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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 13, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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virus humanity, obviously was music style. the last shock, the investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the news, our life from headquarters, and del fine getting obligates i. here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. heavy bombardment on air strikes in northern gauze is really forces move deeper into the shut down the refugee, cham thousands protest outside george us parliament ahead of a crucial vote on a controversial proposed law. we're live in to police. see russia as president
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vladimir fruits and replaces his defense minister and a surprise cabinet. re shuffled and millions vote in the 4th phase of india, general elections were prime minister in a remote in seeking a 3rd term. the hello. we begin this news hour in gaza where there has been more violence in the north and south of district palestinian fighters a very engaged and running bottles with is really forces east of there's a body, a refugee come overnight. airstrikes have targets across scars. all civilians are fleeing in search of safety. many of them are now moving towards the west of gaza city. i'll just see what's happening with begins are coverage from dated by the in central gaza. the moving deeper into northern and southern gauze
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is brandon military has re entered the density populated city of valia in the north . save the new offensive is to prevent mazda from re establishing its capability. with the body bags piling up our oaks to delete the amount what, what do they want from us? they are killing also know children showing them what can we do? we are staying on the streets, were being smoked. as israel, the boys its soldiers backed into the north, it's a tax in the south are intensifying by the hour. more than 35000 palestinians have been killed since october and is really forces are inching closer toward the full scale of salt in rough and offensive the you and the human rights that she says cannot take place. i can see no way that the latest evacuation orders much less. the full assault in an area with an extremely dense presence of civilians can be
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reconciled with the binding requirements of internationally, military and role. in with the 2 sets of binding provisional measures for that by the international court of justice. many palestinians have been forcibly displaced once again and told to go to an area is rose calling humanitarian zone. the aid agencies say the only thing waiting for them is a lack of shelter. sanitation, water, and food with its railing didn't supplying it the talks in the north and southern gaza, palestinians. i've been displaced several times now since it's pulver, once again find themselves a trap would know where to go. it appears the suffering here will continue for some time. honey mcmillan was just the at all. there is by law, palestine will not bring in our correspondence thought about as soon joining us from dated by the facts in the center of the gaza strip. thought i'd try to bring us up to speed with what is happening across the strip,
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and particularly if there's are bad the refugee camp as well as and jeff, in the south the world during drastically things are moving completely faust in products to valley and drop off where they use very military plus train operations are still on getting on the ground as ripping hearings from eye witnesses and they come there been confirming that these very minute treat tanks are moving to the main open areas in the eastern, just into parts of the come and we need to remember that jamalia richard dekalb, has a very small space of plans that is very densely populated with thousands of palestinians . families who was talked to the recently to flee to the western side, the gods of sitting out, the bottles on the streets of value refuge account by raising as we have been raising at. and as we have been here again, we will see confirmation from the military wing of how much about the on going back towards us. military tanks have been attacked as the is body forces. i've been
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using police force destroying residential houses and even the have been passing, move a controversial evacuation orders for residents for more areas in both devalue and drop a while. they're roughly the situation is continued to be done as emergency work has managed to recover 10 bodies from a sell out neighborhood, which is one of the areas that month to be as rates as own, which cannot be no longer a site for civilian. so the tax still, i'm going to add more evacuation orders for most central neighborhoods over roof i . 6, we have been passed in the past hour, including us who are neighborhoods and to the western side of a rough last city. now people that have been in fact moving to a milwaukee area, which is a very tiny strip of land with complete collapse of folly team facilities. and with that completely, also loc for our basic supplies as people have been coping with your own during the expansion of the fighting point in light of the ongoing,
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a shortage of a basic supply is on. we don't think it's the low joe for this, and these costs off of the main light saving guys from a humanitarian organization. so over on the vast majority of causes areas are on the fly as council fees amongst a $1000000000.00 staring continue to rise. more and more growing, pulls from a neighboring countries up on from international humanitarian organizations to bring an immediate in for the flight. and on the ground and to the, at the importance of the acceleration to bring us useful agreements on the table to bring over the trustees and to change all the trustees thoughts. palestinians have been going through with the past couple of days. so thought it, i mean these forest evacuation orders are given by the is really military. and as we've been hearing over and over and over, there's simply nowhere safe to go to in the gaza strip. so where are people going
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and how are they coping? yes, this is the reality of the great come to the show minute, your oldest be giving into the initial the use of the will. people have been told from the notes of this trip to go to opposite causes. why the in order to be safe from the bottom it later there is going to be gradual expansion of a fighting to reach to the central areas of roughly them back to the west, texas to be solver and part of the city. so people have been trapped with the concepts of safety. people have been just escaping just the queue, the on family members, and now off to going to reflect the so that it would be the last safe place. will that once again, ruffle has been a target for these women. the tree as hawaii is on the remaining battalions, that order to be submitted to admit, a tally dismantled civilians all the victims. they have been moving intentionally from one place to another. seeking sightsee sometimes have been displaced for the 6th or 7th time since the beginning of the will and all of them now due to milwaukee yesterday, up in the hip hop and touring in that area. and i so how people are living in the
