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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 12, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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on slick won't end until there's a ceasefire in casa, but possibly not even then, because as well as threatening a wider war if border security doesn't improve the the specialist around your body a in northern gods in between. is there any forces i'm posting in fights? this, the fellow on the bulk of his son, which is ever life will. so coming up as israel steps of attacks and rough or palestinians fleet for their lives, un says more than 300000 people have been forced to move north process president,
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re shuffles his cabinet that he made protein has removed. so it guy shows it from his long time position as defense, but pulse of officially closed in springs, catalonia regional life muscle, on the lake systems, the plugins are broken and these are the military is expanding, it's offensive across cause bruising thousands of people off to move in 7 months of war, the palestinian death toll has now passed. 35000 international pressure has failed to, to israel from pressing a hand with his offensive and rougher and further north into a body. julie reports losing deeper into northern and southern cause to these really military has re entered the densely populated city of depaula in the north. it says the new offensive is to prevent moss from reestablish and gets capabilities. with the 40 bucks piling up our
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offices in, in the, you know, my what, what do they want from us? they're telling us, you know, children showing them what can we do? we are staying on the streets. we're being smoke took water that they, it is road to points that soldiers back into the north. it's a tax in the south are intensifying by the hour. more than 35000 palestinians have been killed since october. and does really forces arranging closer towards the full scale of suits and rasa, and a sense of the humans human rights to says cannot take place. i can see no way that the latest evacuation order is much less. the full assault in an area with an extremely dense presence of civilians can be reconciled with the binding requirements of inter gnashing, but it's annual. in with the 2 sets of binding provisional measures ordered by the
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international court of justice, many palestinians as be forcibly displaced once again, i'm told to go to an area is role is cooling humanitarians zone. but agencies say the only thing waiting for them is a lot of shelter. sanitation will to, and food, judy vega, i'll just 0. and then southern go, there goes, there was already a tax on the city. rafa have forced building 300000 displays pundits to needs to flee. the majority has been heading north today. i'll follow up honey. my mood has moved from outside. the city's main health center likes the hospital. within the past 20 minutes, we clearly could hear a loud explosion taking place. and just as we starting this report, injury started to port into the hospital. 3 cars got in these as, as the one of the cars is a pick up a truck with belongings and displays families that was on its way to dairy block city. but they were very close to a site that was targeted by what looks like
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a drawing miss. those fired by these really military their, their injuries that were on, on these cars. and they were brought in inside the hospital. initially, what we're hearing about it was the target was the medical center and they some part of the city. and as these people were passing by, the were injured by the scrap nose as well as the people inside this medical center . i could count right here, least 5 injuries, who arrived to the hospital right now and already over well, hospital within the past 48 hours. uh we could clearly see the number of injuries inside the hospital as well as the over. well, marg here with many, many of people who will, uh, within the past few days. and since the, and since the bombing campaign is started to uh, discourage here in the central. 2 area there is no space left in the hospital and
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the fear now with more. 1 more people pouring into the hospital more injuries, the hospital is at risk of completely shut down as there is a risk of not being able to be operational as there is no fuel. as we heard of from a press conference earlier today, and we spoke with the health officials here who described the situation is quite difficult. with the tsunami of injuries that keep coming into the hospital, it's a 24 hours away from completely shutting down. it's important to point out the hospital as of yesterday we receive the close do 8 a 1000 leaders of a fuel. but those $8000.00 leaders, if you are only enough for the 24 hours that they were referring to. the guys and breaking news, coming out of russian, where a cabinet re shuffle is taking place. president,
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bloody mit posting is removing. so guy showing gu from his position as defense minister between us propose replacing his long time ally would form a deputy prime minister. andre boost off and move still needs approval from russia's parliament. that is all but guaranteed shrugs expect it to be appointed in a new role as head of russia's national security council. okay, let's go live now to you. the shop of oliver has joining us from the russian capital of usually a police give us some context for this. what more do we know about this shuffle as well? yes. as you just mention, saturday, shall i do have been appointed secretary of the russian security council that fullest from bludgeon a piece of decree we just learned about a minute ago. so i'm, he's going to replace that. me collab, patricia, a very, very powerful mind here in the russia and when to and that's a because i partnership they used to be head of the security council. he has been
