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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 12, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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the man telling me university is a place that inspired a movement across the united states to demand an end to the world. god, how many of the students would have spoken to are saying that whatever happens next, the students of columbia university have already made history. the the vs baffles throughout tabaya and northern garza between is really forces and palestinian fights is the hello i missed all the attain. this is out of their life from the ha also coming 7 months of war and more than 35000 palestinians killed in gaza. is around orders
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about 2 ations in the north and in the south. these 9 people have been killed in russia after ukrainian striking on a residential building in the border city of belgrade. and the people are still fed trapped under the rubble food crisis. and chad, millions of people are struggling to find enough to each to use a rising price. while we begin, and garza weather as rainy. millet trays moving deeper into both northern and southern parts of the strip. these are some of the latest pictures we're getting now for me is really cause important as strikes have been targeting residential neighborhoods and comes as the you and human rights chief says, a full scale is ready. assault on rough, i cannot take place calling on all states with influence. to do more to prevent it from the south. hood begins out coverage is really forces have been ramping up
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there strikes on both northern and southern parts of the strip. let's take a closer look out to the new offensive launched in japan yet in northern gauze, after leveling, much of it during an earlier result is really troops have renewed strikes on the entire area. on saturday, these really army dropped leaflets with evacuation orders for both japan. yeah. and base here, and on sunday there's been more strikes along with fierce battles between his really forces and palestinian resistance fighters. israel's military says your bad yeah. is a dangerous combat sound and that the operation here is in order to prevent him, us from regrouping means is always the cause of its in recent weeks. we have identified the terms behind us to restore its military capabilities injured by there. and we are working to dismantle these attempts. israel's offensive in the north has forcibly displaced tens of thousands of palestinians who were already
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pushed out of other parts of gone some, as well deserves honest. all sharif has been to a residential area and jamalia that was hit in just one of the many is rarely strikes photographers moving garza highly. yes. this is really air. so right up or all should missiles was fired. truffles lying around. another project missiles followed in the same area. the series of airstrikes is carried out by israeli war, plains, targeting residential homes on elsie corrode, and jamalia refugee camp. as a result, a number of homes were leveled. a paramedic was injured in the attack. as we speak, other paramedics are coming here to search for survivors and recover victims bodies . so let me know, hopefully you've done. however, this task is fraught with danger. that is really war. planes are still attacking this part of devalue a refugee camp. this
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is the 3rd wave of air strikes, targeting the same area is really worth playing. sparring on journalists, paramedics and civil defense teams, helping victims from the 1st to attack. the show this is i'll take a road east of devali refugee camp as we speak. a 4th attack is unfolding on their non stop is rarely strikes on residential homes. dozens of civilians were killed, paramedics and civil defense members as well. these really have been carpet bombing this area for hours. the i think i'm glad to squeeze it this way. the air strikes on homes and your value refugee camp had been taking place continuously since the morning is really worth plaintive and pounding various parts of the cap, even as we speak. these are the air strikes, continue, albany. i mean, i don't the study of the terminal no color is also in jamalia and he sent us the something the overall situation here,
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nothing does that remains get as the fix as the forces the station behind they are what's called a street which, which is considered in the center of nevada can and these are the forces also use microphones in order to evacuate civilians who are living in that area develop shooting and they are forcing people to evacuate under the ongoing, functioning in that area so far. come as one who has pretend, receives about 6 people have been killed by those very forces and about 25. got injured or we can be trial correspondent, honey must want. he's on the ground for us and daryl bella, which is in central garza. he joins us now from outside the outbox the hospital. honey, i believe we're now getting reports of is really ground troops around jamalia. what do we know right now?
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yes. well, so far as i, as we are getting back the internet connection, we're learning more about the, or the northern part has been going through as well as the, the southern part of the strip. that's been the rough i city that has been under military an area boulevard. been since early hours of this morning, almost none and stuff. but in jamalia, there's really military pushing more of ground forces on the uh, the deeper part of, of the valley, a refugee camp. that's all of the central part of the, about the itself under here, the coverage of aerial attacks, the presence of surveillance of drones and a taco drones. but what's really it tragic right now is people who are in order to evacuated from this particular area, there 1000 of them are where inside these ha, evacuation centers set up by a on or what that's the united nations were policy rectors. you did turn their schools facility in to show there is any evacuation zones for displays.