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postal mind of that area and others i've been starting to get rid of that, which is the most densely populated area we are talking about. a move, growing humanitarian catastrophe, move low to avoid is d. a age will not get into the territories, means that the situation cannot be easily treated and mitigated. long to be ongoing . military pressure being executive by the use by the army not only on the security level, also holds the humanitarian level, simply palestinian, see that systematic blonde in order to completely control the entire guns trip. okay, thank you so much. part of also reported from didn't buy enough and rosa, well the us actually state antony blinking has issued a rare public criticism of israel's military contacting cause on. she says it's tactics has have caused a horrible loss of life of innocent civilians. and he also said israel likes a credible plan to protect civilians in deaf off ahead of the full scale offensive, which has,
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it has warned that it will carry out my kind of reports in washington dc. and the secretary of state has been doing the talk show circuit, basically defending his department's memorandum to congress in which it was supposed to decide whether or not israel was contribution in international humanitarian roll with its use of u. s. weapons. well, the report basically concluded maybe not possible to be absolutely definite. now, this report has drawn a lot of criticism, also from some democratic members of congress had the secretary of state. the also speaking about president biden's red line, president biden referred to this when he was discussing a potential, is really threats of an invasion of rough uh, saying that this could be a red line. now the secretary of state was asked about that on one of the talk shows, we have been holding back and were inactive conversations with israel about the
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provision of heavy or high payload weapons of large bombs. because of the concern that we have about the effect these weapons can have when they're using a dense urban environment like profit, we're discussing that with his real right now. second, with the present, it said is that if of israel goes in with a major military operation, rasa, in that case, there are certain systems that we will not provide as real that with a new a that that effort because it's something that we do not want to be part of given the damage that it would do to civilians and again, not to achieve a durable, lasting effect, the result for his roland for its security. that's what the president said. we said that in conversations with ours really partners, the results that we've seen in terms of the horrible loss of life, of, of innocent civilians is reasonable to assess, as we say, in the report that there are instances where they've acted inconsistent with their obligations under international humanitarian law,
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those in those investigations continue both by us and by as well as single shipment of those 2000 pound precision. bombs has been put on hold. it is still on hold pending review, however, or other scheduled width and shipments to israel. all going ahead. mike kinda, i'll just sarah washington. okay, well not bring in time to try to move. he's an assistant professor of public policy at the gulf. i institute for graduate studies. welcome back comments. so these comments that are made by blinking and sometimes 5 not really followed up by any action. i mean, are they, to what extent of a geared towards the domestic audience, perhaps in an election year, they're trying to defuse some of the angry that we're seeing across us universities . i didn't, i think the purpose of such the assessments as this of the, the intended seen into you as far as, as you have right for the say to the fuse pensions and buckling days. that 8 on the guys are front. i think the meaningless and it seems to me as if like, you know,
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a link and then by doing the like, watching that hands sort of get the solicitation from an up from an ongoing messic of the pennsylvania stuff that i mean that off the vision has started so instead of condemning or threatening or the or the blaming is what i looked about having it could have been plan which has never had since the beginning, but this was sent to stop the weapons. all look is not one type of flip. it's so american, send us the motors in this is that the school would buying more time for digital entries. i don't think this and see it about stopping these ladies. they don't have need of the political will, or even they'll put a shuttle in military with, to stop as late as if it doesn't seem to put something out by saying no more to weapons is a, it is, will stop me. but we're not that you have their own ambassador. uh, jacob blue, the us ambassador. he was speaking to is really media. and he said that the israel has north cross the red line, and i saw that there will be no interruption in us aid to israel. well,
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it depends what, what does that have done means for him? i mean, i mean, i mean we see that on the ground, we see as on the side, the lord this does that have this whole many deadlines that have been across from the concept of this word. i mean, is an a claim to provide such plans like, you know, to protect civilians before and obviously they feel, you know, it was deliberate, it's getting investigating what's the, what's happening in the north of gaza in gaza and then thought it goes a step. i mean papa has not the last hold. do you know the, an after off there is nothing would be left from guys because i've been turned into it. i was. so is what i never listen to. i needed line. the americans know this very what it does me, 7 months now. and obviously, i mean from, from this, but you will think, i mean, the american heart public is what is waiting on this. and this was so this, these statements are just for the internal consumption for political reasons. and it just motors to contain the internal backlash that, that i'm good, the demonstrations we seem to diversity is. and that's it,
