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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 11, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence the the hello, i'm sort of any a if you to have you with us. this is the news, our life from doha. coming up in the program today displaced palestinians. we 7 guys are by their thousands, while israel intensifies its attacks on the rasa. bombs, we're following in the neighborhood where we are within a distance of less than 500 meters away from the supposedly safe house that would tower uh, searches and positions. asterisk across the strip hospitals are pushed to breaking points with no access to fuel or medical supplies. the protests against the war on
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gaza take center stage of the eurovision song contest will be live from mountains and flash floods devastate parts of northern afghanistan. the un says more than 300 people have been killed, is full month's just the city all looking on stuff, simple enough of sheets of a full, straight english premier lead title sitting, facing full of full, unable to move to points of but also at the top of the type, the 15 gmc, that's 6 pm and gaza, where there is heavy fighting in parts of rasa as the is really military expands, is ground operation in the southern, most areas of the strip. earlier on saturday, israel's military order and more residents of eastern rasa to fleet. that's what it looks like. you and says a $150000.00 palestinians now left the south. most of them having been displaced
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several times already or not on the called us 3 times, and the neighbors came and said, get out cookie. we sent an evacuation order for the entire area. what should we do here? do we wait until we all die on top? of each other, so we decided to name it's better to assume we are forcibly leading up to the occupation all me threatened us through re quoted close and in a post published on facebook. we are leaving because of i'll see it and due to collision, we are leaving for the unknown and there are no safe areas of to all the areas left are in say, so that's going to be done. well, many of those core fleeing are going to narrow bala and central gaza arriving to overcrowded. makes shift camps in an area that's been wrecked by months of bombardment and even so the strikes there continue. as we see, at least 30 bodies have been taken to the cities main hospital following a tax on several homes overnight. the the, what the says right here they are in pieces. here's my sister in law without
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a head my and also without a head. what does this i'm just as, until when will this be going on? where exhausted? my god were exhausted. i've been living in a tent for the past 7 months. i've never lived in attempt before. we're not cut out for this. the women of palestine, we're not cut out for this one, but houses here is honey. my hood is in there about just outside alexa hospital. a honey, i understand that more victims of is really bombardments, have just in the last few moments arrived at the hospital where your yes, the past 2 hours had been quite intense in the hospital, not only were seeing display families and evacuated as are taking children in the hospital but the, the ongoing. ok, so now i me of injury is born into the hospital so far there are 3 a did arrived to the hosp,
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the 3 people who were killed in an attack. the western part of, of the why the, that's in the western side of the central area, about half an hour away from where a lot of the hospital is located. as we understood it from people who were arriving at the ambulance that was dispatched to bring the injuries here and those were killed in the attack. those were a displace individuals moved all the way from bropa had earlier hours today, and they just set up their attend near the coastal road. and only within hours of a drone attack, the sides where their temp is located and one person was killed. 2 other people from a different 10 that was nearby and about 10 injuries arrived to the hospital with it. we looked at the scenes of a crying mothers and fathers over this, the dead body of their children feared those who were killed happened to be children. and judging from, i mean deluxe had just,
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they're all under about under it said the age of a 12 or 10, they're young. and that's a theme right now at the hospital. and it's, it's improved. this has proven what people have been saying for the past 7 months. these evacuation orders are, are misleading contradictory. they're vague. and there you can to create a safe zone and awards on these people within hours of their arrival to the areas that they were told to evacuate to, that's in the central area were killed because it is really drawn, fired, misled down. absolutely. as you say, these vacuum ation orders, in fact they're not just contradictory and vague. they're extremely dangerous. you've been reporting on the aftermath of the strikes in darrow bollocks for the, for people who do not become the targets of is really strikes palestinians who have fled, rasa. come to darrow, about what kind of a living conditions can they find?
