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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 11, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm AST

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site w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m the the space palestinians, the southern gaza by the thousands. as these rating military intensifies its attacks on rasa and across garza, the hello, i'm sorry, i'm lisay. this is alger 0 at life from dow. so coming up on the program, the thousands, riley, and tennessee, the families of his writings being held in gaza. whole from the protest against the government. as another captive dies. protest against the war on cause a ton violently. you're a vision stone contest. the live from mama in sweden are the top story. the south
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flash floods devastate large parts of northern afghanistan. the u. s. has more than 300 people have died. the hello and welcome to the program. israel has ordered thousands more residents to leave rough. uh is it steps up it's attacks and gaza. the one says moving. a 150000 palestinians of fred. this is he since monday is israel intensified? it's a salt on the area where the majority of palestinians were forced to go off to attacks in northern and central garza, the war and the lack of fuel supplies is also left in many hospitals in the area close to collapse. do you need? i go, begins out coverage and a warning that to you as might find some of the images here. distressing the, the 7 months of displacement and the feet. yet again,
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these really minute tree is ordering further evacuations in east and rasa. but his palestinians tried to leave them a raining down, leaving people scrambling to find safety and gauze. with every corner is a target and no lights, a sped in the line and close. we are leaving because of a fee and due to collision, we are leaving for the unknown and there are no safe areas. a tool olva is left or unsafe. the united nations says about a $150000.00 palestinians have left east and the rough or israel as forcing them towards what it claims as a humanitarian zone. in alma wasi, the age groups of described conditions the as a risk. the options, the desperate palestinians rapidly diminishing nations. our and i love, what should we do here? we wait until we all die on top of each other. so we decided to me, it's better this, these really minute represses ahead with his plans to launch the full scale
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offensive. and rasa strikes have been unrelenting elsewhere. bodies are piling up in darrow, paula and central garza. another area when many palestinians of flood, but found no safety. right? what the who do i have here? they are in pieces. here's my sister in law without ahead. my and also without a head. what does this injustice until when will this be going on? we're exhausted. the injured here have no. what else to go? i likes to host between the largest in central cause that is likely to run out of fuel within hours. 8 is particular with is ready for us to look in the entries trucks into the strip. is palestinians dropped inside, remain in the cycle, trying to they tend to be taken out a 0. well, i'll just, there is honey. my mood has one now from outside the likes hospital in darrow,
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by the in central casa of the families of the 3. inside a tent in day evacuation zone that they were told, evacuated to here in western part of their village did in the wide area. they were killed and $2.10 more injuries just from the flying a trap. no, they were brought to the hospital here. 2 of them were brought in in a plastic bag in pieces and they were pronounced it right away. this is the kind of of, of narrative that is really ministry has used, has been using within the past 7 months. and since the initial weeks of this genocide, those work and right between the time of the arrival of the injuries and those were killed in the hogs, we could clearly hear more explosions, more air attacks, and almost non stop constant artillery sitting of the eastern area of the central part of the gauze of fred, this is on top of the overnight a talk that unfortunately makes this been from area right now with more evacuation
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orders with homeless, 860000 people, according to on already inflated the horror of the instance bombing campaign in the southern part of the strip and rough tens of thousands of people set up their tents and been sheltering in the central in the southern central parts of the city. the central area not only were talking about the ongoing attack, but also with the lack of human material support with the ongoing enclosure of the crossing. there is a threat of the scarcity of supplies with as food, water, and also fuels that represents the, the lifeline for health care facilities. and right now we are hours that we from an announcement by the hospital and that it's going to shut. major departments shut down, major service and provide you because of the lack of a few. let's just take a closer look at that at the situation in southern gaza on friday. is there any forces dropping leaflets over the se, in part of rough of district ordering people to leave?
