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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 11, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the business latest is free to you believe i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes modern plates the the on so many what you know does anyone use online for my headquarters here in the coming up in the next 60 minutes? they need it for the 3 full pallets, sign up with you in general, the 70 bucks a resolution folding but to become a full us member and identical need as well as on basset assurance. a copy of the you and jonathan protest over those,
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the strikes on into rafa by the international court of justice to old as well to cease its military offensive. they took kolton and gave a lease isn't outspoken critic of the government allowing him to campaign and the ongoing election also russian shutting till several people's phones were pushed into ukraine's khaki regions stands for novak which receives medical treatment also being heads on the heads up by a water bottle incident occurs at the time opened when the boat to set out of the back south belonging to a fence looking for an auto glass. the welcome to the news that we begin, the united nations where the general assembly has banked a palestinian but to become
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a full member of the us. the resolution calls on the security council to reconsider and support the matter and move that would effectively recognize the palestinian states. gabriel is on the reports now from headquarters in new york is a round of applause in the united nations general assembly. after over whelming majority of member states voted in favor of a resolution that says palestine qualifies for membership. and as the security council to reconsider its bid, we did not provide you on charter. we did not enact international law. we just demanded to see them applied to us and have been until now denied their protection in an active pediatrics using a prop. israel's ambassador said, any human rights or privileges bestowed on palestine would be akin to shredding the
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un charter. a spokes person for the secretary general rejected this. there's many charters. there's one right here. the charter is intact. it's ideals are into the draft resolution, agreed to had some symbolic privileges for palestine like allowing them to sit among full members and also some more tangible benefits. like allowing palestine to participate in most un meetings. something they could not do before. but the water down resolution, which the us voted against, specifically maintained palestine with non member observer status. full membership to the un require security council approval. last month, the us vetoed palestine full membership, bid us contents. palestine should negotiate the issue with israel. argument reputed by pakistan's ambassador negotiations must have a level playing field. this is, is, was, is negotiating is a full member of,
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of the united nations. so to show that this time, while the resolution over whelming, we adopted by the general assembly calls on the security council to reconsider palestine is bid for full un membership. it's unclear if they will actually do so. we should know in the next few days, but even if the council decides to reconsider it, it still faces the same obstacle as before. us has already said if necessary, they would be to it again. gabriel is on joe. i'll just see it at the united nations in new york and breaking news coming out of the us. well, a longer way to report has just been released by the, by the administration, reviewing the use of american weapons by the israeli army in gauze. while the republican plays, it cannot rule out whether these riley's have broken any laws as,
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as it needs to investigate one or more specific kind of asians. it raises questions as to if israel has done enough to mitigate civilian home, as will feel its obligations on the international humanitarian law. that's kind of a latest on this from policy go, hey, new starting bonding for a set of policy. i mean, there are more highlights to this report on this, so there really are just to give you a little bit of context. so in this, in february, president joe biden made the order that southern countries the state department, need to look at southern countries where the us give a significant military aid to make sure that they were following international humanitarian law. and also allowing humanitarian aid in to conflict zone. so we've been waiting for this report for weeks is finally dropped on at 5 o'clock on a friday night. and it matters because it's the state department had made this, this designation that israel was, in fact violating international humanitarian law or impeding humanitarian aid. then
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their statutory requirements where the us would have to cut off some if not all of that military aid. so i'm just going to read you a couple of sections from the israel part. it says the israel says it's a is the idea of has undertaken steps to implement international human humanitarian law obligations for the projection of civilians in the current conflict, including the requirements related to distinction for personality and for cautions and offensive operations. so i think anyone who's been watching our coverage, my question where they get that information from it didn't go on to say that un humanitarian do you and humanitarian organizations. and experts say is really civilian har. mitigation efforts are inconsistent and effective and inadequate. and it does talk about us 8, it says in the 1st month after october, 7th at israel did not cooperate with us in getting humanitarian aid in to guys. it says it is doing much better now and that much must continue. so i think again,
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if you've been watching the coverage of the warnings of an impending famine, of children died dying of starvation, you might wonder how they found this in this page. that is real, is doing more to get it. and especially now that the roof a quick crossing is closed. but this is the state department official notification in congress. and it basically says, well, we have issues and some criticism. israel is not violating the laws in the us that say she mandatory in a military aid would have to be diminished or cut off because of the way the idea of his acting when other notable part of the report is i thought it was interesting says israel says it is implementing restrictive measures to protect sites such as hospitals, schools, places of worship, and un facilities. so again, i think if you look at what's going on in the ground, what is actually been bombed, what hospitals had actually been infiltrated,
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you might wonder where they're coming up with this language. but this is obviously, it's been a contentious report within the state department. i apologize for just reading so much of it to you, but it is just no breaking news and so will be able to just of it. they're not completely happy with israel, but they're not going to do anything of that. i'm sure will be. and picking motiv as we go and just sounds like an ultimate reality, to be honest with the patsy, from what's being said. and what we actually see in terms of the picture, the old comes in the way cuz of the us present, threatening to cut off a supply weapons to is relatively offensive in raffle on rasa. but if it is immune into tool, so it does seem quite like the mixed messages i'm inviting was sending the most present use. president joe biden said in the message that he was going to cut off all offensive weapons. if they go into rafa holding back shipments of bombs, a warning that artillery shells would be next. and so you might be wondering why say that and then do this. now i do think it's interesting. they're doing it in washington. when politicians don't want people to really pay attention to the news,
