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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 11, 2024 3:00am-3:30am AST

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around the . 1 administration says israel's use the american web, police may have violated its national lauren guns, that, that there isn't enough evidence with hope ministry the on the cloud. this is out 0 in life and also coming up. so the advocate issues another place, the ones to go to order is relative withdrawal from rafa saying the military and cache and threatens us to 5 lift palestinians. and because of the results of the root is as follows. in favor 143. israel isolated at the world stage you in general assembly overwhelmingly adults a resolution vacuum, palestine paid for full un membership and russian launch is
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a major ground assault in ukraine's northeast in khaki region. to begins a toll to meet the site, as well as closest ally and biggest supply. the united states says israel to use of american weapons likely breached international, lowered down to the long awaited report by the bytes and ministration to congress issues erect criticism that fits rails military conduct. but it stopped short of finding specific instances that would justify withholding mitre a to israel. it's ready forces have killed nearly $35000.00 pulse to newton gallagher since october, the 7th. more than 15000 of them children, and of and 9000 women officers, petticoat lane has more from washington dc. this is a long ways report from the us state department. it basically came about because
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democrats in congress told president joe biden that he needed to look at whether israel was following international humanitarian law as it used us weapons. and when it comes to aid getting in to gaza. so the report has now been released and while it finds that is reasonable to define the defense articles have been used, but it's really security forces inconsistent with its international humanitarian law obligations. it did not find that, in fact, it had done so enough it or they had enough evidence to say they were in fact violating this law. as of right now, when it comes to age, they said that israel and the beginning, right after october 7th, where it did not cooperate for months to get aid in to gaza. and it says they are doing better now they're more needs to be done. but as of right now, it doesn't also meet the level of cutting off military or financial aid. one interesting part in this is it says the intelligence community has no direct
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indication of israel, intentionally targeting civilians. the, i see the introduction or intelligence community assess is that is real, could do more to avoid civilian harm. however, so very carefully worded language that i think is going to probably make pro palestinian supporters quite angry. this doesn't mean the president joe biden is going to go back on his threat to cut off the offensive weapons to israel. if they go to rasa it just means because of this report, he's not obligated to do that. particle, he, elda 0, washington. william laurence is a former us diplomats and he says the report creates the possibility of future restrictions on imagery to israel when you actually lee lee read the report it's, i would say it's quite damning. what they do is they make sort of factual findings . of course, with some of the anytime language that patty was talking about. but they make factual findings that israel is violating international law. and then they don't
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make the legal finding. because i think politically the us government, which is already withholding 3500 heavy bonds, of which they've used a few 100 and guys. but this is a huge number of items that were in the holding. they want it to be a political decision to hold weapons, not a legal requirement to withhold weapons. and so i think that was a political decision of the white house and the state department to deliberately fall short of requiring themselves to hold arms shipments so they can use that as a carrot and stick politically. with this riley's, it is just satisfying the way patty is talking about, but it's unprecedented. they the us criticize israel in this way for violating international law. this been a famous series of court decision since the 1980s were. basically, the courts defer to congress and united states as sorry, in the end executive branch to make these decisions about you know,
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what to do about violations of international law and us for an assistance. so the remedy is in congress and in the, in the executive branch, that means on this basis, congress can refuse to send further aid to israel. and on this basis the white house can refuse to said further arms to israel. and so the legal determination didn't have to be made. now it could be made tomorrow. so so it's it's, it's just another step too slow for the palestinians, but it's another step in the direction of creating the context in which you could stop all arms flows to israel and the justification factually is there, if not legally to william lars that meanwhile, south africa has filed an urgent request that you installed code to order is ready forces to withdraw from roughly. it says that the way is ready forces a conduct to get so fresh and rougher and gauze is genocidal. so i thought because lawyers say fits israel's assault on rough,
