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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 12, 2024 8:00am-8:30am AST

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market street not only in dangers wise, probably may populations with books public health at risk. because unlike captive red monkeys, there's no guarantee the animals up that engine free. the is ready for us has no interest savings of intense air strikes and the zip on the refugee camp in northern cause. several palestinians, i believe, to have been killed. the one carry, jones to mrs. i'll just hear a lot from toe. so coming up, casualties mounts in rafa with tens of thousands of civilians order to evacuate. the who is called the is randy or does unacceptable. 300 people have died in slash, floods treated by heavy rain in afghanistan,
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pain and grief on ukraine's mother's day. we meet the women who knows that children, when the front lines of rushes, news is ready for us is of the lowest, a new offensive image of only a refugee camp in northern gauze of to leveling its during its previous the sold residential areas and shelters for displaced people on the east have been targeted . several people had been killed as well, had issued evacuation orders in the north, including to bother and bait to him. but the old ready displaced. people have nowhere to go in an area where the un, the says there's a full blown funding for the account begins our coverage. now the injured body of refugee camp is really drones open fire on people's homes. dogs
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permit its rushing to help survivors with whatever equipment they can find. israel had already flattened the area during it to solve. it began in october. people here have little hope or help to cling to we were bombed rocks and shells fell on me. god help us and have mercy. let the world stand with us. the only thing i ask of them, only god is standing with us. god is the only one with us. i've lost 3 children. 4 months after they declared the end of a mass in the region, israel says it's fighting again. it's for nazzo, but shock one, a little sick of in northern cause a fight to drugs have been striking terrorist target spoken of this morning. the big on a temporary evacuation process of the jamalia area from this area towards the central strategy as part of our preparation for ministry opperation in the area. in recent
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weeks, the we have identified a comes by him, us to restore the ministry capabilities in jabante area. and we are working to dismantle these are the campbells like it, but it's still not on the tax, which is real, says or targeting public. janine fighters killed several children in a home, and basically here was bound on saturday. israel has already starved the people of northern guys by blocking a to the region. and now with finding, taking over, telling palestinians here to evacuate again. i know, but it's not clear where they can go. there's no food, no water, no shelter, and no safety. for the a car that the houses here asking on what area we spoke to him at was a guy who's an emergency doctor in giovanni. and he told us about the dog situation . that the fact that the appointment had, doesn't matter because it appears north of god by the agent today. the most of
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the time, i'm the most of them, the is the, the, the consent to do on the, the, the, the, the, the with the, the, i, me on the, uh, once the did the, the incident on the, i'm going to my, and the we have the the, the not because it's after to the we, we have motor, kristy and my last weekend. and we have bought out of the china the stuff down there. and uh, now we, uh, we have the boxes and i need to get to know if you're getting the knocks it in the, you know, the, the, to the, the,
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to down there. but looking at last week i'm going to because stuff did out of the, for the, from the students had on bus because the, you know, i just go to the problem and there was no fuel to that because i've got the, the big guy in southern gauze at the is really army has ordered tens of thousands of products, students to evacuate eastern rafa. most of the 1000000 displaced palestinian sheltering now facing death and displacement. un says around $150000.00 palestinians have fled rafa as israel steps up, its ground, the tax that on it's warning that remaining 8 supplies could run out by sunday. the eu has called as well as evacuation or this unacceptable and the lack of fuel supplies is left many hospitals in the area close to collapse, to need a good. how is this report under warning, the following images or the study? the 7 months of displacement and forced to see
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yet again, these really military is ordering further evacuations in east and rasa. but as palestinians tried to leave, forms a raining down, leaving people scrambling to find safety and gaza, with every corner of the target. and no life is sped and they live in close. we are leaving because of a fee and due to conclusion, we are leaving for the unknown and there are no safe areas, a tool. all the areas left are unsafe. the united nation says about a $150000.00 palestinians have left east and the rough or is role is forcing them towards what it claims as a humanitarian. so in milwaukee, the age groups of described conditions the as a risk, the options, the desperate palestinians rapidly diminishing nations that were and what should we do here? do we wait until we all die on top of each other?
