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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 12, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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she is slowly elected very close by common. he sits on to play with a large 3rd space with a little kitten. my privacy me now thinks royal. i can also somebody probably equal, resulted in gun the, [000:00:00;00] the color there uninstalled the attain. this is in use our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. the 5th baffle throughout tabaya and northern garza. between is there any forces and palestinian fights in 7 months of war and more than 35000 palestinians killed in
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gaza. israel orders evacuations in the north and in the south face 2 people had been killed in russia, of ukrainian strength on a residential building in nevada, city of cell garage. several people are still fee of trump until the 1st things on the way in spain's catalonia region. and a pole that will test the strength of a separatist movement on the popularity of the national come in school, tennis world level, another chunk of which is just be not sound of the it's highly in open. she lays alejandra claiming the biggest one of his curious features, which in round the let's 1500 g m t that 6 o'clock in the evening and gaza. what is really forces are using s strikes sometimes to attack both northern and southern areas of the strip. you and human rights chief of elk, a tax has a full scale assault on rough autonomy take place. as quote on all states with
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influence to do more to prevented off the move. in 7 months of all the death toll from as well as will on garza has now passed 35000. i'm just so hooked against our coverage. that is really forces have been ramping up there strikes on both northern and southern parts of the strip. let's take a closer look out to the new offensive launched in japan yet in northern gauze, after leveling, much of it during an earlier result is really troops have renewed strikes on the entire area. on saturday, these really army dropped leaflets with evacuation orders for both japan. yeah. and they blah, here. and on sunday there's been more strikes along with fierce battles between his really forces and palestinian resistance fighters. israel's military says your band yet is a dangerous combat sound and that the operation here is an order to prevent him. us from regrouping means is what was the cause of its in recent weeks,
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we have identified the terms behind us to restore its military capabilities injured by there. and we are working to dismantle these attempts. israel's offensive in the north has forcibly displaced tens of thousands of palestinians who were already pushed out of other parts of gone. some as well deserves honest, al sharif has been to a residential area and to bother you said was hit and one of the many is riley strikes the targeted northern garza. how about friday? yeah, this is really air strikes. upper osh of missiles was fired. truffles flying around another project missiles followed in the same area of the new york, a series of airstrikes is carried out by is really war planes targeting residential homes on lc, corrode, and jamalia refugee camp. as a result, a number of homes were leveled apart. medic was injured in the attack as we speak
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other paramedics are coming here to search for survivors and recover victim's body . and so, you know, hopefully you've done. however, this task is fraught with danger and he's really war. planes are still attacking this part of devalue a refugee camp. this is the 3rd wave of air strikes. targeting the same area is really we're playing sparring on journalists, paramedics and civil defense teams, helping victims from the 1st to attack. the tuna. this is, i'll take a road east of triple a refugee camp as we speak. a 4th attack is unfolding on their non stop as rarely strikes on residential homes. dozens of civilians were killed. paramedics and civil defense members as well. these railways have been carpet bombing this area for hours. the, i think kind of glad to squeeze if it's really air strikes on homes. jamalia refugee camp had been taking place continuously since the morning is really we're
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plaintive in pounding various parts of the cap, even as we speak. these are the air strikes, continue, albany. i mean, i don't the study of a degree of loss of color. it is also in jamalia and he sent us this update of the overall situation here. nothing does said remains get decimal fixed as the forces the station behind. they are what's called a street which, which is considered in the center of nevada can. and these are the forces also use microphones in order to evacuate souvenirs who are living in that area develop shooting and they are forcing people to evacuate under the ongoing, functioning in that area so far come as one who has pretend, receives about 6 people have been killed by those very forces and about 25 got injured as driving strikes and other operations target. the area displaced
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people in northern garza simply have know where to go for the a call has an injured value. refugee count in northern gaza is really droves open fire as people's homes. paramedics help survivors with whatever equipment they can find is really army had already leveled the area during its grand assault, which began in october and the people here have little hope to cling to. we were bombed rocks and shells fell on. may god help us and have mercy, let the world stand with us. the only thing i ask of them, only god is standing with us. god is the only one with us. i've lost 3 children. 4 months after it declared the end of a mass and northern gaza, israel says it's fighting again a bit slow nazzo but shots, luna,
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middle sick love in northern gauze. fight to dress have been striking terrorist target spoken of this morning. we've been kind of a temporary evacuation process of the jamalia area from this area towards the central strategy as part of our preparation for a ministry operation in the area in recent weeks. and we have identified attempts by him us to restore the military capabilities in jabante area. and we are working through this month will be the time of pick up any sooner on attacks, which the army says are targeting palestinian fighters have already killed several children in beta. he is ready, forces have pushed the people of northern guys back to the brink of starvation by blocking aid to the region. now it's issuing more evacuation orders, but it's not clear for families are meant to go under israel launching a tax on rafa. and the saves, and darrow bella and the center of the strip palestinians are unlikely to have much faith in the so called safe zones for the a car which is 0. so let's be talk correspondents on the ground, honey,
