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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 13, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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as a western bias, understand what they are looking to stay out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the . the level of the bulk of this has been use our life window coming up in the next 60 minutes. is there any strikes? continue into the nights as fee as possible is range between is there any forces i'm posting and flights of the middle and self concept palestinians fleet for their lives with israel stuffing up a tax in rough view and says more than $300000.00 people have been forced to move north process has been re shuffles. his cabinet by the way of putin is removed. so
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like i showed you, form is a long time position as defense, minister and separate as policies in spain's, catalonia region looks set to retain vast majority in the regional parliament. we live in barcelona, in schools. it's now 50 games without the seats. the gym and champions bought 11 keys and that one match away from becoming the 1st scene to state and rates and for an entire fundamentally, the thanks for joining us. these really ministry is expanding it's offensive across because as it continues to force people into displacement of to move and 7 buttons to boil, the posting and death total has now passed $35000.00. but the international pressure has failed to the, to israel from pressing ahead for this attacks. now targeting the south, the north and central parts of the strip to these reports or losing
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deeper into northern and southern cause to these really military has re entered the densely populated city of depaula in the north. it says the new offensive is to prevent a moss from reestablishing its capabilities. that the body bucks piling up or off to the indians. trevino, my what, what do they want from us? they are killing also know children showing them what can we do? we are staying on the streets. we're being smoke to the israel deposit soldiers back into the north. it's a tax in the south are intensifying by the hour. more than $35000.00 palestinians to be killed since october. and does really forces arranging closer towards a full scale assault and rough uh, an offense of the un human rights to this cannot take place. i can see no way that the latest evacuation order is much less afford assault. in an area with an
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extremely dense presence of civilians can be reconciled with the binding requirements of international but it's angel in with the 2 sets of binding provisional measures for the by the international court of justice. many palestinians it'd be forced to be displaced once again. i'm told to go to an area is role is cooling humanitarians zone. but agencies say the only thing waiting for them is a lot of shelter. sanitation will to, and food, judy vega, i'll just 0. well in southern go, there was already a tax on the city of ruffled, has forced more than $300000.00 displays palestinians to flee the majority. it'd be heading north today. i'll bother heading. my mood has moved from outside the oh. ok, so hospital within the past 20 minutes, we clearly could hear a loud explosion taken in place. and just as we starting this report,
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injury started to pour it into the hospital. 3 cars got in these as, as the one of the cars is a pick up a truck with the long games and displays families that was on its way to dairy bella city. but they were very close to a side that was targeted by what looks like a drone miss. those fired by these really military the, their injuries were on, on these cars. and they were brought in inside the hospital. initially, what we're hearing about it was the target was a medical center and they threw in part of the city. and as these people were passing by, the were injured by the scrap nose as well as the people inside the medical center . i could count right here at least 5 injuries, who arrived to the hospital right now and already over, well, hospitalized within the past 48 hours. uh we could clearly see the number of injuries inside the hospital as well as the over. well, marg here with many,
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many people who will, uh, within the past few days and since the, and since the bombing campaign is started to, uh, discourage here in the central area. there is no space left in the hospital and the fear now with more. 1 more people pouring into the hospital more injuries, the hospital is at risk of completely shut down as there is a risk of not being able to be operational as there is no fuel. as we heard from a press conference earlier today, and we spoke with the health officials here who described the situation as quite difficult with the tsunami of injuries that keep coming into the hospital. it's a 24 hours away from completely shutting down. it's important to point out the hospital as of yesterday receive the close do a, a 1000 leaders of a fuel. but those $8000.00 leaders, if you're only enough for these 24 hours that they were referring to,
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but also in the him until he is an orthopedic surgeon, volunteering in gaza with frontier scientific goes to the child to organization. he spoke to us on the phone, how do you rough or described what he's witnessing several dreams of patient? did you have the acute injuries that are coming in and these can range from blocks, injuries of people of funds all over their bodies, space within grades. you have shop lo injuries that come through, letting them come to the bustles and also and trump dump mill all guns incorrectly, golden as well. do you have some really horrific injuries, where people come into the now not the recognizable as a human being anymore. they are simply lump sum flesh that obviously quite, you know, has obviously tied um, unless it already exists for the adults, but also for children. it's a quite or effect with miss 1st hand. i don't you ever seen this sort of level of
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trauma on the photos i'm seeing in the shit? it's, you know, quite low to say, i've seen women and children as well as the men all being cut down to no preference. so one demographic over the other, i think of many people are being caught up in this initial i think the other, the other aspect is to consider is um many people. oh, i don't know a many of the big them though. i don't know. uh yeah. and so go immediately to the moultrie, as well as the fact that i'm going to say is good luck. evacuate many of the injured, like to happen often at night with people a good, good c a. and no one can get to these people. and, and it's quite a well meaning experience that i feel like we're playing our best to do what? because we linux visual says the hospital is nearing a breaking point. as far as i can send in terms of both personnel and supplies. and
