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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 12, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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each one of 1000 people has to be displaced at least 2 times frank assessments. this is a mess and blow to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions. you can be somebody. this is on one of the hostages, october 7th, and return. and i want to stop inside story on al jazeera, the hello, i'm about this and then this is the news on life from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes targeting palestinians already displaced. is there any error strikes from vol, jamalia, and northern guns? unlawful. i'm catastrophic the from james is really evacuation orders in eastern rafa. hundreds of thousands. so once again, forced to flee. police file walter canada demonstrators and kind of fee for demanding the government, which is
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a deal for the release of chapters house in guys had a choice between a fugitive or anti independence policy. suppose open in catalonia is regional election, and it for unites a divided spain. the is there any forces have launched a new offensive in jamalia in northern gauze of to leveling, drilling an area of assault attacks and homes and shelters for this phase families have killed several people. these really armies issued evacuation order as far as a bali. i'm beta, he upsetting the area is a dangerous combat. so and it's operation is to prevent how most fights us from regrouping. but the space people have nowhere to go very. a call it begins are covered, the injured value refuge account in northern gaza is really throws open fire as people's homes. paramedics helps
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survivors with whatever equipment they can find. these really army had already leveled the area during its grand assault, which began in october and the people here have little hope to cling to. we were bombed rocks and shells fell on me. god help us and have mercy, let the world stand with us. the only thing i ask of them, only god is standing with us. god is the only one with us. i've lost 3 children. 4 months after it declared the end of a mass and northern godsa. israel says it's fighting again. it's for the shock when a middle sick of in northern gauze fights address have been striking terrorist target spoken of this morning. we've been kind of temporary evacuation process of the jamalia area from this area towards the central strip. as part of our preparation for a ministry operation in the area in recent weeks and we have identified attempts by
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him us to restore the ministry capabilities in giovanni area. and we are working through this month will be to the time. all right, let me fill out on a tax which the army says are targeting public. sending fighters have already killed several children in beta. here is ready, forces have pushed the people of northern guys back to the brink of starvation by blocking aid to the region. now it's issuing more evacuation orders, but it's not clear for families are meant to go under israel launching attacks on rafa. and the saves. and darrow bella and the center of the strip palestinians are unlikely to have much faith in the so called safe zones for the car, which is 0. so i'll just see it as well as our colleagues spoke to some of the survivors of those as bailey attacks in northern garza, it says, ready to close the service at the residential house and this i and this is one of the is why to target he's about
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so maybe 6 them or what's really shopping is about 11 their sons still under the rubbing alcohol for them the just to meet. we're shocked. we do not know what to do physically and mentally worn out. we're on the verge of going and say, we've been under this hell for 8 months enough is enough. look at this garbage and debris. we're dying just to get our hands on some water or something to feed our children. this is not life. we struggle to get firewood and feed our starving children. and above all these relays have been hitting us with missiles and bombs for months. what add insult to injury is the recent warning. for god's sake, where do we go? even rafa is coming under attack. this is not life enough, is enough in the body. we will come in the middle of the night to
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a loud explosion. the whole building was leveled. we've been pulling the desk from onto the rubble since then. this is a totally residential 6 floor of building. we've no presence of any resistance far to nothing but women and children. more than 40 women and children were killed or innocent defense for civilians. we pulled all these dead children as they were holding each other's hands. more children still buried under the temporary all i can say is that may god punish those, committing these crimes against innocent children. gonna bring in our correspondence, have a couple of resumes and dental bhalla in central garza. i'm on colored, they're talking to us about the attacks that have been happening in a beta like here, but also attacks happening in the body as well. what more do we know about there's a body talk talk. so yes, what is happening right now role is that the military has set to assess in an strong
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plan. related to the cloud of forward is exhausting more pressure on the palestinian recruit groups in order to get more political gains from the operations on the ground. regarding the negotiations, they have controlled the boat is preventing any aid to get into that territory. and at the same time as thoughts seem to launch wanting to encourage and for 3 pause for 2 parts of the stripe. rough uh, and also in the north, in devalue at refugee. com. in the past couple of hours, more intensification of military rates from east by the 5 digits continue to strike the residential buildings and evacuation since as where it complete where that completely hostile thousands of palestinians. we are talking about 700000 palestinians, aust, 2 in the northeast corner of this trip and who are 2 now did not receive any calling the 8th for the 5th day. now if you spend a minute to says that they are operating again in the north, in order to change the palestinians on fruits armed groups who are right now
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working on re organizing the troops on the ground, according to the east, but it claims but yet casualties among civilians in that area is escalating is specifically that the vast majority of people that have knew what else to go despite the is ready previous announcement that the managed to many tally controlled the know the at portion of the city. now we're talking about 16 palestinians trucks in the house being targeted as they have been quoting for invest in quoting for an rescue from the emergency work, as well as we have the hearing from eye witnesses in the value of refuge account. they are talking about the unprecedented caleb attacks being launched by the east, by the intent to you and it's, i'm of the, by the fight. it gets journalist as well as they were reporting in dap valley and baseline. yeah. they have come on to the east, very funny and that's absolutely disturbing. they have been saying that destroyed and the attacks on president that since the out to pick up the conflict since october the 7th. so clearly what is happening is no pressure being exhausted on the