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enough more. he's in there all the that's in the central pond to the gaza strip and he joins us from our outside locks. the hospital. honey is we've been hearing strikes in the north and in the south. took us through the latest attacks that have been taking place. yes so so far we're looking at the both the city of rough behind the northern part valia that'd be equally and relentlessly bombarded by these really airy strikes that went along with the ground invasion for the past. the 24 hours in the northern part not only were seeing more of the residential buildings being destroyed then, and complete or severely damaged, along with the public facilities on major roads inside the city. but that has also let into a further internally, internal displacement for the people to devalue. already this place that already has been
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a suffering the from this ongoing war since the initial weeks. what we're looking at right now is similar and reminding us of the initial weeks of the genocide award in terms of its intensity and magnitude, then the scale of destruction that has caused the reports that we are receiving from the northern part talks about not major areas where people have been shouldering and for the past few months. and since they've been heard it from one place to another, more people are pushed into the center part of gaza were hoping that the homes that were shown during games would remain as standing. but unfortunately, with the new evaluation orders not only causing further civilian casualties, but also the destruction levels in the area. meanwhile, and run by city. similar situation are going on more further. more evacuation orders are being issued, causing further civilian casualties. this time it from the center part for
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a rough i city. we're looking at an estimation by the united nations here in gaza. about 300000 people are affected by these evacuation orders all are bored into the control part of the gaza strip. people who are unable to live brooklyn city are caught in the line of fire and some of them are as really trapped under the rubble of dates, farm buildings. really several of these building in the center part and the eastern part of rough city, old old, of course, is for into the central area here is that is running out of space, right? right now, running out of it's, it's, it's infrastructure incapable to accommodate this large number of people, particularly the hospital here where we are reporting it from. it's a 24 hours away from shutting out completely because of the amount of fuel that has been delivered to it. holy enough for 24 hours. we spoke to a hospital officials who told us in 24 hours major departments and services are
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going to shut down at the hospital as it will not be able to sustain its operations honey enough wanted. it was a very nice just for us from daryl bella. and central call, so thank you very, very much, honey. well, from one hospital to another. joining me now on the phone is dr. muhammed here. he's an orthopedic surgeon from london. he's volunteering with federal scientific. it's a child to organization. he joins us now on the phone from rossa in the south. doctor, thank you so much for your time with us on to 0. yesterday i spoke to one of your colleagues who made it very clear that you a safe house is no longer safe and that your entire operation has been moved to the european hospital where you are now walking. what is your situation now? especially as i understand this, fighting not far away, not to mention strikes very close by. yes. hi. first of all, uh, good evening to old. um that is correct. uh, our tate house, which as i, as i understood uh, was
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a pico infected zone. was actually became homeless and that'd be central air strikes and palms going off all around so much so that our colleagues, that one thing that tell barry and say and so we will know assemble that the european goes all the way level based and even head during the night there are as strikes, there are times there was the tank fly, it is all clear. we fired that we have very close by june, those brief hours that we managed to sleep. we are located up by a thunderous sound of, of explosion that block our rooms and literally in still food, all of us. so this is just one aspect of this, of this conflict. as far as what you know, our personal experience is concerned. the other thing is the confidence positive, the drones that, uh, that killed the nice guys. and as i understand there are several types of drones and the sometimes, although quite close to sometimes from
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a fall. but there is this constant pause, quite disturbing. and. 3 you know, it's becoming quite stressful for, for many of us, least of all the actual people that have no way out which are the gods. and do you chose to go to rafa to help to understand having not what kind of what was learned before? can i ask you to talk us through your decision? you now will so con, leave because they've close the roof of crossing. that's correct. this is my 1st time. yeah. um, the reason being is that the, you know, i've always felt like i wanted to come, but i never, i was never ready in terms of uh such a good experience. so know how and i've been watching on the tv for the last 6 of the month. of the video footage and the photos that have been coming out, god, which i know how does that up is good and horrified. many people across the world, the bodies of the women and children. read you
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a question and i felt that they would do 2 professional. what would the scale of knowledge to to help me don't tell your an orthopedic or to another surgeons or the line i understand is not very good. thank you for staying with us. you say that you use all these, these injuries, and these bodies, and in pictures from abroad. now you're seeing them in person. can i ask you about the kinds of injuries you've been seeing and, and treating that you are paying hospital and your ongoing capacity to, to treat patients? yeah, coast to, um i would say the several streams of patient to so you have be a cute injuries that are coming in and these can range from blocks, injuries that people out of and all over their bodies space for the injuries you have shop low injuries that come through, letting them cut through the bustles, and also
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a trump dump little organs and corrected golden as well. you have some really horrific injuries, where people come into the now not the recognizable as a human being anymore. they are simply lump sum flash adult. obviously quite um you know, have obviously type um, initially it not only exists for the adults but also for children. it is quite horrific to witness 1st time. i don't you have seen that sort of level of trauma on the photos on seeing. and then that should it's a, you know, quite hard to say, delta you talk about the types of injuries and the types of patients that you were saying. you mention children that as well as saying that what's happening and rasa is accounted terrorism operation from what you've seen 1st hand. is that something that rings true to you. i can only speak for, and i've seen i'm from what i've seen. i've seen women and children as well as the