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we are really coming to a desperate situation now. within the united states, the sectors of states has been speaking about israel's increased military activity . and garza, my colleagues, following developments from washington dc. the secretary of state has been doing the talk show circuit, basically defending his department's memorandum to congress in which it was supposed to decide whether or not israel was contribution in international humanitarian roll with its use of u. s. weapons. well, the report basically concluded maybe not possible to be absolutely definite. now, this report has drawn a lot of criticism. also from some democratic members of congress had the secretary of state. the also speaking about president biden's red line, president biden referred to this when he was discussing a potential, is really threat up an invasion of rough or saying that this could be
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a red line. now the secretary of state was asked about that. i'm one of the talk shows we have been holding back and weren't active conversations with his real about the provision of heavy or high pillows, weapons of large bombs because of the concern that we have about the effect these weapons can have when they're using a dense urban environment like profit. mm hm. we're discussing that with his real right now. second, with the present and said, is that if israel goes in with a major military operation, rasa, in that case, there's certain systems that we will not provide as real of that with a new a that, that effort because it's something that we do not want to be part of given the damage that it would do to civilians and again, not to achieve a durable, lasting effect the result for his real and for security. that's what the president said. we said that in conversations with our as really partners with a single shipment of those 2000 pound precision,
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bombs has been put on hold. it is still on hold pending review. however, on other scheduled width and shipments to israel. all going ahead. mike kind of, i'll just sarah washington. egypt is government has announced it will now support the lawsuit, filed by south africa, the international court of justice accusing israel of genocide, egyptian ministry of foreign affairs sat in lights of the increasing severity and scope of his radiate questions against palestinian civilians in the gaza strip. we call in israel to comply with his obligations as the occupying power and his implementation of the interview measures issued by the international court of justice. we renew all cool on the security council and the influential international parties to immediately move to a cease far. and the gaza strip leisure was very joins us. and i'll shoot you a hearing though. hi is professor of kentucky, middle eastern politics, a capital university to help us hopefully understand what is behind egypt to move.
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this is quite a significant step. but given that egypt had always had something of a pragmatic relationship with israel, now falling behind south africa, enjoining this genocide case, the international court of justice. what's motivating it? it was word of the within your strategy or what so called throwing them on the bus, which basically go and cut off without consultation for when cut off without cause settings the impact on egypt. whether in the eyes, the adoption of the items and the eye of most of them is across the globe. so basically, the diction filled the heat that nothing, you know, is it throwing them under the bus, as he did with the model. it is when he said he would have a government in and because of the support by the model, it is. so in the last 24, i was booked statements from title and then i was saying to throw on the us on the bus with addict. what to do, and that is an important so from the countries project with india i was doing and say we are not supporting but through to that's an important step back from both
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countries. and these already is maintained that negotiations are still open and they've sent mediators that to, to colorado, to take part in negotiations, we have council and of course, egypt. why does this move by car road? now leave egypt role as a media. i think age of 2 is very upset because the proposal they came, they submitted a mass was approved by those are in it. i think they say they feel that is why it is on not supporting enough and actually embedded st adoption government. and that's it. as one of the reason kind of accepted into us why they want supports i a, the find submitted by this of south africa. i think that it go, she asian now, and it's under and you know, no one knows what to think where things are happening. basically is, and you know, is subjecting every proposal and he insisting to go to it off i have in spite all of this and the nice of the pressure on, on those that i tend to push out on the side is right. i think what specifically is 2 things. one, that is what it is our last when it comes to the uh,
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the day off to they don't know what's, what would it be that they often and does that. secondly, the embarrassment of the united states and european concern is why is increasing profit needs with increasing number of demonstration across the globe? i think those 2 things are pushing are enough to to, to show the world that's what's happening and because that is no longer accepted. 1979 come david quotes, obviously the relationship between egypt and israel. very much defined. definitely, board is defined opposite between israel and egypt. always seeing an unraveling of that relationship that is being built through a mutant sense of trust over many decades. now i think, i think with what was happening in the last 3 days was the significant because the edition was very upset, upset addiction. the proposal for for the, for the cease fire. and then going to it off without consultation. and also trying to pressure the egyptian depression, they have some more
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a more and instead of with media and everything, i think what's, what's the clear that they've shown spoke to the america and said, because of the time that it's anymore, you'll have to talk to that is where it is, and there is, there is a statement made behind the close the that they are ready to do to revise the whole or piece 3 to with that is why it is. and then of course i states my new statement came saying, actually out of listening of doing so the, the is kind of still, but they do what is important. now there is, there is a dilemma about the whole relationship between his right and judge and egypt. and this is one of the outcome of what's happening because heads up is empty. one seems to be shaping the nature of the alliance and the region. and i look to come study for the future. great to hear analysis, much of what everybody, thanks. thank you to of the process president vladimir putin is re shuffling his cabinet. booting is removing
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so guy showing gu from his position as defense minister. he's propose replacing his long time ally would full my deputy prime minister andre bye loose of the move still needs approval from russia's parliament, but is guaranteed sugar is expected to be appointed and a new role as head of russia's national security council. let's go to moscow, you'd be a shelf of oliver, is that to help us understand the significance of all of this? uh, you know, why is this to shuffle happening to while it's happening because of like to be patient was just, you know, great, it's several days ago on a tuesday may the 7 to after and, and back the basically he started his a not the, his face time as president and the survey shall i get was indeed a point to the secretary of the russian security council. that folder is from legit