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it's just that much control mode and then damage control more internally and profession for a major upcoming elections. but that's what i need to know is what it has an off of hand. and it's not even about the students about the school daughters with the difficult, i mean now is there is also in the threatening to jeopardize. it's be some additional days, you know, just let me know that is running. the ice is useful. so obviously, i mean things are getting out of control and the, i'm glad you raised the points about agent because i wanted to ask you about egypt . now joining that i see j case along with south africa. or is this a significant move? do you think and what do you think pushed egypt over the edge? i think it's very significant because my understanding was that different opinions because of this stuff that the volition is. so it is a way that they have a piece 3 d and the 423 was historically that zip. so the zip chose, wanted to maintain this, this came in the position so they, they wanted to present themselves as some of this by not joining any of these. but
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we'll send this list like best as you want. and they play it along with americans. but now i think that each to a full point will even they don't come with america's effect of addictions of doing this. now, that means they know the things that are out of control, that they cannot trust the americans. they cannot trust these ladies because the for that then sort of go to the that's a, that's a good one for the dimensions. and the fact that we have, we'll see now is beta. thanks. moving on the borders. this means that is what our model is in violation of the piece, the, the, the, the, comes with these terms with egypt. and this brings all the memories. i mean beds, all members of the big boards by piece and i piece is 96, a 7. what about the some 50 wars, and the zip shows out of water even though because if, if they believe that the mid, cuz a lot since you and these aren't as of out of control. so what i'm going to tease them to is what i will not push the civilians. egypt next step, right? what's going to these up? is that a, this will not the beast of all those you know on push, push, push thing, a soft to sign up. so the nervous, and i think that
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a good thing that they know by joining bentham national effort to try to put more pressure on the americans at the same time that that they off is enough. okay, thank you so much time. i've had more. thank you. my pleasure, this quote was really forces of arrest that at least 14 palestinians during raids and they occupied westbank soldiers store and several homes near the city of co pm . they also fired sonic weapons at the entrance of a hospital is really forces of stuffed up their raids arrests as well as their killings and they occupied westbank since the world also began in october. and earlier this month and is really soldiers shot, an 8 year old palestinian boy in the neck at a refugee camp in the jordan valley. he was detained, then dumped out in is really hospital. and days later, his family was hands in medical bills worth more than $13000.00. the same bus
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driver reports from but on my law in the occupied westbank that is cooled off where i was planning on a scooter with my cousin. he says, we were on our way home when we saw it. it's really to driving towards us. so we started running it as an instinct, every posting and child knows when soldiers begin, shooting. jude was hitting the neck and fell. one is a great day. he says in that moment he felt very far from home. it happened near the foot job, a refugee camp near jericho, and the occupied west. soldiers detained, the wounded boy, accusing him of throwing rocks and pipes before leaving him and his really hospital . terrified and alone, it was hours before his family knew where he was put a young every day whenever they administer any kind of treatment. and they'd ask my wife to sign bills. they'd say we want money, you must pay. they were giving us a really hard time. every time they'd administer treatment,
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they made it very difficult. so he's out of the woods but has nerve damage and can't move his left on these really hospital where he was treated claims they are owed more than $13000.00 for treating an 8 year old child with a gunshot wound from an is really assault rifle. before jude was brought back, his family says is really hospital staff even tried to take the net color, protecting his with a scenario so absurd. it might seem comical if it wasn't really happening. his father says the bill is so high, it will be impossible to pay, probably send you the officials told to 0 that in situations like this is real the ducks, the funds directly from customs taxes that it collects on behalf of the palestinian authority. when the news came, jude's mother says she was hysterical, but anger gave way to relief that her son survived. are. so let's go to the i thing
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god, he's ok. hopefully he gets better hopefully to see a happy life in life he chooses for himself. i hope you have a future. i hope he lives just trying to despite the difficult circumstances. when asked if he was scared, he puts on a brief fix. he says he's looking forward to going home, having a shower and seeing his grandparents dishes provided. but he says, you'll never write a scooter again. a lesson every palestinian child learns too soon. it is never safe to play outside. when you live under israeli occupation, the same bus route, the ultra 0 ramallah the occupied westbank palestine. the people in georgia have been protesting outside parliament, which is holding a 3rd and potentially final discussion of
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a controversial for an influence build. opponents say the proposed law could be used to stifle the sense media and other organizations that gets 20 percent or more of their funding from abroad would have to re register as agents of foreign influence. there are reports of at least 20 arrests on saturday to meet 3 medford danco has been covering the protest. joining us now from to been the say. so what are you seeing around you? what's the situation like right now? any 3 well, it's still quite loud here in the central to me say there were thousands of people here last night, some say all through the night to make a stand against this controversial circle for an agents bill. well, there was like they were here specifically today is because georgia parliament traditional committee was supposed to do a reading of this. this bill said read extensively the last one before it's passed on to a vote. i'm normally these things last a couple of hours, but specifically in this case it lost it on the 2 minutes,