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a relief to his paws to utah transfer to another job on the club and is going to announce his appointments in the near future. and just in a few days as well as that. while larry get rossimer, if he's going to remain at the head of the general stuff. so basically, we understand that says here geisha do, of course has been occupying disposition for 12. yes, it was appointed and the the had to be the minister, the minister in the ministry of defense, the head of the minister of defense back in 29 at 122012. i'm sorry. and basically, um right now he, um, he has been appointed to be secretary of the russian security council and based cult we've had some dimitri pest calls crimson pucks pass. and, and he said that to show you will all said and will,
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will be responsible for the military industrial complex to over russia as well. and he will, yeah, he will also add a to rates that they, sam department. and he will also have the federal status submitted to technical cooperation or, or i usually have many sites, so that usually a shop of oliver with some much needed contacts that from the last guy. let's look into the story with a bit more detail with andre full of who's the ministry analyst, and profess with the high school of economics. he joins us live from the russian capital. very well. welcome to you andre. so up to 12 years. what does this change of face mean? i think this one is very simple. there is an equal to administer to friends. i need some changes, especially. ready and you know, the card and conditions. uh, what i mean, this is not the link it to the kind of situation in ukraine uh, from the military point of view, much uh, in my mind,
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the main reason on these 2 prepared me is to go to france. there was a new challenge which is langley let radius huge budget because the c. ready of defense, se not. and where, where they become, grease sofa is a budget. this is a 1st bore and, and 2nd blend here. that means the defense need. i need somebody shuffle after that. so i think we used to belong. so i was appointed to canada to combine these 2 main docs because i think old old stuff. uh and maybe a previous minister was. ready supposed to fall the man or for the previous stage. right. model right there. good. yeah. so, mr. talking about mr. bellow soft because, i mean, he is one of the 1st no military men in the role for many, many years. i mean, he trained as an economist, you say that's a budget, but you treat requirements are a big issue,
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big headache potentially for whoever fills this role as the defense chief. but is this really the man to win the war and you crying for russia? a assess default was left on the stem. that means the defense has. so maybe too many dealers me to tell you why i'm and maybe to one and in rush. i mean is the defense is not a grand old school. i don't so uh, chief of staff or j. it'll also because just a full in the rush. it means it means to defense. this is the manager. so that's why me uh, mr. bill i was the pricing clearly one of the best. awesome. uh government managers do it in the past. yes. it seems slightly unconvincing. vips a, mr. troy, you would simply be replaced by a technocrat and such a pivotal role in the kremlin. i mean, let's not forget the troy. good was, was tipters, let them in putin's replacement. but after the start of when you craig was despised
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by the vault domestic group. he wanted to dispose of as no secrets that to show it was extraordinarily, defies even. is it just convenient now for the kremlin to see him go? i don't think there is any link between the wagner lives and gardens shop for this awful. let me just throw the defense because uh, this is a 2 separate points and east of troy go. i see what i said uh, was way close to mr. fulton. that's why he, uh, he stays in the russian power by way, hierarchy and russian power system. because, you know, he's a federal from national security council because national security council is also very powerful. olga nice main, russian i nation power. well, let's talk about the national security council because making way for mr. troy go as well. nichol. i puck to chef,
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phone the chief of the speed the modern day. i mean, the, the replacement, of course for the old cage. ebay, who was in charge of the security council up until now, particularly hawkish, member of futons in the circle. do we know when mr. patricia full go? and what was all means? i don't have any information. busy could have been spelled both and i'm used to best school explained that we have to wait some. ready in order to hear somebody who is guiding patricia white. alright, andre full of military analysts. thank you very much for helping us decode the inner workings of the kremlin as best as we possibly can. thank you for your time. thank you. crane you missed all attack us killed at least 11 people in the russian city of belgrade, close to the border between the 2 countries. part of an apartment block collapsed a few hours after the blast. 2 children were among at least 20 wounded till such a body has moved from moscow. a. this is the moment a ukrainian missile hit,