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producing decree. and he's going to replace the collab, patricia, a very powerful man in this country, and many actually used to say that's any collab partnership was the 2nd most influential pos. and after letting that piece of in front to survey showed you was promoted to this position. and now many expect that think a lot partnership will ahead the presidential administration, but we have to wait and see how it's going to play out. and we know that according to the mutual best call of let's pretend press secretary and grade below. so i have been proposed by a present for the post of but head of the ministry of defense instead of survey shortly. the use of has always been responsible for the economy in this country. and of course, he had nothing to do with the ministry, but demetri status, and as soon as 2020, he's been surprised the deputy prime minister a to 9 to 2 prime minister behavior issues. and by the way,
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me home interest in which pains his position and this new cabinets to me to pass close, explained patients decision to a point. the research had never been enrolled. and it said in the mid a tree service, a to be specific particular post by the need to introduce innovations in the army. and basically has also said that is important to address the issue of the economy and beyond me. so if you'd be calling me with the ministry of defense into the country's economy, by the way, the leverage your estimate remains at the head of the general stop. so this position hasn't been changed as a, by the way here. we can also mentioned that just a couple of weeks ago, short because deputy was arrested for bribery and they were menu room is that to sugars position was shaking that he could have been replaced. and at the same time, others were saying that's a car and keep dissertation on. the ukrainian front looks quite so right,
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so full and show you. well, i mean there was no need for sure. good to see it. so you get this replacement, finalize. this is tracy last summer, france best a. so there was no need to replace him and i'm just bringing you what you can read or show or show me the handle. yeah, yeah. and don't pro government blog is have to say, yeah, that seems to be usually a tremendous amount of reading between the lines. whenever shuffles, like this happening in the kremlin, thank you very much. you. yeah, let's go to pablo. fall going. how now, who's the defense? i have a list, i'm russian foreign policy expert. he's also joining us live for most go. so it's ok about reading between the lines possible. what should we, we should we read about the re assignment of so guy showing the is going to still be very much dental to stay and he'll be the secretary of this down. so it is an important position. and he's also human being given an important per,
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you'll also be, be in charge of russian arms, tre. exports and name ports, which is also very important lucrative job, which didn't before come up with the secretariat of the security council. so, so that's the thing he was asked to involve as a defense minister much and then i was going to be working better. so he's going to be on, in do have of course we're up to the power on march of west responsibility because if something goes wrong on the cranium from fine in the b. now those of today they have to carry the weight on the battery replacement. i believe is most random acknowledgement, but there are serious problems of the russian war economy. right. let's go into the ground with, let's go into the war economy because you raised a really interesting point in that. so i gotta show you who will be in charge of russia's arms trade. what does this say about how stretched,
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how much pressure russia's industrial military complex is under after 2 years of war and ukraine as well? the official ways of russian defense production as a triple, then it spreads rolling and then it is okay. of course, no figures are actually pretty good produced. there are western intelligence reports of moscow. also tend to say the pressure is producing a lot with a brand, but it's not really a little bad rosie. and as the west is increasing supports of ukraine, i'm sending more weapons and actually increasing defense production itself is clear for the president bush in, but something shouldn't been done. so i'm just putting an economist without any military background as defense minister to boost the russian and they would shrink for an option, obama months and emissions. and those that it's important to you and rainbows of
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who is a problem is with the connections to the more liberal bar to the russian government than bush and the speaks the same language with them. and he will be better placed them in general in the same position to mobilize the russian finances. an economics do serve the war. of course, this is going to be very unpopular. there's a boy in front of a civilian defense minister in the midst of a war to a successful war. uh to that 1st thing. yeah. it's a, it's an interesting point to people is an economist, the best person to be in place in the defense senior defense role. like let's v my senior defense role. is this the mine to win putin's war in ukraine? you mentioned that it's all about money. that is the priority. now rather than
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strategy, military hardware, a low tide where it's not so much money it's, it's actually shows and banks and comes and plans and my styles and drones. so this, that's a very uh, revolutionary move never happened before the russian histories happens. another country is by mocking them are being appointed separately during defense in america . so it's more of a site that was seen as a revolution in washington and in the sixty's. so right now russia is doing the same thing. this is going to do, there is going to be a lot of criticism, especially something goes wrong. um many in the russian military and a paint draft in circles with the saying that this is wrong with the general. what, what's in the fact that believes that i'm a mobilization industrial mobilization, right? that was the most important thing to wind talking about further political movements
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. so what about so one nickaligha patricia, if he's the man who stepping aside to make way for so like i show you in his new role, just remind our viewers, pottery chef was a former chief of the f s b. and he wasn't charge of the security council until now . he's going to be reassigned. we don't know what his new job is going to be. what more can you tell us problem? well, he has, he's a very important them. he's a senior official, a. he's older than fulton where he continue on. most likely yes. how actually important you will be and will have kind of position there right now office the ration it's, it's a will force x square footage into decide where it's the ones to put them will have to say, i'm afraid that can be ways picture a going back right now, yeah. that information solely inside of it paintings had and the hands of those close to him for the time being at least bible felt good. how many thanks for
