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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 11, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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calls every meal is like a season from the farm to the tape, hundreds of excavations and restoration. this country is a place to slow down and enjoy the simple things coming to discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties. the, [000:00:00;00] the color there i'm just of the attain, this isn't use our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. more evacuation orders with no way to go. these really minute trade tells palestinians to flee eastern rafa fall intensifying its assault on the r. little victims of israeli strikes, meanwhile, arrive at all. ok,
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so hospital and central garza 8 children are among the dead. united states says israel's use of american weapons may have broken international. and asa plus we mock the 2nd anniversary of serene i was case killing. is there any forces shot dead to the alger there? a john left while she was reporting any occupied west on far as small with the sports. manchester said we have the chance to go top of the family. will be taking on full them away with victory. moving them to points clear of current leaders are the well that's 10 g m t and we begin this news hour in gaza where these really minute tree has expanded its ground operation in the southern. most areas of the strip desperate found these have been fleeing from rafa and the south one off to another, especially often now the latest is really order is really um it says about
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$300000.00 palestinians have now left eastern rafa on the ground. they told us these areas are not threatened and the safe, but it turned out that this area is dangerous and shows a fooling in the east of russell and well the whole lives and then to dump on the situation is very, very dangerous. we couldn't sleep at night, so it was all tillery shedding as well as rockets. the conditions are very difficult. there are no people in the street and food escapes and there's no food or water. well on friday is rarely for says it drops leaflets over the eastern pods . a rough, a district ordering people that to leave around 1700000 palestinians have sold shelter in that city for months. earlier on saturday, these really minutes we issued a 2nd about to ation order for neighborhoods. east of bravo city. it comes off to reports of heavy fighting in the district. the area that you see that the boston locked in blue is where it is really forces have now been stationed the spot. meanwhile, at least the same body as have been taken to the opposite hospital and they're all
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bile out from the central part of the strip. off to a night of heavy bombardment, we understand 8 children were among the dead. nearly 35000 palestinians have now been killed in israel as well and gaza since october. let's go straight to our correspondence on the ground talking a couple of thing he's in there will bother for us a topic, i believe you'll just outside lock. so hospital to go through what you've been saying. yes. and it starts in fact uh, the majority of population hit being trapped and there's about a 100. we have been moving that within the departments. silverlock, so hospitable we so how people are sleeping inside the hospitality sales because they did not manage to get a 2nd shows up with them in order to take you to the refuge and the realities. getting much more di, here in the i really by law street crammed with people long sided with the farm lands on the coast, a line of the city. and the have been following the is very military orders to get
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to get ready by seeking for safety. but we have be sure to know that there was a clue escalation on the attacks on the mid. the areas generally will at least set to palestinians have to report a skilled, including 8 children that the vast majority have been proved to locks the hospital as be as we have been completely moving between the departments. i went to the move of the hospital and what i so the was completed at this time. you guys are going to see right now we are now in the mood of an officer hospital, which is the main central hospital in the world. what we can see right now here is that new bodies aligned on the grounds as they did not find any place for them inside the refrigerators in the smoke, in order to be kept in signs of today. earlier, at least 30 palestinians have arrived to the out of the hospital as the bodies. we
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can see families now remaining beside the bodies of their beloved one. we can see bodies of elderly people, women, and children who do now do not have even a burial. some of them are still on identifying to due to the masses to destruction, of attacks being carried out by the use by the military. now the capacity of this move is too limited as to not take more than 10 bodies is found that absolutely terrifying in light of the on going is really military campaign on the unprecedented a scale of death amongst civilians. in the central area, the hospital is struggling to keep operating in light of the deep show it to you the ball outages in the entire area and even as tied to reporting that the hospital as a struggling. meanwhile, these randy army is announced even more about 2 ations from rough. i understand there's also been more strikes, took us through what they've been focus as well
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. that's absolutely come down to the realities the the grim reality in a real fund. other parts of the gaza strip new manager owed as being passed to the residents in the central areas of roof. last stating that this area is no longer safe and residents must play from a such a areas that are marked to be as a site as completely back. those are now people regarding that started to back their items and sleep looking for areas they do not have any set in place, has specific to go to box. they just, they leave without any certain specified lawn. so the departure they start to look for place as the entire trip has become completely overcrowded, with civilians from milwaukee to different bella coast. and this is completely terrifying because not only rough has been informed to sleep. all of the pots of gauze of stuff, including the noise, in particular, inter valia refugee come now they have been passing these military orders for the residents. and these military oldest have been a combined,
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but intense bombing can be just as a tool of pressure to force people to no longer exist in that part that you spend a minute. she says that we are trying to chase how must it be tele and stuff as they are trying to re organize the existence and that troops in the north of district. but they previously have announced that they managed to militarily dismantled those battalions in the same time beach managed to control the entire trip in the pre longed periods of operations in the north. what now, what we can see is there is an expand, you know, the fights and again, in these areas where people are confused, frustrated, exhausted, regarding what is completely happening in the course of the past 7 months without to know any real progress being made in order to approach to a ceasefire agreements are a couple of them are fortunate for us on the ground from daryl bella in the central part of the gaza strip. thank to tara, well, we can not ringing elijah magneer, he's a military and security unless he joins us now. from paris, elijah,