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palestinians as attacks from the north to south are some ongoing, so narrow and direct. meanwhile, of course we've been talking about thousands of people making their way from a rough uh to where you are. and, and then i'll buy that in central jobs or what's the latest situation for you on the a yes, a more evacuation waves are leading from rough. i to dairy thought 2 of the more the area families are desperately searching for a shelter for the family members. some of them i've been sitting the office that makes shift tens without any pro pi, a hygiene facilities without even proper fluids and water sources. and those people have been mainly depending on the receiving aid from the you and distribution. since it's in a rough lockbox we have been mentioning earlier, previous agent abruptly that any potential military encouraging will be upload of all the humanitarian relief operations on the ground them. that's practically what
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is happening now. there is a big expansion of the fight thing people boss leading. they are no longer receiving aids from the unbox. medically to me right now, the situation is getting much more down, a light of the deep shortage of if you will. now what locks the hospital yesterday has received only 8000 at least as can. that could be only, you know, 2 days of what the later, the hospital would run out of service and that certainly will pull the lives of hundreds of house putting in patients on the age of risk. and this is a, one of the main repercussions of the invasion or brought by that is going to be moved, grow in medical pressure on this. so medical facility that is responsible for providing medical treatment for hundreds of thousands of palestinians as david, but is the most densely populated area in this trip that is no longer even can be cited in light of the ongoing attacks on dairy. but on the interior visit area, kind of got those women down about the topic. thank you very much. indeed. a while
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in southern guys are these really armies issued evacuation orders for tens of thousands of palestinians and eastern of alpha. 1.5000000 people who fled to tex elsewhere on the strip of being seeking refuge in the city. many of them have been living in tents and make shift shelters. the united nations has around a $150000.00 palestinians have already left about. but as israel is stepping up, it's kind of tax the was calling israel's evacuation orders unacceptable. view and is also wanting the food supplies and southern guys are gonna run out within the next 24 hours. israel's block the flow of age in the past week. the closure, especially about the crossing and the cab, silent as separate boxes for us to appeal to supplies and the movement of bosh monetary and stuff. it's also effectively beds but many civilians. but that's a go out to a medical investigation, look through the program and wound up with one out of sheets of distribution in south by tomorrow that needs to be going to be left totally with what has already
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be distributed in their, their shelters, phones and insights as of today, we have 12 bakery supported by somebody doing partners here is loc, as a 8 have ceased to operate to, to lock a few in stock, ensure that are still operating that produced capacity so, so be on the desktop. i'm going to in this topic was this explaining i like a fuel has left many hospitals in the area nearing collapse. julie diego has this report, let me give you a warning. some of the images in this report are disturbing. the 7 months of displacement and food to feed. yet again, these really minute tree is ordering further evacuations in east and rasa. but as palestinians try to leave them a raining down, leaving people scrambling to find safety and gaza, with every corner of the target. and no lights a sped in the line and so we are leaving because of the fee and due to collision,
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we are leaving for the unknown and there are no safe areas. a tool, all the areas left are unsafe. the united nation says about a $150000.00 palestinians have left east and the rafa is role is forcing them towards what it claims as a humanitarian. so in a wasi, the age groups of described conditions the as a risk, the options, the desperate palestinians rapidly diminishing nations that were and what should we do here? do we wait until we all die on top of each other? so we decided to me, it's better this, these really minute represses ahead with his plans to launch a full scale offensive and rasa as strikes as being on the relenting elsewhere. bodies are piling up in darrow, paula and central garza. another area when many palestinians have fled, but found no safety. right? what the who do i have here? they are in pieces. here's my sister in law without
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a head with my and i'm also without a head. what does this injustice until when will this be going on? we're exhausted. the engine here have no. what else to go? 8 is critically low. with his ready forces still blocking the entry of trucks into the strip. as promised and instructing sites remain in the site trying to as a to, to be taken out of their joining us on the side is mohammed. it was free. he's a political on the listings, also professor media studies at the doha institute for graduate studies. thank you . very much indeed for being with us. again, i want to talk to you about the semantics that we are hearing in the run up to whatever is going to happen with these really another tray inside of offer. they buy the ministration has made it clear that they will not tolerate what they called major action. and from the stock mentioned y'all who has said that he will carry out an all out assault on the rafa. but that language seems to have gone away. we
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seem to be staying away on both sides from using such significant words, like major on full scale, told us about what your assessment of those definitions might be and how that might affect israel's action on the ground and off. i think it's a great question because i think what you see is political pressure is being exerted and that sometimes necessitates these changes and rhetoric so you know, you know, that the, the 5 minute ministration is now saying that they oppose a major operation in that off i've been following that closely because for many weeks the, by the administration was just saying that they opposed an operation and cut off off. and now they switched. they've switch that up. there was also another subtle change that i think maybe not as many people are aware of the, by the administration was saying for weeks that the only thing that was preventing peace in gaza was her mazda is refusal to accept the cease fire agreement. and now of course, last week from us did accept deceased by agreement, israel turned around and rejected it,
