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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 12, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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that has been done before to be done even bit as long as a human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to the 1st bottles that run the way into the body. and northern guys, obviously it is very forces. i'm palestinian fighters, the robots and this is obviously life though. hops also coming up unlawful and catastrophic. the u condemns. is where the evacuation orders an eastern vol fox, hundreds of sizes of people are once again forced to fling full size and people for your brains khaki mentioned in the past 48 hours. russia is ramping up
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a new offensive and a choice between a fugitive or empty independence party polls or open in catalonia is regional electric, the starting gas, or what is really for us, is they've been ramping up those try some, both northern and southern parts of the strip, israel's military says a bali a is a dangerous combat. so now this operation is to prevent how most fighters from regrouping are socially for ports from a residential district that was head. yes, this is really air. so right focus upper osh of missiles was fired. truffles flying around another project missiles followed in the same area. the new york, a series of airstrikes is carried out by israeli war, plains targeting residential homes on the will seek road and your valley
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a refugee camp. as a result, a number of homes were leveled. a paramedic was injured in the attack. as we speak other paramedics are coming here to search for survivors and recover victims bodies . you know, hopefully you, you've done. however, this task is fraught with danger. that is really war planes are still attacking this part of devalue refugee camp. this is the 3rd wave of air strikes, targeting the same area is really worth playing, firing on journalists, paramedics and civil defense teams, helping victims from the 1st 2 attacks on the truck. this is i'll take a road east of triple a refugee camp as we speak. a 4th attack is unfolding on their non stop is really strikes on residential homes. dozens of civilians were killed. paramedics and civil defense members as well. these rallies have been carpet following this area for hours. the
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i think i'm glad to squeeze it this way. the air strikes on homes and your value refugee camp had been taking place continuously since the morning is really work, plaintive and pounding various parts of the cap, even as we speak. these are the air strikes, continue, albany, and i mean, i don't, the study of the terminal is where the army has issued evacuation order as far as your father based lucky saying the area is a dangerous combat zone and sa probation, it says is to prevent homeless suffices from regrouping but displays people have nowhere to go further caught, begins our coverage injured value, refuge account in north in gaza is really throws open fire as people's homes. paramedics helps survivors with whatever equipment they can find is really army had already leveled the area during its grand assault, which began in october and the people here have little hope to cling to. and in
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the field, we were bombed rocks and shells fell on me. god help us and have mercy. let the world stand with us. the only thing i ask of them, only god is standing with us. god is the only one with us. i've lost 3 children. 4 months after it declared the end of a mass and northern guys, israel says it's fighting again. it's for nazzo, but shock one, a little sick of in northern cause a fight to drugs have been striking terrorist target spoken of this morning. the big on a temporary evacuation process of the jamalia area from this area towards the central strategy as part of our preparation for a ministry operation in the area. in recent weeks, the, we have identified attempts by him us to restore the ministry capabilities in jabante area, and we are working to dismantle these are the campbells like if i'm still not on attacks, which the army says are targeting public. sending fighters have already killed
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several children in beta. here. is there any forces have pushed the people of northern guys back to the brink of starvation by blocking a to the region. now it's issuing more evacuation orders, but it's not clear for families are meant to go under israel launching a tax on rafa and the sides. and darrow bella and the center of the strip palestinians are unlikely to have much faith in the so called safe zones for the a car, how to 0. so let's bring in our correspondence product globalism, who's in debt. i'll bala in central garza tonic. that is where thousands of people from a rougher are making their way. and i understand you've been telling us over the last day or so just how difficult the humanitarian situation is in there. obama described to us what you've been saying. yes. um. in fact, there is a more growing grim reality in different bella lights of the ongoing waves of
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displacements being made from the city or rough uh, more than 150 pounds of palestinians, according to the owners, have been playing from that area to decades. but now they are living as we have been reporting before in the open and some of them managed to make their ed to set their mates check tents in the close to line of the town. but yet, despite this fact, there is ongoing bottom and not totally endeavoring on there is by watching all the parts of the regions where at least 45 palestinians have arrived to an ox. the hospital as the bodies. and this number is completely shocking due to the fact that these, when the military is pulling to exec boat pressure, not only on a roof or under value or refuge account, but at the same time endeavors. but we have been recording an accounting over elective advancement of the east by the military tax and the eastern portion of debit. but it seems that these very military is up, the grades and even up skating the military attacks and even