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do they find shelter as well as of this moment, the vast majority of people who have evacuated within the past 2 days and since the evacuation orders were issued ended up in the streets here, the area is running out of a space completely a don't forget this particular area, the initial weeks of the war, more people of the northern part on golf, the city and from hon. evacuated to it. so it's already over crowded. there's almost no space for more people to come in. but these a knew exactly which in order to have already affected the life of a 160000 people on the new or a fresh evacuation order. just within the past couple hours are affecting the 300000 people. all of them are looking into coming and did a central area and where they are looking at staying at the central area. they're all coming to the or the city as designated as
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a safe zone. but as we see an overnight attacks targeted parts of the city as well as the nearby areas, like as the why the and do the eastern part of the city that's very close to full. i had been a road people here experience very difficult in dire living conditions, not only they don't have a place to stay in because it's running out of space. but because there are no facilities and there are no basic supplies or basic necessities available for them . the vast majority of people who ended up in 10 or able to find a place instead of tens inside any of these pockets of lands. uh they do, they happen to be there that doesn't have any, any supplies, no water supplies, and no necessities and no infrastructure. and they end up making these long journeys to find food supplies and water supplies, something that has been exacerbating for the past 7 months, but that this particular evolving events, it's becoming worse in each passing day right now. now how do you know who the
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reporting from darrow, by the central part of the gaza strip, where many palestinians have fled to? thank you very much. let's take a quick to look at the situation in southern gaza on friday is really forces dropped leaflets over the se, in part of rafa, district ordering people to leave. earlier on saturday, the is really minutes reissued a 2nd evacuation order for neighborhoods. east of rafa. city is, comes after reports of heavy fighting in the district. now the area marked in blue right here is where is really forces are now stationed. most of nicer is the chief executive officer at pfizer scientific, a non profit chat with your organization. he and his team are providing assistance to the european hospital in rossa, but there are no traps. we were operating for the 1st week, but were there no problems? and then the, the military operations started an eastern rough. huh. uh, but then it started trickling further west. uh where our safe house supposedly was
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. uh and uh, this morning we received the uh, evacuation orders from a block 6 and dropped off for our safe house that is no longer safe to evacuate. so we had to interrupt our work at the hospital, then go back and pick them our stuff from the unsafe house and bring it back to the european hospital. all of our medical supplies, food supplies, water, and everything, bring it to to the european hospital. in fact, when the operation started about 3 or almost 4 days ago, now, our understanding was then the military operation is a centered on eastern part of rasa. but we have what we have experienced is seen as completely otherwise. in fact, the bombs were falling in the neighborhood where we are within a distance of less than 500 meters away from the supposedly safe house that put our searches and positions at the risk. we have uh, 12 us citizens. we have 3 brothers citizens living addiction citizen and also uh
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from one once edition from all not. so we felt unsafe in the, supposedly the conflicted house or the safe house. and we could read for nice because of the continuous indiscriminate bombing india. a dozens health ministry says another mass graves has been found within the grounds of the l. shift medical compound in guys, a city bodies of patients, women and children have been uncovered. some of whom would appear to have been shot in close range. mass graves have been discovered in around 3 different hospitals in the strip. with the days findings there have now been 10 grave sides discovered in total 5. i'll shift on medical complex. one has been founded to come out at one hospital in the north and to the south. 3 grave sites were discovered at nicer medical complex one was discovered in is really army check point in the north. that's in bate la. ha, a spokesman for august sun brigades and gaza, and as,
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as announced, the death of one of the captives held there. i bought a beta says 51 year old, the dad pop of well, who holds british citizenship, died as a result of injuries suffered in his really air strike earlier. you added the problem well was unable to receive treatment for his injuries because of israel's continued targeting of hospitals. benjamin netanyahu, whose cabinet has banned out as you are from israel. so our correspondence stephanie decker is joining us from the jordanian capital. i'm on stephanie, it's good to talk to you. so these announcements, by i'm honest, it's not the 1st one of its kind. they seem designed to keep the pressure on these really public of the absolutely. i think it's no coincidence that it's being done on this side. today, so i tell you, of course, is the day that you have thousands of his rate. he's up maintained. the pressure of coming out until i leave to protest against the government is really government. and for the urgency to make
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a deal uh at any cost at this point to bring the captain. so because i've covered those protests extensively, the message is always the same, is that if they do, if these ratings do go into alpha, people don't believe that anyone is going to come home alive. and interestingly, you mentioned, they're not a papa. well, also the announcement of a 70 year old woman. this was already announced a couple of days ago, but her name is come out now jews weinstein, that she died a couple of days ago. she's 70 years old. she would have been part of the 1st phase, if you will, of a captive release of this 1st page if there had been a deal at this point because the deal says that there are 2 monetary and hostages over 50 years old women sick and the elderly so we are pretty sure that she would have been one of those wrist had she been alive. so all these nuances are keeping the pressure on the government because of course now. so we're expecting a press conference from the hostage families, they do this every saturday, but certainly having seen a picture of him alive, he has
