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tv   Talk to Al Jazeera Prabowo Subianto  Al Jazeera  May 11, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am AST

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the the. ringback the, the, i'm jessica washington in chicago after a controversial presidential campaign and the contested victory proposed to be unto it said to lead indonesia, se, asia largest economy, a drivers nation with more than 1300 ethnic groups of $72.00 primrose, korea, indignation, politics is longstanding, he served as a special forces come on to a jury in general. so honchos reaching a period marked by allegations of corruption and human rights abuses his military career. and when a military ethics council discharged it, after which he spent time in exile in jordan, upon returning provo significantly reformed image the. what was the presidential
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candidates twice before? just as the minister of defense under the outgoing president? since 2019 and this addition of talk to while she's here, we take you to a ranch just outside the invitation capital home to president alexis provo, sylvia. and as he has to take the reins of power, join us to explore the complexity. this is cost promises of his presence and the hope for his future and the future of this vibrant and size of the nation. the presidents alexis, indonesia cover to be on. so talk to the city until president elect of entities a thank you for talking to him. to 0 and on the side, but the data and i get that done by bebbles. let's begin with talking about the election of a landslide victory for you. almost 60 percent of the votes victory in 30 out of the to provinces. certainly results that any candidate would have been happy with.
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what made the difference this time because you phone for president before twice. why do you think your message appeal to to vote is this you? i think the combination of factors may be uh, precisely because i ran twice before i think of my message my and that at this my, my principals reach the people and this time of course i have to say that i felt that i basically became part of the incumbent team. so i think that also was a great factor. that's something that many observers have talked about and they've called it this decal way, affect the effect of your perceived closeness with the president and how that may
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have boosted your chances. what do you make of that? well, if you know, uh, pressure, then you'll go to it has to what? now 80 to 83 percent favorable rating in the public opinion polls. and of course the people felt his commitment to bring a better man for the people, the conditions, especially the poor. so yes, i think i did that locally affect uh, really helped me also use or have run against presidential going twice your political rivals. was there a genuine change of mind on your part to that allows you to work more closely with him. you know, uh, traditionally in, in region politics the, we never wish to,
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to make sure that his rifle doesn't ever really emerge. right. but this time he, i think he, he understood that i was committed to the betterment of the image and people, especially the poor. and i think basically which i found out later he did. he does have the same values as i do. what are those values? i think the value as a, as a sudden of indonesia, we want people to lift a dignified life and poverty is not dignified. an independent country. the people that live with the basics. you know, you cannot live in poverty. we'll talk about poverty in
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a moment. yeah. you mentioned sons of indonesia, and of course one son who has really been in focus during this whole campaign is you're running meat. you prolonged i could bring reca if the countries and ex spice president a controversial pick. certainly in the early stages of the campaign, what does he bring to the table apart from being presidential? could we go to some very, we cannot take the fact that he was suddenly present jokingly as not that important factor by joke only has 82 percent favorable rating. right. is there a quality that a new vice president will bring to the job? perhaps his use might be a positive factor. i think that's also very important factor, as you know. uh, i think it some, more than 52 percent of our voters are young you some more than 63000000 between 17 and 30 right. in a 3 candidate race, what was the main challenge in getting your message across to those young voters?
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i think i had the advantage because you know, the young and they are more concerned about jobs this their future, their concern, what indication their concern about jobs do concerns about equal opportunities? so would you dispute, perhaps there were some criticisms of your campaign that there were, there was some gimmicks with the, the cartoons and the dances that it actually wasn't about that it was about the substance that appealed to young po, you know, the mix. i'll get mix right. i mean, you can have a good mix in the cloud, right? you can dance all you want and see you become a buffering or you become a 1st i think is the message. and the young in this age of social media. the information revolution, you know, do they get on very fast?
