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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 13, 2024 2:00am-2:30am AST

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you know something in the more depth and more destruction across because israel intensifies its ground and air attacks in the north and expands. it's offensive in the south central parts of a strip. the other ones are in jordan, this is down to 0. 9 from double. so coming out of diplomatic flows, israel egypt shows it's anger against the offensive and rough by supporting the genocide case against israel up and you end up calling their instances where they've acted inconsistent with their obligations under international humanitarian law. but us such a state down to me blinking issues is strong. this criticism, yes, of israel's actions in gaza on the southern cabinet shakeup. and russian president
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vladimir putin replaces so again, showing of the long term defense minister with economy news from north to south palestinians across the gauze, facing a renewed wave of his riley ground and air attacks in the north reports, but is really time. so i'm moving into the giovanni a refugee camp off and launching a series of intense strikes that in central gauze, at least for palestinians were killed by his writing strike. indeed above the palestinians from the north. i'm a south of taking refuge in the south as well as expand that it's offensive and rougher and is confronting how much fights is that how you got begins our coverage moving deeper into northern and southern cause the these really military has re enter systemically populated, see if the depaula in the news,
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it says the new offensive is to prevent a must from reestablishing its capabilities. that the body bucks, piling up our offices in the, in the, you know, my what, what do they want from us? they are killing also know children showing them what can we do. we are staying on the streets, were being smoke, took water. that is, is ro deploys it sold his back into the north. it's a tax in the south are intensifying by the hour. more than $35000.00 palestinians have been killed since october and does really forces arranging closer towards a full scale assault and rough uh, an offense of the un human rights to this cannot take place. i can see no way that the latest evacuation orders much less. the full assault in an area with an extremely dense presence of civilians can be reconciled with the binding
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requirements of international but it territorial in with the 2 sets of binding provisional measures for that by the international court of justice. many palestinians as be forcibly displaced once again i'm told to go to an area is role is cooling, humanitarians loan. but agencies say the only thing waiting for them is a lot of shelter, sanitation, water, and food. judy vega, i'll just 01 in the past few hours is ready for us is they've struck a medical clinic in outbreaks, refugee compton, central gaza. that's not far from that. i've been out with tens of thousands of people have been sheltering. at least one person was killed in the attack. video from the scene shows residents searching the rubble for survivors as have an activity, and people holding their cell phones to look for those trapped and rubbed to 0. it's funny, my mood was up the lot. so hospitalized did i bother with the engine had been rushed to up. within the past 20 minutes, we clearly could hear
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a loud explosion taking place. and just as we starting this report, injury started to pour it into the hospital. 3 cars got in these as, as the one of the cars is a pick up a truck with belongings and displays families that was on its way to dairy ballasa city. but they were very close to a side that was targeted by what looks like a drawing miss. those fired by these really military the, their injuries that were on, on these cars. and they were brought in the inside the hospital initially, what we're hearing about it was the target was a medical center and they sent part of the city and that these people were passing by the were injured by the scrap nose as well as the people inside this medical center i could count right here out at least 5 injuries, who arrived to the hospital right now and already over well, hospital within the past 48 hours. uh,
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we could clearly see the number of injuries inside the hospital as well as the over well marg here with many, many people who will uh, within the past few days and since these and since the bombing campaign is started to, uh, discourage here in the central. 2 area there is no space left in the hospital and the fear now with more. 1 more people pouring into the hospital more injuries, the hospital is at risk of completely shut down as there is a risk of not being able to be operational as there is no fuel. as we heard of from a press conference earlier today, and we spoke with the health officials here who described the situation as quite difficult with the tsunami of injuries that keep coming into the hospital. it's a 24 hours away from completely shutting down. it's important to point out the hospital as a yes there they receive the close do 8000 liters of
