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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 11, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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she is slowly elected very close by common. he sits on to play with a large 3rd space with a little kitten. my privacy me now thinks royal. i can also somebody probably equal, resulted in gun the palestinians pack the entire lives onto the trunk. all these really mid a tree issues and now the evaluation for that, for east and rough on the hello. i'm still here. hey, this is out of their life from the also coming on the wounded on the dead. i'll take him to the event by the end of august, the hospital in central garza, which is running out of fuel and medical supplies. we mock the 2nd anniversary of sherwin. i will. i'll place kelly. is there any forces shot that'd be out of there?
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a john list while reporting any occupied west by a note without drawn on thousands of people turn out and now look to protest against as well as participation in the final i think your revision some content, the products. now 1400 g m t, that's 5 o'clock in the evening in gaza. where these really military has expanded its ground operations in the southern most areas of the strip earlier on saturday as well as ministry issued a 2nd evaluation. or do you see the leaflets that line from the sky? some more neighborhoods of eastern rafa. there are reports of heavy fighting in that area. these really minute teresa has full rockets. what? well, so 5 towards the time i'd be solemn. coughing is not in itself. many called us 3 times and the neighbors came and said, get out quickly. we sent an evacuation order for the entire area. what should we do here? do we wait until we all die on top of each other?
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so we decided to name it's better. so to pursue him, we are forcibly leading up to the occupation all me threatened us through re quoted clothes and in a post published on facebook, we are leaving because of it. and due to conclusion, we are leaving for the unknown. and there are no safe areas, a tool, all the areas left are in say all elsewhere and the strip goes as health ministry says it's uncovered. and now the mass graves found inside a section of the aisle chief and medical complex. many of the bodies appear to have been shot at close range. nobody but such a w. yeah, we cool in the international community, human rights organizations, the international criminal court, and the w h o to document is ready to crimes and hold as rarely officials accountable for these crimes. also for the immediate release of old medical stuff, henry understand at least the 2 bodies have now been taken to the actual hospital and they're all bala of the night of heavy bombardment in central and southern gaza
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. 8 children were among the dead. although there is taras to avoid him to conceal coverage, we are now in the month of august, the hospital, which is the main central hospital in that rosella with what we can see right now. here is that new bodies online on the grounds as the did not find any place for them inside the refrigerators in the smoke, in order to be kept inside of it. today, early on at least 30 palestinians have arrived to the ox, the hospital as the bodies we can see families now remaining beside the bodies of their beloved one. we can see the bodies of elderly people, women, children who do now do not have even a burial. some of them are still on identifying to, due to the masses to you destruction and attacks being carried out by these, by the military. now the capacity of this move is too limited as to not take more
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than 10 bodies is found that absolutely terrifying in light of the on going is really military campaign. on the unprecedented scale of death amongst civilians in the central area of the hospital is struggling to keep operating in light of the deep show it to you. um the ball outages in the entire area. the target comprising, which is the, or the, or the palestine, or we can speak to our correspondent honeywell, one he's also in dallas i, he's outside the alex, the hospital for us. honey, we know is really, forces are expanding their occupational just took us through what's happening on the ground right now. and rafa yeah, so we're in the side of the a more evacuation order. they've been issued by this really monetary but right now they are expanding outside the eastern part of robust city on the eastern. 7 we mean, due to major,
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then they used to be densely populated neighborhoods. that's us, the lamb as well as of janina neighborhood. but right now where we're seeing with the new evacuation orders, it's wishing deeper into the city, the central parts, and the southern central part of the city, very close to evacuation zones. that's part of the milwaukee where it's 1000 literally 1000 of displays. families have been sheltering in that area for the past months. are right now with these a new orders. these really military statements about a limited operation in, in eastern robot doesn't seem to be valid right now. and this is part of the, the huge mistrust that palestinians have right now with these really narrative, particularly when talking about evacuation or is saved zones across the city or the, the remaining parts of the gaza strip. this a new evacuation order just cause for further internal displacement for people who are have been evacuated for the past 2 days, although we have from dropbox to con units and mainly to the central area at han
