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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 13, 2024 8:00am-8:30am AST

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the leasing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy if this is troubling for you. it's very, very painful via the story on talk to how does era, the child is pulled from the rubble in northern godsa off and is really astride, never fortunately killed her mother. the human cost of is rosa tax the i'm carry, johnson. this is i'll just say are a lot from the outside coming up. the different not take below for israel. egypt shows it's anger against expanding, offensive, and wrapped up by supporting the genocide against israel. un top coats. there instances where they've acted inconsistent with their obligations under
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international humanitarian law. us secretary of state, on sneed lincoln, issues is the strongest criticism. yet this rose that she conducts and causes also comcast. we saw e county in western kenya where children are just back to school. so weeks of flooding, i'll tell you about the challenges facing the from north to south palestinians across the gauze are facing a renewed wave of his very ground an air attacks the north is rarely tang, so reports will be moving into the jabante, a refugee camp off the launching a series of intense strikes among the victims is a young girl who was rescued from the rubble off to an attack that reported the killed her mother under warning view as may find the following image is distressing . a. c
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little who died recently about the city of the the city, the city, the all just here is honey. my food reports. now from the of of the in central garza moving deeper into northern and southern gauze. these brandon military has re entered the density populated city of valia in the north. save the new offensive is to prevent mazda from re establishing its capability. with the body bags piling up our oaks to delete the amount what, what do they want from us?
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they are killing also know children showing them what can we do. we are staying on the streets were being smoked a lot or that is, as israel deployed its soldiers backed into the north, it's a tax in the south are intensifying by the hour. more than $35000.00 palestinians have been killed since october and is rarely forces art inching closer toward the full scale of salt and rock. an offensive the you and the human rights of cheap, safe cannot take place. i can see no way that the latest evacuation orders much less a full assault in an area with an extremely dense presence of civilians can be reconciled with the binding requirements of international but it territorial in with the 2 sets of binding provisional measures for that by the international court of justice . many palestinians have been forcibly displaced once again and told to go to an area is rose,
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calling humanitarians on the 8th agencies safe. the only thing waiting for them is a lack of shelter. sanitation, water, and food with its railing didn't supplying it. the toxins in north and southern gaza, palestinians. i've been displaced several times now since october. once again, find themselves a trap would know where to go. it appears the suffering here will continue for some time. honey mcmillan was just beautiful, there is buff palestine, it is ready for us as have struck the medical clinic in the average refugee camp and central garza, that's not far from, they're all booked up, but tens of thousands of displaced palestinians have been sheltering. at least one person was killed in the video from the scene, shows people searching for survivors. there's no electricity and people using the torches on that mobile phones to find survivors trapped under the bumper. us
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secretary of state antony blinking has issued a red public's criticism of israel's ministry conduct in garza. he says its tactics have caused a horrible loss of life of innocent civilians. he also said israel next, a credible plan to protect civilians in rough up ahead of a full scale offensive, which it has wanted will carry out, then couldn't made the com is doing appearances on the sunday talk shows in the us might 100 reports in washington dc the secretary of state has been doing the talk show circuit, basically defending his department's memorandum to congress in which it was supposed to decide whether or not israel was contribution in international humanitarian roll with its use of u. s. weapons. well, the report basically concluded maybe not possible to be absolutely definite. now, this report has drawn a lot of criticism. also from some democratic members of congress had the secretary of state. the also speaking about president biden's red line,
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president biden referred to this when he was discussing a potential, is really threat of an invasion of rough or saying that this could be a red line. now the secretary of state was asked about that. i'm one of the talk shows we have been holding back and we're in active conversations with is real about the provision of heavy or high payload weapons of large bombs. because of the concern that we have about the effect these weapons can have when they're using a dense urban environment like profit. mm hm. we're discussing that with his real right now. second, what the president said is that if israel goes in with a major military operation, rasa, in that case, there are certain systems that we will not provide as real that with a new a that effort because it's something that we do not want to be part of given the damage that it would do to civilians and again, not to achieve a durable,
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lasting effect, the results for israel and for security. that's what the president said. we said that in conversations with ours really partners, the results that we've seen in terms of the horrible loss of life, of, of innocent civilians is reasonable to assess, as we say, in the report that there are instances where they've acted inconsistent with their obligations under international humanitarian law, those in those investigations continue both by us and is real well, a single shipment of those 2000 pound precision bombs has been put on hold. it is still on hold pending review. however, on other scheduled width and shipments to israel. all going ahead. mike kinda audra sierra washington is ready for us is have arrested at least 14 palestinians during raids and occupied westbank soldiers, storm several homes that a state you have to calculate. they also don't sonic weapons that the entrance of
