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tv   Fault Lines Children of The Darien Gap  Al Jazeera  May 12, 2024 7:30am-8:01am AST

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is a conflict on home and has been speaking to the mothers and wives left behind. despite the presence of the flowers, these ukrainian women mothers day is tough to celebrate. their sons died fighting in the will be, it is boy, bloody slough was 2 days short. these 28th birthday when he was killed, embody upon the last time we talked to him, was march 18, 2022. you said the words that will stay in my heart for the rest of my life. i have big plans for the future. i want you to know that i don't regret anything. after that, we lost the connection that probably helped organize this event and keep city who grew organization and broke her mom's as it brings together those who blow someone wrong son died in the 1st outbreak of possibilities in 2014
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way. and then why a lot of media, we don't have the understanding of support from the community that we'd expect. we lost our relatives and they were afraid to talk to us about it. so we got together and decided to start a community organization and support each other this way. multitudes of now died on both sides in this conflict into the flags is planted here in the hall. the capital is for you craning killed in the course of this will. that's tens of thousands of sons to says providers that won't be with that family this mother's day. for many mothers room. so a lot because the sons or husbands are at the front. you crying, so i'll be desperately sure. man, it means that some a serving for months or years without leave is just tanya. a 3 year old mother and a boy mirror slot. this mother's day is it has been for the last 6 months. you so the value of the income mother and how much your kids media because their father is
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in new york. there's a need to raise your child. right. so that she has a memory of her that if she dies, eating and knows where he's, what he's doing in the life with the of memories, at least something to sustain the breed, mothers, back of the city. whole heroes never die has become a saying he the problem is the pain. so last john home and how does it a key we can find more features and analysis on a website that's i'll just say what the news continues have on out of the full lines. stay with this sense. thanks so much. the
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colleges when the, when the sun rises at this migrant comes from columbia, hundreds of people who became one of the most dangerous journey so that they'll try to post through the diary. got it's a remote jungle and the only land route to the united states from south america. there are no road school towns for the 50 kilometers on groups of long smuggling drugs weapons through this jungle. but in the last few years, it's become a major migration for, for families are escaping crises of love with the clothes they will mail. pardon me, you don't even have the new 20 florida is 19.
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she flitted with a 2 daughters and 12 year old brother big to of, to her boyfriend loaded some of my mine me one more time ma'am. yeah. how many of them on the single franklin i we see a lot of the set of a particular young bench. okay. so i don't say, you know, the more see, i know what the, the focus on the record hall. so 1000000 people to this for in 2023, a quote for them. what you think the we're just seeing so many from the so many people traveling with children. they go along and it's difficult for me to have the migrants will have to cross the things with moving rivers and climb steep mountain. they'll
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face exhaust hunger injury, disease and brokerage sexual assault. so spike to more than 200 cases were reported in december 2023 in good weather. it can take full days to cross once inside know, help them come. i'm the only way out is through the know that everyone survives the this is the story of one families to any got so i will fail. can you know the on the is that one in that i s on the whole not for me, but i'm not in the
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some of the people that the of the claim that i saw again, thank you. i think one of the this is day one of the diary and got it begins with i was of climbing up a steep and slippery mountain slope. it's so humid that i close a wet and heavy the moment breathing seems sure difficult. it is not yet. newman swan is already exhausted now continuing to push it home to play a busy, busy place to uh,
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but in the, in the the for me and like i said, the pain is with the moon again in queens. you the the plan in one of the so your last one is the serial number for me for joy, you ally of the month of the say hey look on the phone for a minute. let me place you in for the nick with doors when he'd gotten involved with an older man who was a local gang the to need help with food money for a 2 daughters. when she decided to end things with him, he wouldn't let go. the shots when his mother in the head with the 2 little girls in a lap in victor in the next room i minus the
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literally of the for the check was as we mentioned, support us. oh. my god. in the or do you see the 20 because mother was murdered just before christmas. 2 weeks later, they left deck window. the front of the head on selling for a set of monitoring on the editors have a go me. so let me know by on the nickel, simplest with them. but i set it up for you. i thought when you see the on
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the thing and be the 20. and if i'm the into the jungle image, which is about 700 people, it was a quite a, on average, it's doubled up. the number of crossing through here each year is jump from around 830000 people in 2021. to as a half a 1000000 in 2023. they used to be safe. the route to get to the united states, migrants complaints, essentially american country. so mexico, the us pressured those countries to impose these restrictions on people from south america in the caribbean, leaving them with few choices. but across these jungle the
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family sites in some wise and it's now close to sunset. phil spend this 1st night in the jungle. the scrolling migrant come, it's controlled by colombia is most powerful to the left hand. welcome the song guess. oh frank fig. i didn't get one's honestly around, but a said the woman took into the said, what a read the go with a almost how do i keep going?