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a bruise. black eye is right eyes. this video was read 3 day and 3 hours ago, sorry. and then it goes to black with the big question mark, and it says what happens next? and of course, a couple of hours a to the announcement that he has died. so this absolutely keeps the pressure on that at the moment 0, there is no reaction from the is really government to remember how mass accepted the deal. and then is, are all said know that there were amendments that they're not happy with. and the pressure, as i say, is high on the government to bring the cap this back to strike a deal, but certainly at the moment that's not happening. okay, stephanie decker reporting there from a mind, a reminder, again that the as really government has banned alpha 0. so we're reporting from outside is as well. thank you, stephanie. there has been us media reports that israel has built a secret torture facility and then they gave desert, according to cnn investigation 3, is really whistle blowers have come forward to describe the harsh conditions, including detainees, being blindfolded, strapped down,
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and forced to wear diapers. in april, these rarely newspaper high rates reported the testimony of it is really doctor who said, we are all complicit in breaking the law. and al jazeera has reported multiple firsthand accounts of abuse of palestinians. and this really facilities over the years. very professional was that we were blindfolded impatient, badly as riley forces accused us of carrying and using weapons like to. they transferred us to an army camp in israel, the lady adult to unite on us and some sand on us on the place to reach into showtime after 2 hours of being half naked in such conditions and moved us a few maces and told us to get ready for execution. the minute i feel pain everywhere on my body. they forced us to bend on our knees. for hours, they kept asking me about the tunnels and about their captives held by how much. i told them i'm 70 years old and i know nothing about these matters. they hit me a lot when i couldn't find an answer to their questions for my. oh,
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what the might spend the 1st 3 days without food was it was we were not allowed to go to the toilet. so we would be too harshly over the 1st 3 days. after that they moved us to another place to some new methods of torture. but after a 3 day stub ation, they gave us a meal that's not even enough for a child. so based on so as it is a system professor in the department of philosophy and cultural studies at various aging diversity, you're joining us from occupied east jerusalem. thank you for your time today, but these, all these media reports this latest one by cnn, previous one by in these really press hargrove's, previous ones by ourselves. what strikes you most? they're all is a, sorry, the point it was making was that they're all going in the same direction, right. they also to complete each other. what strikes you most in this latest media report? a yeah, so a couple of things. so the 1st of all that it actually confirms what kind of students have not been saying, i mean, but it's getting into the news, but it's thing in human rights organizations and swimming on me and for instance,
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i was shock. others have been lonely and for a long time, seeing that torture is not only practiced inside the state it presents, but it's systematic that the beans actually to the existence of this volume and state. no, no, the student reports, and particularly cnn support of this month. it's actually the source of the cruelty and, and the conditions under which, but it didn't get any use that had been, had to be talking about and intensification of the torture practices that had been used against. but assuming that the needs, including us to have that mentioned why level in the system, i think i think a negligence policy that has been practiced, including as well as a systematic starvation can be. and so which kind of thing and it needs to leave prison. haven't lost 2029. 50 for the rest of the way. but it's also showing the complicity. and this is also an aspect that has long been set by 1st thing in the can use the complicity of is of, is there any medical association including the office of course. and this is an
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aiding and abetting the thoughts or practices that had been long practice, i guess, but it didn't get business was the most up. let's not forget that it at least 18, but his spinning detainees had been killed and set. is there any presents since the war began, including dr. and then, but sure. what skins next month, which is sending us again that these practices have been, have intensified the torture of the violent men's hands on. if i can jump in, i listen to everything you're saying. and so the, the question this raises is, where's the accountability for any of this? and unfortunately, i mean, we have also been since have long been saying this so that there is no accountability when it comes to is there any torture practices and vine and practices? we have been witnessing business genocide unfold over the past 218 days. but also again, since the beginning of this occupation, the beginning of this violent as she is in the prison guards is to get the agency of remote practice, torture. and in fact,
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actually since 2001 until 2012 due to at least 1400 complaints of torture. it had been submitted to this the, the minister of justice. and of course, there's nothing surprising but 0 investments have been made thus far. we don't expect anything to change. now. i mean, the cnn subordinate. i must say that this report is of course, again, it's too late because c, n, n and other main seemed organizations have been actually in a sense, anything dis, completed deal of this on the side. that is, you know, but this does not take away from the importance of this, but you also have to understand that is a doctor to really come up to the force and see that this is what's taking place. there's a lot of this complexity between the, in the present service, which is part of it is amc of, of justice. but also the association does a lot of complicity. but this as the, the, i'm not the only sign that about the torture baptist is taking place. but actually i betting these practices. but as prevents such as i make, but assuming it presents weren't going to be subjected to torture. and i'm buying
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that input edition practices, the simply giving us a demo and, and, and, and been colors. and then i attempted to leave the opinions. that is also what's the size of the yes. so ok, so you said cnn. so the fact that this is reported this time by a prominent american media, right? as opposed to say ourselves as opposed to our records, awhile back. the fact that this is american media, do you think this will land differently with the as really public? unfortunately not, i mean, just as a public has, i mean for a long time has been moving very fast though it's, you know, the ultimate to october. right. but i mean we, we have to also acknowledge that, you know, it's being reported by cnn, but have signals, something important that there's a change to which the gym has been view with an eye, what's been viewed now. but again, i have to say that this is totally, totally not because it's not important to publish these testimonies, but because does belong to both of them. and if i may also,
