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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 11, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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always come, 1st of the sweet 100 on luis heavens, had gone through the rough, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence, the the bodily ministration. says as well as use of american weapons may have violation international law one, gaza. but there isn't enough evidence to withhold some of the tree age the at all and those are put on them. and this is elena 0 and live from door how also coming up the shortage of fuel and gaza. did you and was that health facilities environment services can only operate for less than 48 hours as well, continues to block
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a trucks. the results of the route is as follows. in favor, $143.00 is around isolated on the wall stage. the un general assembly of the realm of the adults and resolution back in palestine to bid for full un membership ad houses solace storm hits for the 1st time and 20 yes. of the warnings of communications blackouts, the as well as closest ally and biggest um supply the united states as israel's use of american weapons likely breached international law and gaza along the laser report by the bided administration to congress issues. a red criticism of israel's military conduct boss had stopped souls of finding specific instances that would justify withholding military aid to israel. patrick called hi reports from
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washington, dc. is what we are seeing and gods, or the death destruction and starvation. a violation of international law. that is what the state department has been investigating is they said yes, us military aid could be cut off. the report found it's possible israel is violating the law, but they are definitively saying it is using language like it is reasonable to assess the defense articles has been used by his really security forces inconsistent with its h. l or international humanitarian law obligations. but they argue the law does not have to be invoked because israel is investigating the report says, israel says it's implementing restrictive measures to protect sites such as hospitals, schools, places of worship, and un facilities. according to the united nations hospital and medical facilities have been attacked, more than 600 times. schools attacked more than $200.00 hundreds of houses of
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worship destroyed. and 169 un facilities have been attacked. that's not highlighted in the report, but it does signal out a long list of incidents, spelling out the facts. israel targeting humanitarian convoys, including the killing of 7 world central kitchen workers, attacks on hundreds trying to get a targeting building housing to manage hearing aid workers. analysts say this kind of us criticism of israel is unprecedented. they make factual findings that israel's violating international law, they want it to be a political decision to hold weapons, not a legal requirement to withhold weapons. and so i think that was a political decision of the white house in the state department to deliberately fall short of requiring themselves to hold arms shipments so they can use that as a carrot and stick politically. with this, riley's, this doesn't change you as president joe biden's threat to cut off a sense of weapons if israel launch is a full scale invasion of route but,
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but it does layout more reasons why he might patty coffee, l g 0 washington. so talk a how she is a professor of human rights and pay studies at a soccer. joe got you and university, and he was the deputy head of the human human rights agency in the occupied palestinian territories. he's joining us live from the japanese capital. tokyo, thank you very much for your time. so the us says that as well as use of american weapons is inconsistent with international humanitarian rule. but what does inconsistent mean? why not say it's violation if it's inconsistent? as well as to say that it's inconsistent with international humanitarian law is probably the understatement of the year. i mean, i think the report is really very much a bureaucratic passing. the buck exercise. it's incontrovertible. a clear as the light of day that israel has been committing a litany of more crimes,
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crimes against humanity and, and genocide. and but you know, none of nobody wants to be the one who points to the elephant in the room. nobody wants to be the one who expose it themselves. so i think what's happened is the bureaucrats has a pass the book on. and now it's supposedly a political decision. but really the book has got to stop the buck stops here. like, uh, you know, people used to say about the us presidency and by didn't really has to find his courage and stand up for what's right. i mean it's, it's unlikely that he's going to do that right. given that he is a self professed designers. we did hear from a former us that promising that report from our correspondent who believes that this report can be used in the future to restrict weapons shipments to as well. you're saying that, you know, they want to pass the buck on politically. but do you think that the report is a step in that direction? well, i think the reports is definitely a step in the direction the right direction, but it takes political will. and like you say by didn't, has
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a up till now really not exhibited that kind of political will at least not enough . but that's really got to change. i mean, he is very much damaging if not already designated his prospects for re election in november. and i think that kind of political calculus is one that he is, you know, very much taking, he and his eyes are very much taken even as we speak a. all right, mr. tucker, how she you were speaking about, you know, the, the, the evidence that shows that as well as in fact by like saying international humanitarian law. and in fact, you know, a number of us experts have said this. i think it was back in february that a very large number of un experts called full countries to stop sending weapons to, as well, especially the united states because of the evidence. you know, the dutch court ordered the government vet to start with an shipment as well. again, i believe back in february. so what is the best seeing that the us isn't?