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palestinians are not only from developed but from other parts of the northern part of the city. right now. the arts leading the area and there is a clear and, and going on sort, tentative work to go because from past 60 and they were pushed from one area to another and ended up in areas that work. he really been bombed by these really military, but right now, there's really monetary is conducting the campaign of control. systematic control, demolition health surrounding residential homes of div evacuation centers almost a clearing. the area from any of the remaining is standing building. it's important to remind our viewers, javante has been targeted repeatedly since the initial weeks of this genocide, the award destroying the vast majority of its infrastructure and residential buildings and public facilities that that doesn't have any, any, any of the hospitals or any, any schools left, right now and the most,
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the vast majority of homes either completely destroys or severely damaged. there's also the risk right now that the bombing campaign will continue and will expand to reach part of bit lot. yeah. city. and that's work about one hospital that within the past few weeks, we're trying to get back on track. and it provides basic medical services for people who are still in the area. but with the ongoing bombing campaign, this is the hospital will eventually be forced to shut down or be pushed out of service one more time. meanwhile, is really military continue to the air strikes and continue to issue more. evacuation orders for people in rough, i city, and what we're hearing right now, the bombing campaigns is reaching to further western part of the city of the vicinity of the kuwaiti hospital and all other field hospitals in there that we were forced to go further. uh, western part of the city. uh, this is really monetary. i did made phone calls today to uh,
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to journalists who are still at the vicinity of the kuwaiti hospital and sharply ordered them to evacuated immediately and leave their yeah, an indication that these really manager does not want to see or does not want to have anyone remaining in there to document what's going to happen is also a red flag for the possible atrocities that will be can be committed by this really military. honeywell for just bear with the very latest, for us, from porting from daryl bella in the central part of the goal is to strip. thank you, honey. we'll see you as human rights g volk attack has expressed his concern about the intensifying as strikes as well as, as well as puns for a full scale assault on roughly i've repeatedly expressed my alarm about the catastrophic impact of a possible full scale defensive on rough uh, including the possibility of uh, the atrocity crimes. i can see no way that the latest evacuation orders much less a full assault in an area with an extremely dense presence of civilians can be
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reconciled with the binding requirements of international but it territorial in with the 2 sets of binding provisional measures, followed by the international court of justice all in the united states, the secretary of state has been speaking about israel's increased minutes, react to the t in gaza. we can now speak to mike, kind of, he's been following this for us in washington dc. so mike, is we were saying earlier on me blinking did some of those the talk show around what was even saying to yes, the to the secretary of state also defending these reports written by his department of concerning is wells activities in gaza? essentially, the department state department found that although it was reasonable to assume that israel was contributing the international humanitarian laws, it was not sufficient evidence to stop on supplies to israel. so this was
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a controversial report as being criticized in many sectors. so the secretary of state appearing on several television talk shows to explain the administration's decision, but he also answered some questions about what president biden was referring to when he referred to a red line with regard to as well. the president at that stage saying that and his really operation in gaza without ensuring the safety of civilians would be a red line for his administration. this is what the secretary of state had to say about this matter. first, we have been holding back and were an active conversations with his real about the provision of heavy or high pillows, weapons of large bombs because of the concern that we have about the effect these weapons can have when they're using a dense urban environment like profit we're discussing that with his real right now . second with the president said, is that if israel goes in with a major military operation, rasa, in that case,
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there are certain systems that we will not provide is real. that would aid aid that, that effort because it's something that we do not want to be part of given the damage that it would do to civilians. and again, not to achieve a durable, lasting effect, the results for israel and for security. that's what the president said. we said that in conversations with our is really partners, is that a single shipment of 2000 pound bonds is still on hold pending for the review by the state department. but the other shipments going ahead as scheduled, like kinda the with the very latest for us from washington dc. thank you, mike. well, egypt government has announced it will now support the lawsuit, filed by south africa, the international court of justice accusing israel of genocide. and egypt and ministry of foreign affairs said in lights of the increasing severity and scope is rarely aggressions against palestinian civilians and the gaza strip. we call on