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a hospital is where the forces of step top rates arrests and killings and ok pod westbank says the war on going to be gotten in october. the process president vladimir putin is replacing one of his longest serving ministers . the surprise cabinet, re shuffled more than 2 years into the ukraine. well, he's removing the defense minister said gate, showing to from his road, showed here will be replaced by former deputy prime minister andre. but this of who's an economist with no minute tr experience the move needs approval from parliament was expected to be a formality. so good. well, now head russia's national security council. you're shopping out of it has more now from us get the patient assigned a decree of pointing survey, showing you a secretary of the russian security castle and you collect pots, or should,
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who held this post since may 2008 was released with haste position the crime and promise to name a new position to be filled by any collect partnership. within just a few days, the survey showed you ahead of the russian ministry of defense for the last 12 years before moving to the security council. so i list expect that sydney collab hunter should a will head the presidential administration, but to h remains to be seen, legibly present, proposed a pointing economist. i'm tre. below use of as the new minister of defense, he served as far as deputy prime minister before the rest of the nation or the russian cabinet of ministers. it has never been enrolled in the ministry service and according to criminal spokesman to meet your pass code. the lady so is needed in the army to introduce innovations and the track they shall be caught in a, in the army. and just a couple of weeks ago, survey show use deputy, it was arrested for bribery. and there were rumors that show is position was shaped
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thing about fine, but at the same time that was chokes, that's a he could possibly be replaced. and the same time, others were saying that's a car in place. the situation on the print in front looks quite good for sure. you unlike the situation last summer so they would know that there was no need to replace him. so let me person has made this move and the choice of being human is still defense, as seems to many quite surprising you that should have all of a to z, right? mosque or to no. george's apartments is set for the 3rd, then potentially final debates on the controversial for an influence bill. protests is already gathering outside the building into the series of last pictures of that . now, the police have the guns pushing away demonstrations on that they would arrest anyone who's built this home. and on saturday, thousands took to the streets to mont and gilbert withdrawal. the proposed rule, which many site will sign in the sense that the bank of the ports on the capital
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typically see opposition figures in georgia, say that being targeted gear jeopardy, used to be the countries on baset of to cyprus. now a political activist and vocal critic of the for an agents bill, he was attacked near his home this week they started beating me, i started the defending myself, then i fell down. they started the between gui, so the speaks for whatever thing. and the then the the bill requires media and other organizations with eating 20 percent or more of the funding from abroad to register as agents of foreign influence. the government says it's essential for transparency and that the country needs to understand who's financing thousands of and she owes playing an active role in politics. so still a good book, according to polls. 80 percent of the population supports the transparency of and jose, based on these,
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the georgia in parliament will fulfill the will of the people by passing the bill in the following days. accident on another across from the bill is highly divisive . it mirror has a little russian adopted in 2012 that moscow use this to crack down on the sent the judicial committee of to just call them and is holding a 3rd reading of the so called for an agent spill on monday with a vote scheduled for tuesday, now the president has promised to veto this bill, should it make it through the readings? but the thing is that a rule in policy, the georgia and same policy as allies, they have so many states and parliament that they can override any presidential veto. so that'd be one political observers say the party could lose its dominance in parliament at elections in october. i think there opposition to lose georgia. the had woken out. there is a lot of a lot more recognition. there is a lot more question. there's a lot more external pressure, extra the supporting the freewill of georgians, that the government is trying to hijack an oppressed. the european union has cooled,
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the bill, anti democratic, saying it could end george's ambitions to join the you. and this is scaring the business community. one of george's chief exports is wine with 2 thirds going to russia. producers have high hopes for joining the you. because if the bid fails, all the informed and capable people believed the concert, you know, so this is the one that can happen. and then of course, it all depends how it will be in for us. the markets in the markets also closed. it gets more difficult to reach out to you. you know, tensions are running high in anticipation of tuesday's vote. because so much is at stake for georgia to meet you man. if it didn't go out to 0, w c, sort of head off to the break. patients with chronic illnesses and goza, are running out of time. you any hospital that provides with nice savings? honest, i certainly tuesdays, few and mexico could soon have its 1st female precedence will explode what it could
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mean for the countries indigenous when the meeting of minds, the tragedy from me, of a democratic solve africa or it's how quickly we sort of adopted the very told re global, know the intertwining of money and politics campaigner andrew fine state and photographer shock you do on on activism under crisis and gone. so what is happening today is top thing on our watch. the news from now they will be people asking, how did you let it happen? studio will be on the script part one on on. disease pod came in to be used as the oil see suffered casualties. we have not suffered states. pilots is. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house thought providing on to who they to say no double stand to all of us