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well, look, i mean, i think, as we all know, the israel lobby in washington dc is extremely powerful. and the political a lead in the united states is increasingly isolated from the. ready of the american people, as far as i can see, you know, i mean, opinion pull after opinion poll is showing that the american people are really getting sick of this blind on cheating, unconditional support of israel as it commits genocide and bite and is, i don't know is sitting here and is ivory towers, so to speak, in the white house thinking that somehow he can rides the storm and everything is going to go away. but that's just not going to happen. and i think that's a, you know, that's, that's proving increasingly clear. but it has to, you know, it has to happen now. it has to happen yesterday. yeah. and as by and face as increasing pressure from this ongoing protests that have very much growth in across american universities, pressure from within the democrats itself as the us general election approaches.
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and he's not doing well in the t crucial swing states. do you think that report such as this from the state department that they give him away else as well potentially, but we have to say again, you know, it's about political will. and you know, this kind of political will kind of, could have been exerted 7 months ago, really, it could have been exerted. and very, very, you know, a much, much, much before even, you know, what the, the fact of the matter is the only time the us has really got israel to comply with the do the necessary is when it really comes out strongly. and, you know, criticizes is really even publicly that's what's gonna happen. and it's, it's not been happening up till now as we see and just lost the missed the thought . gosh, you know the question about another recent development which we will have a report on just a little bit later. but south africa boy going back to the international court of justice once again asking them to order was ordered as well. to us stop to
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withdrawal from it off. i to not, i'm go ahead with the ground operation in the rafa in life of everything that's happening. been happening over the last few days. do you see the international court of justice intervening this time? because south africa went to them a few months ago since the court actually ruled. there's a possible case would you have the side of the court said that, you know, there was no reason for them to rule again. but again, in life of the developments of the past week, how much pressure is the coal shonda now as well, i don't know. i don't know if the i c j will find in favor south africa at this time. i mean it's, it's, it's hard to say, but, you know, i really do want to point out that, you know, do all the, what south africa is doing at the ice, which is of course, extremely important. and it's, it's, you know, it's important for human rights. all over the world, but really, you know, what does the international criminal court doing? i mean, why is it not doing its job? that's really what i would like to point to. the international criminal court exist separate. it's a separate entity of course, from the i. c, j,
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it exists to pursue individual criminal accountability. and it's, you know, it has been dragging its feet on the question of palestine for years. and for the past 7 months, it's basically done pretty much nothing. and why you think that is what it's just like a hash it. why do you think that the international criminal court, you're not the only person to accuse the international criminal court of dragging its feet on this issue as well. i mean i, i kind of get into the head of the chief prosecutor kind and, and you know, the people, the senior people in the i see, see what, what i can comments on is of course the, the results and i think there are a lot of there's certainly a lot of political pressure on the international criminal court, of course, the united states, israel, they are not state parties. so the, the us can use its usual threat of withdrawing fundings and, you know, taking its ball and going home. but you know, it is the most powerful country in the world, and it can, and i understand, is exerting a lot of political pressure through a lot of means. just the other day. i think it was about
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a dozen senators of the united states sent a threatening mafioso like letter to the chief prosecutor of the i. c. c. basically threatening him with. i don't know violence if he went ahead and issued indictments against his rarely officials. it was disgraceful to say the least that any kind of statesman would do that kind of thing. so, you know, this kind of pressure is being exerted on the i see in a for sure that's, that's a large part of what is going on with this. like a how she thank you so much for your insights on the story. really appreciate that . a cell that kashi live in tokyo it's it's been 5 days since as well, has allowed a truck since the gauze that with famine is friday. but you want has one that unless, as well, allows fuel into gaza. hospitals and ambulances would only be able to operate for less than 48 hours. and the comment supplies of food and other critical aid can only last a few days. a group, se, babies and into bases,
