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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 12, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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the some size of the $300.00 on luis heavens, have gone through the rough, the crossing in recent months. i will most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sorry, i'm the why the welcome to the news. our life from dow ha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. is writing forces launches series of intends as strikes on the jabante, a refugee camp in northern gaza. several palestinians believe to have been killed, casualties of mounting and rough uh,
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as well. tens of thousands of civilians are ordered to evacuate. the eu has cool these really orders unacceptable. and are all the top stories more than 300 people have died in flash floods, triggered by heavy rain and afghanistan on thousands of protests is riley and george's capital against a controversial bill. the critics say will be used to crack down on this end. the hello and welcome to the program is 2200 g m t that some 1 am 1 am in gaza. what is rainy as strikes pounding valeo refugee camp. this is in northern gauze, a residential areas and shelters for displaced. people believe to have been targeted. several people, a fee, a dead, many are trapped under the rubble. at least 8 children were killed and not attack on
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a hun. israel had left you back leah and most of northern gauze and ruins during its previous military assaults. and palestinians were just beginning to rebuild their lives with that look for food or aid on now israel has ordered civilians to evacuate jamalia and bates law here in northern gaza. but of course they have no west safe left to go. okay, well that's the situation as it stands at the moment and i do think we have with us on the phone now most of the com flute, joining us from jamalia in northern gaza. thank you very much for speaking to us. i know that obviously it's been a very difficult night, but what can you tell us about the military operation and the attacks on jamalia in northern gauze or in the past few hours. mm
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hm. well, the situation here to be successful, fig as these are the forces go to a japan. yeah, refuge account and other areas and nothing is actually physically to the no place as people here have no place to do is actually weight. and those are the forces also bound is february 5th. at the latest in japan. yeah. although a areas nothing does a heavy alternately and as far as this great killed without actually 40 civil yes. eh, and, and injured it doesn't o of what i'm talking to you and now they are firing on the east or just the border. so it goes back to be uh, broken off. if it's the ration. yeah,
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please. in $1408.00 is twice just a fire on disability. if it does, it's tripped a and all of this great to many entered and one and then also i'm talking to from the inside of the gun, which was the about f for t maybe or tennessee injured people down at the advisor. the forces the target to charge the neighborhood, and this is actually my neighborhood, my neighbors, stead of the under the russell. i know it is what i have so full and big, big, big, glad, because captors and told across the opening file activities on the younger was to him on the to area. yes.
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and so i understand, i understand was the so you have a doctor who is with us now also joining us from giovanni a in northern gaza is in mud. i was a now in law. does an emergency department talk to and actually my wife is just going to hand the phone over to him. you can understand that communication is always been very difficult in northern gaza where we on the all reports of multiple is riley strikes in the north of gauze, the residential areas, shelters, and the displays people have been targeted. and as life was explaining that is neighbors trapped under the rubble, he's been struggling to make contact with anyone. and of course we now see these is riley strikes in northern garza aust, uh, that had already been a military assault on the area. months ago. dr. was a, can you,
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can you tell me about what you have seen and witnessed over the past few hours instead of how you come on the data. the bottom one has to be done in the bible and we all get into the fusion. the 1st name because we have nothing god by the agent today, the time. and the most of them, the, is the, the data then the consent or getting on the, the, the, the, the, the with the a i the on the, uh, on the, on a more. i don't know the tell me just used to be clear. you have seen casualties, you have seen women and children in judge in the,
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in the strikes. you are treating women and children. there was some of the death certificate there. his dad, i'm the, i'm going to do my and the we have the the, the not because i asked them to be a we, we have more than 50. and then my last week i'm the we. yeah. and we have but how does the uh, up to come down. yeah. i was lucky and uh, now we, uh, we have the guys in boston. right. and get it. no news. i just just locks it in the unit to the, to the. so just just to be care about the wooden top, does that go with the am indifferent to to this one? yes. so now we know that that has been little 10. mean garza has been
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sealed off effectively. border crossings has been blocked, which means that aid including medicine and fuel, has not been getting in un agencies. had warned that that was only about 24 hours of fuel left. and once this runs out, hospitals will collapse and not be able to function. and just because the line is a little bit, so it's just to it's, it's not totally clear doctor. so just be that with us from what you are saying that the power has run out the batteries or the, the generators you might have had the last of your, if you has run out the hospital doesn't look to yes. busy you have the no, uh the inbox because the uh, the down. uh because uh the well,
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the, the last time they don't, uh, you didn't have the, uh, uh, i should be out of the out of here. this would be for a lot of the now the, the on the compass and it was no, it's not. i can actually come down. so there is no light in the form in the home. you are using the light to on your phone to treat patients. yes yes, yeah. we do it the same day. i'm the guy that just that you of the bill to him on the on the stuff the, the life on the drop down to say the only doctor that this is this. it tell me you are at one hospital in the area all the, any of the facilities are there any of the medical center has functioning in the area that can to accept wounded patients?
