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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 11, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm AST

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as long as us support continues, is there anything that can stop is real, solve on gaza from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, the, the is really military orders further evacuations an eastern rough osh where at least 30 palestinians were killed in over night attacks the bodies of victims. this is where the air strikes arrive at the overburdened an ox off hospital in central gods. all 8 children are among the dead. the, you're watching all just the real life or my headquarters in delphi and getting you navigate. also coming off, the united states admits israel's use of american weapons and gaza may have broken international humanitarian law. plus the government of mexico drastically reduces
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the number of people officially declared as missing families call it a political cover up the hello. we're beginning garza where the is really military has expanded its ground operation in the region. southern most areas on friday it's forest dropped leaflets over the eastern part of for the district, ordering people to leave more than one point. $7000000.00 palestinians are sought shelter in the city for months. and earlier on saturday they is really a military issue to a 2nd evacuation order for neighborhoods. east f, f i city. it comes off to reports of heavy fighting in the district. the area marked in blue is where the is really forces have now been stations. and at least 30 bodies have been taken to a hospital and dated by law. after a night of heavy bombardment,
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8 children were among the dead's nearly $35000.00 palestinians had been killed and israel's war on goes off since october. so it's a thought about zoom to is joining us from dated by enough to, to tell us about these evacuation orders that had been issued as well as the latest air strikes and the aftermath of those as well during and you met a treat? oh, it is being passed to palestinians who are living in rough district time in particular in the middle area in the central areas of that very densely populated area. we clearly see now people have been receiving these kinds of orders for out dropping leaflets and also from a voice calls that been made by use very offices informed make residents to not remain in the area because it will be a back towards the later as to what progresses and the military encourage and of roughly capt could be expanded. so that reflects the intention of this valley
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minute treat to expand the flight to in a refund. despite saying that it's a very limited mandatory inclusion of the city. that in order to militarily this month of the how much remaining vitale and stuff. but we can see that you minute, your oldest also being 2 pos to people in the north of gauze value refugee camp as well to not no longer exists in that area. so clearly, palestinians, both in the north and the south do not know what to give. as we can see that more evacuation waves have been made in the past couple of hours to a mazda area, which is already all crowded, popular over crowded civilian area. so. a really liked of the ongoing displacement waves among palestinians attacks were ongoing on the ground as in the middle areas . only more than 20 palestinians have been report of killed and the vast majority have been pro to unlocks the hospital in order to be the best. later for burial. yeah, thought it, that's it. it's, i mean where you are in front of from the hospital. that's where a number of bodies have arrived.
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yes, that's completely right now. the, the, the, the studies have been transferred to our locks. the hospital as multiple houses in as the way the kinds of rates refugee camps have been hits without any prior warnings. and even it's expected that we want witness within the company got was more attacks on david by the light of ongoing intelligence efforts being made by these many trends in the intolerable area where it owner was saying that more than 150000 palestinians have been fleeing from rough off to the milwaukee and even to debt really about a 100. this is absolutely terrifying as me in numerous pressure have been made on the medical sector that is completely struggling. today. i've been touring in the move of unlocks the hospital and that's why, really so the we are now in the move of the hospital,
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which is the main central hospital in the world. what we can see right now here is that new bodies aligned on the grounds as they did not find any place for them inside the refrigerators in the smoke, in order to be kept in signs of today. earlier, at least 30 palestinians have arrived to the hospital as the bodies. we can see families now remaining beside the bodies of their beloved one. we can see the bodies of elderly people, women, and children who do now do not have even a pro burial. some of them are still on identifying to due to the masses to destruction, of attacks being carried out by these, by the military. now the capacity of this move is sure. lemme to the cannot take more than 10 bodies is found. that's absolutely terrifying. in light of the on going is really military campaign on the unprecedented tail of death amongst