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the chairman of the visual committee came in aust, anyone it also the other members, if there were any changes to the text that they want, they all said no, and the approved bit the georgia media upset it took a 64 seconds to be done. so people here say that this is basically a job and that's still standing here. they're still saying it's very important to, to make some noise and making themselves hood. now they're saying that the choice is much bigger than just the best for an agent fail. just as a reminder, it will require and g o and the media who receive 20 percent or more of the funding from abroad to declare themselves as agents of foreign influence. so the government says it's important for transparency, but people say the choice is really where the future lies now for georgia, because georgia wants to join the you and the officials upset that this bill is empty. democratic in the step in the wrong direction. whereas a similar bill was adopted by moscow, therefore, now it's done by the russian law. this bill and this law in russia was used to
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crack down on the sent out to talk more about this and why this is all going. we're joined by god's a. he's a senior fellow at the economic policy research center and also a career diplomat form a full month for an deputy for administer for georgia. you. thank you very much for being with us. so what do you make of the fact that it took less than 2 minutes for the committee here to pass this law into a vote tomorrow. suspicious. the 1st of all sign of fear and panic inside his building. they say to 3 people are suckled to members of the apartments are now, how do you up to accomplish the active region against their own population in augusta, georgia, and people in adopt this russian little russian style which will to descend this country to introduce to christie. and this will be the application of the russian lo in georgia, and will seriously car and diminish the civil society. now go to look at his actions. and of course, the remaining free media outlets on there now heading out they would like to adopt it as soon as possible,
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and then to intimidate the georgia society and give me dates. the people industries this 83 they, they don't represent the georgia people anymore. this the mostly and we get to meet a uh problem into which we had to know what our recent history. they have done everything in order to go against their own people. they have done everything to force people to abandon their dreams. and they, they are calling themselves of georgia in addition to your washington dream. indeed, they are now doing everything in their power to be stuffed georgia from europe, from the united states, from the best. and if this low will bid up, it's georgia will fall back be sent into auto proceed, and the wind into, into the we will be thrown back in time for many, many the case of the product you were in charge of the visa liberalization process . as far as i understand that the you has said that george's bid to join the european union is hampered by this bill. what do you think is going to happen with
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you accessing? absolutely. if this will be a bill being adopted, we'll have no chance to start to negotiations on the joining the union. but the more than that, your opinion is already ordering this government that the even the candidate. so you'll see what the unit individual liberal vision might be. suspended if there's always enough. and so we, we are in a serious threat to or from beef cuts from the roof and union being cut from from the best. so these people are traitors. they are now doing everything to, to accomplish their act of reason that goes to georgia to get together. thank you very much for being with us. so now this bill is being passed on a, to a plenary session on tuesday is gonna start on the noun. people here say they're definitely going to come that uh, they're gonna skip work. they're gonna skip a clauses to make themselves okay. thank you so much for the time being for that reporting from typically see on the
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right side as president vladimir putin is replacing one of his longer serving ministers in a surprise cabinet. re shuffled. he's removing the defense minister survey, show you from his role more than 2 years into the ukraine war and showing to be replaced by the former deputy prime minister andre brothers of who's an economist with no military experience. the move needs approval from parliament, but it is expected to be a formality. so a google allow head rushes national security council for a central bar in joining us from moscow door. so what more can you tell us about the new defense minister and what we know about him as well during, according to the, to create issued by the russian president vladimir putin, the 65 year olds, former deputy prime minister as andre belo solve will be at the defense minister
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as of tuesday, may 14th. now this appointment comes at a very critical time, and it's of was very much a surprise here. most of what we're not expecting the russian president to make a change in the defense ministry. but this choice is very telling about what the president is looking for in terms of the shake ups that he's expecting this a former economic advisor to make it. we have to remember that the defense, some industries, a budget, is now around 6 and a half percent of the countries g p. so it is important for someone to with an economic background to be able to manage this huge financial portfolio that is attached to the defense ministry. and this is a ministry that's been plagues with accusations of bribery ever embezzlement and corruption. the outgoing defense minister surgery show who his deputy is currently in prison, facing charges of embezzlement and corruption. so it is very important for the russian president at this very critical time in the war and ukraine to ensure that
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his defense ministry, the financial aspect of it, at least, is in order. and that's the corruption and embezzlement. accusations are cleared from this ministry. and so, so i suppose one of the big questions is also what this will mean for russian forces were on the ground in ukraine and whether this will impact the war at all as well from what we've gathered so far speaking to various different military analyst at the new defense minister is unlikely to bring about in huge changes in terms of military tactics on the grounds. the of course doesn't have a military background, but we have to remember neither did the outgoing defense for this or surgery. sure ago when he was appointed in 2012, at serve a show who has a degree in engineering. and he also didn't have a military background when he was appointed. the incoming defense minister is seen as someone to tackle the financial aspects of the defense ministry,