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. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. it is troubling for you. it's very, very painful via the story on talk to how does era, the government challenges with the all the fucking back her mind to about top stores this out on experience of being forced
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out so that you follow the refugee camp in northern gauze at once to get an intense, foaming and fighting is ready for assistive enter the month. soft pushing a mass us tech which you state onto the blinking says israel doesn't have a kind of a tech civilians in rough, or if it was a one shift full scale round defense. it says cautious criticism, yet it can also studies wells tactics. of course, the horrible loss of life of innocent civilians have gone. so egypt governments has announced will supports the case south africa father, the international court of justice, accusing israel of genocide. the foreign ministry said in lights of the increasing severity and scope of its very aggressions against palestinian civilians in the gaza strip. we called on as well to comply with its obligations as the occupying power and its implementation of the into a measures issued by the international court of justice. we renew our coal for the
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security council on the influential international policies. so immediately moved with c spot in the gaza strip and they are finding is a professor of political science at long island university. she explains the importance of egypt supporting the i c j case. and so this is really an unprecedented moment in the history of the modern day history between egypt and israel. egypt has been the most important mediator in the region. the 1st arab nation to recognize and formalize times, width is real and 1979. and here is this movement, the symbolic moment where the egyptian government puts his foot down on for basic reasons. and the 1st is the humanitarian. one that you cited where the ministry of foreign affairs shows that the intervention currently comes in increasing severity and that israel's actions in gaza, leading to the death of almost $40000.00 individuals, byways, international humanitarian law. and the 4th geneva convention in terms of
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protecting civilians. and they also talk and mention about the systemic practices against palestinians that are leading to starvation. and the provisional measures of the i, the i, c, j have asked for that the, to insure humanitarian relief actually be instituted. and so that's what the humanitarian level of this moment has deeper implications at the political level. because israel has not proved itself in the eyes of egypt as a good faith and the gate negotiator. it didn't sign onto the cease fire agreement, even though it had mentioned that it would also for months, egyptian officials have stated that and is really invasion of rough. i would risk peace ties between the 2 countries. so it's more so than the i a c j ruling. it's also a blow to the ties between the 2 countries. because israel has vide, get, they've, they've actually sees the border and the end they've taken tactical provisional authority, or border or the 6 aid trucks are allowed into goals or on site today,
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as often no trucks carrying life saving supplies were able to enter the strip since last sunday, hospitals bakeries on the a distribution centers are running out of fuel and food, and central gas or the o x. the hospital is the only medical center in the strip that's still able to offer that assist to patients with kidney failure. but fuel to power it's generates is running out of hand cordray reports, not from the hey alice, this is a life savings treatment. it triplicate, the kidneys functions, cleaning the blood to waste an excess fluid and the ok so hospital and did bella is the only medical facility in the cause of strips to able to help people with kidney failure. 10 to pick up this in the old p, the patients and guys that have no way to go for treatment. but this hospital i was
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suffering is unprecedented. not experience. but anyone before we p o for the world health organization to lend a helping hand, 600 patients are sharing 19 dialysis machines. the treatment usually takes 4 hours. these people are receiving just 90 minutes. how do you see it going on? so this will also force to reduce the number of sessions for each patient from 3 times a week to twice a week. this caused many patients to die to the is where the armies expanding, assault and joyful has forced the crew drove hospitals, including the biggest niche, are meaning many have had to risk the dangerous journey to central garza to continue their treatment about the civil war. i've been receiving dialysis and wrap up for 3 years. i missed my sessions when they attack spread to the rough. uh, it was difficult for me to get here. it's
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a long distance and costly. when i finally arrived, i found the unit overwhelmed with patients. is where it has block deliveries of critical medical supplies and fuel. the hospital is powered by generators and without fuel health workers can provide these patients with the care they need. not only that these patients were receiving tells me that y'all is, has treatments in unless you are hospitalized, but they were also seeking refuge here unfortunately. oh ok. so hospital does not have any space for these policy news to seek refuge. you're leaving them homeless. this is in the odyssey, you know, there is bless garza, palestine. the students in can you returning to school week suffered, devastating floods ravaged much of the country. very 300 people have died and
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hundreds of thousands were displaced. many of them are still sheltering in the schools. and this catherine saw a reports from consuming county in western tenea. their fears of disease such as quarter spreading, fast marching needs to be done in your my south school. empty soon will county. students return to school of the 2 week delay, following torrential rains that left hundreds that and thousands home left. some schools across the country have eva been damaged or are under water. aid will cause i also worried about the risk of diseases which i've got enough to this level. so delta dental of this flow was sucked in. what has been candy said he's students will not be able to use this classroom for awhile. when i came, it was not easy to get into the office. because mosquitoes. why oliver?
