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tv   Counting the Cost  Al Jazeera  May 11, 2024 2:30am-3:00am AST

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for shock you do on, on active is on the crisis in guns. what is happening today is happening on our watch. the news from now they will be people asking, how did you left it? half the studio will be on the script part one on on the other the laura, kyle, this is counting the cost on al jazeera. you'll week you look at the, well, the business and economics this week as well as i installation deepens as tequila, holts, trade with the nation. what will that cost their economies? a lot of the countries also have punished as well over its will on gone. so as well as buying on products and in what cause is hustling, is industries and has to price thousands of neighbors and lifeline will take
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a look at how the coping and weight loss drugs of triangle pharmacies, shelves. what's driving the mom for the new diabetes on a piece of 2 medications? could they reshape the industry? the many nations are accusing israel's prime minister of committing genocide in garza and prussia is growing globally on benjamin netanyahu to end the conflict, even from his places, allies to kit has become the 1st country to hold all trade with israel, with $7000000000.00 until a permanency spot is reached, an uninterrupted aid is delivered on post boy taught could further harm the as really economy that's being passive by the war. the spice is growing international installation ness and yahoo has rejected a cx 5 deal with him. us saying it doesn't meet the nation's demands image and kim, that reports of the relations between israel i'm took here,
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have long been trouble with years of 7 diplomatic ties, yet trade was body to nearly 7000000000 dollars last year. and it's always continued until now. i do need to evaluate the trade hold against isabel, including import and export will continue until a permanency spot and cause that is secured as well as on him. did humanitarian aid flows to the region. president red chip, type o one has long been a critic of israel's treatment of palestine. since the world goes uh, was launched on october, the 7th, he's been outspoken about what he says. a war crime is committed by israel in garza . what is around his book took, he is a drops slide. there's nothing acceptable about the developments between israel and palestine up to now israel has killed between $40.45 palestinians without mercy. and as mostly men is i'm think about for us to stand by and watch this happen. whatever steps needed to be taken. we took them out a set of them. israel's foreign minister is like an odd one to
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a dictator. or the one is breaking agreements by blocking points for is really imports and exports. this is how it would dictate it behaves disregarding the interest of the turkish people and businessman and ignoring international trade agreements, added the israel would focus on like production and impulse from other countries saying we, when they lose. israel's economy has lost much since the war began. the war is costing around $250000000.00 a day with a total so full estimated at around $60000000000.00. while spending a soaring revenue is dropping, is ro is expected to lose about $1600000000.00 worth of annual exports to to a key. walter keith was israel's face. biggest sources impulse last year. the products like steel, machinery, fuel and see products was around 5400000000, imposing from countries further away from the increased transport costs,
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likely causing prices in israel. shops to royce normal, the country has co existing trade toys. what is wrong to split clues to do so some protesters across europe in the us to many by close diplomatic relations. but israel remain steadfast in continuing its will. despite growing international pressure, including a genocide case underway and international court of justice and investigation by the international criminal court. and even its largest deal, you know, the us is condemning it's offensive and rough image and came out a 0 for counting the cost. well, let's look at what all the countries are doing in response to as well as well. on garza colombia is the latest latin american country to break fit plastic relations cooling, as well as actions and goals that genocidal children behind stuckey, south africa, chad and belgium level. so 7 diplomatic relations over cold,
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the boxes over the war front has suggested sanctions to push it as well to allow aid into gaza and belgium is pushing for the you to impose these as a block us kind of the front. i'm the you cable placed sanctions on individual sapaulas responsible for violence in the occupied west bank and the india middle east europe economic car door, which is planned to increase trade between asia, the middle east and the e. u has come to a halt because of the war on dollars that also we've been seeing protest springing up at universities across the u. s. i students cooling for the institutions to divest from organizations, links to israel. that'd be nice demonstrations in many capitals, cooling for a c spa and for governments to stop selling weapons to israel was bringing all to exports. now to discuss this further, in joining us from stumble is how come act bosh. he's the managing director of to teach the advisory services. i'm from london joined by
