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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 13, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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the the . ready the child is pulled from the rubble in northern goes off to and it's very s tried that before to the to the i'm carry johnson. this is i'll just hear a lot from the also coming out. the diplomatic blow for israel, egypt supports the genocide case against humans popcorn. there instances where
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they've active, inconsistent with their obligations under international humanitarian law. the us secretary of state on to the blinking issues, the strongest criticism, yet israel's village, he contacting guns and rising tension upside to george's capital. as a controversial for an intern boost coming news from north to south palestinians across garza, facing of renewed wave of his very ground and air attacks in the north tank. saw reports in the moving into the giovanni a refugee camp off for a series of intense strikes. one of the victims is a young girl who was rescued from the rubble off to an attack that reported the killed her mother under warning view as may find the following image is distressing . a. c
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aloha little who died recently about the city of the the, the city, the city, the birth of his here is a honey mock. village reports now from the law in central goes about as well as expanding ministry offensive moving deeper into northern and southern gauze. these brain and military has re entered defensive populated city of valia in the north. save the new offensive is to prevent mazda from re establishing its capability, with the body bags piling up our own civilian. rena, i my what,
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what do they want from us? they're telling us they're not children, showing them what can we do? we are staying on the streets, were being smoked. as israel deployed its soldiers back into the north, it's a tax in the south are intensifying by the hour. more than 35000 palestinians have been killed since october, and his really forces are inching closer toward the full scale assault in rough and offensive the you and the human rights which she says cannot take place. i can see no way that the latest evacuation orders much less. the full assault in an area with an extremely dense presence of civilians can be reconciled with the binding requirements of inter gnashing, but it's angel. in with the 2 sets of binding provisional measures ordered by the international court of justice. many palestinians have been forcibly displaced once again and told to go to an area is rose,
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calling humanitarians on the 8th agencies safe. the only thing waiting for them is a lack of shelter. sanitation, water, and food with its railing didn't supply and get the talked in the northern southern, gaza palestinians. i've been displaced several times now since october. once again, find themselves a trap would know where to go. it appears the suffering here will continue for some time. honey my from what i was just the it all it is but off palestine. this is where the forces of struck the medical clinic in the elbow ridge, refugee camp, and central garza, that's not far from there all but not with tens of thousands of displaced postings . have been sheltering, at least one person was killed in the attack. here from the scene shows people searching for survivors. there's no electricity using weeks portions on the mobile phones to find somebody trapped on us
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secretary state and st, blinking is issued a red public criticism of as well as ministry conduct. inc garza, he says it's tactics have caused a horrible loss of life of innocent civilians. he also said israel lacks of credible plan to protect civilians in rafa. the head of a full scale offensive which is wanted, will carry out. then kind of made the comments during the parents is on the sunday talk shows in the us might 100 reports now from washington dc. and the secretary of state has been doing the talk show circuit. basically, defending his department's memorandum to congress in which it was supposed to decide whether or not israel was contribution in international humanitarian roll with its use of u. s. weapons. well, the report basically concluded maybe not possible to be absolutely definite. now this report has drawn a lot of criticism,
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also from some democratic members of congress had the secretary of state. the also speaking about president biden's red line, president biden referred to this when he was discussing a potential, is really threat of an invasion of rough or saying that this could be a red line. now the secretary of state was asked about that. i'm one of the talk shows we have been holding back and weren't active conversations with his real about the provision of heavy or high pillows, weapons of large bombs because of the concern that we have about the effect these weapons can have when they're using a dense urban environment like profit. mm hm. we're discussing that with his real right now. second, with the present, it said is that if israel goes in with a major military operation, rasa. in that case, there's certain systems that we will not provide is real. that with a a that that effort because it's something that we do not want to be part of given the damage that it would do to civilians. and again, not to achieve a durable,
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lasting effect, the results for israel and for security. that's what the president said. we said that in conversations with our as really partners, the results that we've seen in terms of the horrible loss of life, of, of innocent civilians is reasonable to assess, as we say, in the report that there are instances where they've acted inconsistent with their obligations under international humanitarian law, those in those investigations continue both by us and by israel. what a single shipment of those 2000 pound precision bombs has been put on hold. it is still on hold pending review, however, or other scheduled width and shipments to israel. all going ahead by kind of out of sarah washington press spring and our correspondent now it's eric, i assume who is in the design central guys. terika. what's the very latest you can send us of the way the