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the god got nothing because all the time about the work now is different. my last become that out, that a there's, this goes by the me, i'm the, i just have the, uh no, no, no, the don't have the stuff. the work in the store down there that the last week i'm i'm going to be kind of stuff get out of that sort of going to do this. i don't just because the problem in there is no fuel for that because i've, i've got those. i've got all the things that i can you, can you tell me about the number of casualties you've seen? you said that you would see a wounded women and children like tell me about the number of patients who have seen those. those who are those who have survived and those who haven't
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i don't care if you have to pull up the age of the big. we have the about 20 symptom. i'm the one on the on the, the 5th and i didn't get that into them. there had been the optimum duties that me the, the of the thing going to be picked up i think, to do with the couldn't get a doctor to tell me again how many, how many casualties you said you, you had received us received patients who have not survived that people have been wash of the hospital, how many casualties are to get you to contribute leave the community. yes. tell me again. how many casualties have you seen this
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evening during the night as well as the there the inquiry is october. the 4th, the 24th did type to expand the the what the uh good we received about that 200 the if you guess the good thing get for the shipping. um the, uh, still most of them the, the eh, we come do anything with them. uh, and then we ask them from the the you too. bye bye. all right, well that the line is crackling. the, but thank you very much. thank you very much. talk to em, i'd for joining us. and it was explaining that dr. ahmad is joining us from the valley,
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a area of northern gauze. the way that has been is really as strikes targeting the area people. several people, a fee, a dead, many more trapped under the rubble. the adult too, is just describing that that he has seen women and children among the injured patients that the hospital is struggling to treat because they do not have enough supplies. and fuel has run out. so adults as a, using that the light on their phones to be able to receive and treat that patients of them. also that is the situation there in northern gauze. and meanwhile, in the south is riley is stepped off as ground operations and rough uh, a senior e leader is called the situation unacceptable and says is around this respects you monetary and low to move in a 1000000 displace palestinians sheltering the arrows facing death and displacement the un says around a $150000.00 palestinians of fled so far it's wanting the food supplies that could
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run out by sunday. no. a truck has entered garza since israel took control of the roof or crossing earlier this week. and a lack of fuel supplies is left many hospitals in the area close to collapse. julie, the i got has this report in a warning that to some of the images could be distressing. the 7 months of displacement and forced to see yet again, these were you, the military is ordering further evacuations in east and rasa. but as palestinians tried to leave them a raining down, leaving people scrambling to find safety and gaza with every corner is a target. and no life has sped scanned the line and close we are leaving because of the fee and due to collision, we are leaving for the unknown and there are no safe areas, a tool. all the areas left are unsafe. the united nation says about
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a $150000.00 palestinians have left east and the rafa is role is forcing them to with what it claims as a humanitarian. so in milwaukee, the age groups of described conditions the as a risk, the options, the desperate palestinians rapidly diminishing nations that were and what should we do here? do we wait until we all die on top of each other? so we decided to me, it's better. this, these really minute represses ahead with his plans to launch a full scale offensive and rasa as strikes as being unrelenting elsewhere. bodies are piling up in darrow, paula and central garza, another area when many palestinians have fled but found no safety. right? what the, who do i have here? they are in pieces. here's my sister in law without a head with my and i'm also without a head. what does this injustice until when will this be going on? we're exhausted. the injured who have no. what else to go?