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e a winter. he's the silvers like professor of economics, of the hebrew university of jerusalem and the professor of economics at lancaster university in the u. k. thank you very much. both of you for joining us on counting the cost. l. tack here is one of israel's main souls, is full imported goods. what impact as the salton holt has on the availability of products and prices for the consumer and the impact on prices would be major. busy but, but the, the spread on these rarely economy will be split because, um, what's going on happen is that is right. we either import these products from other places or that these products will come from turkey, but we'll stop somewhere else, let's say in greece. so we to just raise uh the uh, the transaction costs the, the transportation costs. but i want to want to go back to the, where it all started. uh israel uh, main uh,
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imports the in from door to is tories and tories in turkey enjoys a lot of a very high volume of tourist, mainly in the summer. and there were 2 incidents, but the calls is ready to stop going to, to or to one of them is the october 7 when it was shown on tv. okay. busy uh, the uh, the, the how much lead there she oh okay. i'm yeah showing is brad. okay. okay. okay. it's all on a on a talk to story. okay. so that's like go towards the, to the. okay. so let's just say to, you know, make implications of this. draw just that. okay, so okay, my, i'm, i'm explaining the source and then there was another picture of our to gun inviting commerce people to dorky inhaling them as heroes. okay. when these riley sold these,
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they said we're not going to go to turkey anymore. yeah, we haven't changed a little bit from the economic impacts of touchy jose. and when they trade, we understood programs that you've done the reasons for the most of the impacts of them have is really taurus now stop going to techie. well is riley taurus will find a different destination. okay, let me just, let's get how times opinion the point is to be okay if you wouldn't mind, well bringing how come 1st one is this address that it is an issue of a is really taurus stuckey does depends. okay. it does depend on tourism as a main source of its economy. how has is really tourism drying up affect to that? laura tanks, what do you mind me over and yes, choice and i'm in turkey is among the top destination port tours. and that just in the region, but also in europe and denver and the israel eating coming, taurus,
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they'll have some impact. but if you look at the, you know, 30 plus $1000000000.00 a year, uh, income from tourism. that would be really uh, slim at overall i would say that they, you know, try to use both sides. i had complicated relationships, but they manage to sustain the economy collisions despite the joe quote to go passions or as opposed to go tensions this time. turn key not only has cut digital matic relations but also the economy times that i think this, this is economic trade sanctions is one of the many tools that you can use when it comes to a treasury in your country. okay? but it is not going to be enough. i want to know that how much is impacted tacky because of course that's impact thing is well on the availability of goods and prices to the consumer. but tuck yes and $5400000000.00
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a get an exports to israel. so this is taking us to bear economic hits to if you look at it, uh, just about israel is being one of the few countries that turkey has enjoyed the trade show plus. but if you look at turkey is exports over a $150000000000.00 a year. you're looking at only 5 over $5000000000.00. and also i wouldn't be that on the traders bill side. you know, you know, a new ways to sustain the trades relationship as they have done it in the past. so most likely to 3rd countries, they will us, you know, start finding ways. okay. a part of it is this, this team has really shop really unexpected. and but the traitors on both sides, we'll find ways to adopt. okay. but ill try those might find ways now to adapt to
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what about this free trade agreement that has been standing between took it and is relative, fussy? yes, of how sunset. how come? said tucked in as well, have weather, many bumps in the rows of that relationship, but is this one that they cannot guess over? i think that will get over this one. i mean, i'm sure it's temporary. i'm sure the pressure, impulsiveness, room and into the uh, by, by businessman, by firms uh to, to resume, to trade. the trade is important for both countries. the relationship has been always very important. turkey. it took the role of mediators in, in to meet the lease, which, which unfortunately has stopped being the case. i mean, our, to our relationship was commodities for the parking, for the purpose of trying to mediate and, and, and bring to this conflict between them. but there is no account uh,