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military operations by the use of the military. um, it uses us to loan going on the ground and pose areas roughly and to valley a refugee camp. now starting from the valley, a refugee camp as the east really military time, so long sought with the troops on the ground, all its funds seemed deeper into the eastern central parts will become more raging bottles. we uh, the army and we, the palestinians, groups on the situation is getting critically done. yeah. um it's that is very military managed to insect and preceding 6 evacuation centers. in the very densely populated area we're talking about at least 700000 palestinians on inside. jamalia were few decals. now hundreds of them have been forced to flee to the western part of the city. as we have been obsessing and recording new images and even video is the magic from to valley. a refugee camp regarding the confrontations,
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the are still ongoing. the military tanks have been attacked, there is ongoing destruction from the east, very side for residential houses, and even the civil impressed truck to the mandatory is describing the alteration to be personally. so in order to change the remaining battelle use of how much movement that the same time civilians have been on the white military attack. doses of palestinians have to read to, to choose an engine within the past 24 hours in the very densely populated area. as people are coping with the situations without having, i mean access full humanitarian paid funds to all the costs of the gauze. this trip in the south, in a rough walk by tools are still ongoing and getting, getting a very high intensity in the eastern part of rough, our district. um, its the ongoing compartment of all the parts of the city, including the central and the western part were at least 5 palestinians in the open night strikes have been killed at where the is barely met at 3 hot totally to them as they were tolling to walk around the block in the uh, with trane parts of
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a rough line district on the as we have been hearing from medical sources on the ground that entries on tips arriving to the hospital despite the difficulty of the night. just see why, cuz uh, searching operations on the ground because of the unprecedented case of strikes that trust district is witnessing in the course of the past 6 days. so the reality is that what tax casualties among civilians are still ongoing on the new goals or from the united nations to bring an immediate cease fire on the table in order to stop the blood chit and allow for the humanitarian 8 supplies to get into the gaza strip the new engine side for the ongoing confrontations under warranty territory. life for us, the in central garza tarik. thank you. but it's very forces have arrested at least 14 palestinians during raids and occupies westbank soldiers, stone, several homes that a city of talk you. yeah,
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they also don't sonic weapons at the entrance of a hospital is very forces of step top rates, arrests, and killings in the occupied westbank since the world garza began in october. the protest as in tbilisi have been gathering outside the parliament building as george's parliament to enter the 3rd and potentially final discussion of the controversial for an influence bill for testers, have been coming out for weeks to demand that the government dropped the don't they say the bill is styled in a similar way, russia that has been used to stifle dissent. bushes tests, these agencies says they've been 20 arrests to meet your med franco joins us live now from somebody. so to meet you, what's the situation right now of the well,
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it looks like the reading, the process itself was over as soon as it stops in, the agencies have reported that at last it 60 full to 67 seconds wouldn't. normally this reading process takes around a couple of hours. so what we've seen was a big presence of protest is here. very large presence of police that still over there right behind me. so they came here to people expecting a long sand off. people came with snacks with drinks, you know, especially to make themselves heard. it is quite loud right now. 2 they're saying they're in the state of a show because of just how quickly this was handled. it's not like anybody expected . the judicial committee, it's only 12 people with one member of the opposition present on this committee. to not foss this very day, but still haven't done in less than 2 minutes, is absolutely unheard of is what the people have been telling me. so do you need to watch lots, it'll happen next, then. what's all the next steps with this?
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well, the next steps onto this meeting has been paused. the bill goes to a plenary session on tuesday. around noon is when all of the members of haldeman are supposed to come here to this building the georgia house of holland. it's a unicameral all the many of them know of a house, and they're supposed to have boats. now this is the crucial moment for this bill because if they posit and the ruling a georgia dream policy and its allies have enough boats to not only pass this vote, but also posts a presidential veto president. so i'm unable to another has a little the city, sorry solomon is what i'm seeing. it has promised to veto this a bill if it pauses all readings. but again, says enough m p's to override this data. and people here have been say that this bill is crucial for the country because it is essentially a choice between going aligning with moscow where
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a similar bill was it up to 12 years ago. full going towards the e. u and e. u, accessing georgia is a candidate to join the e. u and the u. officials have said that it's been could be hampered by this load that they've called mc democratic to make sure it might be difficult for us to assign to the process. present that in the person is replacing one of his longest serving ministers in a surprise cabinet. we shuffle more than 2 years into the trade. well, he's removing defense minister studies showing you from his role tried who will be replaced by former deputy prime minister andrea willis if it was an economist with no metrics periods, the move needs approval from parliament. what is expected to be a formality. so who will now head to russia's national security council? you're shopping out of it has more now from mosca. to let you be patient assigned