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i mean one of the street entities was kids again. and last month, when he bought the car, he spent 3857 years in captivity. he was the most with the 10 with the concepts that really government denied his petition for any any duties. and again, there's a systematic, it has to be the ports, i think we can about change this. this issue has to be highlighted because i think it comes to the core of august losing functions. and yes, we have to continue to highlight discrete these cases. so we'll use media as well as international, i'll put into that. so maybe you know, but to highlight that we also have to push forward at a store and to be issued against the whole against other workmen, those as well as pushing for finally one thing. okay. steve spine, and that's a good point to talk to that has been practicing against palestinians. okay. all right, well, when it comes to arrest warrants against benjamin netanyahu, there were reports that those were perhaps being worked on by the prosecutor at the international criminal court. but there's nothing official yet. um,
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so for roger system, professor at the state university, thank you very much for joining us. thank you. and as the us report on is really military operations and gaza has found that its use of american weapons is likely violated international law. the state department's report to congress issued a rear criticism of israel's military conduct, but it stopped short of identifying specific instances that would justify withholding military aid officer as medical hand reports from washington dc. is what we are seeing and got the death destruction and starvation a violation of international law. that is what the state department has been investigating. if they said yes, us military aid could be cut off. the report found it's possible israel is violating the law, but they are definitively saying it is using language like it is reasonable to
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assess the defense articles has been used by as really, security forces inconsistent with its i h l or international humanitarian law obligations. but they argue the law does not have to be invoked because israel is investigating the report says, israel says it's implementing restrictive measures to protect sites such as hospitals, schools, places of worship, and un facilities. according to the united nations hospital and medical facilities have been attacked, more than 600 times. schools attacked more than $200.00 hundreds of houses of worship destroyed. and 169 un facilities have been attacked. that's not highlighted in the report, but it does signal out a long list of incidents. spelling out the facts. israel targeting humanitarian convoys, including the killing of 7 world central kitchen workers, attacks on hundreds trying to get a targeting buildings, housing to manage hearing aid workers. analysts say this kind of us criticism of
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israel is unprecedented. they make factual findings that israel's violating international law, they want it to be a political decision to hold weapons, not a legal requirement to withhold weapons. and so i think that was a political decision of the white house and the state department to deliberately fall short of requiring themselves to hold arms shipments so they can use that as a carrot and stick politically. with this, riley's, this doesn't change you as president joe biden's threat to cut off offensive weapons. israel launch is a full scale invasion of rafa. but it does layout more reasons why he might. patty coffee, l g 0, washington. the 2, the 2000 civilians have been told to leave their homes in parts of ukraine's harkey region. the governor of the northeastern territory says the 3 people have been killed. russian forces say they have occupied 5 villages, north of the city,
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as they advanced further into the area, ukraine's village re says it is sending reinforcements. well, all right, we're going to take a break there and i understand that we're taking you now live to a press conference by the relatives of hostages that is being held in tel aviv right now. let's, let's see how it is in power. the captives will load to return home. nothing. yeah . is not willing for the captives to to, to and how not to unload it then. yeah. whole but on so get they are both on the same boat. they allowed nothing. yeah. how to, to repeat. do any attempt to see a swipe deed, they are in cahoots with nothing? yeah. how the captives, our families are a banded and all those consider to be
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a con palaces today where they saved another testimonial. throw being vacant, the seraphic condition, the captives living in time is running. same even those who are not it is clear that nothing. yeah, has failed. it is clear that nothing we have there is those throughout the z code for this war. the south is on fire because that sort of is snowballing, and if we continue it or not back home from us,
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is re gaining its hold on areas previously captured by israel. there is no stretch of strategy. the northern part of parts of the country are in fire. the thousands of parts are now on active shooting range. the vacuum. these are completely neglected. the disaster is growing. if we continue down this path, we will lose not only the hostages, but the country itself. yes or no, is not only dogs decal, preventing us from getting our hostages back. he's also dobbs to call preventing the state of israel from succeeding. in order to save the hostages from us, we must save as well for them to send me out. guns i as in quotes, guidelines, members of the quote parties of the coalition. we still have a conscience in order to rescue the hostages or routing in from us chair tunnels,
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routing in order to reach a hostage release deal quickly. in order to end the sabotage and to start the criminal of the benjamin of the hostages. we call upon you, bring to this government down. the government does not care about the hostages. it is leading the entire country towards destruction. stop cooperating with them rescued the hostages, and save the state of israel. coming out and tell the public that in order to rescue the hostages, we can and must, and this war way, the families of the hostages and the members of the public must not give off. we will not stop until they're all drugged back home. we will not stop until
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they are all brought back home to join us and take and take to the streets. our country is on fire. our hostages are for sake and there are suffering unspeakable tortures and facing death. there is no victory, and there could be no victory without the return of the hostage, and there can be no repair, no rebuilding, and no independence for this country without the return of the hostages. oh, more considered for the lives of the hostages. the vast boonies from the north and the so the be rave families citizens of this country. we call upon you to take to the street. when we all take to the streets together, we will say the hostages and the country.