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civilians in the central area as the hospital is struggling to keep operating in light of the deep sure what to do to use on the ball outages in the entire area. thought it in your report, we can see obviously the distraught family members of those palestinians who were killed by israel. and i understand that they didn't want to speak on camera. but what did they tell you? it will, i've been speaking to them away from the camera because they were in a very miserable condition. they have been crying in dust and leslie as i've been talking to them, but i managed to get some of that better. sions, that's what i was talking to them. they've been saying that there were sleeping peacefully and nights of the nights then suddenly the entire house was completely destroy the we're lucky that they are survived. but the, i've been saying that the last, the number of their family members, and this is absolutely a part of they have what they have been going through the,
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the scenes of the, the, when it's are completely mixed with hot break and with deep and the grief that they've been saying that we have been following the old as of the military. we have been escaping from the north to the mid area and now we have been killed in the area that is supposed to be as it saves over. so people, as i've been talking to them, what completely in a very deep sites, all a sudden listen 3, if they are frustrated that so now they are not yet being a, for the protection as the have completely saying that we did not do anything wrong . we have been hate without any prior warnings. we did not tell us to flee, and now we have lost our beloved ones. but thankfully we up, we come from this attack life, but we have been left behind and we, the attack has resulted. it's completely deeps causing all hearts that the entire areas that we're living in completely have been destroyed, released back memories. uh now we are,
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we're completely losing our beloved ones. as they're sitting, we did not expect we did not expect any ends for the fight thing in the foreseeable future. okay, tara, thank you so much for that update from dated by as well. ok, so hospital is the only health care facility imbedded by the doctors. there's a fuel supplies are dwindling, and then for that he reports the he didn't crisis in the basement of getting bella ox hospital with this and now you can was, this was a little off of it. i like so hospital is supplied with 20000 liters. if you, every i days we was supposed to have received that quantity 2 days ago and we have 10000 liters is back on. yeah. but that's been consumed over the past 2 days beyond . we only have enough fuel for 24 hours an hour ago. we received 2000 liters. it's enough enough for half a day. all of these tanks are empty because for more than 5 days,
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karen asylums crossing the commercial crossing has been up close, where no few entered the gauze was true, according to the house. so they're saying that this is only the only time this has few left and those who run the generators know, shortages here translate to the reveal problems on the word, a bar along the whole for the and we have intensive care. we have a nursery with 24 incubators for newly going babies. such cases are at risk of going at any moment if the power goes out. and we also have a busy schedule of surgery runs around the cloud if the situation is not dealt with today. uh, the generator will be turned off tomorrow. how many pallets? 20 minutes you have have is warnings us if you will, does not enter the gaza strip, especially to this house with an indented viola. it's going to shut down in the humanitarian and how situation is going to collapse. this is in the for the odyssey
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to alexa hospital. that is the la garza palestine. a us report on is really military operations and gaza has found its use of american weapons likely violated international law. the state departments report to congress issued a rare criticism of israel's military conduct. but then it stopped short of identifying specific instances that would justify withholding military age. particle hanging reports from washington dc is what we are seeing and gods, or the death destruction and starvation. a violation of international law. that is what the state department has been investigating is they said yes, us military aids could be cut off. the report found it's possible israel is violating the law, but they are definitively saying it is using language like it is reasonable to assess the defense articles has been used by is really security forces inconsistent
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with its i h l or international humanitarian law obligations. but they argue the law does not have to be invoked because israel is investigating the reports, as israel says it's implementing restrictive measures to protect sites such as hospitals, schools, places of worship, and un facilities. according to the united nations hospital and medical facilities have been attacked, more than 600 times. schools attacked more than $200.00 hundreds of houses of worship destroyed. and 169 un facilities have been attacked. that's not highlighted in the report, but it does signal out a long list of incidents. spelling out the facts. israel targeting humanitarian convoys, including the killing of 7 world central kitchen workers, attacks on hundreds trying to get a targeting buildings, housing to manage hearing aid workers. analysts say this kind of us criticism of israel is unprecedented. they make factual findings that israel's violating