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it gives rise to new facts that are causing a restful home to the right to the palace. thing and people encounter goes on to states that if reference similarly destroyed, there will be little left of gauze or of the prospect for the survival of palestinian life in the territory the finally goal. so stress is the primary hop for humanitarian assistance in gaza. for our, for full. so to does garza that was paid see mattie, i'm jim cd. she's an associate professor of laura at the university of colorado law school and says that south africa's request is part of why the political and legal strategy to apply pressure on the bite and ministration to holt, its unconditional support for israel. right now with the latest request that south africa has made to the court, you know, it has made very clear how urgent it believes the situation to be inside of it. as asked the court to weigh in on its provisional measures order within a week's time. and it has listed a litany of that,
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that highlight the really, the only thing that the court can and should do, which is at the minimum, to order israel to cease its military operation in russia. and though it has not explicitly asked for this in this, in this particular request is referenced it throughout the request that it is high time the court actually demand that israel sees all of its military activities inside of gaza. now will, is real comply, know israel will not comply, unfortunately, but this is part of a larger legal and political strategy to increase pressure on the united states on the bite and ministration to, to, to, to finally put some breaks on what is real, is doing to the palestinians of gaza, the political pressure is undoubtedly mounting already what is ready for it? so this would be the expand to good tanks on rough when any 1500000 palestinians,
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a sheltering more than 800000 of them are fled since monday. you and says, these really armies take over the roof of border crossing a sealed gauze as key lifeline of 8 at a time when famine is spreading. i chose i much as this report now. it is really forces having testified their attacks and rough uh, wishing deeper into the cities, eastern areas, buildings around a q, a hospital or under fire or civilians have been sheltering for months. well, let us show you in the little flats. i see that rafa cannot bear to be invaded by his real. we are many casualties. most of the injured and martyrs that are arriving at this hospital are women and children, so that when most of the displacement personal mazda is armed with the cosigned brigade say, they have hate 2 tanks in a vehicle of carrying israeli troops disappears a full scale ground invasion grows at the city, comes under,
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intensified attacks from deer to you and estimates more than $100000.00 people are fleeing to try and find any form of safety. for many, there's no escape the this motor pizza through welters. soon as he dies in her arms, despite global calls for restraint, these really army has launched a multiple strikes on rough of this week. on monday, this way of the army truck lead flats or drink palestinians to evacuate. families who once called her, brought the home, are now heading to alamo bossy and darrow by law, but they are struggling to find food, water, and other supplies, and to no, no part of gaza is safe access. i'm gonna reach out to 0. president joe biden is
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referring to wayne supply weapons to israel that could be used to attack rafa. so i'm in washington. the referred to in his writing invasion of reference biden's, red line. whitehouse correspond, kimberly, how can i assist since october, the united states has been ramping up transfers of bonds and other weapons to israel. that's on top of the nearly $4000000000.00. it gives an annual military aid since the october 7th mazda attacks, israel's use us made bonds to kill more than $34000.00 palestinians. his state of the union address us president joe biden called the dest. heartbreaking nearly 2000000 were promised cities under bombardment or displacement palms destroy neighbors and rubble, cities, enrolling federal drought, food water medicine but for months bite and kept sending bonds. and the killing continued hesitating to use us leverage to stop the killings. the parent of
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pock receive, brought nationwide pro test and questions when will bind in withhold? weapons to stop is really prime minister. benjamin netanyahu is more on gaza earlier this year. when i 1st asked this question, why didn't said an evasion of rasa for more than a 1000000 or sheltering was a red line. then he back tracked. this is a red line, but i'm never going to leave israel. but now this week, by then without saying it has finally drawn a red line, he says the us will defend israel from attacks from ron and other players. but it won't supply weapons needed to invade rafa. what he means is that he will not countenance the united states being implicated. it is rarely a truck on the roof unless there is a credible effort to evacuate. the more well over
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1000000 palestinians. and guys who have been deliberately driven by israel's policy back by the united states over the course of the past few months into the environs of rough. uh, there is a raise. the president biden is leary, about using red line terminology. back in 2012, former president brock obama said that the syrian government's use of chemical weapons would be a red line for his administration when it happened, and there was no major us for spots. america's credibility took a hit. israel says it will press the head proving it may be a red line drawn to late. kimberly held his algebra 0, the white house, the united nations general assembly has overwhelmingly voted to support palestine has been to become a full member. a 143 countries voted in favor that the resolution was expand palace
