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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 12, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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the, although the cause of this, the large will contain the confines of the boarder regence, as well as, as the conflict won't end until there's a ceasefire in casa, but possibly not even then. because israel is threatening a wider war if border security doesn't improve the serious battles throughout jamalia, northern gaza, between is really forces and palestinian fighters. the 7 months of war and more than 35000 palestinians killed. no evacuation orders are in place, forcing more than $300000.00 to flee parts of rough or the sort of any age. good to have you with us. this is elsa 0 light from the also coming up for 1000 people. 3, you cranes far keep region in the last 2 days,
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russia is ramping up a new offensive and voting is underway in spain, catalonia region and a poll that is going to test the strength of the separatist movement. there the is really forces are using arrow strikes and tanks to attack both northern and southern areas of the gaza strip, the un human rights chief volk, a turk says a full scale assault on rafa cannot take place. he is called on all states with influence to do more to prevent it. but after more than 7 months, the death toll from israel's one gaza, has no surpassed 35000 killed. and us out who begins our coverage is really forces have been ramping up there strikes on both northern and southern parts of the strip. let's take a closer look out to the new offensive launched in japan. yet in northern gaza.
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after leveling, much of it during an earlier result is really troops have renewed strikes on the entire area. on saturday, these really army dropped leaflets with evacuation orders for both japan. yeah. and they blah, here. and on sunday, there's been more strikes along with fierce battles between is really forces and palestinian resistance fighters. israel's military says you're bad. yeah. is a dangerous combat sound. and that the operation here is in order to prevent him, us from regrouping means is what was the cause of its in recent weeks, we have identified the terms behind us to restore its military capabilities injured by there. and we are working to dismantle these attempts. israel's offensive in the north has forcibly displaced tens of thousands of palestinians who were already pushed out of other parts of gone. so no elder 0 is on a cell, shareef has been to a residential area that was hit in just one of the many is really strikes the
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targets in northern garza, that yes, this is really air. so right upper all should missiles was fired. truffles, lying around, another project, missiles followed in the same area. the new york, a series of airstrikes is carried out by israeli war, plains, targeting residential homes on elsie corrode, and jamalia refugee camp. as a result, a number of homes were leveled. a paramedic was injured in the attack as we speak other paramedics are coming here to search for survivors and recover victims bodies . so you know, hopefully you, you've done. however, this task is fraught with danger and he's really war. planes are still attacking this part of devalue refugee camp. this is the 3rd wave of air strikes. targeting the same area is really we're playing, inspiring on journalists, paramedics and civil defense teams,
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helping victims from the 1st to attack. the tuna. this is i'll take a road east of triple a refugee camp as we speak. a 4th attack is unfolding on their non stop is really strikes on residential homes. dozens of civilians were killed paramedics and civil defense members as well. these really have been carpet following this area for hours. the i think i'm glad to squeeze it this way. the air strikes on homes and you value refugee camp have been taking place continuously since the morning is really work, plaintive and pounding various parts of the cap, even as we speak. these are the air strikes, continue, logging in and out of the study of the terminal. so that was the fighting in northern ga. so you've seen just how violent that is in southern guys. and now the is really army has issued evacuation orders, the 10s of thousands of palestinians in the eastern, rasa. 1.5000000 people who fled attacks elsewhere in the strip sought refuge there
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. but you an agency for palestinian refugee says 300000 palestinians have already left rafa as israel step stuff is ground attacks that you is holding israel's evacuation orders unacceptable. on the, on the loading his back to his i'm another mid you, my children and i ran under fire and people died in front of us. the shrapnel hit our faces. the houses were hit by strikes while we were running. our situation is so bad, while we were running my children and i heard our legs, i found a shoe on the road and i wore it to be able to run better. we're running, we have no money. our situation is very hard. and i came here, but there's no place to stay home at 1 o'clock. i assume the roof we left, but do we know where we're heading? no, we don't imagine the stress anxiety, lack of comfort. i can't describe you. even if my eyes don't and my heart is clean, we are sad and depressed. our children a very tired,