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i want to talk about where we are with israel's rough or offensive, and perhaps it's semantics here. but as far as i understand it, all troops on the ground, in rough on the gauze, inside of the costing they've been issuing needs about to raise notice they've been moving, seemingly zoned by zone, but these national community isn't calling it a ground. defense is the one that would be a red line, so essentially has the rough or offensive begun and everything but name of what these readers are really in a difficult situation in wi fi. because they have stalled to the operation by occupying a small one area. that dude is between the raw crossing and the cut them up beside him crossing. never that as by asking the but a senior do ivank p 8. they are helping the resistance to a target the is really without having civilians in the way the that's one
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point. second, the, these really, these are a putting pressure on the resistance by forcing re negotiation because they had the is really cabinet gave the old us for the dedication to renew the negotiation. so at the same time, these are these all trying to put pressure monitor leaks, but they not succeeding because the resistance is hitting them in rock. they hitting them also, and the noise and in the cell these really announced that they, they want to return to your body where they have left in november last year. so they all have all different funds. so what they trying to do is to put pressure not only on the resistant, but also on the americans saying if you don't watch the can, don't want us to continue in rough up, then you need to put pressure on there. but it has to mean to accept the terms never that to produce damian's would never accept the damaged. so right the on the
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control rates, they are bombing the bit. rosetta a city that just a 2nd largest, the officer at jerusalem at the end that is 40 kilometers from guns up, showing the renewal on off capability. so all of that is really embarrassing. these really all me that is because of the one of the strongest and them of the lease, and supported by the, the sort of a bar and industrial for g, like germany, it's and know, managing to occupied 365 square kilometers. so elijah, it sounds like everyone's maneuvering here as these talks are ongoing. meanwhile, the we're now looking at what's up to 300000 people who have been forced to flee rasa. so is the, is ran the idea then in the meantime, until something else has decided to go bit by bit until more than 1500000 people have been shelves, data russell. yes. because the 1st of all that has no bad,
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any safety can get for them by off with them to move to high units and to data. but these are unsafe area and they are also destroyed. they already occupied by, by 400000. but as teens who fled from the knoll is very handful, they don't have a plan for them. secondly, but they all stated $1100000.00, but it's tanya and rough off they for they cannot push the forces into an area so densely populated before finding a solution. so, and above all of the, most importantly, is going to be a problem for these really occupation forces to go interrupt. because the objectives are far from being a cheap and they have not been achieved to know in the south. and they nobody to be a cheap and they in rough off mainly because it then, you know, they meet at the incentive to destroy the pool. but the idea that, according to him, this is what's remaining and how much us at the same time, he's at the end of those and this, oh,
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so it doesn't fit what did not receive. he's really is offering. i mean, obviously him, us is, is doing a show of strength. now as we speak, as you said earlier, i am curious the given what we're seeing now in the south, does this essentially mean that the border is basically entirely close to? is the easy time you close back to day? these are, these are in control of everything that can come into guys, even from rock sauce crossing all kind of a sudden. therefore we are back to the salvation policy by these really because the admitted to me is all failing. so again, they are thinking they can put pressure on opinions, but this is a dish of view. we've seen that in the north was up in the south and did the work. so this is where we see these readings are really in the and the trouble in finding
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the proper solutions full that prices and yes, they are stopping to the seniors, but the custodians have adapted so it became again, a routine elijah, my have as minute treat and secure as alice speaking just from power, thank you for joining us on sharing your insights here on, on to 0. thank you for having me. well, as elijah was mentioning, it has now been 6 days since israel has allowed a trucks. integral is that simon is spreading, i'm afraid, surprise, all are in the expected to last for a few more days. the one has ones, but unless is what allows fuel into gaza. hospitals and ambulances will also be unable to function. a group say that babies and into bases and the few remaining hospitals will die unless the facilities receive fuel for generates is your cool israel come to electricity supplies to gaza in october? i'll ox. the hospital is the only healthcare facility in the central city of channels. all those useful doctors that say that fuel supplies on the wind thing as him del,
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could ari reports of the he didn't crisis in the basement of the ox hospital with that. and then a can with systems without off, i'd be like, so hospital is supplied with 20000 liters. if you, every i days we was supposed to have received that quantity 2 days ago and we have 10000 liters is back on. yeah. but that's been consumed over the past 2 days beyond we only have enough fuel for 24 hours. an hour ago we received 2000 liters. it's enough enough for half a day. all of these tanks are empty because for more than 5 days, power asylums crossing the commercial crossing has been closed, where no fuel entered the gauze was true according to the house. so they're saying that this is only the only time cause has few left and those who run the generators know, shortages here,
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translate to the reveal problems and the worry about the long, the whole for the end we have intensive care. we have a nursery with 24 incubators for newly born babies. such cases are at risk of going at any moment if the power goes out. and we also have a busy schedule of surgery runs around the cloud. if the situation is not dealt with the die out, the generator will be turned off tomorrow, and the palestinian minister of have is warnings us if you will, does not enter the gaza strip and specially to this hospice and indebted bella. it's going to shut down and you're going to target and how situation is going to collapse. this isn't the odyssey to unlock the hospital. that is the la garza palestine. the us report on is there any minute shell patients in garza has found its use of american weapons likely violated international the state department's report to congress issued a reg, criticism of as well as military conduct,
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but it stopped short of identifying specific like instances that would then justify withholding that created project on hand reports from washington dc is what we are seeing and got the death destruction and starvation a violation of international law. that is what the state department has been investigating. if they said yes us military aids could be cut off. the report found it's possible israel is violating the law, but they are definitively saying it is using language like it is reasonable to assess the defense articles has been used by as really, security forces. inconsistent with its i h, l, or international humanitarian law obligations, but they argue the law does not have to be invoked because israel is investigating the report says, israel says it's implementing restrictive measures to protect sites such as hospitals, schools, places of worship,