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a ministry encouraging for multiple of thrones in guns this trip. at the same time, the medical situation endeavored by sounds critically. tony are only a box, a hospitalized operating and responsible for providing medical treatment for the mass population being read existing. and derrick by the hand for the new ways of evacuation getting to that dentist populated area. and mainly what we do know is that they are facing different problems in terms of the shortage of a few of the shortest medical equipment and medical necessities in light of the ongoing hello jeff and see to of the board is by the is ready mandatory in a rough or, and this is a fact that we have been shooting the lights on beer pre the time of the invasion of rough or not, but no 2. now, only 8000 liters have arrive to unlocks the hospital, which will be fairly functional and will be barely enough for 2 days of oppressions on the situation. can really cost show to over the medical situation of patients
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alongside with the potential injuries that might get to the hospital where the entire get route by now is experiencing a serious humanitarian catastrophe. direct cause it was saying, there are thousands of people who are making their way to data about off from rough . uh, have you had a chance to speak to any of them or do we have any indication of what the situation is like in the outside? the moment, particularly eastern off, of course, where these readings are set to be making more incursions. is really a minute trees describing gets opperation to be limited, but the reality on the ground quite different. the is right. um, it has been passing new evacuation orders for the central neighborhoods of roughly district. and now he's operated the military's operating of the eastern portion of the city. and they have been given orders for journalist civilians to no longer exist in areas that potentially will be about to so that we must fight as and the is very moving troops. so clearly as we have been hearing from eye witnesses on our
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sources on roughly, they have been confirming that there's ongoing from bottom into the entire city, at least 18 palestinians have to report of killed in that area where it has tend to be a ghost town because they might, the vast majority of it's, it's the streets are completely empty from residents, and people started to sleep in order to be away from bombardment. but they have been not only targeting the eastern portion of the middle, the western side of the mossy with decent tax are considered to be on religion. thing as at the palestinian civilians are completely struggling to get the water to get food and the costs. but to which is the only the place where palestinians are receiving a treatment is also threatened to be a completely out of service if the expansion of the military and could take place at any moment within the coming days. tired. thank you very much indeed, thought a couple of them talking to some dental ballot in central garza when the united
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nations is wanting the food supplies and the southern guys are gonna run out which within hours israel's block a deliveries in the past week. but humanitarian agencies aren't calling for the immediate entry of supplies, including fuel closure, especially at rocket crossing. and the ken, upside of them has separate boxes for us to fuel, to supplies and the movement of bush monetary and stuff. it's also effectively beds, but many civilians like to go out to medical investigation. lots of programming reps, one out a see to distribution in south by tomorrow that needs to be with the left totally with what has already be distributed in their, their shelters and phones. and insights. as of today, we have 12 bakery supported by somebody to partners here is locked as of 8 have ceased to operate, do to lock a few in stock, and for that are still operating and produce capacity so, so be on the desktop. and it says it all. sean is the head of communications for islamic relief. u. k. she says there are multiple factors complicating
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a distribution in gaza. in this situation is diane, what we have to remember is that people have been meeting, you know, from those to the south. and now they're being asked to move from the south to the places and there are no, there is no, i stay for the people. it's guy we're hearing is that people are not having to move on foot. this is something that had been happening at the last 6 months, but stockman does are now talking about that because a block of fuel costs are not able to run. so people are having to move on, so let's try and find somebody to evacuate too. but there isn't really anywhere safe for them to evacuate to. and, and this is the, the resolving issue is that there is no safe in gaza. in spite of these of operation or just there is no, i say for people to die. so it seems the operating in the south and in the middle areas of cause or they are still unable to distribute some age in those areas. thoughts the aids tides line on stop power, so they have and i know it has been no 8 that has come in in the last few days. and
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the t rex january's about what this means. and of course, as we just had, the operations of bakeries means that there's no prize and we've had from a, from a staff member just yesterday who said that, you know, a number of bakeries are shut down. now. there's no bridge say that the supplies are very limited. we don't know how much that they're going to be able to continue . our team on the ground has been lifting to, you know, then it will partners that they were asking with to try and get not 8, but the main. and there is an excellent answer as to what's going as often as the next coming days coming weeks in terms of what the questions will be i can in terms of when the age comes in. and i said, what we also have to remember is that even when the cost seems due, i been able money a comes that it's not coming in at the rate that it needs to, hasn't been a non evade coming in as the last 6 months. that is meeting the needs of the local people and then alongside that they're not able to distribute the aid safely. so