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we don't have water. we hardly get food. and we struggle with everything. honey, my mood is in darrow. about outside deluxe the hospital, honey, i understand that communications have dropped where you are. so let's keep this short what's happening around you and where you are. the, the yes, well, it's been off the grid since then the morning and gotten so far as being very difficult at all in terms of, of communication here, but also for family members who are evacuating from areas to another end. and they're trying to get ahold of remaining family members, particularly in the northern part, are here in, over, in the products and from the area. as remaining family members are trying to leave parts of robust city as these military operations expanding into the central part of the city as well as the southern east central part of robust city. but so far it's been in there, but i say that more people are born into the area within the vicinity of the
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hospital, as well as every open area here. they're trying to take advantage of any little pockets of land in the central air at the setup their, their 10. so knowing these areas lack the infrastructure, lack the facilities as well as slack the basic necessities and highs. united in terms of finding patients. it's a quite unprepared to receive this number of people. what's going on right now is more of a deep evolving into something more similar to the initial weeks of, of this genocide. the war across the gauze is from the northern part. we're seeing a search india talks on ship value of forcing more people in to internal displacement or these people are, have been already display. it's been already traumatized by the intense bombing campaign on the delivery of the taco, as well on paramedics and civil defense. the crew, as they were trying to help survivors from under the rubble here at the situation we just spoke with the, the government media office coordinator here who informed us the hospital is
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literally 24 hours away from completely shutting down the amount of fuel that has been received, it's going to be only enough for the coming. it's 24 hours after that. the hospital is going to run out simply and that's why we don't have electricity. here. we're relying on a smaller period. 5 smaller power generators to get this report going because the hospital shut down major departments, major start services. got an expensive front of the entire journalist community here because they wanted to save that fuel for the hospital, but it's only for the coming in 24 hours. i think so far we're looking at the very difficult situation with the coming dollars here. yeah, honey, as ever thank you very much for your reporting. that's alpha 0 is honey ma fluid reporting out of darrow's bala and the central part of the gaza strip in the united nations is wanting that food supplies and southern gaza. they are going to run out within hours. israel has blocked a deliveries in the past week. but humanitarian agencies are calling for the
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immediate entry of supplies, including fuel. the closure, especially at rocket crossing, and the academy of southern has separate boxes for us to fuel, to supplies. and the movement of bush monetary and stuff. it's also effectively beds, but many civilians like to go out to medical investigation. lots of programming reps, one out of seats or distribution in the south by tomorrow that needs to be with the left totally with what has already be distributed in their, their shelters and phones and insights. as of today, we have 12 bakery supported by somebody to partners here is locked as a 8 have ceased to operate to do to lock a few in stock and for that are still operating and produce capacity. so, so be on the desktop. i'm going to, as it is, government has announced just in the last hour that is going to support the lawsuit, filed by south africa at the international court of justice accusing israel of genocide. the addiction ministry of foreign affairs said in light of the increasing
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severity and scope of his really aggressions against palestinian civilians in the gaza strip. we call on israel to comply with its obligations as the occupying power and its implementation of the interim measures issued by the international court of justice. we renew our coal on the security council and the influential international parties to immediately move to a ceasefire in the gaza. strip and kenneth ross is a visiting professor at princeton university and a former executive director of human rights watch. you joins us from geneva. mr. ross, there are more and more countries and parties that are seeing this ground operation and the expansion of the roster operation as a breaking point. egypt is one of them. what do you make of these words that we just read? so this is a really big deal. i mean we shouldn't forget big egypt has been a close partner with israel for the past 16 years, enforcing the blockade of task. so this is, you know, not some distant neutral party. this is the closest really ally that is obviously
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in kind of really concerned about what net teneo calls in a limited operation in the office. but an operation that is on. busy the display is 300000 palestinians and has closed the 2 she border crossings. they took us off the one in rafa and at crime shallow. so i think this is easier to say, this is desperate. i mean one, we're going to get massive starvation. i'm sure we can get massive loss of life. and the 3rd thing that they really are worried about is that you know, the far right ministers have got tenure, who's government, and give her and smote. ridge, had been hoping we advocating for a long time. that the answer to the come us problem and also is to get rid of the palestinians to push them all over the border in egypt. egypt desperately doesn't want that, but it's becoming decreasing unconcerned. but that's what's gonna happen. okay, so those words, again, you said extremely concerned, right? egypt becoming increasingly concerned by what they're seeing happening in the,