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and un facilities. according to the united nations hospital and medical facilities have been attacked, more than 600 times. schools attacked more than $200.00 hundreds of houses of worship destroyed. and 169 un facilities have been attacked. that's not highlighted in the report, but it does signal out a long list of incidents. spelling out the facts. israel targeting humanitarian convoys, including the killing of 7 world central kitchen workers, attacks on hundreds trying to get a target in building housing to manage hearing aid workers. analysts say this kind of us criticism of israel is unprecedented. they make factual findings that israel's violating international law, they want it to be a political decision to hold weapons, not a legal requirement to withhold weapons. and so i think that was a political decision of the white house in the state department to deliberately fall short of requiring themselves to hold arms shipments so they can use that as
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a carrot and stick politically. with this, riley's, this doesn't change you as president joe biden's threat to cut off a sense of weapons if israel launch is a full scale invasion of route but, but it does layout more reasons why he might patty coffee, l g 0, washington. let's bring it out. is there a senior political analyst smelling the shower? he's going to be not here, not to our house to dear simone. what did you make the choice of language that we saw? he was this, the us giving itself room. so i'm going to go to is going to be on the well, there's only functions that or i thought that would have been the 3rd scenario. finances. the 1st scenario i thought 1st they were probably let them off. the hook for antenna is that it would not be complicit, but america would be completed by letting them off the hook. the other one would have been to say, clearly is right, is in violation with the national humanitarian little on the laws of war. and who is right is complicit and source and general side. but then i thought it's also essential. now it is that they would fudge it. budget,
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meaning they usually american cautious. we will see where we're going to continue to the then to with we don't have all the information 7 months later. we don't have all the information. we actually don't know what's happening on the ground. and guys, it's been described as heavily lloyd the language, which, i mean this, of course, that's a state department and it is experts, but the point being they knew that they're going to be a headline. i criticized but not the executive in violation in a moment of honesty and decency president biden said, it is in this crime, industry bombing guys that's a violation of international in the moment of candor, the by there and ministration said that is or is stopping aid to the people them guys are over weeks and months to day one. mrs. mccain. right. says that simon is our reality in northern part of guys. that is right. is
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really making sure that it does not go. it is what fundraising hung up again, a war crime. so the american officials, american experts, the lawyers in the state department understands ultra when that is right, isn't violation, but they prefer to fudge it this way. they are also not sales responsible. so is it then about legal liability, or is this a, a space for political in the news? so the us can then decide politically, whether or not to withhold weapons that they're not legally obliged to withhold both. absolutely, it's a good question both because they are not mutually exclusive. of course, right on the one hand is the united states has been trying and every possible way a piece for the forced past 4 months to distance itself from the heart of fixing it is the war crimes, the hunger as on so forth. what at the same time providing is read with weapons, but as things getting ugly on ugly and domestic scene is becoming more chaotic and then election year. the trying slightly to project more and to, you know,
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create some kind of a distance, illegal dispense if you wouldn't between them. and his right by warning is right about the human cost of its invasion over 5 for example. right? but be that as it may, you would have expected after 7 months of unraveling unfolding genocide on t v screens that admit session or would have had the decency to court a spray this paper. well, i'm curious about washington's own legal liability here because there's obviously proceedings ongoing, the i c j and they have said that they're continuing to send weapons. they pause this, this one button shipment that they are sending all the weapons. how does all of that fit in to, to that the legal situation more broadly for the us? okay, sound good. now i can disagree with you with that, with the tone of your question to do, you're not just, it doesn't give a damn about international law. it says in terms of accountability, it would never,
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ever be held accountable. even some america americans sent those who actually bit laughable. they sent them to invade the hague if necessary, right. if any of their officials or their allies, officials were somehow una snacks and take them to the hague, with america has not. there's not a signatory, it doesn't care. and if you look since seconds, world war, including russia and china and others, when you are powerful, you are not accountable to international law. when you are weak is when you're african. so when you are, but when you're american or an american ally, it's very difficult to be held accountable in any court of law internationally. that's why the united states, in, as far as what's going on and what is important, is more than the domestic scene. the international pressure, hence it's standing in the world, it's standing in its own society that is really matters more than international the got it. well, so taking all of that into account and the, the various different considerations in front of president biden right now,
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is that a red line right now for the white house? but this, it seems like it do, you know, because since the very beginning they've been talking about other ones, like there's no tomorrow, bloodlines out of japan. let's rise out of washington. drug lines about the land and vision led to some kind of what advice deadlines about the security is on the rise, and the red lines about uh, maintaining some kind of a siege and so on, so forth. but it continues to violate and, and kind of, uh, the past all these red lines in the american mission to seem to follow. so, but that's happens that a pattern and the fact that it's not clear. and that's in the how i said very clearly. you said, i'm not if it is a thing i and that you can move within the right direction. is res with the same spirit of nothing. you know, in general, think americans are inherently difficult and people. but you can easily do americans that you can do whatever you want and you can manipulate the
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united states. and if the by the position was not manipulated, you can always bring those right. a lobby and make sure that it is monday predicted by how long the show and thank you for joining us again. his name is alex hall. south africa has filed an urgent request at the international court of justice to order is really forces to withdraw from rafa and says the way they're conducting, the operation in rasa and in gaza, is genocidal. so the africans, lawyers argue that israel is assault, and rafa is causing a reputable home to the rights of palestinians, goes on to state. if profit is destroyed, they will be less left of garza or the prospect for the survival of palestinians. the finding also stresses as the primary hub, fixing monitoring assistance, and also for our, for fools. so to those garza or earlier, we had from their injunction to an associate professor, i think the rest of colorado is all school. she says, shut off cuz request as part of
