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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  May 12, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm AST

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above 1948 still don't have the rights of return today is that the land was extorted and settlements were built. 20 houses 0 worlds, goes back with the young, good old palestinians to re discover their ancestral homes. why doesn't my grand parents stay here? why aren't i here? return to palestine on al jazeera, the election excitement in india and administered kashmir. the 1st paula mentoring vote since its special status was revived. but any of the governing policy isn't contesting a number of key seats? the why is the b j. p skipping these poles. this is inside story the
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other than welcome to the program. i'm nor a kyle voters are going to the polls in indian, administered cache man as the 1st paul them entry elections that surrender moody's government cancel the regions partial autonomy in 2019. and for the 1st time in years people i'm not boy crossing the votes. the prime minister says, repeating caution is special status has health integrated with the rest of the country. he also says it's bolt piece and development of the decades of separate as violence. why then has moody's policy not nominate to the kinds of that the contests, the 3 seats and the muslim majority range, and we'll put this question unable to august and just a moment. but 1st, this report by cateel depends how the general elections are highlighting the political tensions in indian and administered kashmir. it's been on edge for years . a decades long uprising against indian rule has killed tens of thousands of people this year for the 1st time since to 1996. the governing beach,
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a piece or by the jonathan party, has not fielded a candidate in the muslim majority regent. india, and administered kashmir. has traditionally bully called at elections following calls from separate test, but opposition candidate for he would recommend puerto wants to change that. this election dining point renting no did and go and does a huge vacuum of 56 us. and this is, this will be an expression, people to vote with their feet come out and you know, express themselves. some analysts say the beach, i didn't nominate a candidate to avoid public defeat and political backlash. they are skeptical them sense and be a scared of piping electrostatic. medias addressed to dom up exploration. is that extra of the things do not get reported as they used to get? so it is not a month to, to maybe not a month see up and whatever it is, not, not
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a month see, i'll pick them up in our system until 2019 indians administered kashmir, enjoyed a special status with a separate constitution after it was removed. general and kashmir was divided into 2 federal the ruled areas was broad under the direct control of new delhi. they used always give ordering it. we will vote with the hard that there is prosperity in kashmir every now and in things get out of hand. we don't want the situation to too bad or violent. motors are despite recent sporadic violence, the b j. p points to the relative stability and peace under the leadership of prime ministers and around promoting. there have been signs of economic growth and a decrease and separates as violence, but voters in india that administer kashmir, say it's cost them their autonomy. patsy a little bit. so again, how does 0 for insight story?
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well that's bringing, i guess now, and from sure to go north. my buy is a retard political science professor at the university of kashmir, whose research focuses on indiana minutes of kashmir and south asian affairs from john moves. and they'll set the as a spokesman for the governing b, j. b, in general of cash man. as in new delhi, bought a coma, an offer on the academic and 2010. she was one of 3 government appointed members of a panel representing the views of cash, married society to india's cabinet committee on security. if i would welcome to all of you. so the 1st of all this ask you why would be a p is not contesting these 3 seats and cache map see, in order to understand what's needed, it doesn't. we have to understand the problem of which means one card of cash mudy is under the illegal completion of august on and what last more than 75 years august by me is finding proxy, why be the india they are supporting tourism. so new tourism through engines did or
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can you think the truck can park, isn't that by deep and it's and you should have done by the agents and was farmed in 1951. we're the only move to the district. we've run india. there should be no separate constitution, different windows, except especially the status to any state. but for, for 60 years. after 60 years, we achieved onto it before it goes to the 19 body. the moving arctic are $370.00 and for the integrating cash read with india visa directions which are being turned off at 2019. for the 1st time for 5 minutes, i didn't talk to you because it, nobody was nation is more important than having fuel seats from do it or do it or forming the government. this is a huge, better for you, the fight in the which is being forwarded to catch me. product isn't the party who is digging. they've gone shows and started the season. that pretty reluctant is the
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positive injection from team 5 movement tree goes through trends induction. we don't, we have large abuse of well goes and gets muted, running into next. it doesn't look to the workers about isn't that part in this g cost agencies? they wouldn't be running into more than $5.00 back. okay. we have, well, what about for dis? thank you. so now let's just get a reaction to that. first of all, that i can turn to no, i meant valuable in showing a go. so they'll set the space on the government, the g p. the says that the nation of india is more important at this stage of relations between new delhi and in jim is a cash man. but on the beach i p winning a few things precinct says up for grabs in cash man. what do you make of that? so it's very difficult for us to understand here. here, let me give you some folks from giving notes on understanding of it. but what a comment about some of you have
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a concern often having in the residential market on the changing girl for you to go to the audio and get you a big be a not conducting direct them directly and say that don't understand the meaning of what is your social beer cuz people will how dare to one understanding of it by lot of people can possibly be confident enough to election. you've got to the doctor and the daughter exploded itself to the wonder what audio sure. what the response in this condition. uh so the system said this before we get to read this before bringing brothers one's little to respond to that because it's a 5 point, isn't it? but we have got the b, j. p. contesting and john moving him, do don't many to tell me where you are, but not a muslim majority. kashmir. why is that? that is a bit on statement because we are fighting and getting uh so we are fighting on the
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seats. we have, we may not be having the video, realistic tons of renting because the electric one is not for winning and losing only they've got these other decisions which are bigger in the interest of the nation is that morning button for us reading seats is not the only criteria and 2 months of 3 months down the line that would be in addition to the assembly of the union turner to the bucket. and 3rd party wouldn't be testing all the seats offer simply including all the suits and catch me around. so you're not afraid of elections. there does not define my friend was saying was up to date on this is this started this season, which was digging in the interest of the nation. ok. well, i'm sorry. what's the address of the nation does best bring to see this is a this is a fine. yeah. there is a fight between the forces which are supporting the separatism. what, what would have been digging the technical support from separate this to anybody think that he meant those? are the persons with contesting that national congress ought to be mended?
