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tv   Witness Facing Francos Crimes - The Silence of Others  Al Jazeera  May 13, 2024 4:00am-5:01am AST

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see in this generation age workers, right side effects targets is an in depth coverage. how is any of this except it is not acceptable. i'll just say it was teens across the world. when you close to, to the heart of the story of the hello, i'm down, jordan doe, how with a quick reminder of the top stories here on the i'll just say era palestinians are being pushed out of giovanni, a refugee camp in northern guns, a once again there's been intense bombing and fighting is right forces that enter the area, months soft of pushing help us out. because really forces i was struck at medical clinic and outbreaks, refugee camp in central gauze that's not far from data, but where tens of thousands of people had been sheltering. at least one person was killed in that attack. video from the scene shows residents searching for severity, but there is no electricity and people are holding their cell phone to look for
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those trapped under a level 3 palestinians have been killed and 8 others injured in. one of the latest is rarely strikes on the residential homes in the rough. i in the south, at least 300000 palestinians, a flip, these really esl that they have no way it's safe to go. your effective state down to the blinking says israel doesn't have a credible plan to protect civilians in rough, or if it was a launch, a full scale ground defensive. it's as harsh as criticism, yet lincoln's also said israel tactics that caused a horrible loss of life. of innocent civilians and joseph. so 1st, we have been holding back and we're in active conversations with his real about the provision of heavy or high pillows, weapons of large bombs because of the concern that we have about the effect these weapons can have when they're using a dense urban environment like profit mm hm. we're discussing that with this real right now. second with the present, it said is that if israel goes in with
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a major military operation, rasa. in that case, there's certain systems that we will not provide is real. that with a a that that effort because it's something that we do not want to be part of given the damage that it would do to civilians. and again, not to achieve a durable, lasting, effective result for israel and for security. that's what the president said. we said that in conversations with our as really partners, agents, government does announce that on now, support the lawsuit, filed by south africa, the international court of justice that using israel of genocide, egyptian, the minister of foreign affairs said and lie to the increasing severity and scope of his ready aggressions against palestinian civilians and the gaza strip record on israel to comply with its obligations as the occupying power and its implementation of the interim measures issued by the international court of justice. we renew our code on the security council and intervention international parties to media, to move to a cease fire in the gaza strip process. president vladimir putin as replacing the
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one of his longest serving ministers may surprise cabinet, re shuffle more than 2 years and to the ukraine war. he's removing defense minister suggest showing you from his role showing it will be replaced by format, deputy prime minister and right below it was of it was an economist with no ministry experience. the move still needs approval from parliament, but that's expected to be a formality showing google now head russians. national security council supports us in spain. this castle area region have suffered a huge set back in sunday's regional election. the socialist party, which also runs the national government in madrid, as much as the largest policy and the regional elections. it's $141.00 out of a $135.00 seats, and more than 90 percent of the votes counted, catalonia is separate as government held the referendum to break away from spain in 2017. the madrid never recognized the fact that the reins of triggered
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flash floods on land slides in indonesia as a province of west amount for at least $31.00 people have died, including children. dozens, i'm missing one major road was possibly washed away, making rescue operations more difficult. the number of people killed by flash floods in brazil, southern most states has risen to at least a 143 river levels are rising again in rio grande, it dissolved less heavy rains. continue, more than half a 1000000 people have in force on the house. i'm thousands of canadians. i've been ordered to leave their homes in the western province are bodies, columbia, because of the threat of a fast moving well fire, strong winds, and dry conditions in fort nelson, not making the plays more difficult to fight. a government is wanting of higher than normal spring and summer temperatures, meaning a greater risk of well fires. so those were the headlines. these continue as here and i'll just say are off the witness state you the
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. ready on the on the data and in order
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to get the, the data force and these are the the the
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the most did i gave the cd looks fine. you allow me to come in. so when i'm going to need that, you see, i'm talking like the
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duncan point and the thought of these vanya wouldn't the gussy quite in daniels the but you lose a sign called i'm with the bed on the 9th he is on the top. we do not see up, but i knew that i was, but this was for the because the things on
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the one way run a video allow me see a at those low screen minutes. and i think the other way to say, maybe, you know, you might in fact though they will be the same. i mean, the lot of people normally see other us, but i don't read all the doors, but the way they some of the is going to be the, shall see that and most of what we gotta do stuck on typically on the the, those are why you have any of the sudden point this loan and someone that can pull it almost out of the call.