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men all being cut down and no preference for one demographic over the other. i think many people are being caught up in this initial i think the other, the other aspect is to consider is um many people. oh, i don't know a many of the big them though. i don't know. uh yeah. and so go immediately to the moultrie. as well as the fact that i'm going to is good luck. evacuate many of the engine like to happen often at night with people like quickbooks here. and no one can get to these people. and this is quite a well meaning experience that i feel like we're playing our best to do what we can add that really makes visual says the ultimate goal is that marrying a breaking point? as far as i can send in terms of both personnel and supplies. and we're really coming to a desperate situation now. and so i will, i know i want to use this platform to reach out to the world, to everybody who is listening. anybody who has any influence for the,
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for you all to anyone who loves humanity and loves a piece on the, please try to be conflicted and dr. mohammed to hear that orthopedic surgeon from london speaking to us back from the european hospital. and rafa and southern gaza, thank you very, very much dr. and we wish you all the best with your work. please stay safe with you and human rights chief volk attach himself, has expressed his concern about the intensifying as strikes and is ready plans for full scale assault or offer. i have repeatedly expressed my alarm about the catastrophic impact of a possible full scale defense. they found rough, uh, including the possibility of uh, the trusted declines. i can see no way that the latest evacuation orders much less a full assault in an area with an extremely dense presence of civilians can be reconciled with the binding requirements of international but it territorial in with the 2 sets of finding provisional measures ordered by the international court
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of justice. meanwhile, in the united states, the secretary of state has been speaking about israel is increased in that tree activity and gaza that speak to a correspondent like how to use across this for us from washington dc. and like i understand that to me because it's been doing some of the culture around what they've been saying as well. he's also been attempting to defend the state department report issued recently which find that there's a reasonable suspicion that israel did a contravene international humanitarian law. however, this would not lead to at no longer supplying israel. now this is something that he's been attempting to defend despite criticism from many quarters of that inconclusive. and in fact, in decisive report at the same time as well. the secretary of state was attempting to explain what president biden meant when he referred to a red line being crossed should as well go into rough uh,
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endangering civilians. this is what the secretary of state had to say. first, we have been holding back and were an active conversations with his real about the provision of heavy or high pillows, weapons, large bombs because of the concern that we have about the effect these weapons can have when they're using a dense urban environment like profit. mm. hm, we're discussing that with his real right now. second with the president said, is that if israel goes in with a major military operation, rasa, in that case, there's certain systems that we will not provide as real that with a new a that, that effort because it's something that we do not want to be part of given the damage that it would do to civilians and again, not to achieve a durable, lasting effect, the result for his role and for security. that's what the president said. we said that in conversations with ours really partners as well. the supply of
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precision large buttons to israel is still on hold. one shipment of these bottoms was stopped because of the threats to invade. rough uh, this matter is still under review. uh, but the bite and administration insisting that generally on supplies will continue to as well, despite the criticism mike, out of the keeping an eye on things for us from washington d. c. thank you, mike. well, that's not bringing the algebra senior political, unless mountains shar, he joins me now and other hoss to do more than just on what we had the from going can in that little sound by. i was interested to see that when he was 1st aust, what red lines for israel. he actually said, there are no red lines when it comes to is are, and then he was pressed on it because obviously present 5 and had said that there are red lines. how come here and is us policy on his route at the moment? it's coherent, but not in the right way. you know, he books a lot of just a quick note about that. the just,
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there's an american journalist that's where i do with the facts and can do some follow up questions and say, wait a minute, what, what, what are you talking about? you're the 2nd side you should know about the, the red lines. in fact, the author, the whole number of red lines, when he was in japan, they didn't actually call them that way, but they were read lines and they came out as it lies and he didn't not back track on that. anyway. be that as it may, i think uh this goes to his uh, also initial idea of when they start asking, do you have the status? of course we don't have double standards. look, there's one standard. apparently. it's is right, it's done. so it's through the sentence in america for the policy. there is one standard is the, is there a it is done? and secretary blinking goes according to the israel, alias, stunted otherwise. when we talk about the principle of hypocrisy and double standards, trust you, me, no one, not even his george infants,
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i believe secretary clint, that blinked. and when he says, we don't have those sides where it's comes to is the 2nd for that. i thought it was quite amazing and that's what he tries to run away with all the, you know, with the shop as it were when he keeps talking about instances that instances, 7 years of both of destruction, tens of thousands of casualties. 7 months. seems like 7 years and the destruction of guys and he's still talks about instances know, back to or what we were discussing everywhere around the world, including the i, c, j and the isis young. except back to and with an intent behind that this not just simply about that a few instances here and there that needs to be investigated. and you're referring to the report to congress that recently came out. he was off to quite a lot about that. and one other thing that he kept saying was that they couldn't