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an apartment complex in the russian city of belgrade. the attack took place on sunday morning, destroy most of the 3 buildings in the compound rescue workers search for survivors under the russell and said, well that's the one we'll get. everything started sign a window. so can we do that with 10 floors in the building? i live on the 7th floor. my husband was sleeping in the bedroom, his head and face the injured. everything collapsed in one second. we didn't have time to do anything. more than a dozen people were taken to hospitals. seems like these are becoming common in this region. since december, ukrainian forces have been stepping up their attacks on belgrade which borders har . keith authorities have been forced to castle state events and issue regular evacuation orders because of the drone and missile strikes. the russian foreign ministry spokeswoman maria as a haro boss, says this attack is the latest bloody work in a series of crimes by cubes. she's accused ukrainian forces,
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a violating international law on the new, pushed by the russian military in ukraine. second largest city of park. he comes after it declared full control of the city of updates. caught a gateway to don. yes, in the don't boss region. in late february, the increase in attacks on belgrade is seen as a result of the intense bottles across the border and the car key. as far as the russian military seems determined to continue, regardless of the cost, well civilians pay the price. stores is a very l g 0. moscow. ukraine says this moves more than 4000 people to safety in the hockey region of the heavy fighting. the russian forces say they've occupied 9 villages as they advance further into the area. you cleaning presidents as fee as possible is now taking place on home and as more from key if it was in the early hours of friday morning that this russian defensive began crossing the board into north eastern ukraine. the heart of cave region and fighting really hasn't let up.
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since russia says that it's taken several villages. ukraine says that there's ongoing fighting in several villages and the dates trying to hold the line and to defend its positions. a president loaded me to landscape said that there is a 10th situation at, but he also said that this isn't the only flight that is happening at the moment in ukraine's front line. a sudden that if the fax machine is foolish, in fact, the idea behind the attacks in the khaki region bars the display that force has been what then on the mind, the more in the motivational bikes is that the ukrainians ability to defend themselves or the crops direction is the most difficult, despite everything. and that's the big problem to ukraine. the russian was attacking various different points of the mold, 1000 kilometer front line, and you crank currently likes the weapons, likes the main to be able to plug all of those gaps effectively. it's hoping to
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move weapons arrived from the united states from it to europe and allies, and those weapons have started to come in, but it could be weeks, months or even more until the full amount arrives. a meanwhile, that gives russia a window to really press home. it's advantage, as it seems to be doing right now, john home, and i would say the keys, the still ahead on that. i'll just say around india is general election reaches the hot flight points, nearly a 1000000000 people eligible to events the high again, let's get going with your weather. uptake will start this one off and australia. good to see you by the way. so we've got this disturbance spinning around in the tasman, see, go in here for a closer look because this is still throwing back rain into sidney. just the other
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day, a land side of road caved in an eastern sydney. we've seen copious amounts of rain here as of late, also somewhat weather sliding across tasmania state as well. now for new zealand, not much to report, no weather alerts to speak of here. light breeze temperatures pretty well where they should be for this time the year where it has been hot is into an easy as capital jakarta colors are on dark, the red. the hot, the hotter it is. chicago seen it's hot, it's may day on record. nearly 37 degrees. what was some showers in storms in the area? you're cool off to 31 by monday. by the way. the dang, the other day had about half a month's worth of rain. and this kind of 24 hours looking quite active right across indo china. so vietnam, cambodia and laos and you know, for going she providence in southern china, we had some flooding just to the south of great land, but now that, that weather is scooted away. the sun is out and things are starting to heat up. let's go 32 degrees in portland, all if that weather now blanket in japan's main island of han shoes. so gotta be on