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so we decided to me, it's better. this, these really minute represses ahead with his plans to launch a full scale offensive in rasa. as strikes as being on the atlantic elsewhere. bodies are piling up in darrow, paula and central garza. another area when many palestinians of floods but found no safety cause right? what the, who do i have here? they are in pieces. here's my sister in law without a head with my and i'm also without a head. what does this injustice until when will this be going on? we're exhausted. the injured who have no. what else to go? i likes the hospital, the largest and central cause that is likely to run out of fuel within hours. age is ridiculous. with this lady forces still blocking the entries trucks into the strip is palestinians dropped inside, remain in the cycle, trying to they tend to be taken out
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a 0 not to nations as one that food supplies in southern guns. that way israel has expanded it submitted to a sold will run out by sunday 8 agencies, according for the immediate entry of 8 and few or the closure, especially about the crossing. and the kevin upside of them as separate boxes for us to fuel, to supplies. and the movement to box monetary and stuff. so also effectively, little bits of any civilians would like to go out to a medical investigation look through the program and we dropped one of the seats of distribution in the south by tomorrow that needs to be a little bit less totally with what has already been distributed there, the shelters, and phones and insights. as of today, we have 12 bakery supported by some out of 10 partners here is loc as a 8 had ceased to operate due to the lock of human stock, and for that are still operating the produce capacity. so they'll be on the desktop . i'm going to come as soon as i'm doing our cassandra gates has announced the
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death of one of the captives being held in dogs. and the group says 51 year old. the popular well, who holds british citizenship, died as a result of injury stuff and is really strong. they added that he was unable to receive treatment for his injuries because of israel's continued targeting of hospitals. police in israel have used water cannon to disperse. anti government protest is instead of eve, 7 weekly demonstrations to modern the government to reach a deal with him as for the release of captives being held in guns. that demonstrates is also accused prime minister benjamin netanyahu for the oil, for his own political games. it's graduation season, and universities across the united states a time when students out there ways towards the hopeful future. but let's see how many students have been denied. this sermon is on speeches,
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and i've even been suspended all for protesting against israel's were on gaza. that's almost celebrating their treatments in that own way. we met wants to contend his historic. my name is gabe. i'm a senior at u. n. c. chapel hill and right now i'm on my way to the people's graduation and alternative graduation ceremony. for me and other seniors who have been suspended from the university for protesting genocide and gaza and cannot attend our real graduation chapel hill. i'm really happy to have been able to have this graduation do the ceremony with my comrades. you know, the, the people i really trust people. i was the rest of next to the we've been suspended by the university. we've been barred from taking our exams from graduating, borrowed from campus. and so this was our way of celebrating our own accomplishments of celebrating our own graduation. as far as i'm concerned, i graduated when i was arrested by this university for protesting genocide.
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solidarity means you must keep doing what we're doing here today is university is trying to silence us by borrowing us from our own graduation by borrowing us from campus. but we're not going to have it. we built our own community, we built our own institutions. we built our own graduation. we're not gonna let them silence us. in fact, the more they try to louder we're going to be, i'm lucky enough to have the support of my parents and this. and they came down to see me. but my mother is worried sick about my safety, about my diploma. she went back to work to put me through school and to see it threatened by the university for standing up against injustice is a is very hard on her. so the head don't know just there, thousands of protests is reading, georgia is capital against a controversial bill that critics say will be used to crack down on the sense arm come on. i the, in the part job roving countries. red spots can be in a funk for our rent. we like because of an import scanned or bomb. 2 that they're
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going to news then, like the, the, the author controversial presidential campaign and the contested victory proposed to be unto is said to lead indonesia, southeast asia is the largest economy. a diverse nation with more than 1300 ethnic groups. political power comes through the people. we're not going to be determined by for in none of the presidents alexis, indonesia, proposed to be unto chokes, to, i'll just be around in depth analysis of the days headlines. if that was a rough or offensive, where would the people go? people have no place to give each one of 1000 people has to be displaced at least 2 times frank assessments. this is
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a mess and blow to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinion. you can be somebody on one of the hostages, october 2nd, and return. once the killing got to stop the inside story. on al jazeera, the colleges when the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back or mind to about top stories. now this is ready for us is our carrying
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out a series of intense air strikes on the jabante, a refugee camping guns that several people i believe to have been killed. israel says it wants to stump some mass from reducing the view and says around 150000 palestinians of fled. rafa, as israel stepped, something's ground to tax them on this morning that remaining 8 supplies drawn out by sunday, the eu has called as rose as occupation. what is unacceptable? is very police have dispersed onto coming for testers and tennessee, 7 weeks of demonstrations demanding the government reach a deal with some ass for the release of captives. tens of thousands of people have rallied in georgia is capital against a propos? no, many save will silence dissent. their fears the legislation can cost georgia is bid to join the you. to make sure that the bank, that reports from tbilisi, the, the,
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this is the largest protest believe csc this year. thousands of people are saying they don't want compliments to adopt the so called for an agency. some came with got as much as police used to, i guess before, you know, the freedom, you know, our government, they do not respect our wish. you know, they go the way we are not liking these. that's why we're here. the law would force energy. i was a media receiving at least 20 percent of the funding from abroad to declare themselves as agents of foreign influence. assuming that all was adopted by russia in 2012, the u officials who gave georgia a candidate status in december, save a little as a step in the wrong direction and could in to georgia speed. we are against the russian road. well, we don't need to rush in so we protest this, and do we want to go to the us? president celebrates that, obviously has promised to veto the law if it passes the 3rd reading and punishment
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. her brother was among the protest this every time she said that the cdw should do it's a choice of the george on people is to be a rip you described in the did the constitution. george's prime minister says the law is necessary for transparency, but he says georgia remains committed to a new membership, separate bills on the website as georgia will become a new member very soon. we are putting all our effort so that in 2030 i'm sure we, we will have you, your membership not later, so to speak to them. so hold show at least 80 percent of georgians once the country to become a member of the you. the size of the country's history went to to essentially to visit spears that they say they will continue coming out until their voice is the houses there.
