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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 12, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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as by journalists covering the environment, the number of attacks against the journal this to are specifically covering the environment has risen 42 percent in the last 5 years. the best antidote experts say is for those who attack facts and silence journalists to be held accountable. the zillow and several then. yeah, it's good to have you with this. this is the news our lives from the coming up in the program today. sir specialists are underway in jamalia, in between is really forces in how this thing and fighters in northern god, forced to flee, but with nowhere else to go. how this thing is trying to escape rasa while israel escalates its attacks and gaza. so, 4000 people, slee ukraine's for keith region. in the past 48 hours, russia is ramping up
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a new offensive. plus people are voting in spain's catalonia region in a boat that will test the strength of the separatist movement. there will be lived from barcelona. and in sports, the boston celtics re getting the lead and their n b a playoff series against cleveland, the top seats claim a $106.00 to $93.00 victory over the cavaliers. lead this series to games. the, it's 10 gmc, that's 1 pm in gaza. where is really forces are ramping up there strikes on the north and south of the strip. there are fierce battles between is really troops and palestinian fighters in jamalia, in northern gaza. israel practically levels that area during and assault earlier in this war. and overnight the strikes hit homes and shelters for displaced families, killing several people on today's really forces dropped the leaflets with
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evacuation orders in both the jamalia and they lock you areas. is really army saying that they are now dangerous combat zones and that it's operation is to prevent how most fighters from regrouping there. for the a car begins our coverage engine value refuge account in north, in gaza is really throws open fire as people's homes. paramedics help survivors with whatever equipment they can find. these really army had already leveled the area during its grand assault, which began in october and the people here have little hope to cling to. we were bombed rocks and shells fell on. may god help us and have mercy, let the world stand with us. the only thing i ask of them, only god is standing with us. god is the only one with us. i've lost 3 children.
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4 months after it declared the end of a mass and northern garza, israel says it's fighting again. that phone as the shock when a little sick of in northern gauze, fight address have been striking terrorist target spoken of this morning. we've been kind of a temporary evacuation process of the jamalia area from this area towards the center of the strip. as we talked about preparation for a ministry operation in the area. in recent weeks, the we have identified a comes by from us to restore the military capabilities in giovanni area. and we are working to dismantle the company. so not on a tax, which the army says our targeting public sending fighters have already killed several children in beta. here is really forces have pushed the people of northern guys back to the brink of starvation by blocking aid to the region. now it's issuing more evacuation orders, but it's not clear for families are meant to go under israel launching
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a tax on rafa in the safe. and darrow bella and the center of the strip palestinians are unlikely to have much faith in the so called safe zones. for the a car which is 0 or else is 0 is most outcome fluid spoke to some of the survivors of those is really attacks in north and gaza. is ready for the service at the residential house. and this i and this is one of the is the way to try this piece about so maybe what's really shopping is about 11 barrel sons still under the rubbing salt law for them the just to meet. we are shocked. we do not know what to do physically and mentally worn out. we're on the verge of going and say, we've been under this hell for 8 months enough is enough. look at this garbage and
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debris. we're dying just to get our hands on some water or something to feed our children. this is not life. we struggle to get firewood and feet are starving children. and above all these relays have been hitting us with missiles and bombs for months. what add insult to injury is the recent warning. for god's sake, where do we go? even rafa is coming under attack. this is not life enough, is enough. you know, in the body. we will come in the middle of the night to a loud explosion. the whole building was leveled. we've been pulling the desk from onto the rubble since then. this is a totally residential 6 flo building. we've no presence of any resistance far to nothing but women and children. more than 40 women and children were killed or innocent defense for civilians, we pulled all these dead children as they were holding each other's hands. more children still buried under the temporary. all i can say is to make god punish
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those, committing these crimes against innocent children. this in southern guys are the, is really army. his issue, evacuation order is the 10s of thousands of palestinians in the eastern rasa. 1.5000000 people who fled attacks elsewhere and the strip have sought refuge there . many of them in tents and makeshift shelters. the united nations says around a $150000.00 palestinians of already less rasa. as israel steps up, it's round a tax. they are, the you is calling israel's evacuation orders unacceptable. an elective and has them another mid you my children and i ran under fire and people died in front of us. the shrapnel hit our faces. the houses were hit by strikes while we were running. our situation is so bad. while we were running my children and i heard our legs, i found a shoe on the road and i wore it to be able to run better. we're running, we have no money. our situation is very hard and i came here, but there's no place to stay home at the plot. i assume the roof we left,
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but do we know where we're heading? no, we don't imagine the stress anxiety, lack of comfort. i can't describe for you, even if my eyes don't and my heart is clean. we are sad and depressed. our children a very tired, we don't have water. we hardly get food. and we struggle with everything. a spring in our correspondents are a couple of whom was in darrow butler, that's in central guys at target. there are multiple things that we're looking at this hour. it's what's happening in the north with respect to the fighting in jamalia. what's happening and rasa, and all those palestinians have been displaced. let's start here. what do you know about the fighting and jamalia right now? of the yes, in fact uh, the military troops to started to push the button to devalue refuge account. now they have as talked to the military operation under intense, quiet cover from fine to jets, an alternative or you and it's on the ground. then later the is really a fight these many. so we just started to push deeper into the urban areas of