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a broader strategy to pressure the by the administration to end. it's unconditional support for israel right now with the latest request that south africa has made to the court. you know, it has made very clear how urgent it believes the situation to be inside of it as asked the court to weigh in on its provisional measures order within a week's time. and it has listed a litany of that, that highlight the really, the only thing that the court can and should do, which is at the minimum, to order israel to cease its military operation in ra huh. and though it has not explicitly asked for this in this, in this particular request is referenced it throughout the request that it is high time the court actually demands that israel seized all of its military activities inside of gaza. now will israel comply? know israel will not comply, unfortunately, but this is part of
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a larger legal and political strategy to increase pressure on the united states on the bite and ministration to, to, to, to finally put some breaks on what is real is doing to the palestinians of gaza. the political pressure is undoubtedly mounting already on the united nations general assembly. has it version overwhelmingly, to support palestine? it's been to become a phone and a 143 countries. where is it in favor of that resolution which expands part of science rights of the u. n. and also cause on the security council to reconsider its application for full membership. 9 countries version against the resolution 25 . i'm staying now. one of the country is that 1st head against the merchant was due nighted states. get rid of the reports from un headquarters in new york is a round of applause in the united nations general assembly. after over whelming majority of member states really in favor of
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a resolution that says palestine qualifies for a membership. and as the security council to reconsider its bid, we did not try you on charter. we did not enact instead of nation. i know we just demanded to see them applied to us and have been until now denied their protection in inactive pediatrics using a prop. israel's ambassador said, any human rights or privileges bestowed on palestine would be akin to shredding the un charter. a spokesperson for the secretary general rejected this. there's many charters. there's one right here. the charters intact, its ideals are attacked. the draft resolution agreed to had some symbolic privileges for palestine like allowing them to sit among full members and also some
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more tangible benefits. like allowing palestine to participate in most un meetings . something they could not do before. but the water down resolution, which the us voted against, specifically maintain palestine with non member observer status. full membership to the un require security council approval. last month, the us vetoed palestine is full membership, bid us contents. palestine should negotiate the issue with israel. argument reputed by pakistan's ambassador negotiations must have a level playing field. this is, is, was, is negotiating is a full member of the, of the united nations. so to show that this time, while the resolution over whelming, we adopted by the general assembly calls on the security council to reconsider palestine is bid for full un membership. it's unclear if they will actually do so. we should know in the next few days,
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but even if the council decides to reconsider it, it still faces the same obstacle as before. us has already said if necessary, they would be to it again. gabriel is on joe. i'll just need a united nations new york. oh, it's been curious since there's really forces killed altos air john, that's true in i will. okay. and you'll keep hide westbank. it happened while she was reporting on and is really on the rate. and the janine refugee counts despite the evidence. no one has been held to account for her killing in the last 218 days is what it has killed a 143 john. this and media work is in gaza and i'll do 0. it has documented more than 50 attacks against alledge on this here, just some of them. in october, about several family members of al jazeera has gone to the bureau. chief, well, i'll do what killed and is there any strike killed? his wife is 15 year old son, 7 year old daughter,
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and one year old grandson that same month and his rarely strong killed 19 members of announces, here are both cost engineers. from me, mohammed, i've become sounds family or sheltering, and the volume refugee can just send them out of their correspondence. uninstall sharif, lost his father in his riley strike, targeting his family's house in jamalia, and also in december, drones strike killed aus. is there a time and then some other. com, but wounding bureau chief? well, i'll do. then in january, i'll do his oldest son, holmes. i've also found a 0 was killed when his call was talking to invite drones strike. he's been trying to interview just based civilians when his vehicle was struck on the wall on garza has been the most dangerous contract for john this involved in history that speak to are and see if he's a journalist and photographer with plus $97.00 to magazine. he joins us now from tel aviv around i believe you are at trans funeral. i don't suppose you were surprised at what we've seen since then. yes, sir,
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i will present to the shootings funeral in east jerusalem. and when the procession starting the on the right to police to the funeral, i talking to family members, the press, everybody was there. we spent on this then the trying to prevent even her funeral. and this was not surprising. and since then, we've seen on the escalation in the tax a against you already, but she put a few insurance, but the alternate cover, the situation, it needs or the other thing, i must say that this is a profit process that is happening for dozens of years. and it starts from the smart case, and so i can say from witnessing myself that in every occasion, every event or practice, those other incident in the west bank and also by the through some the police is limiting the freedom of press in some amount. it can be pushing us that way, limited in your access. and of course targeting, turn a group of turn 60 or go,
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it's done grenades or, and bathrooms. and this is part of the bigger part of the, of just not respecting freedom of press in the occupied territories and trying to prevent it the because i believe that these are the governments and based on your for did prefer that they were not to be free reporting from the area around the list that i just read in terms of a tax on out. is there a journalist? i feel that speaks for itself. as i've done this through a self, do you have any doubt that john lists all being targeted? i i think journeys are being targeted refinished the, as i said before, so in the west bank in eastern time in many cases, it like the case of shooting up rockland, other cases to turn a stop wearing precipice that think separately in group of the detroit switch. cameras with dr. ports and data being targeted. and we can understand that the official policy because the test case has been terminated due to go to he's a court in charge try to through the state and state the previous row for this.
