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tv   Dying Earth The Final Breath  Al Jazeera  May 12, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm AST

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farmer job protesting a garage to find jobs projects. despite projections for the record to harvest this . yeah. the government is buying a suite. usually it budget is around 20 percent of the fall, much growth at a fixed price to stabilize the market and prevent hoarding this year. it's buying less than half that i'm at the google. we are compelled to protest for our rights as the government has failed to buy all week. and we are left with no other choice to burn our parties and not to cultivate again. the government reported $3400000.00 tons of weight at the end of march. industrial experts have criticized the $1000000.00 purchase thing. it came at a time when buckets done was running low on foreign exchange reserves, and ad receive short term international monetary fund, loan millions of farmers, a garage bug, this don, uh, how resting their weed crops by day, why did they may not get a good price because what they say is that mismanagement
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a weight import out in the countryside. farmers are working around the clock to finish harvesting. it's manually work and everyone helps out. it has a good coverage this year, but he's worried about supporting his family phone member to the chair for the past 6 months. we have been in the fields trying to produce a good crop this year. we even borrowed money for seeds, fertilizer, there's an additional labor. but now we're worried about how to cover these expenses. because the government failed to buy or harvest from the fees that we described supported the state run storage facilities. the fall of last year is harvest and import. the government said it's doing its best to support pharma. and even though you cannot get the good limited, but they're going to be in the government that's trying to compensate every farm and with the little they kind of because they do not have enough results to bottles that we produce them. however, to fall much complain they have to wait for weeks to say the produce. and i didn't
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rush from the way i've been waiting at the store to associate for about 15 days waiting for our turn. there is no hope, all the humiliation from the authorities, despite our hard work to earn a decent living for our children. agriculture it goes for about 20 percent of the annual g d p. many here a threatening to stop forming weak. if the government doesn't stop inputs and compensate them for all of the produce, which good have long term implications for folks, it killed a gate come on. i just need a chair to pull her up and drop programs and focused on as well. that's it for me. and associates, hey, you can always find more on our website, outta 0 dot com. i'll be back with more news for you here. often trying to stay with the one of the biggest selections of 2020 pools in the general election will administer
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no render. moody's b t p increase its route across the country. how will economic uncertainty and you've some employment suede boots as in key states and will the media be able to cover the vote, reading and fairly ongoing coverage. the, in the selections on tuesday, around the the
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funding us out, the some the, the most for me is augusta, the, when the scene between us, the indian is the going to see me. and so they, by law that they the spit that on that. and the same is cool, new beautiful kids. and i've been on my that the
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single most only to few natal 9 know me put punch here, but it wonderful. but i told them both with nor meant to mind you. you that find the best he does kicked out of my why there are moments when you can change from one state very rapidly. you to another state, and then that's called a tipping point. probably the, the one that i'm most concerned about is the amazon reinforced the, well, the carbon in those trees,
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if the trees are cut and burned for land clearing, winds up in the atmosphere at the edge of the climate pro, the, there is some of the climate models that show the climate getting not just warmer, but dryer. if it gets dryer in the tropical far as will not be able to survive there, we have to try to focus on keeping the warming a low whatever that tipping point is with the eco system changes perils. we just make the climate change problem for the is to be color city the cuteness over to you. if you put them into width, you will say there's a model for my product. it is a norm. if it gets a university that they told us, they feed us anything that you
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see in the community at the new body, the link or the muscle in the is so so we gathering and improving. so that bus desa bid or by the southern good 30 any bit the later at the same look of indeed us the they left was they left the at a would you tell you. busy busy yeah, any time they looking for the point in use and the internet and the about for the city, the specialist. busy busy the
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paternity of young to prove unity. lemme sonya come the studio to look whether there's the line you'll meet the samples that the bundle general check is the minimum, the get up password we made about mean different videos. i'm trying to figure out where to send the combined yet big sort of thing. maybe kind of move it on the in when thing it to the order on the laptop data on the equivalent on those. yes, you need you to feel a little decent in pictorial, be, and they really want the one that attends school fluency. much impact. can you give us the metaphor for you, that petroleum you'll not come in day? you will see the levels capable the animals for americans will quite thing those on