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make definitive conclusions because it's very difficult to do so in the case of war . but that obviously has consequences. so if you can't make any definitive conclusions in the case of war, in order to decide whether or not to stop sending weapons, presumably that only means you cannot and you make definitive conclusions once it's all over and you've sent over weapons. absolutely, again. i think he feels comfortable with the non truth of what's happening and guys, an american positive towards it. he feels comfortable trying to play games, non stuff with words and telling us that we need 3 that report. the more do you read the report, the more you are disappointed with american foreign policy or the more it reveals itself to be thought to the hypocritical on the side of this. and then when he gets both any demolished and his and his message is not getting through because everyone understands that this is just not the issue. because pictures are worth more than a 1000 pages of his report. then he says, wait a minute, but actually that's all remember if wonder how much gives up the captive,
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then everything would be okay. we would have a ceasefire and so on. so again, does anyone in the world believe such as are blinking? if actually to have master day see right, go speaking. release is the captives, guys that would be destroyed. they were still be zillion. but a spinning and captive is 80 prisons. i guess it would still be occupied. what's to be on the stage? there would be no peace, they would still be in the city and state. and as i did, i say end of occupation of the west bank and east doors and the most also. so it is nonsense. but to being authors by a secretary or state of a very important country in the world, superpower, that's because this music under, within this entire war, financially, but it's fairly diplomatically an otherwise. so i think the 2nd or 3rd is becoming less and less cal. here is becoming less and less believable because he is
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basically following the is there any line, not an american line? and why do i say that then why is that important? just if you allow me a few seconds because present by the in his moments of candor as being so as me think some understand good stuff in a moment. so can you said, is the bombs guys that indiscriminately, that's a waterfront, been consistent with our national and international write them to you guys saying no, don't go into the, it's very simple. it's not, you know, major offensive, not measure you just, i'm going start off. and so there's a number of things you're not supposed to create the secured his own. you're not supposed to be seen. you guys again, okay. why does a and so on so forth. and he's been saying that we need to look at that they ask, that is really incapable of looking at the after. so again, blinking his ability failed on all of those and all those funds. so you wonder why he's talking to the nation in the united states along the shower. thank you for
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joining us on the news. i'll. the agent scale from ends, meanwhile, has announced that it will now support the lawsuit that was filed by south africa at the international court of justice. choosing israel of genocide, he's rich, the egyptian ministry at foreign affairs has said in light of the increasing severity and scope of his really aggressions against palestinian civilians in the gaza strip. we call on israel to comply with its obligations as the occupying power and its implementation of the interim measures issued by the international court of justice. we renew encore on the security council and the influential international parties to immediately move to a cease fine. and the goal is to stress the ukraine says it's moved, $4000.00 people to safety. and the call key region of the heavy fighting video showed emergency work is moving people and the other border. russian forces say
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they've occupied 9 villages now as they advance father into that area. the ukrainian presidents as fee as buffaloes, were taking place and $7.00 villages on saturday. well, let's take a closer look at the buffer lines as they stand and ukraine. russia, as you see the controls, the terra treat mocked and red. now that area hasn't changed much since ukraine in town for offensive in june of last year. both sides have large numbers of troops stationed along the front lines, but if we got a bit closer, you can also see the lines of control in the khaki region. russia has now begun attacking from the north, across the board to an alignment. we'll be hearing from a correspondent also jabbar issues and last go for us. but 1st, let's go to the crane and capital keys and speak to our correspondence on home that don't we've been talking about this new russian offensive for a couple of days now, just how much headway are they making but in terms of how many villages they've been able to catch it as you were saying that there's different accounts from the ukrainian side and from the russian side.
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but even the ukrainian side, especially the governor of the hockey region, who said that this conflicts are, is expanding. and the significance of that, is it, if russia managed to it box, maybe just tang columbus is a sofa, then they could be we've been showing range of the know of them point of how to keep city that's ukraine, 2nd largest city. and that would put even more for it on it's suffering at the moment from an aerial bombardment. and there is to come a military unless that not now, but perhaps later in time this might, will be softening the city up at, for some sort of a ground to tack on it. so it does one significance of this. another significance is a fact that base is potentially a new front of the ukraine is already struggling to defend the mold. 1000 columbus a front line. it says it's out, mind, and it's out showed, but at least $7.00 to $1.00. so it's already struggling. the problem is wet from re, from the united states,
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from europe has started from some european countries has started to arrive at, but most of the thought is still yet to arrive at the moment is defense is where the type of thing this keeps it new host still to plug with the russian forces that are probing but still have forces in reserve and seeing just where and when they can make a bike straight for a john holman, there was a nice as far as from the ukrainian capital. thank you very much, john. what on the russian side of the board to be understanding ukrainian missile attack has killed now at least 4 people in the city of belgrade. 2 children are long, at least 19. also wounded parchment apartment block collapsed just hours on to the last one that scheduled for jabari. she joins us from the russian capital. don't say ukraine is clearly continuing to strike back. what have you been hearing from rational starting well, no, says the rest, remember that these kinds of attacks in belgrade are not new. they're becoming