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earlier on saturday, these right, the ministry issue, the 2nd order for neighborhoods, east of rough us city. it comes in and reports of heavy fighting in the districts. the area of mountain blue is where is riley force, as of now been stationed. the limit trees also been increasing its attacks in the north and both causes city and the jamalia. and as strikingly, giovanni, a refugee come friday, killed thousands of civilians. this includes 8 children, was out of calhoun visited the area of the attack and spoke to some of the residents that it says ready to close the service at the residential house. and this i, and this is one of the is why did talk this piece about so maybe what's really shocking is there about 11 barrel sons still under the rubbing alcohol for them the just to meet. we're shocked. we do not
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know what to do physically and mentally worn out. we're on the verge of going and saying, we've been under this hell for 8 months enough is enough. look at this garbage and debris. we're dying just to get our hands on some water or something to feed our children. this is not life. we struggle to get firewood and feet are starving children. and above all these realities have been hitting us with missiles and bombs for months. what add insult to injury is the recent warning. for god's sake, where do we go? even rasa is coming under attack. this is not life enough, is enough? oh, you know, in the body we will come in the middle of the night to a loud explosion. the whole building was leveled. we've been pulling the desk from onto the rubble since then. this is a totally residential 6 floor of building. we've no presence of any resistance far to nothing but women and children. more than 40 women and children were killed on
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innocent defense for civilians. we pulled all these dead children as they were holding each other's hands. more children still buried under the temporary. all i can say is to make god punish those, committing these crimes against innocent children that will cause us health industry is saying that another mass grave has been found within the grounds of the i'll shift a medical compounding cause a city says the bodies of patients women and children have been uncovered, some of whom appear to have been shot at close range. mass graves have been revealed in and around 3 different hospitals inside garza. now, the latest findings that are attend grace sites of rule 5 that the al shift medical complex one has been founded. the come all add one hospital in the north, to the south. 3 grave sites have been discovered at the no sort of magical complex . one was discovered as soon as right on the check point in the north and bait
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light. yeah. well, a spokesman for a mazda is on. during the summer gazes announced the death of one of the captives held in garza. i'm a beta says 51 year old not to have purple well, who holds british citizenship died as a result of injury suffered in on his right of the strike idea added the buffalo was unable to receive treatment for his injuries because of israel's continued targeting of hospitals will thousands of his right, he's up and rolling and tell a v vi g and the government to do more to secure the release of captives held in gaza. police 5 was a candidate, demonstrators, and there's been confrontations with security forces that is there any 5 minutes of benjamin netanyahu in his government, facing more pressure to reach your deal to secure the release of captives, families. if some of those captives of the press conference, eddie want accusing government, i'm not doing enough. if we continue down this path, we will lose not only the hostages,
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but the country itself. antonio is not only dobs decal, preventing us from getting go. 2 who wants to just back? this is also the dobbs to call preventing the state of israel from succeeding. the government does not care about the hostages. it is leading the entire country towards destruction. stop cooperating with them. rescue the hostages and save the state of israel. or benjamin netanyahu, his cabinet has bind algebra from israel. so our correspondence, stephanie decker joins us now from jo, dining capital, oman, and stephanie is public opinion. and israel shifting to the majority of his race, perhaps prioritize the hostage deal of the major operation and rough uh it has shifted. it has shifted over the months. certainly there was actually
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a poll conducted in one of the main is really english speaking newspapers. just a couple of days ago where i put those who favored a deal that would bring the captives home at around 60 percent. it really changes if you look at what end of the spectrum, the left, the left political ideology around 90 percent, one to deal. and then if you go to the right, then it's verging on about 60 percent the prefer. but i find that is also playing out to in the is really cabinet. but what you're seeing is still the pressure of thousands and thousands of people coming to the streets every saturday to say to this government that is there, it's time for a deal you heard there from the causes of one of the captives. she was also saying, she says it can be no victory over her mouth in garza, unless the captives come home alive. and that is obviously something that people are very concerned about as time goes on. and particularly if israel pushes more and more into it off, or they say that it's very unlikely that any of the captives will be coming home