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this fate have said many times in the court that this is the fault of the journalist for being what they do. they call a conflict all born. so even when we're talking about that is true, so that more profit store, right? you know, the, a war like you guys are, and they say that this is the responsible of the journey for entering the area. then from that we can learn this as a opponent, feel sometimes targeting sometimes no trying well during the enough effort to protect it. generally on the ground around in your mind, what is the strategic motivation for restrictions like this or the targeting of journalist? and you mentioned that there is some broad policy by the israeli government is the public awareness of what's going on. so i think of course, incentives, relatives, not enough, but probably co earnest and this because of many years of incitement against charlie, especially in just against that. your child, for example, we've seen in stipends or is it is very politicians. again,
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people who are doing but again during the store doing the job. so when it comes on the ground for a policeman, will army attacking turn. if it's not surprising because this is, this comes from my up. and in my opinion, this is another way to silence to proceed in voices to try to prevent, from keeping reporting on the ground. the reality. the reality that these are the media, especially if we're talking about the war and gather the easily made through media, is not showing. so these are the public what is happening yet. so the study of thought is the trying to limit the apps that we've seen. the for the people for an international trying to enter guides a independently. and these are for kids allow to enter only eating bid for 2 or 3 stages, early minutes or the show just what they want. so i think all that back against joyce on the ground and also the environment and the banding go back to do a chinese what is part of the effort to limit the realities and to control what the public hearing site is ready, but also on the words c,
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r n z the john less than photographer with plus $97.00 to magazine. thank you for sharing your thoughts on your experiences here with us on out of there. thank you so much. well, palestine solidarity values has been held meanwhile across the globe. august on university students and launched to the american embassy. and as i'm about waving palestinian sizes you're seeing denouncing washington support israel. they also quote for boy, a lot of his really goods in jordan's capital, a non protest of the code for a safe fund and demanded that israel and it's a tax on rafa. and also some of the scenes on the streets of humans capital sent off who is the officials of organize demonstrations every friday. and since it's rare launched its assault on the gaza strip stock enough time the
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moving on to the 4th phase of india is 6 week long general election is set to take place on monday and then administered custom. it is among the regions going to the polls, but for the 1st time and decades, the governing b. j. p is not fielding account of it from them. a reminder, the indian government has not gone to in v those 2 lounge on list. so we're covering the selection from outside the country for gain reports. it's the final days of campaigning in indian administered kashmir for what he'd or roman power. the regions traditionally, boy culture directions, phone calls from separatists. but he's telling customers that, that voice, mathis, this election, dining point, renting no, did, and go and does a huge vacuum of 56 years. and this is, this will be an expression, people to vote with their feet come out and you know, express themselves power with jo twice after the governing b, j. p. government, repealed indian administer. the cache me is autonomous status in 2019. he was suspected of having ties with separatists opposed to indian governance. his
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struggles of health can strike a quote with both his ways of deal. yeah. well he bought or was it a certain has to be in trouble? is that a common crush me task? that's why that you'd want him to succeed until 2019 indian administered kashmir. enjoy the special status that allowed to the separate constitution and protection of land and jobs. under the indian constitution, after was revoked, jumbo and kashmir was split into 2 federally rude areas and gold under capital new dallas direct control. critics say it was intended to change the demographics of kashmir induced only most of the majority region. the general elections of the 1st big political exercise in general and cash me since the government imposed a harsh, locked down diving mass protest against the changes it held several local leaders in custody for months. almost up to a former chief minister was one of them. in the past, i have fought elections against pucca stone and succeeded. and in this election,
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if new deal is against us, we trust with god's will. we will succeed once again. the b j. p is not fielding, a candidate from the region for the 1st time since 1996. the regional policies opposed to the b j. p sites because of anger over the government's decision to revoke general and catch me is special status. the policy says the move has built normality to the him. elaine region of to kate, some blood shed in the people should give other parties at the setting this guns by voting and telling them that it's because of them. we lost articles 370, but i bought back the protection and security to the region. cache me is divided between india and pakistan, who both claim it in its entirety of to their independence from british rule. in 1947, it's one of the most militarized regions in the world on the list save people, one change. they have seems to be an interest in direction, not simply because people want someone, rather,