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i likes the house between the largest and central cause that is likely to run out of fuel within hours. age is critically low. with his way the forces still blocking the entry of trucks into the strip. is palestinians dropped inside remain in the cycle, trying to they tend to be taken out a 0. well david though she is an associate professor at the national defense university, joins us live from cambridge, massachusetts. and we were just speaking to adults here in northern cause or in jamalia which has seen is really strikes through the night. why is israel targets in northern gauze and also causes a cheese? is a tune, district months officer announcing that her mouse had been dismantled. that yeah, good question. i haven't seen a specific is really pronounced but on this. but i imagine what they would say. so again,
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this is supposition is that there were remnants of hamas that remained in the area and then infield traders who left the area when it was under a solve heavy infill traded back in or gain access to castrate weapons. ah, so i think that's, you know, in line with past is really practice. what they would say is that elements of homos re establish themselves among civilian population and that's who they're targeting . but again, i haven't seen anything from the israel is on this yet. and i think the indication is that, well, they say that a mazda is trying to, to re establish itself. but me, of course, you know, david is ro, israel understand very well, the nature of the mass. it also knows gauze is very well, you know, the densely populated nature of, of gaza. they know that how mass cannot be defeated in their militarily. so what
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does, what does this indicate about intent as well? so how most of the military organization can be defeated militarily, but it comes to great expense. and a lot of that expense given the, almost the tactics of dispersion amongst the civilian population, most of that expense will be borne by the civilian population of gaza. so, um, you know, that i think is the issue there, the issue of from us as a philosophical movement. uh, yeah, i agree with. i agree with that statement that's, that there is a military solution and, and no democracy. israel is a flawed democracy, but it is a democracy. no democracy is ever repressed. it's way out of an insurgency. so there, there is a problem there, but no a truly i think israel security goals are to ensure that her mos doesn't have the ability to attack insight as well. oh yeah. yeah. but they have no, i mean, you know, 7, i'm, so i take your point, you're making a distinction between our mazda is an ideology and how much the minute treating look,
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7 months into this will they are now going back into areas. it already been decimated, saying that mazda is trying to get a stop, or does it mean that katie, the indication is the last? does still have some military potency, you mean this would be, you know, this, this is the logical conclusion from the, the arguments. yeah, that's exactly right, and this is not uncommon in worst here. uh so for example, if you look at the korean war, which was much easier because it was on appearance less. so the united nation forces led by the south koreans, the united states, had amounts a major military operation in 1962 against infield traders and chinese and north korean communist forces. miles, you know, in some instances to hundreds of miles behind the line in south korea because you know, infiltration among the civilian population is
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a common tactic. and it's particularly easy when you have a large display civilian population and the ability to hide weapons, you know, underground this as a mazda is done. so this is a difficult situation, but the fact that you're seeing this doesn't, and so i think indicate of a failure of military operations. so much as it indicates that it's a challenging nature of dealing with an entrenched insurgency. and what are the and it's going to be very difficult then to defeat then militarily, because if they disappear from one place they could reformulate and reappear and another. but of course, the other thing, david, does it all the going what, what are the implications of this then for something more extensive and rough uh, which many would say has, has already begun. yeah,
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i know that you're exactly right. i mean, look, this, this is, uh, you know, the insurgents a search and see operate so many civilian population. and when a conventional force tries to defeat it, inevitably, there's a huge damage to the civilian population that the insurgency operates a month within, rougher i'm particularly concerned about that because the civilian population in rossa, is, has both embedded a moss. and it's just located which means the civilian population is already weakened, is already a greater risk from the facts of famine or health disruption or water disruption. they're already of hon. population and you're dealing with the last of forms, major tactical outfits of from us. so that's going to be really nasty fighting among on extremely vulnerable civilian population. this is, this is, you know, this is horrible. this is going to be horrible. and it's going to be unacceptable to a lot of people. um, but um, you know,
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given the security games that israel's united states, i have a feeling where we are going to see it. david doors. thank you very much for joining us from cambridge, massachusetts. thank you. meanwhile, her mouse, as i'm doing the office on brigade, has announced the death of one of the captives being held in gaza groups as 51 year old. and i have papa well, who hold the british citizenship died as a result of injury suffered and not as rainy as strike earlier. they added that popular i was unable to receive treatment for his injuries because of israel's continued targeting of hospitals. the old police and his relatives volts accountants at his bus. anti government protest is intel of these the weekly demonstrations demanding an end to the war, been taking place since october. protest is also wanting the government to reach a deal with him. us for the release of the captives are choosing the 5 minutes to