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they dump it in friday at 5 o'clock. they've literally no dumped it friday at 5 o'clock. so they are trying to pretty basically put this under the radar. but you might be asking if by wants to send this tough method, why not have the state department follow through and say, okay, now we know you're not following international law. so we're, we're going to cut off the a that would give them basically cover it because they could just say, look, you did it, we have to follow this through. it would also cut off any flexibility president joe biden has. so this doesn't necessarily mean that by this change, just tune again, the state department is separate from the administration. they have had several departments working on this report for months. it was supposed to be delivered to congress days ago. so it doesn't mean the fight is going to change his tune, it just means that he doesn't have to follow through with this because the state department found that israel is in violation of international human law has declined for a city washington,
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dc. that's we update patsy. to both of the advocates to solve the budget request to the international court of justice over they will in garza is asking the one's top code to order these randy ministry to withdrawal from rough on to allow the unimpeded access of humanitarian aid into the strip. so hot fix this case as it is, rails assaults on roof, it gives rise to new facts that are causing irreparable homes to the rights of the palestinian people. it goes on to state that it refers to similarly destroyed, though the left of gauze, or of the prospects of the survival of palestinian life in the territory. and finally, also stresses that the primary helpful humanitarian assistance and goals. april fools such as garza, this is very false, is also expanding a tax on the southern region of ross. i'm over the 100000 palestinians of fled south since monday. he went and says, he's really all of these take over the roof of border crossing a seal. the crucial entry point for humanitarian aid award. timing is funding that's supposed to have
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a trouble is really forces having testified their attacks and rough uh, pushing deeper into the cities, eastern areas, buildings around a q, a hospital or under fire or civilians have been sheltering for months. well let us show you in the little flats. i see that rafa cannot bear to be invaded by israel. we are many casualties. most of the injured and martyrs that are arriving at this hospital are women and children, so that when most of the displacement person on a mazda is armed with the cosigned brigade say, they have hate 2 tanks in a vehicle of carrying israeli troops is fee, or is a full scale ground invasion grows and the city comes under intensified attacks from dear to you and estimates more than $100000.00 people are fleeing to try and find any form of safety. for many, there's no escape
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the this motor pizza through welters. soon as he dies in her arms, despite global calls for restraint, these really army has launched a multiple strikes on the roof of this week. on monday, this way of the army dropped leaflets or drink palestinians to evacuate. families who once called her off the home are now heading to almo basi and darrow bella. but they are struggling to find food, water, and other supplies, and to no, no part of gaza is safe access. i'm gonna reach out to 0 to the color. zoom is in 0 by the palestinians were told to evacuate from russell, as we have been touring between the streets of derek. so i left today as these trees are completely crowned with people in factories who are living and made shift tens,
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living on the streets and the open areas. and we also come across different numbers of families who are still looking for house at this point, being placed displays from a rough off, there is a growing pressure on the medical secretary in a deputy by which blocks the hospital right now is the main only operating hospital in derek by that, which is responsible of providing medical treatment for hundreds of thousands of palestinians being right now result leading of this very densely populated area. but the question among palestinians is what next to go in light of this ongoing nightmare going on the ground. they have been following is very military otis full days for months right now. and they have been again, attacks on areas that are supposed to be safe for them. and within the past couple of hours and talking we've been hearing loud explosions. and then the se rocked refuge account close to a different by the where a number of palestinians being killed and wounded. and those will have been wounds that you have been transported to ox, the hospice of here to get medical treatment. so on
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a aspects including the security and the humanitarian level, the situation is the key rating without to know any kind of international support or even intervention to rescue what has left from the territory as palestinians believe that the entire international community has let them down. now with the cloud of buddhism, the reason for suspension of a to float into the gaza strip, which gives more signs of a lot regarding the humanitarian situation inside the church or to me, companies as an assistant professor of public policy. let me go into the full graduate studies and join us here in studio. let's just talk about the south african approach now again to the i c j. what are they adding to the original proposal when they put, taking israel to the i c j. so in let me briefly just read the most important close into application. it's number 3 and prefers it says the following. the provision. the provision of the measures previous, indicated by the quote,
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are not capable of addressing the share of circumstances and the new facts on which this report is founded. basically, that are fitting now to the hassle, which is the crime of old crimes. that means everything that has been going on and does that has been criminal genocide the but now to see the 1.4 people trapped into effect. but this thing is the beginning of basically the salts and, and the cutting of 8 by is controlling that off crossing all these new circumstances. i mean, it pulls that us off. i mean it's, it's a survive. but if it comes to survive and all the pedestrians living and goes as a group of people, because they have nowhere to go and know that i'm no directions for them on how to flee, how to stay safe. it's a thought curious. and because of this, because of this, this, i've felt that about and what's anticipated from it in south africa is doing this again because that's, that's, that's the end. i mean, isn't it so far as the story of the n shop that goes to the left?