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in the gaza strip, specifically this rough operation. do you think on the flip side, benjamin netanyahu is going to be particularly concerned that egypt is joining the legal case against them, against israel, or i think with that 10. yeah. who has to worry about is losing egypt as an hour. because you obviously get, is control the border between egypt and gaza on your part of its recent discontent is that is your, it was not come off to that border and it's taken over there off of crossing. but usually it does depend on egypt to prevent arms and you know, other smuggling of military hardware antique alta. busy if you have nothing to lose as egypt as an ally, that could have no real consequences for come, boss is ability to sustain this more and to continue as a, as a military stretch to is or but, you know, has been messaging very consistently and very openly that he doesn't care what the rest of the world does or says, even even to us he has said in recent days,
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if we need to fight alone, we will fight alone. yeah, that's true. i mean by the, you know, who for most of this, for absolutely refuse to match his words of concern with any action and kept the arms, but only it kept the military age. so i like, you know, finally she said, we're not going to give you these devastating to 1000 pound bombs to cause such a haven't can cause i fix you in the wrong. so you know, that was a real step. and natania who basically said, i don't care, we're going to do it anyway. and it was savvy. what seems to be motivating? that's a yahoo. if he says i was all about trying to destroy the boss. but you know, whichever you use to the fact that his political future depends on vacating these bar, right? ministers in his government, you can, i'll see him tomorrow if they want to. and they want the rop operation to continue an action. yahoo has a long history of prioritizing his own personal interest over anything else. and that seems to be what's going on here in raffle, right?
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well, as you say that, you know, i'm reminded on the one hand that the, the far right ministers that you say he's placating that many say he's play k, think they said they want a flat rock that right. they have use language like that. and they have use those words, going back to the beginning of this conflict and the pictures we're seeing on the screen right now, you know, of the destruction. this one is specifically, is in rasa, suggested that is exactly what is real, is willing to do what this prime minister is willing to do as well. i mean it's obviously. busy early days with respect to the invasion of bravo, but you know, you need to know further than what happened because the city, you know, what happened a job, a layer refuge account? what happened at han, yes. 70 percent of the office has been reduced to rubble. and so this is the way it is. read on his stop. it score using the huge 2000 pounds indiscriminately popularizing neighborhoods, you know, attaching targets which usually disproportionate consequences for civilians. these are what crimes. yes. hang out, who does it anyway? you know, you know, we all heard from, you know,
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10 days ago were so these really pressed was full. busy concerned that yes and yeah, it was about to be charged by the international criminal court. probably not from the bombing more for the destruction of aid. it's time for him to kind of get off a seat. and the issue chart is because maybe that would make a difference. yeah, at 300000 people have fled rafa. that's just simple math. that's one quarter 215151 quarter of the population. so that's the scale that we're looking at right now. kenneth ross visiting professor at princeton university. thank you for joining us this. our thank you. the ukraine says it has moved 4000 people to safety in the hockey region. after heavy fighting video showed emergency workers moving people near the border. russian forces say they have occupied 9 villages, as they advanced further into the area that ukrainian president said here's baffles, were taking place and 7 villages on saturday after 0. john holman,
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sent this update from key the park keeps citizens already have a recent week's been subjected to a sustainable bob and using circle, guided bombs, come out of planes. really hard to stop and truck is a sort of drift towards the city. so that's the story being sort of softened up and tend to rise at the full. this is so this offensive coming over the buddha. now, what ukrainian troops are trying to do is to contain that threat. they say they've been able to do that. and that's a great so that's what they call the contested territory. has no expanded president, a lot of them is landscape. came out last night, saturday night to say that there was 7 villages being pulled over before we were talking about 5 villages. so that is an indication that base is expanding, that things are difficult, the crating shrinks on the ground that isn't just the straightforward russian above, through the great at territory. now what are you trying to actually do?
