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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 12, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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facing strong resistance from the powerful farm lobby in congress to this same bill, expand the fight from their villages to the countries court rooms and electing their own politicians to save their lives. the the spot so sorry to bother you. and northern guys between is writing forces in palestinian sizes. the bulk of this is i'll just say we're life and don't also coming up 7 months of was moving 35000 palestinians killed in costs. i just have thousands of on the move
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ukrainian missile strikes or residential building in the russian for the town of belgrade police, a people are killed and polls have officially closed in spain. catalonia region will be live from boston load. the thanks for joining us. these are the military is expanding, it's offensive across, cause i'm losing thousands of people off to move. in 7 months of boil, the processing your desktop is now past 35000. the international press of that pressure is failed to deter israel from pressing ahead with his full scale offensive and rougher and further north. in july, to julia out a got reports losing deeper into northern and southern cause to these really military has re entered the densely populated city of depaula in the north. it says the new offensive is to prevent
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a must from reestablish and gets capabilities that the 40 bucks piling up or offices in, in the, you know, my what, what do they want from us? they're telling us they're not children showing them what can we do? we are staying on the streets. we're being smoke took water that they, it is ro deposit soldiers back into the north. it's a tax in the south are intensifying by the hour. more than $35000.00 palestinians have been killed since october and does really forces arranging closer towards a full scale assault and rough uh, an offense of the un human rights to this cannot take place. i can see no way that the latest evacuation orders much less. the full assault in an area with an extremely dense presence of civilians can be reconciled with the binding requirements of international. but it's angel in with the 2 sets of finding
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provisional measures, ordered by the international court of justice. many palestinians it'd be forced to be displaced once again. i'm told to go to an area is role is cooling humanitarians, zone. but agencies say the only thing waiting for them is a lot of shelter. sanitation will to, and food, judy vega, i'll just 0. well i'll just there is, and i saw sharif was the when one of the attacks hit a residential area in your body and this is report yes, this is really air. so right upper all should missiles aspire to traffic, those flying around another project missiles followed in the same area. the series of airstrikes is carried out by israeli war, plains, targeting residential homes on elsie corrode, and jamalia, a refugee camp. as a result, a number of homes were leveled. a paramedic was injured in the attack as we speak
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other paramedics are coming here to search for survivors, recovered victims, body and so, you know, hopefully you've done. however, this task is fraught with danger and he's really war. planes are still attacking this part of jamalia refugee camp. the this is the 3rd wave of air strikes, targeting the same area is really worth playing, inspiring on journalists, paramedics and civil defense teams, helping victims from the 1st 2 attacks. the show this is i'll take a road east of triple a refugee camp as we speak. a 4th attack is unfolding on their non stop is really strikes on residential homes. dozens of civilians were killed paramedics and civil defense members as well. these really have been carpet bombing this area for hours. the i think i'm glad to squeeze if it's really air strikes on homes and your value
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refugee camp have been taking place continuously since the morning is really worth plaintive and pounding various parts of the cap. even as we speak, these are the air strikes, continue logging in. i mean, i don't the city of the terminal in southern gaza. was there any attacks on the city or rough uh, for small than $300000.00 displaced palestinians to flee. the majority of being heading north to alabama and even mood has moved from outside the o. x. the hospital that within the past 20 minutes, we clearly could hear a loud explosion taking place. and just as we starting this report, injury started to pour it into the hospital. 3 cars got in these as, as the one of the cars is a pick up a truck with the long games and displays families that was on its way to dairy bella city. but they were very close to a side that was targeted by what looks like a drone missed those fired by these really military, that their injuries were on,
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on these cars. and they were brought in inside the hospital initially what we're hearing about it was the target was a medical center and they some part of the city as, as these people were passing by the were injured by the shrapnel as well as the people inside this medical center i could count right here, out at least 5 injuries, who arrived to the hospital right now and already over, well, hospitalized within the past 48 hours. uh, we could clearly see the number of injuries inside the hospital as well as the over well morgue here with many, many people who will uh, within the past few days and since the intense bombing campaign and started to uh, discourage here in the central area. there is no space left in the hospital and the fear now with more. 1 more people that pouring into the hospital more injuries, the hospital is at risk of completely shut down as there is