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and the last remaining hospitals and gaza will die unless the facilities get fuel for generations to keep the power on, as well as cash off as a tricity supply to gaza. back in october. i like so as one of the last functioning hospitals in gauze and the only one in central data by law, doctors, very seeing their fuel supplies dwindled as handle the reports the he didn't crisis in the basement of the ox hospital with that and then a can with system so that off of the like, so hospital is supplied with 20000 liters of fuel every days. we were supposed to have received that quantity 2 days ago and we have 10000 liters is back on. yeah. but that's been consumed over the past 2 days beyond we only have enough fuel for 24 hours. an hour ago we received 2000 liters. it's enough enough for half a day. all of these tanks are empty because for more than 5 days,
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power asylums crossing the commercial crossing has been closed, where no fuel entered the gauze was true according to the house. so they're saying that this is only the only time cause has few left and those who run the generators know, shortages here, translate to the reveal problems and the worry about the on the whole, for the end we have intensive care. we have a nursery with 24 incubators for newly going babies. such cases are at risk of going at any moment if the power goes out and we also have a busy schedule of search, right? you got to use the runs around with load. if the situation is not dealt with the die out, the generator will be turned off tomorrow, and the palestinian minister of have is warnings us if you will, does not enter the gaza strip and specially to this hospice and indebted. but it's going to shut down and you're going to target and how situation is going to
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collapse. this isn't the odyssey to unlock the hospital. that is the la garza palestine unlocks the hospital is also seeing a search of patients often more as rarely strikes on vasa as it runs out of fuel. it's also running out of room to treat them honey. my food managed to get some side and a warning that some of the images in his report are distressing. a square inside deluxe is a hospital, one of the only few remaining health facilities to my operation all across the garza for this particular hospital is in defense front area. and as you can see over a crowded wood patients, an injury isn't family members who are evacuated to this particular facility, seeking shelter in the past 7 months. have been quite difficult for the health sector across the gauze. as for the, from major hospitals being deliberately targeted and destroyed and pushed out of service into the acute, shorter medical supplies, then the shorter supply with fuel push,
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the remaining to my operation of hospitality to complete a closure right now. and with more recently, a hospital in dropbox, of the city that has been pushed out of service because of the military operations in this hospital. not only suffering from the lack of a space and, and being jammed with many people, but also the services. here are a dire situation right now. we're looking at an extreme shortage of medical supplies. there are no space for, for patients, for injuries. some of them are on the literally, on the floor of the hospital. all very, very devastating situation for, for the hospital to continue on working and to sustain itself. what we're seeing right now literally is, is sufficient medical to stop here that's been working for the past 7 months, already exhausted, and a traumatized given the. the ongoing intense bombing campaign across the district here to, to medical and staff are trying to help one of the injures who,
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somebody could not find a bid for him. he's literally on the floor of the hospital, getting whatever and not the service treatment. they're doing their best to save lives here. but for the most part, injuries and patients are either on the floor of the hospital or the end of waiting go side. lack of it's been is not the only problem in this hospital, but also the extreme charge or medical supplies as well. the shortage of a seal that is threatening the hospital to shut down major parts of its department, including the i see you on operations room. we spoke with, with a doctor briefly and he just answer with one words, describing the difficulties of the situation. the past 7 months have evolved into major problem across this trip. more people are pouring into the hospital right now and within the past 2 days, 1000 of more people are seeking shelter inside the hospital. more evacuation orders,
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they sit in the southern part of this trip. first, this hospital to go beyond its capacity as more people either setting up the terms outside the vicinity of the hospital or inside a sport or literally inside the facility itself, just increasing the pressure on medical to stop volunteers, as well as in the patients and injuries inside the facility to the head of knowledge, a 0 south africa urges the us top course to order as well to withdrawal from the alpha, the, the hello, the weather squatting down now across the middle east. that allows the driver losing the brisk with him. but we have had just around the gulf shamal,
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we'll just pick back over the next style. say here with the temperatures of around 3536 degrees over the next couple of days. it will fill all of 36 as we go through sunday. because the wanes will east down at that stage, possibility of one us out, one of the 2 showers around the southern end of the red sea. but the west of weather will be further north tech, a particular sing, some live the showers as we go through sat today is the side of the med logic, dry on sas type of fish. i was just creeping in across the vines as we go on into the 2nd half of the week and wanted to show us just creeping into the north west of africa. was he going into the 2nd half of the weekend ahead of that? but some live, it shows that across west africa, but more of the way i went to whether into good pots of central and northern nigeria, but came to faso as well, whether rule way across, into seattle. yeah. and there is that, what's the weather there for the north west of africa, somewhat to whether to just coming in across the east, the side of africa. but noticed white as it has been recently, there will still be
