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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 13, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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which environmental group say are small, but accumulation, add to the countries environmental button entities as government says that it is working to address the plastic waste problem and has had some success in making this and such as reducing marine plastic waste and promoting recycling. the the, the food from the northern gaza following on his ready strike that was supposed to be killed him of human costs as well as expanding, but it should be offensive. the content results this is selves. is there a lot from so set, coming out, the diplomatic blow for israel, egypt shows it's anger against the offensive and wrapped up by supporting the
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genocide case against israel. un top are instances where they've acted inconsistent with their obligations under international humanitarian law. us secretary state and to me, banks and issues the strongest criticism. yet this rose actions in the southern cabinet shakeup in russia. presidents study met boots and replaces on the fence the from north to south palestinians across the gauze, facing a renewed wave of his very ground, an air of tax. in the north, there are reports that is very tank some moving into the jabante, a refugee camp officer. launching a series of intense strikes, a monk, the victims in northern dogs. it is the little girl who was rescued from the rubble and the attacks that reported. they killed him mazda on the morning view as may
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find images distressing. c little huts adversely above the city of the city, the city, the officers honey might lead reports not from the moving deeper into northern and southern gauze. these brain and military has re entered defensive populated city of valia in the north. save the new offensive is to prevent mazda from re establishing its capability with the body bags
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piling up our own civilian. rena. i my what, what do they want from us? they're telling us, they're not children, showing them what can we do? we are staying on the streets were being smoked, as israel deployed its soldiers back into the north, it's a tax in the south are intensifying by the hour. more than $35000.00 palestinians have been killed since october and is really forces are inching closer toward the full scale assault in rough and offensive. the you and the human rights achieve save cannot take place. i can see no way that the latest evacuation order is much less. the full assault in an area with an extremely dense presence of civilians can be reconciled with the binding requirements of inter gnashing, but it's annual. and with the 2 sets of binding provisional measures for the by the international court of justice,
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many palestinians have been forcibly displaced once again and told to go to an area is rose calling humanitarian zone. the aid agencies say the only thing waiting for them is a lack of shelter. sanitation, water, and food with its railing didn't supply and get the talked in the northern southern, gaza palestinians. i've been displaced several times now since of pulver, once again find themselves a trap would know where to go. it appears the suffering here will continue for some time. honey mcmillan was just the at all. there is by law. how this time us earlier on sundays, ready for us, is struck a medical clinic in the outer edge refugee camp in central gaza. that's not far from the all blog with tens of thousands of people have been sheltering. at least one person was killed in the attack. video from the c shows presidents searching for survivors. there's no electricity. people using that mobile phones. look for
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those chaps under the bmo hospitals are running out of supplies. dr. muhammed, here is an orthopedic surgeon, volunteering in gauze with address on to a child to the organization. he spoke to us on the phone from reference, southern gaza, and described what's happening several streams of patients. and so you have the acute injuries that are coming in and these can range from blocks, injuries of people and all over their bodies space for the injuries. you have shop low injuries that come through, letting them come through the bustles, and also a trump dump little organs incorrectly golden as well. you have some really horrific injuries, where people come into the now not the recognizable as a human being anymore. they are simply a lump sum flash adult obviously quite um you know, have obviously died um and then it not only exists for the adults but also for
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children. it's, it is quite horrific. which means 1st hand, i don't you ever seen this sort of level of trauma on the photos on seeing and then that should it's, you know, quite honestly, i've seen women and children as well as the men all being cut down to no preference. so one demographic over the other, i think many people are being caught up in this in this role. i think the other, the other aspect is to consider is um many people. oh, i don't know a many of the big them though. i don't. uh, yeah. and so go immediately to the moultrie, as well as the fact that i'm going to say is good luck. evacuate many of the injured, like to happen often at night with people i could see a no one can get to these people. um, it's quite enough to allow me experience and i feel like we're playing our best to do what we can. i moved very limited resources. the whole goal is that marrying