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a risk of not being able to be operational as there is no fuel. as we heard from a press conference earlier today, and we spoke with the health officials here who describe the situation as quite difficult with the tsunami of injuries that keep coming into the hospital. it's a 24 hours away from completely shutting down. it's important to point out the hospital as of yesterday receive the close do 8000 leaders of a fuel. but those $8000.00 leaders, if you're only enough for these 24 hours they were referring to. so dr. muhammed to here is an orthopedic surgeon, volunteering and god. so with the funds you scientific a charity organization who spends was on the phone for rougher and describe exactly what he's been witnessing that several dreams of patient to you have the acute injuries that are coming in. and these can range from blocks, injuries,
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the people of funds all over the bodies space for the dream. you have shop lo injuries that come through, letting them cut through the bustles and also and trump dump little organs and corrected golden as well. do you have some really horrific injuries, where people come into the now not the recognizable as a human being anymore. they are simply lump sum flesh that obviously quite, you know, has only to be tied um and this, it already exists for the adults, but also for children. it's a quite or effect with miss 1st hand. i don't ever seen that sort of level of trauma on photos on seeing and then that should it's, you know, quite perfect. i've seen women and children as well as the men all being cut down and no preference for one demographic over the other. i think many people are being caught up in this initial. i think the other,
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the other aspect is to consider is, um many people. oh, i don't know a many of the victims though. i don't know. uh yeah. and so go immediately to the moultrie, as well as the fact that i'm going to say is good luck. evacuate many of the injured by to happen often at night with people a good, good c a. and no one can get to these people. and just inside the wellbeing experience that i feel like we're trying our best to do what? because we limited resources, the ultimate goal is that marrying a breaking point, as far as i can send, in terms of both personnel and supplies. and we are really coming to a desperate situation. now. egypt is government has an atom. cit will now support the lawsuit, filed by south africa, the international court of justice accusing israel of genocide, egyptian ministry of foreign affairs said a lot of the increasing severity and scope, obviously the aggressions against palestinian civilians and the gaza strip. we call
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on israel to comply with this obligations as the occupying power and this implementation of the, into a measures issued by the international court of justice. we renew all cool on the security council and the influential international parties to immediately move to a cease fine because the strip or the us actually of states has been speaking about israel, is increasing industry activity in gauze. so let's go to buy kind of who's in washington dc. so uh, my company blinking appearing on several of us toll shows. what does it mean saying that as well. the 6th through a states also was defending the report by his department, which was delivered to congress a few hours ago a few days ago. in that report to the department was suppose to decide whether or not israel is use of us weaponry was country feeding, international humanitarian rule. the report basically came to no conclusion and
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said maybe uh, but not definitely. so there's been a lot of criticism of the report and the secretary of state attempting to come to that criticism. he also discussed what president biden referred to as a red line in reference to is way the threats to invade a gaza, to invade rough uh, without any protection of the civilians. the secretary of state explaining this in this way. first, we have been holding back and weren't active conversations with his real about the provision of heavy or high pillows, weapons of large bombs because of the concern that we have about the effect these weapons can have when they're using a dense urban environment like profit, we're discussing that with his real right now, 2nd with the present it said is that if israel goes in with a major military operation, rasa, in that case, there are certain systems that we will not provide is real. that with a
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a that that effort because it's something that we do not want to be part of given the damage that it would do to civilians. and again, not to achieve a durable, lasting effect, the results for israel and for security. that's what the president said. we said that in conversations with our as really partners with a single shipment. tough, those 2000 a ton, a pound buttons to which the secretary was referring remains on pause while the whole situation is being reviewed. however, of the scheduled on 6 ends to israel, i'll going ahead like out of washington many things now the johns hopkins university in baltimore and protest is occupying an incumbent in solidarity with policy punts. the palestinians have reached an agreement and the protest university says it will conduct a timely review of protest is key question of divestment for me as well. agreement
