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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 11, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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the house on rid chris, the displace palestinians flew southern gaza by the thousands while israel intensifies attacks on rough on bombs were falling in the neighborhood where we are within a distance of less than 500 meters away from the supposedly safe house, with tower searches. and physicians at risk across this trip, hospitals have pushed a breaking point with no access to fuel medical supplies. the hello, i'm mario minimizing this is alger 0 life from del, also coming off on the program rallies. and kind of these are families of his right
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. he's being held in gaza pool for more protests against the government. as another captive dies, the protest against the war and gaza take center stage. here a vision song contest will live from mount lo and sweet. and are all the top story this hour flash once devastate parts of northern afghanistan. the united nation says more than 300 people have been killed. the israel has audits thousands more rough residents to evacuate the city as it steps up, attacks and goes up. the u. n says more than a 150000 palestinians have fled the areas since monday of to israel want people to evacuate. that is a major offensive the war and the lack of fuel supplies also has many hospitals in the area close to collapse. julie to a good begins coverage, you know,
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wanting that view as might find some of the um, images they see here. distressing. the 7 months of displacement and forced to see yet again, these really minute tree is ordering further evacuations in east and rasa. but as palestinians tried to leave them a raining down, leaving people scrambling to find safety in gauze with every corner of the target. and no lights a sped scanned the lyman close. we are leaving because of a fee and due to conclusion, we are leaving for the unknown. and there are no safe areas. a tool. all the areas left are unsafe. the united nation says about a $150000.00 palestinians have left east and the rough or is role is forcing them towards what it claims as a humanitarian. so in milwaukee, the age groups of described conditions, the as a risk, the options,
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the desperate palestinians rapidly diminishing the nation's, our and i love, what should we do here? we wait until we all die on top of each other. so we decided to the, it's better this, these really ministry process ahead with its plans to launch a full scale offensive and rasa strikes have been unrelenting elsewhere. bodies are piling up in darrow, paula and central garza, another area where many palestinians of floods but found no safety. the what the who i have here they are in pieces. here's my sister in law without ahead. my and also without a head. what does this injustice until when will this be going on? we're exhausted. the injured his have no. what else to go? alex, to host between the largest in central cause that is likely to run out of fuel. within hours. 8 is critically low with his ready forces still blocking the entries
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trucks into the strip as palestinians dropped in sight, remain in the cycle, trying to move a test to be taken out a 0. just want to take a closer look. now the situation in southern gaza on fridays ready forces dropped leaflets over the se in positive rough of districts ordering people to leave early on saturday. is there any minute tree issue? the 2nd evacuation order for neighborhoods east of rough last city. it comes off to reports of heavy fighting in the district. the area lots in blue is what is riley forces have now been stationed. most of no sir is the chief executive officer at the 5 years scientific and non profit cherokee organization. he and his team are providing assistance to the european hospital in rafa, but they on now traps well. we were operating for the 1st week, but with the no problems. and then the, the military operations started an eastern rough. uh uh,
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but then it started trickling further west. uh, where our safe house supposedly was. uh and uh, this morning we received the uh, evacuation orders from a block 6 and dropped off for our safe house that is no longer safe to evacuate. so we had to interrupt our work at the hospital, then go back and pick them our stuff from the unsafe house and bring it back to the european hospital. all of our medical supplies, food supplies, water, and everything, bring it to to the european hospital. in fact, when the operation started about 3 or almost 4 days ago, now, our understanding was then the military operation is a centered on eastern part of rafa. but we have what we have experienced is seen as completely otherwise. in fact, the bombs were falling in the neighborhood where we are within a distance of less than 500 meters away from the supposedly safe house, the power surges and physicians at the risk. we have uh,
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12 us citizens. we have 3 british citizens living addiction citizen and also uh from 11 position from online. so we felt unsafe in the, supposedly the conflicted house or the safe house. and, uh, we could read for nice because of the continuous, indiscriminate bombing india. so these are the minute phase also stepped off attacks in the north, in both causes as he and jamalia and astro icon. the giovanni refugee camp friday killed thousands of people that this includes 8 children. los alika fluids visited the area of the attack and spoke to some of the residents. it says, ready to close the service at the residential house and this i and this is one of the is why to target he's about so maybe what's really shopping is about