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and then there are forces were uh, taking the initial listing and gender fall would be one that there should be a conscious effort know from the catch me that they should come forward and defeat the forces of separatism for all the things to go. okay, well that's bringing you at this point. so i always have a surprise was at festival to his beach. i was not going to contest this part because we did see the outcome. the secondary, the local members of the policy was going don't to don't campaigning up until the announcement up actually i didn't expect them to contest because it's fairly clear that they would use and they would prefer not to be seen to lose. and i think that if there's any strategic elements involved in this decision than that is government, but they don't want to be seen to lose all the seats in the questionnaire valley
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and the other arguments i failed to see on together. i don't see how some kind of quiet egypt the support for break away parties like the me body is going to necessarily help or is a strategic decision if, if the gentleman is saying that they want to fit one lot of cushioning areas against another lot of cushion movies. i'm sorry, that is hardly a strategy. and i couldn't say to that to be not only truly, but actually raw the found at the moment. where, ironically enough, we are going to see perhaps one of the higher donalds ever in the session is that in this election. and it's wonderfully ironic because in the rest of india, this has been quite a lot lost the election campaign. as the almost every analyst has concluded, okay, in the valley,
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this is not lackluster to know. perhaps you can focus in on why cache marys also interested in this particular phase. when in previous folks i've always been cold, simply costs are yes, that mode completely different particular context. another possibility for a beer, but how not so hard. uh, uh, so i, i left the window defender to move for an actual, uh, sub pump national level. are, are in the airport department, go back a little bit. uh, but should uh, people are expressing discharge this time because they want to look for the uh, they want to watch the people on your part of the presentation in garcia that has logged into the river in the connecticut to the golden cache. me, it is how much hard i need to put a vendor do me some general quantity one cuz me does not cover when the doctor did
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not have a discount to prevent it all well, got a presentation on last few years. but this time i think people are and just dr. parts good. i'm do did x pressure to do that because it doesn't do showing dental do, but you're pointing to in just so i and just send it to them. okay. send it will set the time is run domady visited this region in law. so that was his 1st visit since 2019 i put it to you, but perhaps that didn't go as well as he expected. and that please, in to his decision on the beach, a piece decision not to run in the cash. smith elections. you know, that is up. so do, do funds run the prime minister. visited catch me the stadium near the program about certain was jam packed. and there were more than one that close. i'm just what in attendance in different districts of catch me,
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which was fine. but if you do a conference that is actually complete on motion, the response was response was i would rather make even more than what people have taught in catch me. but until then, after due to the 19 1st thing, but i'm just there visiting it and just meet the people who are on pumped up. you'll see what is the crown the other day in guest meet after due to the 19 present data is most on parenting. the violence has come down to minimum the people that live stream and good confidentiality of the tourist are coming in next in guest. know everybody is happy this, this election is also be part of the issue of the development. the, i don't get to get to the moment, let me just bring it in, right. the, i'm not knows it's fast point, isn't it? that bothers have lessened in kashmir since 2019 um, it's so difficult for him to prove either way is a think. you know,
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if you look at the see goes suddenly stone, 3rd thing is, is down to or. ready 0 me back, if you look at a 10 to the die, then you are not going to see a great decline. the i'm, i'm very mind that goes new again, has a much higher security presence then it has fads in the 10 years of these process earlier. so my argument would be that it's, you want to actually judge balance score. you have to also look at whether your need for security presence is low or no. that is the best test of whether you are moving to which piece. and if you apply doctors, then you will see that it was only in the years off. 2004 to about 12 that you had a really sharp,
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significant decline in violence. it then went off. when you had the b, j, p, p, d, p, coalition government in, in the smooth. and you have to be just yet the center of violence actually increased in 201720161718. and so when we talk about it being law, uh, quite often the feature be spokespeople are using the c goods for the use of 201617 . and 18. okay. all right, let's, let's, so the respondents of that, because that is why the says customer is one of the wells most heavily. i'm going to try zone if the level of violence has come down, why does it remain? so a r c, when we talk about the declining data resume, i don't know from the figures are being taken by it. mr. i back on my chief has to come. be sure, you know, good to change in get should be you have to come to so you're not going to see the