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there was, there was a huge start and then it has the teams on the ground when they're trying to destroy the 8. this is, it just simply is not enough. a. is there any minister is demolishing the home of a palestinian prisoner in the occupied westbank? not even someone that was detained during a rage in february. video shows heavy machinery and troops entering bait omar in northern habit on so long that it has been in and out of jail for 10 years held under administrative detention. and is there any forces have killed the 27 year old policy and send the aroma in a raid on a block? the refugee camp is really army in settlers of killed at least 498 stadiums in the occupied was fine since the start of the war on garza. so that is graduation season and universities across the united states. but this year, many students have been barred from attending from the settlement is or from delivery end of use speeches, because they protested against israel's war on garza. so somebody celebrating their treatments in their own way. this is one student story. there's an awards. my name
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is gabe. i'm a senior at u. n. c. chapel hill. and right now i'm on my way to the people's graduation and alternative graduation ceremony for me and other seniors who have been suspended from the university for protesting genocide and gaza and cannot attend our real graduation chapel hill. i'm really happy to have been able to have this graduation do the ceremony with my comrades. you know, the, the people i really trust people. i was the rest of next to and we've been suspended by the university. we've been barred from taking our exams from graduating bard from campus. and so this was our way of celebrating our own accomplishments of celebrating our own graduation. as far as i'm concerned, i graduated when i was arrested by this university for protesting genocide. solidarity means you must keep doing what we're doing here today is university is trying to silence us by borrowing us from our own graduation by borrowing us from
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campus. but we're not going to have it. we built our own community, we built our own institutions. we built our own graduation. we're not going to let them silence us. in fact, the more they try to louder we're going to be, i'm lucky enough to have the support of my parents and this. they came down to see me. but my mother is worried sick about my safety, about my diploma. she went back to work to put me through school and to see it threatens by the university for standing up against injustice is uh, is very hard on her. still ahead and i'll just see the food is scarce and prices are rising. we'll look at the cost of hunger in shot. the in depth analysis of the days headlines. if that was a rougher offensive. where would the people go? people have no place to go. each one of 1000 people has to be displaced at least 2
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times frank assessments. this is a max and blow to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions you can be somebody. this is on one of the hostages, october 7th, and return. and i want the chilly to stop inside story on al jazeera, the . ringback the challenges here with the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, the ordering. i'll just need a reminder of our top. so is this. uh, is there any forces of launched a new offensive, and there's a volleyball refugee camp in north in johnson, residential areas and shelters for displaced. families are bring reports of the talk to then several people being killed. the death toll of you is really in the right. it has not increased to $35034.00 and is early stepping up its attacks in the southern areas of gas at the armies order to tens of thousands of palestinians to leave eastern rough or un says around
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a $150000.00 people have already fled the area, the king size is moved. 4000 people to safety and the car key legion. after a heavy fighting video, showed emergency workers moving people near the board of russian forces, say they've occupied 9 villages as they advance further in the area. the training and presidents have fears baffles, were taking place in southern villages on saturday. when they give you a closer look at the bottom lines and you've trained russia, controls the territories marked in red here. now that area hasn't really changed for i've, since the ukranian come to the offensive in june of last year, both sides have large numbers of troops stationed along the front lines. let's go a little bit closer. you can see the lines of control in the cocky region, russian has not been on attacking from the north to try to open up a new front. i'll just say this don't homeless and this update from keith. a
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parking city is also already have a recent wage been subjected to a sustainable bob and using circle guided bones come out of planes. really hard to stop and truck is a sort of drift towards the city. so that's the story being sort of softened up and tend to rise at 5th full. this is so this offensive coming over the buddha. now, what ukrainian troops are trying to do is to contain that threat. they say they've been able to do that. and it's a great so that's what they call the contested territory. has no expanded president, below them is landscape. came out last night, saturday night to say that there was 7 villages being pulled over the full. we were talking about 5 villages. so that is an indication that base is expanding, that things are difficult, the craning shrink from the ground that isn't just the straightforward rushing above through the great at territory. now what does ukraine actually do?