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a few showers coming into kenya as we go through the next couple of days. but increasingly dry. having said that, the west to weather is for the gulf of gimme the now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but this was not a jew, israel's a state. and they need to be treated as any other state. what, this is where the tough questions are asked. can you see negotiations being even have this is the most important point and bushy poll, unapologetic, i'm just asking awesome upfront on out the, the
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the, you're watching. i'll just bear with me elizabeth put on them and don't ha, a reminder of our top stories. the solid, the us says is around may have validated international humanitarian law and gaza was using weapon supplied by america. the state department has published a long awaited review the use of us weapons biased roles. all mean gaza is ready for us, has continued to cut off aid into gaza through that. also crossing palestinian and you and officials from the fuel, the palace gauze of few functioning hospitals. let's just hours away from running out food and supplies. and so running low miles south africa has filed an urgent request that the you, once top quote, to order is ready forces to withdrawal from alpha. it says that the way is where the forces are conducting its operation, ended off and gaza is genocide. it'll south africa's lawyers say israel's assault
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on the 5 gives rise to new facts that are causing irreparable harm to the rights of palestinians and gaza goes on to state that if an alpha is similarly destroyed, they'll be little left of gaza, all the prospects for the survival of palestinian life and the tower tree. the finding also stresses as the primary hub for humanitarian assistance and gaza. if the for falls so to does gaza audio, we spoke to muddy m jump. she the issues with associated professor of low at the university of colorado. law school and she says south africa's request as possible, why the political and legal strategy to apply pressure on the bottom administration to hold just unconditional support for as well. right now with the latest request that south africa has made to the court, you know, it has made very clear how urgent it believes the situation to be inside of it as, as the court to weigh in on its provisional measures order within a week's time. and it has listed a litany of that,
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that highlight the really, the only thing that the court can and should do, which is at the minimum, to order israel to cease its military operation in russia. and though it has not explicitly asked for this in this, in this particular request, it has referenced it throughout the request that it is high time the court actually demand that israel seize all of its military activities inside of casa, now will, is real, comply, know, israel will not comply, unfortunately, but this is part of a larger legal and political strategy to increase pressure on the united states on the bite and ministration to, to, to, to finally put some breaks on what is real is doing to the palestinians of gaza. the political pressure is undoubtedly mounting already the united nations general
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assembly has version of a woman leads to support palestine, but to become a full member, $143.00 countries of what was it in favor of the resolution which expands palestine to right from the un and calls on the security council to reconsider the membership id 9 voted against and $25.00 abstain. it shows as well as growing isolation of the will stage. the countries that voted against the miller should include the united states, gave her to and is under reports from you and headquarters in new york is a round of applause in the united nations general assembly. after overwhelming majority of member states voted in favor of a resolution that says palestine qualifies for membership. and as the security council to reconsider its bid, we did not try you on charter. we did not enact instead of nation. i know we just demanded to see them apply to us and have been
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until now denied their protection in an active pediatrics using a prop, israel's ambassador, say any human rights or privileges bestowed on palestine would be akin to shredding the un charter, a spokes person for the secretary general rejected this. there's many charters, there's one right here. the charter is intact. it's ideals are attacked. the draft resolution agreed to had some symbolic privileges for palestine like allowing them to sit among full members and also some more tangible benefits. like allowing palestine to participate in most un meetings, something they could not do before. but the water down resolution, which the us voted against, specifically maintained palestine with non member observer status. full membership to the un require security council approval. last month,