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i think much to the surprise or shock of the united states. and so now the us has implemented another subtle change. they're now saying, and if you follow the press briefings, they're saying the only thing preventing peace is how mazda is refusal to put down its weapons and surrender. so this is another shift, and i think this gives us some insight into what's happening politically. and i think the question that i have is, is israel is the, is the united states. is there any pressure on israel, or is it israel? is there any pressure on the united states to force the us as hand to essentially go along with whatever israel is doing on the ground in terms of the, the policy except we're saying between both of us and the nation. yahoo coalition for those of us watching it looks as though the biting administration is the one that's taking a political hits and all of this. but obviously they've got one i well, i would imagine a significant focus and the election is happening in, in november. how do you think that if it has no change in the dynamic,
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how do you think that we're going to see any change in the rhetoric from the, by the administration, as we get closer to the elections where this is really going to start to have a hold, while the rhetoric might become even more harsh towards israel. but the question that i have is that going to be too little, too late? the, the, the opinion pulling data that we have, the data that we have from the encampments, varieties man on the street interviews suggest that people are really angry, especially young people. so i'm not sure on, you know, you're wrapping up a rhetoric against israel is going to make, make a real difference. donald trump is a head according to $538.00, which is, which is a, a data collection and opinion pulling site. he's a head and all 7 of the swing states right now. so it's, it's looking disastrous for bite. and as one analyst said by didn't may have committed political suicide long ago. so is it going to be too little too late at this point for inviting me that it does seem as though benjamin netanyahu might be
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taking a gamble with israel standing in the world. nevertheless, the longer he holds out, given the fact that we've got a huge selection coming up and as you say there's a, trump is pulling extremely well. so far that may be, that is a factor in the way that he's considering things that are getting more favorable reception from a trump administration font. at the same time that on more or more people using stronger and stronger language against the way the nation. yahoo coalition is approaching the bottles and gaza in your assessment. what kind of political impact, what kind of worldwide impact is, is going to have on israel standing? if this does not reach some sort of resolution quickly with lloyd austin, the american secretary of defense said back in december that israel was risking a strategic defeat. and i think it's clear now that israel has suffered a strategic strategic defeat. they've lost a number of fronts. most importantly, maybe the public relations front, a, they're taking a massive hit globally, and i don't think that that's going to be reversed any time soon. but doesn't
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netanyahu really care? i think that's the question. many political analysts of noted that he's much more interested in his, his own political survival. and the minute this war ends and elections are called for. he loses a seat and then he's on trial for, for bribery. so that's really the larger kind of elephant in the room at this point and we'll have it on us. we as always, we appreciate it. thank you very much indeed. thank you. of what is really military is demolishing the home of a palestinian prisoner in the occupied westbank that even the sub on that was detained during a raid in february video shows heavy machinery and troops entering a beta, omaha north of having somebody that has been in and out of g o for 10 years held under administrative detention. and is there any forces have killed the 27 year old palestinian summer romano and the rate on bo i time refuge account is ready. ami and settlers have killed at least $498.00 palestinians in the occupied by spring since october. the 7th. the beginning of the war on garza the armed william hamas
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has announced the dash. 7 is very captive in garza, and it says 51 year old non tough purple well died as a result of injury sustained in and is really airstrike. custom brigades added that the british citizen was unable to receive treatment because israel is targeting hospitals. is there any police abuse water cannon to despise anti government protesters in tennessee? the demonstrators have gathered every week to demand that the government, which is a deal with how most, for the release of captives held in gaza and accusing prime minister benjamin netanyahu of prolonging the war for his own political game. because he is watering . gaza is taking a psychological tool and palestinians. one group of volunteers is helping people shield through art therapy ourselves on the beach, has more in the shadow of israel's relentless bombardment. there is
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a silence crisis. the psychological impact of what has on people, especially children, are surrounded by destruction. they find refuge in drawing in other activities. it gives them some sense of normalcy in these turbulence time said unto the unit of the m, f. c. we started by writing down our dreams, leaving out the period from october 7th until now. we drew and colored sketches, and we wrote down our dreams in this way. my 5 children and i have tremendously enjoyed. it is improved and shifted on negative attitude to a positive one. with nearly 35000 palestinians killed this cars are not always visible. mental health experts warrant the impact of these young mines could spend generations since the war has shattered the causes, mental health and other medical facilities. initiatives like this one in a rough uh, health people process their trauma through our to have been hired. well, by that i know nothing has been with the ongoing genocide against children and