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times rights in the u. n. and calls on the security council to reconsider the membership bit 9 voted against and $25.00 abstained. it shows israel's growing isolation on the world stage. the countries have voted against the motion include the united states. government is under reports from you and it keeps in new york as a round of applause in the united nations general assembly after overwhelming majority of member states. so really in favor of a resolution that says palestine qualifies for a membership and has the security council to reconsider its bid. we did not provide you on charter we did not enact instead of nation. i know we just demanded to see them applied to us and have been until now denied their protection in an active pediatrics using
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a prop. israel's ambassador said, any human rights or privileges bestowed on palestine would be akin to shredding the un charter. a spokes person for the secretary general rejected this. there's many charters. there's one right here. the charter is intact. it's ideals are into the draft resolution, agreed to had some symbolic privileges for palestine like allowing them to sit among food members and also some more tangible benefits. like allowing palestine to participate in most un meetings. something they could not do before. but the watered down resolution, which the u. s. voted against specifically maintained palestine with non member observer status. full membership to the un require security council approval. last month, the us vetoed palace times full membership, bid us contents. palestine should negotiate the issue with israel. argument reputed
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by pakistan's ambassador negotiations must have a level playing field. this is, is, was, is negotiating is a full member of, of the united nations. so to show that this time, while the resolution over whelming, we adopted by the general assembly calls on the security council to reconsider palestine is bid for full un membership. it's unclear if they will actually do so. we should know in the next few days, but even if the council decides to reconsider it, it still faces the same obstacle as before. us has already said if necessary, they would be to it again gabriel's onto how to see it at united nations, new york. still ahead here announce is there, i'm always fisher at g w, a university in washington. and of course the country colleges are grappling with donors, threatening to prove their money if they don't stop profile as to the demonstration
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or standing by the right to protect the government. and makes care of his drastically reduced the number of people officially declared is missing. find out why the unique perspective, why is it the doctors didn't get to have a saying any of this? the medical workforce has been so and divided by the british government for such a long time on hub voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations. you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we the public have to get out there and do something about it. the stream on out to the era. so why have american evangelicals become this real strong? as backer is us president, you'll find the right to stand with israel with no red line. as long as us support
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continues. is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us. the bottom line, one of the biggest selections of 2020 pools in the general election will administer now render movies be taking increase its route across the country. how will economic uncertainty and you've some employment suede boots as in key states. and will the media be able to cover the vote reading? i'm fairly ongoing coverage in the as the elections on our tuesday era news . the
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other guy you watching out 0 reminder about some stories is in the us says it's close ally. israel may have violated international humanitarian lord guns, while using weapons supplied by americans. manufacturers, state departments has published along the way to the review of the use of us western spine. israel's army, in concert south africa, has off the international court of justice. 2 of these really minute treats withdrawal from rafa and allow the unimpeded access of humanitarian agents in strip of africa's lawyers say israel's assault and the southern city is causing irreparable to make sure the general assembly is edgar. will me effect you to fax it to become a full us member? a 143 countries voted in favor 9 against and 25 states. because on the security council to reconsider the matter move, it would effectively recognize a policy american universities worried that the ongoing student protest against
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israel's war and gaza in that comes as i could lead to funding cuts from donors. some dentist threatened to end the support if it comes on created. well, other bank has them on universities to 7. that ties with this row out there is out on fisher reports from washington. the elite school was expensive and prestigious. they believe a whole month of a quality education just in the last few days. schools in arizona, massachusetts, and pennsylvania of clear protest those from the accounts maybe pushed into it by donors. angry, a disruption that's been created so close to graduation ceremonies. if you look at what's happening throughout the us, i think it fear because of how i, because of my deal, you know, they've done as i've made the opinions phase, a key. and also the agenda is very clear that they feel that they can indeed be no direct to me. collab became direct collaboration. most for testers,