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follows weeks of filing negotiations. the ukranian we saw the attack is killed at least 11 people in the russian city of belgrade, close to the border between the 2 countries. parliament apartment block collapsed a few hours after the bloss 2 children are among at least 19 wounded. dosage of already has moved from moscow. this is the moment a ukrainian missile hit, an apartment complex in the russian city of belgrade. the attack took place on sunday morning, destroy most of the 3 buildings in the compound rescue workers search for survivors under the russell and said, well that's the one where everything started. sign a windows. so can you do that with 10 floors in the building? i live on the 7th floor. my husband was sleeping in the bathroom, his head and face the injured. everything collapsed in one second. we didn't have
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time to do anything. more than a dozen people were taken to hospitals. seems like these are becoming common in this region. since december, ukrainian forces have been stepping up their tax on belgrade which borders har. keith authorities have been forced to cancel state events and issue regular evacuation orders because of drone and missile strikes. the russian foreign ministry spokeswoman murray as a haro boss says this attack is the latest bloody work in a series of crimes by cubes. she's accused ukrainian forces of violating international law on the new pushed by the russian military in ukraine. second largest city of harkey, comes after it declared full control of the city of, of deep caught a gateway to done yes. in the don't boss region. in late february increase and attacks on belgrade is seen as a result of the intense battles across the border. and car keys, as far as the russian military seems determined to continue regardless of the cost
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. well civilians pay the price stores as of r e l g 0. moscow. your growing size is moving mold and full files and people the safety of the call key. if we turn off the heavy fighting, the russian forces say they've okey probably 9 villages because they advance further into the area, ukrainian presidents as fee as possible. so now taking place, so the holding has moved from keith as it was in the early hours of friday morning . this russian offensive began crossing the board into northeastern ukraine, the heart of cave region and fighting. rudy hasn't let up since russia says that it's taken several villages. ukraine says there's ongoing fighting in several villages and the dates trying to hold the line and to defend its positions. president reloaded me to landscape, said that there is a 10th situation at, but he also said that this isn't the only flight that is happening at the moment in
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ukraine's front line is not doing that. if not practicing is formless. in fact, the idea behind the attacks in the khaki region by state to square that force has been looked at on the mind. the more in the motivational bikes is that the ukrainians ability to defend themselves or the crops direction is the most difficult. despite everything. and that's the big problem for ukraine. the roster is attacking various different points of the mold, 1000 kilometer front line, and you crank currently likes the weapons, likes the men to be able to plug all of those gaps effectively. it's hoping to move weapons arrived from the united states from it to europe and allies, and those weapons have started to come in, but it could be weeks, months or even more until the full amount arrives. i mean, well that gives russia a window to really press home. it's advantage, as it seems to be doing right now, john, home, and i would just say the keys without is there a still a head indians general election, which is the hot flight point, nearly
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a 1000000000 people are eligible to vote. and a food crisis in china, millions of people are struggling to find enough to eat due to rising prices and one of the world's poorest countries. the low good is here. we've got whether it's sliding into the islands of ireland and britain. i think this could potentially be bad for that western side of scotland could cause some disruptions. this what weather is also dropping down through the western side of france, north west, spain and north are in portugal. so let's go in here for a closer look. that's really where the bulk of the action will be in the south. it's hot and sunny. so the coming in at $33.00 degrees on monday. what weather sides out of italy moves into slovenia and austria. nothing to major here,
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mostly adult day for many that includes for it circuit as well. still more wet weather in the mix. assemble on, cut off at some hail, storm st. on cut off probably and see other day this is not typical of nearly mid may weather temperatures well below where they should be. pretty good burst of rain, sarah, the own and liberia also just along the coast of west africa and then showers move had of course we learn to tell profit and so in eastern south africa and didn't put milonga in limpopo provinces, and a pretty good helping of rain, they're all enhanced by that breeze of the indian ocean for southern moves and beek . so yes, that includes for my put so, but otherwise fairly con, picture zambia it's capital soccer looking good. i have 29 on monday. okay. that's it pretty. as the you will see the caught a duty and a growth using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the