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the policy of the local park is to be on that side of it. as compared to be just recently, 3 rebels were killed in a gun fights with indian soldiers. and last week, an engine at fort campbell, who was attacked in a boat of town, leaving one post and deadened full injured signs of hopkins. the region is ahead of the boat poking out you 0. meanwhile, india is top. court has gone to bail to jail, deposition data, and chief minister of the capital in new delhi alban kendra was arrested back in march on corruption charges. his temporary release allows him to campaign in the general election, which is now under way. federal laws policy has cooled the case against and fabricated and politically motivated to people have been killed by russian shells in ukraine's northeastern khaki region. the local governor says the town of chance coaches, as in 5 kilometers from the russian border, was targeted on friday. he finds onto horses of central reinforcements to the region of cubans,
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and russians has knocked victory day in the capital. havana together for the 1st time, the separation of the soviet union's defeat of the nazis during world war 2. the 2 countries have been allies since the cold war era and cuba has remained close to russia even off to its invasion of ukraine in 2022. the families in mexico protesting against the lowering of the official number of people, the cat as missing the government's latest fake, as low as the number from 813002 fewer. and $13000.00 companies say it's a political move ahead of the election is next month. and there is truly going on a reports now from mexico city or the mother's day. it's far from celebratory for these women. they are the mothers, wives, and sisters of mexicans, disappeared. people were then
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a 100000 or ability to be missing for yolanda mode on the search for her son then hit him in has gone on for 15 years. we used to be housewives, now we're human rights offenders. we are the ones who do the work because the authorities have no idea of what they're doing. they ask us what new information we've got. that's our job. but it is our children. so we do, it is before he came to power, the mexican president and bisman with lopez over that order repeatedly promised to address the issue of disappeared. people. but the number of missing people in mexico has only grown during his term in office as drug cartel violets worse. and this presidential elections draw near. he has a ques, relatives, of the missing of politically motivated attacks, saying the official record of disappeared people is being in slated to hurt his government. and also thirdly, we demand an answer from whoever is in charge of the country. so i made the signs
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for the faces of our leaders because the 2 have been missing in our search. they never agreed to meet with us. they have neglected their responsibility to find truth and justice for auction. this is march as a message, not just for the current government, but also for the incoming one. a clear warning sundays relative that they're not going away until they know what happened to their loved ones and the demand that the government to fill its responsibility to find them until they do. and in the absence of the state. these mothers vowed to keep looking for their loved ones, the only way they can find and digging glen to stine graves throughout the country, hoping to piece together what happened to their children. julia, gal, yano alda, xerox mexico city, police and peru have to change the brother of the president dean and bought a warranty. it's part of a whitening corruption inquiry involving the peruvian leda for the last time was
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rated by police and launch because of undeclared luxury goods have brought the new cpanel is accused of leading a corruption network in which officials are appointed in exchange for bribes traffic on a stone now with flash floods have killed at least a 130 people. the waters had parts of the northern body on provence on friday. many of the victims were women and children. with r t say the flooding was caused by heavy seasonal reigns, and most people unprepared. emergency personnel off still searching for survivors. who's on the is government is banning the production of charcoal and some areas of the country. ministers say the move is needed to find the climate change, but still many people rely on it to cook food and their livelihoods and say they have no alternative source of energy. hardware. tasha has this report samuel 20, they can sell a bag of charcoal for $6.00 at the market. his big bags can face nearly $10.00,
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but that is government has banned the production of taco in some areas saying the practice is killing the environment and needs to stock number to $96.00 to $70.00. i was born in 1967 and i have been making and selling chuck or since i was a small boy, it's all my 5 that is the statement. it's how i have been providing for my wife and children. of child support is made by shoveling soil onto killed the wood inside brands with little oxygen leaving the black common wages for other people on jayden bonded taco is a lifeline for her family. she is one of thousands in the capital in the soccer, who can't afford to always buy electricity. oh my gosh, i do. most of my i used to alcohol to cook beans and food for my children. i also bottle of water, so my children can boss. this ben will be bad for us. i'm just, i'm busy tomorrow. but the government says the destruction of trees is contribution to climate change. and government leaders say
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a bad on taco is necessary to protect what's left of the country as far as. and the current drought brought on by the all new with the phenomenon is being made was by deforestation, and the degradation of land investigations and believe it to one committees wanted to make a statement there that match the rules that allowed and check will be in that area you'll be not jeff or benny. chuck whole production is an age old cultural practice and zambia passed on from one generation to another. families sometimes make additional cash by southern crops, they grow in the fields, but it lack of rain the season has wiped off the office and they say the government spends on child corporate action is adding to the hardship when they already struggling to cope with that. so the drought and the rising cost of living. how do we tasa out as a whole environmental activists in germany have trying to storm a factory owned by the electric comic a test on hundreds of people, broke through police lines in an attempt to walk. you probably about plant,