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a fuel. but those $8000.00 leaders, if you're only enough for these 24 hours that they were referring to, and 3 pallets, demands have been killed and a ton has injured. and one of the latest is ready strikes on residential homes and a roof on in the south. at least 300000 pallets and the ends of flipped these really a sofa. but they've nowhere say to go. mean a lot of hospitals are running out of supplies. dr. muhammed here is an orthopedic surgeon, voluntarily engaged with project scientific. that's a cherokee group. you spoke to us on the phone from a rough describe what's happening as several streams of patients. so you have be a cute injuries that are coming in and these can range from blocks, injuries, people out, and all over that bodies space for the injuries. you have shop lo injuries that come through, letting them cut through, none of them, but the souls. and also, and trump dump little organs incorrectly, golden as well. you have some really horrific injuries,
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where people come into the now not the recognizable as a human being anymore. they are simply a lump sum flash adult obviously quite um, you know, has always be tied um and then it not only exists for the adults but also for children. uh, it is quite horrific with this 1st time. i don't ever seen that sort of level of trauma on the photos i'm seeing in the shit. it's, you know, quite hard to say. i've seen women and children as well as the men all being cut down and no preference. so one demographic over the other. i think many people are being caught up in this initial i think the other, the other aspect is to consider is many people. oh, i don't know a many of the victims though, i don't know. uh yeah. and so go immediately to the moultrie, as well as the fact that i'm going into is, could look evacuate. many of the injured,
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like to happen often at night with people i would see a no one can get to these people. i don't do all the experience um i feel like we're playing a lot better because we limited resources to help go. is that near being a breaking point? as far as i can send, in terms of both personnel and supplies, and we are really coming to a desperate situation now. screen on your effective state and to me, blink. and has issued a rad public criticism of israel ministry conduct in gaza. he says israel's tactics, of course, they horrible loss of life of innocent civilians. he also said that is why lots of credible plans to protect civilians in the rough uh, head of a full scale offensive, which is the one that will carry out. lincoln made those comments during appearances on sunday talk shows in the us. montana is following developments from washington dc as the secretary of state has been doing the talk show circuit. basically, defending his department's memorandum to congress in which it was supposed to
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decide whether or not israel was contribution in international humanitarian roll with its use of u. s. weapons. well, the report basically concluded maybe not possible to be absolutely definite. now this report has drawn a lot of criticism, also from some democratic members of congress had the secretary of state. the also speaking about president biden's red line, president biden referred to this when he was discussing a potential, is really threats of an invasion of rough uh, saying that this could be a red line. now the secretary of state was asked about that. i'm one of the talk shows we have been holding back and weren't active conversations with his real about the provision of heavy or high pillows, weapons of large bombs because of the concern that we have about the effect these weapons can have when they're using a dense urban environment like profit. mm hm. we're discussing that with this real
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right now. second with the present, it said is that if israel goes in with a major military operation, rasa. in that case, there are certain systems that we will not provide is real. that with a a that that effort because it's something that we do not want to be part of given the damage that it would do to civilians. and again, not to achieve a durable, lasting effect, the results for his real and for security. that's what the president said. we said that in conversations with our as really partners, the results that we've seen in terms of the horrible loss of life, of, of innocent civilians is reasonable to assess, as we say, in the report that there are instances where they've acted inconsistent with their obligations under international humanitarian law, those in those investigations continue both by us and is real well, a single shipment of those 2000 pound precision bombs has been put on hold.
