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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 12, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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in the it is really on slow, it's on somebody out in northern garza attacks target the residential areas and shelters for displaced families. the i don't know about this and this is all just a lie from don't have also coming up unlawful and catastrophic. the you condemn is, is very evacuation orders in eastern dropbox. hundreds of thousands of people are once again forced to flee. please find was, are kind of the demonstrators in tennessee. they're demanding that the government reaches a deal for the release of captives held in. guys. had a choice between a fugitive or anti independence pausing polls open and catalonia is regional
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election. the is what the forces of launched a new offensive and jamalia in northern gauze. i'm off to leveling it. during an earlier i sold attacks and homes and shelters for displaced, families killed several people. these really armies issued an evacuation order for your body. i'm bait law here seeing the areas of dangerous combat. so, and it's operation is to prevent how most fighters regrouping. but the space people have nowhere to go get caught begins. are coverage, engine value refuge account in northern gaza is really drones open fire as people's homes. paramedics help survivors with whatever equipment they can find is really army had already leveled the area during its grand assault, which began in october and the people here have little hope to cling to.
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we were bombed rocks and shells fell on announced may god help us and have mercy, let the world stand with us. the only thing i ask of them, only god is standing with us. god is the only one with us. i've lost 3 children. 4 months after it declared the end of a mass in northern gaza, israel says it's fighting again. that phone as the shock one, a little sick of in northern cause a fight to drugs have been striking terrorist target spoken of this morning. the big on a temporary evacuation process of the jamalia area from this area towards the central strip. as part of our preparation for a ministry operation in the area. in recent weeks, the we have identified a comes by from us to restore the ministry capabilities in jabante area. and we are working to dismantle. these are the samples, like if any sooner attacks which the army says are targeting public. sending
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fighters have already killed several children and bait right here is there any forces have pushed the people of northern guys back to the brink of starvation by blocking aid to the region. now it's issuing more evacuation orders, but it's not clear for families are meant to go under israel launching attacks on rough uh and the sides and barrow bella and the center of the strip palestinians are unlikely to have much faith in the so called safe zones. freddie a car out a 0 can bring on the car, is going to take a while. zoom, who's in general ball, the in central guys are type, will more to be know about these attacks in jamalia, a welder of more serious developments. in fact, trop, on the ground as the military tanks is talked to, to go deeper into the valley of refuge account. they have crossed. so i do and rode into the com as but tools that are managing and even raging when how most fights is
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on the use very military. now, as we have been hearing from eye witnesses on the ground, in the very densely populated area, have been confirming that the military tags all surrounding evacuation senses alongside with residential buildings that are being destroyed in the hourly basis. they have been describing the situation to be critically dalia as the entire areas witnessing mass evacuation just on displacement movements among the residents to the western parts of kansas city. now these residents have been moving in intentionally from the place to another during the previous military, encouraging to the, to the record to come. but again, they are leaving this time under a very unprecedented use of fire power on the ground. they have been totally vast. bombardments is ongoing. that as they have is very military has been using unexcused to fire a by the point to get somebody in country units that have been bound to all areas just to give a clue. they didn't for the maneuvering the troops. now we remember that the spend
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a minute tree has announced that they are again re pushing to it's these a refugee toms. but in order to change the palestinians group spots, they have been saying that previously they managed to take full control over the notes of the strip. and that is a complete contradictory to these statements that had been released by is really military officials. by again, a journalist residents are completely facing a very drastic tends to be a humanitarian conditions in devalue received. you can be due to the lack of water and be sure to jump 8 supplies. specifically that for the 5th day in a row. no, it had kicked into the news of the gauze as to to, which gives a clear indication that it's a systematic military plant. being, being designed by the, is very military represented. firstly, it's cj and the vast majority of requesting that are responsible for a deliveries and the 2nd time pushing an existing military pressure by it, by carrying out wanting to stay in the agent for both rough law and even the value