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israel to comply with its obligations as the occupying power and its implementation of the interim measures issued by the international court of justice. we renew, i'll call on the security council and the influential international parties to immediately move to a safe spot in the gaza strip. well, that springing out of there as senior, political, unless small and the shorter, he joins us again and under hoss judy or mon, what's finally now pushed cairo over the line. this couple of things. the last few days of the disagreement over is there as and vision of what i thought was a major one. that junctions have voiced their rejection to such a move on a number of occasions, of course, supported by the united states. and there was a meeting between the heads of the army, they had some intelligence of both. is there a need jumped in the junctions, have it once again voiced at rejection, but these are just getting back to the communication broadcast of anything saying that they all go inside going and sort off. the other thing was basically,
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is there is attempt at or doing the negotiations over the exchange of captives and prisoners entitled i think both situations and the potential for a major disaster. but out of it off i pushed the injections to pick up the i c j issue. well, they've obviously been came mediators in adults. and obviously when you look at the, the, the geographical and strategic location of egypt, obviously incredibly important. is there going to be a potential impact on either of those things given the students that car is now taking? you know, i think you had done is really a guest here earlier. who said that this was a major diplomatic blow does. right? it's a major blow to is there are, there is no dot feature is not just the mediator. it's actually a israel is greatest aspect in the region if you it, in the sense that it's, it has had more than 40 years. uh, 45 years of, of
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a peace agreement and they, they junctions have, in fact, respect to this on know, that protected it. and they have been partners for those are in the siege of causal . because if, if it just opened the board there's, we wouldn't have had central guys anyway. so there's just a very important partners for is around the united states and the fact that is there a way that egypt would take such a step. it's bottom part of the of i gathering store and i would say, you know, that best 2 or 3 months we've seen nothing. yeah. or is there as luck running out since the south africa file that motioned back in january. and since we've had the debate, di, c, j in february, and then we had the verdict of a proposal to genocide, we're going to look into it. i think is there, as luck has changed, i think now it's will come anything an age even even age. right?
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joining south africa, i guess is, or that i see what you're suggesting. this was also a message from cairo to, to washington. i'm wondering, with international diplomacy is now broadly standing on this, you say, gathering store. but we don't seem to be hearing very different things from lincoln . well, you know, i think we school, i think i thought we agreed about blinking, blinking sees everything red, orange, and everything was green and he's going to continue to defend support. and just if i is there as well crimes until the end of the times, right, and then it goes not dish, but i mean to your question, which i think it's really key question biden's fear all along since again, since february has been that the united states and israel or losing the world now that will be out of government because they have long lost the out of world. they were losing the, i'd appreciate it because that everything's, we're trying their best to just, you know, get a loan for the time being. and is there a the feed time also they can join in some kind of a,
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a fax. i'm every kinda right. but is there as war crimes? is there a sphere, the o, as in god? so how much of success is at coordinating these relatives and at every possible corner, the fact that this is taking too long, the fact that it is rather than an america standing of the world are declining the big, big way. the fact it's on the coming embarrassing for i'm going to be at a bridge games, including for the likes of presidency. see the fact that even though you're not as out of it, but it's now speaks for that a big, i think, united nation has, you know, in favor of is that info or follow stein, you know, becoming some sort of a more privileged member. if you with what these rate is calling everyone, i don't know, i can't use those words. but anyway, but basically insulting everyone including the moratti's. so want to know is that is becoming isolated. the united states is becoming isolated. nothing y'all is lock is running out. i think it just shows are saying, you know, what, why are we hanging out with these losers? the strong, the south africans from the shower. great to get your thoughts. thanks for joining