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joining us. thank you. so ukrainian missed all the time because killed at least 11 people in the russian city of belgrade. close the border between the 2 countries. part of an apartment block collapsed a few hours off to the last 2 children to among at least 20 wounded dosage. a battery has moved from mosca. this is the moment ukrainian missile hit, an apartment complex in the russian city of belgrade. the attack took place on sunday morning, destroy most of the 3 buildings in the compound rescue workers search for survivors under the russell and said, well that's what we'll get. everything started sign a window. so can we do? there were 10 floors in the building. i live on the 7th floor. my husband was sleeping in the bedroom, his head and face the injured. everything collapsed in one second. we didn't have time to do anything. more than a dozen people were taken to hospitals. seems like these are becoming common in this region. since december, ukrainian forces have been stepping up their attacks on belgrade which borders har
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. keep as always do something for the castle, state events, and issue regular evacuation orders because of the drone and missile strikes. the russian foreign ministry spokeswoman maria's a horrible says this attack is the latest bloody work in a series of crimes by cuba. she's accused ukrainian forces of violating international law on the new pushed by the russian military in ukraine. second largest city of par, keith comes after it declared full control of the city of, of these caught a gateway to done yes. in the don't boss region. in late february, the increase and attacks on belgrade is seen as a result of the intense bottles across the border and car keys. as far as the russian military seems determined to continue regardless of the cost, well civilians pay the price. stores is a very l g 0. most ukraine says let's move full 1000 people to safety. the fall can
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you for region of the heavy fighting video showed emergency workers moving people near the border. russian forces saying they both replied 9 villages. as they advanced further into the area, ukrainian presidents as fee as baffles with taking place and $7.00 villages on saturday. showing home and reports. it was in the early hours of friday morning that this russian offensive began crossing the board into northeastern ukraine. the heart of cave region and fighting rudy hasn't let up since russia says that it's taken several villages. ukraine says that there's ongoing fighting in several villages and the dates trying to hold the line and to defend its positions. president reloaded me to landscape, said that as a 10th situation at, but he also said that this isn't the only flight that is happening at the moment in ukraine's front line is not doing that. if not practicing is formless. in fact,
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the idea behind the attacks in the khaki region by state to square that force has been looked at on the mind, the more of the motivational basis that the ukrainians ability to defend themselves on the crops direction is the most difficult despite everything. and that's the big problem to ukraine. the roster is attacking various different points of the mold, 1000 kilometer front line, and you crank currently likes the weapons, likes the men to be able to plug all of those gaps effectively. it's hoping to move weapons arrived from the united states from it to europe and allies, and those weapons have started to come in, but it could be weeks, months or even more until the full amount arrives. i mean, well that gives russia a window to really press home. it's advantage, as it seems to be doing right now, john, home and i would just say the keys. i still have allowed your 0, the freezing price of opposition to george's proposal for an employment. so to
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skydive, it's got a unique look at tyler bridge in london. that's coming up in schools with the low good is here. we've got whether it's sliding into the islands of ireland and britain. i think this could potentially be bad for that western side of scotland could cause some disruption is what weather is also dropping down through the western side of france, north west spain and northern portugal. so let's go in here for a closer look. that's really where the bulk of the action will be in the south. it's hot and sunny. so the coming in at $33.00 degrees on monday. what weather sides out of italy moves into slovenia and austria. nothing to major here, mostly adult day for many that includes for turkey as well. still more wet weather
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in the mix. assemble on could i had some hail, storm st on cut off probably and see other day this is not typical of nearly mid me, whether a temperature is well below where they should be pretty good burst of rain, see, are the own and liberia also just along the coast of west africa and then showers move out. of course we live in the tao profit and so in eastern south africa and didn't from a longer. and then popo provinces and a pretty good helping of rain. they're all enhanced by that breeze off the indian ocean for southern booth and beach. so yes, that includes from my put so but otherwise fairly con picture zambia it's capital soccer looking good. have 29 on monday. okay. that's it pretty as the the latest news, as it breaks online banking apps rely on breaking sense of states are experiencing an intimate blackouts with detailed coverage. the majority of the front runners in
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these elections have either been questioned for or have already been convicted in corruption schemes from around the world. this is the asian highlight, everything called correct me or what is an area that the s i c have been pushed as of your will, scott, a duty and a growth using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the cost on wordpress. and remember to cut purifies wells and increases systems costs on red chris the,
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[000:00:00;00] the you're watching out, is there a, is there a mind about told stories this out? these are the army is counting us in 10 strikes in giovanni, a refugee camp in northern gauze, and it says it wants to prevent most places from regrouping. hundreds of people, the fleeing, the area. is there a, the plains also forming. rafa in southern goes, are you an agency for palestinian refugee says $300000.00 palestinians, a flat the violence you and human rights chief is asking for countries to prevent a full scale assault on the area. prussian president vladimir putin and isn't moving. so it guy showing good from his position as defense, minister and a cabinet re shuffle, shooting this proposed replacing his long time ally would form a deputy prime minister andre a fellow self. the move still needs approval from parliament,