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unit city is the least favorite right now in terms of evacuation as these really military just turn the entire city for the past, the 3 months into more of a waste land. there are no basic facilities, no infrastructure means a lot have been destroyed. and that explains the reason why people are poor into the central area, mainly the data is by the city, because there is an operation of hospitals here, even though it runs at the lowest capacity possible. but also there are limited resources right now. what's, what's a tragic right now about these evacuation order. they're happening under intense bombing campaign. people are order to evacuated from these areas while at the same time they are being relentless. the fond people right now, leave their homes, not taking any of their belonging, and to try just to lead the horrors of these unpredictable bonds of the eastern
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part, the central bar, and the southern a central part of robust city. let me ask you a little more honey to about what's been happening in the north. the gauze, the health ministry is saying they found another mass grave. i feel chief a hospital took us through what, what they actually found that this is well, at this point we can safely say that a tragedy is deep on folding it from a ship. a hospital they are non indian give really, there is a new trash. it is being discovered being unfolded inside the complex itself. just let's remember that 1000 of displays families do cuz people hospitalized the man's shoulder. since the initial weeks of this genocide, the war that you've off for the was formed it twice as read it another 3 days that put on military usage. and then it stormed, the hospital, it's wise, destroyed the vast majority of its equipments and medical facilities on medical warehouse, then equipment warehouse and push it completely out of service. more of bodies are
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being retrieve it from these, not the grid. this is the 5th, not the grave in the courtyard of the hospital, the bodies of children and women, and patients and injuries. and the reason we know that they are, these are injured injuries are from the hospital and patients because there are medical equipment emitted gold band is use at tops of their bodies as well as the cafeteria is still attached to it. but they were buried under and indeed under deep ground, a close to 5 meters, some in some cases, more than 5 meters 80, but it's been retrieved so far. the search is still continuing. that brings the total of bodies reduced from the old 10 miles the grave nodding and had health facilities and one at a tech point to know that parts to more than $500.00 bodies of a children, women, elderly as well as patients and injuries, honey left much of that with the very latest for us from the ground are important from daryl by that in the central part of the gaza strip. thank you hon. that we
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have some breaking news to from gaza. a spokesman for him also is ongoing. cassandra gates has announced the desk of one of the captives being held in garza. i'm going to okay done. says that 51 year old and not a couple. well, who also holds pushers. citizenship has died as a result of injuries suffered. and it is really as striking earlier, he added the couple well, was unable to receive treatment for his injuries because of israel's continued targeting of hospitals. well, benjamin asked me all his cabinet has banned 0 from israel. so i correspondence stephanie deca joins us now from the gold damian capital a month stuff. what more do we actually know about not? i have kept another couple, well this, this captive free side of the well how mass reduced the video was having just under 3 hours ago, where he has seen confirming his name. he has a black guy to his right eye, and then the video cuts the black with a big question mark saying, what's happened that? so now you have the news. um,
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as you mentioned there that he has died, died as a result of injury sustained, according to have mass in his really our strike a month ago, along with another captive judy weinstein. 70 years old. we reported on this couple of days ago. actually, we didn't have her name, but thomas also announced around 4 days ago, i think that a hostage around 70 years old had died as a result of his really shunning. they made the point that this hostage probably would have been released as part of the 1st phase of a ceasefire deal that has been long since debated and to have masses released us on a saturday as actually of course of the day that you have those protest intel, that'd be weekly pro just it's not the 1st time they release a captive video on this saturday. they did it a couple of weeks ago, showing an american citizen who was alive, who was in hebrew, giving a very start message to the is ready. prime minister of course, we call and verify. many of these messages are made under dress of,
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but this is what's been a drip feed if you will, from half of, from the captives a reducing videos at time showing hostages dead. trying to put pressure, of course, on these rated government, putting more pressure that the people react. but at the moment, certainly it hasn't really changed the policies of this government, certainly most is really believe that if is, are all goes into the hall and then large scale offensive that the possibility of any of the captives returning alive is very, very low. stephanie is a hit that reporting for us from amman and jordan because that's now his cabinet has found out as they are from israel. thank you very much. i to oh, that's now been 2 years since out of there john the story and unblocked i was killed during this really minute trade and the janine refuge account. an independent investigation confirmed. she was shot in the neck. fine. is randy's martha shogi and was putting in american us government agreed with the findings,