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the do people say to them, i see that i see to quicktime use quite a couple of gentle things, but i think people do have. so if the come to look up, you don't buy these move forward. it on by eas, being graceful, made the or the
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last 3 made of escape be in victoria and, and did i miss get out of the way? and the you know, stated that my son, me a little bit low, i just missed your mucho's. and the last on the driver had any they had them to say to know, i had a wonderful meeting 3030 of get the name on that, the receipt of it. and the a couple of ways said that you got a physical made and you guys to build the fence. i mean name, but still must say it or case. i mean san diego system. what is scan does. it will not be the case. i'm not sure whether it could be that the
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most of the via most i've got a lot what equal to any of the sequences i use. this is put you on muscle needle case one of the light, the total on the so startled for most of the chop data to most of the stuff must come sink what those single say single systems. this can be interested in throw that i filled up. okay. most of your mothers that are in the, the light, the by the you'll get the musky you to be the same up. what guess when i said read
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all the, it must be a mock, you know? so non boy, some was based on ok. i see him, i cannot get on a saturday and want to know the game was making a bill, is that it is best one on go see the outcome of almost a said god about of going by subcommittees. most of them was not, is by your use the we most of the, in the service the most as bound to meet on the use the b and these boys are the most of the guys that are letting me fall
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a must be so that if it goes by the end of the semester. the name of the kid is sick, but don't go head. i was here. see somebody not eat them. our system of the most of the most is going to mean nothing. the stability that stuff uh for a bundle is seen by the hour. the easiest way to steal mine. yeah. well, most likely be get almost much of the best product to that way to put that on the safe side or not who our, my chat about that so nice the, the
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and 0 say this, the, my son, the model going to is a bit dirty. the indigenous people who normally using the streams for drinking water for washing for whatever from other normal lives activities, if they were downstream, if you would of these operations now they wouldn't be contaminated. right. and depending on where they lived, they might see it in this. okay, i'm not going to drink from the stream, but if the for the, for the down, it might not be evident that the stream is now compare and containing either heavy metals or petroleum itself. or production typically it generates a lot of natural gas. at the time there was no means to handle the natural gas. if your down wind of that flame, you're now getting carbon monoxide,
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you're going to be inhaling as result of this operation. the if the very not you're getting the petroleum met, you don't not say that a mean nice to the new one. this one instead of me, that's getting us been, it's been nice to put them on is a nice just a new point. that means that i'm in that and also i'm in dallas, so my not see, not the me and looks at me, mine is a scene say goes to the living. so the direct contact with petroleum through here, border x, while the
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he's particularly in. but aside, let's see somebody at a me into my la la e this boy's the lawyer that messes loose and leave it on the door a know they're federal. yeah. what needs to be done. you gotta give it a minute. then the i n e e. somebody or me pretty mary who elizabeth douglas on it is boy's bustle is on you some of the 3 most or 3. yeah. and that was a wonderful applies to my. wow. why they don't? i mean that out. does that mean? think what rhoda, for you see or at the end of the science the
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concert in, in the village do think that you will proceed from us and that will not place you on this. this us probably just because it is to see that bit of money to admit the printer loss. bracelets. destructive use the form of unit buildings. yes. over the last company that is built into somebody. let them create is beulah is yes. somebody whose name is valencia soto somebody a little different. sort of the different don't you? if you'll didn't see the
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if i didn't know. so i need somebody to be on your list and put them on concerts because some way, i don't know why you would look at some digital must be starting from a split up, is locked into the consul just almost in fables. i'm not clinic, i see it, but you have meant it, but i can't because a good thing and feeling was committed for confirming that you know such them as well. so that meant the nothing 1st to the middle guess the i don't have to leave and i don't think the was an s one. he thought he left probing. just bit toilets that i'm assuming it was the young sand left pro, each has a must board as that goes with level. there's one that that's what he does. so this will you know what light those boesky to somebody. so you don't, both were most of it was the domain name and i bought my new one
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a day even, you know, money making money on me bone. you didn't mind. don't mind talking about how money we put in the why don't one of one of the own out on the beginning one of my maybe by going to love or not. i agree, mind the timpani avalon fail, right? the mothers, as you know, that initial cost to me of a is that includes the noise to me, so noise, that means the noise that me and the noise means the noise ex, you know, c to another phone noise located is lower on the line. you will be, do you see movie soon? but these 30 phenomenon infant that on the left. but the latest you got out from somewhere in the middle canyon. those load. i