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we have left those that off with most of the button, but a student has web taking the fusions off and they have nowhere to go and know how quickly do you think we can expect the i c, j to make a any sort of judge mental such a need for them to listen to what south africa has to say, and then to get the results from this within the time span we of, of benjamin netanyahu saying we're going in regard as will stand alone. it keeps saying to the, to the us one sir. and i mean, sadly when it comes to abuse procedures and knowing how the ice is, you functions and the bureaucracy and all these processes involved in decision making. i don't think the time is in favor of the students. it will take some time . so and disappears me to the big question. i mean, what are the americans doing? what is the rest of the international community doing to stop this, this message got from happening. so we have a very good to can 5 minutes. it's,
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it's set to see this happening and that is what it has has so far. i mean there's no one who was capable of stuffing is what this does include in the american. so we have this, this subsidies not will for people. indeed, that mean the, the, the, today's value to the un general assembly as well, the is a, is a stuck in the right direction, but again, it sort of running power of what's going on. and what one does about these red lines that bite and keeps talking about that removable fee stones like what red lines. ringback nor did line smoking letters whatsoever, just the americans pretend that the good that they are to view the policies that they want to take that decisions. but it's just smoking, middle, smoking, metals at the americans often see it for warranties. and so it, the americans odd with disabilities and this was the key part. and so is that with this war bypass by supplying minutes a economic aid by means that either on the ground with them as long as the
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americans don't come vocals. and clear on say that this one has to end because it has about the shape of the schools. we will cut up destroying into a nation and come up with a piece plan. meaning, i mean anything, any conflict supposedly it should end up in creating some piece or some sort of piece that from the american position. so for the reserves and americans are still committed to both of them as the end of the governance of the gaza strip. and so far for them this board has locked me in a cheap so all the disagreements are on the tactics. the americans are buying more time. and also by embracing these statements and these measure there's an investigation as well. i think what they're doing is also this model for us, say, facing measures through the by the station model. this tend think to the american public that something is happening. i listen, see it, but it's not for the photo of india. let me say my company, thanks so much for joining us. hope you're doing well. thank you. the full pallet standing, sitting 3 children have been killed. and is there any strike on devali, a refugee come? the tech told you the residential building in the county which is located in
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northern gone so many people have been injured. the medical teams managed to recover the parties of the victims from under the russell like the hospital in central gauze, and is only that it will run out of fuel within $48000.00 that would full citizens spend all operations and it's one of the few hospitals still functioning in the strip honey, my mood managed to get things signed and we do want you to some of the images in his report of distressing as we're inside deluxe is a hospice, all one of the only few remaining health facilities. 1 to my operation all across the garza for this particular hospitalization, defense front area. and as you can see over a crowded wood patients, an injury isn't family members who evacuated to this particular facility seeking shelter in the past 7 months, have been quite difficult for the health sector across the gauze. as for the, from major hospitals being deliberately targeted and destroyed and pushed out of
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service into the acute shortage of medical supplies in the shorter supply with fuel push the remaining to my operation of hospitality to complete a closure right now. and with more recently, a hospital in dropbox, of the city that has been pushed out of service because of the military operations in this hospital. not only suffering from the lack of a space and, and being jobs with many people, but also the services. here are a dire situation right now. we're looking at an extreme charge of medical supplies . there no space for, for patients, for injuries. some of them are on the literally, on the floor of the hospital. all very, very devastating situation for, for the hospital to continue on working and to sustain itself. what we're seeing right now literally is, is sufficient medical to stop here that's been working for the past 7 months, already exhausted, and
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a traumatized given the. the ongoing intense bombing campaign across the district here to, to medical staff are trying to help one of the injures who could not find a bid for him. he's literally on the floor of the hospital, getting whatever and not the service treatment. they're doing their best to save lives here. but for the most part, injuries and patients are either on the floor of the hospital or the end of waiting go side. a lack of his business, not the only problem in this hospital, but also the extreme charge or medical supplies as well. the shortage of a seal that is threatening the hospital to shut down major parts of it. the department including the i see you on operations room. we spoke with with a doctor briefly and he just answer with one words, describing the difficulties of the situation. the past 7 months have evolved into major problem across this trip. more people are
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pouring into the hospital right now and within the past 2 days, 1000 of more people are seeking shelter inside the hospital. more evacuation orders, they sit in the southern part of the trip. first. this hospital to go beyond its capacity as more people either setting up the terms outside the vicinity of the hospital or inside a sport or literally inside the facility itself. just increasing the pressure on medical to stop volunteers as well as in the patients and injuries inside the facility. the springs and the days of that he is now taking to into the top coals is going to fail to jail the opposition lita arvin country. while he was arrested in march and a corruption case seen by many is a political move by prime minister in the winter. mary's government, the supreme court ruled on friday that the deadline chief minister beat temporarily