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but his little book guarantee that almost all the votes in catalonia is regionally election in spain have been counted pro unity socialists lead salvatore area as being celebrating with policy workers have projected to win the most seats. the company, the c separatists cool, the election off the parliament failed to pass the regions budget. they've lost seats, but the reasons other major step of this policy led by cause who's involved uh, who held power 6 years ago. i made games. that's when the region held a referendum to break away from spain. the madrid didn't recognize. let's go to sign a good go. who's covering the election for us from boss? learn a she's inside show socialist party headquarters. sonya, just to unpack of the significance of things, results the well set, the capitalized socialist best thing, it very much a decisive when i'm suddenly the movie here inside cost that quote is flexible side
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. now this is in spite of the fact it's a really one by a narrow margin as well. they said most of the votes in this particular one. the challenge that now facing really is how are they going to pull a government? they are going to have to try and go into some kind of coalition agreement packed with all the separate this process besides going to try and pull my thought is, wow, that would involve those policies that would 6 perhaps in the sense that all the main stream lines on it takes to get a sense of the, the c policy. so all of a smaller policies. now, the issue is that these boxes, of course, bills have been in this size. and the other issue being is that the spanish national government so relies on the separatist policies to give them
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support with all the issues nationwide in the national column and 2 as well. now that's still a do not know yet how this will turn out simply because we all see the search. this would have to go into an agreement. we have had quite badly this evening. and that seems to be a pessimistic tone. i'm leaving seems to suggest that they were going to continue what from the off position, which would obviously mean that that was cool. the part of the top of the section is to be able to pull from. so what if you can put the return of call us, push them all back to catalonia and politics into perspective for us just fremont view is this, is it mine who had to flee catalonia in the boot of a car, the front of the unrecognized referendum. what does this return mean? the well, he would only be able to see what's on without being arrested. also the, i'm the slow, which is possibly a this. yes,
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it is fully passed through is legislation nowadays and has been passed in the lower house. now it is undergoing a new cat in the opera house as well. and this is where the issue lies. fact that the rights with the center, right, people's policy really holds the causes that one and they don't vehemently against any of separatism as well for them. but please, the most representative back tomorrow as well. now, with that in mind, the legislation is already in the process. it is likely that it is going to cost as well. however, we have to rely on not getting cost. if he's able to deduce it to the country again without being arrested sonya money funding. so i'm going to go live for us back in barcelona, the socialist party headquarters, georgias parliament, the sites for the fed and potentially final reading off
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a controversial phone influence. bill thousands protested on saturday night and tbilisi demanded the govern withdrawal. the proposal to meet him evident co reports from tbilisi on the division. this caused the opposition figures in georgia say that being targeted gear jeopardy, used to be the countries on baset of to cyprus. now a political activist and vocal critic of the for an agents bill, he was attacked near his home this week they started beating me, i started the defending myself, then i fell down. they started the between gui, so the speaks full time nursing and the then data. the bill requires media and other organizations with eating 20 percent or more of the funding from abroad to register as agents of foreign influence. the government says it's essential for transparency and that the country needs to understand who's
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financing thousands of n g o's playing an active role in politics. so still a good book, according to polls. 80 percent of the population supports the transparency of and jose, based on these, the georgia in parliament will fulfill the will of the people by passing the bill in the following days. because they're going to know that's across from the bill is highly divisive. it mirror has a more russia adopted in 2012 that moscow use this to crack down on the sent the judicial committee of to just call them and is holding a 3rd reading of the so called for an agent spill on monday with a vote schedules for tuesday, now the president has promised to veto this bill, should it make it through the readings? but the thing is that the ruling policy, the georgia dream policy and its allies, they have so many seats and parliament that they can override any presidential veto . so that'd be one political observers say the party could lose its dominance in parliament at elections in october. i think there opposition to lose georgia. the
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have woken out. there is a lot of a lot more recognition. there is a lot more question. there's a lot more external pressure, extra the supporting, the free will of georgians, that the government is trying to hijack an oppressed. the european union has cooled, the bill, anti democratic. it's saying it could end george's ambitions to join the you. and this is scaring the business community. one of george's chief exports is wine with 2 thirds going to russia, produced as have high hopes for joining the you. because if the bid fails, all the informed and capable people believed the concert, you know, so this is one that can happen. and then of course, it all depends how withholding for us the markets. the markets also closed. it gets more difficult to reach out to you. you know, tensions are running high in anticipation of tuesday's vote, because so much is at stake for georgia. dimitri man, if it didn't go out to 0, typically see the johns hopkins university in baltimore and protests as occupying
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it and cabinets and solidarity would progress to needs to reach an agreement. to end the protests, the university says it will conduct a timely review or protest is key question of divestment from israel. the agreement it follows weeks of fail negotiations. pasco, hayden joins us live from washington dc. so patsy, what's exactly being agreed as well. the protesters don't take down their tense and they have in fact done that the university for its part says that it's going to move up a process. as you mentioned that already existing, they're going to move it up by about 5 months and the board of trustees will vote on whether to divest from funds and defense contractors that do business with israel. so basically they're saying they'll have a vote. they're not necessarily promising that the disbursement will take place, but it's just being moved up by those 5 months. that means the vote. the board of trustees won't actually vote on this issue until about around this time. in 2025. the protestors that has been facing disciplinary action and on campus because of