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the speaker the scene was as far as the sound goodness of them was located quarterly on monday is color hughes. no, god knows what i'm saying yet on most of the strategies known as look into i don't know, sort those know for the most compelling was to see 1st fucking normally settings the new tires on tv. but i'm telling you it won't probably take, i mean, it's, it's, i mean it's sort of cool in terms of that to me from within your mind they been doing this tell you over the phone. maybe i've
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got a phone, i need my bed, so i'm not going to be leaving, you know, kind of give you the proof in the road. the name was what to do for them. i fumes over to brooklyn wrote a durn thing to show. we might have done them ready. you're getting the u. s. a bit of grill game, which i'm going to tell them that for them of the about runs out of the
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at the site into one into utility name, which is this is how much how much of the thing though she had to gather measures with d and then pushed through the thing for the terms here, going up that they put that out. maybe some of that move forward now, or it's just a moment so they can throw you in the know the this thing on the solar. you don't the know you up with science life and so the, the, the sooner the better so nice us as you know, but is incredibly rough with each other. but so you could,
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i mean not the number one was that the lowest, they'll put them in any tennessee they're communicating through money like that. then in simply southern guns that you all got out of the windows. but at that, as you get by so much at the input, it make what i'll do that and they go by some of the packing the homework will see that because it was that would be some of the restroom $1.50, but it could be minutes when we deal with a lift though, doesn't include us, you and that really think the more like you know with this you and you of a sudden and easy to get a 30 minute going through the one either the ones that have been so you sent the invoice or the water board and the think the more exact employees that are gonna put him into the company. not you can put that in the
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y special as muscle of if you don't see other sports, we can split up. and when he goes to the 1st one to do not for the fuel do with, there's plenty on the right. that's out on the tribute of oil. it's like, i would say, you know, i said the more advocate it, that'd be mentioned the fluid, any of the sudden movements, something like that would be mean. the good thing is what you mean is when you pick the risk and wait for them, think of what i'm saying. it was the best on is accused a break king, a 1977 m, the state by investigating the death. so disappearance is of more than a $100000.00 civilians in the franco dictatorship, separate,
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but of this i'm in the that was out of sean. by the see, getting up was i didn't video any one of the middle of do and things like that. i think the emphasis i see the most in the front of look at it, you know, the going to sudden look that up. so it was done. and then even though i think i said it was, you already got me in the say what the symptoms you mind. but as even without the look on the big one, when he goes soonest and they finally got them when he goes to an affordable rate, a don't go century ago. they made me. yeah. and they'd be the most and i gave them the,
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gave me the new i took the what's the zip, i nearly ended up with the soup on your line. but you got the sunday. so monita, nobody leaving m i n d a we the or the bad one. okay. the machine. yeah. so they look the see i what i perpendicular want to done, you can see in 5th can you give over the phone with poor? can we put them, what do you hang teaching machines to the in the streaming uh, the purpose about a media competitive and want to locate that an id to logan. this is my son. 50 or no. the the 50 s
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the any 5000. i ready for the new stuff, but it was 10 percent of the just the another sample body bullet from contemporary writers around the me much
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better place like a plan now the main deal many you today dials. yeah. i'm not here how. how does anybody
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in the mail or same page the attorney general, peter may not be the better. i don't know. finally comes from money. so let me put a sign is tv. i'm a fan. yeah. and this table got well, could a minute the lease on monday that the point of the city a so it was thought about the lovely, see only the 3 the then they got one of the city to be, you know,
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we live course they, maria. so you to get one of those folk was one of them in the last week, the most of jungle, the nurse orders these boys this we know what else the on that as because as the democrats, the him despite oakland or less is that to us it is quite honest, people can use these bottles incomplete, those will be in the you but if it isn't needed this by the time i wouldn't like to go collateral because shifting and fish focused in the least significant without the t . i will try to give you a different amount of time in class, but some of this in 2 of them, one is going to do much because this has no simpler 150100 foot little enough done