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11 barrel sons still under the rubbing sort of law for them the just to meet we're shocked, we do not know what to do physically and mentally worn out. we're on the verge of going and say, we've been under this hell for 8 months enough is enough. look at this garbage and debris. we're dying just to get our hands on some water or something to feed our children. this is not life. we struggle to get firewood and feed our starving children. and above all these relays have been hitting us with missiles and bombs for months. what add insult to injury is the recent warning. for god's sake, where do we go? even rafa is coming under attack. this is not life enough, is enough or, you know, in the body. we will come in the middle of the night to a loud explosion. the whole building was leveled. we've been pulling the desk from onto the rubble since then. this is
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a totally residential 6 floor of building. we've no presence of any resistance far to nothing but women and children. more than 40 women and children were killed on innocent defense for civilians. we pulled all these dead children as they were holding each other's hands. more children still buried under the temporary. all i can say is that may god punish those, committing these crimes against innocent children as well. goes as health ministry as saying another mass grave has been found within the grounds of the i'll shift the medical compounding, causes, city bodies of patients, women and children have been on covered some of whom appear to have been shot at close range mass graves of already been revealed in and around 3 different hospitals now in gaza, with today's findings there in out 10 graves sites discovered in total 5 at the i'll ship a medical complex one at the come out at one hospital in the north to the south at 3 grave sites. that discovered at the no sort of magical call complex. one was also
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found that in his writing on the check points in the north, in bate la. yeah. and all the developments and masses on doing the alco summer guides has announced the death of one of the captives held in gauze of the group says 51 year old and not the popular well who holds british citizenship died as a result of injury, suffered and it is rainy strike idea. they added that papa, well was unable to receive treatment for his injuries because of israel's continued targeting of hospitals. meanwhile, thousands of his writings are continuing to riley and tell of these, urging the government to do more to secure the release of captives health and gaza . these are some of the latest pictures we've been seeing of the protests and recent hours is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his government are facing the pressure to try and reach a deal to secure the release of those captives. just to remind the to you the israel has shut down out as there is a operations in the country. so we are reporting from outside israel. i was just
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there, stephanie deck has more on the story from little jamie and capital. i'm on the spokesperson of how master's military waiting. the cosigned brigade confirming that in his really captive jewels citizen british is ready citizen, 51 year old. that of papa well was killed and is ready air strike killed according to how mass. because his injuries of that airstrike could not be treated because the hospitals are so difficult to get to are not operating because of israel's a sold on guard. and now the release there was a video just a few hours before that announcement came off. popple well confirming his name showing him was a black eye, and then there was the video went to black, there was a question mark and a mouse said, wait, what has happened next? so this kind of pressure playing a huge role on these really public that come out well. so every saturday intellect eve, to protest courtney for this government to resign, calling for
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a deal. and it's also prompted the families of the captives who called a last minute press conference saying that this war cannot be won unless the captives retard help. if we continue down this path, we will lose not only the hostages, but the country itself. antonio is not only dobs to cool preventing us from getting go. 2 who wants to just back? this is also the dobbs to call preventing the state of israel from succeeding. the government does not care about the hostages. it is leading the entire country toward destruction. stop cooperating with them. rescue the hostages and save the state of israel with this government. not heating that cool have mass which had agreed to the deal that initially had been dream dice and by israel israel. now saying there have been amendments that it doesn't agree upon,