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change in the values of the people they are mentioning says that the tax on security forces, i'm not decline is not the figure. it's, it is, it is almost gone. it doesn't make any money. now, it is not the same situation and we're not talking about drug and $1617.00, we are talking about the situations often 1990. there is a see change in cash. we know crush me. it is, you have not money for me yesterday. there was a big demonstration in progress, but unoccupied. trust me, the people there to want to drive in india. why are the people there wanting to join india because they are for the bridge, the less bringing north to get his stuff is new on this particular point? no, i can read the right. it says that the figures of levels of bon is coming from the home ministry. what is the security threat that in kashmir today
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say was data, how big the incidence of all measured while understood, and you will know either one or no but but the question is like the lodge done, you have tenants by the sword not above the distribution of stair toward him, you weren't got speech without help with the people all across the region that aspire to part are scared toward o for part issue for the 2 part. that is, you don't what i wanted to how i could go on then direction was in looking at somebody a doctor, adults are not happy as long as they would be that they do not because need someone to declare this has been that it's not really integrated for it on the part one days to call. but i'm, i'm, i'm, i kind of just lost the right time. did the bones that people have even more
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strongly, guys all the time. you're mostly heavy with the changes. i'm the grandpa border because they have an instrument, don't even use them, but you do what they come to the same thing and hopefully this, this is all for him to be qualified. what type of business is it? the roger is we want to talk about the elections because so neil bruce is all pallet. he said that within 2 to 3 months that would be we to know elections, assembly elections in time of cash. man moody has promised to restore state hood. yeah. these elections have been delay several times before. do you believe the beach i pay when they say they will allow reso elections within the next few months? when let people do it this way? this is the order by the supreme court. the supreme court of it. yeah,
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had said that elections have to be held before the end of september. and by the way, in the supreme porch, the solicitor general law of india argued on behalf of obviously the union as well as the state administration. that the security situation was such that they could not restore state could. so, you know, on the one hand, in the supreme called, they're arguing, security is bad. and uh, on the other hand, in the public domain, they're arguing that they have achieved the gray. d one is, you know, attempted to say, please make up your mind and please release the pop up. he goes to show one way or another. because if you have misled the supreme court, the supreme court is extremely clear in saying that they are only accepting the union administration argument of a delay of state to the on the grounds of security. or that was the only ground that they were accepting it on. and they have said that they owe, therefore,
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that as soon as the elections are held, the state assembly is election which have to be before the end of september. they are hoping that states would, would be restored very soon off. so now your question will be, did the follow through on what the board has directed them to do? i can only hope that they will, it will be cried calling to defy an order of the supreme court as one hopes that they won't find the other ways around. but we don't know what will happen until the new parliament is in place. okay, your normal picture, i saw the problem and then the inside story down the line. so notice that the i want to bring a few is back to the food that's going to be taking place. so over the next few days, how free i'm fat is this both going to be that in the region because we've seen restrictions on media. on freedom of expression al jazeera actually has not being
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drawn to v vi's as to cover the election within the country. so can people trust that this vote is going to be free and fast? and there is a 100 person guarantee that the addictions would be fair and don't forget addictions. there is no restriction, some of the media and media is defaulting each day. the media is the 14 or against the government. you're not stopping them, be anybody can come and see that is i don't think there is any indication of even complaint from anybody, much less from i'm so you know the addictions would not be fit if you were given contesting. you would have been saying this thing to me that the selection is unfair because because if he wants to win this means um, by other means we have marked in the free. but you're going to ensure that the addictions will be held for you in fair number one, number 2, assembly elections. this will bring board said that the addictions would be headed in friday, september, and be stand by 8. but the addictions will be here to the assembly by september end,
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and that would be a government often want to just read off the people of germans this week, which would be due be elected. the 4th turn of a retirement, the union due to the, to the state as it was before the, to the 19 is obviously coming spring, which has been made by the central government and up sort of the 5 new mentoring. but the, so think order for india onto the seat situations, not been c. n situation turning around. these are 2 different things that would be addiction. so for assembly of union did her duty, there is no doubt about that. after the union took her to the elections and the governments would be found in the union dinner to be done, this isn't going to be taken for formation of us, of the state from the union donor to the i don't think that will be on, on do it in that also. okay. nora let festival, although any complaints from within the region and the way the elections have been carried out in the run up to them and the way they all set to be carried out in the next few days. you know,