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need to mount a more meaningful counts for offense at the moment, the suffering for graves lack of mind, power and a great lack of weapons that come on. this have said that in parts of the front line, that outlines and outgunned by 7 to one or more now what they're hoping for is width and so right from european allies, as well as perhaps flights of planes that's sixteen's in june, but also weapons to ride from the united states, it's an out to $61000000000.00 package. it's been approved by the united states, off the months of delay. now the question is, how quickly will those weapons arrived? we being told that some from stokes in europe are starting to trickling, but others will take weeks, perhaps months, perhaps longer, and all of that gives a window for russian, a full asses to really take advantage of. and that looks to be what they're trying to do now, or on the left hand side of the border. are you printing this? all attack is kills at least 7 people and injured 20 others in the city of bill got part of an apartment block collapsed
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a few hours off to the bloss thoughts as your bodies joining us, not from moscow, what should i should be saying about this door? so well, this attack, according to the local governor of belgrade region and came around 1130 local time. and there still a search and rescue operation underway in this building complex. the attack of the miss, our attack took out at least 6 the apartments in this 3 building compound. and that they believe they're still and people buried alive under the rubble. and there's been a dozens of people taken to hospital. and the local officials have said that they will continue this efforts to try and save as many people that are trapped under the debris. and what we do know is that there's been a 2 centers set up to deal with the people who will won't be able to go back to their homes for the foreseeable future. this comes at
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a very critical time in russia's and offensive in ukraine. the officials in belgrade region have been seeing an increased number of attacks by ukrainian forces since december. and these kinds of missile a drone attacks in belgrade, which is directly across car keys in ukraine, has seen the most attacks in recent months. dose, as you say, the, the attacks have been increasing and recent months. what can do? we know what the situation actually is in belgrade onto the moment? why it's such a target for your trade as well as jogger fee is the main reason it's directly across the border from car to you, it's accessible to ukrainian forces more than any other part of russia. and it has been important to note that these, that region has seen the most attacks in the recent months, but they haven't had to cancel a number of events. they have had to evacuate villages as
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a result of these attacks. and i think officials here see it as the most volatile region in russia that is directly affected by this war. this all comes after russian forces took one of the most important strategic towns of, of cab got in the ukraine. it is a, a city that is just on the gateway to don't you ask city in don't boss region. the russian games that were made there at the end of february, have enabled the russian forces to move further at towards car key, ukraine's 2nd largest city of the russian defense ministry hasn't released any details about what their plans are in terms of what's the future of hard cable looked like in terms of the goals of the russian military, but it is clear that the investments that they've been making slowly has enabled them to move further into the areas around harkey. and then as a result of that, the ukranian forces are pushing back and targeting belgrade residents there have had the number of attacks,
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mainly civilian casualties have been reported there in recent months. those so thank you very much indeed. does as your body talking to is a most co, as well as holdings donald away in catalonia, in spain, the governing separator. this policy is called the alley poll, off to the parliament, failed to pass the regions budget. i could re ignite debate about the capital on independence and even the stability of the national government. 6 years ago, the region how the referendum to break away from spain of votes and dread did not recognize several savages leaders and now in jail while fugitive party leader collars put him on the campaign from france. sonya yeah, go, has more from boss hold on. while the region is significantly calm, but then it was back in 2017. when that unit actual decision to declare a referendum which was then declared illegal by the spanish government. there you don't see that kind of strong desire will that strong local movement for