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us. again. we're all still ahead here on out to 0. version is currently underway in spain's catalonia region in a pole that will test the strength of the separatist movement and the popularity of the national company. the in depth analysis of the days headlines if that was a rough or offensive. where would the people go? people have no place to give each one of 1000 people has to be displaced at least 2 times frank assessments. this is a mass and blow to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions. you can be somebody that says i'm one of the hostages. october, 7th, and return, and i want the killing god to stop the inside story on al jazeera, this is took, took years, the 1st country in the world to develop a comprehensive, sustainable tourism program. partnership with the global,
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sustainable tourism comes this country home. small beauty is that just looks like beaches, historical and cultural view, rivelo rich and michelin, green star, restaurants come and discover the natural, historical, and cultural beauties the challenges the or with the the
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welcome back to watching out a 0. and let's remind you about top stories this allen. these really all me is carrying out intensive strikes and that jamalia refugee attempt in northern gaza says it wants to prevent from us fighters from regrouping hundreds of people clearing the area. meanwhile, is really peyton's also bombing, rasa, and southern gaza view. an agency for palestinian refugees says some 300000 palestinians have set divided into you and human rights chief is asking all countries to prevent a full scale assault on the area, the ukraine. it says it's moved full 1000 people to safety and the call key region of the heavy fighting that video showed emergency workers as you see them moving people near the border. russian forces say they've now occupied 9 villages as they advanced father into the area. the reading and president says fis baffles with taking place and 7 villages on saturday. well,
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let's go straight to cuba and speak to a correspondent badge on home. and john, even telling us about this new russian defensive for a couple of days now? how far have they made it across blackboard, on what president followed him? is the landscape just given his address and he didn't talk about how far like the thoughts to gravity. it's a few kilometers, but as you were mentioning that the russians have said that they've taken a 9 villages. ukraine differs from that and says that 7 villages. so i saw a being full. i that the, that still an a box on the uh, the crating government out of that region the, the, the region is set on the. busy state was that not to meet, so with b. s. c did it to the russians, but it was interesting. what president below them is lensky said. he said this is still the main area in which we're putting our attention. but actually the strongest fighting is happening. service south in the next creeds and where there's
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been the to come back, crashes. and he said that this really this from that's been established now by russia in the northeast, in the hockey region. a part of it is no time to stretch uh, full season. i think a lot of middle travelers would agree that that's definitely part of discretion. defense is the fact that the crime in line now is stretch really paper stating impulse. they are out guns, they are outlined already on parts of the front line and they would that way, the full this new offensive. so they're going to be wondering where to put this. so just now, to plug all of the holes that they have to plug a little, not more than 1000 kilometers the front line on hold on that with a very nice hist for us from the canyon capital. thank you, john. well, on the russian side of the border, ukrainian miss all attack has killed at least 9 people in the city of belgrade. parts of an apartment block collapsed a few hours off to the blast. we understand. 2 children are long at least 19 others
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wounded. joseph giovanni has more from oscar, a. this is the moment a ukrainian missile hit, an apartment complex in the russian city of belgrade. the attack took place on sunday morning, destroy most of the 3 buildings in the compound rescue workers search for survivors under the russell and said, well that's what we'll get. everything started sign a window. so can we do that with 10 floors in the building? i live on the 7th floor. my husband was sleeping in the bedroom, his head and face the injured. everything collapsed in one second. we didn't have time to do anything. more than a dozen people were taken to hospitals. seems like these are becoming common in this region. since december, ukrainian forces have been stepping up their tax on belgrade which borders har, keeps us or to something forced to capital state events. an issue, regular evacuation orders because of the drone and missile strikes. the russian
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foreign ministry spokeswoman maria as a haro boss, says this attack is the latest bloody work in a series of crimes by cubes. she's accused ukrainian forces, a violating international law on the new, pushed by the russian military in ukraine. second largest city of park. he comes after it declared full control of the city of updates. caught a gateway to don. yes, in the don't boss region. in late february, the increase in attacks on belgrade is seen as a result of the intense bottles across the border and the car key. as far as the russian military seems determined to continue regardless of the costs, well civilians pay the price. stores is a very l 20. moscow losing will be closing very shortly in cash to learn in span the governing step with this policy. cool. the pull that off to parliament failed to pass the regions budget. the results could reignite debates about cash, land independence, and even potentially the stability of the national government. 6 years ago you