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the look out for land slides here over the next little bit. as the meeting of mine's the tragedy from me, of a democratic solve africa, or if it's how quickly we sort of adopted the very told re global, know the intertwining of money and politics campaigner andrew find state and photographer shock you do on the on active is on the crisis and gone. so what is happening today is top thing on our watch. the news from now they will be people asking, how did you let it have the studio will be on scripted part one on, on disease the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the book back here challenges here a is a reminder of our top stories this, our russian president vladimir putin is when moving sort of guy showing good form his position as defense minister in a cabinet we shuffle in his proposed replacing is a long time allied would for my deputy prime minister andre follows of the move still needs approval from parliament is all the county is where the army is carrying out in 10 strikes in giovanni and refugee camp in golden, cause it says it wants to prevent from us fights and so, regrouping hundreds of fleet is ready. the planes were also forming rough uh, and southern causes. un agency from a senior refugee says 300000 palestinians of selective islands. you and human rights chief is asking who countries to prevent a full scale assault on the area. what else i'm happy to hear is an orthopedic surgeon,
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volunteering and gaza with frontier scientific us to chat with you. organization. you spoke to us on the phone from rafa described what he's been witnessing, a shovel streams of patients. and so you have be a cute injuries that are coming in and these can range from blocks, injuries of people and all over that bodies space for the dream. you have shop luxuries that come through, letting them cut through the bustles, and also a trump dump little organs and corrected golden as well. you have some really horrific injuries, where people come into the now not the recognizable as a human being anymore. they are simply lump sum flash adult, obviously quite, you know, has always be tied um, unless it not only exists for the adults, but also for children. uh, it is quite horrific with ms. first hand. i don't you ever seen that sort of level
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of trauma on the photos on seeing and then that should it's, you know, quite hard to say, i've seen women and children as well as the men all being cut down to no preference. so one demographic over the other, i think many people are being caught up in this initial i think the other, the other aspect is to consider is many people. oh, i don't know a many of the victims though, i don't know. uh yeah. and so go immediately to the moultrie, as well as the fact that i'm going into is, could look evacuate. many of the injured, like to happen often at night with people i could see a no one can get to these people. so it's quite enough to allow me experience and i feel like we're playing our best to do what we can i move very limited resources. the ultimate goal is that marrying a breaking point? as far as i can send the boat for now and supplies, i'm, we're really coming to
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a desperate situation now to the johns hopkins university in baltimore, one protest as occupying an incumbent and solid dyers who posting instead of reach an agreement to end the protest. university says it will conduct a timely review of protest is key question of divestment from israel. the agreement follows weeks fails, negotiations. particle haine joins us live from washington, dc and patsy. what exactly is being agreed? well, well i can tell you right now that the tents are in fact coming down. and the protesters for the state been saying, this is just the end of the 1st chapter. they're going to continue to protest in different ways. but what has been agreed to as johns hopkins already has a process in place where it was reviewing it's investments. they told the protesters, they will move that process up by about 5 months. and then the board of trustees will vote on the possibility of divesting from funds and defense contractors that do business with israel. so that's 5 months faster, but it's still not going to happen until about this time. next year. the protesters
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promised to not protest at the graduation ceremony, and the university promised that the protestors that had been facing disciplinary action. they're not going to face any sort of punishment for their protests unless they continue to break college rules. this is really just the 6th college of protests, all across the country that have taken this route of negotiating. so this is number 6, but there has been in 57 universities and colleges, according to the associated press. almost 2900 students have been arrested as students and acts of outside of had been arrested over these posted in protests. so another very prominent university taking the road of negotiating. well, so many others have just simply sent in the police and sometimes and violently to arrest those and patsy. many things that i've had to go home life for us in washington dc. the lessons learned. he is
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a regional election now in spain. web polls kind of close and 93 percent of the vote has been counted, results indicating that the governing separatist policy will lose its majority. i called you earlier election off the palm and failed to pass the regions budget. another substance policy and the socialists have made games 6 years ago, the region held a referendum to break away from spain, a vote, madrid didn't recognize. let's go to sonya who's covering developments for us from boston loan and she's inside socialist party headquarters. baron de sonia took us through these results it is a quite an extraordinary close result as we know so far. and the socialists themselves, the per unit c policy will not be able to form a governments of any kind without health from the separatist policy. now the likely scenario here is that they could call them together some kind of agreements with