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is this going to keep the, the, the, the, the, that the, those don't send the for us to, you know, for the at the bama. so now i'll go to those. i mean, oh, let me see, i'm not done. no swear sir. it's the 2nd day of the trip and the group will climb the mountain into panama, the lip, and the women and the children in the center with the men around them because they know know they going into the most dangerous call to do any
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the, the trails on clearly more in games and knowing to sexually so role in killing. so it was the migrants coming down the mountain across the border. the booster. these case on the see the in the for file it's in the way up. i set eyes on the slide, the name, the set out of name, and the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the since this isn't a legal crossing, we have to tell kind of most board of police that we were coming to family. it's just that kind of media. and they say say it's better for you to come here, we can give you more security. but if you carry a on that way to me controlling the noise, i'm become to show that no one's going to attack to. then i will go on this as soon as i am one of your guys,
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the general the want to look at the seal and are you to be off the cross in the buddha? it was 20 realize the to the to see as well. those 13 year old son's i was carrying 23 year old daughter at the laser when they were the same the same ones you've done this has been my neighborhood with this is a real cross points here because there's 3 different ways to go by the water but it gets the neck high and places up the where it's going to take to hours. so keep longer to arrive in the next place, the kinds of foods off. and that's a really st. grow. the way the
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the in, in everyone's decided to go to sleep. real sites is really pretty dangerous researching with one. so that might be okay . new models from the williams instead of one of the groups across the dangers for they made it into camp for the missing children out there and the sun is setting let me think that your
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no, no, no, no, no, no, no. okay, no say see i was real being on me how say like i you know, going fine. yeah. and that will be the most a single me a little bit. i'm a familiar with
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the is the 3rd day. this one it was set up with to summarize to find side. and the lady said, well, most i'm in the market where i'm see is where the bubbles in the move. and so, but then i'm not going to try to try that. that losing window of mind going to the yeah, i think you know the size so much, but yeah. the, the, the the,
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the, the, yeah. your now for me that i come in the order for the so is so we had a model of the young the after another full day with the families made it to the final cut before the end of the route, which i even delay. so i know where to be found, the sun setting and they come put you on any further today.
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i'm good luck with numerous things. i'm assuming almost all these the full, some final die. by this time, many microns a little food and the energies. keep going. it will be another food, a room king to get out the jungle. the we smelled this already a couple of times on the journey, but this is the 1st body we've come across and it's in right in the middle of the pole. at least 140 people trying to cross the diary gap in 2022. so we prove occurrence can drive people away or broken phone might be never leading the jungle.
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the the, them, the, the way the villages can please wait for me. i have on my go dollars a stop where,
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you know, one moment we see that we've made it out of the diary and got a now folks going to take people to migrant come up the river, but they still haven't found their missing relatives and they're going to have to look to the that the obvious winowski me, my mom is you know, so on the ticket to for fun i think for them. yep. one at the airport at the center . and so say if you look on things this way, no, i'm still in the hallway via suddenly i keep the one who was talking to yes. explain
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the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the the, the, the, the,
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the the other one, the the the theater i live in the place. yeah, yeah. wonder what it's on the heart of mind. and also head the phone with your the and that's always you set up on a deal and there for 0, get the,
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i mean, even though i don't mean to be into the thought of things i have about the end of a meal plan that like animal mint and one of the facing for one, the yeah, we on the card that allow me to, you know, the family to colored style though yet in the launch in about a need for a day. it's an amazon plan. you use that to keep those incline. you may see up above, i may have to the left a positive i may have to look the the you, you know, we get, they don't you let me just keep doing. are you really so good something to give? because the,
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the rebuilding i said low on the okay. i'm go ahead and get one real person. can you see you coming for me with that that on my uh, some of the bottom missing the sort of a little guy to sort of left several corner sites to me on the, on the hit, the 100 and the the family still has thousands of miles to go to the us every night buses of migrants, depaula, panama, heading to get you those sent me so you want me to put
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you in the general place. you lie or your general bill because you'll see a is a and evaluations. you're comfortable with the things that the me on my item with the main thing, knowing your godaddy son on the stomach bug by forever. hank on friday. yeah. so then we will view the 2nd wide flight of same up by the side of the 11th and most of the tonight the least that tomorrow hundreds of
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others will take that place. as long as safer boots remain closed, the ways the parents leading that you of room for the diary and got the meeting of mine, the tragedy from me, of a democratic solve africa. it's how quickly we sort of adopted the very told re global, know the intertwining of money and politics campaigner andrew fine state and photographer shock you do on, on active is on the crisis in guns. what is happening today is happening on our watch. the news from now they will be people asking,
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how did you left it have to the studio will be on scripted part one on, on disease or just to read his spend most of his life on the war to use the fisherman just like others and his family, but things are different now for when he was a boy in 2022 long days mcgarr would declared and endangered species. i'm the family at the school today he's taking us to the band. so if the only stop leak in central den bode, yeah, he sees that he used to see monkeys in droves, him hunting for crap. i down there the more now. so that's why i don't see that, and i'm want to, i mean molnar code like me about
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the power while the off i can only logan carnegie. the monkeys are frightened for good reason. traffic is just you and sell them to the highest bidder. to buy medical research, this black market creed not only indeed just was probably may populations, but puts public health at risk. because unlike captive red monkeys, there's no guarantee the animals of that engine free. the is ready for us is launched, a series of intense air strikes and the zip on the refugee camp in northern gods. several palestinians, i believe, to have been killed. the one carry johnston, this is i'll just hear


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