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one universities like dw here in washington to cut all ties with israel and to diverse. that means taking money from doing notice that he's being invested and pulling it from funds linked to israel, or the us defense industry companies like reassigned mcdonald douglas. but the university's hosp to walk a very fine light because some people say their money will dry out. if there is no change in policy, this is a tough spot for university leaders is, has the potential to threaten. they're standing with big donors who are more liberal and sought as conservative states can put them on the wrong side of st legislature. so that is a, not a great place for university leader to be university. so being forced into action before the divested from links with pock tied to the top of the cat in the seventy's and eighty's from fossil fuels. at the ton of the century, from russia after the ukraine invasion, 2 years ago, i would like to see a student committee be a part of that investment committee decision making process. because of this kind
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of question. this wasn't the only time these kinds of categories have arisen. they're just the more public of what's going on of the last couple of decades. but i do believe students ought to be a part of this investment funds can run to tens of millions of dollars. for example, harvard has a $50000000000.00 gather from supporters and backers on previous investments, the largest fund in america. some universities have committed to divestment, others have offered to discuss and consider that's been enough to help protest. but for those still refusing the face more disruption and protest students continue to last. we peacefully push their kids. oh, and fisher. i'll just do the washington. the 2 people have been killed. dri russians shelling in ukraine's ne,
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kentucky region and local governance as a ton of, of, of china, which lies less than 5 kilometers from the russian. buddha was targeted, at least 3000 people to be forced to leave the homes. cranes armed forces have rushed reinforcements to khaki. the training president for them is lensky says, fist fighting is taking place in the area. john holeman has more now from keith. it was in the early hours of friday morning, the russian forces of balls to cross the border, i mean to north eastern ukraine in the heart of keith region. now this region is especially important because it has ukraine, 2nd largest city, how to keep the city and this, uh, uh, fonts and offensive wasn't just on the ground resume. so we have an aerial from above, and it was at villages and towns being evacuated as well on that front line on the hockey region. what president polonium is the landscape ukraine said that was for now, you craning defenses a holdings, but the
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a fee is $5.00 to was being full receipt of what you all on the little little contacting us to buy them a g. and it's a russian launched a new way to the counter offensive in this direction. ukraine met them that with our troops per day, it's an artillery. it's important to understand that they can build up and consolidate forces in this area. it is a fact, but i'm gonna treat them on this. you about it and calculate the cost is in order to meet the enemy with retaliatory file is odyssey there. now there was a brief hold back all the ways are still available. and then i believe that we stopped them without hillary fire for the moment. we don't know yet if this is just a probing, a type by russian forces, or if this is a whole new front that's about to open up in this will. but either way, so you cry, it's a big problem. it's suffering from a severe lack of manpower and it's all me. and also a real lot of west from rake with the lots of. it's been promised weapons from the united states and from it to europe in life. but most of those
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a still yet to arrive in that window before they arrive, russian forces are expected to try and press home their advantage. they're already push, pushing in slowly above the sink at all. the air is of the front line. and now this looks like a new hole that ukrainian force is going to have to try and plug john home. and i would just say to keep at least 85 people have been killed during flash floods. enough gun has done most the victims of women, children, and the number of dead is expected to rise floods, which is one to pots of bike land province in the countries north on friday. of already say the flooding was caused by heavy seasonal rains and residents. what unprepared the well, the problem is that missing people have been protesting, and mexico fall is account by the mexican government to the number of people officially declared has disappeared. and the title has gone from over 813002 less
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than 13000 families says a political move ahead of elections. at least many michigan mexicans, an accounting team to get a on their reports the from mexico city several 1000 people are marching right now in the mexican capital towards the presidential palace where they're demanding answers. answers from the government about the whereabouts of their loved ones for talking about their sons or daughters. in some cases, their parents, people who simply spanish one day were never heard from again, and assemblies just by their efforts that have just not been able to know what happened to their relatives. so basically, a lot of the mothers we've spoken to today say they need to carry the names and the images of their children because they say otherwise, it's just that they never existed the government, it's just not have knowledge that these people lived and that they're no longer here, they say that is simply unacceptable. some of those slogans that we're hearing the mother's here chancing is basically if i don't look for them, i will never be able to find them. and that just speaks to the lack of support.