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which is near the capital balance. they want to stop the expansion of the factory, which is next to a protected far. i understand something very smart. so in canada, to mark here, and we're here today to draw attention to the, to the factory for the environmental destruction here, but also for the environmental destruction in countries like argentine, olivia with less in his mind that is needed. so these pantries and it causes terrible environmental destruction for the people, the but also the environment. that is why we're here today to draw attention to the spectrum. and i'll spell ahead here on elder 0 in sport, an incredible ending for quite a dramatic game. and the, and the payoff will show you exactly what went down in just a few months the after controversial presidential campaign. and the contested victory for most of the unto is said to lead innovation, se, asia's largest economy,
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a diverse nation with more than $1300.00 ethnic groups. political power comes through the people. we're not going to be determined by for in none of this. the presidents, alexis, indonesia, proposed to be unto talks to l. just the room over $27000.00 harrowing photographs . as can, we can do that to us. the evidence in this case is frankly even stronger than that that we had against the nazis at nuremberg. and these crimes continued in the fast of a 2 part series out to 0 photos, powerful cases of little crimes against civilians allegedly killed by the syrian government. with photographic evidence from the seas of files, the lost souls of syria on al jazeera,
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the the problem back, it is time for us to have this down. so yeah, thank you so much. manchester city have the chance to move top of the primary leave, at least starting there. a way match against full i'm seeing city currently in play . the game less than leaders are smaller. who have a one point advantage. victory on saturday will keep the fate of last season's trouble. winners in their own hands, form of star astride early holland could play a major role in the fortunes of pep. cordial this team, there no region scored or 4 times in their last. when the last 2 scores to play goals like others try, cuz like we'll just try cuz i would say, but he's going to wish it seems a rife, i'd be munificent to who can say numbers out here, but not just the numbers for many things are so play man, united
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a way on sunday. the gunners are chasing their 1st l. title for 20 years. and their manager was admitted that he's already visualized his players lifting probably lead trophy my brain always argument to the place where we are lifting the permanent lake. that's where my brain is when at the moment. so i just photo my brain on my god i'm do is how i feel. and this is as well the way that i want everybody to think and possibly what kind of children healing and bobby has confirmed, tell me leaving power saying sure man, at the end of the season, the french welcome winter had already said he wouldn't be signing a new contract with the club earlier this week he has g. we're knocked down on the champions league, semi finals, and 25 year old spent a 7 years with a team but failed to win, not competition as final game for p. s g will be against to lewis and the french league of this sunday. so this is, this is english class. i never thought it would be this difficult to leave my
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country and the french league. but i think i need this a new challenge after 7 years is difficult and of course there was some people i want to think of a hole in which these are the funds i need the and the n b a, the denver nuggets beat the minnesota timber was to pop their playoff series deficits. nikolai yo kits and jamal murray each $124.00 points to believe in august to $11790.00. when denver, who are the reigning champions, avoided going a 3 nothing down in their 2nd round series. game for the best of 7 series will be in minnesota on sunday, 2 weeks. everybody, their brother is saying, you're out, you're done. you guys can't play with just seeing the better than you. if that doesn't resonate within you as a competitor, i don't know what will. and so, yes, i guys answered the bill and they show me that they still believe there was an incredible ending to the pacers went against in new york next and remembered maiter's high breaking 3 corner was just as 17 seconds left in the game
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. tyree's halliburton finished with 35 points, ceiling. the pacer is 111 to 106 victory. however, the next still the, the series at 2 games to one game 4 is on sunday in indianapolis. was 76 days to go until the parents olympics, many of the world's best, the best athletes have been competing hearing cats are for the latest on the lead meeting. among them is indian superstar near edge chopra, the olympic world and asian javelin check in made a seasoned a view in cots, are you only finish 2nd missing out on the wind by just 2 centimeters. jacob vad lynch. it took the victory was a great performance by brazil's allison del santo, as he smashed the meeting record and 400 hurdles, winning and 46.86 seconds, which is the 5th, fastest time in history, the messy your thoughts are welcome to kind of fed the rag send out a strong message to his olympic rivals, the american one, the 200 meters and
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a personal best and world leading time of 19.67 seconds. he's looking to go one better in paris after taking silver in tokyo. of getting heads up harris and for the 1st time and olympic history, some winners will take home more than just a gold metal track. and field champions will receive a cash prize as well. and the richardson reports and at least the intensity to every events on the global athletics calendar. don't, don't even lead, unimportant steps on the weights. the powers games with a stalls of track and field won't just be competing for the gold medals. for the 1st time and olympic history, athletics wells governing body is to reward its title when is with the cash price, a gold medal will result in a $50000.00 bonus where possible, the athletes will go to see a correlation between us, both of these financially growing and their own non financial health and vibrancy.
