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tv   Dying Earth The Final Breath  Al Jazeera  May 11, 2024 7:30am-8:01am AST

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well, in mexico has only grown during his term in office as drug cartel violence worse. and this presidential elections draw near. he has accused relatives of the missing of politically motivated a tax, saying the official record have disappeared. people is being in slated to hurt his government and also to meet with the month an answer from whoever is in charge of the country. so i may be science with the faces of our leaders because the 2 have been missing in our search. they never agree to meet with us. they haven't neglected their responsibility to find truth and justice for us to do this. you're smart, it's a message, not just for the current government, but also for the incoming one. a clear warning, some of these relative that they're not going away until they know what happened to their loved ones and the demand that the government to feel its responsibility to find them until they do. and in the absence of the state. these mothers vowed to keep looking for their loved ones. the only way they can find in and digging
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glenda's time grades throughout the country, hoping to piece together what happened to their children. julia gallano, i'll just euro mexico city. quite some age shaken, michelle was also by, has dissolved parliament and suspended some articles of the constitution and disagreements between the government in parliament have led to several cabinet resignations and recent weeks. the biggest point of contention has been the plan changes to the generous welfare system. the new latest as the country is facing hard times, and that tough decisions have to be made. and ending of the top course has gone to bail to jail. opposite shanita, a chief minister of the capital of new dunny, out of occasions all was arrested in march. and the corruption case seen by many as a political move by prime minister in the day in the remotest government head of a general election. the country is now in the middle of its 7 phase parliamentary poll country. while it has been allowed to campaign that he will be required to
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surrender again, off of losing ends in june. our planet is experiencing its 1st powerful g o, magnetic storm and more than 20 years. that code to the pallet and communication blackouts. a soul, a storm happens when this nonsense a series of strong solar flares, which then lead to breath taking displays like this dazzling auroras scene across the world. a man that said somebody elizabeth put on them for this half hour of news. you can always keep up to date on websites. i'll just say i don't come, stay with us dying. this is coming up next. thank you for watching the the canyon government has forwarded thousands of people across the country to move
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away from wetlands that have flooded many areas. torrential rains in the region have been made was by the el nino where the phenomenon. this is how close the houses are from the narrow that down. it doesn't look like margins covered by what the highest says, but when it overflows the, what comes to that, how is this? the problem in that ruby has been watson by pull drainage and he's taken the bill settled next. people's beeping in near the narrow be don't say they know they're not supposed to be that, but it's the only case they can afford the
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the funding us out the some the, the most from the is costa mesa, from when the scene detained us. the indian is to going to see me and so they, by law that they the spit that on that. and the same is cool, new, beautiful kids. and i've been on my that the
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single most only to few natal 9 know me put punch here, but it wonderful. but i told them both with nor met the mine you can the best he does get out of my why there are moments when you can change from one state very
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rapidly, you to another state, and then that's called a tipping point. probably the, the one that i'm most concerned about is the amazon reinforced the all the carbon in those trees, if the trees are cut and burned for land clearing, winds up in the atmosphere at the edge of the climate pro there is some of the climate models that show the climate getting not just warmer but dryer. if it gets dryer in the tropical far as will not be able to survive there, we have to try to focus on keeping the warming a low whatever that tipping point is with the eco system changes perils. we just make the climate change problem, foreigners the
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is the color of a city that they built to shoot us over to you. if you put them into when people say there's a model for my product, it is a norm because of the universe, the, that they told us they feed us anything that you see in the community at the new body, the link or the muscle in the is so, so we grabbing and improving so that bus pesa beta but a southern good 30 any bit later the same look of indeed us, let's say, let's say they did a bunch of victoria the. busy busy busy
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yeah, any time they're looking for the point in yesterday and the internet at the back for the city, the audio, the specialist. busy busy busy the authority report again to prove unity. lemme sonya come the studio and look whether there's the line you'll meet in the samples at the name on the job. he did it up fast or you made about the different video. i'm trying to figure out where to send the combined. yep. big sounds like maybe kind of move it on the in when thing it to the or on the left on the equivalent almost yes. you need you to feel no decent in petroleum, be in they, they, before the,