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international law, they want it to be a political decision to hold weapons, not a legal requirement to withhold weapons. and so i think that was a political decision of the white house and the state department to deliberately fall short of requiring themselves to hold arms shipments so they can use that as a carrot and stick politically. with this, riley's, this doesn't change you as president joe biden's threat to cut off offensive weapons. if israel launch is a full scale invasion of rafa. but it does lay out more reasons why he might patty coffee, l g 0, washington. the united nations general assembly has voted overwhelmingly to supports. palestine has been to become a full member, a 143 countries voted in favor of that resolution which expands palestine is right at the u. n. and calls on the security council. it's a reconsider. it's application for full membership. 9 countries voted against the
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resolution and $25.00 abstained. one of the countries that voted against the motion was the united states. we have with us, i mean, audi on who's the director of the center for islam and global affairs. that is stumbles same university. welcome back to alta 0. so for palestine to have full membership with the you, i mean that vote has to go to the security council where we know that us has vetoed it in the past. i mean, you, us now says if it goes to a security council, we will veto it again. do you think that frustration is growing along un member states? ok, the americans at this point? absolutely. this is like the 5th of 6 vote just since october the united states is going to veto this. i mean, they have done it 4 times before. and now you have 2 states in this system, united states and isn't on one hand. and particularly the virtual or the hold words on the other. and people are extremely frustrated because they can't get this worked and they can get any kind of resolution. now even the a, me through an aid which the not states has been threatening as a, is being cut off for the past 4 or 5 days. nothing's been done about it. you know,
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with all this destruction and have taking place. and yet the night states does not see that it can intervene and make a difference. so what can you one member states do in particularly, i mean also when it comes to israel, who, which continues to violate multiple un security council resolutions. what do we do? have a history of past experience with south africa, the united nations, and many countries around the world in pull sections. and it's all kinds of economic penalties on in the south africa eventually even kicking out south africa from the general assembly. i think they can try the pets as well, because as well as been defined there. well, for the longest time, time bits of resolutions have been passed by the 9th nations. none of them have been employed implemented in, in any meaningful way. and united states has been protecting is a, it was across it is during this whole time with infinity base. where are the error of states mr. noddy, on why don't they use any of the leverage that they have?
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it's quite cheerful. you know, some of that up states are basically a complete system described even without saying it i'm, some of them are just impotent. but we have to remind ourselves that there's a lot of a card. so they can say they have a lot of leverage. internet states today, there is at least one trillion and $700000000000.00, so that's a lot of money invested in the american economy. they can stop withdrawing it or at least threaten to withdraw it. there is a lot of americans basis in the middle east about $650.00 basis and 9 out of countries. this is also a lot of leverage. they could use that as the oil that's being you sell, sold in dollars, which should make basically makes the dollar the reserve currency in the work. this is also huge leverage. there's so many costs that they can play. they can withdraw the invested those they can do all kinds of things, but unfortunately there is no will within the political order to use any of it. and it just one more thought from you about this report to congress over in the us and
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the by the administration saying, but look, we accept that, that is really the government's assured us that it's not violating us or international law is when it comes to how it's conducting the war in gaza, but this is going really against what international age groups as well as the u. n . is saying that israel is indeed violating a humanitarian laws and goes out again. i mean back to the issue of the us, why is it going to such lens to protect israel continues to do so, 7 months into this war. what, of course, we have to realize design is followed and gripped on the american political system . no one can deny that, but also we see that the united states has been using is an, as a club also to maintain its interest, even though it's interest. now we're being severely homes. and i think the, if you look at the reports it's, it's quite kind of kind of a little kids because is using some language to satisfy some of the left wing and his party, the youth groups as well as that up in americans and michigan and other places
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because he can't win without them, and he's trying to speak on both sides of his mouth, which is not going to work this time around. this report is quite isn't this ingenuous. in one hand, he says that is a violated international law. on the other hand, he says, we're not going to stop any shipments. so either the us is lying or that the u. s. policy or the u. s. law contradicts international law, which doesn't make any sense. okay, so i mean, how do you on thank you so much. i. the still ahead on al jazeera, russia launched as a major ground assault on ukraine's northeastern cartier region. civilians have been told to leave on warnings of communication blackouts after a powerful, silver storm fits the earth for the 1st time in 20 years. the