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women. we thought it was necessary and important for them to overcome such trauma baffles. launching this initiative was necessary to contribute to enabling them to get out of such a strong caused by the ongoing loss, destruction and genocide. they're experiencing every day. despite the challenges and delivering mental health support to resilience of the palestinian spirit persists. but israel is expanding military operation and rough or is threatening this resilience as more tax hender recovery efforts. access i'm which, which is are switzerland has won the eurovision song contest spots. thousands of people protested outside of the venue in mama against israel's devastating war on gaza. the european event featured a news when he confessed to, i'll just say it is police reports from this with the city of mama, the thousands who demonstrated in mama on saturday these with
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a few who made that voices heard at the eurovision song, contest venue itself. ways row was due to compete and the final, despite protests over its war on garza moment. when it's a game genocide and we don't support series of samples. but roland, early a product tested the city center had police permission. this one did not. this demonstration has sprung up outside the vision. irena demonstrates is now being taken away by the police officers from denmark in no way. what else i part of one of sweden's biggest step is security operations and things briefly got physical and good to as well as participation was mainly by go about getting a lot of people. a lot of people are from palestine and many of their families are getting hurt there and they just feel hungry about the situation and how distribute
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to governments and the safety as well as kind of this issue. when go on took to the stage, it was to sing his own hurricane. it was originally cold of the type of rain, but the european broadcasting union demanded deliveries be changed to be less obviously about how much is of the type a 7 year tax on israel. that seems enough to make the use appointment to entries to be a political or something would finish. 5th after switzerland's entry took the prize that gave small comfort to the protest as who had lasted the nights. but he still asked why his royal had been allowed to sing when russia had notes pull race out, is there a mile by its graduation season and universities across the united states. but this year, many students have been barred from attending this, of these, or from delivering end of us speeches because they protested against israel's war
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on guys. so. so i'm gonna celebrating their treatments in the wrong way. this is one student story and his own words. i my name is gabe. i'm a senior at u. n. c. chapel hill. and right now i'm on my way to people's graduation and alternative graduation ceremony for me and other seniors who have been suspended from the university for protesting genocide and gaza and cannot attend our real graduation chapel hill. i'm really happy to have been able to have this graduation do the ceremony with my comrades. you know, the people i really trust people who has the rest of next to the we've been suspended by the university. we've been borrowed from taking our exams from graduating, borrowed from campus. and so this was our way of celebrating our own accomplishments of celebrating our own graduation. as far as i'm concerned, i graduated when i was arrested by this university for protesting genocide, solidarity means you might keep doing. we're doing here today. is university is
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trying to silence us by borrowing us from our own graduation by borrowing us from campus. but we're not going to have it. we built our own community. we built our own institutions. we built our own graduation. we're not going to let them silence us. in fact, the more they try to louder we're going to be, i'm lucky enough to have the support of my parents and this they came down to see me. but my mother is worried sick about my safety about my diploma. she went back to work to put me through school and to see it threatens by the university for standing up against injustice is a, is very hard on her protests against israel's war on guns that have taken place in several european cities initially. students at milan university, instead of a protest comes in solidarity with palestinians. some students, the demand is the best schools come ties with companies to do business with israel . and in front of crowds of jobs in paris waving published an inside, demanding an immediate cease fire in garza and for an end to what they called
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israel's genocide, another valleys taking place in the german city of dusseldorf. hundreds of turned out to call for an end to the lot and gaza under the motto, freedom for palestine. and in manchester, protesters marched to demand that the u. k. government stopped funding israel's war on guns in madrid, thousands of demonstrators of also the amount of demand for the war. a commemorative that what's known as the knock on catastrophe. it refers to the force displacement of $750000.00. things is when israel was killing it, is in 1940 that the still ahead on i'll just say this, these are, i'm come out of the, i the, in the fun job proven auto. the country spread watkins. they've been a bump for hardware. so we like because of an important candid bomber there that they're going to die and thousands of protesters, valley and george's capital, i guess a controversial bill. critics say we used to suppress this fence the
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sunday may the 12 years are forecasts for europe in africa. let's go, so we're going to power up some thunderstorms for a south west england, wales and scotland. i don't think these storms will make their way into london, but still we will see a shift in the winds. so as a result, your temperatures will drop down to one line with where they should be for this on your different story. in the south, the sun's out temperatures are shooting up. so in southern spain, temperatures are pushing past 30 degrees. so let's go to central in eastern europe . right now. most of the action is in the balkans, actually pretty much stretching from sylvania right through to romania and for turkey is capital on. correct? it is adult day here, a few showers at times and cool for this time of the year, 13 degrees now that we're coming in to mid may, you should be about $23.00,
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so yeah, 10 of a whole, or you should be okay. west africa, biggest pulses of rain around sea are the own. also pushing into that eastern side of guinea and for southern parts of the ivory coast on sunday to the south, we go with this freeze off the indian ocean that's going to produce some showers for south africa where it has caused the lunar tell profit. and so that will include durbin and same goes for southern booth and be care. we're going to get strict with some showers, including for most and beaks capital. my put so on sunday. that's it for me. see you soon. i the latest news as it breaks on line backing apps rely on back incidence of those states are experiencing an intimate blackouts with detailed coverage. the majority of the front runners in these elections have either been questioned for or have already been convicted incorruption scheme from around the world. this is the asian