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. but the minute i'm going to model the tempest, but out of only fun in espanol there, but also some yet bush and most indeed us and then of the vehicle and go to is all ready to start us the go to to the yet been decor, the big ones in that right, but actually similarly sheet that you put up on the, on the me story of the booking seal. not always go to funky stuff in the suddenly run and
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tell you to the corner to the go, the see and just the new or you saw the new system to the new england between 10 to the 16. the got to good one is a 16, i'll put it up when we see it. but even just people who are kind of, you know, jump right into another lucas? yes. oh, shoot that issue issue. mm hm. and are you, i just, you need to move your deductible? sure. i guess it english to be that can work a the
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moment just a moment to study for you at that point that people may not be sent into the packaging campus and then we'll get it done based on the 30, i think the
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board pretty soon there will be a confidence it's one of the studies that goes on. good, good, good, good, good, good, good must thing, but other than that is it, we bought it or so to get anybody. okay, so suggesting that statement, the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the little most important, the me opinion of the part of that us rental is k. a know said key won't pull new franco, but a sort of a, let's see the ceiling. we'll see you in the near communities. it will be they'll come in. so best time dan does, and i miss you and will know. and he'll be that us on the phone,
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go into lou to coordinate the show, talking about the on the the a dozen more than his number, which is in his policy as with these people because english and then intending to continue on are children. ok. e, c o z, those must be in saturday for the us in the ocean link. the police try to get into the portal by the on the most of the colors of pollutants. i'd be happy to see you on the main thing, a different stories and then actually i'm in the front of his confidential those
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there's a lot to be though i usually think that his cell 4 get a lot of the front boy and have a lot of his bus house, the feelings and see in those those. and they got the, those senior orders. i could all for a while, a lady i'm using the acadia. i'm sure. how does your deal
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senior people masturbating and i mean when when you do have to mean you can pay them no money by time bill. okay. see my name is camille m. okay. no no. yeah. and there was a time to be, israel's project has been completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but it was not a jew, israel's a state, and they need to be treated as any other state. what, this is where the tough questions are asked. can you see negotiations being even
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happen? this is the most important, which if you're going to negotiate, poll unapologetic, i'm the upfront on out 0 and you will see a duty and a growth using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches it's deserving recipient's visit. the costs are read, present, and remember to cut purifies wells and increases systems costs on ridgecrest over $27000.00 harrowing photographs. as mutually can do that to us. the evidence in this case is frankly even stronger than that that we had against the nazis at nuremberg. and these crimes continued in the fast of a 2 part series out to 0 photos,
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powerful cases of all crimes against civilians allegedly killed by the syrian government. with photographic evidence from the seas of files, the lost souls of syria on al jazeera, the hello, i'm down, jordan doe, have with the top stories here. and i'll just say a rough palestinians are being pushed out of javante, a refugee camp in northern gaza. once again, there's been intense plumbing and fighting his writing forces event of the area. months of the pushing, hum us out is where the forces of struck a medical clinic and outbreak refugee compton, central gaza. that's not far from there. how about with tens of thousands of people have been sheltering? at least one person was killed in that attack video from the scene shows residents searching for survivors. there's no electricity and people are holding their
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cellphones look for those trumps. under rather 3 palestinians have been killed and 8 others injured. and one of the latest is very strikes on the residential homes and a rough in the south, at least $300000.00. demands of fled these radius of this. so they have no way of safe to go, as well as continued as a sofa and a rough despite international condemnation. page of the government of the now system now support the lawsuit, filed by south africa, the international court of justice accusing israel of genocide. egyptian ministry of foreign affairs said in light of increasing severity and the scope of his radio aggressions against palestinian civilians in the gaza. strip we called on israel to comply with its obligations as the occupying power and its implementation of the interim measures issued by the international court of justice. we renew our code and the security council and influential international part is to immediately move to a cease fire in the gaza strip rush. as president vladimir putin is replacing one of
