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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 11, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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obviously is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024 starting march 1st to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the the bottom ministration says, israel's use of american weapons may and find items nice to know in gaza. there wasn't enough evidence to withhold military aid. the hello on elizabeth donovan. this is a live from joy ha. also coming up south africa issues. another, please, are the ones tops quartz or the as well to withdrawal from bluff or saying the military incursions freshman some 5 of the pals demands. and also the results of
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the root is in favor $143.00 israel to isolated on the world stage. the un general assembly overwhelming the adults the resolution back in palestine fit for you on membership and approaches in mexico on to the government of drastically. reduced a number of people, especially declared as missing news, as well as the closest out on biggest on supply the united states says, as well as the use of american weapons likely breached international law and gaza. the longer ways of report by the, by the ministration to congress issues of reg crushes, has almost as well as the weather tree conduct. but it stops through to finding specific instances that we've just defined. withholding with a tree aid to israel is ready for certificate. we need is 36000 the palestinians in
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100627, over 15000 of them a children of a 9000 women, actually called hay and has moved from washington dc. this is a long awaited report from the us state department. it basically came about because democrats in congress told president joe biden that he needed to look at whether israel was following international humanitarian law as it used us weapons. and when it comes to aid getting into gaza. so the report has now been released and while as finds that is reasonable to define the defense articles have been used, but it's really security forces is consistent with its international humanitarian law obligations. it did not find that in fact, it had done so enough, or they had enough evidence to say they were in fact violated in this law. as of right now when it comes to 8, they said that is really just beginning right after october 7th, where it did not cooperate for months to get it in to gaza. it is,
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it says they are doing better now. is there more needs to be done? but as of right now, it doesn't also meet the level of cutting off military or financial aid. one interesting part in this is it says the intelligence community has no direct indication of israel, intentionally targeting civilians. the, i see the introduction or intelligence community assess is that israel could do more to avoid civilian harm. however, so very carefully worded language that i think is going to probably make pro palestinian supporters quite angry. this doesn't mean the president joe barton, is going to go back on his threat to cut off the offensive weapons to israel. if they go to rasa it just means because of this report, he's not obligated to do that particular he, elda 0, washington. what am lawrence is a former us diplomats and he says the report creates the possibility of future restrictions on military aid to israel. when you actually lee lee read the report
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it's, i would say it's quite damning. what they do is they make sort of factual findings, of course, with some of the anytime language that patty was talking about. but they make factual findings that israel's violating international law. and then they don't make the legal finding. because i think politically the us government, which is already withholding 3500 heavy bonds, of which they've used a few 100 and guys. but this is a huge number of items that are worth holding. they want it to be a political decision to hold weapons, not a legal requirement to withhold weapons. and so i think that was a political decision of the white house and the state department to deliberately fall short of requiring themselves to hold arms shipments so they can use that as a carrot and stick politically. with this riley's, it is just satisfying the way patty is talking about, but it's unprecedented. they the us criticize israel in this way for violating
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international law. this been a famous series of court decision since the 1980s, where basically the courts defer to congress the united states as sorry, in the end executive branch to make these decisions about you know, what to do about violations of international law and us for an assistance so the remedy is in congress and in the, in the executive branch, that means on this basis, congress can refuse to send further aid to israel. and on this basis the white house can refuse to said further arms to israel. and so the legal determination didn't have to be made. now it could be made tomorrow. so, so it's, it's, it's just another step too slow for the palestinians, but it's another step in the direction of creating the context in which you could stop all arms flows to israel, and the justification factually is there, if not legally, as we law south africa has filed an urgent request,