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you came and looked into the windows and then moved up a beach. but i'm going to get this pre. so that's a tim doesn't have not affected so much because this is larry this summer layer of an area. yes. this area is not new to flooding. then yandell river and lake with the toria often overflow into neighborhoods. when it rains by residency, this has been the worst in recent years. this is unauthorized school and it's clear no children can study in such an environment that teachers are looking for a safe alternative. but it's difficult affected students, a temper are really moving to nearby schools, some of which are hosting displaced people. like rosa bill, appeal, house is unbelievable crops. and most of my belongings i really stressed out.
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and most people asking them says, well, we're going to leave with the she is in the cleanings and that's less yes, i don't know where i'm going to be right now. she says things will return to normal in due time. but only until the next, the greens, it's a cycle the same time and again, catherine, sorry to assume county west and kenya. oh, catherine joins us live now from outside the school in costume. so catherine, what's the situation where you are at the moment? a while the situation is die at the start of this range. this school was completely flooded and in sections of it are still flooded, including the toilet. so the children who have come to school today, they are not able to access those facilities. and that as a stuff, courses where the teachers toilets are,
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are to as little people cannot. all the children they're talking about. 1200 children cannot. uh go to those facilities at all. it all. joining me is a head teacher join to adela. thank you. so much shoot the students really be here and this the constance is it's not right. thank you. my name is john king abdullah bed. a teacher of these groups, schools individually, slang or computer subscript. indeed the question of yes, as to me, as like now it is not, it would be for the atlanta us to be here. but given that to we were given directive to but to squeeze out the door open. and you can see some of the alumnus out already in school. they are learning to come to school. that's where they are
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here. but we hope, but to the ministry, i'm very bit issue of the minister officials as soon coming to join us in the school and they will that device us what, what is needed attention. what is needed that didn't play fast? is the son started custody? i mean the, the facilities the sponge that if i shouldn't base pilots, big less room some of the classroom. so it means he doesn't appear to be there for . busy we use it as needed the toilet facilities as well as getting access routes to this quote. this us cool uh, was also an id p comp. tell us about that. yes. yeah, yeah. building floods. the school becomes that is, gets sent to wherever you have the id piece the they come from around. so they are being here on the leaving the funeral time, the right here. they really, they are using our facilities on some of these facilities where they are using a seriously and they need or so to be done for up. i'm serious. didn't know vision
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. how worried i knew about diseases. i'm very much where it, because right now you see our toilets waving all the lobby at the end of the contents or the removed out. so you see if possible, but apart from that to use it, find that, um, there are quite a number of what happened is that to we are likely to experiencing these to school qualities are very serious disease. and you see we have a lot of else. yeah. when i say computers at school, meaning from dc d, we have various liter linus who cannot accurately move up with the other side on the cd as me. yeah, because it has to be affected with disabilities. we also have about the most makes mix are very come on on, vetted on frontier now. so those are my fees. okay, thank you very much. that's john king uh the head teacher here who has been telling us about the challenges the school continues to see,
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to face with not just talking about this particular school of several other schools into so and across the country. having seen the law problems. catherine, sorry, thanks very much. indeed. well, heavy rains have triggered flash floods and lance slides and indonesia is problems of west symmetry. and these 31 people have died, including children. thousands are missing on a major road was partially washed away, making rescue operations more difficult. number of people killed by slash floods in brazil's southern most states has risen to at least 143 levels are rising again in via granted to so as heavy rains continue, more than half a 1000000 people have been forced from their homes. thousands of canadians have in order to leave their homes in the west and province of british columbia because the threats of a fast moving walls find the government is warning of higher than normal spring and
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summer temperatures, meaning a greater risk of wildfires. the 4th phase of voting and india is a general election is on the way by that solving costs for 96 states across the 10 states and territories on monday into the administered customary is one of the regions voting. so this is the 1st election in the muslim majority area, since the governments of prime minister and arrange a movie vote a decades of know which gave a degree of autonomy to the region. most of these parts seem to be j. p, as not filled with the candidates in customer to mexico is all set. so let's, let's 1st female president, next month. what situations of the countries indigenous women is? don't have an estimated 70 percent of them live in poverty, to the ripples nation. my and culture traditional massages were believed to cure ailments ranging from intestinal issues to post
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partum recovery today and south eastern mexico. you seen a childcare news is keeping these traditions alive as a way to empower her community. if the professional is that this profession is disappearing by the older traditional, he was of died and there was so much them on. so many women come here and end up sharing so much about their lives with me. just so you know, as part of the largest network of indigenous women across mexico, working out of community centers created specifically to address the needs of this vulnerable group. 70 different indigenous groups make up 15 percent of mexico's population. most of them live in poverty and like the influence and resources to make decisions about their own communities. someone's my yes, we're.


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