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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 13, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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in swing voters in key states and will the media be able to cover the vote, sweety? i'm fairly ongoing coverage, but in the as an action on out is era. the a heavy, bombardments and airstrikes in northern gaza. this really forces those deeper into this jump on the refugee camps. the, you're watching the 0 my for my headquarters and cell phones already navigate also coming off, raising tension outside parliaments in georgia is capital as a controversial form influence bill moves a step closer to becoming law plus restaurants present. everyone refutes and replaces his defense minister and
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a surprise cabinet. re shuffle and millions of votes in the 4th phase of india. general election were prime minister and a ring promoted seeking a 3rd term. the hello. we begin in gaza, where there is no let up in the bombardments of the strip by is really forces overnight and on monday morning is really planes hit targets in both the north and south of the gaza strip this as palestinian fighters say that they're engaged in running bottles with is really troops is the visual band yet refugee comes. meanwhile, palestinians continue to flee, the latest conflict zones. the u. n. is latest estimate is that more than 360000 people have been displaced. crucial aid on supplies into gaza has been blocked by israel. while almost all hospitals are close to collapse. we have our
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correspondence out of our zoom. tara is joining us from data, but often central garza speaking of hospitals, thought it. we're now hearing that is really forces have told the staff at the way to hospital to evacuate. what are you hearing a well dary now of to wait to hospital fast is located in the central area of a rough, awesome. now this area has been receiving different evacuation orders for old residential houses and such area in order to sleep and to no longer remain in such a position. so i've been speaking to a number of medics who had been confirming to me that they have received different posts from the east valley offices. they have been informed to flee the hospital. duck says, have replying to the request of the is ready, officer saying that we are medical teams, we are doing our humanitarian jumped on the ground while the officer has responded
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. saying that the hospital will not be safe place service importance from you to leave. and that's what happened. we one of the medics uh, alongside with the uh, east valley uh, one of the east valley. so we'll just, we'll have been full cooling all of the boxes, the ordering them to police of the situation. and of course your hospital now sounds perfectly dalia, but to now they did not hold the director of the hospital in order to completely free. they had been making different codes for the medics themselves. so the situation is moving incredibly fast as the way to hospitalized. only hospital dec is providing, you know, medical treatment for palestinians were arriving ended at to the a rough district. so people the and metix off read of the repetition of the scenario of a she felt hospital. there are off will be completely collapsed up and take me to click collapse with no any kind of hospitals providing medical treatment for
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internet people. then we need to remember that there is 2 people in a rough walk in the western portion of the city who did not to now receive any kind of wanting to sleep. so eastern portion, the middle areas are receiving orders from the is really military to escape from the area and heating to a mossy in the western portions fault or rough city alongside to decorate by here. yeah. thought it. what about the fighting on the ground then? what's happening there because according to the is really, is there now saying that 50 soldiers there have been casualties rather amongst 50 soldiers and not in the past 24 hours. so what's going on in the grounds and particularly in the north and does your body of refuge account as well fears back. those are raging, invited to jamalia and in eastern areas of rough a has the military use of trying to advance and moving deep into the main airprint areas of the cities. we could let could clearly see how the i think the furious
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battles and boyland confrontations. but we'd have most flight to the, as well as to just impose the rough and value we see. we still be used for military tanks being kits for a even residential houses being targeted on casualties and victims between post pots continue to full on hourly basis. we have been speaking to i witnesses in the valley, a refugee camp. they have confirmed that emergency work is managed to recover at 20 palestinians who were completely killed in previous strikes, owned to come as the buses are still ongoing till this very moment. and they have been describing the hundreds of families off leading from a jump valia to the western side of the gums of city along side in a rough uh, according to the owner, was saying that at least 3 $160000.00 palestinians have a slip from roof to the mid area and to a milwaukee after the beginning of the military and cogent of the city. so capital