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the families in ukraine will not mothers day on sundays at a time when there seems to be no end in sight to rest. his world. ukrainian government says at least the 31000 soldiers have been killed. often more than 2 years of conflict on home and has been speaking to the mothers and wives left behind. despite the presence of the flowers, these ukrainian women mothers studies tough to celebrate. the son started fighting in the war via his boy bloody slough was 2 days short. these 28th birthday when he was killed, embody upon the last time we talked to him, was march 18. 2022. you said the words that will stay in my heart for the rest of my life. i have big plans for the future. i want you to know that i don't regret
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anything. after that, we lost the connection. the calia helped organize this event in key city who grew organization and broke her mom's. it brings together those who blow someone wrong son died in the 1st outbreak of possibilities in 2014 . i mean why, and what does it mean? we don't have the understanding and support from the community that we'd expect. we'd lost our relatives and they were afraid to talk to us about it. so we got together and decided to start a community organization and support each other this way. multitudes of now died on both sides in this conflict. each of the flags is planted here in the hall. the capital is for you craning, killed in the course of this will, that tens of thousands of sons daughters provide is the won't be with the family. this mother's day many mothers rule, so
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a lot because the sons or husbands are the front ukraine, so on these desperately show men. it means that some subbing for month. so years without leave is just tanya. a 3 year old mother and a boy mirror slot. this mother's day is it has been for the last 6 months. you so the value of being can mother and how much your kids media, because their father isn't near now. there's a need to raise your child, right. so that she has a memory of her that if she dies, eating and knows where he's, what he's doing, and the wife with the memories, at least something to sustain the breed, mothers, back of the city. whole heroes never die has become a saying he the problem is the pain. so last john home
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and how does it keep now farm is in pocket stone or facing major losses of the government imported millions of tons of weight the spine to bump a harvest is flooded. the markets, the closing process to full come out of high to travel to print, job province, known as pocket stones breadbasket, to speak to farmers the farmer, the broadcasting across the fine job province. despite projection for the record to harvest this yeah, the government is buying a suite. usually it for kids is around 20 percent of the fall, much growth at a fixed price to stabilize the market and prevent harding this year. it's buying less than half that i'm the we are compelled to protest for our rights as the government has failed to buy all we and we are left with no other choice, but to burn our parties and not comfortable. again, the government reported 3400000 tons of weight at the end of march. industrial experts have criticized
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a $1000000000.00 purchase thing it came at the time when bug is done was running low on foreign exchange reserves and ad receive short term international monetary fund, loan millions of farmers across bog, just on know how resting their weed crops by day why did they may not get a good price, because what they say is that mismanagement a weight import out in the countryside. farmers are working around the clock to finish harvesting its manual work and everyone hope so. it has a good coverage this year, but he's worried about supporting his family phone member to the chair for the past 6 months. we have been in the fields trying to produce a good crop this year, or even borrowed money for seeds, fertilizers, and additional labor. but now we're worried about how to cover these expenses because the government failed to buy or harvest from the fees that we described supported the state run storage facilities. the fall of last year is harvest and
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import, the governments. it is doing its best to support pharma and even jason, i've got a good number to making the governments trying to compensate every farm and with the little they kind of because they do not have enough results to bottles that we produce. however, to fall much complain they have to wait for weeks to say the produce and the loss on the web and waiting at the store to associate for about 15 days. waiting for our turn. there is no hope on the humiliation from the authorities. despite our hard work to earn a decent living for our children, agriculture, it goes for about 20 percent of the annual g d p. many here are threatening to stop forming weak. if the government doesn't stop in ports and compensate them for all of the produce, which good have long term implications for folks that killed a gate? come on, i did, i just need uh, chairs have pulled up and dropped providence and focused on or the well food
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program says, mold a 300 people had been killed in flash floods. enough. got a stones northern province of bunk, one, thousands of houses have been destroyed, emergency personnel of searching for survivors, vincent motor and has more. this is all that remains of a village in afghanistan is background province. the region has been hit hard by flooding. survivors are morning, the dead. i'm trying to figure out how they can carry on me lots a lot. how much do you to say last people are under the water o children under the floods. the legs and hands are broken. we do not have any place to spend the night. a dry winter is effected, the soil making seasonal flooding much worse than usual. buckland has been effected the most, but other regions are also suffering. thousands of homes have been destroyed and large trucks of agricultural land have been ruined. many people are stranded and thousands are in need of supplies and medical attention. the government has declared a state of emergency. it says evacuations are under way,