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devalue a refugee camp, the course slide, dean road, and the lights of these thought to be stationed on the outskirts of the valley. then they have chosen roots that come completely encircled the entire city, where the interior areas have been completely on the east valley cj, and on the ongoing compartments by the artillery goods on the ground, as we have been. in fact, speaking to eye witnesses though, they said that we have been receiving orders to flee to the western areas of garza city. some families have okay. the old, the of the is when he met a tree, they started to sleep on the floods, on the intense a fine cover. they have been bounding residential houses, farm lands, and own civil infrastructure despite the fact that the military had operated for before in that area. now we clearly been hearing from this i, this is saying that they will talk to the gun in a developed yet refuge account. we're at least 19 palestinians have been killed in
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that area within the past 24 hours. if we look at the south now dark, the un estimates $150000.00 palestinians have fled the evacuation areas in rasa. i was wondering, have you heard from people who have not been able to flee rasa either because they couldn't door because they chose not to or they had no where to go, do you know what is happening to those who stayed to yes. as we have been hearing from them, they confirmed that the expansion of the fighting and rough uh is inevitable because these very minute treat is completely lost. launching a while. i disagree with ariel. i'm blonde attack on the main central areas of a rough ivy have been working at operating in the eastern portion of the city. they managed to play the majority of buildings on the using very intense uh find a find a policy. and at the same time, evacuation order has been passed to people in the central areas of reflected list,
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including boost class of people that been receiving phone calls from the is where the military informing them to no longer remain in that area. because it will be an operational bennett tree compact zone with how much flight to so the situation is getting done in the 18 promising he has been killed within the past 24 hours. and they have arrived to our way to hospital, which is the only remaining hospital that that's operating medical services. and if there is going to be more expansion to the fighting, to reach to the central area, it means that the roof is completely clear of any kind of medical facilities that can help to provide medical treatment for wounded people. and this is absolutely annoying that because we're talking about what that fits, the hospitals become out of service and the very limited right now are still barely functional. so what is happening at rough as a clear reminder of what auto body, what happens in other areas of the gaza strip as people do not have any place safe to go through, they are starting searching for shelter. and at the same time,
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they are afraid of the expansion of the fighting to reach to the areas that could be designated as a safe zone for that. yeah, civilians in the gaza strip across the strip now being moved again and again and again. and they've long since run out of shelters and places to go to our god bless you. and thank you very much for your reporting there from there on the ballot. and this central part of a strip of the united nations is wanting food supplies and southern gaza will run out within hours. israel has blocked a deliveries in the past week, but humanitarian agencies are calling for the immediate entry of supplies, including fuel closure, especially about the crossing. and kevin, upside of them as separate boxes for us to fuel, to supplies, and the movement, bosh monetary and stuff. it's also affected little bits, but many civilians would like to go out for medical investigation, lots of programming with rocks, with one out of future distribution in the south by tomorrow that needs to be going
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to be less totally with what has already be distributed. there, the shelters, and phones and insights as of today. so we have 12 bakery supported by some editing partners, periods loc, as a 8 had ceased to operate, to, to lock a few in stock, and for that are still operating the produce capacity. so they'll be on the desktop . i'm going to try and get more on this humanitarian situation. shalysea are shot is the head of communications for is lumnick relief. you k, you are joining us from london. thank you for your time. look, i understand you do have a presence in northern guys, are still at this point. what are your teams telling you about what's happening there? and in jamalia specifically, i mean, across garza, the situation is diane. what we have to remember is that people have been meeting, you know, from those to the south, and now they're being asked to move from the south to the places. and there are no, there is no, it stays with people. sky we're hearing is that people are now having to move on the fact. this is something that had been happening at the last 6 months,
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but stockman does announce walking about that because a block of fuel cause are not able to run. so people are having to meet on so, and let's try and find somebody to evacuate too. but there isn't really any way to stay for them to evacuate to, to and, and this is the, the resolving issue is that there is no essays in gaza in spite of these about duration or just there is never safe for people to go. your group deliberate humanitarian, a to all your team still able to operate is let's start with northern gaza. so change the operating in the south and the middle areas of cars are they are still unable to distribute some age in those areas. but the aid supplies relying on stop power, so they have and i know it has been no 8 that has come in in the last few days. and the t my stream, you worried about what this means. and of course, as we just had, the operations of bakeries means that there's no fries and we've had from a, from a staff member just yesterday who said that in
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a number of bakeries are shut down. now there's no bridge say that the supplies are very limited, we don't know how much longer they're going to be able to continue. okay, so you're not currently able to operate in the north. i understand you have some operations in the south and central parts of the strip. you haven't been re supplied in days. do you have information that you will get for their supplies, whether it's today or in the next few days? i watched them without i so thought those were washing ways, you know, uh cheap on the ground has been lifting to you know, dental partners, but they were asking way to try and get not 8, but the main and the reason i play uh so as to what skins often i the next coming days, coming weeks in terms of when the questions will be i can in times of when the age comes in. and i say, well, we also have to remember is that even when the crossings do i have been able money comes it's, it's not coming in at the rate that it needs to. it hasn't been a non evade coming in as the last 6 months. that is meeting the needs of the people