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with the ation on, on part of our okay. it is right. it has a very long traditional, very, a good relationship with, with uh, with uh, with 13 my book, uh, printing smart was translated to turkish. and it was a big celebration in built university with a presence of the, of the you and the president of the university. and i'll be myself lots of times, people in other places and turkey. i think uh, you know, when, when people are, when the people are in, in good relation and that's indeed the case. people who feels very likely that the turkish people and vice versa in the leadership would not be able to, to, to have destroyed or not, or for a long period. okay. i kinda wanna us do what impacts this is actually going to have. cuz other one says that they will not stop trying to come with as well until
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there was a permanency spot on on him to aid into garza. i'm yet since talking holton age. we have seen that's now who going into rafa. and we've seen that project seeing a deal with how much they this is the major move doesn't seem to have any impact at all. yeah. and if i make a part of the reason my add on really stopped trade, because these parties suffered a major erosion of boats coming from it's really religious hardliners because they told us to focus on these. and so he had to do something domestic feature. but coming back to the impact of this international, they talk to you say, but my, you might influence certain aspects of it. i was think one of the, again, for the policy. but if it is not going to go as far as stopping divorce, especially not, that'd be potentially looking at the brunt end of the operation into a rough law. and so i knew it was coming and you wanted to move it to say, hey,
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this is a versioning. you're going to turn inside to the, to be able to, the pressure on the, he's very, are they going to. but i'm also trying to mobilize really the other countries in the region, especially when it comes to solve these and then uh, you know, at others. so again, take both pros already for me, sanctions hardly alone. i make it that kind of trying to move it. country, but it comes to these i really hard choices. okay. ill just uh the last, what to you uh, how successful do you think uh the one is going to be uh, mobilizing other countries to take some of the moves, especially as this war drags on. well, hopefully the boat was not drugs for them for a long time. uh uh, i mean the, the issue of a economic booklet is some single foot rates on surgeries,
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rarely also for the government. um eh, and i think uh that would but, but, but you know, its relations are important for both sides. no meant. so what, what, what we're told which sides we're talking about there in order to increase the welfare of the people. and therefore, it's not easy to implement them and, and that's something very turbo happens. uh, i think uh these relationship is specifically with turkey will go back to as the where, okay, before the war and that we have to leave our discussion, you know, when to and how kind of a class. thank you very much for joining us and counting the cost and thank you. or before the war on gaza around 200000 palestinians. what's in israel contributing an estimated $390000000.00 to the policy and economy every month. now restrictions
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means only a few 1000 and what permits are being issued, leaving most palestinians in the occupied westbank unemployed. so taking drastic steps even risking the lives to survive. then bus robbie has moved from ramallah a broken arm metal pills in his leg of fractured news and deep cuts on his hand. injuries that could take months to heal size and dozens of other palestinians were trying to scale a separation wall. crossing into israel to find work of the few lost his footing and fell. so it says he's lucky to be alive. when asked why take such a risk? he just looks around the room. and off the switch is better to work or ask people for charity. what can we do? there is no choice. so i was going to work to help my family for adults can
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tolerate hunger and anything else. but what about the children who will bring the diapers in milk for these children please? how could they understand? there was something more and slaughtered little how they before, how could they understand that there was no work, as it is real, they can make enough to survive doing construction work, painting houses, electrical repair, and other manual labor. but since the war on garza, israel has bored entry to most palestinian workers leading to an unemployment crisis. some palestinians are killed by is really bombs and bullets for others. so it's father says long term unemployment is starting to feel like a slow death hole. then at 1st i thought i lost my son. what would you when i saw the video, was up in the blood was covering his face and i thought he was dead. it was disaster. if i knew he would have jumped over the wall, i would not have let him go at all. it is not uncommon for people to scale these high walls because on the other side is, is really territory. it is
