of the city that has been pushed out of service because of the military operations in this hospital. not only suffering from the lack of a space and, and being jobs with many people, but also the services. here are a dire situation right now. we're looking at an extreme charge of medical supplies . there no space for, for patients, for injuries. some of them are on the literally, on the floor of the hospital. all very, very devastating situation for,
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for the hospital to continue on working and to sustain itself. what we're seeing right now literally is, is sufficient medical to stop here that's been working for the past 7 months, already exhausted, and, and a traumatized. giving the, the ongoing intense bombing campaign across the district here to, to medical staff are trying to help one of the injures who from the could not find a bid for him. he's literally on the floor of the hospital getting whatever, not the service treatment they're doing their best to save lives here. but for the most part, injuries and patients are either on the floor of the hospital or the end of waiting go side. a lack of his business, not the only problem in this hospital, but also the extreme charge or medical supplies as well. the shortage of a seal that is threatening the hospital to shut down major parts of it. the department including the i see you on operations room. we spoke with with
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a doctor briefly and he just answer with one word describing the difficulties of the situation. the past 7 months have evolved into major problem across this trip. more people are pouring into the hospital right now and within the past 2 days, 1000 of more people are seeking shelter inside the hospital. more evacuation orders we should in the southern part of the trip. first, this hospital to go beyond its capacity as more people either setting up the terms outside the vicinity of the hospital or inside a sport or literally inside the facility itself, just increasing the pressure on medical to stop volunteers, as well as in the patients and injuries inside the facility, well, the medical staff with alex hall, it's been a little desperate for medical supplies, the team trying to keep the power on despots
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a few. without it they generate as well full silent and the team the patients will suffer in with a couple as the way he did crisis in the basement of getting ox hospital with that and then a camera system. so that off of it, i like so hospital is supplied with 20000 liters. a few every i days we was supposed to have received that quantity 2 days ago and we have 10000 liters is back on. yeah, but that's been consumed over the past 2 days beyond we only have enough fuel for 24 hours an hour ago. we receive 2000 liters. it's enough enough for half a day. all of these tanks are empty because for more than 5 days, power asylums crossing the commercial crossing has been up close, where no fuel entered the gauze was true according to the house. so they're saying that this is only the only time this has few left and those who run the generators
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know, shortages here translate to the reveal problems on the way above, along the whole for hope that hasn't been on hand. we have intensive care. we have a nursery with 24 incubators for newly going babies. such cases are at risk of going at any moment and if the power goes out, and we also have a busy schedule of surgery, runs around the cloud. if the situation is not dealt with today, uh, the generator will be turned off tomorrow, and the palestinian minister of have is warnings us if you will, does not enter the gaza strip and specially to this hospice an indebted bella. it's going to shut down in the human to target and how situation is going to collapse. this is in the for the odyssey to unlock the hospital. that is the la garza palestine, a full palestinians, including 3 children have been killed and is very strongly called the jabante. a refugee come, the tiny talk to a residential building in the county which is located in northern gone. so many
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people have been in political teams managed to recover the bodies of the victims from under the rubble, the an agency full palestinian refugees as decided to temporarily close its offices and occupied east jerusalem after at austin, attacked by is riley settlers. it's the latest in a series of increasing the violent attacks talked a little while in recent months, hundreds of his riley settlers have protested calling for its closure. israel have shut down, i'll just say it was an operations that say we're reporting from outside of this room. stephanie becca has moved from a man in jordan's. one of the nice things about this voice is saying and hebrew, unreal is compound of the ones agency for palestinian refugees. and all you know, if you buy an east jerusalem is set on fire about 630, the fire was started yesterday afternoon. started right here by, by some of the locals that lived here. and we had about
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a 100 people watching videos up here before. yeah, fire. i'm the director of the office. right. i'm not a fireman. the head of under his affairs in the occupied westbank says more help should have come. he says, only one fireman stood on top of the truck to put out the fire, and no one came inside the compound to help test the. the 7th of october. there's been definitely an escalation of tension against one rough attacks on, on the, not only the physical attacks that we saw last night, the fire. but also a few days ago, there was a demonstration that became very violent with the destruction of our property outside of this compound. israel has accused some under employees in gaza, of being complicit in the october 7th. the tax has a long and difficult relationship with the agency, often calling for it to be shut down under a works to provide palestinian refugees with age and education, not just in the palestinian territories, but in syria, lebanon, and jordan,
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to the all new are compounded occupied is true, slim has now been closed and the one sex with general and don, you with dex has condemned the attack. and these really police a officer, their initial investigation that those who started the fire on miners under the legal age of prosecution. stephanie decker, audra 0, and then the still ahead, hey, all out, is there a we previously find a line to the euro vision, some consistent moments, west security issues and protests against israel's will, regardless of taking center stage the hello. welcome to look at the international full cost, has been a reading. what stop reco breaking what start to the month for sydney, and i'm afraid it's gonna stay that way as we go through the next couple of days. this weather system here. this trough that's going to continue driving its way