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alive. and as time goes on. and also, i suppose, when i last makes these announcements about hostages. dying is the results of continued military attacks. yes, and i didn't think it's any coincidence that they reduced this on a saturday when you do have these scheduled protests, these protests a very tightly controlled and they are given permission into our slots. and they've done it before, it's not the 1st time that they released a hostage video on saturday. the last time they did it on this, actually it was an american citizen who is at the time was alive, that he gave a very angry message recorded message. of course we cannot verify under what conditions he was told to say, but very angry at benjamin netanyahu. and it was interesting for the 1st time he's really media with the consent of his family played this video. busy on his reading media, so you sense the pressure building certainly on the government to get a deal to bring them home. but at the moment we haven't been further from that. how
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mass accepted that deal and that is real, had apparently green lighted, and then these are all said that there had been amendments that have mass accepted and it wouldn't accept it. so we're at a very difficult stage where is role is basically paying to side. so that's an yahoo is appeasing the writing is coalition by starting to push that off site at the same time. he's trying to appease the americans, even though the americans are very unhappy with him, saying that he's continuing negotiations. thank you very much. from amman, stephanie deca and other developments tensions have been high in the swedish kind of city of mount the also thousands of people that have taken to the streets to oppose israel's participation in the year. visions don't contact the police forces clashed with the crowds as they were trying to push them back. several protest as were forcibly detained. train station outside 0 division,
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reno was closed down to prevent more protest is from for locking in. full reese is live for us now in mel most we then tell us the, the final is now on the way pull. one of the protests has been said it's, it's not shut area. if his to have kids just step behind you. yes, i'm outside the station outside mama. right? you know why the eurovision song contest is taking place helio station which has reopened again. but they the space behind me was really kyle: take a couple of hours ago. this is the area where all the your visions problems have kind of been milling around with lots of, lots of music play and police sort of watching over then. all of a sudden, a chance of like a live a policy in a loving lives. how a side broke out and that way. dozens of people with palestinian flags
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in this area. hey, behind made stuff demonstrating. police made a ring around them. some of them tried to rush at the gates, getting into the rita. and i'm going to start this been sort of gradually, they take it away, police at one point sort of pushed us in a bit of a i was like tried to get demonstrates this to another area that was a bits of pepper spray used at one point but on the whole, it's been fairly peaceful based on the demonstrate decide on the police side, they've actually just tried to funnel. i demonstrate desire of it to another area near the arena as a carrier, i'm demonstrated by lot of people and paid to have gone home now. and what i've been saying to us is that very unhappy, the israel is being allowed to keep pace in the eurovision song contest at comparing israel's situation with russia after russ, you're invited ukraine and it was fun from your vision. i'm the organizes the, the,
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you, your theme broadcasting union have notes, taking the same measures against israel. he uses the, it's a compensation between national broadcasters and they say the israel's national broadcast, the housing is broken. any of the rules. that's not something that demonstrates as have been happy about. they all continuing to try and make that voices heard of the thousands months through my life today. we don't know what that plan is off the lights and especially if israel's entry didn't go on happens the way the issue or vision something come to us. thank you. from the city of mount in sweden full rece . you have alger 0, life from donors will still spring you on the program. joseph georgians. georgias takes the streets of police. he is demonstrations. continue against a controversial proposal and the nice guy fades in his backpack in a light shows a massive solar storm. it's the, the
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one of the biggest selections of 2020 pools in the general election will administer now render movies be taking increase its route across the country. how will economic uncertainty and you've some employment suede boots as in key states. and will the media be able to cover the vote, reading and fairly ongoing coverage this in the, as an actions on out as the era after a controversial presidential campaign. and the contested victory proposed to be unto is said to lead indonesia, se, asia's largest economy. a diverse nation with more than 1300 ethnic groups for that to go. why we're comfortable with the people. we're not going to be determined by for in a narrative. the presidents alexis, indonesia proposed to be unto talks to l. just the room in the solomon islands,