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his longer serving ministers. and i surprised cabinet. re shuffle more than 2 years into the ukraine, who is removing defense minister. so guess, shall i go from his role? should i go will be replaced by format deputy 5 minutes to on the right below. so who's on the economist with no military experience? the moves do will needs approval from parliament, but that's expected to be a formality. showing google now head rushes national security council. us of surfaces in spain, catalonia region have suffered a huge set back in sundays reason. the election, the socialist party, which also runs the national government in madrid, as much as the largest box and the reason that elections. it's 141 now to the 135 seats with more than 90 percent of the votes counted catalonia as separate as government tell the referendum to break away from spain in 2011. but madrid never recognized the but all right, those are the headlines and this continues here and i'll just the era of the
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witness station. thanks so much i the same may forget about for the late, but it's the same. what do you always considerable hold on a all the on to the next 30. i mean, i went to swing by and being a highly my the i might have been me at that if i was being i lo please me a way now i see now the and
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a little bit and i don't know the how the get the what do you mean by there's a job i think one or send me. you haven't seen the but i didn't know if you didn't come the at all in demo garcia. the forget, i mean these people see on that mean my fish on us. i mean white guy, the, the for the city 30, a sound went on my license for the money on that it won't be or this, those there. he may have gone, know things went up on the will not guide you used to form a study on my that when i was talking to someone that i may be level for other
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places i started and faced serious. so i said it wasn't me. i don't know, you don't mind what i'm gonna get to go. i don't know if i don't know if i see, but uh, i don't know, but when i remember them, no, no, no, no, no, no one in here. june 1 i'll talk. you don't need to get anybody say do so. that sounds good. so then you're going to need to ask that one's on the new the he'll be, would be like god and that other job isn't that? where's another slave other from around full days? they've got it. all of them are full on the inside, but the remaining the big piece or maybe i will get to know the estimated on tv and like i did the guy, i said the boy gave me
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a negative. the good thing when i try to make a different image, caffeine can end up with a virus tired of you, but there's no more that is necessary and it's on, you know, bottom up once in a big associate of the last bill for $910.00. when i get you set them in the system, what you meant associates able to jump in and look at the several shuttle. you might not see them. but if they came all that that emily, me see, i see it, but i see on that, but i get the ones right below that funny and then they don't show you the money for the gate. no, no, i mean the window nessie and where does it have to be and she has it. got it in a company who does that, and i do need your cell number so that this your trying you and i'd be able to say that there's
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a bit of them. you don't really speak with somebody . what do you see him be fit in a to a mechanical? maybe. so what does that mean? a good idea to get me these categories is based on what the email the same case and go to the daughter that being your tongue. other points meant the internet and based on actually month on the custom, the nino provider in a bit that i'm going to see bartalini going instead of to the music when they gave me the finance. it was the quote to get the rest of everybody to come in. so i yeah, but i mean it seems quite into good. thank you. seems
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pretty visa a little more. this is the same doctor by the whole now is to rely on initiating the money and the fee. you said comedies deal in shape for this week. yeah. 3. how many died of his done the i picked him up. i came those, these kiddos source for that. i don't send all you simply provide assistance. if i don't know, i know seahorse, those main p, those, this was bodies. mean listening mean yours, you mean? yes, boy don't in pretty high. those have a media doesn't live streaming, couldn't html secret accused of tactic? i was, you know, peter was the frequency on by. so they said police because i said what on our
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deadline going on my, that is one data. if i'm me less for what is going, the must be others news there's, i think another can be less, it go to court. i've got both of them and they gave me and, but i mean, you know, separate bill for like the, i mean the data and funding on bill once a month or the soonest it gets us and they not it. i mean there's nothing else up. it'll be less upkeep one day and then like i said to the point in time, just simple sooner, but i'm like, you know, doing it, i guess it is. so see you, you see your use of press to good. see you good enough for to see what the, what the of the the race you already know what that's gonna be next thursday. i'll just give you my names ben. frank does not,
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but he will explain your answer if i'm being having that about another than somebody quote them you most the last 4 times that somebody that's what i'm getting tired of having this problem, but as soon as the rest of the world. but so then did this, and then the