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destruction left behind and confrontations and resulted from the ongoing compartments as there is only going struggling by the civil defense. who is in order to get to the location of the bumper lens in areas a fight thing due to the unprecedented scale of destruction and to the very critical level that these areas have been giving through. and that really, it's important to say that to now vote is always to close it close by the is very mandatory new kind of aids are getting into the goal. is this trip as people both independently and roughly awfully young without receiving any kind of aid. that means that there's going to be moving funding on the ground along to the ongoing toilet seat being imposed by the is really military on devalue and rough as well. ok thought it, thank you for that update from dated by in the us sector's data until the blinking has issued a rare public criticism of israel's military contacting garza, he says that it's tactics have caused the horrible loss of life of innocent civilians. and he also said israel lacks
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a credible plan to protect civilians and draft off ahead of that full scale offensive which it has warrant that it will carry out. lincoln making these comments during appearances on sunday talk shows in the us, my kind of reports from washington dc. the secretary of state has been doing the talk show circuit. basically, defending his department's memorandum to congress in which it was supposed to decide whether or not israel was contribution in international humanitarian roll with its use of u. s. weapons. well, the report basically concluded maybe not possible to be absolutely definite. now this report has drawn a lot of criticism, also from some democratic members of congress had the secretary of state. the also speaking about president biden's red line, president biden referred to this when he was discussing a potential, is really threats of an invasion of rough uh, saying that this could be
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a red line. now the secretary of state was asked about that on one of the talk shows. we have been holding back and were inactive conversations with israel, about the provision of heavy or high pillows, weapons of large bombs. because of the concern that we have about the effect. these weapons can have when they're using a dense urban environment like profit. we're discussing that with his real right now. second with the present, it said is that if of israel goes in with a major military operation, rasa. in that case, there's certain systems that we will not provide is real. that with a new a that that effort because it's something that we do not want to be part of, given the damage that it would do to civilians. and again, not to achieve a durable, lasting, effective result for israel and for security. that's what the president said. we said that in conversations with our as really partners, the results that we've seen in terms of the horrible loss of life, of,
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of innocent civilians is reasonable to assess, as we say, in the report that there are instances where they've acted inconsistent with their obligations under international humanitarian law, those in those investigations continue both by us and by israel. what a single shipment of those 2000 pound precision bombs has been put on hold. it is still on hold pending review, however, or other scheduled width of shipments to israel. all going ahead by kind of outright sarah washington is really forces have arrested at least 14 palestinians during raids in the occupied westbank soldiers storm several homes near the city of con pania. they also launch sonic weapons at the entrance of a hospital is really forces of stuffed upgrades and the rest of the occupied west space since the were on guys that began in october. and earlier this month and is
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really soldier, a shot, an 8 year old, palestinian in the neck. the boy was playing outside with his cousin in a refugee camp in the jordan valley. he was the chains then dumped out an is really hospital and days later his family receives medical bills of more than $13000.00. the same as for avi reports from it on the the the that is cooled off the shoulder. i don't know what i was planning on a scooter with my cousin. he says, we were on our way home when we saw it. it's really to driving towards us. so we started running it as an instinct every posting in child knows when soldiers begin, shooting. jude was hitting the neck and fell. randy. he says in that moment he felt very far from home. it happened near the shrubbery, refugee camp near jericho in the occupied westbank soldiers detained,
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the wounded boy, accusing him of throwing rocks and pipes before leaving him and his really hospital terrified and alone. it was hours before his family knew where he was put a young every day whenever they'd administer any kind of treatment. and they'd ask my wife to sign bills. they'd say we weren't money, you must pay. they were giving us a really hard time. every time they didn't minister treatment, they made it very difficult. he's out of the woods but has nerve damage and can't move his left on these really hospital where he was treated claims they are owed more than $13000.00 for treating an 8 year old child with a gunshot wound from it is really assault rifle. before jude was brought back, his family says is really hospital staff even tried to take the net color, protecting his a scenario so absurd. it might seem comical if it wasn't really happening. his