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of refuge account in the middle the right corner of this trip. yeah. to guys talk about that briefly about i suggest talking about where you want because there are lots of people moving from or off or into the bottom where you are. you were doing telling us over the last couple of days about the, the pressures, the auction in terms of the lack of humanitarian supplies. as more people come in to data about a just focus through what the latest thing situation is, where you are. the world won't be for loss to sleep. rough uh homes are the is ready. bombardment at 18 palestinians have been killed in rough within the past 24 hours that people have completely of that feeling on safe. and they have been receiving more calls from the east by the military, including dentist within the past couple of hours receiving phone calls from is really so just a clue, a performing them to no longer exist in the vicinity of all quite the hospital. now, these evacuation movements uh, getting into the areas but where did it situation on the humanitarian level sounds
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. the critical of uh uh we can see how people are taking shelter in the open areas . they are what we do are missing the pressure on the medical facilities, including clocks, the hospital, which has received only within the past 24 hours. $8000.00 lease has a few. that could, could be barely enough for 2 days of work and the, it's the hospital has complete your run out of fuel. it gives a clear indication that there's going to be most threats with threats moving on the horizon in terms of the lives of hundreds of palestinian patients and get people who are receiving treatment in that medical facility bought the security level from bottom. it continues more, a funeral leaving from ox. the hospital. we have mentioned that earlier, i've got to back the ground. there was a space where in a box the hospital that palestinians have been used in order to bet falwell for the beloved ones. um, this is absolutely contradictory to what the ministry has been telling people to do, to seek refuge in the middle area,
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which has been also attacked. and we have been hearing different gun, funnier, shooting by the anybody who to talk to somebody in century units in the eastern parts of a debit. but i and people here are only wondering about one setting seeing what next to goes. we don't have any of the place and the off grades that the scenario will drop off to be repeated again, which different but where they can see that it's going to be the last page that they can no longer even be able to survive. if there's gonna be more expansion of the fighting to reach this area topic, are those interpreters there are bottom? thank you very much. i as well as southern guys are these really armies issued evacuation orders for tens of thousands of palestinians in eastern rafa. 1.5000000 people who flooded the attacks elsewhere on the strip of being seeking refuge in the city. many of them intense a, make shift shelters. the united nations has around a $150000.00 palestinians have already left rafa as israel step. so it's gone the
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tax b, you just calling israel's evacuation orders unacceptable. lugging his back to his i'm in the mid you, my children and i ran under fire and people died in front of us. the shrapnel hit our faces. the houses were hit by strikes while we were running. our situation is so bad. while we were running my children and i heard our legs, i found a shoe on the road and i wore it to be able to run better. we're running, we have no money. our situation is very hard and i came here, but there's no place to stay here, not when i look like i've seen the roof we left, but do we know where we're heading? no, we don't imagine the stress anxiety, lack of comfort. i can't describe for you, even if my eyes don't and my heart is calling. we are sad and depressed. our children a very tired, we don't have water, we hardly get food. and we struggle with everything. united nations is wanting different supplies and southern guys are going to run out within hours. israel's blocked a deliveries in the past week,
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but you monitoring agencies are calling for the immediate i'm checking the supplies, including fuel. the closure, especially about the crossing and the 10 upside of them has separate boxes for us to fuel, to supplies. and the movement, bosh monetary and stuff. so also effectively, little bits of any civilians would like to go out to a medical investigation, look through the program in rockford with one out of future distribution in south by tomorrow that needs to be with, with the less totally with what has already be distributed in their, their shelters, and phones and insights. as of today, we have 12 bakery supported by some out of 10 partners here is loc as a 8 have ceased to operate. do to lock a few in stock, and for that are still operating and produce capacity. so they'll be on the desktop . i'm going to to select the fuel supplies has left many hospitals in the area close to collab. cecilia diego has this report. let me warn you. some of you might find the images in a report disturbing. the 7 months of displacement and
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forced to see yet again, these were you, the military is ordering further evacuations in east and rasa. but as palestinians try to leave them a raining down, leaving people scrambling to find safety and gaza with every corner is a target. and no life has sped and they live in close. we are leaving because of the fee and due to collision, we are leaving for the unknown and there are no safe areas, a tool, all the areas left are unsafe. the united nation says about a $150000.00 palestinians have left east and the rafa is role is forcing them towards what it claims as a humanitarian. so in milwaukee age groups of describe conditions, the as a risk, the options, the desperate palestinians rapidly diminishing the nation's our and i love, what should we do here?