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me use the, you know, giving me affordably. she for the check has, i mean the is the i said it looks like you're good, me go to look, you know, you see diet, go losing your because if i you don't, yes. if you change the movie and visit think they maybe her new role is a whole she at the course so to speak english. does he have more? chevy? sure. but he has his overseas here for that. but didn't check the full shekel. moon, she'll get up in the, in the event, you get delete the phrase, the credit and also to see not know who i spoke. there isn't the new machine, a city, the inconvenience, but i mean like 8 that in there goes a must name but have found a good thing when they grow. well yes, certainly get to know,
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guess the recent media for expedia that i see so much a medium, the youngest, many others. we'll look for this be the contact person to accomplish on cost. face time. even though it's only supposed to be the one in front, including the, i bought the car, let me buy that lose somebody, see, don't libido, us. see, on your google, i mean, my know, maybe some of these would be done in the media,
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the ios. now the other thing that was a little i left with you just finding like a 2 man to buy that can you check and see we mother me or are you guessing the positive the right? yep. and the, the, the us then you look at the items in the room still or catch up shaking it well. yeah, we did have cushion. we're showing infinity. so no good data
4:44 am
the in this, the so now there's them in video. got a lot. be that over to well enough for 2nd one. take a mazda of those 10 tests, but it's on us, including the $85.00, the distance, the on the so that'd be up within the say on the top. you those the spiders that on the student according done yours is the fact that in some in videos do with it either. i just, i mean the, i just do that on florida is put in team of in, at the top. you do it on monday. the 1st 211th rather than these most them in video . 11 of them in the, on the doors was different sort of different angle community 8 on the front. a lot of the jungle
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explained that i don't. and one moment the mascot and a right to the sky you this is tanya is 30 another force as communities and let's go with us in some in videos and maybe even come in and i knew those mean inputs. i don't know for the marcio regarding tuscan, there's a name or a story. nancy of us for less prophy as victims. there's anton, please see normally what do you see a lot of bona sand like we do. i don't know if they supposed be able to me numbers in the side is between mazda, of can mean, own is paid on the
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other line, but he made a product for me. she shows you fairly decent age. you to buy the nice for bothering to show you how much and lessons into the when it is go that i will go either way. yeah. for that. and if you have that and i mean in the a know nothing about the a desktop . oh yes, yes. the that was that it can be not renew the email address. yep. for, for me, for the them instead of
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the there's will be a, a copy to the size for the especially in the x i mean out of allow no history into the industry. and this goes into some pretty well today. factors that they don't use the nor santos it then i see a thing or can i speak to most calling us on? no, it'd be them. the my number is really, i mean, it depends. i can combine it fit in the nice, but us will these products very soon. instead of the boot as capital committee, they'll sort of, if it's one us enter, the sign is made of a people. so since i just took, this isn't
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a single the only one. so i don't know what it is. uh huh. whose orders i quoted you just push a button there in the settlement would be to me, like i said, i'm gonna put a built into it. go to the, the law nissan. okay. must be the new contact. and i pulled up that address is detroit at dupe installer, in united states. uh, i use that. i'm using my mysa. meanwhile, chicago to go down the me there's a lot of it is or should title is to have on you sent me, go ahead and get past it. it it,
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i sent. thank you much good. you know what the problem is. i put livingston and i want that to see if i'm going to run the election to run to that is good. yes. k is covered with moving keep heavier, wrote the desktop on a big unknown, redoing should in the front of the fuse ingles in dallas. you're going to look up and say, no, i simple enough to leave it there and you have any teeth or sounds good. yeah. got it straight and i don't know, you know, not been shown that brian, did you any my letter when i pull check this by it. i just see it stop by you come and do those tonners for me to me. this tv though. uh once that i want the ford raptor or the newport news boomed insurance policy for the year. for casually it i'm several months the
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the low views, you're not gonna sample by accidentally. that's going to be not alex inspect thought of it police vehicle know people can, will be a new loss with this or seeing and kind of that he feels that the food has come at the most part of the ones i'm into and, and find feasible. but it's great book enough on the list. so money, that's the to be to be so many. then you got a mess, but it's good evening shuttles. you shouldn't they not? is they need to is abc man,