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are you listening to? um uh you're listening to the captives families speaking from televi tv's now since october, the 7th there has been a very strong and steadfast mobilization by relatives of uh is relays and foreigners who were taken captive and are still being held hostage in the gaza strip by i'm us and other groups and they have been campaigning for this government, primarily the prime minister benjamin netanyahu to strike a deal with hamas that would secure the release of the captives alpha 0. stephanie decker joins us now from amman. same reminder that we'd be giving you from several days, normally she should be in jerusalem, but she's speaking to us from the jordanian capital because ultra 0 has
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a bigger part. israel has shut down houses here in israel. all right, so with that said, stephanie, you heard what the families there were saying they were saying, captives have been abandoned, their families have been abandon net. yeah. who has failed and essentially has no strategy and must be brought down. yes. and she said there can be no victory without the return of the captives. it was very, very simple. make a deal, jack, she said, and the war and bring our captives home and very strict message air to these really public to not give up to bring down this government. she said you have failed netanyahu. you don't care about our captive. this government doesn't care about our captives, and that has been the message re, uh for months now and those products have grown, then they dwindled somewhat, but the message remains the same. people want to see the hostages, the captives brought home, and yes, there's a lot of criticism of this prime minister. this prime minister 0 is, is
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a man who is a political mastermind, if you will, over the 2 decades or more, that he's been in power. he came to power this time time i'm bringing in the extreme far right? while i don't because that's necessarily his ideology because that was the only way to form a coalition to become prime minister. you know, have this very right wing uh, pretty much holding him hostage if you will, because they want that offer to happen. many people saying that what he is doing, prolonging this for, for his own elliptical survival because that is the only thing benjamin netanyahu cares about. and when you get these kinds of hostage videos released by him ass. of course, this is not done just by chance. this is incredible psychological pressure on the is really public on the families on every ordinary is really civilian who is saying, why are we not doing more to bring them home? a stephanie decker reporting there from amman. and again, that reminder that the is really government has banned alger 0. so we are reporting
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from outside israel. thank you stephanie. a security has been stepped up in the swedish city of mount and the head of the finals of the eurovision song contest. thousands of protesters have gathered to oppose israel's participation in the event . they want these really contested to be disqualified because of the war on guys. a similar demonstration was held on thursday and it's been more controversy at a finale. the ducks contestants just klein has been disqualified because of what organizers say's a backstage incident. here to tell us to our klein was one of the favorites show the when this year's contest was, is there a small reese is in mel. note where the contest is taking place, support your vision. it doesn't sound like it, but your vision is supposed to be this whole thing. a political, as the protest behind you show. there's lots of politics and lots of drums.
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well yes, say your vision being a political is a line that the you, the you are being protesting unions to organize it. i've been trying to, i'm a home about this, these concepts to this. yeah, i now the protest is behind may have been making their way through my life for the last couple of hours. so i take issue with the fact that israel, i've been a lot of complaints of your vision, something come test compared to russia, for example, you after the invasion of the frame. um, what find a b you have claims of these? rightly national acosta hasn't broken any of his rules. where as well as russia to tell us, not something that the protesters, hey, obviously are really accepting i want to bring in at get momma. i must be from the swedish arabic, a new station out on based on the cult costs. now i did that seems to be a bit of a miscommunication or misunderstanding between sweden on the one side and this
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and this the us for from the middle east over why is relevant allowed to despite what's going on. yeah, i mean, i think as you can see, all of these people probably take issue with the fact that is real competes in the concepts that is pensively a lot of people here probably consider a european contest. so, i mean there's that disconnect, but mainly i think there's a, a, kind of an idea of the sweetness being completely hypocritical when it comes to what you were saying earlier. it's positioned on russia and ukraine when and when it comes with the position on as well. so there's a huge polarization in and so we decided, what are you hearing most your view is about what should be happening instead of israel taking part? well, i think a lot of the people who read a computer and will listen to my part trustworthy. definitely uh one of the well, i mean they do demand that israel should not be allowed to can compete in the revision phone contents. not just because what is happening in garza but also
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because, i mean i just need a new tunnel has been banned. so there's a sense of the not really press freedom and is really a these, a lot of our readers would argue not have been huge demonstrations. and while my over the last few days close to here, that was a pros, riley demonstration, a couple of days ago. that not demonstrating today, but they told us that they fail increasingly on the threats and some type of the 7th and after israel's actions in jobs or is that um, is that something you'd have to say like all of a mile know as well? well, i think it's always important to take uh anti semitism seriously, but i think that most people that you would see in these the demonstration march is a lot of them are jewish and there's always a jewish block. i believe the banner said these jews, the say it is a genocide. so so when there's a tiny incident it gets blown out of proportion. a lot of the time because of the logic of how media works. but i think um, uh,
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a lot of these protesters would completely disagree with the those kind of things i came on honda from, i'll contest the swedish arabic use. like thank you very much. well, as you can see, the demonstration. how's it now past best buy will continue going through mile by on. there's another demonstration planned demo right now where israel's entry will type called in the revision, finalize. all right, for res. thank you very much. we'll cross back to you. we'll keep talking throughout the evening. thank you paul. more protests and solidarity with the palestinians have been taking place across europe in the in amsterdam, thousands march to call for an end to the genocide and gaza on thursday. some of the protest escalated into violence when the police arrested several protesters in central amsterdam, another riley took place and the drum and city of distal door hundreds. they're turned out to call for an end to the violence in guise at their motto, quote,
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freedom from palestine and in manchester. now protest as march to demand the u. k. government stopped funding israel's devastating war on the 10s of thousands of people are expected back on the streets of georgia is capital in protest against the government so called foreign influence law. large crowds have attended demonstrations and recent weeks and months against the proposed legislation. it would require media and non commercial organizations receiving more than 20 percent of their funds from abroad to register as quote, agents of foreign influence. the bill could pass into law as early as tuesday in spring analysis. here is dimitri method and copays in the georgia and capital police see demetrius grades and talk to you in recent weeks. georgians had been until now, steadfast in their opposition to this bill. what are you seeing today?