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we wait until we all die on top of each other. so we decided to me, it's better. this, these really minutes represses ahead with his plans to launch a full scale offensive. and rasa strikes has been unrelenting elsewhere. bodies are piling up in darrow, paula and central garza, another area where many palestinians of flood but found no safety. right. what the, who do i have here? they are in pieces. here's my sister in law without ahead. my and also without a head. what does this injustice until when will this be going on? we're exhausted. the engine here? have no. what else to go? 8 is critically low with his ready forces still blocking the entry of trucks into the strip as palace demeans trucked inside, remain in the sites, trying to as a desk to be taken out of their most. i don't know if he's joining us now. he's a political analyst,
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he's also professor media studies at the doha institute for graduate studies. good to have you back on. i'll just, you want to talk to you about the words that are being used in this. now we're used to, to kind of judging the semantics and the phrasing that's used when it comes to cease fires. when we're talking about rafa. they're also important on that because from the start, the, is there any government, the nation? yeah. who coalition has said that we're going out for an all lives assault and offer the bite administration in the us at no major assault is not what we're going to accept. we seem to, i seem to get a feeling that there is a dining back of the, of the words that are being used. what's your assessment of what is being said to describe what's happening and ralph and, and how that might play. i might dictate what have israel does on the ground, right. i think it's really interesting. i've actually been following that discourse on that off off for, for many weeks now. and what i noted is that you guys was more or less saying that they were opposed to an operation and drop off that it would be a disaster. we heard come out of harris come out 2 months ago and say, israel's,
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the one who told those people to go with that off. so the, the u. s. was making it clear that they didn't want any kind of an operation in that off off. and then suddenly they sort of switched up and said they opposed their point, was a major operation. and then i'll find what i read into that is that it's actually is real, that's exerting a lot of political control over the united states, not the other way around. it's not the us exerted control over israel, but it's actually israel inserting control. in other words, what's happening on the ground is that israel makes it clear that it's not going to take the us as quote unquote advice. and then it's going to do what it wants to do . and so the us is sort of forced to shift its rhetoric and make it appear as though it's more or less of you know, that israel's more or less in line with what the us what, what, what, what the us wants. and i think that's what's been happening for the better part of 7 months. it's been, it's been israel, not willing to take the us is advice and doing whatever it wants on the ground and
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it's been hurting the us administration. and it gave us an example. uh, briefly just, but we were talking about an hour ago where you said that spilled over into the way that the us was interpreting the negotiations over the ceasefire as well in terms of what they demanding from homeless. yeah, so what was happening for many weeks for us was saying and these press briefing, briefings and statements that they were putting out is that from us come off as refusal to accept a ceasefire. was the only thing standing in the way of peace in in garza. and then last week from us came out and sort of called the us as bluff and said okay, we accept, we accept the ceasefire. and then the israelis came out and rejected betsy's fire, much to the shock. and i think embarrassment of the united states they had bill burns in the region, negotiating the terms. i think he was quite pleased that from us i agreed to us. so israel then rejects it, so then the us shifted us rhetoric, they could no longer say that the,
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the only thing standing in the way of peace was how mazda is refusal to accept a cease fire. so they switched up, and now they're saying for the last few days, if you watch the press briefings, they're saying the only thing standing in the way of peace is how mazda is refusal to put down it's weapons and surrender. so that's a subtle shift. but i think an important sion in terms of the dynamics between the nation, yahoo coordination of the year and the by the ministration in the us. so for those of us watching around the world, it seems as though the politically, it's the, by the administration who's losing out and the all of this rather than, than that's and you all who coalition, as we're getting closer of course, to the us elections in november this is going to be a significant factor. do you think that we're going to see a change in the rhetoric from the, by the ministration as we have had towards those elections? well, we have a lot of data now and the more we get all the data, the worse it looks for, bite in in november there was a really interesting poll done by news week just last week. and they found that 39
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percent of american college students are now identifying as pro palestinian compared with only 11 percent identity. identifying as pro is real. this is very significant. but there's also a lot of opinion pulling data. if you look at the, the swing states, for instance, $538.00 is noting that bite and trails trump in all 7 of those essential swing states. these are states that bite and absolutely has to have in order to win the election. so things look really bad, so you're right, i think that there might be more rhetoric from the vitamin ministration criticizing or criticizing is real, trying to sort of save face, trying to win back some of these young voters. but the question that i have and that i've had a long as is it too little too late, has, has bite and already sort of committed political suicide here. and so it was interesting to get your thoughts on this mohammed. i'm actually we appreciate that . thank you. very much and is there any minute trace demolishing the home of a palestinian prisoner in the occupied west bank and that even savannah was detained during a rage in february video shows heavy machinery and troops entering based on modern