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and i think one thing about a, i can do the c, d, c a very fast, who is genuine? and who's that to me. so i think i got the invite just there guys, you know, the promises of your potential policies rather than the style of the campaign. yeah . normally problem is this, the problem is this makes sense. i'm not right. mm. pharmacist makes sense. promises solve problems. i'm not, i think i think that there was also a criticism made during campaign season before election day that perhaps your, your team had an unfair advantage by means of support from the states by means of potential misuse of social 8. that was something that your opponents repeated but also some civil society organizations. does that affect how you perceive the victory in any way at all? well, you know, expectations are easily made,
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but when the scrutiny is done correctly intensively. i mean, if you will find out that those expectations are very, very, uh, empty and very uh, i would say very selfish acquisitions to deny there was any conversation about this yourself, social 8 during campaign season, social a, this the, in our budget. yes. for many, many years. right? it was appropriate all parties environment for work and then didn't imagine so much . this 8 social assistance, right? by the way, in outside of nature, we have a large community of innovations living abroad, moneisha, hong kong, singapore, the middle east. and i one by 63 percent and there was not one social
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assistance package sent and i wouldn't waste 63 percent. right. and all this socialist is or given an ard preferences. and i last thing told me to would you be looking to work with the people who oppose to win the election? i am willing to work with anybody for the country. let's talk about some of the policies that we can expect. and one of the key projects initiated by presidential window is this new capital project in east coming on? does this project have your full 100 percent support? this idea of moving the cup book was actually for many, many years since the, from the, our 1st breath of the presence of god. no. and there's always this move that this capital. it shouldn't be more central station. and also did we have problems
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actually, and just got your got those i think already way beyond the the capacity of the area to to support a population of 2025 1000000 people. we have to invest more to say for the fact that how do you address the concerns about how this project may affect the indigenous communities? there are some and g o's that estimate some 20000 indigenous people may have to be relocated to make way for infrastructure, for the capital. what can be done for them? the interest, the security and the future of all the interest people, our highest priority in my in my view, we have to protect them. we have to secure their livelihood. and we have to
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do a lot of planning and research that we do not displace to many people. and if you do, we must compensate and we have to get into the there will be because this is a theme that comes up not only in terms of the new capital, but whenever there are major development projects. for example, the modeling a circuit long bulk. there are indigenous communities who feel they don't receive the benefits of these major infrastructure. yeah, i would like to repeat that in my, in my life, in my commitment that i will defend the, the interest of my people and the guys people included we, we will, we will defend that. my, my, my stronger support are from, from those 4 weeks. you've proposed many strategies to help low income households in particular, but a key promise made during the campaign. and in fact,
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the one that was all over the postings in the lead up to the election was this free lunch program for school children. some more than 18000000 people will receive this free lunch and free meals. what is the reason that the problem actually like yeah, i think premium program is is very urgent. and is we have to take or didn't measures. and the children of indonesia are our future. i think this is face to digit for. ready future of indonesia, the cost has been raised as a potential barrier that in the 1st year this could cost perhaps $70000000000.00. i understand the government is already looking at how, how to fund this program. but to you that's not a concern to me. that's not a concern. i've studied the problems. i've studied where we can save and wherever we can relocate. i'm very, i'm very convinced. the name of this project is to improve the quality of education that invitation children receive. what do you see as the main not only go through
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a group and to, to, to help them in their health, in their fit. you know, this fun thing over in the nation. children is very, i would say very saddening. so this program is the intersection of health education, a variety of ames, but one that's a revival of the future if you need me. you know, if you have thought to buy that projects already 3 months, you start that. not many, but we start that an issue on each of we started in call the my, the and the everybody reports after 3 months. the children are more likely attendance rate increase as you know nowadays they know when to come to school this there's lunch or there's a meal. so we're very optimistic. but let's take