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increasingly more frequent over the past few months. but this is certainly one of the biggest attacks that we've seen over the past few weeks. and according to officials in belgrade regions, this attack took place on this residential complex around 1130 local time on sunday morning and uh there is still ever search and rescue effort that is continuing there. so a security officials on the scene and they are pulling people from under the rubble both dead and alive. we've been hearing from the foreign ministry spokesperson. maria is the heart of who is called. it's a bloody link in the chain of crimes of the kid regime, and she's insisting that this is a violation of international law. we also understand that the russian president, vladimir put in has been brief about this latest attack in belgrade, and according to the criminal spokesperson, dimitri pest called the the updates are being delivered to the president hour by
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hour and a test called also called this attack, a barbaric act, and it's really here is that as far as the so called offensive into harkey by russian forces continue. these kinds of attacks by ukrainian forces across the border into belgrade will also increase and intensify. belgrade has been at the scene of a number of attack since december, and the attacks have actually forced the number of towns to be evacuated on a number of occasions, and that the number of states events have been cancelled as a result of these attacks that continue to search by the with the latest for us from moscow. thank you very much, joseph. all still ahead. few here on out of there. take a closer look at israel's military strategy in the gaza strip and why it's now attacking such a body of refuge account the
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the hello for sat today. so around 90 millimeters of freight into pots of rio grande, the saw in the southeast of brazil. this was a warm front sinking his wife by the south was now is a cold front is pushing 5 and also a lot of heavy right across a similar area over the past couple of days. they will move right over the next couple of days. you'll see, haven't westwood will tend to not a little further north, which as we go through the next styles i cold winds coming behind 14 celsius, it'd be 15 f one a service over the next couple of days. right. and we'll continue to keep a little further north as we go through the next few days. so the fall, se built down into uruguay will tend to little dry before the regular tubs later on in the week found an old plenty of trauma and sunshine planes. here shows the, just around the guy pushing across the silver, and i wanted to show us 2 of tools,
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northern parts of the columbia wanted to show us to just around the panama pushing across the southern parts of the caravan. we could see some welcome bank coming into trinidad as we go through monday, few of showers across his spine the other to make a cube as well, easing into a good pods of central america lobby shells. meanwhile, spinning off the rockies, and it has very wet severe storms with texas of the, the amazon home to indigenous people. and diverse ecosystems is being destroyed by relentless drilling for oil, their living in direct contact with petroleum through fear, border. and so, in ecuador, communities of fighting the corporate joins in a battle for survival and to save the love of the world. how does he was view seems
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doing the fine glass. the latest news was so intense that this is all that is left. people are digging through debris and twisted metal to find anyone left alive in depth reports the entire gossip population of 2300000 people do not have enough. crisis escalating and detailed coverage as well as prime minister relies on foreign ministers to stay in power. they want the raft results to go ahead, defy them, and then you know, who could be out of office the the the welcome back to watching alger 0. let's remind you about top stories this on. these really ami is carrying out intensive strikes and then your body of refuge account
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in northern garza. it says it wants to prevent from us fighters from recruiting hundreds of people off playing the area. and while there's really pains, also bombing rasa in southern gaza, you an agency for palestinian refugees and says $300000.00 to palestinians fled to violence that you and human rights chief is asking all countries to prevent a full scale assault on the area. well, let's get more now and israel's military strategy with samuel romani, he's an associate a fellow at the royal united services institute will receive. he joins us now from expense in the united kingdom. so i'm, let's start with what we're seeing. and rafa i've been wondering is the type of operation we're seeing there right now. perhaps a direct result of us pressure this. the smaller scale set good by set to approach would you have pops expecting to move forceful offensive from the restaurant we were hearing earlier from military leadership? well, he's really, you're definitely way back and forth and whether they want to have a larger scale offensive or more of a phased one. and these,
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what i've been seeing from my discussions with america official as well as there's really enterprise that by phone call and then yeah, was really quite changed for me to and he's really is be and presenting power points, lice there, american defense, that kind of 5 showing the benefits a little more fee strategy, the americans even offer additional intelligence. tell target gas and war and other how much leaders if they went on a more phase approach or stopped to skyler hill events of entirely? that's why i think these relays have decided to go in more of these direction. it's something they were twice before, but now they see as the americans are more likely to back. so if they do this and you talked about the conversation between us and yahoo, invite and can you take the temperature for us when it comes to an s and yahoo right now he's obviously vowed to go it alone. he sounds very defiant publicly. so given that, how would you expect the, the operation now to, to unfold father? well then yeah, was obviously under a lot of pressure from his not just refer a coalition partners just from other figures. and these really right back to make a more, a sort of stance and dropbox as soon as she does. yeah, i mean,
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we already sign a time and manage the got a request for the past week saying that these valleys, but the pressure off in around that the roof area. and now these really acts in general. yeah. you know, the certainly be enough. so there's a lot of pressure on the, on the average making a large scale events of domestic way by the nose. political position is also improves when substantially converted where y is act, october center is causing and again, some sample is strengthened disposition. so i think he's being less attention to what the far right is telling him a little bit more. do i'm with the america, there's all. and because as much as you may be defiant, he's defiance doesn't mean very much because an american boss to back it up. so it's, i mean, you mentioned that the stripes on jamalia we had been hearing from israel that they'd can been off. so what's now going on in jamalia. and so basically what we've been seeing here, where each of these are in the media, and according to what i've been noticing on the graph is that there's been like, you know, drag down almost a hand to hand combat. but like direct combat, which is