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father says the bill is so high, it will be impossible to pay palestinian officials told to 0 that in situations like this is real, deducts the funds directly from customs taxes that it collects on behalf of the palestinian authority. or when the news came. jude's mother says she was hysterical, but anger gave way to relief that her son survived. are. so let's go to the i think god, he's ok. hopefully he gets better hopefully to see a happy life and life he chooses for himself. i hope you have a future. i hope he lives just trying to despite the difficult circumstances. when asked if he was scared, he puts on a brief fix. he says he's looking forward to going home, having a shower, and seeing his grandparents to shift about it. but he says, you'll never write a scooter again. a lesson every palestinian child learns to suit. it is never
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safe to play outside. when you live under israeli occupation zane bus route, the older 0 ramallah the occupied westbank palestine. the people in georgia have been protesting outside parliaments, which is holding a 3rd and potentially final discussion of a controversial for an influence bill. opponent say the proposal could be used to stifle the sun's media and other organizations that get 20 percent or more of their funding from abroad would have to register as agents of foreign influence. and the reports of at least 20 arrests on saturday. demetrius med, vanco has more on that protest from the george and capital to believe c, the why they were here specifically today is because georgia parliament traditional committee was supposed to do a reading of this. this bill said read essentially the last one before it's passed
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on to a vote. i'm normally these things lost a couple of hours, but specifically in this case it lost it. on the 2 minutes, the chairman of the additional committee came in aust, anyone it also the other members if there were any changes to the text that they want, they all said no. and the approved at the georgia media upset. it took a 64 seconds to be done. now people here say that this is basically a job. now to talk more about this and why this is all going with joined by a gig. he adds that he's a senior fellow at the economic policy research center and also career diplomat, former form a foreign deputy for administer for georgia. you thank you very much for being with us. so what do you make of the fact that it took less than 2 minutes for the committee here to pass this law into a vote tomorrow space is the 1st of all sign of fear and panic. inside his building is 83 people are suckled, members of the apartments are now putting up to accomplish the active region against their own population. and i guess the georgian people in adopt this russian
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lo, russian style which will to descend this country to introduce to chrissy. and this will be the replication with the russian low in georgia and will seriously car and diminish the civil society. now go to organizations, and of course the remaining free media outlets. so they are now heading out. they would like to adopt it as soon as possible, and then to intimidate the georgia society and give me dates. the people industries still ahead on all the 0 flash floods in northern afghanistan have killed at least 315 people to tell about all 40 say that trigger is expected to rise. the it's monday. let's go with your forecast across europe in africa. great to have you
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along. so there had been some to angel down towards the north, west. francis's in the normandy region, buried cars and waters and homes as well. and i gotta tell you there's more rain on the way for these fund hit parts of france. there's wet weather coming in off the atlantic. this is also going to strike southwest england with some pretty solid bands of rain soon for that eastern side of northern ireland. could see some funding here over the next little bit. this rain also dropping down across western france, north west spain and northern portugal. but south of that in southern, in spain, its hot and sunny looking good and seville at 32 degrees. also had been some 30 downpours across the balkans that starting to peter out. but we've got spells of showers across eastern shores of the adria addict sea and spin or what pitcher and turkey. yeah, there's been some flooding in southern turkey along the border with syria. now all that wet weather is dropping down, so forbade route. we have some unusually heavy rain for this time of the year to africa. we go alerts and play for potential the season,
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showers in storms in northern algeria. and let's put the colors on dark. the rad the hotter it is. joe bird sides hot. it's may day on record nearly 29 degrees, but with some showers in the area today you're down to 22. the, this is took, took is the 1st country in the world to develop a comprehensive national, sustainable tourism program in partnership with the global, sustainable tourism comes this country homes more beauties that just looks like beaches, historical and cultural view, rivelo rich and michelin, green star, restaurants coming to discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties the,
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the, the, the top stories on out to 0 this hour there has been more violence in north and south of causal palestinian fighters say that they are engaged in running battles with is really forces east division by the refugee time civilians are seeing in search of states the us secretary of states as israel, doesn't have a credible fund to protect civilians in the house. isn't more to launch a ground offensive. and cindy, blinking also said it's tactics have caused a horrible loss of innocent lives. people in georgia have been protesting l type problems, which is holding a 3rd and vote centrally final discussion of a controversial for an influence bill. opponent say the proposed law to be used to