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highly saves no rain stone quite nicely now, just nudging further northwards across southeast asia. we have seen some lobbies still just to the east of a job here in the northwest of a popular and you're getting more than a 100 millimeters. the frame here in the space of 24 hours because scattering the showers, they can see that main line of stones coming out to pnc pushing or rod across indonesia. so much with that to into west and pumps of borneo and a good scattering a shout through some entre easing up across them. a light finished and notice good rash of storms. now, breaking that hate across much of indo china, the rest of storms to, into the east. the side of australia recently sydney has had a 170 millimeters of freight in just on the 2 weeks. and we are looking to, well, compare that to the a monthly average 120 millimeters of right space west type of the next couple of days as well. go this area cloud here on shore shala's just coming into the coast of new south wells. i'm in the shop of freight,
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so this truck that's going to make his wife the easiest way to, to pump together the s falls to rise. and we're looking at some big down pools. maybe another 100 millimeters or more into positive that is the side of australia, grassy moving away as we go through monday. the unique perspective. why is it the doctors don't get to have the same if this, the medical workforce has been sown, devalued by the discussion with pacific time on hud voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you want find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we? the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream on out to the era on the
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the, the top stories on alpha 0. this, our, israel's military has issued a 2nd evacuation order for parts of the eastern dropped off. its forces had been engaged in heavy fighting in the neighborhoods east of stuff of city. more than a $100000.00 palestinians of fled southern gauze since monday. and early on saturday at least 30 bodies were taken to an upstart hospital. indeed, and about 8 children were among the dead. the un has warned that unless israel allows fuel into gaza, the few remaining hospitals will be forced to shut down. because very generators will fail. food and medical supplies are dwindling, and a trucks have been denied access to district for a 6 day south africa as well. the request that the international court adjusters to
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order is really forces to withdraw from draft off. it says the way they're conducting their operation and draft. the hon. garza is genocidal. south africa's lawyers argue israel's assault on about fast as causing the repairable harm to the rights of the palestinians. it goes on to the states. if enough is destroyed, there will be little left of gaza or of the prospect for the survival of palestinians. the filing also stresses as the primary hub for humanitarian assistance in gaza. if a falls so to those guys uh, earlier we heard from mary i'm, she has an associate professor at the university of colorado. as law school, she says south africa's request as part of her wider strategy to pressure the bite and administration to end it's unconditional support for israel. right now with the latest request that south africa has made to the court. you know,
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it has made very clear how urgent it believes the situation to be inside of it as, as the court to weigh in on its provisional measures order within a week's time. and it has listed a litany of that, that highlight the, the, the really, the only thing that the court can and should do, which is at the minimum to order is real, to cease its military operation in rafa. and though it has not explicitly asked for this in this, in this particular request, it has referenced it throughout the request that it is high time the court actually demands that israel sees all of its military activities inside of casa, now will, is real, comply, know, israel will not comply, unfortunately, but this is part of a larger legal and political strategy to increase pressure on the united states on the bite and ministration to, to, to,
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to finally put some breaks on what is real is doing to the palestinians of gaza. the political pressure is undoubtedly mounting already of the turning to the war and ukraine now, and 2 people have been killed by russian shells in the northeastern car, key of region. the local governor says the ukrainian town of trask was targeted on friday. it's less than 5 kilometers, and the russian border, ukraine's armed forces have sent reinforcements to the region, which is 0 is drawn home and has more from keith. it was in the early hours of friday morning. the russian forces a box to cross the border. i mean to north, east and ukraine in the heart of keith region. now this region is especially important because it has ukraine, 2nd largest city, how to keep the city and this uh, uh,
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fonts and offensive wasn't just on the ground resume. so we have an aerial from above, and it was at villages and towns being evacuated as well on that front line on the hockey region. what president polonium is the landscape ukraine said that was for now you craning defenses holdings, but the a fee is $5.00. 2 was being full, obviously up which along the way, we're contacting us to buy the g and it's a russian launch the new way to the counter offensive in this direction. ukraine met them the with our troops per day. it's an artillery. it's important to understand that they can build up and consolidate forces in this area. it is a fact if it's, but i'm gonna treat them on this, you about it and calculate the cost is in order to meet the enemy with retaliatory file is odyssey there. now there was a brief hold back all the ways are scalable and then i believe that we stopped them without hillary fire. for the moment, we don't know yet if this is just a probing, a type by russian forces, or if this is