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it is still on hold pending review. however, on other scheduled width and shipments to israel. all going ahead by kind of outright sarah washington. the russians president vladimir putin is replacing one of his longest setting ministers in a surprise cabinet. re shuffled more than 2 years into the ukraine war. he's moving defense minister. so guy showing you from his role showing you it will be replaced by former deputy prime minister. and i believe we saw who was an economist with no military experience. the moves still needs approval from parliament, but that's expected to be a formality showing google now had rushes to national security council. you're a shop of all of a has more now from us. could you repeat and find a decree of pointing survey, showing your secretary of the russian security council? you collect pots, or should, who held this post since may 2008 was the relief of haste position. the criminal
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permits to name a new position to be filled. finally, collect partnership within just a few days of the survey should get ahead of the russian ministry of defense for the last 12 years before moving to the security council. so i least expected that sydney collab hunter should, will head the presidential administration to h, remains to be seen letting me present, proposed a pointing economist. i'm tre. below use it as the new minister of defense. he served as far as deputy prime minister before the rest of the nation, or the russian cabinet of ministers. it has never been enrolled in the ministry service and according to criminal spokesman to meet your pass code for the ladies that is needed in the army to introduce innovations. and the, to our trust me shall be economy in the army. and just a couple of weeks ago, survey show use deck you to was arrested for bribery. and they were room is that the show is position was shaped. thing about done at the same time that would choke
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. that's a he could possibly be replaced. and the same time, others was saying that's a car in place. the situation on the print in front looks quite good for sure. gu, unlike the situation last summit. so they would know that there was no need to replace him. so it's not to be a person has made this move and the choice of being human is self defense. it seems to mentally, quite surprising. you would have shut off all of the o to z, right? most square, ukrainian masonic jack has killed at least 8 people in the russian city of belgrade, close to the border between the 2 countries of an apartment block collapsed a few hours off to the attack to children. armand, at least 19 wounded dosage by reports from musket. this is the moment a ukrainian missile hit an apartment complex in the russian city of belgrade. the attack took place on sunday morning, destroy most of the 3 buildings in the compound rescue workers search for survivors
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under the russell and said, well that's the one where everything started. sign a windows. so can you do that with 10 floors in the building? i live on the 7th floor. my husband was sleeping in the bathroom, his head and face the injured. everything collapsed in one second. we didn't have time to do anything. more than a dozen people were taken to hospitals. seems like these are becoming common in this region. since december, ukrainian forces had been stepping up their tax on belgrade which borders har. keith authorities have been forced to cancel state events and issue regular evacuation orders because of drone and missile strikes. the russian foreign ministry spokeswoman murray as a haro boss says this attack is the latest bloody work in a series of crimes by cubes. she's accused ukrainian forces of violating international law on the new pushed by the russian military in ukraine. second largest city of harkey, comes after it declared full control of the city of
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a difficult it gateway to done yes, in the don't boss region. in late february, increase and attacks on belgrade is seen as a result of the intense bottles across the border and car keys. as far as the russian military seems determined to continue, regardless of the cost, well civilians pay the price. doors is of worry, i'll do 0. moscow. start for a short break here. now just here, when we come back, patients with chronic illnesses and garza are running out of time. the only hospital that provides live setting dialysis is only 2 days of fuel on separate systems, pains, pennsylvania region. so for us that we level live results from local elections, the more not state the
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hello 2 things i wanted to talk about in brazil. so still more what, whether coming into rio grande to sole state, including for its capital ports and lake ray, once again falling over top of flood shaped areas. and then the highest level alerts issued for seats in places like rio de janeiro could potentially be your highest may day on record, but wins will turn around out of the south. that's a cool breeze. and eventually showers will catch up to you through temperatures will be knocked back to where they should be for this year. otherwise, most of brazil actually looking, dr. got some what weather in arizona state and it's capital now. so on monday, it's been quite hot in this part of the world. we've got a warm breeze blowing around with east mexico month. right. coming in at 40 degrees store and really the name of the game for the southern states here. pushing out of louisiana into mississippi, alabama as somebody is, could be severe flood alerts that can play for that eastern side of texas. spells of showers across the great lake, some of that now starting to push into the us northeast,