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on the 10th of 20 miles impact. can you give us the metaphor for you that the told you you will not permit? and you will see until level cdw capable, the animals for visit is level quite the most on the do people say to me, i see that i see to quicktime use important couple of gentle things to protect people through here. so if the 20 look up, you don't by use move forward it on by ease being graceful, made the the
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last city made of escape be in victoria, and that i miss get out of the way and the idea not fit. and i'm assuming you a little bit lower, i just in mid to move to us. and the last on that i had, i had them to say to know a welcoming me city 30 of get the name on that the wish. see that isn't on the a couple of ways said that you got a physical made or like a guy that from the the bed. i mean name, but still must say it or case. i mean the system, what is scan does. it will not be the case. i'm not sure whether it could be that
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the no central via most i got a lot what equal to any of the sequences i use. this is put you on muscle needle case one of the light, the total on the so style check data to most of the stuff must come. let's say what the single say single systems
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is when the end, the se, then throw the sale of a book. you know, savvy, i'm with a salary the, the light, the by the you'll get the musky you to be the same. i guess when i said read on the, it must be still a mock. you know, so non noise, almost based on the ok. i see them, i cannot get on the side of a more than know the same was making a bill is that it is best one on the see the outcome of almost a said god about of going by subcommittees. most of them was not a spine your use, the we, most of the, in the service the most has bound to meet on the cover all of the use the
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b and these are the guys that are letting me fall a must be so that if it goes by the end of the semester. the name of the kid is sick. what on go ahead. i was here. see somebody not eat them. our system or the most of the most is going to mean nothing. the stability that stuff uh for a bundle is seen by the out. the easiest way to steal mine. yeah. well most likely he get almost much of the
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best product to that way to put that on the safe side or not. who our, my general type is so nice. see the and 0 say this, the, my son, the model going to is a bit dirty the, the indigenous people would normally using the streams for rich and water for washing, for whatever, for all the normal lives activity. if they were downstream, if you would of these operations now they wouldn't be contaminated. right? and depending on where they lived, they might see it in this, okay, i'm not going to drink from the stream. but if the for the, for the down, it might not be evident that the stream was no compare and containing either heavy
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metals or petroleum itself. or production typically generates a lot of natural gas. at the time there was no means to handle the natural gas. if your down wind of that flame, you know, getting carbon monoxide, you're going to be inhaling as result of this operation the very much i'm getting the petroleum met. you don't not say that a mean nice to the new one. this one instead of me that's getting a spin incident, no stip ramona's. and there's just a new point. that means that i'm in that and also i'm in dallas. so my not see, not the me and looks at me. mine is a scene say goes to the living. so the direct contact with petroleum through here, border x, while the
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he's supposed to go in. but aside, let's see somebody at a me into my la la e. this boy's the lawyer that messes loose and leave it on the door a know this. i don't really know what needs to be done, the municipal name because the guy give it a minute then the i n e e. somebody or me pretty mary. hawaii elizabeth, that was sunday. i need these boys bustle. 3 is on you. some of the 3 muscle 3. yeah. and that
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was a wonderful applies to mo. uh why that doesn't mean that doesn't mean to quite proto for you. so you'll have it in the science the concert given in the village to treat that you look for sampling, people must not, will not fix you on this. this was probably just the toyota is to see that bit of money to admit the printer loss. bracelets, destructive use the form of unit units. yes. over the last company that is fuel
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into somebody. let them create is beulah is yes, somebody has ninos. drill is yes. so wrote somebody a little different sort of the difficulty of if you didn't see the if i didn't know. so i need somebody to be on your list and put them on concerts because some way, i don't know why you would look at some digital must be status from a little bit as are locked into the capital. just almost in fables. i'm not clinic . i say it, but she meant it, but i can't think it's a good thing if it was connected. can somebody not? you know so to them as well. so that meant the nothing 1st to the middle guess the i don't have to leave and i don't think the was an s one. he thought he left probing just totally enough that i'm assuming it,
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but the young sand laughed pro. each has must board as that goes with level. there's one that that's what he that so this will use for the low light, those boscus to somebody. so you don't both were most of it was the domain name and i bought my new one a day. even, you know, the amount of medical money on me all you didn't mind. don't mind talking about how money we put in the why don't want to put in the on out on the beginning one of my maybe like one of the month or not. i agree, monday the sample they avalon fail. right. the mothers as you know, the new so close to me of a is the noise coming to me so noise. that means the noise. that means the noise means the noise ex, you know, see to another kid is