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from the east, unable to come pain and the ongoing general elections. countries all will be required to surrender to authorities again after the selection finishes in june. the job within salary is a political unless the new data he says of and catch recalls the rest has generated sympathy, vice political emissions. a. mr. casey runs the big wake up as a shot, and they all sold for mr. kate to rob, spotty and also the headlines and the actual fridge is faulty. he is a member of they did, they viewed intergenerational momentum, and mr. mr. change about his are very lucky. they determined to camp it up and it is expensive. that watches really did you get the gap insurance. and as a much needed more backed up to the, to the cap, been the
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2 people being killed during rush and selling a new place northeast and kind of keep reaching the local government says the time of assurance has that's less than 5 kilometers on the russian board, it was targeted you place um, forces of rushed reinforcements to car keith was advised to hold off a russian attempt to break through the front lines. at least 3000 people have been evacuated, child home and has multiple keys. it was in the early hours of friday morning, the russian forces a box to cross the border. i mean to north eastern ukraine in the heart of keith region. now this region is especially important because it has ukraine, 2nd largest city, how to keep the city and this, uh, a box and offensive wasn't just on the ground resume. so we have an aerial from above, and it was at villages and towns being evacuated as well on that front line on the hockey region. well, president, below them is a landscape. ukraine said that was for now. you craning defenses a holdings,
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but the a fee is $52.00 was being full. obviously up which along the way, the content enough to bodily g. mitchell, russia launched a new way to the counter offensive in this direction. ukraine met them with our troops per day. it's an artillery. it's important to understand that they can build up and consolidate forces in this area. it is a fact, but i'm literally come on this, you about it and calculate the cost is in order to meet the enemy with retaliatory file is odyssey there. now there was a brief hold back all the ways are still available and then i believe that we stopped them without to re fi for the moment. we don't know yet if this is just a probing, a type by russian forces, or if this is a whole new front that's about to open up in this will, but either way, so you cry. it's a big problem. it's suffering from a severe lack of manpower and it's all me and also a real lot of west, from rate, with the lots of it's been promised lessons from the united states and from it to europe in life. but most of those,
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a still yet to arrive in that window before they arrive, russian forces are expected to try and press home their advantage. they're already push pushing and slowly above the sink at all the areas of the front line. and now this looks like a new hole that ukrainian force is going to have to try and plug john home. and i would just say to keep as of these, 85 people are being killed during lunch clothing and have done this on. most of the victims of women and children and the number of died are expected to rise, floods, water swamped palms of franklin, providence in the countries north on friday. what would you say the thing was caused by heavy seasonal rains and residence? well, unprotected coates, i may shake michelle out of this, how about has dissolved is paula been suspended. some of the constitutions, articles repaired, not exceeding for years. he says the country is facing hard times and the tough decisions have to be made. so to deadlock has led to several covenant resignations
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and the solutions of parliament still had him. all the news protests on the streets of mexico. these plans to drastically reduce the number of people who being declared as disappears. the fugitive on the run for office will stains pennsylvania region move past its succession process at a time for sunday's elections and it's full cleaning buffington funds. he's meeting power as of the end of the season. the hello. it is shaping into a lovely weekend across the good parts of europe. plenty of sunshine now on the concept area of high pressure keeping things settled fine and sunny with light. when's it really will feel pleasantly warm for the most popular,
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more crowd up towards the northwest and still some showers down towards the southeast. a shout was will drift away across the g and took the icing. some one away, west the weather. psychiatrist. i place a not site bring in here. if you're shy, was there and to that west to side, all the russia wanted to share with 2 to 7 pos opponent. but elsewhere, spine dry. it is cool and sunny. yeah. got a few showers just coming in across the by a big guy, northern parts of spider. he's become a little more widespread, but it's heavy or is it live use? it may look on the chart here. there will be some showers on and off as it goes through sunday, lot of fine and dry weather in between the 25 celsius, the full parish. plenty of wilts across southern parts of europe. as we go on through the, we can do the fab, but it won't cause northern areas of africa as well. around the heart we're going to the fullest. notice the show is becoming a little more widespread across the west africa pushing up into central positive nigeria. could even say some logic down pulls, come get to pick 10 of 5. so with the possibility of some flooding, right? looking pretty what for 7 past they've gone to in
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the a meeting of minds, the tragedy for me, of a democratic solve for it. there. it's how quickly we sort of adopted the very told re global, know the intertwining of money and politics campaigner andrew find state and photographer shock you do on, on active is under crisis and gone. so what is happening today is happening on our watch and years from now. they will be people asking, how did you let it happen? studio will be on script part one on, on disease. the latest news, as it breaks online banking apps rely on breaking sense of, of states are experiencing an intimate blackouts with detailed coverage. the majority of the front runners in these elections have either been questioned for or have already been convicted incorruption scheme from around the world. this is the asian highlight for think,
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talk correct me or what is an area that the s i c have being pushed as of the the the book about what you know just that when you saw with a single rahman and die hard remind to the volunteer stories the united nations general assembly has overwhelming the visit to bach, a palestinian, but to become a full human member. 143 countries voted in favor 9 against and 25 of stains. that calls on the security council to reconsider the massive moves that would effectively recognize it. public simeon states, along the way to default, released by the us concludes it's not true. love with the is rarely,