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their protests, those cases are gonna stop and they won't face any sort of discipline. in less they break the what the university calls their code of conduct in the future. so that's a win for the protesters, as they say, this is just the end to one chapter that they're going to continue to pressure hopkins. uh the, the one thing they did say the protestors, they will not protest a graduation. and that is been just a constant theme. it's graduation time here in the united states and pretty much every weekend we see pro palestinian protests disrupting a graduation ceremonies just uh, this weekend. the duke university jerry seinfeld, the comedian got up to talk. he's been very pro israel and dozens of students stood up and walked out chanting in support of palestine. so johns hopkins is the 6th university to take this route to negotiate with the protesters, to basically peacefully and the protest. this is,
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by far not the norm. we have seen time after time police move in often heavy handed with violets, arresting protesters according to one couch, nearly 2900 people has been arrested in these pro palestinian protests at 57 universities. so johns hopkins, settling with the protesters, but by far this has not been the norm. so the normandy to go ahead and live in washington dc. thank you. the indians general election is reached. the hot flight point is a 7 phase election process, which last more than 6 weeks, maybe a 1000000000 people are eligible to take pub. median government has failed to give visas to algiers, who is correspondents to cover the story from the country by for reporting on the election from outside india. i'm some habits reports. what's the name of the? it's the half we bought in the 6 week long,
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7 face general election. tens of millions of people have been voting since last month. and the candidates competing for every vote political and then the c panel will be crucial in this election. we have turned out which is lower than last time . i'm more than both was expected in the north, south, west, east of the country. don't seem to be overwhelmingly enthusiastic to bring mister bo the back to power in an actual if you know pop with the acclamation prime minister, not in the movie is seeking a fed 5 yet. mean office. he's going up against a coalition alliance made up of 16 parties. the position has accused moody of resorting to hit speech against muslims in state of focusing on the issues facing voters in order to a piece these can do most in the space. these do some but the but the god,
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what's helemano by moody to quote, slips, infiltrate, disconnect, complained, right? the nice deposition you got some undersea moody is trying to divide the electric to stay in power the price as a recall to me, india for this coming man. and we kind of get away from it a mr will be has to have sort of, has the honest as to the problems he did. and this is a consequence. still proving each crowds, wherever he goes. and he remains the feeble twins because it is to be a very popular figure, any fuel compared with him? any other political lead the him of the opposition group, that would be no match. in fact, the 4th phase of voting starts on monday and would and then to 6 members of funding and the results expected in june falls hams. and i just needed a reminder, the indian government does not grant
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a visa as to how to 0 journalist. so as we mentioned, we have coming the election from outside the country. so people in know that i've kind of started a bearing that, that off to flash floods killed at least 315 people, emergency teams a so struggling to reach the worst affected areas with bridges, rose destroyed thousands of homes, of also being damaged and destroyed and valuable lives, stone washed away. heavy rains have also brought flash floods of land slide to indonesia is provence of west small ship, least $51.00 people have died, including children. dozens of still reported missing. or major road was partially washed away, making rescue operations more difficult. are going to me, it has approve the new cabinet just 2 days after he dissolve the parliament shake. michelle ahmed eligible outside boss cited the need to end the country's political deadlock. the new government will be led by the as nephew shake of on previously
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appointed prime minister repeat the dispute between the national assembly and the cabinet of triggered several dissolutions to the parliament. hundreds of protest to the suff gather than the 2 dizzy and capital just among new presidential elections . that cooling out president christ feed for his crank down on general the sight of his central position tickets. the process comes amid a wave of arrest targeting political opponents of such a day, a prominent lawyer known for a criticism, but the government was arrested during a live news book of millions of people in china struggling to find enough to eat because of high food prices. climate change as well as rising energy costs have played a role increasing the crisis tried is was it was rich for one of the poorest countries in the world, which is here as i'm address reports from the capital instrument. food in chad has become so expensive that families are forced direction. what they eat in markets across the capital produce is plenty,
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but buyers are not. how are them keep here to see what she could afford? the full, $36.00 us cents would buy you 2 cups of beans, but now that are and it gets you one cop. so she says that somebody must decide between eating to amuse or buying less nutritious for a tray to say that on to play the we buy some farm is as a high price add to that the cost of transportation because of bad roads. and rising energy costs for prizes rose sharply. yeah. inside when neighboring nigeria, restricted export. other factors like high fuel costs, climate change on the presence of more than 600000. so that is of interest device can producing over what little pool is about the united nations agency, save the situation is desperate that we have already too many young people in chad,
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shotguns, people on the tv on nutrition its uh, i think that failed 4 times in the last decades that we have such such an issue which 40 and security the next 3 months, which 8 organizations describe us the lean months. i expect it to be the most difficult for people and tried dependent done for the assistance. how many degrees i would use either still a head on i would just say around mexico could soon have its 1st female president will tell you what that could mean for the countries. indigenous women living in poverty is for us to win again to ensure the english premier lead time for race will go down the final day of the season. the we news of eunice goes, world press freedom prize, were announced a collective award honoring the palestinian journalist covering the war on gaza.