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benjamin netanyahu of prolonging the wolf has on political game. israel has shot down, i'll just, there is operations the so we all reporting from outside the country. stephanie deca brings us more of the story from the jo, dining capital, i'm on the spokes person for how master's military wouldn't the cosign brigade confirming that it's just do one year old jewel, national british and is ready. citizen had died as a result of injury sustained by his really our stripe around a month ago. now there's no coincidence that this was released on a day where thousands of his rabies usually protest in tel aviv. it is the usual size of a they have done this for months to try and keep pressure on this government to get a deal to get the captives home. now this news, the video that will so was release of the captive prompted members. relatives of the captives to come out and tell it even to talk to me it to the media. and one of
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the messages was that there can be no victory without the captives coming home alive. if we continue down this path, we will lose not only the hostages, but the country itself. antonio is not only dobs decal, preventing us from getting our hostages back. he's also dobbs to call preventing the state of israel from succeeding. the government does not care about the hostages. it is leading the entire country towards destruction. stop cooperating with them. rescue the hostages and save the state of israel. some of the for testers managed to block one of the main highways in tennessee for a short period of time. police using words are kind of to disperse the protest, or a lot of pressure on this government to get a deal to bring the captives home. but at the moment that's in yahoo, very clear pushing into it all fall on the one hand appeasing his right wing
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coalition. they insist that off what is essential to get a victory over how may i ask them at the same time. they say they will continue negotiations to try and get some form of a deal. but at the moment, certainly the only cards that seem to be on the table is this military offensive that is pushing into the alpha and also at the moment, did other areas of the gaza strip. stephanie decor, i'll g 0 a mac and it's now bringing or you go back who is in his right, political commentator life from tel aviv. how would you describe public opinion and israel right now? is it shifting as well? it's a complicated but essentially point there is certainly a lot of opposition to prime minister and it took me out to the energy. now government launch these early public still supports the war while the protest years call. sure, the return of the hostages and sure to remove the look. and so now they don't seem to be able to make the connection between the way they're teneo has managed this,
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quote unquote war and the situation of the houses and the situation of the country . so they are full of run and you can split them, you know, they are full of hopes and urgency regarding the return of the hostages. but most is rarely jews are not hers to the continuation of the war and the strikes on the fly and in girl is uh uh, it's actually quite ludicrous in the sense that this is clearly an abject military saying the are sincerely innovating areas in brownwood, invaded and announced control of months ago if it's patient has to do so. again, that must mean that these are the military who says that the war as last the dis, conclusion seems last sunday is really public. even those are protesting in the streets. why do you suppose those connections are not being made between say, you know, the way in which nursing, yahoo says manage the war and the,
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the hostage release obviously. now we have this announcement that one of the hostages has died as a result of continued his radio strikes. i mean, it's, it, it stands to reason that you know, such a war and the cause district would result in the death of hostages. but then also they're not making the connection between israel now returning to areas where it previously set, how mice had been dismantled. the 1st this is left was promised by israel's political and military leadership. went this war to jeremy uh, 7 months ago that this would be long. this would require multiple off for a as in sort to use an entries into gaza to take care of from us as it strives to regroup, to empower itself and so on. so is it is you're saying, okay, this is what they said, what happened and you know, it's what's happening and how much can stock this word every time you're average. the certainly will tell you is it only decides to surrender and return the hostages
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. the deeper reason has to do with the place that war occupies in the collective is early psych, each more is degree. united or more is a political right. that may be the problem is rarely townhomes very hard time. even though they understand that mutiny our house, a clearly political agenda in place to personally and in terms of his tardy and his government, war is perceived as superseding politics, as transcending politics even were, is essential or is, you know, basic. and as i said, the great uniter, so a lot of people, including, i just heard the mayor of the town of north secrecy, this opportunity to bol, it's rosie gibbs. as the graves and the ons performance. he said one or 2 out of 10, we have to replace them after the war, every thing happens, pastors who are so as long as there's
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a war between the hours and power and there is no real challenger, despite the massive public outrage against personnel and his policies to this issue a more as some change that is not political. that allows and attend the out of this almost co blanche to do as he wishes to. what do you think is likely to happen? often the war is it, is there any public we believe it's as simple as removing netanyahu will resolve all of these problems. political, economic security related challenges and did insert the question of these early terms of the challenge takes into reviling that anyhow. as an easy fix or is it was profound structural problems they were profound before this worst started. they won't be much, much more dire when this war and nothing else has been foreign minister,
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shortly nearly 15 years give or take a year. if he is not president, if he's not in a seat of power, that will bring about a change, certainly as far as, as early as are concerned. but i'm afraid that the most is there. are, these really do believe that removing of them, you know, well as the protest are you interviewed said, returned israel to success with allows you to succeed. i think a great many is early june or on underwear, rosalie, or just as a result in the circumstances they are unaware of israel's international studies today, and israel's position and, and our new perception of israel as a hostile, aggressive genocide will stays the same. it'll be a rude awakening once this war is over and i really have no idea what direction domestic politics will take here. whatever happens will ultimately be both