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yeah. united generating profit of our image in our conversations. so it would be nice to kind of see that return monetary wise. sorry, it's a good start. olympic president thomas bank isn't convinced saying, willed athletics should focus. it's finance, he's on reducing in the qualities between it's member countries. there are in this way part of for the solidarity effort to do everything to create in the best possible way. equally conditions or on athletes around the world. the mouth and runners at the 1920 full parents olympics, had no hope of picking up a when his check, when the frenchman had a cubits on revive the games in 1996, he warned against the spirits of gain and professionalism. but that principle has been steadily eroded. valan picture also has changed in 1986 to welcome off place. regardless of that, i'm going to state this and that all competitors consign sponsorship deals and
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received money from the national governing bodies. the crew places of truth concealed will be uniquely place to benefit from this fixture lay, refunded, so rewarding. paris with other olympic sports yet. so full. i 6, we're definitely what do they start? it's really good and maybe it's what i say. it's a good motivation for identification to be able to and so there are lots of thoughts, something so track and field will be leading the way in paris and picks where the athletics gold medals will come with an added extra attached on the richardson allergies era. so 10 as well, number one, no bad job of that you needed medical attention after being hit on the head with a water bottle at the italian open. the. the incident occurred after you all can which one is opening match organizers say the bottle fell out of the fans backpack
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as they were leaning over to get an autograph. dogfish assess. he's fine and posted on social media that he will return to competition on sunday. and in canada, the edmonton oilers level there stanley cup playoffs series against the vancouver canucks. i've been blue chart scored a 5 minutes since overtime to lift the oilers, tow 43 when there's 2nd round series is now tied at one game, a piece game 3 moves to administer on sunday. and that is why you support for now by team this strategy. i, thanks very much final a power of planet is experiencing it's most powerful june magnetic storm in more than 20 is one which could even trigger power and communications blackouts. a sort of storm happens when the sun sends a series of strong solar flares, which then leads to a big increase in aurora display as seen around the wells. like this are all the beautiful one film in switzerland. with our web is an astronomer. the swing by and university of technology in melvin australia. she says, a solo store like this is
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a normal pots with the sun cycle. this type of activity over the event that we're experiencing right now is read on a lifetime of events that we've monitored. it's not read in the lifetime of this done, johnstone undergrads, something called a solar minimum and maximum and it's one, it's magnetic field flips every 11 years or so. and we experience and uptake in, sol, sled, and cranial mass suggestions, and that's exactly what we're seeing here. what's nice concerning now though, is that we live in the 21st century where we evict exponentially increased our reliance on communications and other technologies that are in space and on the ground. where electrical indifference is, can actually disturb it from this to your magnetic storm. and that's something that we're watching quite closely right now. it's normally airplanes of grounded or redirected around wherever occurrence of being reported. and we've seen this back in the 2003 halloween to magnetic storm. this is exactly what happened. we had a cross diverted to make sure that they run our incidences, but our infrastructure is designed for us to be able to control when we turn it on
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an offset. for example, our ground stations. here here on the ground, we're able to turn them off to limit the effect that a to make a big storm like this might have. so we do absolutely have protocols in place to try and limit the damage. but we have seen in past year matrix don't fit sometimes if it's not completely successful. so what we're seeing is that instead of needing to be quite far south or north to see the aurora, it's creeping on down search. uh, one of the best bits of advice is just go outside when it becomes stock in the evening and try and catch a glimpse. you might even be able to, uh, set your phones to take a long exposure image to try and catch that beautiful ribbons of dancing light across the sky. and yes, if you do have safe, solar viewing equipment, that is substantial to actually see the sun spots that have caused this on this to your magnetic event. so it is, there is a bright side to this. yes, we are concerned that it could affect our infrastructure, but it really sometimes is omar. so once in a lifetime, opportunity for people who do not live near the north and south poles to see over
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and actually as well. that's it for me and associates. hey, for this new zone doreen, we'll have more news for you in just a moment and i will see you off to the to stay with the in the brazilian amazon a star trail of the ongoing tragedy faced by the gentle money people. for years they have borne the brunt of the legal mining activities in rivers points and with mercury, rendering water and drinkable and fish inedible. in 2023, pressed and losing us, one of us to send a national task force to expel the invaders from the reserve. more than the year has gone by and nothing has changed or illegal miners return. every day we see their clients coming and going present lula has promised to help deforestation to increase the number of indigenous reserves for suffering indigenous people here say
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they've come to realize that having government support is not enough. they are still facing strong resistance from the powerful farm lobby in congress to the state bill expand the fight from their villages to the countries court rooms and electing their own politicians to save their lives. to arab writers from different countries, but with much uncommon rain upstairs. so a palestinian resistance poets jailed for his left wing views. his poetry was the weapon to use to fight the whole world and saw something sort of a syrian professor who lots of behind the scenes. there wasn't a secret movement 11 and syria had us going to the rock. that konstantin was not behind rebel writers, palestine and syria on that, which is 0. now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but it was not a jew, israel's a state. and they need to be treated as any other state. what,
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this is where the tough questions are, as can you see negotiations being even happen. this is most important, which if you're going to negotiate, poll unapologetic, i'm just upfront on out. the more evacuation orders with know where to go be is really military tells palestinians to flee extra and rough, well intensifying it's assault in the area. the, you're watching l 20 life or my headquarters in delphi and getting you navigate is also coming up. more victim stuff is really air strikes,


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