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northern habit on savannah has been in and out of jail for 10 years held under administrative detention. and these are the forces of killed the 27 year old, palestinian, some of the romano and the rate on by lots of levy. g county. is there any army ancestors have killed at least $498.00 palestinians in the occupied westbank since the stores of the war on garza mountains wing of how much does announce the death of an is really captive in garza? it says 51 year old, but his national not the buffalo well died as a result of injury sustained in and is really airstrikes. cost number gates is added. he was unable to receive treatment because of his very bombardment of hospitals. and then just barely police have use water cannon to disperse anti government protesters in tennessee. the 7 stages have gathered every week to demand that the government, which is a deal almost for the release of captives held in gaza,
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accusing prime minister benjamin netanyahu of extending the war for his own musical game. so hang on, i'll just eat a buffering grease. mother's day, we're going to meet the ukranian women who have lost their children on the front line. some russians will the, the color there is still a lot of warm sunshine across not show of europe at the moment you see last, the clear skies nestled in the air across central air is underneath foss. mcgary with high pressure keeping it clear, warm, and sunny. that high is drifting a further east was allowing a southerly wind, so i wait for my pin scandinavia so so along with the systems to drift the way in from the atlantic side, something of a thunder breakdown coming into western positive here,
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basically go through the remainder of sunday, good pots of front saying some live the showers, the typical central nice and possibly will 10 funding foundry showers to light the across wales west in positive england to potable island and northern ireland to could see some very sharp showers. but there is that warming sunshine for central average in to the 20 stuff about it for the sales just to also add also full stop. com and we'll see those temperatures is acting up and not as we go on into a monday by monday. the show us just a little for the race was so coming in across the country, jeremy, down towards the positively so we went to the balkans, west side where the problem with the system right started to push its way into west composite next area of low pressure feeds its way in north africa. it is generally fine and dry. plenty of showers. now it's west africa with some live the ones for god of the why have american evangelicals become his real strongest back or is us president,
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you'll find the right to stand with israel with no red line as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, the revealing eco friendly solutions to come back threats to offsets on our 20 the what you know to 0 reminder on top. so is this is where the forces of launched a new offensive. and there's a body of refugee comes in northern jobs, a residential areas,
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and shelters for displaced. families of reports that they've been targeted and several people have been killed is really stepping off attacks and the southern areas of garza, the armies, or the 10s of thousands of palestinians to leave the eastern of alpha. the un says around a $150000.00 have already floods the area. these any military is demolishing the home of a palestinian prisoner in the occupied west by nadine silva. and that was the change during a raid in february video shows heavy machinery and troops answering back almost in northern hampton. the bowls are now open in catalonia, in spain, the governing, separate as body called, the vote alley off to parliament, failed to pass the regions budget that could re ignite debate about capital on independence, and even the stability of the national government. 6 years ago, the region how the referendum to break away from spain. a vote, madrid did not recognize several separatist leaders and now in jail while the party
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lead account, his principal is a fugitive in front on earlier and i spoke to the funds or do you guys cut out a professor of political science at the university of valencia and he explained that independence is no longer the hot topic. it once was daily the politically because it has changed a lot and even mixed up with them on that. the start, the beginning of the, of the complaint focusing on she's uh, problem is to come back and do a stage to recover lee that she be know the, to the follow with the independence movement. but the company has shown that all the political parties include me, said the push them on has tried to focus on the already know the policies, which i don't know, the more important for, for, for the leg today. we have to thank you for coming that the there was a wide separate and impression that during the last few years after that to