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no sudden they got on it turned off the show you will see knobby, you still can just come by in the visual marketing the so notice and the, the field and i say to me or the novel that did that to him,
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but the crowd find it very often isn't that i've told you guys, they've been team who does it was just somebody, the media is started. it. it really was that any of another ident, you end up being diminished or maybe what was the best quizzes coupled others in the new lab to monitor the dresser. see this whole 30 some of them and put that in. but i think it's on the 7 loretta it'll opinion the dc, but it is known it doesn't. okay. i am
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seeing new d 3. so put in nicholas battle mountain peak. i'm able to go back home. what do i do? see that's going to be that you know me that up in the stuff leo's lease and the you or sad little though the is the wage k c a speed on the k last that on us a team a little the name of the missile getting this getting i don't know, got to your movie to be keitel
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is patty and we are the voice is a brand new lease to jet on location g o d d and the grocer. set them less sugar level. yeah, i know that they can see with tv which is because they don't even sign enough. we see a video within the same guy, they not come to use, then throw them by using video up inside of a lot of assistance. the values will be as normal human as the all to know me course a number of other ladies, but i cannot say that i speak the most extra motor force has community english. these are the customers. they the visual by the way,
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they can put in english $35.00. but as we go to the to the house, what are the times the photos? how am i going to be up? i mean, if it doesn't allow me to look through all the videos i've seen, but it is not as good as i'm looking at, because you bought it on the computer or even, but on the mazda in the field, democratic i could almost have lucky last i guess it almost on my side, i would do that on a scanner. laptop probably already. that's fine. now talking about a bi limits, going to stop. what is the names? yeah. like i said, if somebody doing something on a bottle, not i mean the 30 up, can you send it out that way that the one vs the best. how much the same level does he on a little bit when you see by 2 arrows i followed by deals of the stuff of how about if i do the publish, this is the is going to be a little. but when you see the movie, i thought boys, i could, i'll put a lot of are some of the boys time,
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which is you might have just have the the order number and unemployment funds. it could be. yeah. the lady does the unless you took it, he has they need the b, c s that you bring in the fed
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a z a z that house that these are those when you pay the fee that i bought the 1st the last little bit of diesel fine yeah, and then uh the um was it uh the uh the the
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the 2 other spinning customs smuggling undocumented workers across the legs from the upkeep hardware spark to witness their incredible stories over 9 years. desert smugglers with this document on the jersey to hello 2 things i wanted to talk about in brazil. so still more what while they're coming into rio grande to sol state, including for it's capital ports in lake ray. once again, falling over top of floods, hit areas, and then the highest level alerts issued for heats in places like rio de janeiro could potentially be your highest may day on record, but wins will turn around out of the south. that's
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a cool breeze. and eventually showers will catch up to you through temperatures will be knocked back to where they should be for this year. otherwise, most of brazil actually looking, dr. got some more weather in a zone is states and it's capital. and now, so on monday, it's been quite hot in this part of the world. we've got a warm breeze blowing around with east mexico, monterey, coming in at 40 degrees store and really the name of the game for the southern states here pushing out of louisiana into mississippi, alabama. some of these could be severe flood alerts that can play for that eastern side of texas, spouses of showers across the great lake. some of that now starting to push into the us northeast, but mostly cloudy conditions here. and really a similar story out west as well. the od shower right across the canadian prairies . but it is looking good for california. plenty of sun and things are heating up in vegas up to 36 degrees as
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the in the solomon islands, the deadly legacy of world war 2, remain on the lounge. why is placed it in a fluid? now i do this, see, they are literally this sense of taking time on 101 east meets the solomon islands suited to escape a war that ended decades ago on, on the. 7 the mom of the sun, this little girl is coming from the roughly northern gauze on following on his radio strikes ever pulled a link to the human cost of israel's expanding military offense. the hello, i'm down, jordan, this now does a real life though. also coming up a different magic blow for israel egypt shows it's under against the offensive and
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rough on by supporting the genocide case against israel. it the you installed there instances where they've acted inconsistent with their obligations under


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