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lower on the line. you will be, do you see movie soon? but these 30 phenomenon infant that on the left. but the latest you got out from somewhere in the middle canyon, those load, i mean they move headed your medic, by eating who the car to the you said that my let me see and ok. and they said that he thought he had a nice event that living the spit that now my, your medical here and the money, maybe one name or nothing that you just gave me that is to submit the dos escape plan. i've sent this sent. that'll get getting mendera nice. so sitting 30 of the elite tackled me for the man. i'm in a nice gone. yeah. you so fine. you bought the most of
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the people he lives probably for 30 in the north lead of the look in the video complete list of things. here he is. this is something that is spent on see in boarding that ask them restore that a to it that either i'm in the meeting hadn't even been a big deal. so, but that might be good. great. ok. but the level of the stuff in the wind turbine around like 14 feel know, contact me, not much on the update, like the black products on it's the
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sake he must be the one to bring. the police can use it, condition impulses. i will not be your main circus, ignoring my visa whenever you lose your case. yeah. safety. see they come. one is out of you, but it was presented paternity simply i missed the wonderful beautiful places, but does it petroleum drop those? it can p one young. yeah. lucky you can use that for you, but a little that includes the deluxe customs extremist the data loss. se not the main thing saves. they've hired a chance. that is the gang. i'm a nice balcony on the nice balcony. how you finding the
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visa from the, the, the who am i can speak. it's like a decent searching outcome in the belfry, it's based on that took a hand. but the similar could be by pits the, some of the sub c t buying out cooper for. it's a good thing function by prenatal, can you put in whatever you know have, and that's on the board too. but the people who shut the boot took up a digging in the head by. you'd see how far it's on the need. some piece of the boat brand expecting him and you have the guns that pants on the phone, but you may not be the the frame. the 1599. expect the frame that's a counsellor. if i can have drying that thing on the defects. find the same,
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i feel i need to frame the am but the signed. and again, i'm trying to cut that cancer from august. i can't home. so i'm a fan to cut the now the time of the my feet, the finding on the show, the catherine for she's, i'll try yeah, yeah, the mentoring the is one of them into a way we did the go now. you logan assessor when decent. i must belittle. so if we see novel what was different, this will definitely be the b landel does. does he like to move, giving some of our key small, the
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hispanic, i'm putting in the 5th. if i don't hear something found a sense that in the 1st day the mentor care case is the name of the head is a senior trend and the things that i see for me to me as soon the lord when they know me. well, i said yes, a ms bus. the yeah. john, peter, joe, wayne massey at indian township box joe ramos. yeah. the, this is
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some of the men we last sort of see and then they'll come here for the month to come for get for me live channels unless the most i'm offering you to spend the yes, i spent a more convenient ne it by the next month the cause of the 30 or whatever, but those are the scenarios i see permit to fact of the show is lobby. that means the
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the c said grace and pictorial. is this everyone you are the said federal fund are means noise. this at all, you assembling it and then we sort of that a choice of the land? no problem. okay. then royce, know so 95 percent status design. yeah. a good disconnect. nice those races. the table with us to give it to the one with the theater. most of oakland circle back from us. no book up i see in photos, possibly. that is, but i live on something one of the
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most in the theater is say that and you know that out of the in thought, that is a moment. please can see that i'm not going to give this to be the last bit the our oceans are under switch by a for rushes, fishing industry, government,
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people are thinking of bring deep sea trolling back. global eating off the choices sees that go systems are going to suffer more and more with climate change, and we need to adapt. now. marine conservation is, are in a desperate race against time. the ocean provides services for us that we require as humanity. i'll just see you as lucy is dying of the last shock. despite his exile, former customer, i need the car list please demo is set to run for president when the spanish region polls early elections. could this political return reignite the separatists bid for independence? and how would it impact spain's political landscape? the catalonia elections on a jersey to outcast foundation is deliberate, over $300000000.00 will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of the 300 on luis,
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haven't had gone through the bumps the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the, the bottom, the ministration says, as well as use of american weapons may have validated international new one, gaza. but there isn't enough evidence to withhold with the tree age the hello autumn is a put on them. and this is alan to 0 and live from doha, also coming up dollars, shortage of fuel and gaza. did you and was that house to? so this is environment services can only operate for less than 48 hours as well. continues to.


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