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what what we're seeing right now is a more than a 1000 people. i'd say around 2000 already gave it to you in 1st republic square. what is essential to me say despite the slight drizzle people have come here, let me just show you around. they came prepared both for the weather and told the potential police response some of come with a gas mass, as you can see, because we have have police using t, a gas and water cannon and rubber bullets even in the past. now there's been a bit of a break in the past week because they've been national hold those, the easter holidays, big 3 day celebration. so people have like taking a break, but this is the crucial moment right now, because on monday the parliament is set for a 3rd reading of this a little that you mentioned the so called for an agents bill. now, as you've said at all, companies, organizations and g o media who receive 20 percent or more of that financing from
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abroad, we'll have to declare themselves as for an agents. and then the government will step in and investigate the source of these funds. now the government has said that this is very important for transparency, that is a more than 10000 n g i was operating in georgia and the, the countries as that needs to maintain that sovereignty and understand whether it's funding is coming from. so over the next kind of 3 nights, definitely we're expecting, protest has to come out. last year. the government has to yield to these protested and dropped the bill. but now it seems that that determines to continue. this is all tied into a treat to very different visions within georgia for the future of the country. what happens if this bill does pass in the house? this is an excellent question because indeed, a lot of people here. as you can see, a wearing a european flags because a lot of people see that this uh,
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the choice between adopting this bill of dropping it is actually a choice of, of backed up for where georgia and police the move next. because the georgia, i applied for european membership 2 years ago and was granted candidates status in december. now, european officials have said that this law is a highly empty democratic and is not the right way to go. and therefore, if the government adults this law goes ahead and the dumpsters law, they will have for the chances of and you membership. now people here agree that this is not what they want to say. they don't want a little like that to decide the future. and the other consequences that we might save cost as an election coming up in the later this year in october and the political landscape as a result of these protests. and the response from the government, as i've said, has been quite minor, could change. and finally, if the bill actually becomes low, then the violence that we've seen in the past weeks could escalate even further.
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analysis here is to be true, mid bank of reporting from the georgia and capital b c. thank you very much. me 3 the world food program says more than 300 people have been killed by flash flooding in afghanistan, northern province of that land. thousands of homes and houses have also been destroyed. emergency personnel are searching for survivors in the province of babylon, finsen mont, ahead and has more. this is all that remains of a village in afghanistan is background province. the region has been hit hard by flooding. survivors are morning the dead and trying to figure out how they can carry on me lot to learn. how much do you to say last people under the water o children under the floods, the legs and hands are broken. we do not have any place to spend the night. the dry winter is effected, the soil making seasonal flooding much worse than usual. baldwin has been effected the most, but other regions are also suffering. thousands of who has it been destroyed and
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large trucks of agricultural land have been ruined. many people are stranded and thousands are in need of supplies and medical attention. the government has declared a state of emergency. it says evacuations are under way and health is being dispatched, so that was in need, bent and monahan out to 0. the number of people killed by flooding and brazil's rio grande data sole state has risen to 136 no storms in heavy rain last the country 7 most stake this week. civil defense authorities say at least a 125 people are still missing. more than 340000 people have been displaced and re k cosmo is national coordinator for humanitarian, an emergency affairs at world vision, brazil. he joins us from paso photo and we k, thank you for being with us. first question about the, the search and rescue efforts. i beg your pardon. right now, do teams like civil defense and search and rescue teams have access to everywhere in rio grande to sewell or are there places, villages that are still stranded?
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yes. change it for the opportunity early. i'm here. i'm talk to from the air b r e charge of the, the sports on the rescue and search and do for that to me. we see is that uh they are only able to access some community to substitute bed. uh they re the, the weather and those are where the conditions uh, are decreasing times its time. as you say the weather conditions are decreasing the mind to say they are, i'm unable to access it. ok, sorry there was an audio do i missed part of what you were saying? i understand that the weather is about to get worse. yes. yes. much worries.