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a whole new front that's about to open up in this will, but either way, so you cry, it's a big problem. it's suffering from a severe lack of manpower and it's all me and also a real life of west, from rate, with the lots of it's been promised weapons from the united states and from it to europe and allies. but most of those still yet to arrive in that window before they arrive, russian forces are expected to try and press home their advantage. they're already push, pushing in slowly above the sink at all. the air is of the front line. and now this looks like a new hole that ukrainian force is going to have to try and plug john home. and i would just say to keep protests against georgia as controversial for an influence bill have been going on for nearly a month. demonstrators have been gathering in front of parliament, demanding the governments withdrawal. it's proposed legislation, which is 0, spoke to one of the protesters. my name is george uh to buy the um from by to me,
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a georgia. i'm georgia and i was interesting into politics from early age. right now. i study low in georgia and international institute of public affairs. of course, i love my country if you are going to fight for freedom or you are going to become like colonial of the country. of to me lays. georgia always had 2 choices, either european countries or is in north russia and post summit, a countries. we don't only want us, but you were up and you were in union. we consider ourselves, you were i was actually at the 1st lights, i was one if they were going to is a thursday of for these for this i was giving interview to you and at least after 30 seconds, i hear my name is sunday. and often one second,
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i am interested, i lost my glasses and they were beating me. they were shouting at me and that continued like for one or 2 minutes when the moment is calling you and keeping you 2 choices. every time georgia has not accepted only into one correct choice, and that is for fighting for freedom. that's what is great in georgia and people, families and mexico are protesting against the lowering of the official number of people declared as missing. the government's latest figures lowers that number from 813002 fewer than 13000 families. save this as a political move ahead for elections next month. i'll just there wasn't julie. i'll tell you all. no reports from mexico city. the
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mother's day, it's far from the celebratory for these women they are the mothers wives and sisters of mexico's disappeared. people within a 100000, our ability to be missing up for yolanda mode on the search for his son then hit him in has gone on for 15 years. we used to be health white's now with human rights defenders. we are the ones who do the work because the authorities have no idea of what they're doing. they ask us, what new information we got. that's our job. but it is our children, so we do it. is before he came to power, the mexican president and but as manuel lopez over that order repeatedly promised to address the issue of disappeared people. but the number of missing people in mexico has only grown during his term in office as drug cartel violets worse. and this presidential elections draw near, he has accused relatives of the missing of politically motivated, a tax, saving the official record of disappeared. people is being in slated to hurt his
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government. and also thirdly, we demand an answer from whoever is in charge of the country. so i made the signs for the faces of our leaders because the 2 have been missing in our search. they never agreed to meet with us. they have neglected their responsibility to find truth and justice for auction. this year's march as a message, not just for the current government, but also for the incoming one, a clear warnings on these relative that they're not going away until they know what happened to their loved ones and the demand that the government to feel its responsibility to find them until they do, and in the absence of the state, these mothers vowed to keep looking for their loved ones. the only way they can find and digging glen to stine graves throughout the country, hoping to piece together what happened to their children. julia go yano, i'll just sierra mexico city on our planet is experiencing. it's most powerful g o,
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magnetic storm and more than 20 years, which could trigger power and communication block house. a solar storm happens when the sun sends a series of strong solar flares, which then leads to a big increase in aurora displace scene around the world like this one filled in switzerland. sarah web is an astronomer. it's wouldn't burn university of technology in melbourne, australia. she says that the solar storm is a normal part of the sun cycle. this type of activity over the event that we're experiencing right now is right on our lifetime of events that we have monitored. it's not read in the lifetime of this done, johnstone undergrads, something called a solar minimum and maximum and it's one, it's magnetic field flips every 11 years or so. and we experience in uptake in solar.


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