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across the south wells, pushing either towards the east coast here, right up the eastern seaboard and see plenty of showers on the show. a breeze just bringing that west to weather, im bumping into that system. so some live the down pulls through sas day, going, going into sunday behind database generally drive for good, possible straight. yeah. maybe seeing one or 2 shots creeping into the south west into the early part of next week. what's the weather coming into tasmania? hopefully a little try for sydney as we go on through monday. is that dry weather just stops to push this way a little further east, restarting dry and fine across new zealand and find his rifle. the time being in japan that will change. we've got some rain making his way out of northeast and positive china that will roll across the yellow sea into the korean peninsula, central and pop something positive. try to sing some more heavy down pulls, i'm afraid. so we are likely to see the flooding exacerbated across the south for a time. dry weather comes back in as that where to weather makes his way through
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the queue issue and west and past japan. of the you will see caught a duty and a growth using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the costs are requested and remember to cut purifies wells and increases systems costs on ridgecrest the the
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book about the what you will just bear with me. so rob, nevermind, of all. told the stories the knights of nations general assembly was overwhelming. the vacancy back a palestinian been to become a full united nations about 143 countries though to didn't save a 9 against and 25. abstain the calls on the security council to reconsider the matter and move that would effectively recognize a palestinian state. is already full size of expanding attacks on gauze. the southern region of ross on more than a 100000 palestinians have flipped the area in the past 5 days. south africa has as the international court of justice to, or to the, as by the military to withdrawal from russia and allow the unimpeded access of humanitarian aid to district. the finding says of israel's assault and the southern city is causing erect trouble. tom said to sweep now, while the penultimate knights of the eurovision song contest stays on the way. israel has won
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a place and saturday nights final. despite calls for the country to be done because of the war and garza, the israeli entrance even go on was boot. during semi final rehearsals on wednesday . some univision finalists are calling for unity. well, that was a heavy police presence during major protests against as well, for consultation, thousands of protests as of cold as well to be disqualified by police surrounded and detain. some of them. russia was disqualified from univision problems and phases of ukraine in 2022. that's cool, so i have to still come. no, i see jay lawson is a music journalist and present to joins us now from the swedish capital. see that good talking with us on i'll just say era. i'm going to covey a copy of the fact that heavy security presence is nothing new around the lodge event, like the revision someone come test you reported on this event for years. now, have you ever heard or seen anything like it in sweden as well? not near it, but i must say that we have been forced to be used to,
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to see how the, the situation around big, bad news and televisions and their situations as, as changed over the last, well, 4050 years. you remember what happened during the sports events in the, in the unit for instance, the game. ready and then on goods and even sweden, we had just a few years ago with situation with the, the, with the terrorist it was driving a car in the street. lots of people at everything trying to be of course, on live television, the security for any nation. and the big event is, is a huge matter, but for suite and you might say over the years, your neutrality has always, pups led you into a self, a semblance of calm. what you think you're not going to be effective yet. i suppose the dramatic effects of 1986 and the association of your prime minister made the
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authorities change the way they think about high profile people. not just in sweden, but really cool scandinavia that you'll, you'll security is the most important. yeah, absolutely. um and i must tell you that it was rather a. ready cold and taking us, i don't know what used to be some sort of innocence. but having said that, it's been a struggle, and it's been a sort of a way of well understanding where we are heading towards the future and looking at what's happening in, in mazda today. of course, i mean the world is so much smaller things to all those big events that are happening to tennessee should mind you. i mean, the eurovision song contest is be with you more than $120.00 countries throughout the world. and of course, the book tried to make the voice a to a situation like that. and we had lots of protests against israel participation in
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this year's competition. but mind you, oh, so we had some people from israel here as well, trying to make that always. and also what we can see on television today that is that we had some most miss guiding peaches and being shown from, from an other location that happened back in 2009. so, so they're all so some trouble. so yeah, the, especially if you could say very the room and goes all the faults room a spread around with any events. i mean, we just saw some pictures that are of a palm and they, they, they, they assassinated to swedish prime minister, but it's also changed the way that your royal families have to change as well. the way that they move around. i mean, i've had stories the past that certain royal families used to cycle to work a walk to work a that whole notion of security. not just for royal families or for politicians, but for the public at large though, the atmosphere, the environment,
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that sweets that have to live, it now has changed as well. a designated to be a has and, and not only through that, we have to look at that. if you look at it in, on, in a big a perspective. also when you look in the, in the area surround sweet and then what's happening, you're trading and everything as you might know, sweetness, what was of joy nato. during this last 2, yes, we've seen the whole situation change from the country that hasn't been into the war one way, 200 years. what are we be neutral? and now one of the sudden we had to sort of the 2 side. and he goes to see what happens. let me in the next 24 hours. it looks like it's gonna be very heated eurovision song contest for the moment to see jay lawson and thanks so much for joining us from st. okay, thank you very much. the 2 people have been killed during russian selling and ukraine's ne in khaki region.