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the us top court order is ready for us to withdrawal from alpha. it says that the ways where the forces are conducting its operation and that i'll find gaza. is genocidal south africa's lawyer state as well as assault on it also gives rise to new facts that are causing irreparable harm to the rights of palestinians and gaza . it goes on to state that if it offers similarly destroyed, there will be less one left of gaza or the prospect for the survival of palestine in life in the tower tree. the following also stresses as the primary hub for humanitarian assistance and gaza. if the for falls so to don't gone so early, i always spoke to muddy. i'm she the, she's an associate professor of low at the university of colorado law school. and she says south africa's request, as part of why the political and legal strategy to apply pressure on divided administration to hold is unconditional support for israel right now with the latest request that south africa has made to the court. you know,
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it has made very clear how urgent it believes the situation to be inside of it as asked the court to weigh in on its provisional measures order within a week's time. and it has listed a litany of that, that highlight the really, the only thing that the court can and should do, which is at the minimum, to order israel to cease its military operation in ra ha. and though it has not explicitly asked for this in this, in this particular request is referenced it throughout the request that it is high time the court actually demand that israel sees all of its military activities inside of gaza. now will, is real comply, know israel will not comply, unfortunately, but this is part of a larger legal and political strategy to increase pressure on the united
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states on the bite and ministration to, to, to, to finally put some breaks on what is real, is doing to the palestinians of gaza, the political pressure is undoubtedly mounting already has been 5 days since, as one has allowed a trucks and to gaza with feminist reading. but he, one has more of that unless, as well that allows fuel into gaza. hospitals and ambulances will only be able to operate from less than 48 hours of the college supplies of food and all the critical aid can only last a few days. a group, se babies and incubators and the last remaining hospitals and gaza will die unless the facilities get field for generations to keep the power on. as well cut off electricity supplies have gone back in october. the. the locks as one of the last functioning hospitals and gaza and the only one in central de la doctors, they are seeing their fuel supplies dwindle as handles holiday reports.
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he didn't crisis in the basement of the ox hospital with that. and then a couple assistance with that off of the like, so hospital is supplied with 20000 liters of fuel every days. we was supposed to have received that quantity 2 days ago and we have 10000 liters is back on. yeah, but that's been consumed over the past 2 days beyond we only have enough fuel for 24 hours. an hour ago we received 2000 liters. it's enough enough for half a day. all of these tanks are empty because for more than 5 days, power asylums crossing the commercial crossing has been up close, where no fuel entered the gauze was true according to the house. so they're saying that this is only the only time cause has few left and those who run the generators know, shortages here, translate to the reveal problems and the worry about the on the whole, the whole doesn't than understand we have intensive care. we have
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a nursery with 24 incubators for newly going babies. such cases are at risk of going at any moment if the power goes out. and we also have a busy schedule of surgery runs around the cloud. if the situation is not dealt with the die out, the generate to will be turned off tomorrow, and the palestinian minister of have is warnings us if you will, does not enter the gaza strip and specially to this hospice and indebted. but it's going to shut down and you're going to target and how situation is going to collapse. this isn't the odyssey to unlock the hospital. that is the la garza palestine. i likes the hospital. there's also seeing a search of patients optimal as riley strikes, armed off or as it runs out a few. let's also running out of room to treat them honey. my who managed to get inside and a warning that some of the images in his reports are distressing. square inside deluxe is a hospice, all one of the only few remaining health facilities to my operation all across the
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gauze and for this particular hospitalization defense from the area. and as you can see over a crowded wood patients, an injury isn't family members who evacuated to this particular facility seeking shelters. the past 7 months have been quite difficult for the health sector across the gauze. as for the, from major hospitals being deliberately targeted and destroyed and pushed out of service into the acute shortage and medical supplies in the shorter supply with fuel push, the remaining to my operation of hospitality to complete a closure right now. and with more recently, a hospital in dropbox, of the city that has been pushed out of service because of the military operations in this hospital. not only suffering from the lack of a space and, and being jammed with many people, but also the services. here are a dire situation right now. we're looking at an extreme charge of medical supplies