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but no charges happen volt. same as your avi has more now from the law in the occupied west bank. the. c may live in 2022. janine refugee camp in the occupied was a journalist and nice life list below a treat for friends, desperately trying to get to her. but it's really gunfire is too heavy. in the 2 years since the targeted killing of all 0 corresponded, sharing of israel has killed 2 other old just the red journalist both and does a cameraman summit. we duck killed in a drill and striking december and cameraman homes of the, to killed in an air strike the following month. holmes, i was goes a bureau chief wilder to his eldest son and the 5th member of the family to be killed in the war. in fact, since the war began, at least 60 relatives of old 0 staff have been killed in seemingly deliver,
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it is really a tax. the risks to journalists were already extreme when should we and was killed 2 years later, conditions on the ground in gaza. and the occupied westbank are even worse and days before the end of the 1st 3 of her death is real order. the shut down about 0 in jerusalem expelling reporters and confiscating equipment. it's clear that they are tired of getting their jersey and the 0 stuff and they trying even to kill the facts of the tools. not only about this will about own what the bus teen young's stuff thought a and the is really book you vision and the is anyone. i'm upset at least 143 journalists and medial workers had been killed in garza since the war began in the occupied westbank were shooting, was gone. down. journalist reporting on the intensifying military rates regularly come under attack, even in memorial in roma, la,
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dedicated the shooting has not been spared indignity during the rate in december as rarely. soldiers surrounded the area and posed for pictures. sharon was a household name in the arab world, a woman of the people for stories captured every aspect of the palestinian experience. she was bold, unapologetic, and her murder was considered so tragic. so odd dishes that it has become a milestone in the country. her friends say they miss her sense of humor. i cannot witness that any. i used to attempt to 0 to see shame. it's very hard to choose as you are now suffering after she died. i said, i'm not gonna watch the news, but nowadays we watch all the time. i'm not going to lie. sometimes i expect to see her if we miss her while shooting has a very special story. hers is a legacy built on being a voice for her. people reporting on the injustice and oppression of israeli occupation, a job she died doing. her absence felt no more than ever. as her
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people suffer, the worst of violence they've ever seen. the same bus route, the old 0 run the look, the occupied, westbank, palestine. israel's war on gaza is also taking a significant psychological total on palestinians. but a group of volunteers is trying their best to help the community hill through on therapy axles. i'm events has been in the shadow of israel's relentless bombardment . there was a silence crisis. the psychological impact where has on people, especially children, surrounded by destruction, the find refuge in drawing and other activities. and it gives them some sense of normalcy in these turbulence time said unto the goodness of the m f. c. i. we started by writing down our dreams, leaving out the period from october 7th until now. we drew and colored sketches, and we wrote down our dreams in this way. my 5 children and i have tremendously
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enjoyed it. it has improved and shifted our negative attitude to a positive $1.00 and pay them now. with nearly 35000 palestinians killed this cars are not always visible. mental health exports warrant. the impact of these young mines could spend generations since the war has shattered the causes, mental health and other medical facilities. initiatives like this one in the rough uh, health people processed their trauma through are to have been hired well by that i'm nothing has been ongoing genocide against children and women. we thought it was necessary and important for them to overcome such trauma baffles. launching this initiative was necessary to contribute to enabling them to get out of such a strong caused by the ongoing loss destruction and genocide. they're experiencing every day despite the challenges and delivering mental health support to resilience of the palestinian spirit persist. but israel is expanding military operation and
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rough or is threatening this resilience as more tax hender recovery efforts. access i'm which, which is, are still ahead here on al jazeera granny and sleep thoughts of the khaki regions. russia says it's making advances in the northeast and the most powerful solar storm and 20 is, creates a colorful spectacles on the skies and problems. warnings of potential disruptions to global communication. the the color we got some fairly heavy right on the cards for the korean peninsula. and japan over the next couple of days to pad, as long as you draw at the moment, high pressure, not too far away, but we'll slip out into the open water is allowing this with a feature,