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a mass know then and is really forces occurring in those areas in there and you buy it as a city, some other areas. and these really, they're trying to launch a broadway fee from defensive. why did you buy a one for engines? i choose a 3rd front in raw and beginning, but the areas that time i got less resources, at least in terms of war materiel that didn't before october 7. so a 3 pronged defensive might be too much from us as resistance might finally break. so that's why i think that they're very, this kind of freed from defensive. it's just you break them asked when they feel that they being additionally we can buy all these months of bombings. so what, well let me ask you, then what is the capacity of these randy minute tree? it defies a 3 pronged approach right now. well, these are the military got 3 is ideas, divisions, funding in this area and they feel that they brought them on power to be able to pull it off. but uh, obviously, as we've seen earlier in this war, i mean defeating how much is something that's easier said than done. so they yeah,
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i've got this to 162nd division. and these are i find 2 brigades in missouri, cargo, or restaurant. then the holidays i choose, and then i need to be in jamalia. so this is a solid number, i believe, forces and multiple divisions that accepts regulations. let's do reserves. so they think they've got enough, but it's hard to tell. you have to see how the work is that samuel romani then associate fellow at risk either way. united services institute. thank you for sharing your insights with us here on on the old was there and use a a bunch of thank you. the other thing is kindly underway in catalonia and span the governing separatist policy. cool this uh, he pulled off the problem and failed to pass the regions budget and code reignite debates about catalogs, independence and even perhaps the stability of the national government. 6 years ago . your cold region held a referendum to break away from spain,
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a vote that madrid did not recognize. well let's go to sonya diego. she is covering the selection for us from boss learning. sonya took us through what this might mean for spanish politics. well, what we have to remember here is what happens in this region is also into twined with national politics as well. and not simply because of who is govern. the governing is one of which policies also governing from madrid as well. on the, on the national end of things. and that's because the socialist sled national governments like by federal sanchez, is governing but also needs to have the support of capital on a separatist policies as well in order for him to be able to govern. meanwhile, a here in catalonia, as well. there is a situation where you have a left wing separate this policy, that whose presidency is it is currently presiding over here. but they will also be
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needing the support of the socialists as well, especially given that the hung up for independence as of what has been on the flying. so with that in mind that both reliance on each other even though based on completely on opposite ends of that particular debates, never the less things have break me calm down since that attempt touch the session in 2017, the socialist chair in catalonia. really do a credit back to pedal sanchez and his dialogue with the separatist politicians as well as separate just politicians in the meantime, still have that i did that a full catalonia to progress. what needs to occur is independence. and that is still at the full front and has been at the forefront of the campaigns center. okay, good. that upholding station for us in boston, and i'll be keeping an eye on that poll for you here on 0. thank you. sonya for now, what we can now bring into one around one. we're seeing that he's a professor in the department of library and that's an american coaches at stanford
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university. he joins us now from that, and california professor call us put him on. he's declared that he'll be making a push for independence once again. if he's elected, obviously he's, he's a big figure in spanish politics. i understand he's been polling in 2nd place in catalonia, how big an issue is independence for a calf alonzo selection. and so uh it is the big question whether or not um they just have to force whether or not uh, the people who are for independents are going to be showing strongly the polls or whether as the socialist expect and hope that the issue is dying down in which case visitors, such as would utter a sigh of relief. um the poles are open. uh, the expectation is that they are running basically head to head and do whatever they result whether one comes a little bit ahead of the other. it's still not going to be enough for either the
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socialist or use, but that doesn't yet do the form government without some kind of a coalition. so everything is up in the air because there's more than one possibility for coalition forming as well as the possibility. there's no government issues from these elections and they have to be repeated later in the fall. sonya was talking a little bit about how, how the temperature has changed and capital are now since 2017 now push them on has been an exile since then. understand he missed his father's funeral, his mother died without him in catalonia, last month. he's obviously paid a huge personal cost for his politics. but now there's also an amnesty bell in the works. so what has changed in spain that we're at this point? and so the question of whether or not of the push for independence he's dying down is still, it's still unresolved. it's hard to tell what's happening in people's hearts and minds. but there is no question the repression that has the going to be total under movement of the possible return of which the month he said he's declared that he's
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going to be returning no matter what the result of elections is. whether he wins or not. he has vowed to return so, so there's a big question of what will happen next. these keep going to be a jail isn't going to be um, you know, but it all depends, of course, on the outcome of these problem is by mistake, which has not yet materialized. um, some people believes that the, the promise of i missed the may all see if i parade, depending on the outcome of the selection. so you'd be, elections really are not truly not between the cut on the socialist party and mr. police and most party, but really a test of force between the central government that is the government of pay, the scientists and the pro independence movement. and catalonia jawandra monroe sina, the professor and the department of iberian and latin american cultures at stanford university. thank you for sharing with thoughts with us here now to 0, some millions of people in chad or struggling to find enough to eat because of high