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actually we have uh weather alert from for the next 2 days. uh. which do are they for kathy smore array and co op? and then we can do more than uh, 100 kilometres for our a 164000 people have had to flee their homes. right. have been evacuated. that's a huge number. where are they now? what kind of shelter have they been able to find? so here at this stage, we have more than 500 shelters, an emergency shelters that are sheltering more than 77000 as far as sense children. and although it's not those things in the shelter and it'd be shelters and uh,
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they are using the church as they are using the schools and uh, orders for instructors to provide shelter from this book for these people in word vision are working in this place as to the tools and provide the for the child protection and safeguarding or the children. yeah, and i, and i understand that local officials are urging people have been displaced not to return to their homes because conditions might get even worse. all right, uh and re k, cosmo national coordinate and coordinator for the humanitarian and emergency affairs at world vision. brazil. thank you for joining us. a still a head on after 0 at the northern hemisphere bays. then a light show was a massive solar storm is the earth and in sport, the late goal gave this japanese seemed a good chance of the champion. for the 1st time, the
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love splitting viewed 40 units of enforced separation. they missed their children growing up in missed all of the things that i'm doing with my teeth, a son who fault for his parents, freedom from incarceration, for their room. and they're rather cool. black, revolutionary group of anything is worth finding 45 for the thing you achieve is worth it. growing together, a witness documentary on that just either a 106 kilometer stretch of remote and powerless jungle. only land route to south america for migrants, tequila side of the united states. a voyage, but for some is their loss. none the less for come to some of these. it's a risk. they are willing to take fault lines and box on this unforgiving journey to
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tell the story of one of the children of dairy and go on up just the types of support with any richardson who's doing this in the studio. andy, thank you so much. 0 a bunch of the city looking on stuff of all in that the streets of a full, straight, english criminally, title, city, pacing for them for when else. and they see points of, of also the top of the table. city defend the else kind of audio, opened the score and in london for the same on my wife's with 7 straight me when primo goals came in the 2nd health field photo, hey, with 62nd. so going to get that one of the many 60 pounds,
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enjoying their afternoon thought ill split into his 2nd. so might the games absolutely sized the union alvarez penalty wraps up the wind by city and also and i have 2 games left in the season was sitting next and actually against one cheese like the titles in a row. no. the problem is that we don't have time to is just 3 days, but we're playing for the tires at all in our minds hands because the challenge is so big. that's why we're going to do to do our best price on german manager loose and read cases. that same can improve next season even without carrying them by pay and buy house confirmed. he'll be leaving the club early this week, past due and knocked out in the champions league semi final. so woke up when a spent 7 years with the team but failed to win back compensation. you know, sort of what a lot of money is akita and i pay all i can say is marvelous things about gillian as a footballer and a person i understand his decision. we've been here for 7 years and he is
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a club legend. i wish him all the best. these are things that we have known for a long time. it's only made public on friday, but it doesn't change anything in terms of our general outlook. everything will stay the same regardless of those who are here and who are absence. my aim is to be strong next season. now you all come home at s. marina's happy advantage after the 1st flag of the asian champions league. final yokohama hunting for this much have to come from behind, spit out even if the united arab emirates, how many abolition with the early goals to be 2003 times a wind is so hate you. and i can go to watson. i'll be scoring. so the japanese thought in the 2nd toughest, they secured 8 to one victory, oklahoma aimed to win this tournament for the very 1st sandra, it's phone like that is coming up from the u, i. e. on may the 25th. have to understand that there's a, another 90 minutes to be played and it's going to be very difficult. but these are
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the challenges that i set my team. we said ourselves and we look forward to that. so we now have to, we have to concentrate, we have to work hard and just tardy up on a few areas, but i said they can enjoy the moment. but again, there's still a long way to go in this ty, a very confident because we play at home. and we know what does mean play at home with our funds. and i think he's going to do a was nose easy because there are 5 shouts. and so part of their team, and in 2 weeks the we'd be, we'd be the opposite. when do we need to take advantage of that? we believe that we can do it all 10 time champion, or i found that looks to flight his last much of the it's highly in open. he also cast bands on whether it'd be pairing at one last french sharpen lights room this month, that i'll bates and hit and wrong. but you, but a catch the city signals,
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how so they will be returning at the end of the season and seems unsure as to whether or not we'll be ready to place in the ground somewhere he's had most success. that's the print shop, which stops in 2 weeks to if i sense to say, what's my feeling and how if you feed my mind, if he's closer to one way or the other way, i going to say uh, being rolling barrels. i'm try my best well world number one of the joke of which appears to seen the funny side of his manager on a friday when he was accidentally hits on the head by of funds will support was he left the coat chasing, wearing a cycling home its on his way to a practice session a little earlier on the what happened, dr. joe could which is went on friday, the buffalo pulling out of of funds backpack is he was leaning over to get some
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notes across which pretty much it. okay. that he'll play, she lives out of hundreds of beloved on sunday in the women's roll top. see, it sounds like she's 3 to the last 16 world. number one over coming a 2nd set slump in her. much against you to save us kind of expense soon. so it went finally formed down before winning 5 games in a row to sail the match in straight seats on world. ronnie, champion, the color of empire has crushed out of his latest rice, this round of the championship taking place in portugal to destroy the rest of his rest comes to a family of brooklyn. you have been leading the rice of these points, the 23 year old, only complaints in select events this season. so isn't in will title contention and says crickets, most prolific festival is set to retire from the international game england. jimmy anderson will play one final test against the west indies in july and waste 41.