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and then alongside that they're not able to distribute the aid safely. so there was, there was a huge start there and it has the teams on the ground when the times distributed. because it just simply is not enough. i need, it shows you, i want to make this very clear because i'm afraid when we talk about a deliveries, it can almost start sounding administrative at some point, but it's not obviously, it's a lifeline for people who have almost nothing to eat and the world food program reminded us only a few days ago. there's a full blown famine in northern god. so that means people die of starvation to just keep it very concrete. for palestinians have been displaced for rough at let's take that example. where do they find food today? where do they find food tomorrow? how do they feed their kids, the students across cause or wherever they may be. but persons particular my father have been dealing with the daily reality of having to rely on a distributions on having to you know, basically find what
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a time. but it's nowhere near enough. and you know, every day they're all families that who are struggling not any feed their children and they're struggling to feed themselves. we're looking about sick results in about we just people with now talking about those people who have been sick, they've been wounded. they've been on the move now maybe 4456 months known, got most of day and night point. have they had any rest by every line on these age, abrasions, because that is the only form of sustenance that they're able to get. but it doesn't give them the you have as a right to nice that they should be able to, to experience. and i'm right now is you're from about basic survival and nothing beyond that. and right now, is there going back to an earlier question? how is the, is there, there is some aid i believe coming into the gaza strip, but it's a mercury picture. so where is that? where's the information on that is it that the is really, is,
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will occasionally or let a couple of trucks through. how does that work? so at the moment, well, i seems attentive houses the hasn't been any age in the last 5 days. and that has coming into gaza. that has been some reports that been kind of some piece mail a coming in. we thing that's through some of the commercial things, but we don't care of them and we're waiting for clarity on that. but the, the, the biggest program is right now is that because of course, things are getting age and people right now i'm not able to, you know, have a, take a picture of what the coming days and weeks or less time intensive. a distribution is. and in terms of how people will be able to feed themselves, feed their families. and we must also remember that to say it is not just various will say medical supplies and other essential items. and particularly for those who was sick wounded, the disabled, the elderly, the biological supplies that people just find have access to. absolutely,
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and all of this means palestinians will continue to starve to death and die for lack of medical supplies that look, thank you very much for your time shots. your, our side of communications for is low make relief. u. k. is really military is demolishing the home of a palestinian prisoner. this is in the occupied westbank. nadeem subordinate was detained during a raid and february and video shows heavy machinery and troops entering back to more in northern hebron. subordinate has been in and out of jail for 10 years held under administrative detention. that means without officially being charged and is really forces have killed 27 year old palestinian this summer with money. and a raid on ballasa refugee camp is really army and settlers have killed at least $498.00 palestinians in the occupied westbank. since the start of the war on gaza. or the ongoing of hama says, announced the death of
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a captive in gaza. it says 51 year old british national and the dog pop of well died as a result of injuries sustained and then is really our strike. cassandra gains added that he was unable to receive treatment because of his really bombardment of hospitals. the ukraine says it has moved 4000 people to safety in the harkey region after heavy fighting their video showed emergency workers moving people near the border portion forces say that they've occupied 5 villages. as they advanced further into the area, the ukranian president said fierce baffles were taking place in 7 villages on saturday. let's take a closer look at the battle lines in ukraine. russia controls the territory that's marked in red here in the east of the country. that area hasn't changed much since the ukrainian counter offensive in june of last year. both sides have large numbers
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of troops stationed along the front lines. now if we go a bit closer, you can see the lines of control in the harkey region. specifically, russia has now begun attacking from the north and that is where the front line sits. and on the russian side of the border, and you printing and missile attack has killed at least 7 people in the city of belgrade. or of an apartment block collapsed a few hours after the blast area is near the border and has been hit frequently in recent months. and a moment we'll be hearing some dorsey jibari who's in moscow for us. for us though, let's go live to keep john home and is standing by john. so russian troops are moving towards ukraine, 2nd largest city. are they at this point? threatening har, keith of the not for any hall case as it stands, but they all really need to not move and not, or perhaps 10 kilometers to the new edge of hot
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a key city to be within range of artillery of russian artillery. so that's obviously a for if they can advance any the hockey citizens already have a recent wage been subjected to a sustainable bob and using circle, guided bombs, come out of planes. really hard to stop and truck is a sort of drift towards the city. so that's a story being sort of softened up and tend to rise up before this a. so this offensive coming over the buddha. now, what ukrainian troops are trying to do is to contain that threat. they say they've been able to do that. and the gray zone, that's what they call the contested territory, has no expanded. but as you mentioned through president of the load them is landscape. came out last night, saturday night to say that there was 7 villages being full over the full. we were talking about 5 villages, so that is an indication that base is expanding, that things are difficult. the training traits on the ground enjoying ukrainians,