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a chance to find some work to earn some money, but seeking financial salvation in a sense spike sneaking into israel, the very country that is a pressing you and your people is no doubt for those doing it. a pride, swallowing endeavor, the palestinians. we've been speaking to say they feel they have no other choice or some people with their lives earlier this month of the him on there are father of 7 died after nearly a month in his rarely custody detained in his real, along with his son for not having worked permits us the ledge of civil, he felt the thing in his chest. we called the gods. it was medical negligence. i gave him air. i gave him chest compressions enough to 13 minutes. the ambulance came, but what happened tax. and if there was more attention in the hillary, maybe it would have been okay. i use a father trying to feed his family, died in his son's arms on the floor of and is really prison. so no work in the
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occupied westbank and no help on the horizon means few options leverage. i'll fly in minnesota if you don't want us to go to israel, should we steal? if we had another choice who would not go to work in israel, we would not take the risk. we would stay here where it's safe. the side says when he's better, he'll try once more, even if it means risking his life again. just to give others a fighting chance in the same bus route, the old just the rougher counting the cost be occupied, westbank palestine now they've $1.00 of us celebrities on generation billions of dollars in sales drugs such as of them pick we goes the we go the and bunch arrow have off handed, the weight loss industry in the us many reset. so say the injections originally made treat diabetes could help solve the basis a crisis. moving a 1000000000 people around the world are obese or overweight, but many don't as
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a warning against the drug side effects on the prospect of having to be on the long term to keep the waste off. but at least $3000000.00 prescriptions for the medications we issued each month in the us and the year up to march, the bill of leading thought programs has become including them in the subscription plans and goldman sachs. so the drugs, the leading, the way and the weight loss drug industry, which is expected to be with a $100000000000.00 a year by 2030, the health and fitness companies are worried. the medications could we shape the business models? that's big. now it's andrew follow in vain berlin. he's a senior fellow at the university of oxford and a global health economist. i'm just great to have you with us. first of all, why are these drugs being used as weight loss drugs, so popular as well? fast also, as you identified in your introductory passage, the drugs were not originally and developed for weight loss. they were,
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they were used for diabetes. and of the side effects often was found to be that that would reduce your, your weight. so this phenomenon was really good, come out in clinical trials 234 years ago. and you might argue that as being a push consulted, pushed by some of the players in particular, some of the companies. and so you've got that. so in the supply side of the products that are on the demand side, we have, as you identified, the massive problems, something like 2 sides of the population of the us in some category rather being classified as or beast. uh, initially these drugs were developed for diabetes. we know that in the, in the world at the moment, roughly one in 10 of the population has diabetes coming off of them are actually know about it. and that number is set to, to, to really stick with a mixture of products coming along, plus a definite need for the, for the,
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for the products. so one of the issues that we can to, to buy is whether the risk benefit is, is watch at the moment i was thinking where i came on at the, to the, to the, to the show that, you know, it's a bit of a wild west show out there at the moment with a little bit of social engineering and a bit of social phenomena on top of it. and to some degree, maybe some of this will go to a little bit after controlling. i certainly taking the market by storm, haven't they? that are being led by 2 main companies gotten over no desk and a lily they are currently they've been able to do awfully, haven't they? on the small kids. how's that affecting the pharmaceutical industry? well, well, yes, you are. the 2 companies beat the neighbor. notice amazingly, it's actually the proof of the share price has come to the point where it's worth more than the ged pay if it's higher. economy is denmark, me, and to indeed only has a share applies to plus if i had to have tesla and i had all from the target to the
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united, the big stores in, in the us. and these prices have fun of salt top. i mean, one of the things is, but it's difficult to know in my mind to you what the long term situation of, of, of, of this market is us as companies and to, as regulatory issues and risk start to a pay. uh, i think there's an element of making pay wants to sometimes you might as well, you know, getting the market saturated and those many sales as you can as quickly as you can . and i looked at the, the, the thinking for as an economist, i looked at the price of, you know, the forward market is how their pricing and this and, and how other commentators an expert saw looking at the 5 years of, of, of the, of these companies i mean, what, the implication that i think you'll pop me hitting at it is also the impacts upon the, the health industry and, and also society. you know, if the level of demand for the product is as high as the company's suggest, 800000000 customers in the world. and if some of the pricing that's currently being