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independence as was seen then as well. and not as in part because of the change of government that happened during that time. since then that has been a new socialist leg. governments in place like 5 federal sanchez and he has been making dialogue with the customer on separate test. he has been making deals with them. he has also issued those hodgens to those who had been arrested for that role in not referendum as well. now the issue for those kind of stuff is this was the fact that that policy does not mean that they could hold public office, and this has been a sticking points for them. so while all of this has been happening as well, that has been an amnesty. those that has been passing through the parliament and will be approved at some, at some point in the near future as well. and this is the very important issue that the capital i'm full of. petitions have been henry wants saying that it is bible if they want to continue this dialogue which has been considered sent me progress to
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what it was back in 2017. the millions of people in shadow struggling to find enough to reach because of high food prices, climate change as well as rising energy costs a fight, a role in creating a new crisis. i'll just say there's um address reports in the capital in german food, in chad. has become so expensive that families are forced direction. what they eat in markets across the capital produce is plenty, but buyers, i'm not how are them keep here to see what she could afford? the full, $36.00 us cents would buy you 2 cups of beans, but now that are in to get to one car. just as a family must decide between eating to amuse or buying less nutritious for a tray to say that on to play the we buy from farm is as a high price add to that the cost of transportation because of bad roads and rising
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energy costs for prizes rose sharply yeah. inside when neighboring nigeria restricted as a practice like high fuel costs, climate change on the presence of hold on 600000. so that is in terms of why it's confusing of what little pool is about. the united nations agency save the situation is desperate. we have already too many young people in chubb chub jones. people on the tv on nutrition. it's uh, i think the failed 4 times in the last decade that we have such such an issue with food insecurity. the next 3 months, which 8 organizations describe us the lean months. i expect it to be the most difficult for people and tried. dependent on food assistance. how many degrees i would use either a heavy rains targeted floods and lines slices. southwestern china, straight slipping, flooded in vehicles,
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have been submerged in the city. a can show. roads have been blocked for an emergency. teams were trying to clear away the deputy more rain is expected in the coming days. when the weather is next to the inside story is going to examine the votes of the un general assembly in support of palestine is full. membership of the you are on the process is the, the, the color, the rank has already gathering. now for the time we're looking at some very heavy right and over the next couple of days as long line of cloud and rain, this weather system that extends all the way from the base to side of russia. right down at the southern pulse of china. very active one this it will make its way through based on their receipts and really big down post. we could see some flash flooding as
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a system bring some really heavy rain and warnings impulse but brought the scars to come back in behind us. you can see southern and west and pa, sofa japan as we go through monday, fine and drywall sunshine, the average of the cream financially will be i think by doing temperatures has the t one celsius. welcome sunshine. of course, a good part of southern china at that stage of more of the site as we go one through choose de surprised guys coming back in in japan by this date will be settled and sunny. so the unsettled amount of sherry, meanwhile, across a good part of south asia, have more in the way of showers coming in across india. particular cause a central air useful. the time being some heavy show was a possibility to down towards the south and also into cir lanka and showers. just looking ahead on those temperatures that 2 across a good possible bung with this and the northeast of india. monaco see right. been financial. it is allows you fine and dry, but right around the cold, this is the
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after controversial presidential campaign and the contested victory proposed to be unto is said to lead innovation. se, asia's largest economy, a diverse nation with more than 1300 ethnic groups. political power comes through the people. we're not going to be determined by 4 in not at this. the president alexis, indonesia, provo, sabean, so talks to l. just 0 of the overwhelming as opposed to the un general assembly. but palestine is a bid for full membership that coves the rising come. the nation of israel is on the gaza for the us as it will veto the motion again at the security council for different codes. the resolution make. this is inside story the


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