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say that they're conducting a counter offensive. what are they doing and have those counter offensive been successful? the stuff that was allowing as well from president followed him is elaine skis address talking about counter offences into those villages. basically suggesting that they still being full talk about that it isn't just a straightforward rushing of bugs for that great at territory. now what does ukraine actually do? need to mount a more meaningful counter offense at the moment? the suffering for a grave lack of mind power and a great lack of weapons that come on this have said that in parts of the front line that outlined and outgunned by 7 to one or more. now what they're hoping for is weapons to arrive from european allies, as well as perhaps flight to planes f sixteens in june, but also weapons to arrive from the united states. it's announced to $61000000000.00 package. it's been approved by the united states,
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off the months of delay. now the question is, how quickly will those weapons of roy we being told that some from stokes in europe are starting to trickling, but others won't take weeks, perhaps months perhaps longer. and all of that gives a window for russian who will cease to really take advantage of not looks to be what they're trying to do now. yeah, absolutely. john, home and thank you very much. let's go to dorsey. dorski. jabbar is in moscow. so ukrainian authorities say that the situation is i beg your pardon, let me rephrase that door. so if we, if we bring it back to the situation around harkey, what are you hearing on the russian side? what are the russians saying about what they're doing? they're, as well as the russian military gives daily briefings here and uh, in those briefings. they just highlights the number of weapons that they destroy at belonging to the ukranian army and the number of personnel they have managed to either kill or capture from the other side. in terms of the offensive and car keys,
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there is no specific detailed information that the defense ministry is sharing at the moment. but they do provide updates in terms of the increments all small gains that they make on the ground. highlighting that the russian military is advancing a b. it's very slowly, but certainly advancing further into the territories in ukraine. and of course, we have to remember that one of the biggest gains russia made was at the end of february, in the city of the zip code. that is in the, the dumbass region, it is a small city that is a gateway to the city of its own bath. and that this was seen as a huge gain by the russian military. it took some months to get rid of the ukrainian military's presence. there, it's one of the biggest victories that the russian military saw since, as a takeover of the most and made of last year. so the small gains are happening by
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the russian forces, but they are very, very slowly moving forward. okay. and on the russian side of the border, just been a ukrainian attack. we were mentioning earlier belgrade. so in apartment part of an apartment block has collapsed off there was hit by a ukrainian miss. uh, what are you learning on? they'll go well, according to emergency personnel as this attacked to place earlier on sunday, and at least 7 people have been killed. this is a 10 story residential building. and we are seeing pictures of the search and rescue operation that is still ongoing. according to the local governor of the police and emergency personnel has been dispatched and they continue to treat those that have been wounded. at least 17 people have been sent to hospital belgrade is directly across the border of car keys in russia. and it's no stranger to these kinds of attacks. now these civilian infrastructure attacks are certainly a recent developments as of december and the number of civilian casualties continue
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to rise. we saw an attack just last monday on 2 vehicles that were transporting state employees to a uh, to work when they were attacked by miss all killing them. and so there is a sense that to sell garage is one of the most dangerous regions in russia, and one of the most directly affected by this war, which began in february of 2022 on a regular basis. the villages are evacuated by the local officials as a result of these threats of missiles and drawn attacks by ukrainian forces. there's also now a recent development for a russian officials have been saying that there is a, a incursions by the ukranian forces on by land into belgrade that carrying out a tax on various different infrastructures, facilities in that region. certainly this is one of the most volatile regions in russia at the moment, and the people that are certainly feeling the bronze of this war more than anywhere
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else in the country door. so thank you very much and thanks also to john who was in keep still ahead on this was a 0 news. our climate change and fighting and neighboring so them has left millions of people in chat pan in sports arsenal. ready themselves for a season defining battle against the team that would love to ruin their plans that's coming up with far as the on the hello. there is still a lot of warm sunshine across not show of europe at the moment. you see last, the clear skies nestled in their close central areas underneath us. mcgary with high pressure keeping it clear, warm and sunny. that high is drifting, the east was allowing a southerly wind, so we warm up in scandinavia. so, so a lag where the systems to drift away in from the atlantic side, something of a fund, 3 breakdown coming into western positive here. basically go through the remainder
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of sunday, good pots of front things and live the showers, take the cost central lease, and possibly will turn funding sundry showers to lightly across the wild, west and positive england, potable island and northern ireland. to could see some very sharp showers, but there is that warming sunshine for central labs into the 20 stuff about it for the sales just to also add also for style. com and we'll see those temperatures is acting up and not as we go on into a monday. by monday the shout was just a little further. race was coming in across the low countries, jeremy down towards the positively. so we went to the balkans, west side where the bottom of the system right started to push his way into west composite next area of low pressure feeds. its way in north africa is generally fine and dry. plenty of showers. now it's west africa with some live, the ones, the gun, the, the
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unique perspective. why is it the doctors don't get to have a site and any of the medical workforce has been so undervalued by the british government for some time on hub voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? read the public, have to get out there and do something about it. the stream on out to the era, the latest news rate was so intense that this is all that as well. people are digging through debris and twisted metal to find anyone left alive in depth reports the entire gaza. population of 2300000 people do not have enough. prices is escalating and detailed coverage as well as prime minister relies on foreign ministers to stay in power. they won't the raft results to go ahead, define them, and then you all who could be out of office.