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which is huge. and what is important to note is that the chief of the general staff that is still in position. and that is valerie greske. some of he's not being replaced, so in terms of on the ground, a tactics of the russian military, it's unlikely to bring about any change. now, whether or not a andre fellow south will replace any generals as a result of various and financial mismanagement remains to be seen in the coming weeks. but certainly unlikely that we'll see any major tactical changes by the russian military on the ground in ukraine. ok, thank you. sources are mario forwarding from moscow? the 4th phase of voting and, and just general election is underway and indeed administered kashmir. is one of the regions where people are casting their ballots. this is the 1st problem entry election and the muslim majority areas, since prime minister under, under moody revoked it, special status in 2019 and bodies party. the b j. p is not field candidates in the
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region, will speak to christopher snyder and who is a political scientist, an author of the book, independent kashmir. an incomplete aspiration is turning us from australia. welcome to alger 0. we appreciate your time. why is the b j. p not fielding a candidate in kashmir. i will beach i. p is not feeling a candidate because i feed defeat. there are 3 sites in the past. me valley ones rattles palm demo. and the beach, i please very happy the size that i created the peaceful environment to allow the selection to take place. but on the other hand, as a result of those i'm regarding sions in 2009 saying that you mentioned the rain. uh, there's a lot of local unpopularity the for the beach, i pay and i a, it's the 1st one for about to use. i have not had a candidate for our luck some of our election, and i do, they think they going to lose, and that will be not just a loss, but a drawing. so are we have to understand then the,
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the beach i p has given up on kashmir or what is their sort of long term strategy for the region will do long term strategies to win the hops and the people according to the home. and just, i'm just, i'm a child who is in general recently, he said we're not going to feel any candidates in the kashmir valley, but we, i am so still when the hops on the kashmiris and it's going to take a bit longer than that. so we got to do that through allowing some elections through giving them state status again and through some developments and things like that. in the ultimately the kashmiris will come see that we really found out some and they will come around accordingly. and if let's put this into context and then talk about how significance customer actually is as this election takes place . i mean, this is the 1st election in kashmir after,
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as you were mentioning the abolishment of article 370. that it is, uh they haven't had about it. so now 6 years, i've been on the direct rule from daily since june, 2018. and during that time we've had the abrogation of article $370.35. i a lot of internal control, particularly after that regression with the even pro india and politicians being put under house arrest for up to 12 months either in months. and so it's significant because the catch me valley really is the only muslim majority area of india. and on the one hand, mr. moody says, yes, we want everybody to be pottery, but on the other hand, he's been insane. some things that have been a little while already, some to most slums and the fact in the catch me valley are keeping aware of that. but they are also severely disenchanted with the central government. now it's different in general, it was the neighboring district to the south of
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a can actually with i've already had elections for the to the locks of us seats. and the turn out was about 70 percent. aside from the turn out in the cash me valley about 2 hours ago was about 15 percent of the 1700000 electives who are entitled to but so we might actually have a much higher turn out this year. but compared with 2019 with the turn out in the cash me valley, it was about 19 percent. so we'd probably have a who and that parts went out this time, but it will be pacing are the showing that i like going to vote because the militants have said you, you conduct this, you know, boy, you caught thank you very much. but also registering a protest against what new delhi did and that will then slightly mr. maggie, these national agenda, on the other hand are what mr. murray did in terms of kashmir was very popular throughout the the rest of india. they did a lot of a lot of the news that the cache and the reason people in german had special
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consideration in terms of government jobs and buying land and so on and even some notes on them. so it's, it's basically a when it's just a small area or in the caching you valley where it's significant. okay, we thank you so much, christmas time and thanks for joining us from australia. i think story now just a reminder that the indian government has not granted visa sales has zeros during the list. so we're covering the election from outside the country and still ahead on the news. our children are back to school in teneo after weeks of flooding, but there are fears that some schools may not be fit for purpose. the low good is here. we've got whether it's sliding into the islands of ireland and
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britain. i think this could potentially be bad for that western side of scotland could cause some disruptions is what weather is also dropping down through the western side of france, north west spain and northern portugal. so let's go in here for a closer look. that's really where the bulk of the action will be in the south. it's hot and sunny. so the coming in at $33.00 degrees on monday. what weather sides out of italy moves into slovenia and austria. nothing to major here, mostly adult day for many that includes for turkey as well. still more wet weather in the mix. assemble on, cut off at some hail, storm, and uncle about providence. the other day. this is not typical of nearly mid may weather. temperature is well below where they should be pretty good burst of rain, sierra the own and liberia also just along the coast of west africa and then showers, move heard. of course, we learn to tell providence in eastern south africa and didn't from a longer. and then popo province's and a pretty good helping of rain. they're all enhanced by that breeze off the indian
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ocean for southern booth and beek. so yes, that includes from my put so, but otherwise fairly con picture is ambia. it's capital soccer looking good. have 29 on monday. okay. that's it for me. as the pod came in to be used as the oil see suffered casualties. we have not suffered states. pilots is thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house. thought provoking on to who that you say know, double standard to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities, government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling for you. it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era examine is being proactive. today's headlines i wish i had word word to describe what setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions right now. if you're on campus talking about the site,