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the deadly legacy of world war 2, remain on the lounge by displaced it and exploded it now under the sea. they are literally the sense of taking the time on $1.00 oh, $1.00 east meets the solomon islands. some tante escape of war, that ended decking to go on to the of the just a quick reminder of the headlines that we're following this hour now and the is right . the ministry has expanded its ground operation and the southernmost areas of the cause. the strip desperate families have been fleeing east and run off to another
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as riley or the united nations is saying a $150000.00 people have fled the city so fond. meanwhile, police have 5 volts account and it protest as in tel aviv west, thousands of his writings, a rallying to the government to do mostly secure the release of the captives held in gaza. els last thousands of galvan and sweden to demonstrate against israel's participation. the you're a vision song, contest, several protest as well, forcibly detain, and taken away by the police. so we take you to georgia, now tens of thousands of galvan and the capital act to protest against the government. so called foreign influence, slow launch crowds, as in marching through the streets of to please see in response to this proposed legislation. it would require immediate non commercial organizations receiving moving 20 percent of funds from abroad to registers. agents of foreign influence bill could pos and to lower as it is tuesday. i'll just here is to meet you methven dental reports from the georgia and capital to please see it says thousands of
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people here incense, so at least the bottom down list suddenly avenue. despite the drizzle, the thing is very important to be here and say no to the proposed government sales hold for an agent sale which will require organizations and zeros and media receiving 20 percent or more of the funding to declare themselves as agents of foreign influence. now the government says this is very important for transparency because there's more than 10000 and you authorize thing in the country. the people here say that this is essentially a, that's the democratic law. one the mirror and what's the adopted in russia used to track down on the sand about they don't want very small to hamper that chances of becoming a member of the european union of the ear is drawn to georgia cabinet status in december. 2 they now said that if the law goes ahead, becomes,
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becomes with the bill, goes out and becomes low, then the chances of georgia to go ahead and become a full fledged for you. remember that being handbook. now, the reading, the 3rd and final reading of this will happen on monday birthdays, especially on tuesday. so now is the time these people say it's very important to come out and say, let's not make this happen. now. finally, the election showing up in the country and the landscape, the political landscape might as well change because of these protests and the police are sworn. some people have come here with gas masks because police have used to adjust rubber, bullets, and water china in the past. so as we get closer to the day when the law is being considered, we might see more protest as here and volumes could potentially escalated to reaching out to 0. it's amazing. the,
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the 2000 civilians have been told to lisa holmes, in parts of ukraine's hockey region. governor is a ne, entire tree says 3 people has been killed. russian forced to say they've all 55 villages north of the city. they advanced further into the area, ukraine's ministry says that it's sending reinforcements out there as john holman, has more from keith on set to day. russian forces continued the cross border offensive into northeast and ukraine. the hot of keith region at the russian defense ministry said that 5 settlements have been taken. ukraine. authorities disputed that saying that those settlements were being foot over, but then president followed him is the landscape came out and he needs nightly address. talked about 7 settlements that were being full over that seems to indicate that fighting is expanding. now how to keep is especially important because it also contains ukraine, 2nd largest city,
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how to keep safety. and if russian forces do get close enough, they can begin to show the northern part of that city. the city is already suffering aerial bombardment. it's a really tricky moment. do you crime right now because president load them is the landscape also. i mentioned at 10 situations, other parts of the front line that moved 1000 commitments to the front line in the east. the reality is that ukraine is being outlined and outgunned. it's trying to hold on until weapons arrived. the been promised by the united states and promised by the european allies. but meanwhile, this has given a window for russia to press home. it's advantage and not seems to be exactly what it's doing right now. john home and i would just say to keith, and now we've been following the situation in afghanistan. the world food program is saying, well, the 300 people have been killed by flesh funding in the northern province of