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the you're watching else was 0. reminder of our headlines is really forces of launched a new offensive onto your volume, a refugee camp in northern gaza. residential areas and shelters to displace families have been reported leave targeted. and several people had been is really stepping up a tax in the southern areas because the army has ordered tens of thousands of policies to meet eastern, rasa un says around a $150000.00 people have already fled the area. to discuss this, i'm joined by diana booted listing and lawyer inform the legal advisor to the palestine liberation organization is great to have you in a studio focus. thank you for your time today. thank you. as a lawyer,
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is it legal to display civilians again and again and again, and i could add 10 against. absolutely not. unless the displacement is done in a way that is legal, meaning that they are providing shelter, they're providing adequate medical care. they're providing water, they're providing electricity. what israel's been doing is just dropping leaflets on palestinians. they've been, yesterday, they drop leaflets in the north, telling people to flee the south and then the south. they're telling people to flee to the north. so you have the situation in which they haven't provided even the basic necessities of life. and so this, this can hardly be called legal, this is entirely illegal. i ask you this because, you know, i think our viewers will be familiar with the idea that they've been many breaches of international law. yes. committed by these really forces in the gaza strip for months now, and we understand you can't indiscriminately bump civilians. we've discussed this on there many times. there are places that should be protected hospital schools, etc. the, the threshold to attack those places legally is very high. but something we perhaps
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discuss a little less, which is extreme heat relevant today is you also can't just displace hundreds of thousands of people. that's right. and in their displacement of them, they haven't been providing the basic necessities of life. you know it's, it's important to keep in mind that now every person is able bodied, not every person has the ability to be fling, you're talking about people who are been injured, traumatized and israel has done absolutely nothing to make sure that there is a place for them to go, not just that, the other thing they've done is when they tell people to flee, they, they've actually been shown that they're bombing those areas that they've told people to flee to. so there is no safe space and guys, and i think we do a huge dist service if we somehow think that there is no placing cause it's safe at the moment to stay with the in the legal world for a 2nd longer. we know there's the case against israel at the international court of justice. the i c j's already said this plausibly genocide going on here in the gaza strip. now, south africa, which had brought the case initially, is asking for additional emergency measures to being posed by the court. basically
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they're asking the 4th to tell israel to stop this. do you want? it feels like all of this is happening in the parallel world because it has 0 impact on the ground. do you even watch these legal developments anymore? i do. i do watch these legal developments because although they may seem like they aren't worth anything, these legal developments are going to lead into long lasting legal developments, for example, is through these course that we can then be pushing for arms and bar goes to be against israel, it's through these course that we can be pushing for sanctions, and it's through these course that we should be pushing for boy costs, and for divestment, the legal aspects alone. we know that the us is going to do everything to try to stop those legal maneuvers. but the us doesn't control the world and there are other countries that do believe in a rule of law in the system of law. and it's that system that we have to be pushing forward, not this idea that might is right. okay, so you're watching this closely but more for the long term consequences. and so let's talk short term. what do you think is israel's in game here?
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is what made it clear what the thinking is, genocide and ethnic cleansing. and the fact that bully obviously wouldn't put it that way. they put the genocide part very clearly. they made enough statements of, of genocide la intent and the ethnic cleansing within the 1st week on this very program, they indicated that they wanted to see palestinians going into the sign i, they indicated they want to see smaller, gaza strip, fewer in numbers as well. that equals ethnic classes, but as you know, they've changed it. the reason i, i interjected is because now is real, has changed is public messaging. they are saying that every press conference that they have, they're saying we're trying to, you know, limit casualties to civilians, limit damage to civilian infrastructure, etc, etc. and yet they still continue to bomb schools. they still continue to bottom hospitals. 30 of 36 hospitals have been bombed there that the line they say in the to the public is very different than what we see on the ground. yeah. what we see on the ground is genocide. ok. so back to the back to the in game. what does this real want to achieve? because there's still a 1000000 civilians less than roughest city,
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correct. and that's exactly what they're trying to get this. they want to make life so miserable. that palestinians end up eventually leaving whether it's right now or in the future. lee, they want to do, you mean out of district allows them to sort out of the strip entirely and its entirety. this is what they want us to see and they've, they've made it, they've made their desires very, very clear. we've been talking about people who are now saying they're going to rebuild the settlements on the gas a storm. so all of it is clear in terms of what it is that they want. the question is whether or not we're believing them and the international community continues not to believe israel, even though israel's made it's, it's intention is very clear and as follow those intentions with actions. militarily, this does not seem to be going well for his real. i'm no military expert, but they are back fighting fears, fighting were told in jamalia in the northern part of the gaza strip, which they said that they cleared months ago. and it's literally almost as a pretty it's so pretty impressive. i mean, a remarkable ability to just come back where they were supposed to have been defeated. and even more than that,