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you are being called anti semitic and a supporter of care international film makers. and will class journalist bring programs to inform that inspired to options await us in the immediate future climate crisis for climate revolution. on alger 0, the the, [000:00:00;00] the time it was on the top stories on the countess, it renews our, there's been more violence in the north and south of the gaza strip. palestinian fighters say that they are engaged in running battles with is really forces. east of the giovanni a refugee town civilians are seeing
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a search of se seats. people in georgia have been protesting outside parliament, which is holding a 3rd. and so essentially, final discussion of a controversial foreign influence filled opponents surface of proposed law could be used to stifle the sun. russell's positive on reference here is removing the defense witness for a survey for you from his role. so who will be replaced by the former deputy prime minister andre belo solves we stayed with our top story this hour and only 6, a trucks were allowed into a gaza on saturday. that's asked or no trucks carrying live savings supplies were able to enter the strip since last sunday. hospitals. bakeries and a distribution centers are running out of fuel and food and central cause, are they an up? so hospital is the only medical center that's still able to offer dialysis to patients with kidney failure,
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but fuel to power it's generators is running outs as engine holding reports from dayton. bye. so y'all is, this is a life savings treatment. it triplicate, the kidneys, functions, cleaning the blood, the waste and excess fluid and the ok so hospital and did bella is the only medical facility in the cause of strips to able to help people with kidney failure. 10 that the cup doesn't the old keep the patients and guys that have no way to go for treatment. but this hospital i was suffering is unprecedented. not experienced by anyone before we feel for the world health organization to lend a helping hand. 600 patients are sharing 19 dialysis machines. the treatment usually takes 4 hours. these people are receiving just 90 minutes. how do you see it going on? so this will also force to reduce the number of sessions for each patient from 3
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times a week to twice a week. this caused many patients to die to the is where the armies expanding assault intro for has forced. the closure of hospitals, including the biggest niche, are meaning many have had to risk the dangerous journey to central garza to continue their treatment. but in the civil war, i've been receiving dialysis and wrap up for 3 years. i missed my sessions when the attack spread to rafa. it was difficult for me to get here. it's a long distance and costly. when i finally arrived, i found that unit overwhelmed with patients is where it has block deliveries of critical medical supplies and fuel. the hospital is powered by generators and without fuel health workers can provide these patients with the care they need. not only that these patients were receiving tedney, they all as, as treatment in unless you are hospitalized,
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but they were also seeking refuge here. unfortunately, the hospital does not have any space for these policy news to seek refuge. you're leaving them homeless. this is in the, the odyssey, you know, there is bless garza, palestine. the students in kenya had been told to return to school despite weeks of flooding. that's kills nearly 270 people. at least 62 primary schools have been effected and their fears, waterborne diseases like cholera could spread. catherine solar reports from kids from western shania much needs to be done in your marseilles school. in costume county. students return to school after a 2 week delay following torrential rains that left hundreds that and thousands
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home left. some schools across the country have a they've been damaged or are under water. aid will cause are also worried about the risk of diseases which are going up to this level. so the adult of this flow was sucked in. what has been to 90 phase, his students will not be able to use this classroom for awhile. when it came, it was not easy to get into the office because mosquitoes. why all of us and you came on both ends. i mean the same beds that moved out a beach, but i'm going to get this pre. so that's a team doesn't have not affected so much because this is larry this summer layer of an area. yes. this area is not new to flooding, then yandell river and lake. the toria often overflow into neighborhoods. when it
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rains by residency, this has been the worst in recent years. this is a nicer with school and it's clear no children can study in such an environment that teachers are looking for a safe alternative. but it's difficult affected students, a temper are really moving to nearby schools, some of which are hosting displaced people. like rosa bill, appeal, house is unbelievable crops. and most of my belongings, i really ins. we had stressed out and was people asking them says well, we're going to leave with the she is in the cleanings and that's less of oh yes, i don't know where i'm going to review right now. she says things will return to normal in due time. but only until the next, the greens, it's a cycle the same time and again. catherine, sorry to soon county west in kenya. okay, well bring and catherine, now she's joining us from western can ya. so what is the situation like where you
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are at the moment, catherine, what do you see? the for the situation is dire. we've been in the school for a couple of a couple of hours. and basically we have about a 1000 children. uh, also who come to this school and when the height of uh, the flogging uh the school was completely flooded. sections of it are still flooded like the twilight so the children do not access, cannot access those facilities. now joining me to talk about all these things is matthew a wheeler, the deputy governor. thank you for your time. and what is the county doing to deal with these challenges, especially when it comes to resources where the confusing going to be to allow walk