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need to mount a more meaningful counselor offense at the moment. the suffering for grades, lack of mind power, and a great lack of weapons that come on this have said that in parts of the front line, that outlines and outgunned by 7 to one or more. now what they're hoping for is weapons to arrive from european allies, as well as perhaps flights of planes f sixteens in june, but also weapons to ride from the united states. it's now to $61000000000.00 package. it's been approved by the united states, off the months of delay. now the question is, how quickly will those weapons arrived? we being told that some from stokes in europe are starting to trickling, but others will take weeks, perhaps months, perhaps longer. and all of that gives a window for russian forces to really take advantage of. and that looks to be what they're trying to do now. and on the russian side of the border, a ukrainian beside the tech has injured at least 19 people in the city of belgrade,
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2 children, or among those wounded part of an apartment block, collapsed a few hours after the blast. dosage of already reports from moscow of this attack took place in the city of belgrade, which is directly across the ukrainian city of car keys and dismiss all hits this residential con pounds. 3 buildings and at least 60 apartments were damaged extensively during this attack. and people were rushed to hospital. the search and rescue operation continues the local officials except that they believe a number of people to be buried alive on the rebels are trying to get those people out. and this was an attack around $1130.00 local time that took place. and really the residents that have been speaking to local news outlets in this compound that live in this compound say they were shocked and there was really no time for them to react. they had nowhere to go. this is, of course, not the 1st time. we've seen these,
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this kind of an attack in belgrade region. it since the war began in 2022. but these attacks are now becoming much more frequent in the region by ukrainian forces . still a head on alpha 0, food is scarce, and prices are rising. we looked at the cost of hunger and chat the after controversial presidential campaign, and the contested victory proposed to be unto is said to lead indonesia, southeast asia is the largest economy that drive us nation with more than 1300 ethnic groups. political power comes through the people, we're not going to be determined by 4 in not at this. the president alexis, indonesia, provo, sabean to talks to l. just 0 of the
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. ringback the challenges here with the, the, the,
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the, you're watching else, a 0 reminder of our headlines be, is really army is carrying out in 10 strikes in jamalia, refugee camp and northern gaza. it says it wants to prevent spiders from regrouping . hundreds of people are fleeing the area is really planes are also funding rough sign, southern gaza. the un agency for palestinian refugees says 300000 palestinians have fled. the violets un human rights chief is asking for countries to prevent a full scale assault on the area of egypt. government has announced it will now support the lawsuit, filed by south africa and the international court of justice cairo says the decision is due to the escalating severity and scope of his really attacks against palestinian civilians in the gaza. strip. voting is now underway in catalonia, in spain, it could reignite debates about capital in independence and even the stability of
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the national government. a 6 years ago, the region held a referendum to break away from spain. the vote that madrid did not recognize several separate this leaders and now in jail while fugitive party leader carlos bridget mont campaigned from neighboring france. so there you go, has more from barcelona is why. 6 the region is significantly called, but then it was back in 2017. when that unit actual decision to declare a referendum which was then declared illegal by the spanish government. there. you don't see that kind of strong desire without strong local movement for independence as was seen then as well. and not as in part because of the change of government that happened during that time. since then that has been a new socialist leg. governments in place like 5 federal sanchez and he has been making dialogue with the customer on separate tests. he has been making deals with them. he has also issued those hodgens to those who had been arrested for that role
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in not referendum as well. now the issue for those council of san francisco was the fact that that policy does not mean that they could hold public office, and this has been a sticking points for them. so while all of this has been happening as well, that has been an i'm the studio that has been passing through the parliament and will be approved at some, at, at some point in the near future as well. and this is the very important issue that the capital i'm project sessions have been henry wants saying that it is vital if they want to continue this dialogue, which has been considered sent me progress to what it was back in 2017 the india is general election has reached the halfway point. this is a 7 phase election process, which last more than 6 weeks, nearly a 1000000000 people are eligible to take part. the indian government has failed to