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but mostly cloudy conditions here. and really a similar story out west as well. the odd shower right across the canadian prairies . but it is looking good for california. plenty of sun and things are heating up in vegas up to 36 degrees. the . ringback the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the welcome back. you're watching out as a right quick reminder now about top stories here. there's a lot of spinning ends up being pushed out of jabante, a refugee camp and moving gaza. once again, there's been intense, plumbing. i'm fighting that. it's ready for us to defend to the area, months off to the clearing of and so how much you have such of state down to me bring concerns. israel doesn't have a kind of a plan to protect civilians and rough. uh, it was a launch, a full scale round defensive. it's as cautious purchase as of yet pencils us and israel's tactics across the heart. the loss of life of the innocent civilians in jobs are not only 6, a trucks were allowed into gaza on saturday. that's often no truck carrying live
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saving supplies could enter the strip since last sunday. hospitals, bakeries and a distribution points are running out of fuel and food and central gaza. the alex, the hospitalized, the only medical center in the strip left, but still able to offer dialysis to patients with kidney failure, but fuel to power, which generates, as is running out of st. alcorder reports from did i buy, let's say alice's as a life saving treatment, it triplicate, the kidneys functions, cleaning the blood, the waste and excess fluid and the ok so hospital and did bella is the only medical facility in the cause of strips to able to help people with kidney failure, 10 to pick up this in the old p, the patients and guys that have nowhere to go for treatment. but this hospital i was suffering is unprecedented. not experience, but anyone before we you for the world health organization to lend
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a helping hand. 600 patients are sharing 19 dialysis machines. the treatment usually takes 4 hours. these people are receiving just 90 minutes. how do you see it going on? and this will also force to reduce the number of sessions for each patient from 3 times a week to twice a week. this caused many patients to die. this is where the armies expanding, assault and joyful has forced. the closure of hospitals, including the biggest niche, are meaning many have had to risk the dangerous journey to central garza to continue their treatment about the civil war. i've been receiving dialysis and wrap it for 3 years. i missed my sessions when the attack spread to rafa. it was difficult for me to get here. it's a long distance and costly. when i finally arrived, i found the unit overwhelmed with patients. this is where it has blocked deliveries of critical medical supplies and fuel. the hospital is powered by generators and
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without fuel health workers can provide these patients with the care they need. not only that these patients were receiving tedney, they all as his frequent in unless you are hospitalized, but they were also seeking refuge here unfortunately. oh ok. so hospital does not have any pays for these policy news to seek refuge here, leaving them homeless. this is in the study of to 0. that is the la garza palestine agents government has announced it'll now support the lawsuit, filed by south africa, the international court of justice accusing israel of genocide. the injection ministry of foreign affairs said in line to be increasing severity and scope of his ready aggressions against palestinian civilians in the gaza strip. we called on israel to comply with its obligations as the occupying power and its implementation of the interim measures issued by the international court of justice. we renew uh
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coal and the security council. and the influential international parties did immediately move to a ceasefire in the gaza strip. for donnelly, a for me is a professor of political science at long island university. she explained the importance of egypt supporting the i see jet case. so this is really an unprecedented moment in the history of the modern day history between egypt and israel. egypt has been the most important mediator in the region. the 1st arab nation to recognize and formalize times, width is real and 1979. and here is this movement, the symbolic moment where the egyptian government puts his foot down on for basic reasons. and the 1st of the humanitarian, one that you cited where the ministry of foreign affairs says that the intervention currently comes in increasing severity. and that israel's actions in gaza leading to the death of almost $40000.00 individuals via always international humanitarian law and the 4th geneva convention in terms of protecting civilians. and they also
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talk and mention about the systemic practices against palestinians that are leading to starvation. and the provisional measures of the i, the i, c, j have asked for that the to insure humanitarian relief actually be instituted. and so that's what the humanitarian level of this moment has deeper implications at the political level. because israel has not proved itself in the eyes of egypt as a good faith and the gate negotiator. it didn't sign onto the cease fire agreement, even though it had mentioned that it would also for months, egyptian officials have stated that an is really invasion of rough. i would risk peace ties between the 2 countries. so it's more so than the i a c j ruling. it's also a below to the ties between the 2 countries because israel has via, you know, they've, they've actually sees the border and they've taken tactical provisional authority or border