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highway of the think, talk correct me or what is an area that the s i c had been pushed as of is deliberate, over 300000000 dollars. will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we insure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis, haven't had going through the bumps the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence the the
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watching or does it a reminder about top stories? this is ready for us as a launch some new offensive and there's a bali, a refugee camp in northern garza, residential areas and shelters for displaced. families have reports and they've been targeted, and several people have been killed as early as stepping off attacks and the southern areas of jobs and the armies, or the 10s of thousands of palestinians to leave eastern that off on the you and it says around a $150000.00 people level ready flights. the air and these really minutes was demolishing the home of a palestinian prisoner any occupied was fine. i mean, some of them was the change junior wage in february video shows heavy machinery and troops answering bank notes of half of the to polls and i opened in catalonia, in spring, the governing, separate as party called a vote. alley off to parliament failed to pass the retreats a bunch of that could read the night, the debates above castle on independence and even the stability of the national
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government. 6 years ago, the region how the referendum to break away from spain. a vote. the madrid did not recognize several separatist leaders and now in jail, miles approximately the college creeds won't. is a fugitive in front of vegas terminal is a professor of political science at the university of valencia. he's joining us not on skype from boston on the thank you very much indeed for being with us. i want to ask you about college questions on 1st of all, it's been 6 years since he was forced to leave the country. how much influence do you think he still has when it comes to the debate on independence? hello, good morning. first of all, well go this, put you money, just the key blade to go see, or even if i'm most of the, it's a body because i need there's even from showing party has tried to, to keep looking for the degree. but he's a steve, he's a show we strongly the feet for most of he's well despite the same time kind of
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solution what has become a better defense validity, god actually, even among the building defenders folders. so it is not clear that he could keep the structure bar he had 6 years ago. uh, 2017 when he got, unless uh, when do you watch? uh, let's see if uh he says support among these bring defenders voters easiest to the doctor level. is he still the focal point for the independence tobate's for, for catlins or with the to the, the campaign for independence. be able to continue without the time in the event that say he lost the shell daily the politically because this has changed a lot and even mixed up with them on that to start there at the beginning of the day of the complaint focusing on. she's a promise to come back and to restate, to, to recover lee that she be noted to uh, follow with the independence movement. but the company has shown that all the
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political parties include me, said the push them on has tried to focus on a already know these policies, which i'm now the more important for, for, for the make today. we have to thank you for coming that the there is a white impression that during the last few years after that to indicate market by to bring defend this movement, that somebody has those ground important bodies. he's like health and then an integration for instance. and i think that piece going to be more important and you'll be know folders, you know, the to decide their choice of space. 5 minutes or petro sanchez had been going through a fairly tough time. and just recently, with regards to allegations being made in connection with his wife, it was suggestions that he should step by step done. and at one point he said he might. and then he said he wasn't going through what kind of things is he facing at the moment? what's a state for him and this the yeah. clearly the,
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the got to the end election is a key moment for the beginning of his the government, the parliamentary term. because in got saloon. yeah. in the selection, he's going to check whether uh oh, to what extent the cattle on a people to bores piece of bread magic approach to normalize the relationship between spain and control only have to do the huge. it's additional prices. and it isn't. i don't think that she's any kind of result. we undermine. she's a look to us report. he's part of me to be supporting my dream because it really depends on spark. these are very much interested in keeping this w give the government lease until the law for august you will be for the company to implemented at the same time. this is an important election also to test the strength of the political position in spain. seems a buffet, so for the people spark the, the main, a bargain position now,
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and we have to remind the 1st link to our parking spain. good. a good use of danger for a back to me as a whole bunch of really because we are just a 4 weeks ahead of the you'll get an extra the 9th and i will ask you about that. i missed a bill that you're you referred to as the just for a little bit of context of my understanding is that the i, mr. bill basically gives a i'm it would lift depending legal action against the council on national is for the actions are taken back in in 2017 now it's been approved by the springs parliament, but it's because a lot of particularly right wing opposition to this. what is the, the possibility that that could actually fail and if it does fail, if it doesn't go through, what does that mean? again, for counseling independence, particularly, i am in this, in the following 3 weeks, the law will be biased. finally by the bard. i mean the procedure and has tried to
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block, did the procedure of these low in the sent a by finally, we'd be buzzing 3 weeks. yes. some days before that you are getting election. it is likely that the judy should have bought would good block the, the document of the little and more important culture which we've seen the next you is a come back of not only me, symposium on, but all the people that are excited a to the spain and many people that are know, and the legal problems in case these law could be broken. um for a way that the guy can know that disappears right now. that of course we feel again, that protesting catalonia, but these quotes have dispute. it role, district board of captain and brain defendants. parties to government that are sent you. this is wide uh,