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a decree of pointing survey, showing you a secretary of the russian security castle and you collect pots, or should, who held this post since may 2008 was released with haste position. the kremlin permits to name a new position to be filled by any collect partnership. within just a few days, the survey should go ahead of the russian ministry of defense for the last 12 years before moving to the security council. some list expect events that need to live partnership will head the presidential administration, but to h remains to be seen much of a patient proposed a pointing economist. i'm tre. below use of as the new minister of defense. he said this 1st deputy prime minister before the rest of the nation or the russian cabinet of ministers. it has never been enrolled in the ministry sabbath and according to criminal spokesmen to meet your pass code. the lady so is needed in the army to introduce innovations and the track they shall be economy and beyond me. and just
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a couple of weeks ago, survey sure, use deputy. it was arrested for bribery and there were rumors that the show is position was shaped. thing about fine, but at the same time they were chokes. that's a he could possibly be replaced. and the same time others were saying that's a car in place. the situation on the print in front looks quite good for sure. you unlike the situation last summer, so they would know that there was no need to replace him. so let me person has made this move and the choice of being human is still defense. it seems to me quite surprising. you'd have ship of all of the old to z right. most cars still ahead on al jazeera slash slugs and know enough gun us dont have killed at least 315 people kind of final thoughts. the say that ticket was expected to rise and, and can hear it shows not giving back to school last week. so, flooding. but there was, some schools may not be fits professors. the
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in depth analysis of the days headlines, if that was a rough or offensive. where would the people go? people have no place to go. each one of 1000 people has to be displaced at least 2 times frank assessments. this is a mess and blow to free speech and freedom of the press, informed opinions you can be somebody, this is on one of the hostages, october 2nd and return. and i want the chilly to stop inside story on al jazeera, being a journalist is that privilege i get to the heart of the story amplified the voices of those have been drowned out by the noise is a 4. is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks facing the trying to find that challenge and a huge responsibility. we keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the
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devastating human cost of their decisions working at the 0 enables me to make the other voices relevant to so that there is mode that unites us. then divide the the are watching out. just a reminder of our top stores this on how to send the ends of being forced out to the giovanni a refugee camp in northern guns at once again as an intense, foaming and fighting is ready forces events. it's the area months pushing from us. the us secretary state antony blinking says as well doesn't
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have a credible plan to protect civilians in rafa. if it went to the which a major ground defense, he also said as well as the tactics, of course, the horrible loss of like guns protested into the sea, have been gathering outside the solomon. but don't make custom held the reading of the collection session for an insurance bill that session hosted less than 2 minutes solicitation to the next stage. in chips the government has announced that will support the case south africa, fall international courts of justice accusing israel of genocide. the foreign ministry said in line to be increasing severity and scope of his very aggressions against the palestinian civilians in the gaza strip. we caught on these rails to comply with its obligations as occupying power. and this implementation of the
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interim measures issued by the international court of justice were renew call for the security council on the influential international policies. to immediately move to a safe spot in the gaza strip. or the a fami is a professor of political science at long island university. she explains the importance of egypt supporting the i c. j case. so this is really an unprecedented moment in the history of the modern day history between egypt and israel. egypt has been the most important mediator in the region, the 1st arab nation to recognize and formalize ties with israel and 1979. and here is this movement, the symbolic moment where the egyptian government puts his foot down on for basic reasons. and the 1st of the humanitarian, one that you cited were the ministry of foreign affairs shows that the intervention currently comes in increasing severity. and that israel's actions in gaza leading to the decimals, $40000.00 individuals via weights, international humanitarian law,
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and the 4th geneva convention in terms of protecting civilians. they also talk and mention about the systemic practices against palestinians that are leading to starvation. and the provisional measures of the i, the i, c, j, had asked for that the, to ensure humanitarian relief actually be instituted. and so that's what the humanitarian level of this moment has deeper implications at the political level. because israel has not proved itself in the eyes of egypt as a good faith in the gate negotiator. it didn't sign onto the cease fire agreement, even though it had mentioned that it would also for months, egyptian officials have stated that and is really envision a rough, i would risk peace ties between the 2 countries. so it's more so than the aisle c. j ruling, it's also a blow to the ties between the 2 countries, because israel has bought it, they've, they've actually sees the border and they've taken tactical provisional of 40 or
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border stewart. cement has approved a new cabinet just 2 days. also he dissolved parliament's shake. michelle, how much of that? i'll have a nephew who will head the new government a physical deadlock that the country is rooted to dismiss parliament on friday and suspend some articles of the constitution. reforming keywords generous. well, 1st system has been one of the biggest flash points between that piece and the government to the 4th phase of voting. an indian general election is underway, engine administer, the cache me air is one of the regions. voting is 1st election in the was the majority area since the government of prime minister and the venture movie vote, a decades old. know, which gave a degree of autonomy to the region. both these party, the b j. b has not to deal with the candidates in the cash, and that's kind of stone flash floods,