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they feel from a government that has basically given no resources to the search for missing people, we're talking about over a $100000.00 people that are supposed to be missing and believes to be missing in mexico, even though the government disputes that figure. but you know, dozens and dozens and tens of thousands of people are missing and these families say there's just no interest from the government in finding them. now the other thing is that many also is currently in an election year in nothing less than a month, mexico will have a new president and is expected to be the candidate from the ruling party. so for these families, it's really important to make their presence known so that this new incoming government change something in the approach that the government has taken to dealing with the crisis of the disappeared. and they're concerned that because of the time that it, that suspects expect it to win comes from the ruling party that may not have it not may not happen. so they feel very strongly about the need for them to have their voices really heard very loudly today. i'll just be around for the city as
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a place of detain the brother, peruse president dean, a bully r t spot of a whitening corruption inquiry involving the peruvian leader, whom was rated by police a weeks ago because of undeclared luxury goods. a brother is accused of leaving a corruption network and which officials are pointed in exchange for bribes. the brought mental act was in germany, have tried to storm a factory and by electric call and make a testimony of the capital spending. hundreds of people bred through police lines and attempt to get to this one to stop the call and make his plans to expand its manufacturing capabilities. several demonstrated square arrested and at least 3 police officers were injured in scuffles. the factory is located near a protected forest. that's it for me to close. any more information, of course, on our website, i'll just share a dot com over news recover, right. the web is coming up. next,
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let me go inside story. examining the takeaways for paging from changing things, visits to you, or do you know the the hello. we will say yes. another round of writing pushing into southern parts of china over the next style. so, and then it shoots a little try. i'm pleased to say the moment high pressure across the japan. it's a fine and dry here for the time big this weather system into northern china. lots of developing feature that will sink its way further south with joining up with another barrier cloud across central, the southern parts of china, making its way further south with an east which as we go through saturday. so big a lot of you shout was coming through him all the same on sunday, slipping across southern parts of china, causing the flooding issues here with a, whether they're in to taiwan. and you can see it tons increasingly wet across
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a good pond to japan by sunday, making his way right across the country by the end of the week can be while some increase in the weather coming into indo china. so also some showers into the philippines that should not the head on those very high temperatures that we have seen recently. and one of the shows to rod across the moonlight peninsula, some entre seeing some pretty wet weather as well as also some white weather to wind, to west for lanka, bundle, dish and northeast of in the us and big and live the showers coming through here. show us a little more widespread across the end. there was a go through the next couple of days and that will make it a little less hot the what we do, it all just sarah is try to follow those 2 stories and leave the people who allow us into their lives, dignity and democracy. which on the offensive in your a bike, china as president the so it's a winning support for his vision of
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a multi polar wells countering american dominance in the evening. trade and investments with countries to start to close to beijing. so they sheets even paint and succeed. this is inside story, the hello and welcome to the program on the fucker. china is present aging thing is wrapped up his 1st visit to europe in 5 years. you visited from serbia and hungry during his trip with a different tone and a gender at each stop. she's over, arching goes with constant count to us, simplest way can, and further trade and investments to sure up a slowing economy. so one of the take.


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