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i'll be fine. it's been successful a few minutes having a little while using american west indies. the state department poll says it's reasonable to a sense that us weapons were used in consistence with international south africa as long sanchez, for quotes of justice to all, to these really been a treat to withdrawal from russia and allow the unimpeded acts of humanitarian agents. district, the finding says israel is assault and the southern city is causing irreparable home. is almost 5 minutes opinion, and that's in the all. who as insistence is troops will go ahead with an attack on the city of ruffled, as well as village respects peasants, as the army, as well prepared for an offensive, is also the blade. so you have the planet, the united states has provided sofa unprecedented security assistance to the state of israel during the war must. what's equally important is the military assistance on cooperation between the american central command and the army. this was manifested on the night of the talk from the run,
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but also during the course of the war. the chief of staff of the tenant general who is the high levy, is speaking to his us counterparts of general michael carrillo every day on the ethics on the challenges in the region. even when we have differences between us, we resolve them in closed rooms. israel has its security interest and we are also attentive to the interest of the us, and this is how we will continue to publish, you know, as president barton knows, reassign him, that he wouldn't supply weapons to israel. the could be used to a ton, rasa. why more than a 1000000 people are sheltering? southern washington who refer to it is rarely invasive rough as vitamins red line or white house correspondent company how chemicals. since october the united states has been ramping up transfers of bombs and other weapons to israel. that's on top of the nearly $4000000000.00. it gives an annual military aid. since the october 7th mazda attacks,
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israel's use us made bonds to kill more than $34000.00 palestinians. his state of the union address us president joe biden called the dest. heartbreaking nearly 2000000 were power cities under bombardment or displacement. tom is destroy neighbors and rob a citizen ruin. federal drought, food, water medicine. but for months, biding cap, sending bonds, and the killing continued hesitating to use us leverage to stop the killings. the parent of pock receive, brought nationwide pro test and questions when will biden withhold weapons to stop is really prime minister. benjamin netanyahu is more on gaza earlier this year. when i 1st asked this question, why didn't said an evasion of rafa for more than a 1000000 or sheltering was a red line. then he back tracked. this is a red line, but i'm never going to leave israel. but now this week,
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by then without saying it has finally drawn a red line, he says the us will defend israel from attacks from ron and other players. but it won't supply weapons needed to invade rasa. what he means is that he will not countenance the united states being implicated. it is rarely a truck on the roof unless there is a credible effort to evacuate. the more well over 1000000 palestinians. and guys who have been deliberately driven by israel's policy back by the united states over the course of the past few months into the environs of rough. uh, there is a raise. the president biden is leary, about using red line terminology. back in 2012, former president brock obama said that the syrian government's use of chemical
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weapons would be a red line for his administration when it happened, and there was no major us response. america's credibility took a hit. israel says it will press the head proving it may be a red line drawn to late. kimberly health hit algebra 0. the white house with bosley is right through all the center for the east and studies of new york and investing joins us now from that. good to have you with this, mr. fancy on the program? red lines. yeah. the right, the yellow lines blue lines and everybody knows what biden's going to do. what is a red line was now in american politics as well it's, it's a very complicated moment for joe biden. as your report just said he, he's waited months to enforce or take any action to, to change his policy toward israel and toward providing the massive models but weapons shipments that to us has been providing since day one since right up right
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after october 7th. and now he's caught in this moment where nathan, yahoo seems ready to defy all of by use symbols that red lines of nothing. yeah. when it's governments, it keep insisting that they're going to launch a major grand invasion of russell this despite the months of more warnings from the us. and that's on yahoo and his allies seem to be solved the causing negotiations for cease fire did something. so if you just jump in this side because it, we will pick this one by, well let's just talk about they will be subscriptions and with the see over the obstructions and provide rotations of netanyahu over the seas. 5 deal, which undermines the us negotiators who left cairo, thinking they will also deal and then the walls. and so there is this underlying and boy and so, but the, just, just the way washington talks to tell of even tell us eve replies. but let's just stop that,
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then not on the same page that they haven't been on the same base for months. but part of this is by whose own doing buys and has of advice. and it's a, it's had been leaking stories in the press and the us press that he's fed up with nothing yahoo, that he, if he's close to a breach with nothing, yahoo and, and these dates have gone on for months. and we haven't seen any action behind them . so it's ended up happening. is that nothing y'all is use these leaks and, and use the press coverage to push this around and to present himself to these rarely public as the only is a is rarely leader who is willing to send us to the us and who can handle bite and so and so with this has backfired on by you so, but other than biting is now saying, i'm going to, you know, stop any more munitions going to israel and again, nothing yahoo, his reply to that is, will going to loan. so it sort of feels like one is trying to call the others bluff . i think you're right in some ways there's, there's