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which is why it says it is pushing it off on the one hand, a peas ignition yahoo, who's right wing allies. on the other hand, it says it will continue negotiations to come to some form of a deal. the bottom line is government not listening to the 10s of thousands, hundreds of thousands of his rees that are calling for a deal for an enter the war to bring the captains hope stephanie decker. i'll just, sarah, i'm not a just a reminder again that benjamin netanyahu is cabinets, has band outer 0. so we are forcing from outside of israel and will continue to report on the story. meanwhile, it's been 2 years, 2 years and is out there. john is trina blocker was killed during his writing ministry right in the janine refugee camp. an independent investigation confirm that she was shots in the neck by in his riley sniper shearing was palestinian american, the u. s. government agreed with the findings, but no charges have been brought, has been no accountability kelling out there as
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a bus. robbie has moved from ramallah in the occupied west bank. the. c may live in 2022 jeanine refugee camp in the occupied was a journalist and nice life list below a tree for friends desperately trying to get to her. but it's really gunfire is too heavy. in the 2 years since the targeted killing of old 0 corresponded sharing of israel has killed 2 other soldiers or a journalist both and got some cameron at summit were killed in a drill and striking december and cameraman homes of the, to killed in an air strike the following month, holmes, that was guys a bureau chief, wild eyed to his eldest son, and the 5th member of the family to be killed in the war. in fact, since the war began, at least 60 relatives of old 0 staff have been killed and seemingly deliver it is really a tax. the risk to journalists were already extreme when she really was killed. 2
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years later, conditions on the ground in gaza and the occupied westbank are even worse and days before the end of the 1st 3 of her death is real order. the shut down about a 0 in jerusalem expelling reporters and confiscating equipment. it's clear that they are tired of getting is just the, the 0 stuff and they trying even to kill the facts of the tools. not only about this will about own what the bus cdns stuff already, and the is riley book evasion. and that is very well. i'll at least 143 journalists and medial workers have been killed in garza since the war began. in the occupied westbank were shooting, was gone down. journalist reporting on the intensifying military rates regularly come under attack. even a memorial and roma la dedicated to shooting has not been spared indignity during
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the rate in december as rarely. soldiers surrounded the area and posed for pictures . sharon was a household name in the arab world. a woman of the people for stories captured every aspect of the palestinian experience. she was bold, unapologetic, and her murder was considered so tragic, so odd dishes that it has become a milestone in the country. her friends say they miss her sense of humor. i cannot witness what any i used to watch. sons is here to see. she is very hard to or chooses. you are now suffering after she died. i said, i'm not gonna watch the news, but nowadays we watch all the time. i'm not going to lie. sometimes i expect to see her if we miss her while shooting has a very special sty. hers is a legacy built on being a voice for her. people, reporting on the injustice and oppression of israeli occupation, a job she died doing. her absence felt no more than ever. as her people suffer,
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the worst of violence. they've ever seen. zane bus route the old 0 run the look the occupied westbank, palestine slide for you on the program. attending our attention to georgette tens of thousands of people take to the streets that for now the noise of protests against a controversial proposed. and you know, the on the sunday may the 12th, here's your forecast for europe in africa. let's go. so we're going to power up some thunderstorms for a southwest, england, wales, and scotland. i don't think the storms will make their way into london, but still we will see a shift in the wind. so as a result, here, temperatures will drop down to one line with where they should be for this on your different story in the south. this son's out temperatures are shooting up so in southern spain,
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temperatures are pushing past 30 degrees. so let's go to central in eastern europe . right now. most of the action is in the bulk is actually pretty much stretching from slovenia right through to romania and for a turkey is capital on. correct? it is adult day here, a few showers at times. and cool for this time of the year, 13 degrees now that we're coming into mid may, you should be about 23. so yeah, 10 of a whole or you should be okay. west africa, the biggest pulses of rain around sea are the own. also pushing into that eastern side of guinea and for southern parts of the ivory coast on sunday to the south, we go with this freeze off the indian ocean that's going to produce some showers for soft. that footprint has cause we learn to tell profit. and so that will include durbin and same goes for southern booth and be care. we're going to get strict with some showers, including for most and beaks capital. my put so on sunday, that's it for me. so you said the
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a 106 kilometer stretched remote and powerless jungle, the only land route to south america from migrants, city, the size of the united states. a voyage that for some is their loss. none the less for come to some of these. it's a risk they are willing to take fault lines and box on this unfair giving journey to tell the story of one of the children of the barium go on of just the the the current winder of the main stories. now, these really minute tre is expand that it's ground operation in the southernmost