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a radical and unfortunate. thank you very much. all right, go back for joining us there from, from tel aviv. thank you for having a it was in use our life from doe on is that most still to bring a leon mocking the 2nd out of us 3 of street apple alkalis, killing? is there any forces show that the out is there a john this while reporting in the occupied west by the people to take into the streets of the swedish city of mount motor, to oppose israel's participation in the vision san contest? the the hello. it's been quite the start to may a soaking start for a city and new southwell state in australia. i'm not going to tell you there's more rain in the forecast here on sunday,
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but i think the biggest 1st of rain will be south of the city. and some of this action is going to push into the capital territory. so that's going to impact camera. and on the other side, we're seeing a few showers dancing to w a not quite per se, but we will see some building cloud cover. certainly. and i see blast of air for both islands of new zealand. so waking up sunday morning sub 0 and christ church is well below where your should be this year. by the afternoon, you'll bounce back to 15 degrees. the winds are light air, so you're temperatures by day. not too far off, where they should be for this point in the year, and don't easy as big as 1st of rain really still on sumatra island and that western side of borneo island getting straight with some solid bands of rain in northern vietnam. and we had quite the downpour in manila, the other day producing some flooding. and then we've got this line of storms stretching from southern china, shooting out over northern vietnam, up through japan through islands. but really, up and down japan, this is going to impact you all the way to whole titles. here we are on sunday,
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but we're in the thick of it. on monday, heavy rain fall alert, who play, and socio could see a 100 millimeters to bring the, the latest news as it breaks. online banking apps rely on the internet, but some of those states are experiencing an intimate blackout with detailed coverage. the majority of the front runners in these elections have either been questioned for or have already been convicted incorruption scheme from around the world versus the asian highlights the think, talk correct me or what is an area that the s i c hit being pushed as of over 27000 harrowing photographs as typically until they can do that to us. the evidence in this case is frankly even stronger than that that we had against the nazis at nuremberg. and these crimes continued in the fast of
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a 2 part series out to 0 photos, powerful cases of little crimes against civilians allegedly killed by the syrian government. with photographic evidence from the seas of files, the lost souls of syria on al jazeera, the, i'll come back here with the news out. a reminder of the main stories. israel is saying is motional price in northern gaza to stop a mass from retaining that carried out strikes on the giovanni a refugee camp. at least 8 children were killed earlier on saturday. you and the same around a $150000.00 palestinians have fled rough us as israel steps office ground to tax
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20. that remaining 8 supplies could run out by sunday senior european union leader as cold as well as evacuation or does unacceptable. and the united nations is one that food supplies in southern goes away. israel has expanded it submitted for yourselves, will run out by sunday agencies urging for the immediate entry of aid and fuel and the closure especially about the crossing and the cab, silent as separate boxes for us to appeal to supplies. and the movement of bosh monetary and stuff, it's also effectively bids of any civilians. so that's a go out to a medical investigation look through the program and we dropped one out of sheets of distribution in south by tomorrow that needs to be going to be less totally with what has already be distributed in their, their shelters, phones and insights. as of today, we have 12 bakery supported by some out of 10 partners here in stock as of 8 have ceased to operate to, to lock a few in stock,
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and for that are still operating that produced capacity. so, so be on the desktop. and it's been 2 years since alex's era john listerine, of will offload was killed during his writing the military rate and the occupied westbank. an independent investigation confirmed, she was shots in the next line, is riley sniper, while reporting from jeanine refuge account sharing was palestinian american. the u . s. government agreed with the findings, but no charges have been brought and there's been no accountability kelling, st, but strongly has moved from ramallah in the occupied westbank. the. c may 11 2022 jeanine refugee camp in the occupied was a journalist and nice life list below a treat for friends, desperately trying to get to her. but it's really gunfire is too heavy. in the 2 years since the targeted killing of all 0 corresponded,
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sharing of israel has killed 2 other old just the red journalist both and does a cameraman summit. we duck killed in a drill and striking december and cameraman homes of the to killed in an air strike . the following month. holmes o was goes a bureau chief wilder to his eldest son and the 5th member of the family to be killed in the war. in fact, since the war began, at least 60 relatives of old 0 stuff have been killed and seemingly deliver, it is really a tax. the risk to journalists were already extreme when should we and was killed 2 years later, conditions on the ground in gaza. and the occupied westbank are even worse and days before the end of the 1st 3 of her death is real or did the shut down about 0 in jerusalem expelling reporters and confiscating equipment. it's clear that they are tired of getting it just the under the 0 stuff and they trying even