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indicate market by to bring, defend this movement, that somebody has those ground important bodies, these like health and, and then an integration for instance, and i think that piece going to be more important in your opinion. folders, you know, the to decide their choice space. 5 minutes of petro sanchez had been going through a fairly tough time. uh, just recently what kind of things as the facing at the moment? what's the state for him in this? clearly the got to an election is a key moment for the beginning of he's the guy read the parliamentary term because in pennsylvania, in this election, he's going to check whether a to what extent they've got a lot of people to boars, piece of bread magic approach to normalize the relationship between spain and control only have to do a huge, it's additional prices. the degrees this move 4000 people to safety in their coffee region. after
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a heavy fighting video showed emergency workers moving people near the border. osh and forces say they've occupied 5 villages since the advance further into the area . the training and president the said, but fears, bottles being taking place in 7 villages on saturday. meanwhile, families in ukraine will not come mother's day on sunday at a time when there seems to be no end in sight to russia's war, the government says at least certainly 150 soldiers have been killed after more than 2 years of conflict. john hallman has been speaking to them, others left behind despite the presence of the flowers to these ukrainian women of his days tough to celebrate. their sons died fighting in the will be in his boy. bloody slough was 2 days short. these 28 best day. when he was killed, embody upon the last time we talked to him, was march 18, 2022. you said the words that will stay in my heart for the rest of my life. i have
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big plans for the future. i want you to know that i don't regret anything. after that, we lost the connection. natalia helped organize this event in key city who grew organization and broke her mom's. it brings together those who blow someone wrong son died in the 1st outbreak of possibilities in 2014 in miami. miami doesn't mean we don't have the understanding of support from the community that we'd expect. we'd lost our relatives and they were afraid to talk to us about it. so we got together and decided to start a community organization and support each other this way. multitudes of now died on both sides and this conflict into the flags is planted here in the hall. the capital is for you craning killed in the course of this will, that's tens of thousands of sons to says provide is that won't be with that family
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. this mother's day many mothers rule, so a lot because the sons or husbands are at the front. you crying so me desperately. sure, man, it means that some a subbing for months or years without leave is just tanya. a 3 year old mother and a boy mirror slot. this mother's day is it has been for the last 6 months. you so the value of being can mother and how much your kids need you. because their father isn't near. there's a need to raise your child right so that she has a memory of her that if she dies, eating and knows where he's, what he's doing in the life. but the memories, at least something to sustain the breed, mothers, back of the city. whole heroes never die has become a saying he the problem is the pain. so last john home
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and how does it keep farmers and pakistan are facing. major los is off to the government allowed private companies to import millions of tons of wheat. despite a bumper harvest, it's funded the market causing prices to fall from outside to travel to plunge up providence known as pakistan's bred boss. good to speak to farmers as the farmer, the broadcasting across the fine job province. despite projections for the record to harvest this yeah, the government is buying a suite. usually it for kids is around 20 percent of the fall, much growth at a fixed price to stabilize the market and prevent hoarding this year. it's buying less than half that i'm at the we are compelled to protest for our rights as the government has failed to buy all we and we are left with no other choice but to burn our parties and not to come to meet again. the government reported $3400000.00
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tons of weight at the end of march. industrial experts have criticized the $1000000.00 purchase, saying it came at a time when buckets done was running low on foreign exchange reserves and ad receive short term international monetary fund, loan millions of farmers across bog, just on know how resting their weed crops by day. why did they may not get a good price, because what they say is that mismanagement a we import out in the countryside. farmers are working around the drug to finish harvesting. it's manually work and everyone helps out. it has a good coverage this year, but he's worried about supporting his family member to the chair for the past 6 months. we have been in the fields trying to produce a good crop this year, or even borrowed money for seeds. fertilizer, there's an additional labor. but now we're worried about how to cover these expenses because the government failed to buy or harvest from the fees that we
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described supported the state run storage facilities. the fall of last year is harvest and import. the government said is doing is best to support pharma and even jason, good limited, but they're going to be with the government plus, trying to compensate every farm and with the little they kind of because they do not have enough results to buy or we produce them however, to fall much complain they have to wait for weeks to say they produce and i didn't loss from the we've been waiting at the store to associate for about 15 days. waiting for our turn. there is no hope on the humiliation from the authorities. despite our hard work to earn a decent living for our children, agriculture, it goes for about 20 percent of the annual g d p. many here attempting to stop forming weak. if the government doesn't stop imports and compensate them for all of the produce. which good have long term implications for, for.


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