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cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the costs are requested. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth, and increases systems. costs on red chris the, you're watching out just era is their mind about top stories this hour? these are the army is carrying out in $10.00 strikes in ship audio, refugee camp and moving guns, and it says it wants to prevent a boss fights as a regrouping hundreds of people are fleeing. the area is there,
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a plains are also bombing rafa in southern gaza. you an agency for policy senior refugee says $300000.00 palestinians, a flat, the violence you and human rights chief is asking all countries to prevent a full scale of souls of the area or, or the exit polls in catalonia is regional election in spain indicate the socialist party is may gains, but it's short of an overall majority governing separatist potty coal. fairly poll off to parliament failed to pass the regions budget exit polls indicate they've lost seats as another separate us policy. i'm the socialist of a games. 6 years ago. the region how to referendum to break away from spain. a vote . madrid did not recognize us go straight to sonia gallagher, who's covering the election for us from boston learners. sonya you of a. back in 20172018. you saw the spirit of independence on the streets in boston alone. what are these preliminary numbers saying now about the independent spirit?
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well it's perhaps no surprise knows that that has been a decline in that support independent certainly since that time of very fractious period as well. and in the meantime, of course, that happens all the issues have been taking place as well as with times that makes as well and all the social issues, financial issues that have come along with us as well. and people who have house, when spaces come on the streets has that perhaps not the right time for independence. and that these issues which take precedence said, social issues, the issues of, of a so ring price is in the economy as well. so that has really taken the winds out of the sales and the in the fights for independence, which has been reflects in the numbers there as well. but also the point that the socialist, the capital i'm such must have been making as well is that, that tactics of doing dialogue with the child up between madrid and boss alone. that seems to be a tactics that is working and has taken the tension out. so that, that's been their occupant throughout the campaign that the best rule settling for
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a free unity socialist government in order to be able to contain that tension. i'm to perhaps put the focus on all the issues such as a social and integration and all the rest as well to try and remedy the issues that has been present on people's minds hit. that's what you're talking about. furnitures relationships, what does this? so what are these numbers suggest all the spanish politics as a whole given boss loaners. so most strained relationship with the central government in madrid. when it's so you can always call it a co dependent relationship really because the national government in madrid, dogs rely on being able to do its job with the support of separate just policies within the parliament itself. on the same situation is here to separate his foxes who would have to rely on the per unit to use the capital and socialist policy to be able to do its job. however, we are in this position. well,
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suddenly counseling has found itself in the end, the position because they were unable to positive budget, which is why that holding elections to try and reconfigure the situation to try and process the budget. however, the numbers are indicating that the socialist 2 do not have enough votes, enough seats to be able to form a government. they would have to enter into a coalition with the left leaning e l. c. policy. even then they would have that wouldn't be enough to be able to form a government. so they would have to bring on another policy, a smaller policy further to the left of the state. and they have some big disposition, the results, the infrastructure and finance with the tea party. so difficult to imagine that they would automatically forget about all of those and enter into them with the substrate. so i go with the very latest and buffalo and i think you, the demonstrators have gathered again to the george in the capital in protest against a proposal for an agent. slow thousands of people of most of the nation's parliaments in policing despite the threats of arrest. there was
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a final readings on monday. the more would require immediate, unknown commercial organizations receiving more than 20 percent of funds from abroad to register as agents of foreign influence the to india. now, with a general election that has reached the hof away point, it's a 7 the phase election process which last within 6 weeks, maybe a 1000000000 people are eligible to take part. the indian government has failed to give these is to l. just, it was correspondence that will cover the story that for reporting of a selection from outside the country. how does that have it as well? what's the name of that stuff? we bought the indian music suite long, 7 face general election. tens of millions of people have been voting since last month. and the candidates competing for every vote political and then the c panel will be crucial in this election. we have turn out which is lower than last time.