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give visas to alice's ears, correspondence to cover the story. so we are reporting on the selection from outside the country. i'm a 100 reports, it's the half we bought the indian suite long, 7 face general election, tens of mid as of people have been voting since last month. and the candidates competing for every vote political and then the c panel will be crucial in this election. we have turned out which is lower than last time i'm nor then both was expected in the north, south, west, east of the country. don't seem to be overwhelmingly enthusiastic to bring mister low, the back to power in an actual if you know pop with the acclamation prime minister in the movie is seeking a fed 5 yet mean office. he's going up against a condition. the lions made up of 16 parties. the position has accused moody of
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resorting to hit speech against muslims. is data focusing on the issues facing boat is in order to appease disease can do most in space. they do some but the but by law, the god. what's helamano moody, who called slips into 3 discipline, a company denies deposition. you've got some undersea moody is trying to divide the electric to stay in power. the price. this'll be calling me india for this coming man. and we kind of get away from it to mr. will the has to have sort of, has the honest as to the problems he did, and this is the consequence movie is still each crowds, wherever he goes. and he remains the favorite tween because it is to be a very popular figure. and if you compare with him any other political lead, the him of the opposition group, there will be no match. in fact,
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the 4th phase of voting stats on monday. and what it meant to 6 members of funding and the results expected in june falls hams and we just need millions of people in chat are struggling to find enough to eat because of high food prices. climate change as well as rising energy costs have played a role in creating this crisis. officers ahmed adriece reports from the capital in germane food in chad has become so expensive that families are forced direction. what they eat in markets across the capital produce is plenty, but buyers, i'm not. how are them keep here to see what she could afford? the full $36.00 us cents would buy you 2 cups of beans, but now that are and it gets you one cop, the family must decide between the 2 to amuse, of buying less nutritious for
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a trader. say that on to play the that we buy from farm is as a high price add to that the cost of transportation because of bad roads and rising energy costs for prizes was sharply yeah. inside when neighboring nigeria, restricted as other practice, like high fuel costs, climate change on the presence of hold on 600000. so that is represent carpenters vice confusing of what the little pool is about the united nations agency, save the situation, is desperate. we have already too many young people in job shop jobs. people on the tv on monitor tricia. it's uh, i think the field force times in the last decade that we have such, such an issue with food insecurity. the next 3 months, which 8 organizations describe us the lean months. i expect it to be the most difficult for people in chide, dependent on food assistance. how many degrees i would use either.
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right, that's it for me. so then yeah, for today, the news continues right here on alice's 0 after talking to else 0 to stay tuned. another full show at the top of the, the hello. we'll see plenty of golden sun shod across a good pots of northern and central china, right? but the next couple of days, what the weather is for the south and for a split even, hey, we will see this weather system make its way by the race was brought. this guys come back in behind. lot the shows for time, the free monday across the good parts of the japan setting east. and there is the point you could say some flash flooding is the system makes its way out into the walls is that you guys apply to sky. since we go on through tuesday,
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was sunshine across the good parts of the tree and potentially the 31 celsius. and by doing well about the average here. so the temperature with respect to say in july i warm sunshine for central and southern passed by the state for your showers, the creeping the way down into vietnam because not shelby and i try to we have got some live the showers could cause a little bit of flash flooding from time to time. louse thailand, seeing some big down pools. i'm very outbreaks. so it could cause a little bit of disruption, $1.00 to $2.00 showers to and again like could be on the shop side for the philippines. then the usual scattering of showers, of course malaysia and indonesia could scatter yourselves to across the south asia . that's just bringing those temperatures down a little really heavy rain coming it just for lack of for time. and again, that could cause some like last flooding. the unique perspective, why is it the doctors don't get to have a say in any of the medical workforce has been so undervalued by the british
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government from time on hub voices. tick tock has been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we? the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era the jessica washington in chicago, after a controversial presidential campaign, and the contested victory proposed to be unto is said to lead indonesia, southeast asia largest economy, a diverse nation with more than 1300 ethnic groups of $72.00 primrose, korea, indignation, politics is long standing, he served as a special forces come on to adjourn general. so honchos regime, a period marked by allegations of corruption and human rights of.


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