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used goes through, you can see situations where the, the impacts on other companies on, on health systems on governments could be extremely high. if you think of, you mentioned the us, you know, a huge portion of the medical bill in the us out. monogamy is prescription drugs and here's the defense to be title. they would need to be taken on a long, you know, long time life long prescription. and i think one recent study looked into this and said, well, you know, even if you have a bit of a discount and you just hit 10 percent of the patients in magic had with of put it look like what gave a, this is 27000000000 the yeah, which is about a 5th of the car and the magic hat, drug spending budget. okay. yeah. so, you know, it's not, it, doesn't, it, it pains to me a situation of something that's, that's the way i say old to have it here is something that,
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because he already was saying and having a knock on the fact one of the drugs, we never these 2 companies that control 75 percent of the global insulin markets and, but his company is currently showing shortages of installation, of course is affecting diabetic patients isn't because they're focusing more on these weight loss drugs that the more lucrative well 1st off, yes, look at the the, the value of these drugs up to remember that these have only recently in the last 2 or 3 years, we're really ramped up in terms of the market penetration and marketing around the products. and they, they, they don't cost that much to actually made to the most. and the most low cost is that a dollar will to, on some estimates. and you can see that possibly by just looking at the pricing across different markets, you know, anything from $1300.00 in the us down to a $100.00 in the u. k. that tells you that there's a very big profit margin on that. so it's a huge emphasis on, on, on, on some,
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on supplying that market at this particular point in time. and i think what you're guessing is, is supply issues. and it comes back to my prior point. there's a lot of them such and see about even for the compass, about where, where this market is going. so if you will give you certain of, of where the patent of demand was going to go into the future. you would still to up your supply capacity to some degree and i think what's going on is that there's that there is a kind of a bubble respect with development to this. and you don't necessarily want to complete the respond to that on the long term strategy. so what you're getting is this has not come effects to all the sectors and ask you to use this because these were originally for died at the time diabetic integrations. so this, the has run out of time. this might be a weight loss of finds another one that might not stand the test of time andrew father many thanks indeed for joining us here on counting the cost machine. my pleasure. thank you. and that is also for this week,
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but remember to get in touch with us on the x use the hash tag h a c t c. when you do come up with an e mail, counting the costs at al serra dot net is on address. there's also i'm of you online at out 0 dot com, forward slash ctc. that'll take you straight to the homepage which has individual report things and, and try to catch up on that set for this edition of counting the cost. i'm laura kyle: i'm from the whole team. thanks for joining us. news on onto there is max, the in the solomon islands, the deadly legacy of world war 2, remain on the lounge. i just placed it in a fluid and now i do this, see they are literally the sense of taking time on 101 east meets the solomon islands some time to escape a war that ended decades ago on the
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106 kilometer stretch of remote and perilous jungle. only land route to south america from migrants. city, the size of the united states. a voyage, but for some is their loss. none the less for comp this families, it's a risk. they are willing to take fault lines and box on this unforgiving journey to tell the story of one of the children of dairy and go on up just
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this is the 1st one i saw that we see the real time. it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. examination being active, today's headlines. i wish i had word word to describe the setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions right now. if you're on campus talking about the site, your being called anti semitic and a supporter of care international filmmakers and will cross journalist bring programs to enforce and inspired to options await us in the immediate future. quite a crisis or climate revolutionary boucher 0.
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the the. 1 administration says israel to use the american weapons may have violated its national. lauren, this is enough evidence with hope ministry 8 the head on the cloud. this is out 0 in life from the house, it coming up so that the issue is another please the you and stop, go to or the israel to withdraw from rafa saying the military in cash and threatens the supply for the palestinians. and because of the results of the root is.


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