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to kill is the fact of the tools not only about this will about own what the bus teen young's stuff already under the is riley book. you vision and the is anywhere at least $143.00 journalists and medial workers have been killed in gaza since the war began. in the occupied westbank were sherry and was gone down. journalist reporting on the intensifying military rates regularly come under attack. even in memorial enrollment like dedicated to serena, has not been spared indignity during the rate in december as rarely. soldiers surrounded the area and posed for pictures. serene was a household name in the arab world. a woman of the people for stories captured every aspect of the palestinian experience. she was bold unapologetic, and her murder was considered so tragic. so are dishes that it has become a milestone in the conference. her friends say they miss her sense of humor. so i cannot the witness,
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but any i used to attempt to 0 to see shame. it's very hard to or to, to 0 now suffering after she died. i said, i'm not going to watch the news, but nowadays we watch all the time. i'm not going to lie. sometimes i expect to see her, so we miss her. most shooting has a very special story. hers is a legacy built on being a voice for her people, reporting or the injustice and oppression of israeli occupation. a job she died doing. her absence felt no more than ever. as her people suffer, the worst of violence they've ever seen. the same bus route, the old 0, run the look the occupied westbank, palestine to engines on the sweetest city of now the west, thousands of protest as to the streets to oppose israel's participation in the origin contest. the police christ with the crowd as they were trying to push them back several protest
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as were detained and taken away. train station outside the or vision arena was close down to prevent further more protest is from trying to get in the final round of the contest. is cardi on the way to full races and now my where of your vision final is taking place. and of course the protest as i had been cleared away from the station they've been trying to stop them from coming into the area pool. though i see some of them as managed to regroup, just find you the right. yes, maria. and what? we're just a few 100 meters away from the euro vision reading. why the votes of a counted at the moment. uh, this is the last kind of hold. co group of demonstrates is files and is it demonstrates is in my life he's starting gathering 12 hours ago. so you probably test against israel taking balls in the revisions on contest. i just want to bring in one of them. now this is a semi se,
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who's organized several probably tests in sweden over the past 7 months. uh, somebody. tell me about the, the feeling of people that i mean many people is a actually many people as a, let's say hungry when it's coming to the dublin moran. like for us. i mean, we don't need to go so far away. we can just remember what's happening with the russian when the they was, when start the war against the brain. and today what we are seeing when more or less it's is, are and taking general saying goes under the police thing and people. and they do everything to let them be a part of utilization, even if they are left in the end of the country. even if they get to genocide even they've been, i mean the doing everything to our torsion. so many people who stressed wasted because we have going up the year ending on your being countries. and many people have learned this. democrats, you end up doing the, everyone's rights when it's is coming to the people site and what's happening. the listing agent is it completes the defense what the there was indicate us, and it's completely of
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a goodness towards the mccarthy is and was demonstrating so many times and that you never know when you're being horsing. don't the words and even sweetened suspicion for the last 7 months. but will you see this number with the police and taken supports in another countries and even yeah, as you have seen moving the newspaper that's even is really unsure about the top name or is, is actually in sweden. and he's one of the people that have been a part of that june assigned and what's happening and goes to people know if it's the way to do that, then people need to show that they were, they not accepted. and we have a jewish people with us. we have a swedish people who has us with the people in the who are the word. and to see all this on governments, try to lift the face to other side. this is actually to be to of the been wrong and this is costing us for now. we feel bad when we see it. now you have a published and your background is that right? like many, like many people in certain sites becomes more personal for you. yeah, of course,
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of course. i mean my parents is there getting it from yes and by this time and we still have family member and yes. and, and novelist and also in guest design. so last month succeeding, we have lost more than 20, more to 20 family members and guesses 7 of them as children. and this people have never been, i mean, any part of what's our media say they wasn't that home and the woman's feeling. so there is no, any place that is safe and goes it today for the students. and they can even lift, you know, they are closing the borders and they have no taking notes over there, off of the borders. so no, it gets it completely close to us has been a huge police operation. maybe one of the biggest ever seen in sweden. how do you think your authorities have handled it? i mean, when you speak with many police here, that's with they don't have the history about what is it. and it just gives the
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order. so many are actually the 1st directed about that. yeah. okay guys we have seen or this month and nothing's have happened. and if you check and see that she needs river like 2 of them, know that they was also very, very glad to calibration. with the demonstration because no one has been hurt, but you do have this big number. it's right to send a bad signal. and when you have this number, you, i'd say you, she think that you give a room to the people who need to get the programs. so i may say, thank you very much. i thing thing on is are they the evening? it seems to be winding down for these demons. targets has a mild eye as we wait to hear the results of what that part testing against, which is israel's participation in your vision. oh, thank you very much. well, alexis, from now mine sweeping for reese, was evans all adapted to protest against the war on gauze around the wild and atl east shooting st. milan university, set up a protest comp that stimulus scenes witness on campuses in the u. k. and also the