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. there are no space for, for patients, for injuries. some of them are on the literally, on the floor of the hospital. all very, very devastating situation for, for the hospital to continue on working and to sustain itself. what we're seeing right now literally is, is sufficient medical to stop here that's been working for the past 7 months, already exhausted, and then a traumatized given the. the ongoing intense bombing campaign across the district here to, to medical staff are trying to help one of the injures who could not find a bid for him. he's literally on the floor of the hospital, getting whatever and not the service treatment. they're doing their best to save lives here. but for the most part, injuries and patients are either on the floor of the hospital or the end of waiting go side. a lack of his business, not the only problem in this hospital, but also the extreme charge or medical supplies as well. the shortage of
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a seal that is threatening the hospital to shut down major parts of it. the department including the i see you on operations room. we spoke with with a doctor briefly and he just answer with one word describing the difficulties of the situation. the past 7 months have evolved into major problem across this trip. more people are pouring into the hospital right now and within the past 2 days, 1000 of more people are seeking shelter inside the hospital. more evacuation orders we should in the southern part of the trip. first, this hospital to go beyond its capacity as more people either setting up the terms outside the vicinity of the hospital or inside a sport or literally inside the facility itself, just increasing the pressure on medical stop volunteers,
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as well as in the patients and injuries inside the facility the united nations general assembly has voted overwhelmingly to support palestine bed to become a full member, a 143 countries of ocean in favor of the resolution which expands palace times of rights and the un articles on the security council to reconsider the membership bid 9 vote against and $25.00 abstain, which shows as well as growing isolation on the world stage. the countries that voted against the bar should include the united states. gabriel, and he's on the reports from un headquarters in new york is a round of applause in the united nations general assembly. after overwhelming majority of member states, really in favor of a resolution that says palestine qualifies for the membership as the security council to reconsider its bid. we did not try you on charter. we did not enact international law. we just demanded to see them applied to
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us and have been until now denied their protection in inactive pediatrics using a prop, israel's ambassador said, any human rights or privileges bestowed on palestine would be akin to shredding the un charter, a spokesperson for the secretary general rejected this, there's many charters, there's one right here. the charters intact. it's ideals are into the draft resolution. agreed to had some symbolic privileges for palestine like allowing them to sit among full members and also some more tangible benefits. like allowing palestine to participate in most un meetings. something they could not do before, but the water down resolution, which the us voted against, specifically maintained palestine with non member observer status. full membership
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to the un require security council approval. last month, the us vetoed palace times full membership, bid us contents. palestine should negotiate the issue with israel. argument reputed by pakistan's ambassador negotiations must have a level playing field. this is, is, was, is negotiating is a full member of the, of the united nations. so to show that this time, while the resolution over whelming, we adopted by the general assembly calls on the security council to reconsider palestine is bid for full un membership. it's unclear if they will actually do so. we should know in the next few days, but even if the council decides to reconsider it, it still faces the same obstacle as before. us has already said if necessary, they would be to it again. gabriel is on joe. i'll just see it at the united
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nations, new york still ahead on the 0. i'm always going to get investigate in washington. and of course, the country colleges are grappling with daughters, threatening to prove their money if they don't stop profile as city demonstrations or standing by the right to process. the inversion launch is a major ground assault on your claims and system. cod key regions civilians are told to be the hello rather colon time the weekend on the cards for new york, sabbott of cloud sliding away from the eastern seaboard. little area of low pressure here, keeping things on the cool and cloudy side as we go through the next couple of days