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i'm north, then both was expected in the north, south, west, east of the country. don't seem to be overwhelmingly enthusiastic to bring mister low, the back to power in an act of, you know, pop with the acclamation. prime minister, not into moody, is seeking a fed 5 yet. mean office. he's going up against a condition. the lions made up of 16 parties to position has accused moody of resorting to hit speech against muslims. is data focusing on the issues facing boat is in order to appease to he's in do most in the space. this is him but the but by the god. what's helemano? the body to quote slips in, please take this in a complete run. the nice deposition you go, some undersea moody is trying to divide the electric to stay in power. the price.
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this will be calling me india for this coming man. and we kind of get to be from it . mr. what would be, has to have, should have had to be honest as to the problems he did. and this is the consequence is still proving each crowds, wherever he goes. and he remains the civil twin because it is to be a very popular figure. and if you compare with him any other politically the him of the opposition group. uh, there will be no match, in fact the 4th phase of boating starts on monday and would and then to 6 members of funding. and the results i expected in june falls hams. and i just need just a reminder that the indian government has no grunted visas. to out of service, certainly. so as you saw that were coming the election from outside the country. this thing is just some breaking news that we're getting now out of the russian capital must go shovel at the very upper echelons of the kremlin russian president
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vladimir putin. this removing, so it guy showing who from his long time position as defense, minister to to it has proposed replacing his long time highlight with the former deputy prime minister andre by lou. solve the move still needs approval from russia's parliament for it is all the guaranteed show goodies expect it to be appointed as a new role outside of russia's national security council to such a borrower. he's on the line for most guy with more and this uh, a dose of cost. so i show you a long time. i lie of let him a piece. i think he's been in the role for at least more than that more than a decade, with 2 views into the wall. what can we get into the shuffle as well? i think we can certainly say that letter may put and is not happy with as a way things have been told that in ukraine. and in this particular time, in his political career, he sees this as his 5th term as russian president,
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a chance to try to do something about it. and i and the russian defense minister of star gate chicago has been a, in that job since uh, 2012. but i think most people in moscow over the past week that i've been here as speaking to, we're not expecting the russian president to change the defense minister position. they expect that the foreign minister lover of target lever off to be moved out of his role in the big countries, new cabinet that is being formed as we speak. but certainly that is not going to be the case. and to everyone's surprise, the president vladimir put and has decided to replace surgery, shall i go with his long time confidant and part of but one of the people that's part of his inner circle. and that is a man known for really having a strong background and excuse me, economics andre. those of at the loose of has been
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a long time ally of russian president vladimir putin. and he's been in various roles for a very long time in russia. and this is going to be seen as certainly a very is the difference position for him to take over the role of defense minister having no military background himself. but of course, we have to remember a survey showing who also did have he does not have any military background. when he was appointed in 2012 cycle came from siberia. and he was appointed as a head of emergencies department in moscow. so he moved his way up within the system in the kremlin, at to the defense minister in 2012. but also the defense minister is not going to be completely testified. his new role is certainly going to be an important one and won't have to wait and see when all of this will be confirmed by the rushes of her house of parliaments later this week. all right, to do so with the very latest on that break and use out of moscow,
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just to remind you that to vladimir putin has their place to have a so long time defense chief. so guy show you off to 12, you as an office has a, the head of the ministry of defense they have in most go all the news of course that so. so i got over off a long time for him and as to who many expected would be moving on from that role will remain in that post more than that, of course. and we got millions of people in china struggling to find enough to eat because of high food prices, climate change, as well as rising energy costs. so play a role in creating this crisis chart is of which source rich country, but one of the ports in the world. i was just curious, i'm address reports from a capital engineering food in chad has become so expensive that families are forced direction. what they eat in markets across the capital produce is plenty, but buyers, i'm not how are them keep here to see which.


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