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one of the recipients outages here is guys a bureau chief wide. i do send a message of appreciation. he says palestinian target list and guys need justice and protection. his wife, children, and other relatives were killed by his really bones before he himself was nearly killed. at least 143 media workers and journalist have been killed in gaza in nearly 7 months of war. this use wordpress freedom conference also focused specifically on the dangers faced by journalist covering the environment. the number of attacks against the journal this to are specifically covering the environment has risen 42 percent in the last 5 years. the best antidote experts say is for those who attack facts and silence journalist to be held accountable. a
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news the tubs voting up is that they thank you so much. naval austin hubbard sentenced the top of the english premier league table, one new one of my chest, united. taking them a point, click that cycle arrivals, man city. it means that signs with rice will go down. so the last day of the season and our trust sales school, the only goal of the game at old trafford, even if on so when the final march can service and they need city to draw points, one of the final 2 games is to select the trophy for the 1st time in the issue, we know we need our results. uh, we need to, our own thing is still in the last game, but they want to really know that door and open that box of dreams to leave the last on the final day of the end of the season in front of our people. we therefore change it to when they're premier they can, that's something that's we're going to leave together. and i,
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so please that's we're going to do with this plays on this stuff. well, here's how the season will play out. city it's augustine, a full consecutive tunnel. their way it's helping them on choose day. then on sunday, both teams in action city take on west time and also will be playing edits or the wrong address. the same, along with tens of thousands of the funds have been celebrating the latest spanish lead time for when row claims the championship last week with full games to go in the season. and calling salty side one photo against coronado on south state to extend the bates in league run since when see 9 games cycle, jeremy's, or should open in the champions league funded on june the 1st ok number is expected to be joining round next season. he was made captain for what was his final home game for paris on demand on friday he announced to be leaving the french champions it admonished cisco an early go against to lose let's say seems it going to get bates and 31. and this one. and by has been 7 years with the club. we use that
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record goes by level keys and have already secured the gym. and li, titled by you know, when our football can extended the season long and beach and run some 50 games, they won't much away. now, from becoming the 1st team to avoid the fates through routes abundantly get campaign. chevy alonzo as team have a finally game because else, but coming up and assess alonza in the row played funnel and kansas lights. and in the, if you haven't come, the task is equivalent to the right polygons, the confederation come the final is the confidence seconds. a clip compensation thing. it's tested by iris to kind of morocco and egypt. symbolic. the 1st light was tight in morocco and the whole thing will that be taking it to one advantage into the return match, which is coming up next. something which has been accidentally hit. so my head by a water bottle on friday could explain why it's just being knocked out of the it's
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highly and open. a double fault assigned to this 3rd round much because she likes a 100 to below and pretty much summed up junk of it. she's day was the biggest when a civilized career and it's looking badly and ours to be the $24.00 fun friends from champion. most of the who that slips out of a funds backpack structure of which one was leading the fort following his ramsey with jose sounds, i guess. yeah. just uh, yeah, wasn't able to find any kind of uh, good feelings on the quote to be honest, you know, with us striking the bowl and just, yeah, i was completely off. i got the medical care and uh been through through uh and you know, half an hour, an hour of nausea and the dizziness and, and blood and you know, a lot of different things. so uh, but i managed to sleep. okay. you know, i had headaches, but you know, the next day or yesterday was, was pretty fine. so i thought, you know, it's okay,
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but maybe these, okay, maybe it's not. i don't, i mean, the way, the way i felt on the court today was just there completely from, it's like a different player. and to do my shoes, you know, it's just no read them, no temple, no balance whatsoever on any shot. so it's a big concerning us and the women stroll well. number 2, arena sell blanket history to the last 16, the sick time australian i from champion facing donna. yes. friends of ukraine sutherland consolidating the 1st concert when at this tournament on the upcoming french hoping to reach the semi finals that roland girls last of the like. they'll just pull show, hey tony, out of the lights is going to because of an injury and his absence probably the bill just still putting in a winning performance the device is loaded, seals good. and then this semester,