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a look at the situation in eastern indonesia in pop. what we have seen incidents of torture human rights abuses carried out by security forces against indigenous populations. there was a recent incident where a man was put in a barrel and tortured by security personnel. when you see those incidents, what is your reaction? you know, we're the 4th largest properties in new will we are the size of europe. right. we have many incidence. i'm sure the violations. but if you compare what's happening and manufactured, well, you know, i'm gonna defending it, we, we will take, we have taken, i think, our, our equity. we have taken a majors to punish our security forces who have violated. but if you compare with the size of the nation,
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it was the size of the population incident seem to be concentrated though in, in popular rather than throughout the country. how do you know that? have you been there? what did you go there? well, it's very difficult, especially for, for kids who to enter pop, what it book, but boys, if, as i'm going to be sending all incidents, we will uh, deal with seriously. but you know, your question a bit, one side, the why don't you open the youtube or the generals of, of these so called a independence movement on that channel. you can see how they mislead their own people. so would that be ensuring the security of the situation in papa? how can that be done? well, it's really just not really proper. we would insure security over the nation. right? and our approach is always to negotiate, you know, a lease a better is so effect that when people who at tech schools were in uh,
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dealership areas, utah, but one incident, yes. do you know that they did kill the workers on the road? yes. i know that there are, but you didn't have to fight it how, how many workers they killed on, i'm civilian with how many workers they killed. 234, there haven't many 1000 many, and the use of really the cutting out. thank. so if there is a big the, uh, what do you call it, the hostage, which do you have no good and on for the instability and me, right? yes. where is the indignation from? from the g o is from the foreign press? no, i think perhaps the indignation is nice for both sides just for, for people to, to live safely. that mister president liked and pro yeah, we will secure the safety of our people didn't mean attacking civilians. many, many fires. and i know you guys don't report that. well, we tried to report the,
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the full story. yeah. they, they propagated. there is a perception from some human rights groups in indonesia that perhaps what the situation needs is less militarization if our national data 3. we are not guided by so and yours, we will be guided by our initial end of this. there was a, a, an earlier that's not a commitment, but as i think as something like a promise that the jacoby administration would allow some of servers from the un, 20 or pop what to take a look at the situation. but that visit did not happen to see that is something that that should happen so that perhaps there can be fewer questions about what is going on. i will study the situation. i will study distribution and routes sufficient could take place under your administration. i was funded the situation, but as i said, we will think about our national interest. indonesia is one of the largest
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democracies in the world. and we just had a very spirited, lively election campaign. and it was quite, you know, it's quite wonderful to see how it was generally smoothly. everything goes in a country of this size. how do we ensure that the democratic freedoms often to nations are protected? the democrat system is the interest of the nation people. but the interesting people, the what the demographics is, the political power, comfortable people, we go, we rule, we govern ways the content of the people. and this is all the people who decide, right? we're not going to be determined by for in none of this, right? for the in interpretation or what democracy should look like. do you think that those interpretations when they're all these reports that say there's democratic
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backsliding any denisia? is that a misinterpretation from your perspective? of course. what next lady? what does ally do? we have how many, how many years of peaceful transfer of of government, of how many governors have been changed? how many district. but these have been changed. we have a living and vibrant democracy. are we satisfied? no. it's the corruption. yes. that's our problem and we have to deal with them. okay, if i'm actually democracy expiring. what is the only is the best system to fix? what is the alternative? why do i get involved in for getting elections? what have you learned from taking part in all those elections? strenuous inspiring but yeah, that's what the people want. the people want a choice. but i do believe that democracy is in danger and everywhere,
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but especially in research in danger, because off uh because of corruption. because of the concentration of wealth, there is a segment of the population. mister president, i liked that has expressed some concerns on the basis of not your time as defense minister, but your posts in the military that they have concerns about about that and accountability. how would you ensure that they also feel that you are a president for them? you took up a number of course e. the people have decided to post up what concerns? you know, in every election they will try to look for this weakness and that to be, can this and this and that, and i was a general, i'm a proud general, i serve my people for my cousin, 3 irish, my wife and my people. i've been