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food prices. climate change as well as rising energy costs have played a role in creating this crisis out of there is um, the address reports now from the capital engineering. food in chad has become so expensive that families are forced direction. what they eat in markets across the capital produce is plenty, but buyers, i'm not how are them keep here to see what she could afford? the full, $36.00 us cents would buy you 2 cups of beans, but now that are and you get to one cause she says that family must decide between eating 2. i'm use of buying less nutritious for a tray to say they ought to play the we buy some farm is s a high price add to that the cost of transportation because of bad roads and rising energy costs for prizes was sharply yeah. inside when neighboring nigeria
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restricted as a practice like high fuel costs, climate change on the presence of more than 600000. so that is in terms of why it's confusing of what little pool is about the united nations agency, save the situation, is desperate. we have already too many young people in job shop, just people on the tv on monitor tricia. it's uh, i think the field force times in the last decade that we have such, such an issue with food insecurity. the next 3 months, which 8 organizations describe us the lean months. i expect it to be the most difficult for people in chide, dependent on food assistance. how many degrees i would use either jemina people in northern afghanistan are burying the dead off to flash floods that killed at least $350.00 in people. emergency teams are still struggling to reach the west effected areas with bridges and roads destroyed. thousands of homes have also been damaged or destroyed,
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and valuable alive stuff washed away. the charge he saved the children has one set of kind of stone is one of the hardest hitting nations by climate change. me i was that we have no food, no drinking water, no shelter, and no blankets, nothing. the floods have destroyed everything out of 42 houses, only around 3, remain the plots destroyed the entire valley and i'm still a head here on out as a friend, mexico, where a woman could be elected president for the 1st time. find out what that could mean for indigenous women living in the tenants for around 100 summarizing the kinds of $36.00 spanish link title and another major try for you could also be on its way. and you will be here with that story the where you're looking at now is overflow from the nearby to pile landfill. garbage has reached
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a height of more than 35 meters and is well over capacity. this is just one of many landfills around the country that have exceeded capacity, mostly due to an excess of plastic pollution. indonesia is one of the well to talk, contributes has of plastic waste accounting for around $7800000.00 tons each year. and it's at locations like where i am on the outskirts of jakarta, where you can see the scale of what environmental groups cool, a plastic waste crisis, the most common plastic, pollution engine, asia, a single use sashes which environmental group say or small, but accumulation, add to the countries environmental button entities is government says that it is working to address the plastic waste problem and has had some success in making this and such as reducing marine plastic waste and promoting recycling of
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the the broken back. it's time for support and and using the show can use when the tennis yeah. yesterday was rough and about getting paid. so now it's not a joke of it just suffering a humbling to say to me, it's highly in open the world number one has be not sat in round 3, but she lives a 100 seville on a double fault said, deciding the match. i'm pretty much summing up joke of it. she's the biggest win off to be on his career the 1st over the top 10 plan for him. and so kids badly and out to be the 20 full time grand a some champion in c set. serbian is yet, so when it sounds like the she gets we can reach a final as he feels up to the 2nd grand slam of the season. that's the franchise. and where he's the defending champion. that gets under way in 2 weeks. in 60,
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most the phone a sixpence, proven lost his temper and that was the very 1st game of his 2nd round, much against young men of scrub. well, remember, right through the banks to get his rectified can the minister regained his composure, he went on. so when not concise and $0.03 and women's drove with them with suit arena sutherland kit is through. so last 16 seats on australian, i can champion facing the on it yes for instead of ukraine, some blankets. so the thing a 1st cycle, when at this to um the upcoming frame sharpen to reach the semi finals at roland carlos less. the also have the chance to it sends itself with the english premier league a weight of a month just united with saving them a point clear of common lead. his mind sits a this much at old trafford, just getting on the way. it's one of the 2 games. so we have less now and also those season easiest. when both of them, they need city to drop points. if that's
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a windows hot light to school. it is still goals. alvarez city leading away the top 5 are also thanks to victoria white to full of them, subsidized oil side. okay, so when this time cruise strikes on the next, getting done as the weights at sortland on choose day to do still have plenty to play for us to really get some funny with this to on, with the spilling with a chance of catching 4 flights aston villa and qualifying the next seasons, your pain champions league, the slight pulls this 1st statement, safety to have any hope of doing this result means but and the joint sheffield united in dropping out of the lead pollutants out on my 2nd go down. so i'm going to type some to, to my, to die room, play a football and see what a time system. they're not standing saying the, you know, just ask the benchmark of the competition right now. the really 20 or points ahead
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of us. so we've got some great grand the mike up to that place. it's only 5 minutes of football, and we're gonna have the correct to the wrong address, the same along with tens of thousands of as times of a celebrating the latest spanish lakes hon. when ro clenched the championship last week with full games left in the season, call on shuttle to side, one for another, gets coronado on south state to extend the bates and running the lead. slips when c 9 games rel taken jimmy's pressure development and the champions league fund a lesson to the sense well the omen probably owns in policy made after a big to say to the german league on saturday that ever it was from that case. always under my contributions with 3, no less away months is performance coming just days after the price on your mind. in the last 4 of the champions league tobin space in the gym and league which would still saving qualify for next seasons champions like even if they leaves that final against the ground, linguistic for the opposing have respect for the lead. they like they'll just pull, show, hey,