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and health is being dispatched. so that was in need sent and monahan out to 0. i thought how hard cause a spokesman for the ask on red crescent society joins as long as not from capital. welcome to the program or just how desperate is the situation at the moment? one of your aid work has been say, thank you very much. thank you for your time. you know, the, the last few days, especially the last is and many preventive, this present back on budget, on preventive being devastating. and now her workers are away and trying their best trail, the other people and the people that are being affected by the last cluster on what all the immediate needs, then all of the communities who have suffered this. we have a better that's mostly their houses, a homes aren't being uh, destroyed by the plaza last last. so as you guys put in by law, they live in districts, have been affected by these blocks, have the need shelter, food, memphis staff,
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and the last the flooding people that lost their lives there. and right now, what do they need? especially place to live and food another. so do we know how many people have died as a result of this? uh, the, the 1st video shows that uh, around uh, 200 to 34 people lost their lives and nearly 250 injured and thousands of animals died and one killed by b slots. how difficult is dates for risk? who is to reach people who need help to explain to us that the problems in the testicle problems you know, the better that i've done it. so it is, one of the montana is, can phase and mostly affected by the laws that craig, so not a natural disasters, but we're all doing
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a base to help the people i'm fighting with valves if you need the challenges with fans right now. you know, especially the hallways and especially the ways out and mean the black will fit out things. we are doing their best to help them. but you are so facing problems and the last few days, the ratings and the flowers and big and lots of people under the mean as they have some problems with. what do you think then all the long term consequences of the estimate. to what extent will these communities still need even off to the voices have eventually received it as a and what will happen when the bolt has actually disappeared? eventually how will people survive? they will still need aid. what day? yeah, sure. are the leading health and the truly so we'll do the best to to help them.
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especially boulder has back and right now, uh, the 1st needs that they need for sales that they need all the way i'm deal right. some there that we need to have and we'll do our best to rebuild their houses to describe what the cons. so watching you calling for then from your international partners. yeah. way of the calling actually because with this regard, you know, that's a natural disaster. that's mostly because of the uh uh, i say the global warming effected model of getting somebody can please as to what we are calling the i can say the national international partners to help us with disregard jail. the people there. and of course, and you will stay there as long as you can. yeah, sure, sure. well, there we are. do our best and do whatever you can do. i'll do it with the people that the need. okay,
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well leave it there. thank you so much. indeed for joining us. 5, i'll talk, you know, as well, thank you very much. i, this is a fine long use features analysis on our website that's i'll just say with dot com when he is continues here. also talk to alex here with indonesia as president elect to stabilize the the time now for your weather report across the middle east and africa. good to see you . so as we would expect, at this time of the year, a temperatures are starting to shoot up in this part of the world. so there is a threat of some storms i wanted to put on your radar for the southwest set. lots of saudi arabia, including mecca prophets and ask for providence. but again, in terms of these temperatures, part of what's going on here is we've got a southerly when, so that pops up to 42, and coates on sunday and for southern iraq, boshra, you're up to 40 for
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a hot wind blowing across 30 minutes stands 33 degrees, i think that's hard. take a peek at the 3 day forecast, maybe 40 on monday. not unusual for this some your but while the above average a spot where things are well below average for this point of the year. for kids capital, altruism showers in the mix. at 13 degrees hip, you can believe it, solid bands of rain across southern gonna ivory coast. pretty good pocket of rain in c, a, b o. and that's going to push into the eastern side of guinea and was a breeze off the water here. we're going to see some showers for southern somalia. some of those may sneak into mogadishu also with a breeze off the waters here, the indian ocean that's likely to give us some showers for durbin. and same goes for those and beaks capital not put so on sunday, with a height of 26 degrees catch you later. the examine the theme to of today's headlines. i wish i had the word word to describe
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what setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions right now. if you are on campus talking about si size, your being calls anti semitic, and a supporter of care. international filmmakers and will cross journalist bring programs to enforce and inspire to options await us in the immediate future climate crisis for climate revolution. going out you 0 the jessica washington in chicago after a controversial presidential campaign and the contested victory proposed to be and so is said to lead indonesia, southeast asia largest economy, a diverse nation with more than 1300 ethnic groups of 72 primrose, korea indignation, politics is long standing. he served as a special forces commander during general. so honchos regime,


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