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it's been made clear to these really public that there will note there will not be any as realize released unless there is a ceasefire. and this is why you're now seeing that there are demands for a cease fire. does that mean that they don't want to pulverize casa? the answer is no. the vast majority of israelis do believe and continuing to pound casa, but on militarily, as you, as you said already, this is not going in their favor there. since you mentioned the ceasefire, do you think that this, that the, the, the expanding ground, offensive, and rough along with the fighting and jamalia could also be used by israel as a bargaining chip. this is what they've been doing. so they've been doing a few things. one is they've been taking in interesting many more palestinians, mostly abducting them, to be quite honest because they're held without charge without trial. they've been going and trying to take more land in the gaza strip. and the 3rd thing is increasing the military offensive. and they attacks, particularly in places like the south and in the center as well. i, unable to palestinian lawyer a former legal advisor to the payload of palestine liberation organization. thank
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you so much for joining us in the studio for one. so my pleasure. thank you. thanks for having the the voting is now underway in catalonia, in spain, the governing, separate this party called early poll after parliament, failed to pass the regions budget. it could reignite debate about katelyn independence and even the stability of the national government. 6 years ago the regent held a referendum to break away from spain a vote. madrid did not recognize several separate this leaders and now in jail while fugitive party leader carlos bridge a month campaigned from france. let's go to houses here. sonya jago, who's covering the election freshman, barcelona, sonya get alone. your original elections can be tricky to understand because you have to get the, the local dynamics of it. you have to get the national dynamics of it and you have to understand how it all connects to catalonia is desire for independence. can you some of this all up? can you explain this more of yours,
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of the? well, let's put it quite simply, really, those 2 issues into 2 lines. as mentions this boat is taking place because that was a failure to pass a budget box. this desire for independence and the re mission of that whole debate shouldn't be quite written off as part of this process. now, while the region is significantly called, but then it was back in 2017. when that unit actual decision to the for a referendum, which was then declared illegal by the spanish government. there, you don't see that kind of strong desire all that strong vocal movement for independence as was seen then as well. and not as him talk because of the change of government that happened during that time since then that has been a new socialist leg. governments in place like 5 federal sanchez and he has been making dialogue with the customer on separate tests. he has been making deals with
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them. he has also issued those hodgens to those who had been arrested for that role and not referendum as wow. now the issue for those council of san francisco was the fact that that policy does not mean that they could hold public office, and this has been a sticking points for them. so while all of this has been happening as well, that has been an amnesty load that has been passed into the parliament and will be approved at some, at some points in the near future as well. and this is the very important issue that the capital and product sessions have been changing on saying that is vital if they want to continue this dialogue, which has been considered certainly progress to what it was back in 2017. which could this end up meeting for the national picture in spain? i ask you this because when the current prime minister petro sanchez, came to power, it was on the back of the capital news declaration of independence. and it was, it plunged the country into such
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a political crisis that he came saying we have to feel those wounds. and here we are now, you know, 66 years later they headed this selection as well as that. so that's absolutely right. so i mean, there was no way really forward to go except, but to try and keel some of those enormous issues. i didn't know much golf that existed between madrid and barcelona. so with that in mind as well, we have to 6 instead of the fact that sanchez is only able to double mentioned to lead a government because of the support that he gets from these separate this policies . so it is a no must be important for him and his government, but he keeps them on the site as well. appropriate for sunset is that this little that he's been passing the i'm just a little on the part. and so that he's been declaring enormously on talk to us throughout spain as well and do that, they protest in madrid against this, right. when politicians also saying that he's conceited too much and that really he
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has given all that he has to the castle on issue, not enough to that of the same unity as well. so really has been a very fine line that type of such of has been treading with regard to this issue. okay, so you're good. it goes ah, guide to the cap, loan your election. thank you very much. what time to pose close. so we can keep an eye out that well because the polls will close this evening at around 18 g m t. okay. and your time site and yeah, absolutely, we will be watching for the results and you will walk us through that. thank you very much. sonya farmers and pakistan are facing major losses after the government imported millions of tons of wheat. despite a bumper harvest, it's flooded. the markets causing price is the full commercial height or travel to punjab province known as pakistan's bread basket to speak to the farmers
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farmer the broadcasting across a fine job province. despite projections for the record, harvest this yeah. the government is buying a suite and usually it budget is around 20 percent of the fall, much growth at a fixed price to stabilize the market and prevent hoarding this year. it's buying less than half that i'm at the google, you know, we are compelled to protest for our rights as the government has failed to buy all week. and we are left with no other choice to burn our parties and not to cultivate again. the government reported $3400000.00 tons of weight at the end of march. industrial experts have criticized the $1000000.00 purchase thing it came at the time when bug is done was running low on foreign exchange reserves and ad receive short term international monetary fund, loan millions of farmers, a garage bug. this don uh, how resting their weed crops by day, why did they may not get a good price, because what they say is that mismanagement of wheat and poured out into the
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countryside. farmers are working around the clock to finish harvesting its manual work and everyone hope so. it has a good coverage this year, but he's worried about supporting his family member to the chair for the past 6 months. we have been in the fields trying to produce a good crop this year. we even borrowed money for seeds, fertilizer as an additional labor. but now we're worried about how to cover these expenses because the government failed to buy or harvest from the fees that we described supported the state run storage facilities. the fall of last year is harvest and import. the government said is bring it's best to support pharma, and even jason, good limited, but they're going to be in the government plus, trying to compensate every farm and with the little they kind of because they do not have enough results to buy or we produce them however, to fall much complain they have to wait for weeks to say they produce and i didn't