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a grand slam then that helps as teens of 5, nothing went over the san diego padres, the don't use of one h of that less knowing gains a little bit of history for you with the world's radi championship in portugal west. some huge crowd source, the best, who knows you a when the event for record 6 time sort of french going to pass the previous old son. lots sit by finish. ronnie legend, moscow. ellen, she's over will attempt to rise being light bulbs here in the building. finished the coach on some pretty incredible pictures for you from the skies overland into a stream. skydive is jumps out of a helicopter, thankfully attached to some wing seats. other than play through the cities the same as have a bridge, something which should not surprise me, hasn't been done before. i was traveling in the 250 kilometers. now they had trained using cranes to simulates the purchase dimensions and the time slate. they got the measurements spots. all right,
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but as i suppose looking for the mail biting stuff, thanks sunday. so mexico will elect a new president next month. time for the 1st time at the 2 front runners, the women. it comes to the time when many indigenous women feel, they have been forgotten by the government. julia got the honor visited several indigenous communities to find out how people this thing the upcoming folks may impact the future. the nation mayan culture, traditional massages for belief, secure ailments, ranging from intestinal issues to post partum recovery today, and southeastern mexico, use the net control is keeping these traditions alive as a way to empower her community. if the proficio is that this profession is disappearing by the older traditional, he lives as guides and there was so much them on. so many women come here and end up sharing so much about their lives with me. just so you know, as part of the largest network of indigenous women across mexico,
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working out of community centers created specifically to address the needs of this vulnerable group. 70 different indigenous groups make up 15 percent of mexico's population and most of them live in poverty and like the influence and resources to make decisions about their own communities. some of my yes we on my end, we speak our native language. we live in and understand our communities. yet when the state makes decisions about programs or budgets, what we have proposed is not reflected in their plans. as mexico's presidential elections ra smear. both leading candidates, a promise to reverse decades of neglect, of indigenous groups. but many say they have heard such promises before. indigenous communities have long been marginalized by successive mexican government. but active as and community leaders have little hope that's going to change it with a new government, even if it is led by a woman. instead they say what's needed is greater indigenous representation across
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political and social life in the country. a role that beekeeper lady patch has been fulfilling for over a decade when genetically modified crops threatened her livelihood. and that of thousands of my an beekeepers pitch built a coalition that eventually outlaw the planting of gm facilities in the area. she has since become a leading defender of her assessor land and customs. been what they've done was that responded as women. we shouldn't appear to this political systems that i've always been controlled by man. and the aim to strengthen the system, but as always, dominated and marginalized and has never understood him. but there's other ways of life out in the country club. they have, as political campaigns play out in the big cities that are in the remote communities have come pitcher indigenous women are calling for greater recognition of their needs as yet they remain skeptical that their voices will be heard with a woman in power rather than a man, to be a go. yeah, i know. i'll just euro come fidget mexico. okay. you're up to date. it's not safe
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for me any pocket for this news. i'll be back in just a moment. time and much more. today's news, don't forget our website. how just eva, don't com much more news and opinion stay with us. and obviously, the as universities across the u. s. mobilize for palestine, an unprecedented track, down intensifies. they're putting a target on my back there say, here's your person, go get her fault lines investigates the mechanisms of suppression and the implications for academic freedom. universities who embrace diversity when it's for palestinian right? you're suspended, you're investigated. you're shut down. the palestine exception on a does eat a just
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to read his spend most of his life on the water. he's the fisherman, just like others and his family. but things are different now for when he was a boy. in 2022 long days mcats would declared and endangered species. suddenly going out of their family at the school today, he's taking us to the band. so the only stop leak in central den bode. yeah. he sees that he used to see monkeys in droves, him hunting for crap. i down there the more now. so that's why i don't see that that wants to be, i mean, i'm own, are like via value of the power. while the all i can only logan carnegie the monkeys are frightened for good reason.
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traffic is just you and sell them to the highest bidder. to buy medical research, this black market treat not only indeed just wise pri, make populations, but puts public health at risk. because unlike captive red monkeys, there's no guarantee the animals of pathogen free. the, [000:00:00;00] the low on the bulk of this is the news of life coming up in the next 60 minutes. more death and more destruction across the cause of his route intensifies its ground and air attacks in the north and expands as offensive in the south and central parts of the strip. diplomatic blow for israel egypt shows is anger against the offensive
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and rough or by supporting the genocide case against is around the u. n's top course. they're instances where they've acted inconsistent with their obligations


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