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the house i purchase in spain's pennsylvania region have suffered a huge set back in sundays regional election the socialist party, which also runs the national government in mother, has made games. catalonia a separate us government held a referendum to break away from spain back in 2017. but madrid never recognized the vote. after there was some of the ago has more now from fossil of certainly a mood of celebration here at the socialist policy type forces. even though they've already really managed this victory by a narrow majority. however, they are optima that this is a sign that the region wants something different. the last time that, especially as we're in the region was back in twins, extensive would be a new era from be a separate as dominates. it is a prior to this, however,
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that would rely on the social is being able to reach an agreement with all the surfaces, policies, including the smaller ones as well. the major separate this policy. you all see who's outgoing president is a member of top and taking a policy in negative turn on that saying that they will continue to do that. what from the opposition side is the case and associates would have to be unable to that government funding guy ever. how does aero boss alone the india is general election has reached the half way point on monday, millions of voters will cost the balance in the full phase of polling among the regions. voting will be indian administered kashmir where it is the 1st collection since the area lost its special status in 2019. while the indian government has failed to of these as down to 0 is correspondence to cover this story. but we're
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reporting on this selection from outside the country, some of how many groups. here's the good stuff we bought, the indian music suite long, 7 face general election. tens of millions of people have been voting since last month. and the candidates competing for every vote. political and then the c panel will be crucial in this election. we have turn out which is lower than last time. i'm north, then both was expected in the north, south, west, east of the country. don't seem to be overwhelmingly enthusiastic to bring mister low, the back to power in an act of, you know, pop with the acclamation. prime minister, not into moody, is seeking a bed 5 yet time in the office. he's going up against a condition the lions made up of 16 parties to position has
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a piece moody of resorting to hit speech against muslims. is data focusing on the issues facing boat is in order to appease to he's in do most in the space they do some but the but by law, the god, what's helemano by moody who called slips, interest rate disconnect complained right. the nice deposition you call some undersea moody is trying to divide the electric to stay in power. the price supposed to be calling me india for this coming man. and we kind of get away from it to mr. what would the has to have sort of, has the honest as to the problems he did? and this is the consequence. still proving each crowds, wherever he goes. and he remains the civil twins because it is to be a very popular figure. and if you compared with him, any of the political lead the him of the opposition group, there will be no match. in fact the 4th phase of voting starts on
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monday. and then to 6 members of funding and the results expected in june falls hams. and we just need, undermined to the indian government has not granted visas to rogers heroes jr. unless so we're covering the election from outside the country to afghanistan and our flash floods treated by heavy rain of killed at least 315 people. are there a fee is the death toll could rise? i'll just say we're supposed to just based residents and background. one of the hottest in areas can be kind of 100 miles buried on demand in debris, the ruins of what with family homes. the fullest of friday's lot destroyed thousands of properties across bygone province. isn't that going to move in a god? this is my life that you see now. all these what house on the floor? one house off to another. scary flood came and took everything with it. because of what i'm going to the act and i'm on the thing on. it also took more than 300 lives, according to the televisions ministry for refugees,
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a number that is likely to rise. oh, many of the victims have already been buried or not, i mean, i lost the 13 members of my family, including women and children. i thought of flood waters washed out in time, villages and livelihoods. the guy said to them, we don't have clean water to drink and there's nowhere to live, nothing to you. and that is everything, including the school and the clinic, are gone. the seasonal heavy ryan's clothes, the flash flooding, sweeping through several provinces across afghanistan by gland is considered the wish to fix it. while it is that rather than the i don't know what health is coming to us from the government, there is no life left for us. i mean, why should we go? this is my house and all of it is destroyed. there is no life left for me anymore. many of the roads in and out of the regions paved in money, making it difficult for rescue chains to reach remote areas. diggers on needed to
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combat upon. so i, at the top, i expect the government and the un to provide us with shelter water medicine or somewhere to live so that all these people can be safe or not. the people in the bag line a waiting for that dispute, we needed help to arrive. kindly tell a hey, i'll just get a for the reins of forgotten. flash floods on land slides and indonesia is province of west sinatra. police. 31 people have died including children. dozens are still missing. one major road was partially washed away, making rescue operations difficult. millions of people in chad struggling to find enough to eat because of high food prices. climate change as well as rising energy costs of played a role in creating the process. chad is rich and results is but one of the poorest countries in the world document. it just reports on the capital in jamaica food in


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