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loss from the we've been waiting at the store to associate for about 15 days waiting for our turn. there's no hold on emulation from the authorities. so this part though a hard work to earn a decent living for our children. agriculture, it goes for about 20 percent of the annual g d p. many here attempting to stop forming weight. if the government doesn't stop inputs and compensate them for all of the produce, which good have long term implications for full take you already come on. i just need uh, chair to pull her up and drop programs and focused on millions of people in chat are struggling to find enough to eat because of high food prices, climate change and rising energy costs of played a role in creating the crisis as also there was um, address reports from the capital engineer. food in chad has become so expensive that families are forced direction. what they eat in markets across the capital
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produce is plenty, but buyers, i'm not. how are them keep here to see what she could afford? the full, $36.00 us cents would buy you 2 cups of beans, but now that are and you get to one cause she says that family must decide between eating to amuse or buying less nutritious for a trader. say that on to play the we buy from farm is s a high price add to that the cost of transportation because of bad roads. and rising energy costs for prizes was sharply here and tried when neighboring nigeria, restricted export other practices like high fuel costs. time it changed on the presence of hold on 600000. so that is represented in terms of why it's confusing of what little pool is about the united nations agency, save the situation is desperate as we have already too many young people in chad
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charges, people on the tv on nutrition its uh, i think the failed 4 times in the last decade that we have such, such an issue with forwarding security in the next 3 months, which 8 organizations describe us the lean months. i expect it to be the most difficult for people and tried dependent on for the assistance. how many degrees i would use either still a head on alpha 0, a reality check for the champions league. fine lists, but we see a doors and that's coming up with the if you're watching this prerecorded report that al jazeera has been banned in the territory, all is, well, we'll just screen to be any stray me. when my country is closing down inspection towards the network only because what additions to confirm this
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decision and put other networks where it came in the occupied was dying for inside israel proper. also independent journalist would be targeted we, i thought just we shouldn't be aware of that as a badge of honor to be bad. might have the government that stands invited for genocide at the international court of justice. the colleges with the, the, of
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the time for all the sport we promised you with far as males, far 0. thank you so much. will top seeds, the boston celtics bounce back to re getting control of their n b, a playoff series against the cleveland cavaliers. the celtics were crushed by 24 points in games. 2 may look like a completely different team. this town created time around. so jason tatum and julie brown, shawn, a combined score of 61, to leave boston, 206 and 93 road. when the now lead the 2nd around series to one game for is in cleveland on monday, the over in the western conference. how's the dallas mavericks? edge of the oklahoma city center, 805-2101 and a 3 p j. washington top scored the mouse was 27 points. will kyra irving have a late search with 20 to dallas. now leave the series to one game for will also be
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in texas. i don't think it's so much about proven anything i believe is just put in the basketball game in perspective. i think josh hart had a tremendous quote, where he talked about, you know, people having 12 hour shifts and we get to go out there and play a game that we love. and, you know, i think that was like, right. the nail right on the head for a lot of us and the way we feel that doesn't take away from our competitive spirit and what we want to accomplish as you know, legacy members of the m, b a. this is a huge day and the premier league title race 2nd place are so faced a tricky test. the weight matches united and a few hours time. the gunners currently set 2 points below leaders, man city with both clubs, having 2 games left to play. 29 points, however separate the gunners from that sunday opponents. but mcculler typed his side know that united beat them at old trafford last season. if you want to
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win the permit number the trophies, you have to go to the grounds and impose yourself and beat them. and that's the during that we are in. and that's for sure. we're gonna try to go on sunday. we gotta close. so be careful what we need that trophy in our hands on. then we've done it and it has to be it has to be a reality. another moment is to is what we're chasing. alvarez city lead are small . thanks to a for now victory, a way to full him have 40 on his side are looking to win a 4th street l. title. their next game is a way to talk them on tuesday. we'll telling them fans may not want their club to help arch rivals arsenal when the lead the season, but service themselves still have plenty to play for us, are relegating burn, leave with a to one when they now sit. 4 points behind 4th place. aston villa is a sliver pool on monday. if phyllis slip up and 1st deep city, i have a real chance finishing for all fine champions. leave
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the time some mighty guy wouldn't play a football is what the taxes they're they're investigating saying the, you know, this ask the benchmark of the competition right now. the really 20 odd points ahead of us. so we've got some great grand the mike output to applies. it's only 5 minutes a football and we're gonna have a correct spanish champions. romage rid have extended there and beaten the league round to 29 matches to goals from brian v. as helping them to a for now, when overt grenada brown will take on jeremy's brush, i don't mean to the champions league final on june the 1st time. and thank goodness for us to kind of try to connect to very much wonderful. dorman seemed to be suffering from quite the champions league hang over after booking their spot. in the final, a shocking error from the keeper i'll be, it's not their main one town pamphlet, a 3 now lost a way to names. the result doesn't matter too much, though jeremy's impressive showing in europe means abundance, like
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a top 5 we'll qualify for next season's champions. league endorsement will finish and at least for the opponent, had respect for the legal massey's inter miami team, beat montreal for their 5th street major league soccer. when we, we, suarez got his 11th goal of the season becoming just a 3rd player in my life history to 411 goals in our 1st 800 minutes of the season. benjamin from ashy, needed to give my i need to leave massey play the entire game but failed to score my i'm going on to seal a free to victory standing there on being run to 7 matches and all competitions sound as well. number one know by jock, which will be in 2nd round action at the italian open. later on sunday, the serbian appears to have seen a funny side of his and many drum on friday when he was accidentally hit on the head by a sam's water bottle. as he left the court, george was seen wearing a cycling home. it's on his way to