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a breaking point, as far as i can send, in terms of both personnel and supplies. and we're really coming to a desperate situation now to us secretary of state and to the bank and has issued the read public criticism as well as that she conduct in gaza. he says israel's tactics have caused a horrible loss of life innocent civilians. he also said that israel lacks of credible plan to protect civilians and by the head of a full scale offensive, which it has one that will carry out then couldn't made his comments during appearances on sunday talk shows in the us. mike. honda is following developments from washington dc. the secretary of state has been doing the talk show circuit, basically defending his department's memorandum to congress in which it was supposed to decide whether or not israel was contribution in international humanitarian roll with its use of u. s. weapons, well,
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the report basically concluded maybe not possible to be absolutely definite. now, this report has drawn a lot of criticism, also from some democratic members of congress had the secretary of state. the also speaking about president biden's red line, president biden referred to this when he was discussing a potential, is really threat of an invasion of rough or saying that this could be a red line. now the secretary of state was asked about that. i'm one of the talk shows we have been holding back and we're an active conversations with his real about the provision of heavy or high pillows, weapons, large bombs because of the concern that we have about the effect these weapons can have when they're using a dense urban environment like profit. mm hm. we're discussing that with his real right now. second with the president said, is that if of israel goes in with a major military operation, rasa. in that case,
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there's certain systems that we will not provide is real. that with a a that that effort because it's something that we do not want to be part of given the damage that it would do to civilians. and again, not to achieve a durable, lasting, effective result for israel and for security. that's what the president said. we said that in conversations with our as really partners, the results that we've seen in terms of the horrible loss of life, of, of innocent civilians is reasonable to assess, as we say, in the report that there are instances where they've acted inconsistent with their obligations under international humanitarian law, those in those investigations continue both by us and by israel. what a single shipment of those 2000 pound precision bombs has been put on hold. it is still on hold pending review, however, or other scheduled width of shipments to israel. i'll going ahead by kind of out of sarah washington. egypt government says an ounce as well now support lawsuit filed
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by south africa. the international court of justice accusing is read of genocide. egyptian ministry of foreign affairs said in lights of the increasing severity and scope of his ready aggressions against palestinian civilians in the gaza strip record on israel to comply with its obligations as occupying power and its implementation of it into a measures issued by the international court of justice, we renew a call on the security council and the influential international policies to immediately move to a safe spot in the gaza strip on the funding. he's a professor of physical science and long island university to explain the importance of egypt supporting. i see jacob and so this is really an unprecedented moment in the history of the modern day history between egypt and israel. egypt has been the most important mediator in the region, the 1st arab nation to recognize and formalize times with israel and 1979. and here
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is this movement, the symbolic moment where the egyptian government puts his foot down on for basic reasons. and the 1st of the humanitarian, one that you cited where the ministry of foreign affairs shows that the intervention currently comes in increasing severity. and that israel's actions in gaza leading to the decimals, $40000.00 individuals via weights, international humanitarian law, and the 4th geneva convention in terms of protecting civilians. they also talk and mention about the systemic practices against palestinians that are leading to starvation. and the provisional measures of the i, the i, c, j, had asked for that the, to insure humanitarian relief actually be instituted. and so that's what the humanitarian level of this moment has deeper implications at the political level. because israel has not proved itself in the eyes of egypt as a good faith in the gate negotiator. it didn't sign onto the cease fire agreement,
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even though it had mentioned that it would also for months, egyptian officials have stated that and is really envision a rough, i would risk peace ties between the 2 countries. so it's more so than the i a c j ruling. it's also a blow to the ties between the 2 countries, because israel has bought it, they've, they've actually sees the border and the end they've taken tactical provisional authority or border of the buses present that in a person is replacing one of his longest serving ministers in a surprise cabinet ve shuffle old in 2 years and to be crated. well, he's removing defense minister said occasionally get it from his role. so it will be replaced by former deputy prime minister on dry boost off. there's an economist with no, but it should experience it move, it needs approval from parliament. suppose it is expected to be