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the mainstream left wing e r c policy. the policy who, who's back from the president of the region at the moment. but stage also has to do with deal with a smaller capital on the policy separate this policy that come on who are far more to the left. and they have been defined on certain issues regarding financial issues and infrastructure. and this is one of the reasons why that has been election cold in that election, cold in the region itself. now, who has been doing quite robustly is uh which the most part, the cutlass, which demands who is the self imposed exile full of trying to secede from spain back in 2017. now there is no question that he would go into any kind of coalition with the socialist, the socialist himself, so that they would be open to such arrangements. but the house was such
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a storm separate to a spigot like which the moans, the idea of going into government with a per unit see a policy with the haps be too much and then cost to move the support that he's managed to cool back. so little, it's really quite of the knife edge and it's still very much a question as to whether that can be a government forms from this results. were the very latest from barcelona. so you go, you go. thank you. the, the india is general election has reached the hot flight point. it's a 7 phase election process, which last will and 6 weeks, you'll be a 1000000000 people eligible to take part. the indian government has failed to give these as the houses here as correspondence, the cover, the story that for reporting on the election from outside the country. i'm how much report, what's the name of the staff we bought in the 6 week long,
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7, faith, general election? tens of millions of people have been voting since last month. and the candidates competing for every vote political and then the c panel will be crucial in this election. we have turned out which is lower than last time i'm nor then both was expected in the north, south, west, east of the country. don't seem to be overwhelmingly enthusiastic to bring mister low, the back to power in an actual if you know pop with the acclamation prime minister in the movie is seeking a bad 5 yet. mean office. he's going up against a condition the lions made up of the 16 parties. the position has accused moody of resorting to hit speech against muslims. is data focusing on the issues facing boat is in order to appease disease can do most in space. they do some but the but by law, the god. what's helamano?
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moody, who called slips into 3 discipline, accompanying drugs, denies deposition, you've got some undersea moody is trying to divide the electric to stay in power. the price of lee calling me india for this coming man, and we kind of get away from it a mr. will the has to have sort of, has the honest as to the problems he did. and this is the consequence movie is still each crowds, wherever he goes. and he remains definitive tween because it is to be a very popular figure. and if you compared with him, any other political lead the him of the opposition group, there will be no match. in fact, the 4th phase of voting stats on monday. and what it meant to 6 members of funding and the results expected in june falls hams. and we just need a reminder of,
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of the indian government is denied visas to i would just say what journalists, that's where we're coming. the election fl outside the country. hundreds of protests have gathered in the 2 easy and capital demand, new presidential elections. damn the cooling on a president case site for his crime down on june list i to this smell position fingers. if he says comes amid a wave of arrest targeting political opponents, such a day, a prominent lawyer, the criticism of the coming up was arrested through the life useful kind of people to know that i've got us done to burying that dead off to flash floods, kills at least $315.00 people, but just the team is still struggling to reach the worst affected areas with bridges and roads destroyed thousands of homes of also being damaged or destroyed and valuable livestock washed away. with me, i was that we have no food, no drinking water, no shelter, and no blankets, nothing. the floods have destroyed everything out of $42.00 houses,
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only around 3. remain the floods destroy the entire valley. it's on every range of we'll say broad flash floods of land slides to in denise is provence of west sinatra. at least $31.00 people have died, including children, thousands and still reported. missing one major road was partially washed away, making rescue operations more difficult. millions of people in china struggling to find enough to eat because of high food prices, climate change as well as rising energy costs of played a role increasing this crisis. chide is result switch, but one of the poorest countries in the world. i was just curious um address reports from a capital engineering food in chad has become so expensive that families are forced direction. what they eat in markets across the capital produce is plenty, but buyers, i'm not. how are them keep here to see what she could afford? the full, $36.00 us cents would buy you 2 cups of beans,
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but now that are and it gets you one cop. she says that family must decide between eating to amuse or buying less nutritious for


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