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he's taken 700 tests wickets putting in food on the old timeless behind spinners. meantime, early through and of the shoreline camp and australia is shamore. all right, that is so useful that's looking for that. so all right, any richardson there? thank you very much and we'll see you a little later. we look forward to that exam because government is banning the production of charcoal in some areas of the country. ministers say the move is needed to fight climate change, but many people rely on it to cook food and for their livelihoods. and they say they have no alternative source of energy arrow. it's also a samuel 20. they can sell a bag of charcoal for $6.00 at the market. his big bags can face nearly $10.00, but that is government has banned the production of taco in some areas saying the practice is killing the environment and needs to stock number to $96.00 to $70.00. i was born in 1967 and i have been making and selling chuck or since i was
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a small boy, it's all my 5 that is these families. it's how i have been providing for my wife and children. the child support is made by shelving soil onto killed the wood inside birds with little oxygen leaving the black common wages for other people on jayden bundy. taco is a lifeline for her family. she is one of thousands in the capital on the soccer, who can't afford to always buy electricity. oh my gosh, i do. most of my i used to alcohol to cook beans and food for my children. i also provide water, so my children can boss this. ben will be bad for us. i'm just, i'm busy tomorrow. but the government says the destruction of trees is contributing to climate change. and government leaders say a bad on taco is necessary to protect what's left of the country as far as. and the current drought brought on by the all new with the phenomenon is being made was by deforestation, and the degradation of land investigations and believe that we want to make
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a wanted to make a statement there that yeah, my background check will be in that area there will be no trouble, very char culbert, that's is an age old cultural practice ends ambia passed on from one generation to another. families sometimes make additional cash by setting crops. they grow in the fields, but it lack of rain. the season has wiped off the office and they say the government spends on child corporate action is adding to their hardship when they already struggling to cope with that. so the drought and the rising cost of living hardaman tasa out of the planet, is experiencing its most powerful g o, magnetic storm in more than 20 years. one which could trigger power and communication blackouts. a solar storm happens when the sun sends a series of strong solar flares, which then leads to a major increase in natural light displays. sorry, faucet has more. a look at the scottish. oh my gosh, it's beautiful. in the dog around the world, red color ripples across the sky,
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red oh was reflected back. this was the strongest jew magnetic event to move in 20 years, accounting for the vividness and variety of color, including the unusual pinks and blues, and the spread of the roll rate fall from the usual potable attitudes. this was southern england. this was central germany. what happened during the last few days, that is a system of very complex sun spots that came together and formed a huge truck division of the saw. and these are extremely active in the span of a day or a day in the hub. they last uh, i believe something like 7 quarter we must have directions. those huge bubbles of gas sent charged ions, racing across space. and bumping into oxygen and nitrogen atoms in our eye on a sphere delivering an extraordinary display. and to the products magnetic field, a powerful assault. what's nice concerning now though,
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is that we live in the 21st century where we have x exponentially increased our reliance on communications and other technologies that are in space and on the ground. where electrical indifference is, can actually disturb it from this to your magnetic storm. and that's something that we're watching quite closely right now. so what about those who would watching on friday nights, will they get a 2nd chance? it might not be visible this fall south of southern florida or even know the possibility but well with giving it a go and don't forget our friends down on the the southern light. so a roll rep. estrada's may will be visible once the game across the southeast of australia. i much of new zealand experts say the main most powerful interruptions from the sun have already hit. saturday nights on cool. isn't expected to be quite so intense. are you close it out to 0 or? and that doesn't, this is our but don't go anywhere. we're back after a very short break with a full round up of nissan of the
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where you're looking at now is low. the slope from the nearby to pile landfill garbage has reached a height as more than 35 meters and is well over capacity. this is just one of many landfills around the country that have exceeded capacity, mostly due to an excess of plastic pollution. indonesia is one of the world's top contributes has of plastic waste accounting for around $7800000.00 tons each year. and it's at locations like where i am on the outskirts of to come to where you can see the scale of what environmental groups cool. a plastic waste crisis, the most common plastic, pollution engine, asia, a single use sashes which environmental group say or small. but accumulation, add to the countries environmental button entities as government says that it is working to address the plastic waste problem and has had some success in making
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this and such as reducing marine plastic waste and promoting recycling after a controversial presidential campaign and the contested victory propose to be unto is said to lead indonesia, se, asia's largest economy. a diverse nation with more than 1300 ethnic groups. political power comes through the people. we're not going to be determined by for in a narrative. the presidents, alexis, indonesia, provo, sabean, so talks to l, just 0, a meeting of mine's the tragedy for me, of a democratic south africa. it's how quickly we sort of adopted the very told re global news, the intertwining of money and politics campaigner andrew fine state. and photographer shock you do on, on active is under crisis in guns. what is happening today is happening on our watch. the news from now there will be people asking, how did you let it happen?
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studio will be on scripted part one on on disease, the displace palestinians slee southern guns are by their thousands while israel intensifies the tax on or off. the 0 venue is good to have you with us. this is elza 0 live from don't also coming up . bombs were falling in the neighborhood where we are within a distance of less than 500 meters away from the supposedly safe house that would tower searches and positions at risk across the strip. hospitals are being pushed to breaking points with no access to fuel or medical supplies and other captive dies. gaza is family.


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