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triggered by heavy rain of kills at least 315 people. i never finished the desktop could rise. i'll just spoke to displaced residents and by 11 of the hardest hit terry's kelly come out and the phones are buried on demand in debris, the ruins of what with family homes, the fullest of friday's lot destroyed thousands of properties across bygone province. isn't they going to move in a god? this is my life that you see now. all these what house of it full. one house of to another. a scary flood came and took everything with it. because of what i'm booked the act and i'm one of it on it also took more than 300 lives, according to the televisions ministry for refugees, a number that is likely to rise. oh, the meaning of the victims have already been buried or not. i mean to buy lost 13 members of my family, including women and children, out of flood waters washed out in time,
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villages and livelihoods. the guy said to them, we don't have clean water to drink and there's nowhere to live, nothing to you. that is everything, including the school and the clinic, are gone. the seasonal heavy rains, close the flash flooding, sweeping through several provinces across afghanistan. line is considered the worst effected while that is that rather than the i don't know what health is coming to us from the government. there is no life left for us. i mean, why should we go? this is my house and all of it is destroyed. there is no life left for me anymore. many of the roads in announcers the regions paved in mud, making it difficult for rescue teams to reach remote areas, digs on, needed to combat upon. so i, at the top, i expect the government and the un to provide us with shelter water medicine or somewhere to live so that all these people can be safe or not. the people in the bag line a waiting for that dispute, they needed help to arrive. kindly tell a,
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hey, i'll just get a heavy rains of trigger, the flash floods and then slides. and indonesia is provence of west to much. at least 31 people have died, including children. thousands, i'm missing one major road was partially washed away, making a rescue operations more difficult. number of people killed by flash floods and for zeros of southern by states has risen to at least 143 people. levels are rising again in the ground to do so. as the heavy rains continue, more than half a 1000000 people have been forced from their homes, students and 10 year returning to school weeks off with devastating floods of ravaged much of the country. that a $300.00 people died and hundreds of thousands were displaced. and this catherine sway the poets from consumer county and west and kind of their fears of disease such as cholera much needs to be done in your
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marseilles school into single county students return to school after a 2 week delay following torrential rains that left hundreds. that and thousands home last so some schools across the country have eva been damaged or are under water. aid will cause are also worried about the risk of diseases which i've got enough to this level. so delta dental of this flow was sucked in. what has been to 90 phase, his students will not be able to use this classroom for awhile. when it came, it was not easy to get into the fees because mosquitoes, why all of you came and opened the windows and then moved out a beat. but i'm going to get this pre. so that's a children have not affected so much because this is larry this summer layer of an area. yes. this area is not new to flooding,
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then yandell river and lake victoria often overflow into neighborhoods. when it rains by residency, this has been the west in recent years. this is unauthorized school and it's clear no children can study in such an environment that teachers are looking for a safe alternative. but it's difficult affected students are temporarily moving to nearby schools. some of which are hosting displaced people like rosa bill, appeal, house is unbelievable crops, and most of her belongings are ruins. we had stressed out and was people asking them says well, we're going to leave with that. she lives in the cleanings and that's less. yes, i don't know where i'm going to be right now. she says things will return to normal in due time, but only until the next, the greens. it's
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a cycle the same time and again. catherine, sorry to soon county west and kenya. weather is next to an inside story. looks a head to the 1st point of men to elections and into the midst of kashmir since the region lost it. so it's one of me, the taking off your weather reports in the middle east and it is a quiet picture temperature. it's starting to go up. we've got a southerly wind here. so that's what's lifting those temperatures. $43.00 and re i'd, they'll have wouldn't be surprised if we had 40. same goes from the nama, and coates will be a dusty picture for you. but your temperature is also pushing past 40 degrees on monday. quite a bit of heat for 30 minutes stands capital ask about, but while things are about to change, check out what happens on tuesday when shift around. we've got some what,
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whether dancing in so that drops it down to 29 degrees back to the here and now for 30. also looking like a mostly dial forecast. we've got what, whether it is stumble, some that what whether also dropping down through the band would be surprised if we catch a few drops in the occupied palestinian territories on monday is bound to africa. we go because 1st of rain, sarah, the own and liberia, and for central africa, i think it will be along the coast here. so camera room and gap on looking to get hit with some pretty solid bands of rain along the coast of congo as well. mostly just showers for that eastern side of south africa, but we're seeing it move in to improve the longer in limpopo provinces and quite a helping to frame for southern most and be including for me. i put so. okay, so yeah. as the
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election, the excitement in indian is minutes of kashmir. the 1st parliament dream votes since its special status was revived. but any of the governing policy isn't contesting a number of key seats. the why is to be taping skipping these poles. this is inside story. the
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