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a formality. so good. well, now head russia's national security council. you're sort of out of a has more now from oscar. it would you be patient assigned a decree of pointing survey, showing you a secretary of the russian security castle, and you collect pots or should, who held this post since may 2008 was released or paced position. the cremeans permits to name a new position to be filled by any collect partnership. within just a few days, the survey should go ahead of the russian ministry of defense for the last 12 years before moving to the security council. some list expect events that need to live partnership will head the presidential administration, but to h remains to be seen luxury prison proposed a pointing economist. i'm tre. below use of as the new minister of defense. he said this 1st deputy prime minister before the rest of the nation or the russian cabinet of ministers. it has never been enrolled in the ministry sabbath and according to criminal spokesmen to meet your pass code. the lady so is needed in the army to
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introduce innovations and the track they shall be economy and beyond me. and just a couple of weeks ago, survey sure, use deputy. it was arrested for bribery and there were rumors that the show is position was shaped. thing about fine, but at the same time they were chokes. that's a he could possibly be replaced. and the same time others were saying that's a car in place. the situation on the print in front looks quite good for sure. you unlike the situation last summer, so they would know that there was no need to replace him. so let me person has made this move and the choice of being human is still defense. it seems to me quite surprising. you'd have ship of all of the old to z right, most cars. so let's say that head here on the out, is there a separatists in spain's catalonia region separate set back results from the local x, the
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l. o. 2 things i wanted to talk about in brazil, so still more what, whether are coming into rio grande to sol state, including for it's capital ports in lake ray. once again, falling over top of the flood, hit areas and then the highest level alerts issued for heat in places like rio de janeiro could potentially be your highest may day on record, but wins will turn around out of the south. that's a cool breeze. and eventually showers will catch up to you through temperatures will be knocked back to where they should be for this type of year. otherwise, most of brazil actually looking, dr. got some more weather in a zone is states and it's capital now. so on monday, it's been quite hot in this part of the world. we've got a warm breeze blowing around with east mexico, monterey, coming in at 40 degrees store and really the name of the game for the southern states here. pushing out of the ways the anna into mississippi, alabama,
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somebody is could be severe flood alerts that can play for that eastern side of texas. spells of showers across the great lake. some of that now starting to push into the us northeast, but mostly cloudy conditions here. and really a similar story out west as well. the od shower right across the canadian prairies, but it is looking good for california. plenty of sun and things are heating up in vegas up to 36 degrees as the why have american evangelicals become his real strongest back or is us president joe find the right to stand with this really with no red line, as long as us support continues is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, the us is always of inside 50 for the world. people pay attention to this one here,
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and i'll just do this very good. they're bringing the news to the world from here. the, the book about her mind to about top stories this past ends up being pushed out. so the jabante, a refugee camp in northern gauze, and once again, there's been intense, booming, and fighting. is ready forces of enter the area, months off, the pushing from us out us secretary state and to the bank and such as ro doesn't have a credible plans for the types of police and stuff. but if it were to launch full scale round defensive, it says cautious criticism yet been can also said spells tactics, stuff, lots of license in the seats. finance garza only 68
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trucks without into gauze or on saturday. as often no trucks occurring life of saving supplies were able to enter the strip since last sunday. hospitalized bakeries and a distribution centers are running out of fuel and food and central gauze of the o x. the hospital is the only medical center in the strip that's still able to offer dialysis to patients with kidney failure. but feel to pilot it's general rates is is running out of hand who do the report stuff from the a c all is this is a life savings treatment. it triplicate, the kidneys, functions, cleaning the blood, the waste and excess fluid and the ok so hospital and did bella is the only medical facility in the cause of strips to able to help people with kidney failure. 10 that the cup doesn't the old keep the patients in gaza have no way to go for treatment.