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a lot of calling in bluff and calendar calling, but also we should say close attention to what by miss is saying. he's delayed one weapon ship met already. he talked on wednesday in this interview is cnn. he spoke of blocking a delivery of artillery shells and other weapons that could be used the bomb. he described him as the most densely populated areas of russell, but at the same time, the while the us on the one hand was delaying a weapon shipments last week into this week. it also the ministration moved ahead with other arms shipments worth $827000000.00. so it's, we're not talking about stopping all us weapons to israel. and, and biden has been trying to make that clear, saying he won't stop shipments of iron. don't missiles and other defensive ones weapons as he's put it. so it, he's leaving a lot of room open there. okay, so what do you make of the state department report that finally being released, particularly in our correspondent try to sit through so it's
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a pretty big documents to try and pick up the baby but, but sort of says, well as well might have committed that it will kinds infected companies, but they didn't use our munitions in the right way. i mean, the us tried to spin its way out of this, get the state department. it seems as go israel in a cold. it is in some way as the state department's definitely trying to spin its way out of this, but they're also trying to be careful and not close. they go all the avenue, isn't that they don't want to trigger these mechanisms within their own guidelines within guidelines that binding issued in february that would require the us to suspend or canceled many more weapons deliveries. if, if the state department found that israel was using these lessons and appropriately and against in contravention of international laws and us laws and, and we have this moment in late march when we course turn israel to the bodies,
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were submitting their written assurances that it was it violating international law and especially on this point that preventing humanitarian aid from reaching palestinians were sorry and gaza and said we had this moment were the, by the ministration of those in assisting with a straight face. that is what it was non blocking, international uh, was not lucky, international aid from reaching palestinians and the entire world. all of us could see israel blocking that, those 8 shipments entering garza in real time and we have, we're at a similar moment now with this, with this report. what are the state department just fine to get? have it both ways. yeah. have it both ways just as the we can draw is clear and nobody can respond to it. we should see what happens. certainly whether it's sunday talk shows begin. how many to policy, thanks so much for joining us from new york. thank you. have him or
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the, the somebody is that missing people protesting in mexico, not follow as a cuts by the mexican government to the number of people declared as missing. the total has now gone from 813002 less than $13000.00 family size political move ahead of elections and these many missing mexicans unaccountable traditionally, all the reports the from mexico city, several 1000 people are marching right now in the mexican capital towards the presidential palace where they're demanding answers, answers from the government about the whereabouts of their loved ones. we're talking about their son or daughter. in some cases, their parents, people who simply spanish one day were never heard from again, and assemblies just spicer efforts that have just not been able to know what happened to their relative. so basically, a lot of the mothers we've spoken to today say they need to carry the names and the images of their children because they say otherwise. if it's, if they never exist as a government,
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it's just not of knowledge that these people lived and that they're no longer here . they say that is simply unacceptable. some of the slogans that we're hearing the mothers here chancing is basically if i don't look for them, i will never be able to find them. and that just speaks to the lack of supports. they feel from a government that has basically given no resources to the search for missing people, we're talking about over a $100000.00 people that are supposed to be missing and believes to be missing in mexico, even though the government disputes that figure. but you know, dozens and dozens and tens of thousands of people are missing and the families say there's just no interest from the governments in finding them. now. the other thing is that mexico is currently in an election year and nothing less than a month, mexican will have a new president, and it's expected to be the candidate from the ruling party. so for these families, it's really important to make their presence known so that this new incoming government changed something in the approach that the government has taken to dealing with the crisis of the disappear. and they're concerned that because of the candidate that suspects inspect it, the wind comes from the ruling party that may not have it not may not happen. so
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they feel very strongly about the need for them to have their voices really heard very loudly today. i'll just 0 next to the city space. pennsylvania region is holding early elections on sunday. now they came about to talk to the regional parliament rejected the minority government's budget. so do you take every pulse a car salons prepared to vote on sunday they will be facing a choice. continuing with a pro separate us government op for change under pro spanish unity leadership city . 70 years ago this region was plunged into chaos as a referendum that was declared illegal, was held in a bit to separate and spain. it triggered off one of the most serious constitutional crises in spain. since there were tons of democracy with the full or against independence, feelings ran high. there's pushing for succession,
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engaged in a power struggle against spanish. he knew this well, leaders of the independence movement were arrested, tried and imprisoned for that pos in the referendum. the regional president academy squeeze them on, went into self imposed exile where he remains risking arrest if he was who were to last name's prime minister pedro sanchez issued a pardon and released the other convict to separate his quotations in 2021, he held a bond on the holding public office, a controversial, i'm the c d o he struck with a separatist has gone some way to call me the tension between madrid and boss slow to get throughout the time while the desire for independence has diminished and other issues all taking precedence. yoshi, instead of industry to me, i want to see a change. the issue of independence has been i've done some of the issues have been neglected to say no, there are more important things to focus on, like employment and social welfare. they could have done that. but they haven't