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. actually, still some lobby storms down to will se, but these will retreat the way they will clear. as we go through west fast, i brought us guys coming in here just around georgia to the possible see one or 2 by the south for a time, but they will sweep through that. is that what the weather is? that cloudy weather up towards the northeast. just around the legs and so where, where the to, into texas to slipping out to colorado and we had some have a launch is in utah that has caused some problems. you see the temperatures up around 2021 left for denver as we go through sunday. big a shell as they come back into southern parts of the us. data sinks and wet weather, texas pushing across st. louisiana for the northwest since where the wolf from a sample at $23.00 degrees, with a fair bit of sunshine, sunshine, and showers across the caravan. as per usual, still a few showers, the rent of dominican republic into haiti, pushing a little further east was still some rather lively showers for nick rocky with costa rica and panama the
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the in the solomon islands, the deadly legacy of world war 2, remain on the lounge, i just placed it and it exploded it now i do this, see they are literally this sense of taking time on $1.00 oh, $1.00 east meets the solomon islands. some tante escape a war that ended decades ago on, on the wood winning document trees from around the corner, which is 0. the the,
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you're watching out just the or i would be elizabeth put on them and don't have a mind to a lot of stories. this hour for us as well, the may have bought a international humanitarian and no one got so long as using the weapon supplied by america. the state department has accomplished a longer weighted review of the us. the use of us went as my israel's army in gauze . south africa has austin, international court of justice to order that, as randy made a change to withdrawal from delphi and to now the unimpeded access of humanitarian aid into gaza. south africa's lawyers say israel's assaults and the southern city is closing in the united nations general assembly has checked back the palace to invest a full un member, a 143 countries of origin and save us 9 against and $25.00 abstained the resolution full of all the security council to reconsider the match to a move that would effectively recognize a palestinian state. thousands,
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steve it around the world have been showing solidarity for palestinians. people in yemen heavy announcing the streets of the capital santa to protest as well as long gaza, with the rebels have organized demonstrations nearly every friday since, as well launched its assault on the strip. in october, the crowds also gathered in jordan's capital among protest. this could, which was seized upon and demanded as room and its attacks on vasa and demonstrations. have rallied in the pockets on the city of cut out you against the west, israel and sweden. they included sweden because of the incidents of burning the koran and public. last year for testers into those capital in on the government to con diplomatic ties of israel, alaska, america, editor, lucy, a newman reports from santiago to we're outside of one of the main metro station here in san tab on the capital. there are people out here
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in the mandate that development done to the brakes. diplomatic relations with israel, and this is by no means the pers empty israel demonstration has taken place in this country, which has the largest i listed in community outside of the middle east. you can see the sign year that's in israel. this is in santa side. what you are carrying out. these are the sorts of things we've been seeing over and over again now. but further now by asking the julian government towards the palestinians in general and has been very, very part of the advice, completely amazing ties with israel. now, that's something that we haven't been here before, but what's the, what's happening in roswell? now, the intensity of these demonstrations is continuing,
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and these are just people. i'll tell a student in the sense that are out here protesting but ordinary chileans who deal solar dire and t with the people of palestine guys and will say that there are 5. what's happened to me is the i am not a co skinny in percent, but i have supported the palestinian cause. since my university dec. i believe that what's happening in gaza represents a minutes to all a few minutes. while i even use my husband or protestant and it'd be here, this isn't war, this is genocide of the demonstration is now turned into a march. and we're heading now towards the u. s embassy here in santiago, while the people who continue to chance not only that it's time for the city to bring diplomatic relations with israel, but also a choosing united states of being accomplices in what's happening is on top of
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the, the marches reach tier. but this thing on the other side, on the road, as asked by the police to noise it, but so far, very peaceful. we don't think that there's anybody inside the embassy right now, but it's very clear that they are getting the message. you see a newman, al jazeera, santiago, american universities, a worry that the ongoing student protests against israel's wall and gauze of could lead to funding cuts from joining us for some dollars off, threatening to end the support of protest caps on created island. official reports from washington dc. the elite school was expensive and prestigious. they believe a whole lot of a quality education. just in the last few days. schools in arizona, massachusetts, and pennsylvania, of clear protest is from the camps. many pushed into it by donors. i angry,