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the right deposition of doors. the low in spain is best thing to do to try to find any kind of way to block uh, the application of these low. but i'm not confident that i think that the i will, as i said, that to be you know, for sure think that's alone. yeah. and they proceed. application of the low and upcoming most probably we would use, i mean mostly the in the relationship between them in spain and we put a string by the way, the so when you get the government in between it's really interesting to get your thoughts on this one only thing that's kind of, oh, thank you very much indeed for your time. so thank you. thank you. my pleasure to farmers and buckets on are facing major losses. also the government imported millions of tons of weight. despite a bumper harvest, it's front of the market and it's causing prices to full come a high does travel to plunge problems known as pakistan's, bread, basket to speak to farmers farm or the broadcasting across
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a fine job province. despite projection for the record to harvest this yeah, the government is buying a suite. usually it per kid is around 20 percent of the fall, much growth at a fixed price to stabilize the market and prevent hoarding this year. it's buying less than hoss that on the we are compelled to protest for our rights as the government has failed to buy all we and we are left with no other choice to burn our parties and not to come to meet again. the government reported $3400000.00 tons of read at the end of march. industrial experts have criticized the $1000000.00 purchase thing. it came at the time when focused on was running low on foreign exchange reserves, and ad receive short term international monetary fund, loan millions of farmers across bog, just, i know how they're staying there. we dropped by day. why did they may not get a good price, because what they say is that mismanagement
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a we import out in the countryside. farmers are working around the clock to finish harvesting its manual work and everyone hope so. it has a good coverage this year, but he's worried about supporting his family phone member to the chair for the past 6 months. we have been in the fields trying to produce a good crop this year, or even borrowed money for seeds, fertilizers, and additional labor. but now we're worried about how to cover these expenses because the government failed to buy or harvest uh, from the fees that we described supported the state run storage facilities. the fall of last year is harvest and import. the government said is bring it's best to support pharma. and even though you cannot get the good number did, but they going to be with the government plus, trying to compensate every farm and with the little they kind of because they do not have enough results to buy or we produce them. however, to far much complain they have to wait for weeks to say the produce and the loss on
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the we've been waiting at the store to associate for about 15 days waiting for our turn. there is no hope on the humiliation from authority to start our hard work to earn a decent living for our children. agriculture it goes for about 20 percent of the annual g d p. many here a technical scope following week. if the government doesn't stop in ports and compensate them for all of the produce, which could have long term implications for folks that killed or d. come on, i did. i just need uh, help pull her up and drop providence and focused on i do my susan agriculture and food research here for the business. we called her it's a financial danny newspaper in pakistan. and he's joining us not from cut off to you. thank you very much indeed for being with us. so there's a record fleet, harvest and pockets on why did the government buy more so good morning to you in the as well. uh, so i would like to correct uh, one uh,
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misconception over here. the government did not in board to describe it, a lot of the private sector do in board. and the reality is that the private sector has been allowed to do freely and for the, for the past 2 years in the hall. except that the builder access previously intended international market for north very favorable for the import or the boss 6 to 12 months. those uh, prices have passed reversed into that price is i know, significantly lower than the price is set by the government and the local locker, which is why private sector found an arbitrage opportunity during the off season when the does not be harvested. the green september, end of them on march 2024 and imported yes. the size of the quantum of weight. but what i would like to either way here is that the problems, yes, has been precipitated by the inboard. but the crux of the issue right now is the government, a fun job deciding to exit the procurement function off your mental beach over
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night without any notice and actually misleading the farm was right on the 11th guard that there will procure. and then deciding not, i don't want to get some clarification for you. so now i understand that it was the government authorizing private uh, companies to be able to import by them the government importing the reach itself. was this simply an error of judgement? or was there more to this, this strikes me or somebody watching from outside is so this is something that could have been anticipated. and yet, the government seems to, at the very least, have been slow to kind of caught shopping redress the balance between the importers and the farmers. but that's the case that's focused on in most situations that come into the iris low to the address and address issues dec, but that a lot of times emanated from government. existing policy is already,
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you have to understand that the government has is 75 to 80 years of history. it does goes back to pre pockets in days of india and boxed on spend. the government acts as the stabilize it of the market by entering the region green market. and this happens in india. this happens in china just happens in bangladesh as well to this day. if the government had sought to exit this market, it should have done so in gradually manner number one and number 2. uh, even if it does want us to head the farmers now it can procure this, this excuse that it does not have a sufficient storage or it has accessed ox carrier which stocks from the boss to the do not. boyd, because honestly the, even the government procured be stored under open sky was most in buckets. time. there are no edwin's modern silos in the government sector either so far as collusion or, or, or any conspiracy as being forced to just concern. look in developing countries