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to talk with. because it's telling us how flabby of course, this is just one aspect of what you're doing. mean as cool savvy opening today, the open today, but i'm of the schools, the opening we say will help people who are displaced in comes, who need to be fed the, who need to be, uh, clothes we need to sleep. and also who need medical attention. so that's basically what you're doing, but logically we have been, um, you know, we have the, the, the, the division of the lake. so definitely when you play in somebody slots and everything, all the, what has different in the last year. so what you have done in the past also was to open the what's always ok until the sales books leave us on streams. battery not only would then cause a flattening. now back to this particular situation, i think one thing that needs to be very clear in terms of the way the government of construction is such that we have toilet what so government, both national and sub muscle. now we work for this operational government,
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which is county government. now in this particular set up, for example, counties out only charge you last one was sponsibility of ensuring that early childhood education lama. so i'm, we have 3 classes. yeah. you know, how about conducive environment for landing middle school as well? yeah. when we come to, when you talk about health issues, yes, the toilets are flooded. for example, are you worried about that? we have a very, why did i actually give, i mean, the kitchen, but i live on the problem is, i mean, is really needed to how, you know, collect and now for data. yes, because i'd be open. but i believe that most schools especially add on to here, i'm not easily open. now here's as cool or more than a 1000 students. only 250 of them in school. but as they also will actually absolve all the toilets here, basically washed and some minded in what time they only have access to, to, to yes, can be used by,
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by teachers. so you can imagine population of more than 250 using to, you know, toilets, okay. i mean on an environment where the glass is tall, not caught, and these are what the able to including the implants of this cool. so my take is that, but i live on take it and sees should have taken time to affairs. i know which schools i days will be open and which ones i'm not ready to reopen. my view is this particular one really was not really into the open. okay. yeah. all right, thank you very much. as that was a deputy governor talking about the challenges that are being faced and we're not just talking about the school, several of the schools that have similar problems and not just in case to move but across the country as well. okay, thank you so much, katherine, for that reporting from kenya, the heavy rains have triggered excuse me, flash floods in land slides, and the ends in easy and province of wes sumatra. at least 37 people have died, including children. dozens are missing,
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and one major road was partially washed away, making rescue operations more difficult. and i've gone to san slash floods, triggered by heavy rain, have killed at least 315 people. and there are fears of that death toll could rise . also 0 spoke to displaced residents in the northern bank line province. one of the hardest hit areas. kaylee callahan reports buried on demand in debris, the ruins of what with family homes. the fullest of friday's slot, destroyed thousands of properties across bygone province. isn't that going to move in again? this is my life, but you see now all these warehouses of it for one house off to another. scared reflect, came and took everything with it because of what i'm booked, the act, the number of it on. it also took more than 300 lives, according to the taliban ministry for refugees, a number that is likely to rise. oh,
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many of the victims have already been buried or not. i mean, i lost 13 members of my family, including women and children, have a lot of flood waters washed out in time, villages and livelihoods. the guy said to them, we don't have clean water to drink and there's nowhere to live, nothing to you. that is everything, including the school and the clinic, are gone. the seasonal heavy rains, close the flash flooding, sweeping through several provinces across afghanistan. line is considered the worst affected while that is that rather than the i don't know what health is coming to us from the government. there is no life left for us. i mean, why should we go? this is my house and all of it is destroyed. there is no life left for me anymore. many of the roads in announcers the regions paved in mud, making it difficult for rescue teams to reach remote areas. digs on, needed to combat the palm. so i, at the top, i expect the government and the un to provide us with shelter water medicine or
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somewhere to live so that all these people can be safe or not. the people in the bugs on a waiting for that desperately needed help to arrive. kindly tell a hey, i'll just get a are still a heads on the news, our suffer assistance veins. catalonia region suffer
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a set 5 in sunday's regional collection. the separate system seems catalonia region has suffered a huge set back in sundays regional election, the socialist party,
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which also runs the national government and madrid, has them or as, as the largest party with most of the votes counted catalonia, a separate us government held a referendum to break away from spain in 2017, but med trent. never recognized the folks sooner the echo reports from barcelona. it was a close victory for cancelling your socialist and they maintain a significant results with the unity vote. so says so the yes, the mine toss turning that when into reality, more days to start. it is one of the most important, relevant factors as being the policies of a spanish government. and in particular, a prime minister petro sanchez. this policy has quite a narrow majority over the last. the challenge this pro unity policy has is whether they can form a government with the separatists. catalonia is where the regional becomes an issue of national importance. that last time
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a pro unity socialist was governing the region was in 2010, much has changed since then. since the attempt of secession in 2017, the relationship between madrid and both to luna has been hence often hostile. one of the main speakers of this era from a castle on lead, a kind of list speeds the month. courtney in self imposed exile to avoid arrest his center right. june's policy is a close runner up sign. he says that his vision for an independent catalonia is still young and full by votes, his stomach, and it shows that goes through google them. shelly, we are in a position to form a solid government dedicated to the caps long course and we will work harder for the next 1000 days for this purpose some legit. few yet support for independence has diminished since 2017. when even then most people in the region were in favor of remaining in spain and it was an ice of last for the policy of the outgoing