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the local government says the time of a chance cost less than $5.00 or was less than 5 kilometers from the russian boat has been targeted. new cranes armed forces of rushed reinforcements to car keith as it finds to hold of a russian attempt to break through the front lines. at least 3000 people have been evacuated. townhome and has moved from keith. it was in the early hours of friday morning. the russian forces a box to cross the border. i mean to north eastern ukraine in the heart of keith region. now this region is especially important because it has ukraine, 2nd largest city, how to keep the city and this, uh, a box and offensive wasn't just on the ground resume. so we have an aerial from above, and it was at villages and towns being evacuated as well on that front line on the hockey region. well, president, below them is a landscape. ukraine said that was for now, you craning defenses a holdings, but the a fee is $5.00 to was being full. obviously up which along the way,
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the content enough to bodily g mitchell, russia launched a new way to the counter offensive in this direction. ukraine met them with our troops per day. it's an artillery. it's important to understand that they can build up and consolidate forces in this area. it is a fact of it's, but i'm literally come on this, you about it and calculate the cost is in order to meet the enemy with retaliatory file. is that a see there? now, there was a brief hold back all the ways are scalable. and then i believe that we stopped them without to re fi for the moment. we don't know yet if this is just a probing, a type by russian forces. or if this is a whole new front that's about to open up in this will. but either way, so you cry, it's a big problem. it's suffering from a severe lack of manpower and it's all me. and also a real lot of west, from rate, with the lots of it's been promised lessons from the united states and from it to europe in life. but most of those, a still yet to arrive in that window before they arrive,
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russian forces are expected to try and press home their advantage. they're already push pushing and slowly above the sink and all the areas of the front line. and now this looks like a new hole that ukrainian force is going to have to try and plug john home. and i would just say to keep in the sense, winds, you know why the top coal, which is going to bail to the jail opposition leader. and catcher on that he was arrested in march and the corruption case seen by many as a political move by the prime minister. and when related east of the supreme court ruled on friday, that the chief ministry be temporarily released and able to campaign in the ongoing general elections. the category of all will be required to surrender of 2 authorities again after the election finishes in june. it's always in solving is a political is the new delhi who says that the ottoman category was the rest of the general agent, sympathy for his political ambitions. as to gauge your bonds, instead of being wake up as a shot and they all sold all this to catch a rob,
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spotty, and also the lines in the actual fridge is spotty. the all is a member of they did. they viewed intergenerational momentum, and mr. mr. change about his are very ducky, very determined to jump it up and it is expensive. so blotchy is really the, the gap insurance, and as a much needed go back up to the, to the campaign. now at least 8 to 5 people have been killed during flash flooding, and have done this on flood water. some parts of vandalism, provence, and the countries knolls on friday. authorities say the flooding was caused by heavy seasonal rains and residence well unprepared. the springs counselor, the region is holding the elections on sunday. they came to bounce off to the regional parliament, rejected the minority governments budget much has happened since the last election 3 escape lead time to proceed from spain. now, sonya guy eager takes a look at what voters will be focusing on ahead of poland. a car salons
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prepared to vote on sunday. they will be facing a choice. continuing with a pro separate us government op for change under pro spanish unity leadership city . 70 years ago, this region was plunged into chaos as a referendum that was declared illegal, was held in a bit to separate from spain. it triggered off one of the most serious constitutional crises in spain. since the return to democracy, with the full or against independence feelings ran high. there's pushing the succession, engaged in a power struggle against spanish. he knew this well, leaders of the independence movement were arrested, tried and imprisoned for that pos in the referendum. the regional president academy squeeze them on, went into self imposed exile, where he remains risking arrest. if he was who were to the regional president carlos, which the one went into self imposed exile where he remains risking arrest if you
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were to return to spain and the justice law sprains prime minister pedro sanchez issued a pardon and released the other convicted zip.


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