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but this hospital i was suffering is unprecedented. not experienced by anyone before we feel for the world health organization to lend a helping hand. 600 patients are sharing 19 dialysis machines. the treatment usually takes 4 hours. these people are receiving just 90 minutes. how do you see it going on? so this will also force to reduce the number of sessions for each patient from 3 times a week to twice a week. this caused many patients to die. this is where the armies expanding, assault and joyful has forced. the closure of hospitals, including the biggest niche, are meaning many have had to risk the dangerous journey to central garza to continue their truth in the civil war. i've been receiving dialysis and wrap it for 3 years. i missed my sessions when the attack spread to rafa. it was difficult for
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me to get here. it's a long distance and costly. when i finally arrived, i found the unit overwhelmed with patience. this is where it has block deliveries of critical medical supplies and fuel. the hospital is powered by generators and without fuel health workers can provide these patients with the care they need. not only that these patients were receiving tedney, they all as his frequent in unless you are hospitalized, but they were also seeking refuge here unfortunately. oh ok. so hospital does not have any pays for these policy news to seek refuge here, leaving them homeless. this is in the study of to 0. that is the la garza palestine . and the university in united states has agreed to consider divesting from companies that do businesses in jail. the deal with protesting students administration at johns hopkins heated the key to monitor students who had set up
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an anti war incompetence on campus, practical hang reports. now the tense home to protesters on the johns hopkins university campus for the last 13 days voluntarily taken down after they were able to make a deal with the university officials. the administration is offering us a very fast track review of our divestment concerns. and then the boat, the board of trustees is going to vote on that. in either march or june of 2025. as part of the deal, the student protesters will also not face disciplinary action. and the protesters have agreed not to disrupt the upcoming graduation ceremony. something that has happened across the country in the last few days. at duke university students walk out before committee and jerry seinfeld, a vocal supporter of israel gave a speech. this was received at the university of california berkeley.
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and the university of north carolina chapel hill. protest after the ceremonies at the university of texas in austin and it virginia commonwealth university. students walked out as the governor began to speak to protest the violent police crack down against protesters. supporting post died on campus. those tactics have been the norm across the country. police in riot gear using pepper spray and violence to arrest nearly 2900 people at 57 universities back at johns hopkins. just one of 6 universities to agree to a peaceful settlement protest or say this part is over, but it is just the beginning. this agreement will be the 1st step in a much longer fight, and it will allow us to regroup and focus our energy on future actions and on future agitation towards the ultimate goal of a total divestment from israel. now they have a promise that
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a vote will happen on whether the schools large endowment will divest from firms and defense contractors. that help is real, just not a guarantee that they'll vote in their favor. patty complain, elda 0. washington is ready for us is have arrested at least 14 palestinians during an open rate and occupied westbank. soldiers have storm several homes to the city of kalki, the if also north sonic weapons at the entrance of a hospital there been increasing raids, arrests, and trainings. my is very forces in the occupied westbank since the war on guns that began. george's parliament is set for the 3rd and potentially final discussion with controversial foreign influence bill, as well for testers have already begun to gather outside the parliament building. on saturday, thousands took to the streets, demanding a government rule, the proposed know which many sable silence the sent to meet him as
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a bank of reports. now from the capital subleasing opposition figures in georgia. say that being targeted gear jeopardy, used to be the countries on baset of to cyprus. now, a political activist and vocal critic of the for an agents bill, he was attacked near his home this week they started beating me. i started the defending myself. then i fell down, they started the b tingley so the speaks full of everything and the then data. the bill requires media and other organizations with eating 20 percent or more of the funding from abroad to register as agents of foreign influence. the government says it's essential for transparency and that the country needs to understand who's financing thousands of n g o's playing an active role in politics for us to look at a book, according to pulse 80 percent of the population supports the transparency of and