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that put all the basically the case, but you have to understand the point them of the import is not very significant. the governmental focused on stretch of beach production thought it could be 2 and a half 1000000 metric tons being produced. 29 in a hall. so the excess in board is not gonna hot with us. it's effectively button 1000000 metric tons. now you would point out to a lot of factors such as, you know, what the price of the domestic market has increased so substantially and drastically over the past 5 years. that actually the consumption book advertised probably a decline. we don't know because nobody and focused on runs dynamic analysis based on pricing losses that they are and such. so v as you on that for that would be a be a week of consumption will also bring consumption was 5 years ago, 10 years ago as a means constant, industrial population i'm on, so we're grateful to you for being on the on. i'll just say this, so thank you very much indeed for your time. no problem. the still ahead on all the data from the fast lane grease on mother's day of we're going to meet the ukrainian
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moments of lost their children on the front lines of rushes for the brian as well. um, once it gets too soon to know if this new currency, the ball we called was big, will make a difference to his daddy like like millions of other people living in a country with one of the highest deflation rates in the world. he wants to bobby's economy to improve physics, replace this and bobby and donna and his fact i go to says and find cars, commodities such as input, duties, rent, and fuel a paid with us dollars. that means and bobby and still have to change the $6.00 the police to be know anything operating without a license. undermining the new car and the government. he does want people to change their money and the mommy's back and not many here. haven't seen the zig notes yet. people are buying and selling mainly in us dollars. they say over the
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years is be more stable. that's always money. to use the currency, doesn't these value rapids that could take them into the the 10s of thousands of people of rallied in georgia is capital against the proposed law. they say will silence descend. there are fears, but legislation could cost georgia. it's bid to join the you to between medical reports from debasing this is the largest protest to be the csc this year. allison's of people saying they don't want to tell them it's to adopt the so called for an agency. some came with got as much as police used to you guys
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before. yeah, we have the freedom. you know, our government, the district all wish. you know, they go the way. we are not liking these. that's why we're here. the law would force n g. i was a media receiving at least 20 percent of their funding from abroad to declare themselves as agents of for an influence. assuming that all was adopted by russia in 2012. the you officials who gave georgia candidate status in december. say below is a step in the wrong direction and could hinder georgia's bid. we are against russian road. well, we don't need to rush in so we protest this, and do we want to go to the us? presidents sell amazing, obviously has promised to veto the law if it passes the 3rd reading and punishment . her brother was among the protest this, every time she said that the cdw should do, it's a choice of who george on. people used to be
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a rip in describing the constitution. george's prime minister says the law is necessary for transparency, but he says georgia remains committed to you membership separate bills on the website is georgia will become a new member very soon. we are putting all our effort so that in 2030 i'm sure we will have you, your membership not lighter. i'm sort of holes show at least 80 percent of georgians wants that country to become a member of the you, the size of the country's history where georgia essentially to visit spears, to say they will continue coming out until their voice the of the families in ukraine are going to mock
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mothers day on the sunday, and by the time when there seems to be no end in sight of russia's war, the government says at least the $31.00 fives, and the soldiers have been killed off to more than 2 years of conflict. john holmes has been speaking to them, others left behind despite the presence of the flowers to these ukrainian women of this day's tough to celebrate. the son started fighting in the war via his boy bloody slough was 2 days show this 28th birthday. when he was killed, embody upon the last time we talked to him, was march 18, 2022. you said the words that will stay in my heart for the rest of my life. i have big plans for the future. i want you to know that i don't regret anything. after that, we lost the connection that probably helped organize this event in key city who to organization broker mums. it brings together
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those who blow someone wrong son died in the 1st outbreak of possibilities in 2014 in miami miami. i see we don't have the understanding of support from the community that we'd expect. we lost our relatives and they were afraid to talk to us about it . so we got together and decided to start a community organization and support each other this way. multitudes of now died on both sides and this conflict into the flags is planted here in the hall. the capital is for you craning killed in the course of this will. that's tens of thousands of sons to says providers that won't be with that family. this mother's day shall many mazda 0, so a lot, because the suns or husbands are at the front. you crying so on these desperately. sure, man, it means that some a subbing for months or years without leave is just tanya. a 3 year old mother and
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a boy mirror slot. this mother's day is it has been for the last 6 months. you so the value of the income mother and how much your kids media, because their father is in new york. there's a need to raise your child right so that she has a memory of her that if she dies, eating and knows where he's, what he's doing in the life. but the memories, at least something to sustain the breed, mothers back of the city. whole heroes never die has become a saying he the problem is the pain. so last john home and how does the to keep the rescue? workers in southern brazil are braving torrential rain to search for survivors of to last week's devastating floods. at least a 136 people have died in the state of rio grande. they will sold partisans inside
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their homes, but many important areas are still stranded out of sandals. i'm here to has the story. people displaced by i'm president of rains, keep arriving in shelters in the southern brazilian city of lagrange i have looked on my child that was searching for his missing parents. when he got stranded they rescued me by boat. i called out to them. they stopped. took me in and brought me here. i was so they welcome new. well, they gave me clothes 5 on fine to read the say more than a 100 people remain missing across the state of video grant. they, the suited air force has been deployed to drop loads of age in isolated communities . but saturday brought more rain further complicating the already difficult operations problem with a specific issue. many people see rain and not afraid. we understand people's fear