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a practice session. and bro senstive has lost his temper after the very 1st game of his match against young leonard struck. well, number 8 did eventually regain his composure and went on to win the contest, injury set for time grand slam champion. now meal sancho quenched a st sites when over 11 sedar a caps of tina enrolment, the former will. number one has now claimed consecutive victories against c, that opponents for the 1st time in the season, the japanese started 7th c shang, when, when of china. in 4th round, i'm just very inspired by the players that i'm watching. now. i'm watching a lot of tennis and i'm, and i'm kind of i wish with my whole heart to be where they are. so i'm doing whatever it takes and i don't know. i feel like i'm just calling my way back to hopefully where i think i belong. right. mcelroy is just one shot back heading
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into the final round of the wells fargo championship. these fans in north carolina had a pretty good view as math or i posted 84 under par round of 67. the northern irishman has won this tournament 3 times before, hasn't dropped a shot since thursday. he's closed the gas on liter sanders shots leads you could only manage a one of those 70. both players are looking to get a win ahead of the p g championship. the 2nd major b or starts on thursday. the la dodgers pulled show a atanya out of their a latest game because of his tightness and his back. but luckily for them, the matter too much to with the bases loaded tests go. hernandez smashed a home run for grand slam that help into a 5. nothing went over to san diego padres, the dodgers $18.00 to their last 9 games,
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but to tony is likely to sit out the next one. with that back issue. caroline hurricanes live to fight another day and the new child stanley cup playoffs. they beat the new york rangers for 3 to avoid the clean sweep. is a look to become only the 15 and history to rally from 3 games down to when a playoff series. only when 3 more games in a row that on over in denver, the dallas stars, the colorado avalanche for one or 2nd, when in a row puts them to one ahead overall in the western conference, semi final. it's the 1st team for that winds the series. okay, and that is all you support for now. serial specs. all right, it's male. thank you so much there. we will see you again a little later today. far thank you. earth has been experiencing it's most powerful, ju, magnetic storm in more than 20 years. a solar storm happens when the sun sends a series of strong solar flares that leads to an increase in display, some natural light around the world. that reflects that explains, look at those,
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god. oh my gosh, it's beautiful. in the dog around the world, red color rippled across the sky, red oh, was reflected back. this was the strongest june magnetic event, more than 20 years, accounting for the vividness and variety of color, including the unusual pink some blues and the spread of the roll rate fall from the usual po, latitudes. this was southern england. this was central germany. what happened during the last few days, that is a system of very complex sun spots that came together and formed a huge truck division of the saw. and these are extremely active in the span of a day or the how they last uh, i believe something like 7 quarter we must injections those huge bubbles of gas sent charged ions, racing across space. and bumping into oxygen and nitrogen atoms in our iona sphere delivering an extraordinary display and to the products magnetic field,
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a powerful of salt. what's nice concerning now though, is that we live in the 21st century where we evict exponentially increased our reliance on communications and other technologies that are in space and on the ground. where electrical indifference is, can actually disturb it from this to your magnetic storm. and that's something that we're watching quite closely right now. so what about those who would watching on friday nights, will they get a 2nd chance? it might not be visible this fall south of southern florida or even know the possibility, but well with giving it a go and don't forget our friends down on the the southern light. so aurora astronomers may well be visible once the game across the southeast of australia. i'm much of these island experts say the main most powerful interruptions from the sun have already hit saturday nights on. cool. isn't expected to be quite so intense ari. close it out as the rest and that doesn't from me. so then the 8th of this news hour, we're going to take a short break. rob matheson will be back in just
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a moment at the very top of the hour. your in great. the the amazon home to indigenous people and diverse ecosystems is being destroyed by relentless drilling for oil. they're living in direct contact with petroleum, prepare border, and so, in ecuador, communities of fighting the corporate joy in a battle for survival, and to save the love. so as the word, how does he was view seems doing the final graph. the history is for got that top barrel in spain state imposed amnesia was enshrined in law diminishing the plight of countless victims of frank codes. 36, you have to take the shape with a group of survivor,
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it says launched an international law suit hoping to bring those accountable to justice and force the country to acknowledge its fascist, bossed the silence of others. witness on now to sierra the church solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs on. i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person, person yourself, and that person's shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, you know, stages we want we want to operate because the women and my country, they're not sweet, because we are not denies all of who we are human beings and deserves to be treated in the chloe we are walking in their footsteps, our ancestors whatever has been done before,
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can be done even better. as long as a human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to the 1st bottles that run the way into the body. a and northern guys are basically, it is very forces. i'm palestinian fighters, the robots and this is obviously your life to hops, also coming of unlawful and catastrophic. the demons this very evacuation orders and eastern vol fox. hundreds of thousands of people are once again forced to fling for files and people for your brains khaki. egypt. in the past 48 hours. russia is
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romping up a new offensive and a choice between a fugitive or empty independence party. polls are open.


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