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jose based on these, the georgia in parliament will fulfill the will of the people bypassing the bill in the following days. do you know that it's across from the bill is highly divisive. it mirror as a law, russia adopted in 2012, that moscow use this to crack down on the sent the judicial committee of doing this problem and is holding a 3rd reading of the so called for an agent spill on monday with a vote schedules for tuesday now the president has promised to veto this bill, should it make it through the readings. but the thing is that the ruling policy, the georgia dream policy and its allies, they have so many states and parliament that they can override any presidential veto. so that'd be one political observers say the party could lose its dominance in parliament at elections in october. i think their opposition to lose george have had woken out. there is a lot of a lot more recognition. there is a lot more question. there's a lot more external pressure actually supporting the freewill of georgians,
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that the government is trying to hijack an oppressed. the european union has called the bill anti democratic, saying it could end george's ambitions to join the you. and this is scaring the business community. one of george's chief exports is wine with 2 thirds going to russia. producers have high hopes for joining the you. because if the bid fails, all the informed and capable people believed the concert, you know, so this is one that can happen. and then of course, it all depends how withholding for us the markets in the markets also closed. it gets more difficult to reach out to you. you know, tensions are running high in anticipation of tuesday's vote, because so much is at stake for georgia, dimitri method and go out to 0 dc. separate test in spain's, catalonia region has stuff with a huge set back and sundays regional election. socialist policy which also runs the
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national government in madrid, has emerged as the largest parts and most of the sites counted. catalonia is separate, us government held a referendum to break away from spain. in 2017 majority, never recognized the right side. okay. yeah, go reports. now from boss, so there it was a close victory, the counselor in your socialist and they maintain a significant results for the you the to vote. so says sell the yes, the mine tell us do turning that way into reality. know, these to start bodies as one of the most important, relevant factors has been the policies of the spanish government. and in particular, a prime minister petro sanchez. this house he has quite a narrow majority. nevertheless, the challenge this pro unity policy has is whether they can form a government with a separate tables. catalonia is where the regional becomes an issue of national importance. the last time a pro unity socialist was governing the region was in 2010,
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much has changed since then. since the attempt of secession in 2017, the relationship between madrid and both saloon and has been hence often hostile. one of the main speakers of this era form a castle on lita kind of low speeds the month. courtney in self imposed exile to avoid arrest his center right to june. this policy is a close runner up sign. he says that his vision for an independent catalonia is still young and full by votes, his stomach and be sure that goes through them. surely we are in a position to form a solid government dedicated to the cops line course. and we'll work harder for the next 1000 days for this purpose some legit you get support for independence has diminished since 2017. when even then most people in the region were in favor of remaining in spain and it was a nice of last for the policy of the outgoing president of catalonia, the last we e. r. c. put it out of goodness have led the region since 2021,
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during which she had established a close a dialogue with a national government not let to pardons the separatist jail for that pause with the sales succession and the passing of the amnesty logically. those found guilty of separatist activity led to opera against prime minister suntrust and the rest of spain. while the selection has not usually the decisive results, finding a solution that will please most will be a fine balance. so nearby ego al jazeera barcelona, the 4th phase of voting in india is a general election is on the way into the administer. kashmir is one of the regions, boating. this is the 1st election in the muslim majority area. since the governments of prime minister and arrangement, moody votes, decades, oh no. which gave a degree of 4 ton of meat to the beach bodies. paul, to the b j. p. has not feel that the candidates in kashmir and i've got
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a stones flash floods triggered by heavy rain of killed at least 315 people. and the affairs the death toll could rise. i'll just hire a spoke to displaced, residence in bucklin, or the hall just hits areas. can you kind of had reports buried on demand in debris, the ruins of what with family homes? the fullest of friday's slot, destroyed thousands of properties across bygone province. isn't that going to move in and got out? this is my life, but you see now all these warehouses of it for one house off to another. a scared reflect came and took everything with it because of what i'm booked the act and i'm on the thing on. it also took more than $300.00 lives, according to the taliban ministry for refugees. a number that is likely to rise. oh, many of the victims have already been buried or not. i mean i lost 13 members of my family including women and children. i bought a flood would.


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