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because of these elections. so those who say that the dream of an independent catalonia is a false long prospect. there are those who believe it is the only credible future for the region. usually because people does, he does, it was the money because it was done, but with regard to put to them on and everything he did, it is important especially since some time has passed. so we kind of keep independence in a calmer fashion, the godless of where they sit on the debate. most people his say that should be a legitimate referendum on the matter to resolve this question once and pearl. but with a pro spanish unity, socialist aussie leading in the polls, the appetite for an independent catalonia may not be enough for those wary of further instability. so do you guys go out to 0 also right now a john. so electoral commission has declined military view. lemme interest debbie, the widow of its presidential election on monday. his main arrival of success musser is contesting the provisional results. i'm going to just pull it's now from
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trans capital in jemine's. scenes of give relation on the streets of government as a result of the election warehouse. my mother has been how much that is the 3784360 or 6 to 1.0. 3 percent of the vote had the president responded in a nationwide address in view of this sweeping victory, i am now the elected president of full, chatty, and not only the president of those who voted for me, but also the president of those who made other choices his biggest challenge, a prime minister success must rec claim to it was a few hours before the official announcement. i believe i did deal with all charges you quoted for change world. for me, i say, mobilized peacefully to calmly with the same spirit of peace that you have shown in
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thinking about the future that we're going to build together. security is tight on the streets of the capital. must rise quote, for protestant friday, but easily supporters. i know deterred this election is meant to bring the country back to civilian rule after debbie sees power in the trade to trade to one cool. it says he's promised to try this on the field, although he's probably minister would disagree. the person victory was widely expected, but it's not only your support as well. happy. some members will be on tools as going into this on the bread redone, flashed into the nice you fairly close. the lesson. very short. prime minister has what the many supporters have been holding part of the hardest job projects across the house to deal with a typically divided nation. how many degrees i just need a drum in a still head here. hold out. i'm on the richardson at the doha simon lee for the wells stop track and field stalls are continuing their preparations for fishes
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the these business uptake these voltage by the state bank growth part of on the dash before to use
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the these business uptake. these me roy thought of on the dashboard to use the book about the terms for his audit. thank you very much to us, so will attend as well as number one, know about the joke of what you needed. medical attention of to being hit the on the head with the water bottle at the time in open the the incident occurred to junk of which one his opening match organizers say the both of fell out of a science backpack as they were leaning over to get an autograph jokers which was
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checked by adult us and we don't know yet to how bad the into is or if he'll continue and determine can invite be a has confirmed, he will be leaving probably. so i was all not at the end of the season, the french woke up when i had already said he wouldn't be signing a new contract with the club. earlier this week. it p a c or knocked out in the champions, the semi finals 25 year old. the spent 7 years with the team but failed to win that competition. his final game for p s u will be a guest who is in the front league this sunday. so this is, this is english class. i never thought it would be this difficult to leave my country in the french league. but i think i need this a new challenge after 7 years is difficult, and of course there was some people i want to think about whole and which these are the funds i need was 7 to 7 days to go until the pass and lympics menu of the well as best ashley's had been competing here in casa for the latest. i'm in the meeting
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. among them is in june, the super stein new ride to show bro, elliptic world and asian chaplain, no attempt into made his season w and casa. he finished 2nd missing out on the window by just to send to meet his chuckles. if i play to to the victory and there was a great performance 5 results. alison santos, that he smashed at the meeting. russell the and the 400 meters hurdles. winning in 46.86 seconds, which is a fist fox this time in history. most to tennis bodnar could sense how the strong message to his in him to cry val's the merits, and one to 200 meters in the personal best. and the world, a leading time of 19.67 seconds. he's looking to go one bus and passed off to taking silva in tokyo, looking ahead to paris and for the 1st time and then pick history. some windows will take home more than just the gold medal truck and field champions. it will
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receive a cash price as well and do it as a report and at least the apps intensity to every events on the global athletics calendar. don't don't even lead unimportant steps on the weights the powers games with a stalls of truck and sailed on just be competing for the gold medals for the 1st time and olympic history, athletics wells governing body is to reward its title when is with a cash price a gold medal will result in a $50000.00 bonus where possible they athletes are going to see a correlation between us, both of these financially growing and their own non financial health and vibrancy. yeah, united generating profit of our image in our conversations. so it would be nice to kind of see that return monetary wise. sorry, it's a good start. olympic president thomas bank isn't convinced, saying, willed athletics should focus. it's finance. he's on reducing in the qualities
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between it's member countries. there are in this way part of for the solidarity effort to do everything to create in the best possible way, equally conditions or on athletes around the world. the mouth and runners at the 1920 full parents olympics, had no hope of picking up a when his check, when the frenchman had a cubits on revive the games in 1996, he warned against the spirits of gain and professionalism. but that principle has been steadily eroded. valan picture also has changed in 1986 to welcome our place, regardless of that, i'm going to state this and that all competitors consign sponsorship deals and received money from the national governing bodies. the crew places of truth concealed will be unique. the place to benefit from this picture lay refunded to reward in paris with other really big sports yet. so full i 6, we're definitely what do they start?