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the us vetoed palestine full membership, bid us contents, palestine should negotiate the issue with israel. argument refuted by pakistan's ambassador negotiations must have a level playing field. this is, is, was, is negotiating is a full member of, of the united nations. so to show that this time, while the resolution over whelming, we adopted by the general assembly calls on the security council to reconsider palestine is bid for full un membership. it's unclear if they will actually do so. we should know in the next few days, but even if the council decides to reconsider it, it still faces the same obstacle as before. us has already said if necessary, they would be to it again. gabriel is on joe. i'll just see it at the united nations in new york. it's not just up to you when thousands of people have rallied
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around the world to show this solid hours. he could palestinians, people in the evelyn happy now from the streets of the capital sign out to protest as well as one, gaza, with the rebels of organize demonstrations nearly every fridays since israel launched its assault on the strip in october, across also gathered in jordan's capital a mon, against is coming for a sci fi and demanded israel, and it's attacked from the fall. and demonstrations are valid in the pa kasanya city of cut out against the us, israel and sweden. thing to the sweden because of a number of incidents. the last 2 and the muslim holy book to put on spent in public the at least 85 people have been killed. you in flash floods and have gone to stone. most of the victims of women and children of the number of dead is expected to rise . so i'd want to some pots of babylon problems. so the countries north on friday,
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as long as you say, the flooding of clinton's by heavy seasonal rains and residents unprepared and indeed of the top court has gone to bail to jail. the opposition leader and chief minister of the capital new denny ottoman k. 12 was arrested in march of the corruption case seen by many as a political move by prime minister in the hands of moody's government ahead of a general election. the country is now in the middle of its 7 phase complementary poll country. yvonne has been allowed to campaign, but he'll be of a client to surrender to authorities again of divorcing ends in june. now our planet is experiencing its 1st pol, full of g o, magnetic storm and more than 20 years. that could try the pallet and communication blackouts. a soul, a storm happens with this nonsense, a series of strong solar flares, which then lead to breath taking displays like this dazzling aurora scene around the world. saw
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a web as an astronomer at swinburne university of technology and melvin australia. and she's joining us live from for has been thank you for your time. so 1st like i understand that this activity is cyclical, but can you explain when it happens? and how does it interrupt a communication system? so could disrupt. so yes, yes, it is. exactly right, so this type of activity over the event that we're experiencing right now, it's right on our lifetime of events that we've monitored. it's not read in the lifetime of this on johnstone undergrads, something called a solar minimum and maximum, and it's one, it's magnetic field flips every 11 years or so. and we experience in uptake in sol flagged and cranial master junctions. and that's exactly what we're seeing here. what's nice concerning now though, is that we live in the 21st century where we evict exponentially increased reliance on communications and other technologies that are in space and on the ground where electrical interference is, can actually disturb it from this to your magnetic storm. and that's something that we're watching quite places right now. yes,
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certainly an explanation shall increase and all of those types of technology and communications. but does that mean that those that infrastructure is also prepared for this solar activity? i was reading that communications that rely on high frequency radio ways such as hamil amateur radio, commercial aviation, a most likely to suffer cuz we don't have an impact on commercial aviation. yes. um that that is exactly right. that is the, the, um, the possibility that they will be impacts normally, that plans are grounded or redirected around wherever occurrence of being reported . and we've seen this back in the 2003 halloween to a magnetic storm. this is exactly what happened. we had a cross diverted to make sure that they run our incidences, but our infrastructure is designed for us to be able to control when we turn it on . and also, for example, our ground stations. here here on the ground, we're able to turn them off to limit the effect that a to it might get a big storm like this might have. so we do absolutely have protocols in place to
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try and limit the damage that we have seen in past year. matrix don't fit sometimes it's, it's not completely successful. okay. a plus side is of course, the dazzling aurora light figured in places that they are normally all. this is looking at a friend posting from head balcony and ireland, with a picture of the sky less often colors that you know that she's never seen before. so where, and how can people expect to see this? and also i was reading that, you know, if they have this special glasses left over from the last, from the last eclipse in april, that they might actually be able to see some spots that that's exactly right. so for the award, we're seeing it at much higher and lower latitude and longitude. so what we're seeing is that instead of needing to be quite far south or north to see the aurora, it's creeping on down search. uh, one of the best bits of advice is just go outside when it becomes stock in the evening and try and catch a glimpse. you might even be able to set your funds to take a long exposure image to try and catch the.


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