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stifle dissent. the russ this positive wonder if it's in is replacing one of his longest serving ministers in a surprise cabinet. we shuffle. he's removing the defense minister survey showing from his role more than 3 years into the ukraine war. the former deputy prime minister andre bella saw an economist with no military experience will be the new defense minister. the move needs approval from parliament, but it is expected to be a formality and soy google. now head russia's national security council. dorsen jabar is joining us from moscow. are we learning any more about what was behind this moved ortho as well. i think there are, and it's clear that the russian president vladimir put in when he made this decision on sunday evening, cuz that he has a very clear vision of what needs to happen in the country's defense ministry. now
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the 65 year old andre bella solve is known for having a very impressive economic background. he has been part of the country's government for many, many years. he's believe to be a very close confidant of the letter we are putting and with the decision by the president. it shows that as the financial aspects of the russian defense industry need to be put in order. we have to remember that since the war began in ukraine in 2022, russia's military budget has grown to about 6 and a half percent of the countries g, d p. so there's a huge financial portfolio that needs to be manage and the russian defense ministry has been placed with accusations of corruption and bribery, the outgoing defense minister survey sure, go. one of his deputies is currently in prison facing corruption charges. so it is clear that flattering reporting is looking to clean up this department as a result of the ongoing military operation and
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a huge expenditure that is being directed to this important ministry in the country . so are we learning a little bit more than about this new defense minister to yes, uh, like i said, to use a known to have a very impressive economic background. and that will come in handy when it comes to a really cleaning up this departments. what is unclear is once he takes a office officially after he is confirmed by the upper house of parliament, or whether or not some further investigations into allegations of mismanage, of corruption in the defense of history will lead to further re shuffle of various generals that are in the ministry at the moment. so what we do know is that the current chief of staff, that is valerie corrupt girls symbols he is saying, puts, he's not being changed by the russian president. and whether or not this means any
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tangible and changes on the ground for the russian soldiers that are fighting in ukraine remains to be seen. but what we do know is, even though andre bill itself doesn't have a military background, he's put appointments to a defense minister is certainly being seen as it moves that will focus on the financial aspects of the ministry and cleaning up accusations of corruption. okay, thank you. or so, thanks for that update from moscow. the, the 4th phase of voting and, and just general election is underway in indian administered kashmir, is one of the regions where people are casting their ballots. this is the 1st parliamentary election and the most of the majority areas, since the prime minister and the ring promoted revoked its special status in 2019 moody's party. the b j. p has not filled up
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a candidate in the region. christopher set in as a political scientist, he's also the author of the book, independent kashmir, an incomplete aspiration. he says the reason why the b j p is not feeling a candidates, is a fear of defeats, a will of beach i. p is not feeling a candidate because i feed defeat. there are 3 sites in the cast me valley one straddles palm demo, and the beach i please very happy decides that they created the peaceful environment to allow the selection to take place. but on the other hand, as a result of those aggregations in 2009, because a lot of local unpopularity the, for the beach, i pay, and i a, it's the 1st one for about. so to use, i have not had a candidate paid for luck, some of our election and i do, they think they going to lose and little will be not just the last but of dropping . the long term strategy is to win the hearts of the people according to the home. and this to mr. i'm a cha who was in january recently. he said,
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we're not going to field any candidates in the cash me valley, but we, i am to still when the hots of the kashmiris and it's going to take a bit longer than that. so we're going to do that through allowing some elections through giving them state status again and through some developments and things like that. in the ultimately the kashmiris will come see that we really found out some and they will come around accordingly. well, just a reminder is that the engine government, as i'll grant a visa styles as it was journalist. so we're covering the election from outside the country. and i've got a song flash floods, triggered by heavy rain, have killed at least 315 people. there are fears that death toll could rise out 0 spoke to displaced, residence in the northern bank line province. one of the hardest hit areas clearly calla and reports buried on demand in debris. the ruins of what with family