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this cold front sinking it's way further south was becoming quite expensive across central positron. we'll have you show us across the pots of southern china for a time. you see that same line of town and rain, by sunday does make his way across que issue west and pots of japan. it moves by the race, was it still somewhat, and i just wanted to close some disruption. there will be some very heavy right. and the likelihood of some flooding, but prices guys to come back in behind as we go into the early part of next week. i drive right away because much of eastern china and even down towards the south, 102 showers that getting squeezed down across indo china. some live the showers here. so the heat sufficing, somewhat $1.00 to $2.00 showers to and to the philippines. again, i will just not head on the temperatures here, the roster showers across simulation. indonesia brought us guys down towards the south. rochester. i was to across much of south asia. i over the next few days a game helping to know the head on the temperatures. hey, we got some lobby showers, and so ne, into bung with this many positive central and eastern india also seeing some,
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sundry showers of the now was the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but this was not a jew, israel's a state, and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough questions are, as can you see negotiations being even happen? this is the most important thing. you're going to involve sheet hold, unapologetic, i'm just upfront on out the the
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talking natural, watching out a 0. let's remind you about top stories for sound. these really minute treat has expanded its ground operation in the southern most areas of the cause and strength . desperate time, these have been fleeing eastern rasa often and all that is raining or the army says about 300000 palestinians have left so far on air on saturday, at least that 2 bodies were taken to deluxe a hospice montero by a children. it's now been 2 years since as rarely for says, killed alda 0 john listerine of austin and the occupied westbank. it happened while she was reporting on an as randy on the rage and that you needed refuge account. despite the evidence, no one has been held to account for to thousands of protesters have been writing in the swedish that you have now law against as well as participation in the eurovision song contest that they want to be is really contestant to be disqualified because of the country's war on gaza. some of the demonstrations also
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housing on the on the say, well that's bringing full, reese, he's in not southern sweeter city. full. i can see that still quite a crowd there with you. is this a little bit of a reflection of now? most demographic yes, absolutely. installs this square so to yes was absolutely filled with demonstrates as a short time ago. and you might be able to see the background. people have file over to the file side and then now making their way through through mile buyer and a large demonstration exactly as we saw on 1st i against the israel's participation in your vision song comes as, as you say, as you say, there is a large population from the middle east and they ask for a mom i, i just want to bring it and one of the demonstrates is, i mean, we'll catch them. please join me. now, 1st of all, why have you come here to demonstrate today? i'm here to show my support for palestine and all see to show that we're not
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accepting that display is rep, can participate your vision. not to tell us bit about your background. and i suppose why that makes you typical of one of the reasons people have such feeling about this here in melma. yeah, so i'm born and raised in sweden by a car and stuff like your rock in the ninety's and which i feel a strong connection to the public opinion. people as well. i've heard stories from my parents and family and a very strong connection to what the postings are facing at the moment. i guess that's reflected in mama as a whole, as lots of people from the middle east there is, there's a big or a big this for a here in mama in sweden and you feel a strong connection to the palestinian people in the cause. and we really want to support as much as we can from where we are in the world very far away. but we're
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just trying to raise our voices by us, by a swede. i'm the member of the tspra. how'd you failed? sweden has handled this, has got very strong freedom of expression laws, which i guess it will say extends to is roping air as well. but what's your view events? we're not, i'm actually kind of shocked on how sweet in those handled everything. not just to your vision bar, but also there are standing in this comp, snape square wave has to be there's for a previous leaders in our country that has taken a song aside and admitting that at 1st sight as a state. and we've had several leaders trying to find a solution where we now have a government that's hiding and doesn't admit publish find them doesn't want to find the solution for it. okay, i will tell them thank you very much and i will let you get back to the. busy demonstration,
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this demonstration will also say make his way through mom. i doesn't know that demonstration plan the off, mama rena, for later on in the day, what 8 angle on his roles bought this by. i'm trying to enter the revision song. contest will take the stage in the final will be watching a very high standing here now to 0 for risk that for us in the, in southern sweden. thank you paul. the political policies and capital ernie. i have been making the final pitch head of local elections there on sunday. the governing separatist party called this alley polar. often parliament failed to pass the regions budget. it does threaten to ignite, reignite at the debate or the castle on independence and even potentially the stability of the national government funded diego reports. the final hurdle before posting day and catalonia socialist policy is leaving nothing to