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babylon. thousands of homes of also have been destroyed. much is the person that was searching for survivors that since and monahan brings us more on the story. this is all that remains of a village in afghanistan is background province. the region has been hit hard by flooding. survivors are morning the dead and trying to figure out how they can carry on me lots it on. how much do you to say last people under the water o children under the floods, the legs and hands are broken. we do not have any place to spend the night. a dry winter is effected, the soil making seasonal flooding much worse than usual. baldwin has been effected the most, but other regions are also suffering. thousands of homes have been destroyed and large trucks of agricultural land have been ruined. many people are stranded and thousands are in need of supplies and medical attention. the government has declared a state of emergency. it says evacuations are under way,
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and health is being dispatched. so that was in need, bent and monahan out to 0. the number of dead from flooding in brazil is ready to go under the sol stay is risen to a 136 storms and a heavy rain lash the country southern most state this week. civil defense authorities say at least a 125 people are still missing. more than $340000.00 have been displaced in the full cost is for more heavy rain on the way. as of saturday afternoon, heavy rains are falling in the northern and central regions of the stay water levels or rising. the outline is experiencing it's most powerful gone like magic storm and moving 20 is just one which could trigger power and communication blackouts. so the storm happens when the sun sends a series of strong soda flies, which then leads to a major increase in aurora as a natural light displays around the world. high false,
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it has more look at those good. oh my gosh, it's beautiful. in the dog around the world, red color rippled across the sky, red oh, was reflected back. this was the strongest jew magnetic event to move in 20 years, accounting for the vividness and variety of color, including the unusual pinks and blues, and the spread of the roll rate fall from the usual potable attitudes. this was southern england. this was central germany. what happened during the last few days, that is a system of very complex sun spots the came together and formed the your truck division of the saw. and these are extremely active in the span of a day or a day the how they last uh, i believe something like 7 quarter, we must have directions. those huge bubbles of gas sent charged ions, racing across space, and bumping into oxygen and nitrogen atoms in our eye on a sphere delivering an extraordinary display to the products magnetic field. a
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powerful assault. what's nice concerning now though, is that we live in the 21st century where we have x exponentially increased our reliance on communications and other technologies that are in space and on the ground. where electrical indifference is, can actually disturb it from this to your magnetic storm. and that's something that we're watching quite closely right now. so what about those who would watching on friday nights, will they get a 2nd chance? it might not be visible this fall south of southern florida or even know the possibility but well with giving it a go and don't forget our friends down on the the southern light. so a roll rep. estrada's mate will be visible once the game across the southeast of australia. i much of new zealand experts say the main most powerful interruptions from the sun had already hit saturday nights on. cool. isn't expected to be quite so intense. all right, close it out to 0. that's it for me for now the news out coming out at $2100.00 g
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m t, which is in about 13 minutes from now till 12. just bear with me into just pressing select the hello. it's been quite this start to me, a soaking start for sidney and new software. all states in australia. i'm not going to tell you there's more rain in the forecast here on sunday, but i think the biggest 1st of rain will be south of the city, and some of this action is going to push into the capital territory. so that's going to impact kendra, and on the other side, we're seeing a few showers dance into w a not quite per se, but we will see some building cloud cover. certainly. and i see blast of air for both islands of new zealand. so waking up sunday morning sub 0 and christ church is well below where your should be this year. by the afternoon, you'll bounce back to 15 degrees. the winds are light air,
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so you're temperatures by day. not too far off, where they should be for this point in the year. and don't easy as the biggest burst of rain really still on too much or island. and that western side of borneo island getting striped with some solid bands of rain in northern vietnam. and we had quite the downpour and manila, the other day producing some flooding. and then we've got this line of storm stretching from southern china, shooting out over northern vietnam, up through japan through islands, but really up and down japan. this is going to impact you all the way to whole titles. here we are on sunday, but we're in the thick of it. on monday. heavy rain fall alert me play. and so if you could see a 100, now let me hear some frame the
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or the. ringback or the jessica washington in chicago after a controversial presidential campaign and the contested victory proposed to be and so is said to lead indonesia, southeast asia largest economy, a diverse nation with more than 1300 ethnic groups of $72.00 primrose, korea, indignation, politics is long standing, he served as a special forces commander during general. so honchos regime, a period marked by allegations of corruption and human.


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