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a tony out of the latest game because of an injury. and his absence though they don't, you still put in a winning performance of the devices. why the kiosk go in on this, this machine a home run for a grand slam that helps the seats for fun like nothing when over the san diego apologize. the thought use of one a to buy last 9 games, but i, tony is likely to sit out the next one with us on going back from the slide or the same one room for the 1st pitching caroline. hurricane lift the function of the day and the nfl stomach of files and the operating the new. it ranges full 3 to avoid a clean sweep. phillips become only the 15 in history to rally from 3 games down. so when a playoff series robot needs winfree video games today. in denver, the guy was supposed to be the colorado avalanche for william. the 2nd went in there, i put some suit went ahead overall,
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and this was to come from semi final 1st team to full victories with saying this is the top say, suppose to sell 6 of hit bucks or gain control of a n b a playoff series. against the cleveland cavaliers, the celtics were facing by 24 points in gain. seemed like a different save this time around tracing mccree jason sites and chatting brown school to combine $61.00 points to lead boston. so want to $6.00 to $93.00 when natalie to 2nd run series single game for i think cleveland on monday to put it off . so let's take a look at these pictures from over the skies of london c. austrians scholarly though i was jumping out of a helicopter at 3000 feet high for they were wearing when 6 by then blew through the city's famous southbridge. something which most surprisingly hasn't read them before. have travelling at many, 250 columbus isn't our fate. of hunting trains using cranes to sydney lights,
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the printer has done much since i got it. absolutely. that is how useful walking by radical, incredible pictures. thank you. andy. at home, mexico will elect a new president next month and for the 1st time ever, the to function is a when it comes to the time that many indigenous women feel they've been forgotten by the government. an estimation to 70 percent live in poverty. traditionally honor visited several indigenous communities to find out how people that think this upcoming vote may impact their own future nation. my and culture traditional massages were believed secure ailments, ranging from intestinal issues to post partum recovery today and south eastern mexico. lucy, annette childcare news is keeping these traditions alive as a way to empower her community. if the proficio is that this profession is disappearing by the older traditional, he lives as guides and there was so much them on. so many women come here and end up sharing so much about their lives with me. just so you know,
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as part of the largest network of indigenous women across mexico, working out of community centers created specifically to address the needs of this vulnerable group. 70 different indigenous groups make up 15 percent of mexico us population. most of them live in poverty and like the influence and resources to make decisions about their own communities. someone's my yes we on my end, so we speak our native language. we live in and understand our communities. yet when the state makes decisions about programs or budgets, which we have proposed is not reflected in, they planned as mexico's presidential election, draw smear both leading candidates, a promise to reverse decades of neglect, of indigenous groups. but many say they have heard such promises before. indigenous communities have long been marginalized by successive mexican government. but active is and community leaders have little hope that's going to change it with a new government, even if it is led by
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a woman. instead they say what's needed is greater indigenous representation across political and social life in the country. sort of role that beekeeper lady patch has been fulfilling for over a decade when genetically modified crops threatened her livelihood. and that of thousands of my an beekeepers pitch built a coalition that eventually outlawed the planting of gm facilities in the area. she has since become a leading defender of her assessor land and customs. been what they've done was that responded as women, we shouldn't appear to this political systems that i've always been controlled by man. and the aim to strengthen the system, but as always dominated and marginalized and has never understood him. but there's other ways of life out in the country club. they have, as political campaigns play out in the big cities in the remote communities have come pitcher indigenous women are calling for greater recognition of their needs. yet they remain skeptical that their voices will be heard with a woman in power rather than a man do the ago. yeah,
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i know i'll just euro come fidget mexico. well, that's it for this news out, but don't go away. i'll be back with more and i'm on the there's a next generation in the united states. they're not happy with what is happening in gaza. they're not happy with the u. s. foreign policy, and that's why they're trying to make their voices heard. the administrators of each university really have a choice to either escalate and calling police be confrontational, or to actually listen to what their concerns are. city stream of people being arrested, wasted zip tie and cups and taken away many of the purchases we talked to have said they will continue protesting until their demands are met. the in the solomon islands, the deadly legacy of world war 2,
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remain on the lounge. why they placed it in a fluid. now i didn't this see, they are literally the sense of taking the time on the 101 east meets the solomon islands suited to escape a war that ended decades to go on on hearing the facts, the more fossil fuels we burn the hot or the planet, and we'll get reporting from the correction job. i says the federal government is committed to rebuilding it with the in this generation age workers weren't directly targeted and in depth coverage. how is any of this except it is not acceptable. i'll just say it was teens across the world. when you, closer to the heart of the story, was over 27000 her wing photographs as mutually can do that to us. the evidence in this case is frankly even stronger than mass that we had against
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the nazis at nuremberg. and these crimes continued in the fast of a 2 part series out to 0 photos, powerful cases of little crimes against civilians allegedly killed by the syrian government. with photographic evidence from the seas of files, the lost souls of syria on al jazeera, the famous baffled surround tabaya and northern gauze. and between. is there any forces on palestinian, find the hello again. i'm this tells you pay and this is out of their life and also coming 7 months of war and more than $35000.00 palestinians killed and calls on israel orders of actuation in the north and in the south. these 2 people have been killed


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