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mean, they move heavy your medic by eating who the car to the you said that my let me see and ok. and they said that he thought he had a nice event that living the spit that now my, your medical here and the money, maybe one name or nothing that you just gave me that is to submit the doses case plan. i've sent this and that'll get getting mendera nice. so city, 30 of the elude tackled me for the management and i saw yeah, you, so why you bought the most of the people, you least have a 430 in the north lead of the look in the video complete list of things. here he
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is, this is something that are spent on see boston that ask them restore that a to it. i mean i mean the meeting and kind of being delayed the deal. so that might be good. good. ok, good through whether the stuff into a wind turbine or like 14 fuel no comp. i mean the last one you have to do, i get the black overlapped look. so it's the take. he must be the one that print the police. you can use a condition and also i will not be your links. you have to send over my visa number you. what is your case? yeah, safety c become one,
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is society. you could squeeze the paternity support. i'm looking it up to beautiful places, but does it petroleum? drop those a young? yeah. lucky you can use that for you. in proof of for you have to be sealed, deluxe customers extremists, the data loss, se not the main to say they've hired a chance that there's been gain room in us back and some of the nice by kind of how you binding to visa from the, the the who am i can speak. it's like a decent solution. i'm kind of though for the still it took a hand, but these democrats, which will be by the some of the sub c, p,
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buying out cooper for it's a good thing function. but for now, you will, can you bought it whenever you get near have, and that's on the top of the proof of who shot him. we got the digging in the forehead by me. see how far it's on the need. some piece of the boat brand, it's i think how many i have a gun and 5 pm, so i'm about to not be the the frame, the feed, the have dry cutting 9 the expense of frame. that's a counselor if i can have drying. so i think the 6 find the same, i feel i in the constraint am but the signed and again, i'm trying to cut that the cancer from august. i can't come back from a fan to cut the now the time the my feet, the funding and now the show me the children for she's, i'll try. yeah, yeah,
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the metrics, the is one of them and do we, we did the for now you logan assessing the beach and i must belittle. so if we see novel or are they from district the victorian b to b and the does, does he like to move? good evening sunbrook, he's more the company and he said he has some good bonuses. most of them are supposed to be the mentor kid. okay. is the name of my head is
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a senior trend and the thing for life. i see, but i meet the mean assume the width it, you know, maybe i said the yes. a ms bus. the john peter, john wayne massey at indian township box. joe ramos. yeah. the, as some of the men we last seen, then they'll come here for the month to come for good for me, live channels unless the most i'm offering you to spend the yes i spent on more
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convenient. ne it, by the next month, the cause of the 30th, but on this, but those are the scenarios i see permit to fact of the show is lobby. that means the, the c said grace and pictorial. is this everyone? you are the said federal funding means noise, this. federal and you assembling it and then we sort of that a choice time of the 11? no problem. okay. then right. know so 95 percent status design. yeah. a good
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disconnect. nice. those races. the table with us to get it to the, to the one with a split the the theater. most of oakland circle back from us. no book up i see in photos, possibly. that is, but i live on the vienna. it said that adam, you know that out of the in thought, that is a moment. please can see that i'm not going to give this to be the last bit or
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the our oceans are under switch. by a for rushes, fishing industry. government people are thinking of bring deep sea trolling, brack. easy off. the choices sees that go systems are going to suffer more and more with climate change and we need to adapt. now maureen, conservationists are in
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a desperate race against time. the ocean provides services for us that we require as humanity. i'll just see you as lucy is dying of the last shock. hundreds of officers closing in on the area where the students have been protesting against israel for them guys for almost 2 weeks. they also want the university to stop investing in companies. they say, profit from east wales war. some of the students tried to prevent the police from entering the university, one by one, they were arrested. the police then rated hamilton on their objective to detain. the students who had fabricated themselves inside. they broke a window and entered view of the 1st floor. candles broke out on behalf of the students were evicted from the whole. dozens were arrested. even the students that with the teens, nobody is resting. and we will not stop until columbia and columbia university is a place that inspired a movement across the united states to demand an end to the world. got how many of
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the students would have spoken to are saying that whatever happens next, the students of columbia university have already made history. the of the, the vs baffles throughout tabaya and northern gauze have between is really forces and palestinian fights is the hello. i missed all the attain. this is alger 0 life from go ha. also coming 7 months of war and more than 35000 palestinians killed in gaza. is around orders about 2 ations in the north and in the south.


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