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i think the other certainly would be if you had heard it this time and for different parties not to participate in, one of the zip is not but spending in direct them further. but kids, the more most, almost all the most part people participating in the election. i don't think that has been completed on data, but oh, so what else? uh we, we loved to the intern barge and actually let you know, i don't, i think uh next time with this type of people that will work the parts they do not have that number. don't be on to the post. and when do you do? i mean, they are going to be p and p, and i like them. okay. all right, let's pick up on some of those of a point where it says that you have a cash minute the, the reason will be restored it statehood to the situation before 2019 it raises the question why the government repealed also cool. $370.00, which case significant autonomy to the engine admittance of cost me a reason why it repealed it in the 1st place. yeah,
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i don't think that the uh, any arguments that are given on the basis of the situation or to go she need to on to watch your actual to the tune system please. that the b, j, b and the resources before them, the jun song before that, the mazda by, i'm so i'm on opposed article the 370. so it's been a long standing feature if he demands that it should be road back when the at the movie administration had its 2nd done with a very large majority, they search that they put a roll it back. it's as simple as that. now the way that they do that, we are all aware of what they did. they, uh, they imposed and knocked out. and on the stage they arrested more than $5000.00 political leaders. they, uh, and i had talked to, they had the,
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the longest internet shut down in history. all of this, we know that these were the message that were used for road by august through 317, a. so now, what does movie do about cache man? c, v will complete, easy engage me if we want the people of course me to new really and there should be no debt or there should be no separatism because of why this is a mistake. it involves the 19 was out of town. so for this reason, reason for creating the freedom to separatism, interest me off to because and 19 there is a complete integration of government just rebooted. yeah, i don't think that stage is going to turn back right. it is little party to be engaged meeting, which is talking to a more practical $370.00. these are these people in okay,
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uh well having a bit of trouble with your line, but let's just put in nor i forget to pick up on that point. is anyone talking about 370? i mean, singles rises, that is not being part of any election campaign. what the cache mary's want for the future of the people who may not be talking billboards of logical vs up through the process to get the work done. so i wanted to double door, local participation, and local guns and all that locally. i'd like to comment about that are all across the street, even though we just bought them the 1st one. you might catch mr. joel on the dock and catch me that there is a aspirational part you got to do is to godaddy all online. a good deal for jobs dot my it beautiful out of the year. so if you had to, the doctor is gonna be sent to uh, debit. or how do we already bought it from uh, what people would want to get scanned over to sydney about okay. the drawers. oh
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gosh, the people are very trying to do on our did get presented beacon data, how to raise the i think the local governments are going to take up this issue and then the forward and wondering about present the electronic part is the district from the region oh, several of them on the go. these 2 are good. okay, because we will have to leave all the discussion today. i'll be very interesting to see the outcome of this version then shall we be revisiting this very interesting issue in the future here on inside story many thanks to our guests today. northwood bob, us and we'll set the and rod that come and thank you to for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting a website that's out, is there a dot com, a valid discussion to you guys? well, facebook page that's facebook dot com forward slash ha inside story. you could also during the conversation on x, a homeless as a inside story from me, nor kyle,
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and the whole team here. bye for now. the in the solomon islands, the deadly legacy of world war 2, remain on the lounge. why is placed it in a fluid? now i do this. they are literally the sense of taking the time on 101 east meets the solomon islands some time to escape a war that ended decades ago on, on jersey of the, investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe on alger sierra, a meeting of minds the tragedy from me, of a democratic solve africa, or if it's how quickly we sort of done that, the story told re global, know the intertwining of money and politics campaigner andrew fine state and photographer shock you do on, on active is on the crisis and gone,
8:59 pm
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9:00 pm
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for their lives. you and says over 300000 people have been forced to move. so least 8 people have been killed in russia, off the ukrainian strike on a residential building in the board. a city of belgrade more people are fed trapped


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