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homes, the fullest of friday's lot destroyed thousands of properties across bygone province . isn't they going to move in a god? this is my life that you see now. all these what house on the floor. one house after another. a scary flood came and took everything with it because of what i'm booked the act and i'm one of it on. it also took more than 300 lives, according to the taliban ministry for refugees, a number that is likely to rise. oh, the meaning of the victims have already been buried or not. i mean, i lost 13 members of my family, including women and children. i thought of flood waters washed out in time, villages and livelihoods. the guy said to them, we don't have clean water to drink and there's nowhere to live, nothing to you. that is everything, including the school and the clinic, are gone. the seasonal heavy rains close the flash flooding, sweeping through several provinces across afghanistan. line is considered the worst
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effected while that is that rather than the i don't know what health is coming to us from the government. there is no life left for us. i mean, why should we go, this is my house and all of it is destroyed. there is no life left for me anymore. many of the roads in announcers the regions paved in mud, making it difficult for rescue teams to reach remote areas. diggers on needed to combat the palm. so i at the top, i expect the government and the un to provide us with shelter water medicine or somewhere to live so that all these people can be safe or not. the people of bygone a waiting for that this really needed help to arrive kindly tell a hey, i'll just get a separate hosting springs. catalonia region has suffered a huge set back and sundays regional election. the socialist party was also runs. the national government in madrid has emerged as the largest party with most of the votes counted catalonia separate as government tell the referendum to break away
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from spain in 2017, but madrid never recognized that votes sonia, go reports from barcelona. it was a close victory for calculating your socialist and they maintain a significant results for the you the to vote. so says so the yes, the mind tell us be turning that way into reality. more days to start bodies, as one of the most important relevant factors has been the policies of the spanish government. and in particular, a prime minister petro sanchez. this policy has quite the narrow majority. nevertheless, the challenge this pro unity policy has is whether they can form a government with a separate tables. catalonia is where the regional becomes an issue of national importance. the last time a pro unity socialist was governing the region was in 2010, much has changed since then. since the attempt of secession in 2017,
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the relationship between madrid and both saloon a has been hence often hostile. one of the main speakers of this era for a counseling leader kind of list speeds the month courtney and self imposed exile to avoid arrest his center right. june's policy is a close runner up sign. he says that his vision for an independent catalonia is still young. and full by votes, his stomach and be sure that goes through them. surely we are in a position to form a solid government dedicated to the cops line course and we will work harder for the next 1000 days for this purpose some legit. few yet support for independence has diminished since 2017. when even then most people in the region were in favor of remaining in spain. and it was a nice of last for the policy of the outgoing president of catalonia, the last we e r. c. put it out of goodness have led the region since 2021, during which she had established a close a dialogue with
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a national government not let to pardons the separatist jail for that part of the sales succession and the passing of the amnesty logically. those found guilty of separatist activity led to up rule against prime minister suntrust and the rest of spain. while the selection has not usually the decisive result, finding a solution that will please most will be a fine balance. so new guy, ego al, jazeera, barcelona, students, and county i have been told to return to school despite weeks of flooding, that's killed nearly 270 people. at least 6. the 2 primary schools have been affected, their fears, waterborne, diseases like cholera could spread often story reports from western can you much needs to be done in your marseilles school in case soon will county students return to school of the 2 week delay following torrential rains that left hundreds
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that and thousands home left. some schools across the country have eva been damaged or are under water aid? well cause i also worried about the risk of a disease is what i've got enough to this level. so delta dental of this flow was sucked into what has been to 90 phase. his students will not be able to use this classroom for awhile. when i came, it was not easy to get into the office because mosquitoes, why all of you came and opened the windows and then moved out a beat. but i'm going to get this pre. so that's a tim doesn't have not affected so much because this is larry this summer layer of an area. yes, this area is not new to flooding. then yandell river and lake with toria often overflow into neighborhoods. when it rains.


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