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areas of the gaza strip. desperate families have been sling eastern rough, softer and no, that is raining or to. the one says, a 150000 people have slept the south so far. meanwhile, high masses, ahmed wayne has announced the death of a british national health captive in gaza, saying he died at 22 in his rodney strikes and thousands of his raise a routing and tell a v, verging the government to do more to secure the release of captives, health and gauze at the and we want to take you to the swedish city of mount lo tensions of running high there as well. sounds of protests, of taking the streets to oppose israel's participation in the revisions on contest . the israeli of police forces clashed with the crowds as they were trying to push back several protest as were forcibly detained and taken away train station outside your
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vision. reno was close down to prevent the protest is from locking in. so full res, in melma way, the or vision final is taking place and so is we are hearing pool and he will demonstrate has gathering there and now load. they are expressing the opposition to israel's participation in the contests. what have they been telling you? well, it's very nicole, it's a living situation. have we started off in the middle of fall by with thousands of demonstrators making that way through the city. we then came to mount marina. why they your vision? finally, citing place is just a few 100 maces way and at 1st everything was very calm. but it turned out that a lot of demonstrations had kind of made the way into the reading sort of area outside the rita in secret that i suddenly went tired. paula sitting in the study
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and flags and stopped demonstrating against israel is called, despising your vision against the wall and gauze that now the police reacted quite quickly. tried to try to contain the demonstration. it was fairly faithful as uh, demonstrations. confronted with the police, i go, but that was, that was faithful, forcibly removed. take it away in the place. hold the line to try a post to demonstrate this, i'm away from the, from the entrance today. your vision arena, which some demonstrate, does it try to rush, the police then joined the phone on the line and a to demonstrate this. so this area, navy, irene, and out of right, the demonstration is highly protected in sweden site. people haven't kind of been taken away and the tires themselves. they've been moved to other areas as police, trying to keep the demonstrations. and i take to a cool know mary, about the site to say we're very angry. the israel has been
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a lot of complaints in your vision, comparing it to the situation with russia. and it was brands after the invasion of you price demonstrate does have told us they consider that if offers a. all right, thank you very much. full rece reporting to us from the sweeter city of now low attention to the running highs. thousands of annual demonstrations gather to express the feelings of israel's participation. in of the nearly 2000 civilians have been told to leave the homes and ponts of ukraine's harkey region. the governor of the ne, entire tree says 3 people have been killed. russian forces say they won't keep by 5 villages. north of the city said fonts further into the area. cranes, ministry is saying that is sending its reinforcements, john home and has moved from keys the on site today. russian full says,
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continued the crust. buddha, offensive into ne and ukraine, the heart of keith region at the russian defense ministry said that 5 settlements have been taken. ukraine. authorities disputed that saying that those settlements were being full of but then president, below them is a landscape, came out and he needs nightly address. talked about 7 settlements that were being full over that seems to indicate that fighting is expanding. now how to keep is especially important because it also contains ukraine, 2nd largest city, how to keep safety. and if russian forces do get close enough, they can begin to show the northern part of that city. the city is already suffering aerial bombardment. it's a really tricky moment. do you crime right now because president below them is a landscape. so i mentioned 10 situations, other parts of the front line that moved the 1000 commitment to the front line in
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the east. the reality is that ukraine is being outmanned and outgunned. it's trying to hold on until weapons arrived. they've been promised by the united states. i'm promised by the european allies, but meanwhile, this is given a window for russia to press home. it's advantage not seems to be exactly what it's doing right now, john, home. and i would just say to keith was that a georgia now thousands of people have gathered in the capital to protest against the government so called foreign influence. little large crowds have been marching through the streets of police in response to the proposed legislation. it would require media and non commercial denies ations receiving moving 20 percent of funds from abroad to registers. agents of foreign influence bill could pause and to lower as early as tuesday. that's bringing officers to meet him at the den co who is in the georgia and capital. the reason he tells us more about the, the public response as to this proposed legislation.