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us, meanwhile, and from large crowds gathered in the capital parish, demanding in me in immediate seas, signed garza and for an end to what they called, genocide and neighboring spain. thousands of demons races, but also quoting for the same thing. it commemorated the knock by which is the arabic lives, the catastrophe referring to the displacements of time sinews from the starting kind of sign in 1948, which then led to the establishments of the state of israel. and then there was this other riley in the german city of de soto of hundreds of people, turned out school for an end to the violence under the motto, freedom of palestine the amounts of georgia, thousands of people in the capital tbilisi a riling against a proposal they say will silence descend if it's cost media houses in engines that
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get following funding would be required to register with the government funding and say could also hurt george's chances of joining the european union. critics of compared to low to a similar measures that russia puts in place to the new the we don't want to be part of russia. we never want it to be part of russia. and it has always been and always will be our goal to be part of europe as to how you're appearing values. and to be 3. you see the most version is getting more and more bigger and bigger because they they talk to kids out of the constitution. so this is their response so that speak to the meat she met with den co in the george and capital to police. the how's the government
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responded to these protests? oh, it's been relatively peaceful. actually. we haven't seen any scuffles throughout the day. this was a very big ton of the biggest protest that's a b, c has seen this year. so fall thousands upon thousands of people despite but for the wets, whether it's still writing in the georgia and capital with marching through the streets for more than 6 hours. that was a police presence. but compared to the numbers that we saw in the streets of tens of thousands of people, this police presence seemed minimal. some people came and prepared for the worst. they came in with a gas masks and helmets, but didn't have to use them. these people say that the government is ignoring their opinion that they don't want this law, that they don't want to be a line that following the footsteps of russia, which had a similar law adopted in 2012, that they want this little to be dropped when it is a read for the 1st time,
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a 3rd reading and follow them and on monday it could be voted on on tuesday. but they're saying the government is ignoring them. all right, thank you very much, the media reading and co and to be see georgia. still the walls through the program is saying more than 300 people have been killed in flash floods and i've got a sounds northern province of babylon. thousands of houses of also have been destroyed. emergency personnel is searching for survivors. vincent on, on how small this is all that remains of a village in afghanistan is background province. the region has been hit hard by flooding. survivors are morning, the dead. i'm trying to figure out how they can carry on me lots in on. how much do you to say that people are under the water o children under the floods their legs and hands are broken. we do not have any place to spend the night. a dry winter is effected, the soil making seasonal flooding much worse than usual. baldwin has been effected the most, but other regions are also suffering. thousands of homes have been destroyed and
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large trucks of agricultural land have been ruined. many people are stranded and thousands are in need of supplies and medical attention. the government has declared a state of emergency. it says evacuations are under way, and health is being dispatched. so those in need sent in monona out to 0. the nearly 2000 civilians have been told to leave that homes in parts of ukraine's harkey region. governor of the northeast, entire 3 says 3 people have been killed. russian forces say they won't keep by 5 villages as they advance further into the area. ukraine's ministry says it's sending reinforcements out there is john home and has more from kings. the on saturday, russian soul sees continued their offensive into north east and ukraine. the heart of keith region, the food is russia. that was an offensive that began in the early hours of friday
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morning and the russian defense ministry has said that they've taken 5 settlements . ukrainian government disputes, the local authorities there, and hockey, and say that those 5 settlements still being full of sorry, what ukrainian authorities both so said is that they've been able to control the grades are and that's what they can say. that's what they called a zone that's been contended between the 2 forces and it hasn't been expanded, but the governor of the hockey region also said that this could escalate and the russian full suits do, have more troops that they can bring in on the russian side. of the boat, that's really bad news, the crime because it spread tight to say it's policies at different parts of the already one more than 1000 kilometer front. like in parts of that front line is big out showed by 7 to one is being a 9 by 7 to one or more by russian forces. and this is going to stretch those
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defenses even more. so what you cry is hoping for is weapons to begin arriving from the united states and from the european allies. those weapons have already started trickling in, reportedly, but some of them will take months to come. i'm, well that happens. russia has a window in which get compress home its advantages, and that is what it's doing right now in the northeast of you cried john home. and i would just say to keep still ahead on the program if exam is bad on child cold chicks night, which is igniting anger in the country. and the night sky favorite is spectacular line shows a massive solar storm hits the a, the how sinews, who are expelled from their nuns in the neck of 1948 still don't have the rights of
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return. that is, the land was extorted, and settlements were built. 20 houses 0 worlds, goes back with the young, good old palestinians to re discover their ancestral homes. why doesn't my grand parents stay here? why aren't i here? returned to palestine on al jazeera. the latest news was so intense that this is all that is left. people are digging through debris and twisted metal to find any one left alive in debt for thoughts. the entire gauze of population of 2300000 people do not have enough crisis escalating and detailed coverage as well as prime minister relies on foreign ministers to stay in power. they want the raft results to go ahead, defy them. and then, you know,