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a few so so when he thinks is called the immunization. mm hm. so that is called character assassination. is part of the tools of politics. sorry, i've faced that irish, that acquisition. so completely, the insulting and ready falls, but just that's the name of the game for the people who, who didn't vote for you, what would your message be to them? i told them that they will see me. i am a man of my word. i will prove to them. right. and if you was, if you study the social media, many of them have realized so democracy, elections. there with me. uh, heart off, there will be higher skepticism. this part of the democracy. fine. but in the end
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i, i feel the mandate, i will work for my people. even those who do not vote for me, i will, i will defend them. let's move on to foreign policy in indonesia has a long history of a non aligned charting, a middle part. i believe one of the founding fathers referred to it as growing between 2 rates. how much of a priority is this for you? i, i said many times that this out 30 should in this all history that we do not want to belong to any blocks we doing one to be long, especially mid 3 alliances are guiding philosophy is to be friends with all countries in one particular situation that is significant for the region, the south china sea. do you see that indonesia could perhaps help with diffusing
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tensions in the region over that matter? i think we can try and we would like try. i don't and we have tried. but we also have shown that by diplomacy, by negotiations, the 4th i called the asian way, you know, uh, i think we have diffused lot of situation. i was at the shangri la dialogue, anything for that year that you gave the speech about the asian way. can you explain what that what that means? aisha association. we have experienced a lot of fun and interference in the past several 100 years. right. i always say we never went through europe, but the repeats came to us. they basically go with nice eyes dates are fit in our internal politics for hundreds of years in india,
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in the kingdom of bird. my in indo china. my yeah. in china right now is in very good also in the last 23400 years. right? so we experience that we have this. and so for instance, such as a show, we work with morrison 150. that's a go 60, i mean, you know, in the show what's in conflict with melisha, we sync up or when we solve that with out for an interference results we met. and that is the asian way, i think. so in this current geo political climate where we see the us and china competing for influence all over the world but, but also in southeast asia, how does indonesia manage that situation of as you say, being friends with everyone. and in this case, the us and with china,
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because they are very open you know, we've, we've got my say we, we, we respect you, we are grateful to you for your vice assistance. and we welcome you to come in through the shop. take part in already going on with development. we invite the americans continuously. we divided the japanese, the koreans very strong here. do invest that. here we are open for them. do you know the entry invite the chinese revit and you were recently in china. yes, i was in china, i was in japan, i wish it melisha you see? so uh we have had it open and we 1000 police. you know, by the fact that we have friends with you does not mean that we cannot be friends
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with china with india, we suppressed ya. indonesia is in quite a unique position in that, in that we are unique. and i think that's our strengths. do you think there is potential for an engineers or to play a role perhaps in diffusing some of that tension between the us and china, or do you see that situation is already being quite manageable? well, if there are ways that we can be useful here, we want to be useful if there are ways that we can be useful. we want to be so. but i think the fact that we, we have to give the example and we have to get to the, the initiative that we have to convince all sides that you know, the world is getting smaller and prosperity of our people needs peace. there can be no prosperity was our peace. you are now in this position
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of being able to shape indonesia for this next period. how would you describe your vision for what you would like to achieve in these next few years? i am very clear. i just want to do my best to safeguard our resources to bring it down on it, the betterment to my people, to elevate poverty and hunger. that is my priority. sometimes we hear president, chuckle, widow described as president of infrastructure, who built so much around the country. how would you see that you would like to be described at the end of that turn? i would like to be described as the one who bring vision to the most week the most for and i'm, we're suffering probably city until president elect of indonesia. thank you for
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talking to them to 0. thank you very much for coming in. the why have american evangelicals become? is real strong? this background is us president joe find the right to stand with israel with no red line as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real? solve on concept from going on in. definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line. unique perspective. why is it the doctors don't get to have a say in any of the medical workforce has been so and devalued by the british government from time on hub voices? tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we?
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12:00 am
the the hello, i'm sorry i'm in law's the welcome to the news. our live from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes, strikes are intensifying in northern gauze of thousands of people have been ordered to evacuate while is these righty all me targets and gaza city and jamalia. patterson is ordered to leave a rasa in southern gauze.


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