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the while it's been loud, it's been emotional, isn't quite what, but people have come and numbers that the police. they haven't seen this. yeah. more than 50000 people have come out. they marched all across the valley avenue from one square to another, from the public square to europe squarely going right back to us. uh, apartment building right now, and they have not been dis, wait, as i'm continuing to participate in these, not as they're saying they want to be assigning the government is ignoring that will to drop this for an agents bill also dumped the russian bill because russia has a doctor's similar legislation in 2012 and of course it's a crucial moment right now because so on monday will be the fun and final reading all 4 of this bill. and on tuesday, we're expecting to see a vote. and then it could go through some of the technical processes, but it looks like the government does not want to back down. it did back down last
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year due to protests of pressure. and it looks like it's resilience and saying that the country needs more, the highest sovereignty higher transparency. and i want, and who is financing the thousands of energy as operating in georgia. and dmitri, if this one would have cost, it would make it more difficult for georgia to as a join the you explain the connection that well, yes, georgia applied to become a member of the european union in 2022. and then december, it was granted candidate status. now as a candidates, georgia has several goals, 9 goals it needs to achieve in, within the next couple of years in order to become a full fledged member. now if you, if you are paying officials have said that this little beast for nation smoke is empty democratic and therefore they did not welcome us. and they said that it might be hampering. uh, the chance is alsa georgia to actually become
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a full fledged member of bethel pressuring the government into doing that. the government has responded and saying, this is exactly why we need this law because we have western interference in our internal affairs now. uh, the people here are saying that they definitely want to become a member of the european union calls us as an 80 to 90 percent respond and say they want to be a member of the you. so they want to be the and they want the wants the future offer. george's a bid to become a you member, to high on the face of this law. thank you very much to meet your residential with all the latest on these protests and the judge and capital to please see the world food program is saying more than 300 people have been killed by flash funding in afghanistan is northern province of babylon. thousands of homes have also been destroyed. emergency personnel is searching for survivors. that fence and monahan brings us more on the story. this is all that remains of a village in afghanistan is background province. the region has been hit hard by
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flooding. survivors are morning, the dead. i'm trying to figure out how they can carry on me lots a lot. how much do you to say last people are under the water o children under the floods. the legs and hands are broken. we do not have any place to spend the night. a dry winter is effected, the soil making seasonal flooding much worse than usual. bog around has been effected the most, but other regions are also suffering. thousands of homes have been destroyed and large trucks of agriculture. land have been ruined. many people are stranded and thousands are in need of supplies and medical attention. the government has declared a state of emergency. it says evacuations are under way, and health is being dispatched. so that was in need sent and monahan out to sierra some use from brazil. the number of dead from flooding and the rio grande are the sole stay as risen to a 136 storms and heavy rain lash the country southern most state this week. civil defense. as far as he say, at least
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a 125 people. so i'm missing moving. 340000 people have been displaced. but let's go bosses in pennsylvania has been making that final pat chad of local elections on sunday. the governing, separate his policy called the pope of the parliament failed to posit the regions budget threatens to re ignite the debates of the cats on independence and even the stability of the national government. so when i get the reports, the final hurdle before polling day and catalonia socialist policy is leaving nothing to chance. lending his support. lita of spain, socialist prime, minister federal sanchez, who knows something about political survival and success. if there is an optimism in the here, it's because this pro unity policy has been ahead in the polls beating of separatist rivals. catalonia is better now than it was in 2019,
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especially thanks to dialogue efforts by petra sanchez. separate this policy useful, a crucial blocking catalogue is parliament. any regional government would require that backing, moving the current setup and the national government. but the left wing, separatist, lead government is not offering any guarantees of support. what we say is, we are talking about proposals and our proposals are to keep navigating for a referendum and the socialist party. until now they have set new to that proposal across the board to kind of list please the wants. campaigning and fronts . unable to meet his supporters in catalonia, because he faces arrest his role in the regions attempt to secede from spain. he represents the center rights of counsel on politics. his policies, recent push ahead in the polls, would seem to represent an ongoing ambition for independence as well as a hardening of you.


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