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president of catalonia, the last we e r. c. put it out of goodness have led the region since 2021, during which he had a stablished, a close a dialogue with a national government. not let the pardons for separatist jail, for that part of the sales, the session and the passing of the amnesty. lo to clear those found guilty of separate to doctor of a team that led to up rule against prime minister suntrust and the rest of spain. while the selection has not usually the decisive result, finding a solution that will please most will be a fine balance. so new guy, yeah, go out to 0. buffalo now. we can now speak to him in our blanca, who is a senior research director with the consulting company, various maple cross joining us from malika. thanks for your time. so were you surprised by these results? us? well, i think the polls were indicating that the socialist party was going to win, but i think it's important to highlight that it is the 1st time the party wins both
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and the popular vote and the number of seats. but i think the more important or the crucial point is exactly what the piece was just telling us about. catalonia is closing a chapter in terms of its independence process that began in 2012 and effectively ended about 2 years ago. and i think, you know, the national government in madrid, petra santos, in particular, is going to celebrate the amnesty laws and how they were, they were highly controversial. they remain highly controversial. but they will pay this as a victory of the building of bridges and the reaching out to voters in catalonia, to get over the independent process and begin building a new chapter. the question now remains whether you can actually form a government and begin building that chapter himself. and yesterday he was very clear that he will attempt to build a government to form
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a government and he will not see that right to the 2nd most voted, party puts the months she wants. i mean you going into these elections? i know you said that the political landscape in uh is, is fragmented. so, um, how big a challenge is it going to be considering these comments? is it going to be a big challenge to form that governments and what happens next? what should we be looking out for? absolutely, it will be a total order to form this government. it's an issue of negotiation and we shouldn't forget that based negotiation will be happening against the backdrop of the european elections in a months time. so there's another variable that we need to take into account of what happened yesterday and cuts alluding here, which is uh, the far right and the center right parties were very strong. i've had a very positive showing, which again goes ahead with some of the wins we're seeing in europe overall as we head into the europeans. so for e, yeah, it will be
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a triple balance to got to. we'll have to balance 1st, the potential alliances weaving. got saloon yeah. whether the e r c and communes are willing to lend their votes for the investiture, even if they don't actually, for my clinician government. and he run some minority governments. there's a possibility of talking to soon. i see that as a, as a much harder prospect in terms of forming a government or whether he might have just to get some sun trust parties. say, for example, the ftp to abstain to allowed him to be invested, but not actually for any part of the government, right. he will then also have to manage that in the context of the national negotiations because she wants and the r c are supporting the son to discover men. and they may want national level um, you know, thinks in exchange. so it will be a tough negotiation for him. very briefly, what you touched upon this in the beginning,
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but what does this mean for the independence aspirations as well? they will not be able to form a government despite what, what mr. puts them on, says so i think it's a new chapter in terms of re thinking whether the previous strategy, the previous strategy did not work. what changes can be made now going forward. okay. with that strategy if the independence movement will survive. thank you so much. jimenez thank you for joining us from my like a that's the amount of blanco. thank you. the mirror of kuwait has approved a new cabinet just 2 days after he does all parliament shift mission on and off my to job it. and so boss nephew will be heading that new government a political deadlock, led the countries ruler to dismiss parliament on friday as well as to spend some articles of the constitution were forming. kuwait's generous welfare system has been one of the biggest flash points between members of parliament. and the governments were about to take a short break right here on alger 0 or back in just
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a moment with much more of today's news. and all the latest headlines in the meantime had online a website as algebra, 0 i thought from where you can keep up to date with all the latest stories we're covering right here on onto 0. see in a minute the hey, liz seems in the gaza strip as easily as long last continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media. and it needs to be questioned, sustains coverage that actively humanize as, as readings and actively humanize of palestinians. this is not the time for doing this kind of way. tracking those stories examining the journalism and the effect
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that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing the best, [000:00:00;00] the . ringback the 2 of us didn't even customs their families smuggling undocumented workers across the next festive pods, westberg to witness their incredible stories. over 9 years, desert smugglers. with this document on the jersey to one of the biggest selections
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of 2024 in the general election, will find minnesota now rendered moody's be taking increased extruded across the country. how will economic uncertainty and use some employment swain focused in key states? and will the media be able to come of a freebie unfairly, ongoing coverage, but in the, as an action on out is the era the a heavy, bombardments and airstrikes in northern gaza. this really forces those deeper into this jump on the refugee camps. the, you're watching the 0 my for my headquarters and cell phones already navigate also coming off, raising tension outside parliaments in georgia is capital as
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a controversial form influence bill moves a step closer to becoming law plus restaurants present. everyone refutes and


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