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chance. lending his support. lita of spain, socialist prime minister federal sanchez, who knows something about political survival and success. if there is an optimism in the air here, it's because this pro unity policy has been ahead in the polls beating of separatist rivals. catalonia is better now than it was in 2019, especially things to dialogue efforts by petra sanchez separate this policy useful, a crucial blocking catalogue, news parliament. any regional government would require that backing, moving the current setup and the national government. but the left wing, separatist, lead government is not offering any guarantees of support. what do we say is we are talking about proposals and our proposals are to keep navigating for a referendum and the socialist party. until now they have set new to that
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proposal across the board to kind of list please the wants campaigning and fronts. unable to meet his support is inc, catalonia as he faces arrest his role in the regions attempt to secede from spain. he represents the center rights of counsel on politics. his policies, recent push ahead in the polls would seem to represent an ongoing i'm fission for independence. as well as a hardening of use on social issues for the promises being made by separatist politicians on independence. the reality is they have been propping up spain's pro unity, socialist governments. and well, the desire for independence is on the decline. there was another issue at st. k which is gaining increased importance. emigration on the hard line, a radical right wing separatist movement that is uncompromising in its determination to succeed as it is an accepting muslim migrants and refugees. we're
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going to see that i'm getting them. and as we think there was a threat and a risk to the level of civilization that we've obtained at all, society as this may appear to be a common error and catalonia. but the dynamics remain as bristol, as ever the capacity to append both regional and national politics all over again. so anytime you go out to 0, barcelona flash floods in old enough kind of stone have killed at least a 150 people. but the 112 feet program which operates inside of kind of strong says the number of dead could be as high as 300. with ours, you say it was caused by heavy seasonal reigns on that. most people unprepared to them on a, on how soon this is all that remains of a village in afghanistan is background province. the region has been hit hard by flooding. survivors are morning, the dead. i'm trying to figure out how they can carry on me lots
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a lot. how much do you to say last people are under the water o children under the floods. the legs and hands are broken. we do not have any place to spend the night said the go to them. the dry winter is effected. the soil making seasonal flooding much worse than usual boggling has been effected the most, but other regions are also suffering. thousands of homes have been destroyed and large trucks of agriculture. land have been ruined. many people are stranded and thousands are in need of supplies and medical attention. the government has declared a state of emergency. it says evacuations are under way, and health is being dispatched. so that was in need sent and monitoring out to 0. a mean 8 to a 1000 civilians had been told to leave their homes and pots of ukrainians. call k region. the governor of the northeast in territory says 3 people have been killed, and russian forces are advancing. further into that area. on homeland has worn off from keys of russia says that they take him 5 settlements. what ukraine saying is that those 5 settlements on the board are we talking about the northeast of ukraine
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by the way, this hockey region and it food as we've russian. so russian troops came over that, pull it up at ukraine, the same as ice 5 settlements. i still being full, eva, ukraine, new forward sees of rules. so i said that the, what they call the greys are which is contested. territory hasn't been expanded and then managing to contain russian troops. but interestingly, the governor of the hockey region also said that things could escalate the and the rustic coup bringing reinforcements. it's understood to have traits that are gathered on that for that. it still hasn't committed to this push across recalls. so yet it says is going to add up to a fully fledged front that's developing in the normal face to face it just probing attack. so fob, because as we said, russia hasn't used all of its possible forces on that folder. but what we do know is that if they have bones types in of a tank cologne that says, then they going to be within shouting distance of the know from point of how to
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keep city. and this is ukraine, 2nd largest city. so it's a huge price for the russians. it's usually important to ukraine to hold that city just for morale. really, we're not talking yet about a possible ground, the soap to take it. but the russian forces already carrying out in the aerial bombardment about city. if i can show it as well, then what they've done, some of the cities in the country is suffering them up, make them my son livable before a possible ground assaults. we could be seeing that the planet is currently experiencing its most powerful jr. magnetic storm and move and 20 is one which contributes power and communications. blackouts. high force, it has to look at those. good. oh my gosh. it's beautiful. tell me there's not i got i mean, seriously area in the dog around the world.


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