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a disruption that's been created so close to graduation ceremonies if you look at what's happening throughout the us. i think it's fair to be looked at because of how because of my deal. you know, they've done this. i've made the opinions very, very clear, and also the agenda is very clear that they feel that they can indeed be no direct author. we gladly can direct a collaboration most for testers. one universities like dw here in washington to cut all ties with israel and to diverse that means taking money from donors that has been invested. i'm pulling it from funds linked to israel, or the us defense industry companies like reinstalling mcdonald douglas. but the university's hosp to work a very fine light because some people say their money will dry out. if there is no change in policy. this is a tough spot for university leaders is, has a potential, a threatened understanding with big donors who are more liberal and saudis,
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conservative states can put them on the wrong side of st legislature. so that is a, not a great place for university leader to be university. so being forced into action before the divested from links with the apartheid south, africa in the seventy's and eighty's from fossil fuels at the ton of the century, from russia. after that, you create invasion 2 years ago, i would like to see a student committee be a part of that investment committee decision making process because of this kind of question. this was the only time these kinds of categories he said arisen. they're just the more public of what's going on of the last couple of decades. i do believe students ought to be a part of this investment funds can run to tens of millions of dollars. for example, harvard has a $50000000000.00 gather from supporters and backers on previous investments, the largest fund in america. some universities have committed to divestment, others have offered to discuss and consider that's been enough to hold protest.
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but for those still refusing the piece more disruption and protest students continue to last. we peacefully push their kids. i would say sure, i'll just do the washington. the 2 people have been killed. you in russian shouting, and you planes, northeast and khaki region. the local government says the town of bolt trans, flush life, less than 5 could have been since from the russian border was targeted. at least 3000 people have been forced to leave their homes. the kinds of forces have rushed reinforcements to concave. presidents below them is it ends case, as there was fears, financing in the area. john holman, has moved from chief it was in the early hours of friday morning. the russian forces a box to cross the border. i mean to north eastern ukraine in the heart of keith region. now this region is especially important because it has ukraine,
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2nd largest city, how to keep the city and this uh, a box and offensive wasn't just on the ground resume. so we have an aerial from above, and it was at villages and towns being evacuated as well on that front line on the hockey region. well, president, below them is a landscape. ukraine said that was for now, you craning defenses a holdings, but the a fee is $5.00 to was being full receipt of which along the way, the content enough to bodily g mitchell, russia launched a new way to the counter offensive in this direction. ukraine met them the with our troops per day. it's an artillery. it's important to understand that they can build up and consolidate forces in this area. it is a fact, but i'm literally come on this, you about it and calculate the cost is in order to meet the enemy with retaliatory file is odyssey there. now there was a brief hold back all the ways are scalable and then i believe that we stopped them without to re fi for the moment. we don't know yet if this is just a probing,
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a type by russian forces, or if this is a whole new front that's about to open up in this will, but either way, so you cry. it's a big problem. it's suffering from a severe lack of non power and it's all me and also a real lot of west, from rate, with the lots of it's been promised lessons from the united states and from it to europe in life. but most of those, a still yet to arrive in that window before they arrive, russian forces are expected to try and press home their advantage. they're already push pushing in slowly above the sink at all the areas of the front line. and now this looks like a new hole that ukrainian force is going to have to try and plug john home. and i would just say to keep a at least 85 people have been killed during flash floods. nfl uninstalling, most of the victims of women and children, and the number of deaths is expected to rise. most of swamped pots of bugs on province in the countries north on friday. so as you say,
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the flooding was caused by heavy seasonal rains and residents unprepared to mexico. now, with the families of missing people have been protesting. the fall of the mexican government crossing the number of people officially declared has disappeared. the telephone has gone from more than 115002 less than 13000. the families say it's a political move ahead of elections, julia golly, out of reports from mexico, se, se, mother's day, it's far from celebratory. for these women they are the mothers, wives, and sisters of mexico's disappeared. people within a $100000.00. our ability to be missing for yolanda mode on the search for her son then hit him in has gone on for 15 years.


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