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it's really good and maybe it's a what i say, it's a good reason for under, for decent globally be able to and so there are lots of thoughts, something so track and field will be leading the way in paris and picks where the athletics gold medals will come with an added extra attached on the richardson allergies era. so to another olympic gold medal content of the was top arrives at table tennis to long to came. the tiny star has made it to into the final of the solid. be smashed storm is in dead though. he came back from 2 games down to beat his fellow countryman at teenage endings to them. long has never won. an interest. med old boss is the current agent champion and one of the names to what's out for in house brazil, female football style. martha has been included in the preliminary squad that for the olympics, the 6th time it will play of the year has already confirmed that it's picks. it
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will be the last major tournament before retiring. and another limp and decisive. dia forgot to has extended his leave at the 0 to tanya sylvania and on the stage 7, the time trials to tighten his grip on the race to time to the frost a champion and an empty groans medalist is aiming to win this title for the 1st the and also as well for me and you back to. so how, like is that a, you know, environmental activists into them and they have trying to store and test those, fight, tre, navy, capital, talent, hundreds of people break for police lines and then attempt to occupy the factory. now the active is wanting to start with the economy, cause problems to expand its manufacturing capabilities several demonstrates has arrested and at least 3 police offices in just a company in south korea. so it's a new world record for flying. the biggest number of drones that a single launch,
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a mold in 5000 drains have made up the display as well. the project pull, some ensure in south gray in the night sky over the port city of inch on a synchronize show comprising $5293.00 points of light each a single drove just a few years ago. drug shows like these when measured in the hundreds increasing in scale and sophistication. they represent the cumulative efforts of a small army of technicians all working to put an optimistic vision into the sky. a mission that this team says it never ties of just the level of creativity that goes in and the level of passion. it's always, it's like art. there's always a sense of passion, excitement, when you see something. when you see that what people can do with technology, that technology now allows for drones being moved in swoons with an accuracy of less than one centimeter. it's
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a stunning demonstration of drone power that's on show with the nearby exhibition center, showing off the rapid integration of drones into virtually every aspect of our lives. the business of commercial drones is full cost to see double digit growth in the coming is enabled by rapidly developing technologies from the occupational intelligence that controls them to the factories. the power of the whole industry. that until relatively recently, didn't even exist and like other, technologically driven industries, promising boundless possibilities. we don't even know about yet. so even with us, 5 years ago we saw we were doing shapes and the skies as we push the limits of the technology. as we push other technology that there's going to be more and more new industries evolving. we kind of, you're just barely looking over the horizon, getting a sense of but horizons,
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it seems that will increasingly be filled with drugs. web mcbride douches era in chung south korea upsets for them to have more news on the other side of the right . thanks very much. joining us here on the news hour. the of 11 days that ended more than 60 young life in may 2021. the powerful testimony of palestinian families in gaza as they remember the children killed during the is really only 3 years ago. the 11 days in may. all i'll just say are and i'll just say around brings you in depth analysis for the so comply take. now what has been exposed to many of those companies that failed so miserably on that
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day they said residency fail us selling and testing with anything down. so as we speak, these really speak, here's the right to do with every one's. know we're giving each don't finish and know the fact that each row is at the international court of justice shows how much deeper than nothing you on this goes nothing you on whose success it may be better, maybe was, but it's the one has to address that suspended, stay with us for the latest developments on out just sierra. why have american evangelicals become his real strongest back or is us president, you'll find the right to stand with this really with no red line. as long as us support continues, is there anything that can stop is real, solve on, got that from going on in. definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, the amazon home to indigenous people and diverse ecosystems is being destroyed by relentless drilling for oil. they're living in direct contact with petroleum
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through fear, water. and so, in ecuador communities of pointing the corporate joints in a battle for survival. and to save the lump sum of the work, how does he was view series during the fine glass? the, [000:00:00;00] the phone so robin, you watching the of the news online from dialogue coming up in the next 60 minutes . the buttons ministration says this roles use of american weapons. they have violated in such a low income the distance of the time it is to withhold minute 3, a south africa issues another play to the united nations top cold war to as well to
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withdrawal from russia,


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