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. they know that when it rains, the water rises even more. and it's not only people volunteers and rescuers are also bringing hundreds of animals to safety. these dogs come from the might of neighborhood. the owners were asking for help. we checked them up here. first we trunk, realize them, then we see if the medical care or if they need to go to shelter. many people help by offering a ride and men even turn ariens are helping to devastating floods of also affected parts of neighboring route. why more than 2000 people have been displaced? there? said the guy, i was here and the girl started to overflow and when it overflowed, i had to leave. we took what we could do with the friends and we put the mattresses on top of the tables back in brazil. oh, terry does say more rain is expected over the weekend, promising more may him in what is already one of the worst climate disasters in the country in decades,
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i listened to the address the you have your info is triggered slugs. a lot of slides in south western china street, so being flooded and vehicles have been so myers in the city. oakland show. roads were blocked for emergency teams would apply to cleared away the deputy more rainfall is expected in the coming days. as rarely a heavy rains have triggered a landslide in eastern sydney emergency cruise, enclosed a major road there after it partially collapse. the country's witnessing unusually heavy rain was like a bomb, went off, it was just like a fight. and unfortunately, most of water came down to us down below, but it was the, the house was striking. the you can see by the, the force of the water. it's move concrete and we've got massive slabs of rock down . the air was to force was absolutely terrifying. so yeah, look, we just grab a roll, safe puzzles of people up in order to leave their homes in western canada because of the threats of wildfires. officials say flames are out of control and northern
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are both. so for the button through a 1000 heck, tears of land and other wildfire spreading fast in the neighboring province of british columbia. bonfires are destroyed about 15000000 hectares of land across the country. last year. our planet is experiencing it's most powerful g o magnetic storm. in more than 20 years, as one which can trigger power blackouts and communication breakdowns out of solar storm happens when the sun sends a series of strong solar fires. and that leads to an increase in displays of natural light around the world. are we false? it explains, look at those. oh, oh my gosh, it's beautiful. in the dog around the world, red color rippled across the sky, red oh, which reflected back. this was the strongest jew magnetic event to move in 20 years, accounting for the vividness and variety of color, including the unusual pinks and blues,
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and the spread of the roll rate fall from the usual potable attitudes. this was southern england. this was central germany. what happened during the last few days, that is a system of very complex sun spots the came together and formed the your truck division of the saw. and these are extremely active in the span of a day or a day the how they last uh, i believe something like 7 quarter, we must have directions. those huge bubbles of gas sent charged ions, racing across space, and bumping into oxygen and nitrogen atoms in our eye on a sphere delivering an extraordinary display to the products, magnetic field, a powerful of salt. what's nice concerning now though, is that we live in the 21st century where we evict exponentially increased our reliance on communications and other technologies that are in space and on the ground. where electrical indifference is, can actually disturb it from this to your magnetic storm. and that's something that
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we're watching quite closely right now. so what about those who would watching on friday nights, will they get a 2nd chance? it might not be visible this fall south of southern florida or even know the possibility, but well with giving it a go and don't forget our friends down on the, the southern light. so a role, right? estrada's may, will be visible once the game across the southeast of australia. i'm much of new zealand. experts say the main most powerful directions from the sun have already hit saturday nights on cool. isn't expected to be quite so intense. are you close it out to 0? well, that's how it was just talking about people around the world house being able to admire the northern lights for a 2nd night running. the bright, colorful lights are usually only visit valenda, most northern reaches of the planet, such as parts of finland, spots on friday and saturday night. vast sweeps of europe and the us were able to see build or bought alice funds because of a powerful solar storm that could continue into sunday. i'm going to be back in
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a couple of minutes more all the stories. i know boddeson. stay with us. i'm going to 0. the one of the biggest elections of 2020 pools in the general election will administer now render movies be taking increase its food across the country. how will economic uncertainty and you've some employment sway focused in key states? and will the media be able to cover the vote really unfairly ongoing coverage? the in the as an actions on i'll just be around over 27000 her wing photographs as mutually can do that to us. the evidence in this case is frankly even stronger than that that we had against the nazis at nuremberg. and these crimes continued in the fast of a 2 part series out to 0 photos, powerful cases of little crimes against civilians allegedly killed by the syrian
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government. with photographic evidence from the seas of files, the lost souls of syria on al jazeera palestinians who were expelled from their land in the next couple of 1948. still don't have the rights of return. that is the land was extorted, and settlements were built. 20, i'll just the or world goes back with the young, good old palestinians to re discover their ancestral homes. why doesn't my grand parents stay here? why aren't i here? return to palestine on out to 0. of the
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. ringback the and is really on salts, on jamalia and northern guys are attacks target residential areas and shelters for displaced families. the real baptism. this is all just a lie from don't have also coming up unlawful. i'm catastrophic. the you condemns this very evacuation orders in eastern dropbox. hundreds of thousands of people are once again forced to flee. these firewalls are kind of the demonstrators in tennessee. they're demanding the.


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