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who could be out of office the now the number of dead from flooding and southern brazil has risen to at least a 136. rain continues to have the already flooded real, grounded to sol state. move in 300000 people have already been forced from the homes. us zamiah's government is binding the production of child coal in some parts of the country. that is to say the move is needed to fight climate change. but many people rely on it to cook fast food and also for their livelihoods. they say they have no alternative source of energy harm, a task that has the story samuel attempted, they can sell it back of charcoal for $6.00 at the market. his big bags can paste
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nearly $10.00, but then the us government has banded production of taco in some areas saying the practice is killing the environment and needs to stop number to $96.00 to $70.00. i was born in 1967 and i have been making and selling chuck or since i was a small boy. it's all my father is these families. it's how i have been providing for my wife and children. of child support is made by shelving soil onto killed the wood inside birds with little oxygen leaving the black common ways which is for other people. on jayden bonded taco is a lifeline for her family. she's one of thousands in the capital and the soccer, who can't afford to always buy electricity. oh my gosh, i do. most of my i used to alcohol to cook beans and food for my children. i also provide water, so my children can boss this. ben will be bad for us. i'm just, i'm busy tomorrow. but the government says the destruction of trees is contribution to climate change. and government leaders say
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a bad on taco is necessary to protect what's left of the country as far as. and the current drought brought on by the all new with the phenomenon is being made was by deforestation, and the degradation of land investigations. and believe it to one committees wanted to make a statement there that my background check will be in that area . you'll be not jeff or benny. chuck whole production is an age old cultural practice and zambia passed on from one generation to another. families sometimes make additional cash by southern crops, they grow in the fields, but it lack of rain the season has wiped off the office and they say the government spends on child corporate action is adding to the hardship when they already struggling to cope with that. so the drought and the rising cost of living, hardaman tasa out of there. just enough time to bring you this, our planet is experiencing is most powerful g,
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a magnetic storm and move in 20 is one which could trigger power and communication blackouts. so the storm happens when this on sends a series of strong solar flies, high force explains look at those. oh, my gosh, it's beautiful. in the dog around the world, red color rippled across the sky, a red o which reflected back. this was the strongest june magnetic event, more than 20 years, accounting for the vividness and variety of color, including the unusual pinks and blues and the spread of the roll rate fall from the usual po, latitudes. this was southern england. this was central germany. what happened during the last few days, that is a system of very complex sun spots that came together and formed a huge truck division of the saw. and these are extremely active in the span of a day or a day and a half. they last uh,
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i believe something like 7 quarter we must injections those huge bubbles of gas sent charged ions, racing across space. and bumping into oxygen and nitrogen atoms in our iona spear delivering an extraordinary display to the products, magnetic field, a powerful assault. what's nice concerning now though, is that we live in the 21st century where we have x exponentially increased our reliance on communications and other technologies that are in space and on the ground. where electrical indifference is, can actually disturb it from this to your magnetic storm. and that's something that we're watching quite closely right now. but what about those who would watching on friday nights? will they get a 2nd chance? it might not be visible this fall south of southern florida or even know the possibility, but well with giving it a go and don't forget our friends down on the the southern light. so aurora estrada's may will be visible once the game across the southeast of australia. i'm much of nice. eland. experts say the main most powerful interruptions from the sun
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have already hit saturday nights on. cool. isn't expected to be quite so intense. are you close it out to 0? that's it for me, but nick talk is with you in just a couple of minutes. now was the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but it was not a jew, israel's a state, and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough questions are asked. can you see negotiations being even happen? this is the most important. you're going to negotiate, hold unapologetic. i'm just upfront on out
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the . ringback the, you will see a duty and the growth viewing for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands in our projects except the cost. and we strive to insure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the costs are requested. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth, and increases systems costs on red, chris a sort of 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from. i'm into the outer a big language world wide shaped. come out
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a word for translation and international understanding. announce is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024, starting march 1st to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the . is there any false is no just series of intense strikes. so much probably a refugee camp in northern garza, several palestinians believe to have been killed. the other i'm a clog, this is out is your life and also coming up casualties mounts in rough or as well. tens of thousands of experience order to prevent the use pull these ready orders on


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