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might recall the region how a referendum to break away from spain. avoid that madrid did not recognize millions of people in chad struggling to find enough to eat because of high food prices. climate change as well as rising energy costs have paid a role in creating this crisis. chat is results rich, but it's still one of the poorest countries in the world. out of there is i'm gonna address reports from the capital 100 mean food in chad has become so expensive that families are forced direction. what they eat in markets across the capital produce is plenty, but buyers. i'm not how are them keep here to see what she could afford? the full $36.00 us cents would buy you 2 cups of beans, but now that are and you get to one cause. she says that family must decide between eating to amuse or buying less nutritious for a trader. say that on to play the we buy some farm is s a high
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price at to that the cost of transportation because of bad roads. and rising energy costs for prizes was sharply here in charge when neighboring nigeria, restricted export other practices like high fuel costs, climate change on the presence of more than 600000. so that is intensified of what little pool is about. the united nations agency save the situation is desperate. we have already 2000000 people in job shop jobs. people on the tv on nutrition. it's uh, i think the failed force times in the last decade that we have such, such an issue with food insecurity. the next 3 months, which 8 organizations describe us the lean months. i expect it to be the most difficult for people and chub, dependent on food assistance. how many degrees i would use either
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hundreds of protesters have gathered in the trinity and capital to them on the new presidential elections. the cooling out president guy assign you to his crack down on janice activists and opposition and figures. this protest comes in it a wave of arrest, appearing to target political appointments. on saturday, opponent luann noticed a criticism as the government was arrested during a live news broadcast. hi, site took office back in 2019 but 2 years later that sees additional powers of steps that the opposition called a crew people in northern afghanistan, all bearing that dead off to flash floods killed at least 315 people. emergency teams are still struggling to reach the west effected areas with bridges and roads destroyed. thousands of homes have also been damaged or destroyed, and valuable livestock washed away. the charge he save the children has worn to that. i've got a stone is one of the hardest took nations by climate change. while that's it for
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maintenance. dante, you can always find more on alpha 0. don't come next inside story takes a look at the 1st column entry elections for indian administer the cash man by the rolling beach. i p. paul t is not taking costs to stay with us. i'll have a news out for you after that the, the hello, the web has quietened down the ice, the now across the good parts of the arabian peninsula. still a few showers for the east end of kind of stop it. these are retreating, some whatsoever, clipping the final so focused on pushing you to the north, west of indiana, west to lead disturbance. so where to where the following on behind just around the cool cuz he's pushing it to northern parts of iran as we go on into what choose the
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from the westwood, the just moving across the far north of iraq. but across the right, replace the it is drive warm and sunny. i say, well, we could test the united celsius here in dough home choose. they often knew what was sunshine being erased by the cloud and the rain pushing across that east. the side of the mediterranean, some shop shop for a time, all the way down into lebanon might catch a shower to all the way down into garza. but this will dry up. what's the weather isn't over towards the cold because he is once again as a side of course the pulse of africa. it is generally dry, some showers the pushing up. it's between 5. so maybe in the fall south of molly. so the seasonal rice didn't quite nicely the west to weather will be around cameroon, good ball and seeing some live the showers over the next couple of days. few shows the for the east, the side of the south africa, but las, you dry now. i can't hear of the
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palestinians who were expelled from their nuns in the neck of 1948 still don't have the rights of return today is that the land was extorted and settlements were built . 20 houses 0 worlds, goes back with young, good old palestinians to re discover their ancestral homes. why doesn't my grandparents stay here? why aren't i here? return to palestine on al jazeera, the election excitement in india and administer of kashmir. the 1st paula mentoring, both since its special status was revised. but any of the governing policy isn't contesting a number of key seats the why is to be taping skipping these poles. this is inside story, the
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hello and welcome to the program. i'm nora kyle though to is going to the polls in indian administered cash ma'am as the 1st problem.


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